THE MOIWING HERALD: FRIDAY. WEEKfVs, DAILY p.iiil.yln .1 e--ir- morninir eAtept eUvcreU by carrier, per wec:;..... B. Mull, vr " ......... . 0.15 3 CO WEEKLY. (Published every Friday Morning c -p. , r. r annum, in advance...... When not iid in advance.. ..32.C0 . 2.0 TUG NAILS. Mails at the Albany postotikeclote For all olliees north ) Hie Kaatem states f.6;30 a. m, The West Side 1 And the Nairow Gauge B. P.. ) Kor Portland and Salem 11 A. M Corvallia and Yaquina 12:30 p. m office south 7::'.0r. m Tue iMWtotiice wilt be closed euch cveiiitig sit to seven o'clock. It. IfUtered matter for ttiejtearly moniinfr twin should be mailcl before 8 o clock the creyiou? eveuintr. APPOINTIVE Oil ELECTIVE. The magnitude of our countiy has developed a condition of affairs as applied to the offices under ap pointment by executive authority that is fcimpiy appalling. The Pittsburg Times savs : The tilling of the offices under anv ciivum - stances is a work trie magnitude i f which was not contemplate by the framers of the Kepublic. They .liit nr.f nuaivn Hia t trtcwilkil if v rif its growth, nor comprehend the immensity of the patronage that would be dispensed. No adequate pr ovision was made for dispensing it, consequently the pressure on the president and the executiye department lias become so great that howjto relieve it is a practical question to-day. The election of postmasters by the people is pro posed as a measure of- relief. If postmasters, why not United States marshals, district attorneys, and other offices now appointed by the president? To this there are ob jections, some of which are not so easily answered. If filling these oflices by public choice is decided against, the question is none the less pressing. Would not a com mission, appointed by the presi dent and charged with the duties of filling all offices, or different commissions, among which the offices shall be divided, be an im provement on the present plan ? This or some other way of relieving the president is becoming a neces sity, if it is not already. Not to to refer to the magnitude of the power which the patronage places in the hand3 of the executive, the labor of hearing and deciding on on the claims of applicants for the offices is not compatible with the dignity and other duties tf the head o! the government. It lowers the presidential office ; it has de generated into an evil of enormous magnitude. To provide a remedy is work for statesmen." Other papers throughout the country and the people are discussing the qxwt tion in the same spirit and manner. Nearly all, like the paper quoted from, hint at objections to electing postmasters, marshals, district attorneys, etc., which are said to be vital, but no one ccues out with a decided recital of those ob jections. And why? ."'imply be cause there are no objections saving only tue fact that the patronage of "the offices" gives a political lever of iaimense power. No just and adequate reason under the sua can be given against having every office in the govern ment excepting private secretary, e'estive by the ballots of the pto pie. I'kank M. Itxley, of San Fran cisco, whom many Oregonians will remember as one of the orators on the occasion of the big excursion front that city on the connection of the O. & C. and the C. A O. rail roads, and who is known to be somewhat cranky on the lorcign immigration question, created quite a sensation during the 2entennial exercises in San Francisco. He was delivering an oration at the pavilion, when he used language which caused a scene of confusion that almost terminated in a free .ight between the American and foreign population present. The dispatches tell us that in the course of his oration Tixley used the sen tence "foreign immigration is be- , coming the curse of the nation." I At thatjplace he was interrupted !by a loud burst of applause from several hundred persons congre- gated in one spot at the rear of the j hall. I-ong did the noise continue and Mayor l'ond's appeals for de x'orum were in vain. Pixley could not le heard, a:;d finally he folded his manuscript and retired from ihe platform. Then the thousands who wanted to hear hii through rose en inas.-c and shouted his name until th-y were hoarse. The orator was finally led again to the front. Three cheers were proposed for'the orator, and they were given wjth a great roar, thousands of people standing on their chairs and .'waving hats, Hags and handker chiefs. Those who did not want to hear hissed and cat called, i MUY XU but they subsided when the great j crowd made a movement as though I c lariru in meir uirecuon i a bodv t: was warne,i cf this four days ago, and I expected it," j said the orator, when the confusion ' had subsided. "I would have been disappointed if it had not come." i "Cut it short!" "Come off, youj old wind-jammer!" yelled voices; from the rear, and then there was another hurricane of hisses, which were drowned by three more cheers for Pixley and deafening applause. When quiet was restored he pro ceeded without further interrup tion. Tkk latest contributor to the conscience fund of the Treasury Department at Washington is W. A. Cuddy of Phuenix, A. T. Cuddy was chaplain of the late legislature of Arizona, and he returns a por tion of his pay because he declared he does not think it right that the people's money should be paid to "some hypocrite to stand up before a legislative body and pray for pay." Cuddy subsequently admits i th-l s a hypocrite, as he once acted as clerk of the legislature, while at the s:mie lime he was selling liquor, lie naively t-ays ha would return the money he received as a clerk's sa'ary if he had it. It is fortunate for some of the mem bers of our state legislature that t hey have tougher conscience than Cuddy. N.tUKIED. BAYNE JOHNSTON On Wednesday, May 1, at the residence of the bride's parent's in Peoria, by Kev. A, 31. Acheson, Mr. George T. Dajne and Miss Amanda M. Johnsten. NEW TO-DAY. ANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply to W. W. Crowder. J. 15. GILMORK HAS RETURNED TO this city to remain two or three weeks. Thoso desiring upholstering dc nexhould call early at his residence, with Mr. Cheadie, or drop a note through the postotlice. I TOR SALE SIX LOTS IN BLOCK NO. 41, 1 Albany, from $125 to &tlri per lot. These ate the cheapest lots in the city, let's than ten minute's walk from the postotlice and high and dry. Willamette Land Agency. SCIIl'LTJS & Hknukrhox. DURE BROWN LEGHORN EGGS FOR for setting can be had for $2 per setting (thirteen, by applying to F. C. Hoffman, on North Third street, between Montgomery snd Railroad This offer will only hold good j ror au aays, as nr. jionman win nare use lor them after that date. Pre It. Marshall. LEVELING OF ALL KINDS, AL- TURM E bany Oregon. Agent for the Wright Farm Level. Location of ditches for tiling put poses a specialty. Orders left at the Herald office will receive prompt attention. SEWERS AND WELLS THOSE NEED ing sewers or wells dug on short notice should call upon W. A. McL'lain, C argea very reasonable. AiriNN & HUMPHREY, DEALERS IN 1 T choice cigars In Wells, rargo & Co.'8 ottice. Fine imported and Key West cigars a specialty DK, E. A. McALISTKR BOMBOrATIlIC PIIY sician aud surgeon. Has removed his ottice into Crawford's block. All calls prompt ly attended to. Drala Tile fr eale. GOOD SUPPLY OF FIRST CLASS drain tile for sale at the Eage brick and tile factory East of Albany near Knox Butte. Call at the factory r address Propts &. A us ton, Albany Oregon. STRAYED FHOM THE FARM OF W. W. Crawford, near Tallman, on Aptil 17, a bay horse, 10 hande high.weighs l-2U0,mooth shod all round. Any information leading to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. TITAN TED 200 CORDS MAPLE TIMBER V to be used for nnuufauturing chairs. For iHirticularo inquire of O. A. Archibald at th farmers' Warehouse, Albany Oregon. JAPENESE BAZAAR STOEE. Mrs. Nancy Westfall, wife of the well known Chinese contractor Jim Westfall, has opened a Japan ese bazaar store in the brick next door to C. H. Spencer's. It is filled with all kinds of Japanese wares and novelties, including parasols, fans, canes, ladies wear, souvenirs, etc. All goods sold very cheap. REMOVAL -JOHNSON DANNALS have removed their blacksmith shop roin their old quarters to ths corner oppo ite Am. Marshall's livery stable, where the be found ready to do all kinds of work intheir line cheaply and promptly. A. L B A M Y J ALBANY, ; OREGON 1888 189 A Eull Corps ofjnstructors. Classical, scientific, literary, commercial and normal classes. Courses of study ar ranged to meet the needs of all grades of students. Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tjition ranges from $5.50 to $12.58 Per BTerm. " Iustrumcntal'instruction in music will given by Miss Laura Goltra. Board in private families at low rates, and rooms for self boarding at small etpense. A careful supervision exercised over pupils away from honie.Q For circulars and full particulars, address the president, REV. ELBERT N. CONDIT, Albany. Oregon. Brlek fur tSale ! QOO.OOO arood brickjor sa'e A W C w Casscll, Albany. Notice of Final Settlement. t OTICE1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IT undersigned has filed in the county court of tire state o! Oregon for Linn county his final account as executor of the last will and testament of Levi Fanning, deceased, and that said court has appointed Tuesday the 4th day of June, IS), at the hour of 10 o'clook in "the fnronoon of said day for the hearing of objections if any there be to said account and suttl ment of the same at which time all pcr.4iiis interested in said estate are horeby notified to appearand file objections thereto if anv tlicv have. Dated JJaO 2.1, WJ. S E. YOUNG. Executor. New ilins in jewelry at French'. Colwte Irixtifiifp lLhJllllHV 1881) 1 889 Sill AND SUMMER SPECIALIIBS. T II I T M 1. m ate Uress lioods ana I The largest stock and greatest variety in price and stylo I have ever carried, and as good value as ever ottered to the citizens of Linn countv- Special Bargains In cashmeres in colors and blacfcs. Seersuckers, gingham? , chambreys, French prints and if ash fab rics. A?i the noveltiis of the seson in black and colors. T will have something further to say about (these in a few days. EMBROIDERIES, SKIRTINGS, Flouncings,, and all overs easabriee, Swiss and India line. I have justepened the largest invoice of novelties ii this line ever exhibited i thi Hy, 1 a ofl prnd-aonA nric 811(1 &l greatl V reMHCCQ pi lCftS PIQUES, India lawns, nansooks in white, ecru and colors, all at prices very much cheaper than erer before of tered in this city. TABLE In brown and bleached. stock I bought in New York at less than importers' price, and am able to give good bargains. 58 inch all linen bleached at 50 cts per yard amd others in proportion. TOWBLINGS Crashes, etc. All these goods I buy direct from importers by the bale,and can sell them much cheap er than if bought of jobbers towels I buy in quan tities in New York, and am offering them at prices that are pure to sell the rods. LADIES COTTON HOSE Are cheaper fhis year than ever before. 1 have succeeded in getting some good bargains,all of which i . i i am ottering to my customers. xne same m Mm ant The above is an outline of the policy am going to do business on, and will endeavor to do my part towards securing the trade of Linn and adjoining counties to Albany, and to keep up with the procession of the livelv and growing city of Albany. I will have souething to say about Carpets, Roots and And Other SAMUEL 1889 889 nmmiDgs LAWNS, LINEISr Shoes, lines Soon. E. YOUNG. hi rens Groceries The Afav Bakery J Under llic liOM tiunasi'inriil af j(w ft nno - WII KEEP A full line of cbnice family groceries and Canned fines pples. Choice Table Delicacies Ornamented taken fur Wcdainas and Parties. Salmo kinds. mackerel and Halt fish of all FRESH BAKED BREAD hivcrv Dav. Best Pies. Cakes TEAS and COFFE. Candies Nuts. Raisins CANNEB UUODS, ETC. ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 2TAt John Fox's old stand. low Kl nn s new brick. HOPKINS & SALTMARSH, umbing (6 Pipe Fitting STOVES tare and Hardwire All work promptly done at reasonable rates. First Stri!:t, Psakui: Block' L. VIERCK'S HAIR CUTTING and BATHS. CEverything new and neat. A clean towel for every FIRST STREET BELOW REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, - - OREGON i 1 In Albany has been tilled by the j SECOND HAND STORE. The p:tt year lias proven it to be fc j necessity. The best and cheapest j place in the city to buy vour j Stoves, Furniture, tinware j We ate aiways prepared to tiny ruin I household furniture at the hisrhw cash price. Sle agent lor the j PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Fillek, i L. GOTTLIEB. G. W. Pnn SHAVING PARLORS Want Has the LargesljStock of STOVES lo the VALLE T SUPERIOR PSTOVES AMD RANGES. O Z 3 ml CL (0 a ARGAND COQKANDliHEATINGfSTOVS Also'a large and complete assorlment of kitcben utensils in tip, copper and granite Sit r imois rum A THOS. BRINk Best Lice of In the Citvof Albanv! Fane" Wickc. Chairs Lounges Parlor Corrifce Poles Mirrors Feather Pillows Srino- Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exten: sion Tables SuitsJ And you can't find al other booses, I have it. In factevry thing tlm is kept in a first-class house. Ash, Maple and Walnut Chamber sets. Chairs, Spring Beds. Lounges Etc., Etc., at Prices thmt CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. ALBANY - - OREGON TulitjvS Manufactauer Ciuif, 1 h jr. Bi'd t kirjr T I hi !. yiM hntn trii Tiler Fif c, ei fall line ol Sniokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPIGAL FRUITS. Nextr t Barkhart V Keency's Real Eatate Office, Albauy Qgn A W f Having lately secured lineof Linens, such as Towels, Napkins aid Damask at exceedingly low prices, we shall we shall offer the same at a SPECIAL -FOR NEXT TEN DATS W extcocia tuniial "nvitation to all t call amd examine these ou., feeling that we can show you bargains. In cjninMoi with the sale we shall dis play a l:ir !iu r WHP'K GOOhS and enifcri- denes at LOW PRICES A beam i tul line ot' gingham and seasonable wool en dress goods. Our stoek is new and complete in everv department. V.I 1 1 t ' ' i : i. SMI TH, SUCCESSOR TO W. II. M FARLAND louse! ure Joseph of Choice Cigais AND DEALER IN wim im mvm wcm DE BP 1 Li I a very large and desirable TUM - , ART ;