T-,, .. ;.-.: ' .. ;;,-:!? ...... .-j j - i-ij.' . ..aw w m 15 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, SATUKBAY 25 1889. : 'p Kin L ' ' '"I y l. - i Illlllil i Tie Leading Clothier, Carries th largest line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. in the Willam ette Valley, SUITS MADE In k MM - Tailoring Department, fISEt 1LHX, Vhaf dTT DBUG STOEE. FINE LINE OF ART SUPPLIES Tf xLST AN FANfY ARTICLES. PRESCSIPTIONS CAREFULLY ICCMPOUNDED. GUISS & SON, PROPRIETORS, THer wird Deutch gesprochen. G.L BLACKMAN Successor to E. W. Lanpdos DJUUKB urup, Paints, Oils, ' Perfumery and toilet article, also a fall line of books ace oiatioof ry. periodicals, etc. J3T PreacripUona carefulij rompoonded Th ODD FEWS TEMPLE, Albany Oregon TO ORDER ALBANY Is tttWtraaiitT;7rjikiByflfar Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity .strength and wholesomencss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion witb multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only in c-ns. Royal BakW pow dbr Co . 10T. Wall St., N. T. D.W Crowley & Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon. I'lll'SItlAX WI1. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN. AND suienn. Cnn )e found at his office room in Strahan's block, First street. Albany OreL'on- DK C. C11AJ115KHLIN. HOMEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Office, corner Third and Lyon streets, Albany, Oregon Of fice hours, mornings, 8 to 9 and 12 to t and after 6 in evenings. W. UASTOX. MlYfelCIAN AM) SUM , geon, Albany, Oregon M. II . ELLIS, PHYSICIAN geon, Albany, Oregon . ASD SL'Kr c. C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AXD 6VR geon Albany. Oregon, office in Pierce's new block. Otfice.houre, from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. A. J. liOSSITER, VETERINARY SUR geon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and member of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases or an domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable. Residence 4th and Calapooia streets, Albanv, Oregon. DR. It KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SUR. geon, Albany, Oregon. - .Graduate of GerJ man mill AmerHxii ponetres. ATTORNEYS. I. . X. Ill.AlKlU'BX. o. W WRIGHT. 1)LACKUl'RN, Jt WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT ) L uw, Alljany, Oregon. Office in Odd bellow's Tcni!e. -Vill jinurtice in all courts oi thel ate, undgie special attention to all business. lyOLVEllTOS C1IAKLES E.ATTORNEY IT at Law, Albany, Or. Ottii-e in rooms 13 and 14, Poster's Ui.tk, over L. E. lilain's stor . T K. WEATHO ktPO HP, ATTORNEY AT I . law, Albany, Oregon. ollii.-e in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will pract in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business. F EVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS t Pfeiffr, Prop. Only first eclasH house in tho city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage office for Corvallis. R EWERT. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE and jeweler, Albany, Oregun, Oysters ! fUM era ! EASTERN AND I.YVIAN SERVER fresh every ttav at 11. lifttki' restaurant OAA DOLLARS TO LOAN ON GOOD I Crovdcr, Albanv Mtfle. Land MarTeytng. p. ARTtKS RSISINO SfRVKVIXS DON CAN OB tain accurate and prompt work br caJline upon ex-eeiinty purveyor f, T. T. Fisher. He h complete conies f field notes and town ship plats, and t prepare I to do aurveving ia Oiv part of Linn county. rostofSce addre, Killers Station, Linn couuty.Orafcon. CB. 'wg WINN. AHST FR THE LBA. iDg Ire, Hfe ancfjascirfsat iasuraaee cam- panics. Fer Beat. FlUHSHB ROtMS TO R1NT. Oity Restaurs!. AT THE THAT HACKING COUGH caw bh se quickly cured by Sbiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Fosbay & Masa. H. F. MERRILL, Banker. ALBANY, - - OREGON Sells exchange on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Buy notes, state, county and city warrants. Receive deposits subject te check. Interest allowed on time dc posits Collections receive prompt attention Correspondence solicited. igyOffice hours from 8 a. m. lo 5p.'m Agent for reliable fire andmarine nsurance companies. AAany Bath House AN HAIH DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER. PROPPJITOR i"Ladier nd children's hair dresa. ns: a specialty. nti.e satisfaction (ruarantedc A4L IT. HAVING SOLb MY INTEREST IN THE store of i.iier-.il merchandise of the nrm of Coehow 4 Cable tc C. E. Sfanard,-1 wish to call the attention of all who know themsel-es ir.debtcJ to Cosbow & Cable to call and settle at once. Having sold out on account of poor health, I expect to change clima'c for a while, and all accounts not set f led beiore I get ready to leave Browusrille " ill be left with an) ffiter for collection. A werd te the wine is Ticient. C. P. . OSHW,BrswTi The modes of death's' approach are various, and statistics fchow conclusiTe ly that more persons die frm diseases of the throat and lungs than auy other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives vast rumbers of Tubeicle Germ Into the system and where these germs fall upon sui table soil they start into; life and develop, at Drbb Biunij. ouu la duvhu uy a slight tickling cessation in the throat and if allowed 3t continue their ravages they extend to the lnnrs Dro- ducing consuinptjon and to the head, causing catarrh,, Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death; t the onset you must act wi ftroft;4tne8s; allow. inir a cold tjfit 1Cb4 attention is uangeroua ana may -two ..you your-r life. As soon as you feel: that some thing is wrong with yottr throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschee's German Syinp. It will give you ira mediate relief. . The Albany FuriMiue Co. would be glad to have you call and ex amine their complete stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. We believe we can make it to your interest to examine our prices and goods before purchasing. Corner First and Ferrv streets. Fortmiller Irving have jnst opened a beautiful line ef ak and gold mould in rs from pictures, 6teel engravings, etc. Call and see them. SPECIAL NOTICE. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the 1 Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle- vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements.tumors and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practi ed in the German French and Kuglish hospitals. Calls promptly attended day or night. His motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." tfviTOflice and residnce Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. 9,999.00 IN GOLD To Be Given Away Cut ont this advertisement and send it J. LAIIMER Si CO.. Nurseryman. Toronto, Canada, with 14 three-cert Canadian, or 1 two-cent American postage stamps, and they will send you by mail (postpaid) in good time for planting in April or May next, your cnoice ot any one of tne following collection of plants, and enter your name 111 competi tion for the $0,999.00 in gold that they are giving away in order to introduce tlieir nur sery stock. Collection of Plants No, 1 2 hardy roses. No. 2 2 hardv clinilinr roses. No. 32 overbloomiugroscs forhousc cu turc. No. 4 2 dahlias. No. 510 ulailiola. No. 6 3 hardv irrape vines. No. 7 S raspberry plants, 4) each black and red. Ko. s- 20 strawberry plants, 4 choice kincn. o. 96 very choice plants four House cul T".ture. No, 10 5 cherry currants (ret'X N. 11 ft Lees prolific currants (black) No, 12 5 white L'mrie currants All letters with this advertisement enclosed along with stamiib for any one or more col lions of plants, will be numbered as fiey coins to hand, and the senders of the first thirteen hundred will receive gifts an follows 1st S2.'i0 I The next 20, 510 each. 2nd 100 1 The next 40, $5 each, 3rd - 50 I The next 415, 2 each. 4th :t0 ' I he next 820, $1 each. oth 20 1 After fiO.OuO letters have been received, the senders of the next 1.100 letters will receive $;ift as follows: 1st $225 I Next 10, $15 each 2nd 135 I Next 15, 10 each 2nl - 75 I Next 40, $A each 4th - 50 j A'cxt 470, 92 each 3th . 25.1 Next 500. 81 each Aftnr U 0,000 letters have been received, es lc.soK ir luxt 1,000 fetters will re- t a-lts as lo.l iws; an.1 i $100 each I Next 5 420 each 3, 4 and 5 . 75 each J Next 15 10ah 0, 7 and 8. . . 60 each Next S64....... 3 each 9. 10. 11. 12. 26 each I Next 693 1 each After 150,000 letters have been received the senders 01 the next 1.108 letters win receive gifts as follows: 1, $100 each I Next 10 (20 each 2.. 75 each Next 25 10 each 3 and 4 50 each Next 585 .... 2 each Next 6 25 each I Next 479. . . . 1 each Any person may send any number ot times for any of the above collections. If 6 cents in stamps extra is sent, we will send in Jtn next a printed list of the names of allperaMS wno are entitled to gins. We make this liberal offer te readers of the Hirald. knowing it will not pay us now. but our object is to introduce our stock and build up a trade. Our mailing points are Toronto and Shrubmount. Ont., Koch ester. N. Y Louisville, Ky., Plainesville, O., and Chicago, I1L, and we will guarantee all stock to reach our customers in good condition. We employ no agents, but deal direct with customers. and can sell and deliver stock to any part of the United states or uuiaaa a . atxut one- half the price charged Dy other nurserymen. through agents. Remember we will not be undersold by any reliable Arm. Send us list of wants and we will quote you prices; or 10 cents for a handsome illustrated catalogue which you may aeuuet ironi your nrst erder. Address all letters J. LAHMER & CO., Nurserynen, TORONTO, CANAVA. V71NTED. THOSE WISHING A FIRST I class piano, sewing machine, the latest music or artists' materials, will find a bargain by calling at ' Mrs. B, Hyman's. The pianos are fully guar anteed for fire years. The best pianos made to stand the climate of the Pacific coast. The New Ameri can Sewing Machine will please most fastidious. Painting and mnsic les sons given - there. Stamping, Em broidery and Dressmaking done to order. No. 115 1st St, Albany, Or. Far chilblain and frost-bites use Chamberlain's Pain.Balm. When promptly applied to the frozen parts it will pi event the sk'.n frm turning black or poelin? off. It allays the itchinir and smurtinjj f chilblains and soon restores the part to a healthy condition, Frjal ay Fvsfcay . GENERAL NEWS. No Truth in the Stories in Re gard to the Burned Church. CHINAMAN GIVEN A LONG TERM Knssia 'and Persia Bank at 8pokani Jlit iater to Switseilanc SeTenne Cut ter Sails for Alaska. Th HzKALB's Stcclal Dinirtitch'ji . . ! aAjr FrXkcisco' MV 24. Tn an TnterviewTasfnieKt BishoD TTadi mir, oi the Kussian cuurcu which was burned a few nights ago, tsaid that there was not a word of truth in any of the sensational stories which have been published since the fire. The church records were not burned, although a few of the papers were scorched. He was satisfied that the fire was caused by hoodlums. It EH KING SKA. The United State Revenue Cutter on the Way. San Francisco, May 24. The United States revenue cutter Hush sailed for Behring sea and Alaska this morning to protect the Ameri can fisheries there, under instruc tions from the secretary of the treasury. LONG SENTENCE. Life Will Hold Few Pleasures if He Serves His Time. Milwaukee, May 24. Sam Yip Jap, on. of tt:e Chinamen accused of ravishing little children, and whose arrest iei to serious rioting and demonstration of Chinese lately, was this morning found guilty and sentenced to imprison ment for 35 year?. Hah Ding will not be placed on trial. CZAKINA WELCOMES SHAH. The Monachs Holt Nob Together and Hare a Good Time. St. l'ETEKsiii iici, May 24. The czarina and grand duchess received the shah at the Hermitage to-day. A banquet was afterwards given at the winter palace 111 honor of the .shah, who sat at the right hand of the czarina. When the czar arose and offered a toast in honor of his guest, a salute of two guns was fired by the artillery. The shah offered a toast in honor of the czarina. National Bask at Spokane. Washington, May 24. The comptroller of currency has author ized the Exchange National Bank at Spokane Falls ; capital $100,000, to begin business witli. Presents His Credentials. Berlin, May 24. John D.Wash burn, American minister to Switz erland, presented his credentials to President Homer to-day. . . Strawberry Sociable. Samaritan Lode No. 316, I. O G.T., of Ilarrisburg, will give strawberry and ice cream sociable on Saturday evening, June 1, 18t9; at Smitl! 8 hall. Ihe public are cordially invited. A short musica and literarv programme will be rendered by some of the best local talent. Amittance, free. Shaving 15 t ents at Vierick's. The Albanv Bakery b'uder the new management of Park hi -WH KEEP A fuil line of chaicc family groceries and provision Canned ifineapplea, Choice Table Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Weduinas and Parties. Salmo kinds. bellies mackerel and salt fish of all FRESH BAKED BREAD fcGvcrv Day. BdSw.fe Cakes TEAS hid UOFF& les s. CANNED WOODS, ETC. -ine best Soap in the market- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars t3Tt John Fox's old stand low Finns lew brick. land Nuts Raisin PACIFC COAST DEFENSES. Groat Britain to Begin Work at Esquimault This Summer. Ottawa. 3Iay 24. The Cana dian Government has icceived a cablegram from tun imperial authorities stating that wurk the Pacific coast defeusvs will be begun this summer. The home Government has always bed keenly aiiTe to the importance of fortifications oa the Pacific cons', especially at and about Equi inault, the terminus of the Cana dian Pacific Railway, as well s ,tbe arssjyslf the British, navy on the Pacific. Cust year the British Admiralty detailed an officer to make a careful camiuutiou of the coast of British Columbia between Vancouver aod Esquiniuult with the object of deciding upru sitfs for the erectiou f oatteries com manding th entrances to Puget sound and protecting Esquitnault, Recommendations wure made, but nothing was done until lately, when the British Government, sti.red up to activity by a renewal of negotiations by the Government at Washington regarding the Behr ing sea question, decided that work en the coast defenses should fee begun at ence. Hen. G. . Foster, Minister ef Finance, speaking te a reperter to day regarding the statement pub lished in a San Francisco paper to the effect that the British Govern meat was contemplating a scheme for the transformatioa f the en trance te Paget sound into a second Gibraltar, said the expres sion ua second Gieraittr" was too strong, but it was the intention of the Canadian and imperial author ities to make great improvement in the defenses of Pacific seaboard ports, especially Esquimault. "If the Americans object," he said, "to our establishing batteries com manding the eutiauce to Puget sound, why, let them build forts on the opposite side ot the straits.' A WOMAN PREACHEK. She Has Been Authorized to Per forin Marriage Ceremonies. Cleveland, May 21. Rev. Mrs. Ellen Rinklc, a regularly ordained minister or the united Brethren Church, at Woobtei,jObio, is prob ably the first woman ever author ized to perform the marriage cere mony. Rev. Mrs. Rinkle made up plication to the Probate Judireof Wayne count? a short time since for a license to perform marriages, The Judge lef Ubed to grant u until he bad consulted the Attorncv General of the Sta e. That rillcial refused to give an opinion, and the Judge being unable to find anv law prohibiting the issuing of licenses proceeded to grant one Mrs. Rinkle will tie her first auptial knot within a few days. THE AMERICAN NAVY. Its Increasing- Strength Worrying tho British. New York, May 2 J. A cable fpccittt to thu Post Iroru London says: Oa the third reading ot the debate on the 'uval Defense bill yesterday in the Contmons, Samuel btory. intra ber for Sunderland, declared that the Government'-) policy had excited the jaalous competition of other countries, instancing the following ceo versa tion he had at Washington. He aaid to the Secretary of the Navy '"I am sorry to observe the growing disposition on the part of the quiet American people to have a fleet. The Secretary replied : ''Yes. sir we do intend to nave a larger fleet You English cannot complain, for your Government is spending twenty millions on a fleet to day TELEGRAPHIC BKIEFS. Forty-five persons lost their lives through the floods in Bo hernia. The American schooner Addie C. Hasseltine has been wrecked on Eben island in the Marshall group. Lord Salisbury says the alliance between the rarnelhtes and Glad' stonians is slowly but steadily breaking. The American burglars, Guerin and Dcnnin, on their trial at Paris. were sentenced to ten years' im prisonment each. The WestiOffhouse Consolidated Eleetric Light Com pan has com nenced a suit against the Edison's lamp patent. Kilrain and Mitchell sailed for New York from London Ifednes day. They are in good spirits end confident that Kilrain will whip Bullivan. The Milwaukee Herald (German) publishes an interview with Presi dent Harrison in which he promises to conciliate German republicans by giving them some good offices. An earthquake shock was felt about 3:15 Sunday morning nt various points in middle California. At Celhnsyille, Solano county, a building was toppled over. At Lick observatory the shock was not heavy, but the eztraordinarv feature of it was the creat duration. which registered on the instrument for 2 minutes and 12 seconds. The vibrations were in a north and: south direction. HARKISBURG NOTES. HARBisnnc;, May 23. J. G. Ctawford, of Albany, visit ed Ilarrisburg this week. I. N.- Wyatt, cf Minnesota, is visiting his uncle, Eli Wyatt. Mrs. L. Senders, of Albany, has been visiting Mrs. May and Mrs. Senders. Miss Jclia Moore, of Baker City, is visiting relatives and friends- at this place. ' ' Geo. Isham will go to Drain as assistant telegraph operator the first of next month. Mr." J; G.Roundf-of -Karti Poet-' land, has been buying all the ash timber in the market as it stands in the tree. Ilarrisburg now has a good real estate firm, Rampy Rriggs. They can sell a man real estate in quan tities to suit. O. T. Porter, of Albany, has been here the past two weeks rep- rre&enting the Bankers' Life In surance Co., of Minneapolis. We believe there has not been a better prospect for years foi a good crop. Fall grain is looking spier did and all spring grain looks well also. Mrs. George Brandenburg, who was thrown from a buggy and quite seriously injured, has so far recovered as to be able to walk about a little each day. Chas. McDonald, who has been engineer on the O. & C. R. R. for years, has machinery for a saw mill loaded on cars, which, as soon as it arrives, he will net up in this place. Harrisburg has .been without a good flouring mill for years. Levi Douglas, one of our most enter prising men, has just completed a new roller process mill and is mak ing flour second to none. We think it to be about time our citizens should wake up and take some action as to whether we will celebrate or not this year. We did not celebrate last year at home.and if we are to celebrate this year we Bhould let the people know and make arrangements so as not to be rushed. WHAT THEY MAKE. Eilen Terry is paid $600 a week. Digby Ball receives $2o'J a week. Fred Leslie receives $500 a week. Kyle Bel lew receives $359 a week. Charles Coghlan is paid (350 a week De Weif Hopper is paid $250 a wek. Gaorge Alexander is paid $300 a week. John Habbertnn makei $10,000 a year. Mark Twain's income it $80,000 a year. Joseph Pulitzer's income for 18S8 was $1,009,000. Mrs. Cnan'.er (Amelie Rives) makes about $10,000 a year. W. D. Howtlls receives from the Harpers $10,000 a year. K. VY. Wilder receive $20,000 a year from the Century. CI. John Cockorill is paid $20.- 000 a year by the New York World. Up to recently Francis Wilson was paid a saUry n $525 a week. Edgar W. Fawcett receives about $4000 a year for all his writings. Mayo w. Haz!ltme receives $175 a week from tho New York Sua. The late . P. Roe found no dif ficulty ia writing $50,000 worth a year. Brander Matthews averages an annual income from literature of ' about $3000. Miss Murfree's (Charles Egbert Craddeck) hovels yield her abeoi $3000 a year. Charles Dudley Warner is paid $1210 tor bis department in Har per's Magazine. Francis Hadgson Burnett is get ting rich at the rate of from $20, 00 to $21,000 a Tear. Yea Cannot ANoni. At this season of the year to bo without a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inflammation ef tho stomach and bowel are exceedingly daoieroua if not attended to at one. One bottle of B EGGS' DIARRHOEA BALSAM will do more good in cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it, G. L. Blackman, druggist. Yaoalaa Bar. Fifteen hundred dollars will boy one hundred feet of water front, between Fall street and the Bay View House, Newport. Address Lock Box 18 Newport, Oregon. Wfcv.is It That neoDlo linger aIon? always . complaining about thtt tired feeling? line bottle of BJBGGS BLOOD PU1U FIER and BLOOD MAKEK will en. tirely remove this feeling, give them a good appetite and regulate diges tion. G.X. Blackman. druggist. Paragon. We have just received a fresh suddIv of this celebrated roast coffee, ground free of charge, on our Felf-grinding machine. Once used, always used. Willamette . racking Co. A new line of fine wall-pacers with borders to match have been opened at Fortmiller A Irvine's. Thcv ar n and elegant design. Call aat see them.