J iff i i . I. M '4' il -1 5. , t. t i ' ' i -. 1, : ' U , v 15 CENTS A WEEK. ALBAXY, OREGON, FRIDAY MAY 3 1S89. YOlu IV.yoT 132 "A- hiiiiiji : Be Leadini Carries iba Largost Line of and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing oode, Etc. in the Willam ette TalJej, SUITS MADE h ilk MercM Tiioiif Department. Vhaf yargnrio w MMTotio SyrmprnJ CUttfH. rnnef CrmevjSBaBtfafan ; fUrra bemtthy leep ; mlao aids 'Vcr'i'Tn T A1 FINE LINE OF ART SUPPLIES TdiLET AND FANCY ARTICLES. PRESCSIPTIONS CAREFULLY ICOMFCUNLED. GUISS & SON, PROPRIETORS, fgTHer wild Deutch gesprochen. G. L BLAC Mm Successor to E. W. Lanednn -DfALKli IX- rugs, Paints, Oils u Perfumery and toilet article also a full line of hooks a(! stationery, periodicals, etc. Prescriptions carefu!! eompounded iK ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, 'Albany ' - V'- - Oiego. o TO ORDER ALBANY is fapwtwvil CmutK Oil. CkSUrmn. nryf "t neonmmA Caatori for eHHdrenV known to meTI. A. AnmlUX. OztocUat, faoklyu KV. 1 C ir, DEDG STOEB. I" Absolutely Pure. This powaer never vanes. A marvti ot purity .strength and wholesomeness More eeonomieal than the ordinary kinds, and canDot be sold in competi Lion with multitude of low test, snort weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only in cins.RoYAt, Bakiv jow TjER Co . 10f". Wall St.. N. Y. D;W C'kowley & Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon. II31IIA T H. DAVIS, M. I). rilVSiClAN AND siiiecn. tan iuui:u ut in? vuiuw room ii. fc;n.han o block, 1 iit street. A'bany Oregon- DR C. phvsi C11AMUKKLIN, I10MKOPATH1C sH'inii anu turiii'on. .'mce, corner Third and Lyon streets, Albany, Oregon Of fice honrs, niorniii);s, S to ! ami VI to I and after rj in evenings. W. UASTtiX. 1 I!Ml !." , geon, Albany, Owon m sin: M II. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN , geon, Albar.y, Oregon . ANI Sl'ftr c. C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND ol i: Keon AUiany, rej;oii. otllee in Puree's new block Otiice.honrs, from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. A. .1. KOSS1TEK, VETERINARY SL'K ircon. irrailnate of Ontario veterinary collepfe and member of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Otliee at Ans Marshall's livery stable. Residence t'.h and I'alupooia streets, Albanv, Oregon. DR. R KOLPKWAY, VETERINARY SI R. jreon, Albany, Oregon. - -iraduatc of Ger; man and Ainerii-Kii eolleires. 4TTOK.El. II. W. N. l:. lOil KN. Ci. W. WRK1IIT. LACKKt l:.V, WRHIIIT ATTORNEY AT Law, Aloi'.nv. Oregon. Ottiee in Odd b'.'liow'x 'ieinple. V ill practice in all courts of the state, andive special attention to all biisinesb. lirol.VEitTON CHARLES E. A ITORNEY 1 V at Law, Albanv, or. ottire in rooms 13 and 14, Kosttr's lliiK.k, ever I.. E. Rluin's utor . TK. VvTATIIORHlKK, A'PfORNEV AT . law, Aibuiiv, or.-v'on. Ottire in Odd Kclliiw's Tc!iil.:. Will prr.i t in all the iriilirts of fhet:ite, and ie 8j ei'ilI ilteittion to all busi'ifSJ REVFRK IIuCM:, ALIiAXY, OR.-CIIAS . I'fi-iltVr, Prop. Only liist eclass house in the city. I-arv,re sample rooms fir com mercial men. No Chinamen employed :n the kitchen. General stave ili;,-e for Con allis. H EWER I". PRAtTlCAL WATC1IMAKE , and jeweler, Albanv, Oregon, ej trm I 1J ler I ASTFriN ANO Ol MUN SERVED fresh every iav at JI. Vitrckk' restaiimt OAn IXlLLAHS T LOAN on t;oM ''llf rea" tsUtc swnritv. Crowder, Albanv pslolBe!. Apply to S. W. I.mihI Snrvrjln:. RTIKS Ks'IRINO SI'RVRYINO l K CAN B- tain :curato and prompt virl; by eulline upon ex-unty survi vor r. I. 1. I isher. He hai complete eopies of field notes and town ship pints, nnh is prepared to do Hurvevinc in any part of Lir,n count . I'ostafhce address,. Millers station, Linu conutv, Oregon. CI5. WINN, AOKNT FR TE LEA iog Are, life and;a-cidet intnraaee em- pomes. F ORXIHED ROOMS TO RFNT. AT THE City RestauraDt. THAT HACKING COUOH cax pe sf (uickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Foshay & Mason. H. F. MERRILL, Banker i ALBANY, OREGON Sells exchange on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Huv notes, state, county and city warrants. Receive, deposits subject to cheek. Interest allowed on time de. posits Collections receive prompt attention Correspondence solicited. J3?"Officc hours from 8 A, m. lo op.'m Agent for reliable fire and,. marine surance companies. -Allan? Bath Bouse AN! HAIR DRESSING SALOON, J3EPH WEBBER, FRPR1ETR Ladie; nd children's hair dress. Bff a specialty. BntiJe satisfuctici euarante:i3 IT. IT aving sot. z;v 1NTKI5KST IN THE store of !:.-iif-mt ii:cr,lundise of the ' C. . Stanard, I linn of Coshow .v. ;M wish t call the auci.t.on of all who know th-i:isel'cs indebtea to Coshow & Cable to call a. id Fettle ai once. Having told out on a-fonnt of poor health, I expect to change cli'iiu'e for a while, and all aerom.ts not r 1 1 1 d befure I get ready .o leave Krownsville id be it ft v. itd an ol'.i.T for ce!lect.;u. A orri to the wise is utbeitnt. O. f . CWStlOW, Ernvutvil IffbRi Ob earth. la the rcaaou people will riot, can not or do not see iruy difference in cheap nostrums piit up by Cheao John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous pronis vainer man take a medicine of world-wide reputation and one that t- e t'ing universal satis faction at equat p. ice? No medicine in the world is g ving such unparal leled satisfajtio i or purifying the blood as Ef pes" Blood Purifier and Blood Makar id every bottle that doe not i j it work will cost vou iiotliii .Oei . L.s JJIaeknun gist. - V nrug- .uarli.lsuint llie.Mrlkt-. And always have a' bottle of A. ' - 's Enclish Eemedy in ' the house. V u caunot tell how ;' '. 'roup may strike your liHiC onef' jc- dose is a preven'tiv a positive cure. . cokl or couch a lew Hoses i'hroat aud cs treatment. Lun troubles yield . The Remedy guai..:ced by Fosl-av d- Mason 4'Miilion to MolUrrs. Every isiother in cautioned 'against giving her .hud laudanum or pira jioric; it creates unnatural craving for stimulants wtich kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is specially prepared to benefit chil dren and cure thtir pains. It is harm less and contains no opium or mcr- phine. Sold by foshay & Mason. SPECMLgKOTICE. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, EngUnd, also of the Kelle- vue Medical College. The Dr. has nent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofrlaenlargements, tumors and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practii ed iu the German French and English hospitals. Cails promptly attended day or nieht. His motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." JiTOtlice and residence Ferry street, betweeu Third and Fourth. r Trv Com: UroV s r:pi'Ooe o cent Havana cigars. 9,999.00 IN GOLD tn. n. n;.. .. Away. io DD wveo Cut ont this advertisement and sendjt J. LAUMER& CO., Nurseryman, Toronto, Canadu, with 14 th-ceEt Canadian, oi 1 two-cent American postage stamps, and they will send you by mail (postpaid) in good time (or planting in Aprjl or May next, your choice of any one of tho following collection of plants, and enter your name in competi tion for the S!),999.0Q in (;oId that they are giving away in order to introduce their nur sery stock. Collection of F'lant;: No. 1 'j hardy roses. No. 2 2 hardy climbing ruses. No. ."J 2 overbluoiiibiirirosrs fnr; house cul ture. No. 4 2dahlhA. No. 5 10 ulailiola. No. (I 'i hardy intpe vim?s. No. 78 rxsplierry plauts, 4 each Idaek and red. No. -20str.iv.lu rrv plants, 4 choice kinc's. No. !) 5 very choice Vlaiits 'Cl,r house cul turc. No. 10 S cherry currants (re'X Nil 1 1 ii Lees prolific currants (black) No. 12 f white -prx- e crruits All letters with tins advertisement enclosed alon with stamps for any one or more coi tions of plants, will be numbered as t ley coin-) to hand, anil the sendirs of the first thirteen hundred ui1! receive gifts as follows: 1st -S2..0 Hie text 20, Sio each. 2nd 100 ' The next 40, i'S each, ::rd- SO I The next 415. 2 each. 4th :i0 1 1 he next b20, SI each, oth 20 I Alter .'a.OOO letters have been received, the sondcrs of the next 1,100 letters will receive iifts as follows: 1st $225 Next IP, 015 each 2nd l.lf, I Next 15, 10 each 2rd 7ft I Next 40,$.. each 4tn S Next 470, $2 each 5th 25 Next 500. SI each Aftir H 0,000 letters have been received, o s" ; Icis ol t ir iisxt 1,000 letters will re- 3 'Its as lod iws: and ' . .Sino each ! Next 5 $20 each 3, 4 and 5.. 75 each I Next 15 10 each 6, 7 and 6. . . 50each Next.164 3 each 3. 10, 11, 12. 25 each Next tiU3 1 each After 150,000 letters have been received the senders of the next 1 1.109 letters will receive irifts as follows: ! 1 $100 each Next 10 $20 each 2 75 each Next 25 , 10 each 3 and 4 50 each j Next 585 2 each Next 5 25 each Next 479. ... 1 each Any person may send any number of times for any of the above collections. If 5 centsin stamps extra is sent, we win send in Jim next a printed list of the names oi aIlpersDS who are entitled to (rtfts. We make this liberal offer to readers of the Hbrald, knowing it will not pay us now, but our object is to introduce our stock and bulW up a trade. Our mailing iioints arc Toronto and Shruhmount. Ont., Rochester, N. Y., Louisville, Ky., Plainesville, O., and Chicago, 111., and we will guarantee all stock to reach our customers in good condition. We employ no avents, but deal uircci witn customers, and can sell and deliver stock to any part of tho United States or Canaua a, aoout one half the price charged by other nurserymen, through agents. Remember wo will not be undersold by any reliable firm. Send us list of wants and we will quote you prices; or 10 cents for a handsome illustrated catalogue which you may deduct from your first erder. Address all letters J. LAHMER & CO., Nurserynen, TORONTO, CANADA. WANTED. HOSE WISHINO A FIRST. I class piano, sewing machine, the latest music or artiste' materials, will find a bargain by calling at Mrs. B. Hy man's. The pianos are fully guar anteed for five years. The best pianos made to staud the climate of the Pacific coast. The New Ameri can Sewing Machine will please most fastidious. Paiutiug and music les sous given there. Stamping, Km broidery and Dressmaking done to order. No. Ho 1st St., Albany, wr. Another man's doom sealed by sniokinff stiDKers, nv.j nui to to ''oun Bros., and buy Yourself a ffoad igar Thar ke test. in Uwi. GENERAL NEWS. Nellie 0!sen, of Portland, Acci dentally Killed. DESPERATE I-' Hi I IT IN MEXICO Nearly 300 Lives Lost Secrctaty Proctor Comics Weft- A Penusybaua Col lege EffiLed. The Herald's Special Dispatehes.1 1 orti.and. May 2. shortly be fore noon little Nellie Olsen, agrd live years, was shot through the head and ulin'oKt instantly killed. Deputy Sheriff A. G. Johnson fur nished ,the following particulars -of the tragedy: reoie, whose par cuts reside in the house adjoining 1. ,1. Nealanu s grocery store on the corner of Fifteenth and K streets, was playing with Nealand's two youngest children on the first floor above the store, when the occupants of the building were ptartled by the rejiort of a pistol emanating from the children's room. A rush as made for the apartment and little Nellie was seen lying on the floor with a pistol ball through her head and her beautiful blonde hair saturated with blocd oozing out of the wcund A 22-calibre revolver was lying on the floor near by where the hand some child was fast passing away An elder son of Mr. Nealand, about 12 yeara of age, stated to the deputy sheriff that lasl Sabbath he was out shooting with his pistol and upon returning home he neglected to remove the weapon from the coat he wore on that oc casion and hung it on a nail. His thought is that his younger brother. i years of age, drew the pistol from tho coat pocket, and while playins with it shot Nellie, the lutle chap stoutly denied having done so, Imt insists that th child bhot herself. This had affair will be in- vest rale-l hv the coroner. KESi'EKATE KlfilfT. Nearly Thr-e Hundred I,ivfH Lost in the Kiot. Santa Antonio (Tex.), Alay 2. News has reached here of desper ate lighting at (iua'ia Juanita, Mexico, in which thirty soldiers and policemen and 200 rioters were killed. The trouble, arose from the imprisonment of five Jesuit priests, who had been delivering seditions sermons. The populace endeavor ed to secure tncm aua men uie fight occurred." 'The pris prisoners are still in jail. Secretary I'roetor Coming AVest. Washington, May 2. Secretary Froctor has returned to this city from New York and was at work in the department to-day. Satur day morning he will start on a trip to l lie west, accompanied by Gen eral Dunn and Colonel Purr. The military school at leaven worth, Kansas, will be inspected, and the party will proceed to Den vei,Chy eune, Omaha, St. Paul and Chi cago. College t'uildiiiR Burned. I'nn.ADKi.riiiA, May 2. A ?arge stone building connected with the college in Gemantown was burned this morning. Ignatius Kimmerle was burned to death. His brother Michael was injured internally by jumping Iroiu a tlnr.l story win dow. Sentence Affirmed. Dl'hlix, May 2. The Tipperary court has affirmed the sentence of imprisonment imposed upon John O'Connor, Thomas Condon and Charles Tancier, ministers of pat liament, and Manning, for viola tion of the crimes act. Blaine' Health Improving. WAsniNGTox, May 2. Secretary Blaine baa continued to improve in health during the last few days, and he is expected to return tp the department to-morrow or next day. Beulanger Calls a Council. London, Mav 2. General Bou lancer has summoned a council of his supporters to meet May 16. BKIEF TELEOKAI'IIH; news the nouer ot a cireuger burst in the harbor of Calais, .France, Mon day. The explosion killed seven persons and injured several others. Another train load of farming implements has been shipped from St. Paul west over the Northern Pacific railroad. A large sale' of Kentucky year lines was held at Lexington yester day, eighthy-four colta bringing the sum of $6U,9UU., an average oi $725 each. At the fireworks display in Chi caeo Wednesday evening a stam pede was caused by a premature explosion of fireworks and many people were seriously injured in the panic which followed. The bark C. D. Bryant arrived at San Francisco Sunday from Honolulu, after a stormy voyage of 20 days, during which the ves sel was damaged, the deck cargo washed overboard and several men injured. Mrs. Mattie Marlette, a San Bar uardino lodging house keeper, shot aud killed an old dancing teacher named Frof. Sullivan Sunday morning. The woman claims that Sullivar criminally assaulted her little 3-year-old daughter. t LAKES DRYING UP. The Herald, published in the new county of Harney, says that not over lour inilctt of the original bed ot W ar ner lake is now covered with water, whereas in 1SG5 there were seven feet ot water where the land is now dry. aud this year a stack containing 300 toDS of hay was burned on laud which in 1878 was surveyed as Warner lake. (Joose ktkc, which once reached Lake view, Or., is now live miles away, aud Malheur lake, in Harney county, is tight feet lower tlum at any period witbia the memory ui the oldest ii. habitaut. 'ill'; Winueinucca Silver State says ttiat Humboldt lake in Nevada, w hich some years ayo com prised a sheet of water sixteen or eighteen miles long arid froui cijiht to twelve miles wide, iu now onlj a few mil'.s long and perhaps a mile or two wiue.' The Humboldt Ian not dis charged auy water into the lake for several years, and a large area which was covered several feet with water at one time is now as dry as auy part of the ljumholdt valley. 'It is a fact, however that the lake was as low nine or ten years ago as it is to-day, and that five years ago it was as high hs it was ever 'known to be. Immi grants in early days wi.j saw the Humboldt discharge an immense volumn of water into the lake, or sink, as it was called, believed it had a subteraneous outlet; but that idea wis eroneous, as the volumn of water was reduced by evaporation not drainage. These are interesting facts aud the cause ef this great change needs to be discovered before the land created by the shrinkage of the waters ia used. There must be a hue body of rich alluvial land created, or rather bronght to the sarface, by the shrink age of these lakes and the causa must sliw for itself if investigated. No doubt the tramping of the surround ing soil aud consequent compacting of the surface must have sone influ ence. There cannot have been auy decided change in the rainfall or snowfall to cause the difference. If the waters rise and fall in course of years, it may be possible to regulate their standing by drainage, though most of those interior lakes are sinks into which staeams flow without hav ing any known outlet, Orcgouian. IK JIEM0&IAM. In memory of Mrs. Maria Reid, who departed this life March 21, 1S89: Kooin for my tears with yours to flow O'er s dear inotherV sacred Her. A lo.viiis wife, a siMer kind. And friend of mine i resting here. A friend of mine from early years, . She strewed 'my way with tlowi-is hripht : Now they will bloom fr her above In heaven's garden of delight. Other's pleasures were her own. To see them hap,ij gave her joy: Now she has gone to realms of Miss, Where pleasures are without ylloy Her way its even tenor kept. With pleasant words aud grnilc mien, Fom youth to age it was tne same, Aud won for her unfeic-ned esteem. Her life like all has checkered hern. Yet meekly bowed and kissed the rod, When lovinjr children left her home. To lest forever 'ueath the sod. She saw lheiu go aed murmured not, lint said, "'My Father's will be done. It is His risrht to take His own. And call them from me one by onr." ; Her faith undving never swerved In her dcur Savior's ceasefs love. That all of AdamV dyinjr race. Would live utid reign wiili Him shove. A Loved 'r.e. Got Kven on It. E. Randall, the mountain' evange list nf West Virginia, some years ago went over the State painting texts on rocks and walls. He decorated all sons of waste places with the text "Wiiat shall I do to be saved?" A patent mediceiie in an came along later and painted just below this, wherever he eould find it, "Use Blank's cure for consumption." The quaint combination got iuto the papers, and Randall, seeing it, went over his route with a paiut pot and added below the text: "And prepare to meet thy God!" Cansh! an Ongn:: and CNsb::: What in the world is the :eaen yau will caugh and keep caughiag and still keep tryiag inferior medi cines when Beggs' Cherry Cough Syr up will positively relieve, yonr cough at once ? This it no advertisiag scheme, but an actual fact, aad we guarantee it. Oi Vuckman, druggist. For chilblain and f rest-bites ucc Chamberlain's Pain. Balm. When promptly applied to the frazen parts it will pi event the skin from turning black or peeling off. It allays the itching and smarting ef chilblains and soon restores the part ta a healthy condition Far sale by i Fas hay it Miteon, List yonr lands and ciW Drooertv for sale at the Willamette Valley Land Agency's office in the St. Charles hotel block. Schnltz Jk Henderson. A fine stock of Knclish and honev comb roomie buggy lap robes. Fly nets and summer goods at the leading harness dealers, Thorn ioa A Over man's. Delicious dried beef at Brwnell .1- gUuard's. SIIILGH'S . VITALIZE ..-. you need for constipatioa, lass af ap petite, dizziness and all a PTnnf ms af dyspepsia. Price, 10 and 75 ceate aer bottle, toshav A-Mason If ran want a cleia ami ft I ask for J. .Useph's home made hiu labor cigars, tor sale bv most cirar i (tiers and at J. Joseph's faetory, J MANUFACTURE OF MUMMIES. They are Made to Order Now by the Cheating: Arabs. I find that it is no longer necessary to g digging in the musty catacombs for Rameset or any of his cotempor ariee. We caH have them made to order by two very clever Arabs, v ho will furnish kings, queens and princes at very reasonable figures. I have had the distinguished honor of beit g present while this manufac ture astoiiiohed my eyes. A dead man was hi'uuht ni'o the shop at tifiurnali, u the Nile. 1 think the Aiahs paid threo. shillings tor bun, or in the native money what tin ec shillings would represeiit. The body was put on n slab aud the entrails weit remove 1. The brain was drawn through the irobtrha in pre cisely the am uiam.er as llcrodotui describes the embalming process in his Euterpe. Alter that " the corpse ' was thrown rudely into a large Vit of brine. After remaining there lor a period of fifteen days it was re moved find hung by the heels fretn a rafter. A small brazier was jut under the head aud filled' with some sort of sweet-smelling wood aud fiivd. Afier this all the doors were closed and the corpse was smoked liko a ham. In ten hours this operation Mas completed, and I beheld a most re markable change. The body had turned almost black. It was shrunken fully one third. Tue features were pinched just like those of a mummy, and it bore the appear anccs of great age. Some aromatic drugs, the nature of which he did not learn, were then prepared, and the corpse was filled with them, a id by the same process that the brains were removed the skull was filled with a gummy substance smelling like sandalwood. A mummy cae, made the day before, but looking ready to fall apart from old age was produced, and the corpse of the peasant, previously painted aud gilded, was pnt iu it, and a long scroll of archmcnt was prepared by one of die rogues, giving a history of the dead man's - eds some time dur ing the reign of Thotmex, about 1405 B. C, when, iu ta-j?, be was a few days before gasping his Ust breath on the burning sands near itnirnab. The body I saw prepared sold, I think for 40 to the Aeadcniy del Sciences in Paris. I.appiiicMt and Coniriif turtii, I. K ii not jjo ham' m baud it hc L'k on tot- datk ide of every little obstacle. Nothing Mil' so darken li.'c and make ii, a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dybptpsia Tablets wi;l cure the worst lot lit of l pe.Ma. (.'constipa tion and J ndiesti.iii, ; n.l nwUe iiiu a happiness s.u.1 pleasure. ''l at 25 aud 50 cents by l-Vsmu V Mason. Vtt'Caii ami LUt Guarantee Aci.c:' J!.ia;l I'iixir tor it has been fully t.iMioi;Mr:itd to the people of this c. uutry that it is superior t ail other pn-j a iai ion. for blood di.-t.ss'.v. Ii it. a irive euro for syjhilitic j--' -'i.i':. v.ieers, erup tious '!: piii pi- .-. Il ('ini'h's the whole systt-m m..; :::;.. i.-l-.ly builds up the coiisut.i'ioii. I'lmplrs mi l!ir Dcro 5 an impure state i.t the bio' d and i. looked upon by n:auy witk susici : . Acker's Blood E.ixir will remove . impurities and leave tha eiimii:. : -too th and clear. There i nirl tu.it w.' -i' hiiihi i.n t'li I.. '.:' 'ui tft f.fc,: '11 !: V. il.; I- - : lioiomhly I'lirity aud 'Tltl.- Sold V Msort. nti ! H I iii:.:t. At t'nv Wi'I.in.ett- Ysiliey Land Agency's (ii!i i-in the Sr. Charles hotel block, Alnui.y. Or-goii, a large lisi I !;iim!k and farms for sale; iilcily property. SCHNLTZ il llEKl)KliS N. A Fortunate DrnrrlM. 3Ir. Edwin W. Joy a prosperous druggist on tho corner of Stockton and Market streets, in San Francisco, probably never dreamed of rivaling iu wealth the medi cine kings of the country. But various rumors having been floating around to tho effect that he has struck it big, an Examiner reporter was detailed to unearth the cause. It seems that about seven yean ago an English physician, a great student of Bot any, located in this city. II is practice was not extensive, and yet the few rases that came to him attracted no little atten tion. Ills great success seemed to tic in the treatment of liver and kidney disorders aud vitiated blood. Ho seemed almost infallible, and his well-kept secret was as much amy8tery as himself. After his de parture Mr. Joy determined to fathom tho secret, and copying all the prescription he had filled for tho erratic doctor, he began a systematic analysis. He discov ered running all through the prescript ions for liver and kidney troubles, vitiated blood and stomach disorders a couple of. vegetable extracts indigenous to California so simple and so well known under home ly every day names to every school boy as to entirely dissipato tho RU-piHon that they were the active principles involved. So certain, however, was Mr. Joy f hat bo had discovered tho secret that h embod ied the new elements in a preparation of Sarsaparilla to disguise the taste, nd put it before his customers under the modest name of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Im mediately the same stories came back of Its astonishing effects, and the mystery was solved, and the talk it. has created has already caused it to step into prominence, and orders pour in daily from all over the coast. And thus another California indus try leaps into existence. 5. '. Examiner A fine line of diamonds, includ ing -ar rings, inlaid gold watch", tinsrer rni5?s. . inst onencd at II. Imviti' C-j uml Ke Ids new jewt lrv of latest patterns. ' - Eight shaves for $1 at Vicri.-k's. 1 1) r I r 1l - I : V t .vr-- --r-