Are We to Safe Aaother War Some political prophets aver tkat we shall. Be that as it nay, the bat tle waged by medical science against disease will neTer cease until we ar. rive at the - Utopian epoch when the human family shall cease to be afflct edwith bodily ailments. One of the aoet potent weapons wnicn ine ar mory of medicine furnishes, is Hos teller's Stomach Bitters, which i3 of special utility as a family remedy, as it is adapted to the immediate relief and ultimate cure of those disorders of the stomach,lirer and bowlcs which are of commonest occurence. Indi gestion, biliousness and constipation tire iuseparabla companions, as these ailments arc completely eradicated y th Bitters. But the remedial scope of this superlatively wholesome and genial medicine takes in also nervous ailments, rheumatism and kidney troubles; its action in these, as in the other complaints, being characterized T tinequuletf ivuo Electric Bluer. This remedy is becoming so well and popular known as to peed no spe cial mention. All who have used Eleeric Bitters siiir the same song of praise A purer medicine docs not ex ist und it is sruaranteccl to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, j and remove Fimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other aUVctions caused by impure blood. "Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers For the cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try electric bitters En tire satisfaction guaranteed, or money.! refunded. Frtce 00 cents ana ji.wi per bottle at Foshay &. Mason. j j Francis Pfeiffer has just opened j an immense stock of fresh candies -of all grades, including the finest ; French creams, fresh made taffy, j etc. ! Voatraetorjamd Kailder. I fl'HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LOCATE B j X in Albany solicits patronage from city ' and country. Will contract to build bridges, I tarns, and all manner oi uweiiing nouses, including Queen Anne, Eaatlake and Eliza etaiaa tvle of building. Will furnish plana and mi-ificativis free of charges. Satis factioa fUkriiiitoed. W. t. CASSEL. COMi Y -Or-Albany 1 Oregon CaDital Stock 500 000 ! FAID IP CAPITAL $55,000. OFFICERS. President Charles E. Wolvertoii. Vice-President J. O. Writsmau. Treasurer J. W. Cusick. Secretary J. K. Elderkin. DIRECTORS. It. . ranan, Chas. E. Wolver ton. J. L. Cowan, D.JB. Monteitii, J. W. Cusick, J. O. JVVritsman, J K. Elderkin, Charles Monteith, C F. Simpson. Safe, Sotino , uonservatlve ! ' ' i A Square Company, managed by square men, Patronized by Square People Paisonize Hone Enterprise OBEGON RAILWAY and SAYICATIOX C9MPA5I1! Columbia River Route Trai J or thefEast leave s a. a and 2:40 r. it. tlailr. rlTlLrT?n,Q to and from principal J. H;AJj 1 O poinu in United State, Canada and Europe. ELECANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS Eaigraat 81tepiig Cars Kan Throats oi Expms Traiai OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS an BT.'PAUL FreelorCtaarse irukoaCkan. OMtlCoanectiODS at Portland for SanjtPran cuco and Pngt Sound point. Far further particulars inquire of Cnraan A Xotttdth, Fint Street, Albanr, 9rejnn. MTBoats laave the O. R. N. Co.'a wharf, at tke foot of Broad albin greet, on Taadsy aaJ Itidav of each week. O.G. RAWLIKGS i Local Afeht. c. j. gMim. Ccacral Maaaser. . A. L. MAXWELL, . F. T. At OfiEGQN FERTMEB COMPANY N. E. Cor. 17th and F streets, POCTLAND, - - OREGON MANUFACTURERS OF PUEE BONE MEAL. For Orchards and Lawns. BONE PHOSPHATE, For Gardens and Grain. ALSO Granulated Bone for Poultry. Our fertilizsra are made from Raw Bones, no sand or other worthless material being used. Stewart &Soi, Agents, ALBANY, OREGON. Farmers & Merchants INSURANCE mm mi i mm Curran & Monteitb Lave lots for sale on the installment plan, rang ing in price from $125 to $1000. PALACE WBA'" MARKET JAMES V. PlPE.Prop. ri ISM reel -ES-ES" " AlLnnj iThe best variity of choice beef, veal .mutton BriliSc the city kept constantly n hand.. shavesorKll at Viereck's THE A Perfect should be mild, and pro mpt and pleas ant, with no griping or purgat ive effects It should also incite the liver to action, aid diges tion, and elievethe kidneys. Like nothing else, Paine's Celery Compound is a perfect laxative and ctnes constipation where all other remedies fail. "As afgentle laxative Paine's Cele ry Compound is surely without a peer I think I ought to know, since I have tried remedy after remedy for about six years, and have found nothing that equals it in my case of costivc ness." J. B. Jenkins, Teacher, Cloyd's Creek, lenn. Dlamcni Stes Arc thi simplest Dyes made. A child can use tbem. SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL A. WHEELER, SPRINGFIELD, PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD , OREGON "Albany yard Tand office on Kailroadbetween 4lh and 5th streetsJ3 A.;Vheeler, Albany Manager, ilaving lumber not excelled in quality, end facilities not surpassed forthe prompt and satisfactory tilling or orders. I rcsncctfullv" solicit a share of the trad,;. a. WHEELER A DAMV i LB I 11 U 111 nLumv Iauufacturesteam engines, grist and eaw mill machinery, iron fronts and all kindsof heavy and light work in iron and brass castings. Special atten tion paidto repairing all kinds of machinery. Patterns made on stort notice. , E. F. SOX, President. C. H. Stewart, Secretary. SHILOH'S COUGH and consump tion 0ure!is sold by us on'a guarantee. i It cures ; consumption. Foshay & j Mason. WL 3Ss and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Con sumption cure." For sale by iosliay I fc Mason. J : CKOUP, WHOOPIXO COUGH and i Bronchitis immediately relieved, ijy Shiloh's t'iin Fitshitv fc Mason. i i aa, 2MLss Vitalize! U a positive ture. Fosliny iV Alason. WHY "WILL YOU cougu. when Shiloh's Cure will tfive immediati. re l;fe Price 10c. .rAc. and 1. Foshay Mpon. "1IACKMETACK," a lasting am. fragrant perfume. Price '2 and 50 cents. Fohay & Mason. SHILOH'S CUKE wn.i. immewate ly relieve eruiip, whooping eouirli n.l bronchitis. For sale Ly Foshay : Mason." CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. Price, ob cents. Nasal Injector free. Foshuy & Mason. WILL JYOUI SUFFER with dts. vepsia and liver complaint? Shiloh's Titalizer is guaranteed to cure jou. FesMy Maoi. B'iy your stovoj and tinware Jut nrth & Wasbburne's. g. w. sipa DEALER IN- General Merchandise, D Y GOODS DRESS GO DS CLOAKS FANCY. GOODS MEN'S CLOTHING. HATS AND CAPS. FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES ANDICHILDRENS SHOES. ALL'AT LOWFSTI PRICES. New Store ' Opened IN JHrtrlSBUra. Gents Furnishing Goods, Undenuearland Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Fancy Goods. fciTl goffer extra inducements for oash oifpruduc;, but sell ,no frootls on time. G. G, COY. MOKNING HEKAU); Laxative Paine's Celery Compound is promp and pleasant. As a laxative it leaves j little to be desired. 1 have great I confidence in its merits." A lb ret Leanard, As8o t Editor Jour, of Pedagogy, Athens, Ohio. "For two or three years years I suffered intensely with severs pains in my bowels, which were habitually constipated. My bowels are now regular, and I have had no return of these pains since using one bottle of Panie's Celery Compound F. G. Stickxey, Druggist, Havana, Ala. Moral: Use Paine's Celery Com pound and stop ruining the intestinal tract with harsh purgative pills. SI. 00. Six for $5.00. Druggists. Wells Richardson & Co. Bnrlinpton. Vt. M- Living on Lactated Food are Healthy. IcS Happy and Hearty It is unequ?Jcd THE' n i iTTini tliilLilUAb, ANI ! npRornn Hrvr numfint Rn8 Steamship Line1 225 1 net fl w 11 .AND 212 .Hours Less Time. llian by 'any other route: Kirut-cbHs through passenger and freight Irom 1'nrtlaml Hhd all points in the Wil- u ttte Vrllcv to and from Kan Francisco. Accomodations unsnrpassedf or comfort and safety. Tares and freights via Yaquin and the ;reon Deve opment company's steam iuii, much i thnt by any other route be ver. ali points it: the WillJamett Vallev nd San Francisco. Sailing dateS. FROM TAQC1SA. ! Willamette Valley.. May 23d : Willamette Valley...... June 1st WUlaaette Valley ' 9tt ntea bas riucieoo WilUmettc Valler ............May 1 9th Willamette Valley. " 28th WillamettelVttUey.... -.June 6th The company reserve the right, to chang teamen or sailing dates. C. H. Has will, Jr., Gen F. & P. Af,eot. )04 Siontj;oiMrystreet, San Francisco, Cat. daily rASBBaeia TKAOtS. Except Sundays.) L Yaquina6:45 a m Lv Albany 1:00 r. Corvallis 10:38 A M I " CorvaUls 1:40 F Ar Albany 11:10 in Ar Yaquina r. m O & C. trains connect at Albany and rr WlUanieUe River Line of Stcaascrs rThcWm. M. Iloasr. the N. S. Betrtley and the Three Sisters are in service for both pas scnaer and freight traffic between Corvallis and Fortand and intermediate points, leav- inr. mmmnv't whan. Corvallis. ana Mean llnlman & Co. '8 wharf. Nos. 200 and 202 Front St.. Portland, three time each week as follows: NORTH BOOKIA. Lv Corvallis Mon., Wel and lri ....... 800fam Lv Albany Mon.. Wed. ana Fn....... 9 SO am Ar Salem Mon., Wdd. and Fri 3 00 pir Lv Salem Tues. Thur and Sat 6 n- rPortlanilTocs.,Tliur.andSat.... 3 30 OOTH BOUND. L Portland Mon., Wed. and Fn C 00 am A Salem Mon., Wed. and Fri 7 15 pm Lv Salem Tues., Thur. and Sat 6 00 am Lv" Albany Tues., Thur. and Sat 1 30 pm Ar Cnrrallis Tues., lliur. and Sat. . . 3 30 Dm Wn. M. IIoao, C. IIoscr, General Managei. Act gG. F.'&r. Asrent ICorvallis, O on Mlalllon for Sale. milE UNDERSIGNED HAS A FULL l blooded f ercneron stauion wnicnneis nfferine for sale on reasonable tenns. Any person wishing to breed pure stock of th best quality will do well to purchase this horse. Call on me at my place near the Cal apioia bridge. CLAUS VEHRS. SHILGH'S V1TALIZER is wnw you need for constipation, loss of ap petite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price. 10 nd 75 cents per bottle. Foshay fc Mason. Another man's doom .scaled by siiiokinar stinkers, Why not iro to L'or.n Bros., and buy yourself a jrou ciar. ThcY keen the best in town. Builders should uo to Siiiiih vt AVjiiourric's for theircarpentcr. tools and builders hardware. Nev Koeiis at 'Keadjr (BBbJp" OS1 ET-f WORKS, YaqiiDaRoute ! mVzVii rALlrlu nnrnnii rump n n innin IILES SHORTER SUNDAY, JUNE THE MARKETS. ALB AN r QUOTATIONS. VVheat-00 Oats 2530c Flour $4.25 pei bbl Potatoes i0c Eggs ISc Butter 15c. Lard 12X15c Wool 2ic Hams 12$l5c. Shoulders -10c. Bacon 1214c" Hay Timothy, 12, oatsnd cneat, $8.. Apples Green, 751.00 per bu. Plums Dried, 5c. per D. Apples dried bleached 5c sundried 8 c. Chickens $2.505 00 Hides Bef bides, ereer. 4 1. 10 c ; deer skins, 20c; sheep pelts, 10 ioc, accoramg to wool. Beef 22c gross. Mutton 2 00 per head. Hogs 67c, dressed. Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tins, 10c; pails 12c When Baby was slct, We gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, She cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, She clung to Castoria, When she had Children, She gave thein Castoria. A fine line of white geese feathers at Thos. Brink's No charge for reserved scats atW. F. Read's; we want to show fiords. J. M. MOVRR, PRTER UUMK, w. r: KIRK, J.P. OALBRAITII. BANK J0F BROWNSVILLE, SE0WNS7ILLE.' LIHN CO, OREGON1 RKOnjAXIZED JANUARY, 1, ISSOJl CAPITAL STOCK, P $25,000 Transacts a eeneral banking and exehaiifje business. Loans made. Bills dUcountcd, Collections made on reasonable terms. l)e posita received on current acci.unts iubjet to check. Exchange bought and sold on New Yotk. Chicago, San Francisco, Portlands d Albany. J. M. MOVER, J. P. Galbr Ami. Presideiu. Cabhier. COWAN ZRALSTONIKD CFRf EtFIAIH Albany. - Oregon Transacts a general banking business. Draw sight drafts on New York, San Fran iaco and Portland, Or. Loan money on approved security. Receive deposits subject to check. Collections entrusted tous Urec . oaapt attenUvvif VIA 5 Southern fACIFlO Company's THE MOUNT fctiASTABROUTE. Time Between Albaay FrwrlMS 35 35 California express trains run daily between fort land ana pan rranciaw. 80CTU I I KORTH .Lv Portland ....Ar.. 10:46 am .Lr..... Albany Lv.. 6:45am .Ar. 8. Franc isco.Lv.. 7-00 pm 18 p m :45'a m. lcal Pass. Traia DUy- Ex. Sunday 80 a m..Lv... 12:40 Jpm..Lv... 2:40 pm..Ar... .. Portland.... Ar.. 8:46pm . . Albany....Lv. .1136 am .Emrene Lv.. 9:00 am lDanoB Branch. 9:06 nm.. Ar.. ..Albany., ..Lebanon, ..Albany.. ..Lebanon. ....Ar.. 6:30am ....Lv.. 6:45!am ,...Ar.. 2:46 pm ....Lv.. 2:00pm 12:60 pm..Lv.. i:aopm..Ar. . PUIXlOOTtJFFETSLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, .mmndation of Second-Class Pas; senirerg attached to Fxprew Trains, sengcreattacm k connecion a ili riular trains on the east side di vision from foot of F street. Potrland. ITMt Bide DlTlslOB. nrrr, VmHand ana orvaum. . i r. n: Mull -- Dlly-Except.Sundy r-rt ; Ar fi 20 d. m 12:25 pm..Ar Ccrvams.. L. 1.30 p. m, l...11ta rinnAft With At Albany aaai yy""" r truinaot Oregon rw-" Express Train Pnlly-KExctpt Sunday) 4:Kipm..Lv., 8:00 pm .Ar.. Portland... Ar. .190 am lMcMinnvine.Lv..r6.45am THROUGH TICKETS l o Al! Potat V- SOUTH AND? EAST Via California. A-For full information Vanasrcr. K Asst. G.t.&l-A Don't, fortret that at Mrs. B. E. Hyman's is the placebo set your sev ing machines, IRP Linn County Bank Overland to California 16, 1889 WILL OlympianFestival OF INTELLECTUAL AND REFINED AMUSEMENT. RICH AND RARE AS THE FEASTS OF THE FARLED GODS. SELLS Enormous United Shows S. H. Barrett's Great World's Fair ! The Absolute and Only EURkKA OF CANVAS ENTERTAINMENTS. Created and proudly placed bejorc the psoplo by the apt cousolidatio of the two BIGGEST SHOWS K K A Kill. Gigantic, sweeping und brilliant cen tralization of Sterling WorlFEntaed Entertahmsts BIGGEE AITS BETTER rTIIAN all OTHtR SHOWS COMBINED. Prodigious, Mata$ Enoims, Is the rerdict of all beholders. GREATEST CORP j DISTINflClSHED ACTORS RTEB ASSEMBLED, JOCUND, JOLLY CLOWNS. The best in the profession. THE CHILDREN'S DREAM OF FAIRYLAND; A delightful episode of our daily Bpeclaalar Street Procolon, The only Leviathan Pair of LIVING HIBPOTAMI WITH ANY EXlIlBlTlUiN. Ten Canvas-canopied Acres of UNPRECEDENTED Attractions Matchless Herd of Marveloosiy KDCCATED ELEPBAKT8. Earth's Greatest, Grandest and Most Stupendous EYrTIRTTIflN. XUXIAJJ All the Acknowledged, recognized r tke ctre-. w.ria. CMltoCryferPitcWsCastyPii If vou wnt to get screen loors anrl windows put on yoar hone call on li. B. unk, shop corner Second and Ferry street. EXHIBIT IN ALBANY AY 3 Two Performances, 2 and -IIST JQGHTY UNION The most important union of GREAT RAILROAD SHOWS THE WORLD HAS KNOWN. FULLY a CENTURY in ADVANCE OF ALL COTEMPOKARIES. PEERLESS, PRINCELY, POETIC RAOEANTS. Eutraucin young and old Positively first, tini 1 prescctatli'iis of 65 NEW AND EXC1USIVE ACTS. the Finest and Most Accomplished New NEW EQUESTRIA FEATURES That ever thrilled an audience. The Gallant, claiiiiK anil Chivalroua hide of GENERAL PHIL. SHDBIDAN Ihrrllingly am) Vividly exemplified each day and evening. UnriraM Darin? taaStic Enloits ii.rMBaI lute HeasMloas fnpree cheated Special feat wren. WRESTLERS, S0ZEB9 And Gladiatorial Combatatants m friendly contest. KKlVIA- PLAXXEI ElevMled Slaged v..r vn.l,.ri.le and Novel Entertainments. CHARIOT RACES. ROMAN STANDINC RACES TLAT FACES AKD JOCKEY RACES. By expert and daring Lady and (ientlemen Jockeys & Charioteers. The only successful act of riding, d'riving and grouping Home by Masie r.qet.i i. ' llirgf r Ti.t d BHr.d Train. J Than were evur before possessed ' by one management. X NASAL INSECTOU fkek with each hottlc of ShilohV Catarrh Rem tly. Trh-h rrf) cents Foshay A: Maon It )avs to patronize a cash store. If you have any doubts on this sub ject try F. L. Kenton, near the postoflicc. Try Sa polio for house .leaniv.jr. It is uHfoualecl Urownell A Stananl. MW (1 9 8 P. M. B E 0& WITH By U i) equaled Lady and Gentleman Artist. Largest and Best Menagerie Ever Shown Under Canvas. O SPACIOUS CIRCUS RINGS AMD O Brilliant Circns OrRacijatici ASTOUNDIRC. BEWILDERING. INEXPLICABLE METEORIC SURPRISES- The Best and Most Impressive FREE STREET PARADE That ever delighted the people. The "Chil dren's Dream of Kairyland," an enjoyable episode of the Grand Froceeaion. LEADIHQ CIE0D8 CELEEBIIIES FtfOJC Fire OentiieaU WinDiig Meed of Appkue THE ONLY HIPPODROME ! Of Modern Days Deserving the title . v f f a..n.R MAiLMiArr rlVir Most Complete and Thoroughly Organised TBIPLE CZBCT7S Existing in Any Country.. EVERY RESOURCE EXHAUSTED And nothing lelt to be desired in King Entertainments. The Greatest Masters of the Equestrian and Gymnic Art In Unified and Glorious Association AH the marvels and mysteries of the brute creation. Beasts. Birds and Reptiles Shown in our stupendous collection IT ALBANY JOT; 10, For your fine Imported aid Ke West clears, e t M. Bauransi ciar store, one door east of Steak man's drug store Use Falirney's panacea. I