Daily a.np Weekly terms of subscription niri V Published everv mominif except Mony W UUMOIICU D - slivered by carrier, pef week By mail, per j-at WEEKLY. (PtililiHhed every Friday Morning.) . ir Knnniu. in advance...-"-'-00 When not paid in advance, ..... HQ THK HAILS. MaiU at the Albany postofficeclote Kor all offices north ).,. The Eastern sUtes M rhe West Side f And the Nairow Gauge R. B. J Kor Portland and Salem ...iia.m Corvallisand Yaquina 12:33 r. u office south .... 3" r. The postofflce will be closed each evening rum six to seven o'clock. Registered matter tor thejearly morning train should be mailed before o clock the previous ereninr. THE FRENCH REPUBLIC. Every few days we read various predictions in regard to the present condition and continuity cf the French republic. Lately O'Rell has cast its horoscope and ayers that it will sooa collapse in com . munistici8m and from the ruins will arise a monarchy with the Count of Paris, tne heir to the Bourbon claim, on the throne. ' No Boulanger for him. It would seem as though it was time for some other talk than the failure of the French republic. The vicisitudes that have come to that government during the few past years have certainly tried its foundation strength to the utmost, ad as it has stood the storms and outridden the billows, it is certain ly manifest that it will live in spite of predictions to the contrary, and all the adverse circumstances that may file up, for it has already sur vived as trying crisises as can arise. The Chronicle says every year that the republic exists in Franc the ambitious designs of monarch ists and imperialists become mere difficult of . realization. The old order is continually changing, giv ing place to the new, and a genera tion is growing up to which the Napoleonic dynasty or the Bourbon dynasty means nothing more in reality than the dynasty of the Pharaohs or of the Ciesars. The young men of France are as genu inely and sincerely republican as the young men of America; acd though the mob of Paris may rage through the streets and shout for the idol of the hour, be he Boulan ger or another, and though the emissaries of this or that aspirant to a throne may fancy that the moment has come for a change, it will still be found that the republic is founded on a rock, and that tre waves will strive in vain to over throw it, for it is the government of the French ieople. Ci kes that are sure are publish ed without number, and pitent cureallscan foe had for cash in hand. But the following which we clip from an exchange can b-j ha.l without much cost and is net ,, , . I Celery acts Upon the bad to take. nervous svsteiii. and is a cure for rheumatism and neuralgia. Toma toes stimulate the liver, and spinach and the common dandelion (prepared in the same way) have st direct effect on diseases of the kidney. Onions, gallic, and olives promote digestion, by stimulating the circulatory system, with the consequent increase of the saliva and gastric juice. Raw onions are also regarded as a remedy for sleeplessness, and the Trench be lieve that onion soup is an excel lent tonic in cases of debility of the digestive organs. A ciRioi.s illustration of the treasures of the soil, often over looked for a long time, is the dis covery of mineral wax in Utah. It was discovered three years ago on the line of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, coveiing an area of 150 acres. Over 1 .000 tons a year are secured. It looks like the wax that is made by bees, and can be used for the. ssame purpose. It is mixed with parafline in making' candles, and is used in the insula tion of electric wires. It needs no refining for ordinary uses. The discovery is a hint to our land owners that their farms often con tain riches that are overlooked. The Pennsylvania farmers worked tim oil tislds for Generations with , under out a dream of the wealth foot. The latest report of the Japanese railway bureau shows that the nature of the country puts unusual difficulties in the way of construe-, tion. One line of i'O.') miles in j , length involves the construction of ; . . . i tAAt IrtitifT anil H tunne, ,u ...... , the bndgms of 11 mere. One o these has a velocity in time of tloou of ''7 feet per second, and in mother the brick piers have to be another incwit i a depth of 80 feet. , c mountains is crossed at a height ot -, 4tt fQ 1'art ot anoiuer ascends to a height of 3,144 feet, -ni-j J v 7 and during five months of the year work is rendered impossible by the snow, and sometimes in the sum mer months by an epidemic of cholera. The line of the Panama canal is now practically abandoned and deserted, and the tropical vegeta tion will soon coyer up De Lessep's greatest scheme and relegate it into oblivion. The charitable action cf the various consuls m Panama was all that saved a ereat mass of laborers who were dis charged when the collapse came from actual starvation. More than 15,000,000 railroad cross-ties are used annually in the United States, to furnish which re- ... a . quires the destruction, ot nearly 200,000 acres of forest. This fact illustrates the necessity of tree planting and the preservation of our forests from wanton destruc tion. In 18S5 the beet-sugar product of France, German, Belgium, Austria, Hunearv. Holland and Russia amounted to 2,546,000 tons; and in the 6ame year the entire cane- sugar production of the world was only 2,260,000 tons. 4 lin nf tin I- wnll.aariers with borders to match have been epened at fortmilier .v irvinse. mey arc ucw and elegant designs. Call aid see thea. NEW TO-DAY. Important Hllee. TTAVIXG LEASED THE MONTEITH H n.aiirA trrm thA Oroonn Pacific Co.. all persons having stock therein on pasture are hereby notified to remove them at once, or make arrangements with me. Failing to do so such stock will be turned out. DR. J. J. WEST, The old and reliable physician, has Aonlnii TioruinnpiiMv at l!Mi East Sixth clmnt u-hnrA Vi i Trr:irel to treat all kinds of diseases in a carclul manner. He readily locates a disease ana ves its name nnd origin by examining six nlaces on the breast and two under the shoulder blades. He manufactures his own medicines and gives consuita- hniia find information free. Call O" him for experienced treatment. TVR. E. A. McALISTKR HOSir-OPATIlIC PHY I I aian atl.l ertrtrenn H&J remOVCf hifl office into Crawford7 block. All calls prompt ly auenueu w. (ERSOXS DESIRING SAND, LOAM OR ! mvi1 from the nrtmises Of r . L. Blicn. in R.ntnii iviiintv ran nrnnure tickets for the same at my office, Crawford's block, Albany, Oregon. Ciias. E. Wolvkrtos. WANTED 200 CORDS MAPLE TIMBER to be used for manufacturing chairs. Cnr ratiMilara Innuira of O. A. Archibald at the Farmers' Warehouse. Albany Oregon. ORKUOS BLRCTRIC RRLIKf 18 THK M08T BI.B eant medicine in the world for internal and external use. and fr pain oi any nature. You will uever and its equal, ask your druggist for it. MENDING AND PL UN SEWING DONE. Gentleman's clothes repaired. Under wear mended. East First street, in Isom's house, near the Red Crown Mills. Brick for Sale. AT MY KILN ONE MILE- EAST 01 town, . delivered anywhere in the city W. C. CASS ELL, Albany Or. SEWERS AND WELLS THOSE NEED ing sewers r wells dujr on short notice should call npsn W. A. McChiin, Clarges verr reasonable. lir-XNk HUMPHREY, DEALERS IX y choice cigars In WfIIm. K.irL'O i Co.'s ottice. Fine iiapotted and Key est cirs a specialty Urnia I Mr lor nlc. :iiU SITPPI.V OV FIRST CLSS A drain tile for sale at the Kij.'e brick allJ tUe factor East of Albany near Knox Butte. Call at the factory r address Propts & Auston, Aiuany uregon. PURE BROWN LEGHORN EGOS FOR for fct-in can be had for s2 per setting (thirteen, by applying to F. C Hoffman, on North Third street, between Montgomery nd Railroad. This offer a ill only held go..d r 30 das, as Mr. Hstfnian will have use for em after that date. OEPTT A S, The imported Canadian stallion Horsemen should see the thorough bred Canadian stallion Cephas aMar. Bh all's livery stable. He is a bcauti ful coal black, 5 year old. weijhs 1300. being 15tf hands high. He will stand at the stable on Monday and Tuesday of each ween. STRAYED FHOM THE FARM OF W. W. Crawford, near Talltr.an, on Apiil t", a bay horse, IB hands hijfh.weighsl'iOO.fmooth shed all round. Any informatton leading to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. Xotlre to CoMtraclors. TVrOTlCEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT 11 id. nAvt Mfftilnr tprm of the county commissioners court for Linn county. Ore gon, to De nem at me court nuuw mc city of Albany on Wednesday the 5th day of A Ik luun aAalcui iilonn aTwwiflrn.f inna tlUU6A U , j i : i ill 1 : i sxrainuiaKTani auu uiub wm w icwuw iwi .. .. . . . 1 K .w o uuilulnK a Dnuse across me ovuiu ciannajn at Waterloo; said bridge to be about 180 feet lone and sixteen feet wide in the clear. Also for the building of a htidge across Crabtree Creek where the county road crosi-es saiO creek near the saw mill of Deakins Bros, and 3. E. Cyrus; said bridge to be about 100 feet long and sixteen feet wide in the clear. Also for the building of a bridge across Muddy cretn at the place known as the Wilson ford, bidders to submit estimates on this bridge for construction of same at Wilson ford where the old bridge washed out, and at a point a short distance above said ford, said bridge to be about 80 feet long and sixteen feet wide in the clear. All of said bridges to be covered. All bids must be filed with the clerk on or before one i nl. n f f tlin aVinf-f. tnentinnpil flav. All J bids must be accompanied by a deKeit of 5 j cent of bid. The court reserves the right i to reject any and all biJs. Done nv orner n me cium. una am un v. May A. I). l!0. t. E. MONTAGUE, (L. S.) County Clerk. STOEE. . of the , chJ ;ese contractor jim-Westfall, has opcneil a Japan- j ese bazaar store in the brick next i door to C. II. Spencer's. It in wi(h M kmdg of Tapane,;e i wares and novelties, including arasoiSf ans canes, ladies wear, souvenirs, eu - All goods sold very cheap. .IAPKNRS1 BAZAAR IfiE MORNING MIS carry an immense line of and General Hardware Including the celebrated EARLY BREAKFAST and JEWEL cooking stoves and ranges, parlor and cooking stoves, and ail kinds offkitchen U utensiis: also acuniipeie as-sornnent ot Farmers and -AND- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Pumps, hose, copperware, tinware, tnd plumbers' goods a specialty prices are guaranteed to be satisfactory, lhe public is mvitea to call and inspect our stock. Tweedale's building, Albany, Oregon JULIUS GEADWOHL'S 1 Al. -o) o(- GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR He has enlarged his stock equal FAMILY GROCERIES. AND GENERAL JHARDWArE Roer Bros'. Silverware, French, China and Crvstalware Boys' "Wagons and "Doll Carriages. Fancy Goods and a General Asortment ot Crockery HVBuys Direct and Carries the Largest Stock;in the Willamette ValleyF lei on parte Francais. Hier STEWAET & SOX Dealers in- General McoU Iron, Steel and Coal Wagons and Buggies Rope and Cordage Blacksmiths9 Supplies Garden and hi all Implements The City Liquor Store, af. BAUMGABT, Proprietor. ir Next door to the Odd Fellows' cmple, Albany.tl Oregon" Keeps consbintlv on hand the flneet imported and domestic! wine, liquors cljfart tob-j-joa. Only flret-claas liquor store in the city SPECIAL ATTENTION PAIKTO ORDERS FHOMffHE C0IINTRY Bardue I Robertson, NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! Are now established with a first-class stock of STAPLE FAMILY GROCERIES. On the corner of First and Ferry streets, opposite Stewart & box. A pnmnlptA line of canned rnnrls orrn. ! ceries and provisions of all kinds, no j tions, etc. rresu iruii auu Kcgiituiea eyery morning. Prices reasonable. 3CALL AND SEE US'B WILL BROS. Dealers in all the latest improved pianos, organs.sewing machines.guns, also a full line of warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives. The best kind of sewing machine oils, needles and extras for all machines. All re pairing in the above liues neatly and reasonably done. HEBAL1); FRIDAY, Gardeners' Tools Oar to 11 is the wir deutch gesorochen Hardware Wenls. Carpenters9 Tools ' Builders9 Hardware Powder, Shot, etc. Giant Powder & Fusel Saws and Axes. Grrass Seeds Used by Farmers i JOB PBI2TTEBS. ROYCK & HIBBLER FARM FOR SALE, T WILLI SELL MY FINE ! FARM OK 200 1 acres, situated in Uenton coutm, two miles from Aibany. This u a good, healthy locatian, with rood well of pure water, ith wind miU;guod house; buildtnfrs a I nw. Tbis is one of the most sightly places in Ore gon, having a fine viawof the surrounding couNtrj, towns and mountains. Farming land all new and cleaif and -dapbedto aU kinds of fruit. Quality of land second to none. I will make rhis a rare bargain to the right man. Immigrants, dont fail 1 to see this farm beforetlou buy. Come , ami see itue on the place. Tr: M. T. V H1TN EY. BROWNSVILLE. O. P, COSUOW A !0... Keal Estate and INSURANCE A CEN9 F Fresh Sicily lemous at K nton'S' MAY 24 1889. The Aibanv Bakery ! Under the new management of -WH' KEEP A fuil line of choice family groceries and provision Canned pineapples, Choice Table Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wed mi us and Parties. Salmo kinds. bellies mackerel and salt fish Of all FRESH BAKED BREAD Evcrv av. Best Stir Pies. Cakes TEAS and COFFE ies Nuts. CANNED UOODS, ETC. 'me best Soap 1c the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of aomestic and Imported Cigars KSTM John Fox's old stand new brick. low Fl nn s HOPKINS & SALTMARSH.M iv n ! STOVES tare and Hardware, CAll work promptly done at reasonable rates. First Struct, Pearck Block L. VIERCK'S HAIR CUTTING AND BATHS. fJCEverything new and neat. A clean towel for every customer. FIRST STREET BELOW REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, - - OREGON In Albany has been filled by the SEOOBD HAND STORE. The past vear has proven it to lie necessity. "The best and chc-ipest place In the city to buy vour Stoyes.FDrnitnre.tiiiware We aic aiways prepared to tmy yout household furniture at the his;lKR' cash pr-ce. Sole ageni ior ine PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Killer. JL. GOTTLIEB. G. W aik Bros. Cand Raisins PlnmhiM iiir, r ii i in X 1UIUU1L SHAVING PARLORS A loos Felt Want SUCCESSOR TO.W. H. M'FARLAND Has the Largest Stock of STOVES In the V ALL S IT SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. O Z 3 ml Q. (0 0. ARGAND COOK AND HEATING STOVES? Also'a larg;e and complete assort ir.c-nt of kitcben utensils in tin, ropper and granite I r imois rum A THOS. BRINk Best Line of Unrein the Citv of Aibanv ! Fanc-Wickc. Chairs Lounges Parlor Corn: ce Poles Mirrors Feather Pillows Serine Mattresses J "Window Shades Walnut Exten7 sion Tables Suits; And A-.-', you can't find at other houses, I have it. In factevery thing tha is kept in a first-class honse. Ash, Maple and Walnut Chamber sets, Chairs. Spring Beds, Lounge Etc., Etc., at Prices that CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. ALBANY - - OREGON Tulius Joseph Manufactauer of Choice Cigais AND DEALER IN ' FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST ("art-, I'hJttsi.d mains; 1Uf. VmnKiP jid Yuri lijo.ji full line of Smokers' Articles. Alto dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Nextjaoer to Buikhai t A. Kceney's Keal Estate Office. Albany Ogn ANI Having latoly Isecured a very large and desirable line of Linens, such as Towels, Napkins and Damask at exceedingly low prices, we stall we shall offer the samelat aj SPECIAL -FOR NEXT TEN DATS We extend a cordial 'mitation to all to call and examine ihes- joods, fVelinj; that we can show you bargains. In connection with the sale we shall dis play a larj!- lim-or WHP'K GOODS and emlri d fries at LOW PRICES A beautiful line of ginghams and seasonable wool en dress goods. Our stock is new and complete in every uepartmenr. IP1. M House! i. DEPARTDRE TH1 BEAD. AllvtMV .)3S-y. SALE