1HE MOKNING IIETiALl); FRIDAY, JUE 14, Daily a. no Weekly TERMS lit asjr.MJiJrTK'N DAILY PuliliMhr.il crv laoi-ninjr except Moftdav.; elivercd by carrier, per week............... 0.16 S nail, per year . 5 00 WKKKi.. (Published every Friday Morning.) O e copy, it annum, in advance.... ..i.CO . h'-n nut paid in advance... --. 2.f0 and for timber purchase, amount to at least two millions of acres, with another portion equally aa large soon to be in demand. The rates, as prescribed in the leirisla tion of the last session, are liberal, and will insure contracts by com nctent surveyors of the inort ruirtted portion which may be BI? a selected for survey." mm TDK MAIM. Mails at the Albany postoffice close For all offices north The Kastcrn states f 6:30 a. m, rhe West Side f Ami the Nai row Gauge K. I:. ) ror Portland and Saleni 11 A. M Corrallis and Yaquina ..li:3I P. u office south ............. 7:30 P. M The iNMtoiliee will be clositf each cveiany mm ni to seven o'clock. Registered matter for the4early oiornini; Uain should be mailed before 8 clock the .rviotn evi'iiinir. TO OVERCOME POVERTY. Why l It That people linger along always complaining about thf.t tired feeling? )ue ttleof BEGGS BLOOD FUKI- FIER and BLOOD MAKER will en tirely remove this feeling, give them a good appetite and regulate diges tion. (J. L. lilackman. druggist. Knit fresh every day fiom the market garden! at J. II. Spencer's. NEW TO-DAY. THIS PAPER i ff.Wli.U-. w. SMI TH, carry an immense line af SUCCESSOR TOJW. H. U'FARLAND tilt .Dakes I Advertising Agency, tit and 5 Merchant'. ' The problem presented ill the F.xehaiiKO. San Francisco, California, where ... ... ., . ' contracts for adyertUin can bs made for it caption ot this article ; one that - - A interests and occupies the closest attention of the human family. It j is appcarently the only desire and object of the great majority. In a treatise upon the subject Dr. Cbapir. fays: "Undoubtedly the trend of social development is toward industrial democracy, IVIK.II Il.llltKll 1111171 LICUp LUCIIIVI j Af . wuii acouirc-u powers, must assume great force. Dut the equalitv that is assumed and promised in the constitution of a democratic stale does not exist in the individuals, composing it. The most such a 'omnitinity can do is to try and afford' equal opportunities to its unequally-equipped member.. The problem of poverty assume a great er importance in a democracy than in an absolute government, inas much as in the former, conditions of life are less regulated bv Wnntrd- CtOD OIKLTO IX HOISEWOKK IN a small fimily in the citv. Mood waves arm lisht work. Apply to Hkrai.d otlice. UrANTKO A YOU.NO JSAN AGED 20, of sober md industrious habit, desire a situation in a store, mill, factory or other business. Writes a pood hand and has tanht several terms of school, (.'an ,'ive satisfac tory reference. Inquire at thin offic. Stoves and General Hardware Including the celebrated EARLY BREAKFAST and JEWEL cooking stoves and ranges, parlor and cooking stoves, ajd ail kinds otjkitchen ; utensils! also a comlpete assortment of J J ' m any . AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Pumps, hose, copperware, tinware, md plumber' goods a specialty. Onr) prices are guaranteed to bfc satisfactory. I lit: public is iuvited to call . nd inspect onr stock. TwecdaU building, 'b.my, Oregon. I Farmers M'mm hvuuuviu a. vv The Leader ! Stoves, pumps an d jplumbing JULIUS GRADWOHL'Si -o) t'r to I-t. A MAN TO TAKE THK harvest iii i.f a iitld of 50 acres, crops I u'wii'tins of wheat, oats, timothy and cheat I ay. It-rms, one half t the harvester, the' other half to t;e placed in jfood crder in the owner's barn. Apply to 'Ihos. 1. Anderi-on 011 his fa'in, rive miles touth of Albany by Turner s briilze. ANTKH-WollK EV i YOt'SU MAS '12 YEAliS Of ak, just arrived in Albany from the r.ist. v isnes to ontaiu a position in a stoie or otlice t learn a permanent business. Will (five first-elass references Waes at first no object, but a permanent position desired. Addle T.. P. O. Box 380, Albany. 1J1AIR WAKNINO-THp I'l'HLlC IS hereby tiotiQed'of the existence of citv ordinance prohibiting driving in the city limits faster than six miles an hour, and ti e leavincr of teams unh'nhed. Unless the aw i same are respected hereafter arrests will be .. . i uiiurr ivi i-iunn ui utii oruinance. and more by individual foresight J. N. hokeman, ctv Marshal. and ability. Moreaver, from this it is evident that democracy does not necessarily help poverty; it GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR FAMILY AND GENERAL JHARDWAFE 1 1 1 '1 Cf VMM "17C1 Ktlre to Contractor. I 0TICK IS IIKRKRT OIVKN THAT AT THE next tegular term of the county com-t fimnlv -il-rT-s if ..o.wlitinr, r.. I !." , url.'or '? ! county, sta e or N' certaiti extent on a diffetent basis. Classification of some kind there must be in society; that is the best which is based on the essential elements of fitness and unfitness. The natural nobility of such a society is at once a source of strength and of danger. Its strength is that it places no artifical bounds upon advance; its weakness that pure selfishness and ambition have. no check. Prom the latter it fob! lows that the acrtu inula Son of wealth, and consequent power, may remain in the bands of the minoritj'; and the freest govern sdent may present relatively al most as much poverty as the most absolute. Poverty tends to be especially dangerous to social order under democratic institutions. Oresron. in the citv of Albanv. i n Wednes day, the 3d day of July, A. I. 1SS!. scaled plans, specifications, strains, riiigiams and bids will be received for builainiT a bridge across the north fork of the Santiam river, about 200 teet hclow the Stavton ferrv. said bridge to beCIO feet Ion;; and 10 feet long-! and Hi tect wide in the cleir; piers to be of a I sufficient height to bring the bottom of the t tlovr beams at least 22 feet above low water ! mark. All bids must be filed with the clerU ; uii ur ueiore i o chick p. in. oi tne aoove mentioned day, and accompanied with certi fied (heck of five per cent of bid, as by law required. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Done by order of the court this fith day of Jnue. A. D-UfJ. K. K. MONTAGUE, County Clerk Roarer Bros'. Silverware, U'rench, China and Crvstalware Bovs' "Wagons and "Doll Carriage-, I'ancv Goods and a General Asorfnriont ot Crofikerv. andrrOYS. HeHuys Direct and Carries the Largest Stock;iu the! Willamette Valleyr C" lei on parte Francais. Hier wir deutcb gescnochen.' Q 0 (0 m O h (0 i r MORE THAN SEVEN HUNDRED different styles and differ ent kinds of Stoves for Beafcinff and OooHno- . The Best- w" , uxi nndflr fta tiuttierei,' This foj t e . w ro most . 7 aom Beware Z. - trad- Zr9 can be 0 0 K a z 2 0 z n -i at 70 0) C H 0 0 Ootton andRubber 13 ose, Tin Granite t ltd ('opferwat e. All Job Wovk Promptly Attended U STEWART & SOX. -Dealers in- General AMU DEPARTURE le Albanv Bakery ! Under the item- aum iijaimn o Paster M Xotlre ( Contractors. NOTICK IS HKREBV GIVEN THAT scaled aids will be received bv the Brownsville Woolen Manufacturing Company until the hour of 1 o'clock p. ji. of Friday, : the Mth day of June. for the crectiDu f and completion of a two story brick building ! 55x120 feet, al.so n one story brick building j x,1 j fret, an block '.IS, in Ihe city o? Albany, I I.inn county, Oregon, accordigi; to the plans j and specifications on file in the ortice o' J. K. I Weatherfjtd Esq. if Flinn's block, Albany, I Oretron. Kids will e received for the stone ; work, briek work, wood work and corrugate ' iron roofins, each separately, and also as a ' Hardware -ANI- "VVitll iirr frfmlnin comi rrri.alfp i whole, the contractors to do their own . . . I excavatin. The right to reject any or all I Wants and a greater sensitiveness j bids is hereb reser od. llids should be ' in in..;-il ftvuixicrea " aauressed to Me unaersijcned in care ot J. lv. This able writer goes on to sav that efforts to relieve poverty must, j of a n ces?it v . bo direited towards i aidin- the individual fan.ilies, mid ! WA?rKD T. ,0. t;K:?E,:AL ; i ' IT housework in a small Iiuiih lixjuirn ! that the trouble can never be ', at Hkrai.d nice. reached by legislative enactments! Agricultural wkmk Weatherfcrd, Albany. Oreiron. Done bv ; order of the board of directors. i J. h. ; ali;k rrii , Secretary. Albany, June; S. Iron, Steel and Coal j Wagons an d Buggies Hope and Cordage BlacksmitJis' Supplies ! Carpenters9 Tools Builders' Hardware Powder, Shot, etc. Giant Powder & Fusel Saws and Axes. Having latoly secured a ver Jlargeaud desirable line of Linens, such as Towels. Napkins and Damask at exceedingly low prices, we shall bi- we shall offer the samelat a SPECIAL SALE - WH KSSP A full 11 a of choice drov'sktB and NEXT I OK TUK TEN DAYS in Kovernuieutal cases, lie says or community that the 1 1 rt t essential act in (be effort to aid the aitrugle for subsistence ninom; the Apply to Omer llendrickson. E.l. McCAU3rLA.Nl. CIVIL ENCl.NEKlt and Surveyor Ilraufrbtin and lilue- : prints. Office with Oregon Lind Co. Albany i Or. Screraire systems and water supply a HTW-piulfV Km t U t KiitMliriit..j tnaiiu t -ulm . jMMir, uiuk uv iu iry uiiu dissipate ; or.copiea on snort notice. some of the gross ignorance and shiftlessness that m often accom pany it. The field of these efforts must be the individual familv. All ' . t:r ill aravel from tho premises of F. L. Such. ,nj..rtiic..v. .unci inuai. oturi. anu BentoI1 ,-ountT. can r,ro.iir- tiPl. for th nndinthe familv. This is the Mnie at mT office, crowiord's block, Albany, I C. E. HAWKINS. family Cannea Pineapples, Clioice Table Delicacies wealed eakea for Wedimws and Parties. .Salmo kinds. bailies ackerol Md salt tak tt all Garden and Grass Seeds ill. E. A. MoAlistkh IIOMKOI'ATIIIC fllT- ; aician aud surgeon, lias removed his i otfice into Crawford's block. All calls prompt-1 . ly attended to. I ' Arid all sed -by Farmers : i "PERSONS DKSIBINO SAND, I.OA?J OR : X 1 Oregon. ClIAK. K. WOLVKRTOX. FAltRELL. fundamental unit and basis of so-1 .1 . a V -.-a.... ! fr.UOX IXKCTr.lC M.UWf IH TUB MOST T.I.F.- ciety uh.i uu; Miue. io ln&uiuuon J pwt medicine in the world for internal can The dom ;reat importance, not only as re- j;aras me emciency, ouraisoinet take the Iace of the familv. j ",,d et"nal ""j1 f;-r iaia ".v nature. . . - 1 You will nerrr find its eijual. Atk your lomicile must hence assume ; drugjfist for it. ; H DAW AhMA 1 1 HE COMPANY ; I f choice cigars HUMPHKKV, DKALERS IN I iu vteils. l-amo k Co. s mora!s of its occupants. Cleanli- j specialty- ' jicsh, fresh air, good food, and the i Brain rtir lor ic. JVidance of too fdose a proximity ! A G ,?!UP,PLr, ?K.J'IRi?T C!'KT ' J j A drain tile for sate at the Ea'o brick f individuals, are alike IieceSRi- 8nl factory Cast of Albany near Knox Hllir. I nil A. E n. W flj l.tn' Mr ..Mr... ln...a j & Auston, Albany Oregon. there nr.- uianv (IitnculticK tics of physical and moral health jiected with the subject of housing! V--JuL I I -A. I the poor. The problem is not bo The imported Canadian stallion jasy of solution as it looks. Tic-; Hcrscmen ebould see the thorouirh. Dues an immense business in all kinds of furniture, bedroom sets, parlor sets, chairs, bed lounges, kitchen safes, and all kinds of tables, etc., ete. Also have a tine selection of wall paper aud window shades, which they are offeriag at close figures, Tall and see them, on First street, opposite Stew art k. 8ex. luecd to a Pimple form, it would seem as if the destruction of bad tenements and the construction of good ones would sett'e the ques tion. Unfortunately, the root of ihe problem goes deeper, for a change of domicile will not neces sarily change the nature of the in habitants. recently wrote to Hermann urging the an immediate survey .eminent lands in the eastern bred Canadian stallion Cephas aMtr. shall s livety stable. He is a bemiti. j lui coal hlacK, 5 year old. weight. liJOO. belne: 15 hands hih. tie will stand at the stable on Monday and Tuesday of each week. STRAVKin'TToM TirK FAlIifOF wTw. Cra ford, near Tuiimiui, on Aptil 17, a bay horse, IS hands bih, weighs L'uO.xmooth shod all round. Any information leading to nw recovery wiu be suitably rewarded. i ! ZTOR SALh-IIOl-SK AID()N K-FOl'KTH J i J? block. iorner of lth and Washington 1 , , ... (streets. House is nearlv new, "rooms and A well known Salem gentleman b:ith room, lajrc birn. etc Wouid the ConTrCKmail ellin(r with the msuie lot srpnnte. Ad- i " . dress T. A. Shane. Portland necessity of ; of the uov-: l'.VKM I.KVPI.IXtJ 1P Af.l. IKIVfi At. POr- j bany Orcson. Asent for the w'riK'ht .ion of Marion and Linn eountirs, f l iinn l-ev'"' Location htcbe fortiii.B tlu l ' i puiposes a specialty. Orders left at the and asking him to present the i Hkralk ofli:e will receive prom))t attention. The City Liquor Store, M. .BAUMGAIiT, Pmjrrietor. 49 Next door to the Odd Fellows' wple, Albany, Oregontr-li Keeps constantly on hand the finest imKrted and domestic wines, liquors cigars tcb"rxM. Onlv first-class liquor store in she citv SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID.T0 ORDERS FBOMiTHE COUNTRY1 We extend a cordial :nvitation to all to call an d examine these goods, feeling that we can show you bargains. In connection with the sale we shall dis-. play a large line ot WHITE GOODS and embri denes at LOW PRICES A beautiful line of ginghams and seasonable wool en dress goods. Our stock is new and complete in every department. "W IF BEAD. FRESH BAKED BREAD Jfcfivorv l)av. Best Svrnn.Pies. Cakes TEAS am COFFl C1NXKB ewODS. ETC. IT j nis Raisins best Soap In tha Market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of aomestic and Imported Cigars Albanv- ejjri. Pre It. Marshall. matter to the department at Wash- i ington. Monday, says the Salem Statesman, t!ie following letter was received from Mr. Hermann in; relation thereto: "I tailed upon! the department and earnestly 1 urged that a liberal allowance be ' made for Oregon from the recent: appropriation for surveys of ti e; public domain. The unsurveyed lauds in Oregon now in demand for purposes of actual settlement, Mnniie dusters and lap robes ut Thompson. V Overman", tie leadin-r i'arues dealers. Bard ue ; t Robertsoo, NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! Are now established with a first-class : stock of STAPLE FAMILY GKOCF.K1KS. JOB PEINTEBS. KOYCK A HIBBLER II r ik hum dure House ! KSTkl 3 Am Fok's old stand lev brick. low Fl aa HOPKINS A SALTMARSH, ! lliiiioffitPiDc Fitting STOVES i d Sartor?, A'1 Itrlek for Sale. MY KII.N ONE MII.KJ KAST K "wn. or (lelivc.ed anvwlnre in the citv. W. C. CASSK1.I., Allsiny Or.' On the comer of First and Ferry streets, opposite IStcwart !t sox. A complete line of canned goods, gro ceries and provisions of all kinds, no tions, etc. Fresh fruit and vegetahlcs every morning. I noes reasonable. J-3CAI.L AND SKK US'st Imporliiul !(-. AVIN(; LKASKD THK Mo.NTKITH pasture trcin the Oreuon I'aviiie Co.. all persons having ttiwk therein on pasture are hereby notiricil to remove them at once, r make arrangements with me. Failing to do .such fck wi!l be turned out. JOHN .sfllMKER. BROS. latest improved WILL De.iicrsi in all the J pianos, oreans.sewing machines.giins. aiso a iuii line oi warrautctl razors, butcher and pocket knives. The best kind of sewing machine oils, needles aad extras for all inachincs. All re pairing in the above lines neatly and reasonably done. FARM FOR SALE I WILL' SKLL MY FINE FARM OV 200 acre, situated in Kenton countv. two riiiles from Aibany. This is a Kood, healthy locatiaii, with jr.sjd well of pore water, w ith wind mill; jruod house; building all new. This Is one of the most sightly pla;cs in Ore pon, havinj; a tine viow of the surrounding coiiNtr.v, towns and mountains. Far ing land all new and t lcan and adapted to all kinds ot fruit. Oiiiilitv of land second to none. I will make rhis'a rare bargain to the riu'lit man. Itmnirtuts. don't faill to see this farm before "oil buv. Come and see me on the pla v. ' jr. T. WHITNEY. BROWNSVILLE. . P. ( OKIIU1V .V MS. Heal Estate and 1 NS UR A NCE A CENf F Fresh Sicily lemons at Kenton e. . THOS. BRINk Best Line of Id the Citv of Albanv! Fancr Wickt. Chairs Lounges Parlor Cornice Poles Mirrors Feather Pillows Serine Mattresses,? Window Shades Walnut Exten: sion Tables Suits, .And v.at you can't find at other houses, I. have it. In fautevery thing tha is kept in a first-class house. Ash, Maple and Walnut Chamber sets, Cha4rs, Spring Beds, Lounges Etc., Etc.. at Price that CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. ALBANY - - OREGON All work Drotsotlv dona ml reasonable rates. First Strut, PiAaeal A lot 1 fait In Albany has been filled by Mie SECOND HMD STORE. The past year has proven It to be a necessity. The best And chrapwt place in the city to buy your StOTBs, Furniture, tinware We aic aiways prepared to tiuyyoar household furniture at the highest cash price. Sole ugents for the PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Fillor. L QOTTLIEB. v