-"?- : " : -;K,-V!Vv!. ir. l-- ; - -::-;, :. v -.US' . : ;)-,;. ..7..-. .. 15 CENTS A WEEK, ALBANY, OREGON, FI&DAY MAY 24 1889. VOL. IV. NO. 150 mm ZL. E.EL. The Mi Clothier, Carries the Largest line of Men's ai?d Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. in the Willam ette Valley. SUITS MADE In Uis Muit Ukk FOSTER BLOCK, Vhaf CMMwa'i CornlafarU. . Superior tov C toy OH, wtwto r Jtajfootto gyrmptf CITY DEDG STOKE. FINE LINE OF ART SUPPLIES TiLET AN FANCY ARTICLES. PRESCSIPTIONS CAREFULLY ICOMFCUNLED. GUISS & SON, PROPRIETORS, 5gF7er wird Deutch gesprochen. G. L BLACKMAN Successor to E. W. Langdon DXAL&H IN- Drugs, Paints. Oils Perfumery and toilet article.-, also a full line of books an.' stationery, periodicals, etc. 13T Prescriptions careful! compounded lOMLFEUMS JEMPI.E. Albany Oregon TO ORDER ALBANY Is ChtMywa wyiiiHMtotU Mil- total. ufkminiCaaFJDDT.'t71&itny8CarYor Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A niarvt 1 ot puriiy,strength and wholesomeness. More economical thau the ordinar) kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion witb multitude of low test, short weight alum 01 phosphate powders Sold only in c-ins. Royal Baking tJow DEB Co . 10! Wall St., N. Y. U.W Ckowi.ev & Co., Agentt Portland, Oregon. l'HYSIll.4 iir h. davis, m. n. niYSiciAS and l V wi,'ein. C::ti 1 e foimil fit liis office room ii; hirahnnV lilot k, J- i r t strwt. Albany Oregon- D"ircTcHAJi ;ki:i.in7 iiomkopathic phvsicisiii ami surgeon. Ollice, corner Thinl anil Lyon s'rccls, AUkuiv, Orcifon Of fice hours, moriiiiis, 8 to '.) and 11 to I and after 0 in cvtinii'Ts. GW. MASTOX, IllYSiiiAX AM) Sl'K , jreon, AUkiiix, tiro'.'im Mil. K 1.1.1 S, l'l.'YSKIA.N AM SUUr . geon, Alliai.y, Oregon. 1 C. KKLLY, l'HYSICIAX AXD V. iicoii Albany, oreoii. "Hire in Pitrce's new block Othce liour, frimi & A. x. to 4 A. j. i:.ssitki:, K';i:i;inaky sin ucou, tTuliiatu f i'litario vctcri' arv ollcnc nnd member f the tintiirio Aitcrin- ary incdicnl sm icly, U jiri :.nd to treat the ili-e:isH ot nil f.iiiit-Mic:.tt u ami!.. .Is mi scientific priiicipbs. Oliiiv r.t Ai h Mar-hall's livery stable. KcMilciicc Hii and t'alapooia Ktreet-, A.'i-nx, rei;in. J u ''pii, Albany, Oregon, tiiaiitiatc of IorJ lii;;n aTi.l Aincrii'iMi colic ITTOKXi:!.', . n. n. ". lil. m ki;i ;. v wi'.iulir. i)i..H Kiit ;;:. .. vi;i:ilTATKKNi; at A.) L a.., ..i':-ii i: hi. iNe in Odd ll'iv'.- Tom; I. . .il iiin tii'e in :;11 courts Jl tli.' ;te, :il:t a. .- 'le' i.d uttention to all h'.l-.i:es )i.vi:::i i n.i;i.::s i:. aitounky i a l.w, .'lb:ui, lr.- Oli rc in roonm ; and 1 :, Kostei-'si iiiin';. dcr 1.. i'.. illain'ii s'or . T l. VVi:.Iil .;. "i:i, ."!TOIlXKY AT . law, Albany, I'rt j.i.i. ottico in Ohl l-. l! a'.x 'Kti..le. VIII .iai t in all the cmiiH- nt ttictaie, rji i -i c ccial .ttention t'i ill i:i-;ii)es ni vnn: iim s.,, au;a. y, tut.-i ija.s 11 i'fu.iir, Priiji. t !ity til-; eclais hou.e in tho city. Larxe Mainpie lxoms fur com m.'icial nit ii. Xo ,'hitin; rii-j; ciiii!n;.cd in the ki'i hen. Oeiierd st ije nila c lor Cortailig. II. KWEIST. PKAC1TCAL WATCH.MAKE and jeweler, Albany, Oreun, Uleri I UA-STKISX AXl OLYMHJAX SKKVEI) J!i fresh evuy day at II. fntrcks' rcKtuurant Qtf llI.LAKi TO I.OAX OX COOI ''Ml n-a' -tMtesei:iirity. Apply to S.W. Crovdcr, Albany pontottice. I.hikI Snrrjiim. 1).R1IK IiKSIKINO SimtllMi MINK ( AN OH tain act urate and prompt work by callimr upon ex-comity fmrviyoi h, T. T. Fisher. lie b.'is. oinpkte copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepare I to do survewn? in any part of Linn county. Postoffice address, Millers -station, Linn county, Oregon. CH. WIXX, AGENT FOR THE LETAIt inx fire, life and.aecident insurance c.i- mmes. For Itfiil. F CRXISHED ROOMS TO RIXT. AT THE City KestauraLt. THAT H.aCKINO COUCH can ?r. s quickly cured by Sliilob's Cure. AVc guarantee it. t oshay V Alasou. H.F. MERRILL, Banker 1 ALBANY, OREGON Sells cxchiniiro on New York. San Francisco and Portland. Duv notes, state, county and city warrants. Keccive deposits subject to check. Interest allowed on time de posits t;oiicciions receive prom pt attention Correspondence solicited. jr Oflice hours from S a. m. lo 5p."m A;cnt for reliable hre and nianue nsurance companies. Albany Bath Honse AN HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR "Ladie? and children's hair dress, nff a specialty. ntue satisfactiOE guarante-de OCT. nAVIXU SOI.b .MY INTKIiEST IX THE firm ot Ccshow a table to C E Stanard, I wtoii to call the attention of all who know thcmscl'-es ii.dcbtea to Coghow t Cable to call a.id tett'e at oiicn. II a'cimnt i if pour health, I expect to chanjfe cliiT'a-e l;r awhile, and all m-cooi.ts not s. trlcii bcWc; I get readvto letve Prownsvillc " ill ikj Ii it w ith an olhcrr for collection. A word to the wise is "utticicnl. The modes of deatbV approach are various, sindstatktieq hbowconclufeive ly that more persons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than auy other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives1 yat rumbers of Tubcicle Germs into- tlie system and where these jrerms fall ppon suitable soil they start into Ufe and develop, at tirt't slowly and Js-shown by a slight tickling fensi'tion in the throat and if allowed to' continue their ravages they extend td the lunrs pro ducing consumption and td the head, causiug catarrh'. '- Siov all this is dantrerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause divitlt At the onset you must act witb p( ttiptness ; allow ing a cold to go Ti'i iioiit attention is dangerous and" ltofe- 4oe j on your life. As soon aain- feel.that Borae- or nostrils, ouiait a Dornewr aoaMb s German Svrup. It will give jou im mediate relief. The Albany Furniture Co. would be glad to have you call and ex amine their complete stock of poods before purchasing elsewhere. We believe we can make it to your interest to examine our prices and poods before purchasing. Corner First and Ferry streets. Fortmiller Irving have jnst opened a beautiful line of oak and gold moulding from pictures, steel engravings, etc. Call and see them. SPECIAL KOT1CE. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the lielle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements, tumors and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment witli electricity. Has practi ed in the Gentian French and F.uglith hospitals. Calls promptly attended day or niuht. His motto is ";oor WILL TO ALL." isTOllice and residence Ferry street. between Third ifiiil Fourth, f 9,999-00 IN GOLD To to Given AiiV. . Cut out. tliis auvcitisi niciil and send if J. LAII.MKi: & C;., N in cry man, loronto, Canada, with II tiiree-ccrt Canadian, oi 21 two-cent Ami ricru'.n .itoc ;;tnnips. uml they will send yon by rum I (postpaid) in ooii time for planting in April or tiny i or, your t-nuic&wf -iny olio -lit , the lollowm collection nf iilanu. uml enters our name in comiieti tion f'jr the U,'J!.00 in told tli::t they are iri ins iwny in order to introuuee their nur sery stock. Collection of Plants Xo. 12 hardy roses. No. 2 2 li.;rdy climbimr roses, Xo. 32 ovcrblooiniiiKirosrs furjhouitl cu! ture. Xn. 1 -dahlias. Xn. 510 L'ladiol'i. Xo. Ii l. irdv srrape ini. Xc. 7 S raspberry plants, 4j each black and red. No. s- SOstriwtmrry plants, 4 choice kinrs. .So. ! - cry c'loice plants tour House cul ture. Xo. lo "i cherry currants (ret1). Xo. 11 i bees prolific currants (black) Xo. 12 a hite -rape ci.rr-nts All letters with thisadvertiseinent enclosed aloii'' u itli st tnitio fur nnv one cr more col tion y of plants, will he numbered as they com ; tn band, and the scnilirs of the first thirieiu bundled will receive Kifts as follows: Is' .f.'i0 I The t ext 20, 10 each. 2nd l'Kl ' The next 40, ifT carh, Sril - 60 I The next 415, S2 each. 4'h :tn 1 I he next 820, 1 each, oth 20 1 After iO,(ltMi letters have been received, the s-nders of the next 1,100 letters will receive nts as follows: 1st --'5 Xext 10, 15 each 2nd 1.15 I Xext IS, 10 each 2rl - 75 I Xext 40, $5 each 4'ii 50 Next 470, 2 each 5th- 25 I Xext 500. SI each Aft.-r ti.0,000 letters have bern receiTed, e' lc.-iolt ir nxt 1,000 letten? win re- ' Its :n. I-!.I iws: an 1 ' . . ..-jliKl aeh I Xext 5 $20 each 3, 4 and 5 . 75 each Xext 15 10 eaeh (i, 7 and S. . 50 each Next :M 3 each 3.10,11,12. 2o eacn I next uj i eacn After 150,000 lettors have been received the senders of the next 1.109 letters will leceive irifts as follows: 1 $100 each I Xext 10 fc0eacb 2 75 each j Xext 25 10 each 3 and 4 50 ach I Xext, 585 2 each Next 5 25 each Xext 470 leach Any person mr.y send any number of times for any of the above collectioi.s If 5 cents in stamps extra is sen!, we will send in Jun next -i printed list of the names of all persons wfm are entitled to cifts. Wc ni:ilie this liberal offer t readers of the IlKtui.n, kiiowinv it will not pay umow, but our object is to introduce our stock and build up a trade. Our mailing oints arc Toronto and Shrubiuount. Out., Rochester, K. Y., Louisville, Ky., I'laincsville, ., and Chicago, HI., and wc will tfuarautec nil stock to reach our customers in good condition. Wc employ no accnts, but deal direct with customers, and can sell and deliver stoek to any part of the United States or Canaoa a . .inout one half the price chanjed by othet nurserymen, throuu'h agents. Ueuiember we will not be undersold by any reliable firm, bend us t list if wants and we will iptotc you prices; or 10 cents for a hand'omc illustrated catalogue which you may deduct from your first order. Address all letters J. LAHMER & CO., Nurserynen, TORONTO, CANADA. WASTED. THOSE WISHING A FIRST class piano, sewing machine, the latest music or artists' materials, will find a bargain by calling at Mrs. B. Hyman's. The pianos are fully guar anteed for. five years. The best pianos made to stand the climate of the Pacific coast. The New Ameri can Sewing Machine will please most fastidious. Painting and music les sons given there. Stamping, Em broidery and Dressmaking doue to. itkr. No' 113 1st St., Albany, Or. Ymr chilblain and frst-bites ue Chamberlain's Pain-Balm. When ...-n.i,.tTi' -mnllpd t n t In lr-nn n..tt ii win i't.. j -1 r ..w..i )-" it will pievent the sk.n from lurninu black or peeling oft'. It a'.Inys the itching and smarting of ehiibb-ins arid soan restores the part to a heui'rv eonJ;tii, Vorj 'sale by rhay GENERAL NEWS. A United States Vessel to Ee Sent to Hayti. SECItETAKY BT.AINK ltKTICENT Celtbratioc of the Cat'dolic Centenaial Hiniter Lincoln ia Loadon-EASt-era News Items. The Hi. rami's Special D pati ci.l Wasiiixgtox, Way 'i'i. It is ic ported that the" United 'Siaies ntpjimahiD Boston will be cent -to under the autiiomy orraetate'yer pattnienl to arceitaiu and repoit upon the condition of' aff.iirs in llayti. wliether there'is a disposi tion oiany Euiopean goveiument lo in' sit'e'e with IlaUi.ui nuitteis. and what, if any, action is i? ouired on behalf of the United K.'ie?. Bkine declines to talk on the subject. CATHOLIC CENTENNIAL. Celebration of the founding of th Church in Anie.-ica. Baltimore, Md., May 2.1. The centennial celebration of the enlab ) inb men t of the Catholic rhorch in the United Sld'ies was begun in thin morning in the Carroll Memo rial chuich at llyattsville, Prince Geoiges county, Maryland, by me mo? !al mass in honor cf Archbishop Cattoll, the fiiut Roman Catholic pielate of American hierarchy. SHOCKING ACCIDENT. Workmen Crusb-1 by the Falling: of a Uoiler in a 1'actory. San Fkaxcisco, May '23. Joo. P. Jeitz is a mnchine.-t emtIoyed at the Union lion Works. A. boiler on which he was woikinx to-lay clipped from tiieciane aiuf Jailing crushed Jeit,' he.id lo a jelly. Another employe naincd Kenston was badly injured. Old Wot Id A .iairs. ri:i'.i.. v, May '2". I'Impoior Wil li.nti to-uii appointed tiie ciown pi iii' e oi" lii'ly cai;;'iu in the tiiir Icenlh Im. lieal.-o . evented a p)i iiitil oi jiinv-elf to Ciinpi. Tiie Empeior iMid kin Iiundert made u visit to lite fomi of '. Eint)eior 1'rederick, upon which King Hum bert placfd a wicaili oi lionets. Minister Lincoln. Loxdos, May L'U. Pobert T. Lincoln, the new American minis ter, has taken up his residence at No. 5 Cardoau t ipiaie. Henry White, of the Anieiiiv.n location, presented Lincoln to Loid Salis bui y to-da Look Out for Itaiu. San Fr.axcjm.-o, May 23. Inui caliotis for Noiihein O.ogon and Wii iii r.; on lenlLoiy : Fair weather, ioliowed bv loivt rains. STATIC (illANCK MEETING. The Annual Srssion to be Held in Salt-in Next Week. - The auuual sessiau of the Orcgou State Grange wilt convene at the State House iu the city of Salem, on Tuesday, May 2S, lbSl). rcuiaiu- in session three days -Tucsta, Wudueeda; aud Thursday. Arrangements u;vc bceu made for reduced rates on the Southern Pucilic aud O. H. & N. railways members paying full tare goiug and one tilth ture returning, The session will open promptly at 10 a. M. on luesuHj, the 'bth. On Momlay u:teiuoon at one o clock there will be uu address ot welcome by Governor Peunoyer and a response by Airs. I. L. Uil- teary of Turner . Also an address of welcome by Judge K. P. Boise ou behalt of Sa lem Grange aud a response by W. A. Sample of lleppner. Mrs. II. E. Haves will deliver an address ot welcome to the Cali fornia delegation, rf whonr there is expected to te a large number in attendance. Many of the California patroDS will be here and tpe grang ers of Oregon are preparing to give tLeni royal entertainment. Ihe prospects ere tavorauio ior one of the most success! ul aud in teresting meetings ever enjoyed by the Pataons ot the state, and tlioso absent will lose a treat they will always regret. For vour tine imported and Ke West ciears. tro to M. Bauinarart cigar store, one door east of Black man's drug store The "Pacific Argand" ranges both four and six hole. An Eastern stove made especially for this coast's trade Sold only by Geo. V. Smith, Albany Momie dusters and lap robes at Thompson & Overman's, the leading barness dealers. ' ' HE FOLLOWED SUIT. My wife has bceu under physicians care for two years, tor what they called "liver complaint." She would get some relief while taking prescriptions, but would soon fall back into the same drowsy, inactive state. I got her a botllc of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. It did her immediate good, and when three bottles had been iaken she regained her old ac- customedhcalth and spiritsand i3 now as well as ever. I used it for rheumatism with the result that I am now entirely free from the disease with which I had suffer ed a year, z? C2Z .y. 'Z ' AMEKICAN NATION.!. Favorable Ontlook for the Con ference at Washington.. New Yoi:.:, May 23.-It uw en-- uroba'ole, says tte Tribune's V ii-it n cm resuotide t , til. the Aineiictn iu:ernatiuil .otifeieue r-i.ich w:P be he!d in WafJii.'.on :u October wilt be a ..icc--, so far as the full repcesei.iai.iou ot V cicit c. .'u . ies is ooucerncd. All''. ' .' t..c loMowh's Oovcrncut have U-.-it s.j;i-. in that dii-fction, and inner 1 tiie'se i.Fve tfl)..i'lly jjfoimcd ihe S.t Dep. i-l'ue.V. ot tbrir tt: -epU ire of the in viLr tion: Mexico, Gna'.e ii.iIa. San Sc.lwViOi, Iloudur.ts, Nica ra.up, (;jt Pica, Colombia, Kcua- nr, 1'eru. liolivi, in u, me Ai'en tine Republic, ,Urni'.a7 and Vcu- will be'fepfcfltel .by; tfert -4le r-ir i Pliili bu 1 Wf1 iltlp"Lp'T; Vea- J w - vnoK bv two delegates and the other Oiintfles named by ou dele gate e?ch. It is hardly probable that t'.ie republic of Hayli wiM be A.irp 'i.ieii. Morris M. EsLec i one of the Liu led Ma.ca delegates. ALONE IN A STRANGE LAND Experience of a Voune American Woman in Germany. Beklii.', May 20. A sad case of dc9iti'iioii has been bi-outht to '.'.! notice of Amen rus residing in Oer many. A youjg lady, Miss Hattie Lvou. Horn at Aun Aibo.'. Micii,. who for t.ome time pabt hii beeu studyiiijj nit'sic in BciImi, fourd Jicr elf aflhi :d wiJi btnc; of ice iuiod, rnd oei,ponueucy aid .'.bena tion o. itiirl'i ct lollowcd. She made tv.o u M'coCi..iKl rt'cmpii nt suicide, and was icceuLly lnnd wandering ainirsr-iy aboi't r.t Drhlwii.:, uear P. i.ndoi f, where tiie village author ities cliPiiUvoly took the poor waif ander vheir protection ud are cuing .or If. , Mis Lyon, whose falhrr i, de.it', .i ' a si 'er livi iu Aliio'n, O. N uioic ioicible r.'Sioing co.i'.u be (.iveu to hi(j' tili.ts th.'.n the o.ory of il.is sad ct.se, the inc.. 1 of which '"s uon't come to I.urope with a view of living on a; t a'one. A HAY OF It EST. General Harrison Will Not Talk Tolitics on Sunday. Washington, May 20. JVc.ident Hai.isou has ouickly "'kat down" into. t all si":.cstiniis to Snud" v con -feiencca at die Wii: c Hoi'e. When iii st ,-ooks ptr Kin of toe office he now occupies, some of lus ftl:iid, with ihe ui'i'.s o' ..s immediate C edtcc. or iii v'.ew, r.id foiC in L .sid-ri 11 iiviuii h cij;u;iCver, m i o ha liiieisiev.-. mi -Mindays. Ill Pie.ideut atiaiii td kiui of ;l:c;;i for inlercor.-.e, bi't when i.luvbr'a:ned poli ic-s there an end to the cou- 'eit:ou. ..-o4-al Il .iron h ik nover die crS'.'d jjcliiics or bir.iuess on uti'iay i'.nu is not i JclineJ to oe-'i.t it at iliis iihie, t -jpe -.ily w heii he I.'.'i to live on it six d.'ys aad oigiits m the week 'J'ho:e who i'. ve had tiie haruiheod to att..ipt to S C.'k of o.licirl matltrs wlien they car'ut him om the streets going t) or liom chuich have not meut'oned their rebukes to .hir Iriei'ds. Quiie a number of times politicaiis have been received at the White Honse on Saturday nights to tilk politic-, but their conferences have invariably ended with the week day. Ion Can not .4 Herd. At this season of the year to be without a good reliable diarrhoea balsam iu the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea aud ail inflammation cf the stomach a.td bi.weU are exceedingly d.KiL't-rous if not attended to at once. One bottle of B EGGS' DlAP.UHOEA IALSAM will do more good in cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth. Y e guarantee it. G. L. Blackmail, druggist. I he I'rldr ot Wvman. A clear pearly and transparent skin is always a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood is out ot order. A few doses of BKGGS BLOOD PURIFI0R and BLOOD MAKER will remove the cause and the skin will become clear and trans parent. Try it, and if satisfaction is not given it will cost you nothing. It is fully warranted, G. L. Black man, druggist. Yaqulna Bay. Fifteen hundred dollars will buy one hundred feet of water front, between lall street and the Bay lew House, Newport. Addre&s Lock Box 18 Newport, Oregon. Whv Is It That people linger along always complaining about thr.t tired feeling? )ne bottle of Is EGGS BLOOD rUKl- FIER and BLOOD MAKER will en tirely remove this feeling, give them a good appetite and regulate diges tion. G. Lt. Ulackman, druggist. Strawberry Sociable. Samaritan Lodee No. 316. I. O. G. T., of Harrisburg, will give a strawberry and ice cream sociable on Katnrdav evening. June 1. 18.s!(. at Smith's hall. The public are cordially mvitea. a snort musical and literary programme will be rendered by some of the best local talent. Amittance, free. Paragon. We have iust received a fresh aiinnlv of this celebrated rnaRt. coffee, ground free of charge, on our seu-gnnaing macnine. unce used, always used. Willamette 'ticking Co. SniLOH'S CATATtRIf UF.MFTiT" A positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker mouth, For sale by Fo hay & Mason. ON A STRIKE. Trains on the We t Side War- row Gaascji'ed Up. NO TRAINS ARE KTXKIXG. the M:a Wa:t Their Fi.y Wilt P.. Tt -.t Le MuTeTST'. ef ' -b Caoco oi las Rouble. e II. a ' i j.-i A ' ntfhu.t ! Portland, May 2 $. When the celebrated narrow gauge for the west side arrived at Alonmouto. last night at 9 :S0 (two hours be hind time) the crew stopped work, tfddring4has ther wo ild run no . more- traine, nor ii tor in uo ruor : over that line, until their back' wages wero paid. Th's is a strike, not fo." higher waes, but fr ar rearages. This morning no trains are moving on this branch of the narrow gauge, consequently there is no mail from that direction. The strikers sajr they v'M prevent :he runnin of any trains until their wagea have been paid. This cessation of trains brings again to notice tke fact that the narrow gauge company is indebted to all of its employes in sums rang ing from a few months' wages up to the greater pari for two oTthree vears. Some men they owe as little as $1C3, while others have claims for 1503, and some even as high as $4000. It is thought the strike will ext?nd to the east side system. The it earner Dispatch caught urc while lying at her dock in Seattle Wednesday at 2 :30 and was burned to the water's edge. Tne fire was well under way when dis covered, and the crew had barely time to e ; pe, leaving their effects to the mercy of the flame. The to si frlO.CG?. The Dpatch as ownnl by CapuHii Wil'i.ini Mor gan, of Port Town -.cid. and was eng.f. d in the Sound currying trade. The oiigin of the lire was probably accident:)!. Ti i Mate? board of horticulture finished i:s Kctiiion A Salem Wed-rs-rtay. The several commission era have discovered that the work of combatting the liiiit pes was iuauguiated none too ku. lJes?iile the green aphis and codl'.a moth they find the "San .lose scahj" ganing a dangerous foithold in the ltouue River valley, and the wooly aph-s in We:-teni Oregon. The boaul will issue bulletin No. 2 in a few days, and inviie nil erson8 inlerested in Unit to frend for copies to the secretarv. . Pobc-it .vhields, a ruyallup aiwer, h?s fallen he r to $'-'2,000,- coo. A Mile tnrsiu'n'. Is one which is guaranteed to tiring vou salisfactorv i vsi.i;-, ir in case of failure a return of purcliase price. On this safe plan vou can Itiiv from our advertised Drucxiot u lioitle of Dr. King's Few Discoverv for Consump tion. It is gur ran teed to bring relief in everv case, when uscu for anr affec tion of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lung-, Bronchi ii, AM lima. Whoop inc Couli. Cup, etc., etc. It is plcas-'nt and arccalile to tat-te, per fectly i-afc, and can alwavn ! depend ed upon. 1 rial tiottles tree at Foshav fi.Ma(inii Drugstore. Mrril Mln We desire tosav t our citi.ens. that for vears we have been M-lling Dr. Kind's New llicovervlot Coiisiimjition, Dr. King's New Life Pills. Kucklcu's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, an have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such uni versal satisfaction. Wc do not hesi tate to guarantee them everv time, and we stand readv t, refund the pur chase price, if satisfactory results do not follow tlieir use. These rctnediea hay won tlieir great popularity pure ly on iheir merits, "Whav A: .fason Druggists. WtHMii UKravrry 'Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lad? ia this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her aud for seven year she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. - For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dicovery for Ccusumption and was so much re lieved on taking first do-e that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously rured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Luts." Thus write W. C. Hamrick & Co.. of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bottle at Foshav A The Verdict Caaalmaa. W. D. Suit, Druggist. Binnus. lnd testifies: "I can recommend Elcct-ic Bitters as the veiy best t cntcdy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 year 6tanaing.M Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters," Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the ver dict is unanimous that Ele ic Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver. Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Foshay fc Mason' Drugstore. Tt nave tn notrnnizp a. rash Mora- . If you have any doubts on this sub ject try F. L. Kenton, near the postoffice. A new line of i-olid silverware. M-ai'OK. hCAIltiflll HlOs UlU-IICrtMtv. - mond rings. gold and silver watches, hasjuit been opened by Will & Stark. .1 O. P. C0SI1OW, B-ewnsvi 735 Turk street, San Francisco. , .V