Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, April 12, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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. 4c C. U. a. TIM it TABIC
Cal. e.r.
KaKMW ex
11:15 am 'J;!
uu, 1'ortld lu loam
Tie Wstsr Supply t Be Investigatsd
M are CoibmI for tht Injunction 8nit-
lArriveu Depart i Arrives
fi'alajexp ! 7:45pm I 5pmAshlan19.0Qam
h.tHfua ex j 1 2;'Apm i 1 2. 40pm I t'ui:erie,2 40pm
l"reiv.t 1.30pm I Huron n.flfttm
N Kreiht received foifsouth.after 11,. a.
the name day.
Arrives Departs
fameaeer ' ll.5am1.0D p m
!CtH... 1 5.6puii6.50
jrtrnsi; about twj.
rbor day.
Tue circus to-day.
I'armiA MeMahon's admission is
only 50 cents. Children 25.
Machinery lias been added to
the Mill City ftaw-inills for tl e
manufacture of laths.
'The Willamette stands at 20
;nc iks above iow water mark, and
t te river tratlic is lively.
Several more tramps were run in
yesterday by City Marshal Hoff
1'iai), and they will be put to work
on the ftreets.
During the absence of Prof. E.N.
Condit at McMinnville his classes
at the college were taught by Mr.
Alfred Wheeler.
J. i. Gross, of Waterloo, :s in
tnecity. lie states that summer
tourists are already making their
appearance there.
Yesterdav morninc's rvrlni1 property
train had 72 second-class passes- j n"ect with that se wer.
gem. inerusii ot immigrants to
Oregon continues.
The McKanlass company, old ! Judge Boise Denies the Motion to DissoWe
iavorites in Alhanv. will play at; .1. t
the oiera house on Wednesday tke lDtl0n'
evening, April 17, 18S). I - . . , , .
i , ,. . I Judge Boise has rendered a de-
lne Dalles had a big fire featur-; rimn in .. r a ii vi..,i...h
.1-.. : .i.:u . t ii:-n....i i"-. .uaiKiuui
my hi which me uignianu nur-
The city council met in
session last evening.
In the absence ot Mayor Cowan,
Couucilman Burkhart va9 elected
mayor pro tern. Councilmen Grad
wohl, Tabler, Deyoe and French
Committee on streets and public
property reported favorably upon
petitions of Black and Clark, fcr
sidewalks in front of lots 1 to 3 in
Iock78and lots 3 and 4 in block
Sarue committee reported fftvnrn-
ii . . -
oiy upon petition of L. II. Montan-
ye for extension of sewer on Broad
alhin street.
The reports were aJopted and
the work ordered done.
J. K. Weatherford, counsel for
t ie city in the injunction suit
brought by A. H. Marshall, made
a statement of the situation of the
suit. On motion of Councilman
French a committee consisting of
Gradwohl. French and Deyoe were
apointed to employ assistant
counsel in the case.
The committee on health and
police were instructed to look into
the matter of the emptying of the
Calipooia street sewer into the Cal
inooia above where the city water
works pump the water for the city's
The Marshal was instructed to
ascertain how many of those who
had been ordered to connect with
sewers had failed to do so, and re
port. The recorder was instructed to
advertise fur bids to lay a sewer;
from the Broadalbin street sewer
to the east line of the street be- i
I tween 7th and 8th streets, to allow
owners in block o2 to;
WASHIiT. STttt'KT fcltADE.
statb nitrvrcHKs.
Cipt. Jabs Mnllta' .Examination of Oregon
Claims Pioneer Dead.
Special to the Hmalu.J
Salem, April 11. Captain Jno.
Mullan, claim agent for Oregon,
California, Nevada and Washing
ton territory, left to-day for Wash
ington, D. O. lie has been sever
al day examining the state records
to ascertain the amount of interest
paid by the state on bounty relief
bonds and other war claims which
the state Has against the govern
ment, with a view to preparing evi
dence to present to the board of
examiners of the war department
and securing the allowance. In
18(55 Oregon issued relief bonds to
the amount of $93,(337 and boui.ty
bonds of $137,700, and Captain
si u nan states mat ine interest on
these bonds now nearly equals the
Rev. Samuel Miller, a Cumber
and l'resbj terian inir.ister,residing
miles southest of fccio, dropped
dead of apoplexy yesterday even
ing at Amity, Yamhill county.
The body was brought here this
evening by the Odd Fellows of
Amity and were taken to Jelfersor.
tie was an old settler, !2 years
age and a prominent irohibitiot -
ist. lie leaves a wife and seven
11 a
ciiiuiren. lie was on the wav to
the conference at Lafayette when
he died.
Teachers' InnlUute.
The teachers and friends of edu
cation throughout Linn county are
hereby notified that the teachers'
institute for the third judical dis
trict will be held at McMinnville.
beginning the 3uth of April and
continue through a three days'
session. As this district includes
Linn county, it is expected that a
number of teachers from this county
will be present. Every teacher
should consider the imixVtance of
a good institute and should attend
t'rawfordsvllle Metes.
Crawfordsville, April 8.
Everybody is busy, and things
are moving along lively.
Mr. Joseph Glass has a very sere j
hand, caused by a large carbuncle.
Mr. J. Wine and family moved
here a few days ago lrom near
The public school commenced
here to-day with Mr. George Fin
lev as teacher.
Mr. J. II. Scott and Rev. R. Robe
started to Lafayette to-day, to
attend the Presbytery.
ine roaus are getting goou, a
few loads of lumber has been
brought out from the mill above
Miss Maud Hume, Miss Emma
Blanchard and Miss Martha Acock,
ot Brownsville, visited friends in
this place last week.
Mr. II. B. Derrick and wife went
to Albany last Tuesday, Mr. Der
rick returned Thursday and Mrs.
Derrick went on to Portland.
Several teachers from here and
near here attended the Institute a
Albany, most all of them com
menced schools this morning.
Our toH n was visited last week
by many from Brownsville, Harris
burtr, llalcsey, Coburg and other
places. A new lodge of I. O. O. F.
being the attraction.
The jHiople of this country are
anxiously awaiting developments
concerning the Narrow Guage road.
The way it has been running it is a
grand nuisance. We would be
glad if it would pass into other
hands. But what this country
needs is a branch road from the
Southern Pacific line starting at
Ilalsey, and running up into the
mountains, so as to tap the tinrilier
belt. It is a fine country to biild
a road through, and the cost would
be nominal compared with other
places. There is immense bodies
of timber along the route. There
is considerable grain raised on rern
in mills were burned to the ground
entailing a loss of $20,000.
A party of traveling street musi
cians gave a very good concert on
l ira street last, raking in
many dimes and nickels.
An effort is being made by the
xople of Crawfordsville to induce
the Southern Pacific railroad com
pany to build a branch road to that
place, a distance of 13 miles.
Mrs. Ellis Knox, who has been
very ill, was rejKrted better yester
day. Her daughter Ida was sum
moned by telegraph and arrived
by yesterday morning's train.
Messrs. Tweed-ile & Redtield
oiu yesterday to E. J. Lanning six
i n in aoutn Albany, the
against the City of Albany enjoin
mg the work of grading Washing
ton street, denying the motion ni
the city's attorneys to dissolve the
injunction, holding that the injunc
tion should hold until the case is
tried, Tdiis sjmply continues a
temporary injunction uihjii the
work until the cae comes up at
the June term of the circuit court
for trial.
which has to go to Browns
when it is in his power to do so. ' Y.:110 ?'' ily to be shipped.
Ask vour directors whether vou j A1,ere ls considerable manufacture
ran attend and explain the bene-1 ,n rnoil on in this valley and an
tits to be derived from such work : j opening for a great deal more if we
if you are desirinir to make a hsl sl"PP" facilities. - There is
r lZ S"1 "unes OI ""-"en- Having opened a studio in Flinn's
i" Vi, V"'V- i 0,oc Wl" 8lve instructions in land-
fo :ill together 1 hink there is , 8cape oil ThuM interestea. an inoucemeni ior a roan into j ille oii -,.;.;,,, in.:taA .,.
success of your work take advan
tage of these opportunities to im
prove yourself. Supt. McEIroy is
in earnest when he says he expects
a goou representation fr
county, so let us all cro,
body is invited to attend, teachers,
patents and school officers.
L. M. Curl,
Co. ?upt. Linn Co.
KH:;r 10: ,000 BOXES Op
The King of Soaps.
100 Ladies' engraved gold watch
es. 25 set9 solid silver table forks,
25sets Gorham solid silver ta
ble spoons.
50 dozen Gorbam solid silvei
tea spoons.
25 sets extra heavy plated table
25 sets extra heavy plated table
100 dozen extra heavy plated
tea spoons.
100 dozen ladies' fine fans.or cel
luloid toilet sets.
100 celluloid 9 inch carver sets.
100 subscriptions to Scribner's
100 subscriptions to New Fashion
200 stamping outfits, complete.
1000 lightning can openers, for
square or round cans.
10,000 King cook books.
ll.OoO elwgant guts
Albanv Is On the
88,050 packages of toilet soaps.
The total value of these 11,950
elegant gifts, if purchased singly,
would amount to over ten thous
sand dollars.
They make this large gift as a
measure of appreciation to those
now using the king of soaps, and
also as an expression of confidence
in its merits, in the expectation
that any person once using it will
find it so helpful an article that
hereafter it will be found almost
indispensable in. tfae household
Tiie Spring Poet Is Abroad !
This is the ship that's built aright,
That has been going daj and night
Bringing goods from everv eliiae
Bought tor cash in the nick of time
To please the buyers at Wallact, Thompsoa
r -:
rievmlern Dajn l uilrr tValrr.
The body of James Burns, the f -'
i.i i i . . i
jcr-uiu ooy wno was urowneu on
the toot of Oak street while play
ing with a companion on the fore
noon of Saturday, March 23, was
recovered in the river near Ash
street yesterday afternoon, savs
the Oregon'an. The hodv was
worth 55 cents at
in ooutn .- man v. me price
paiu uu. ihe lots pur- een lloating in the river by a deck
based he near the hlkics falls. hi.ind rn ih
Secretary Noble has
IS. F. Kayser and wife, of Mario:
Illinois, as superintendent n
matron, respectfully, of the Indian '
.school, Warm Spring, Ortgon. .
Farini & McMahon's circus will j
xhibit at Albany on Friday, April j
J2ili. Durinir Mc.VlaiMn's Ih-i i
i uauu on ine sreampr iinnt :r
appointed ; alout 5 o'clock. Several men pass
to lortiani, the Oregorian
'.MoAluhon'rt circus is doine ;t
otlice business and deserve
The machinery for the woolen
mills is being removed from th-
ars in which it was ship(H-d and
placed in the warehouse ot the
lied Crown Mills, to await the
construction of the woolen mill.
buildings. TIiom who witnessed the :irciih
;en"orniance at Corvallis yesterdav
pronounce it lirst-class. It is un
old time one ring circus, with good
tumbling and riding, and some o:
the most daring trapeze ierform
ance? ever seen in a circus.
ing by in a row boat were hailed
and by them the bodv was secured
by tying it to a pile at the Ash
street dock. The coroner was then I
notified and the remains were I
taken to the morgue, w ere they
will be prepared for burial. It is
somewhat ot a mystery where the
b-jdy has been all this time. It
will be nrmembered that the rivvr
was dragged in the vicinity of the
bUpposed drowning, and "in addi
tion Captain Paul Boytou exploded
several dynamite bombs, but all
without avail. The parents of the
unfortunate boy live at the corner
of Fourth and Salmon streets.
t.xr:iriun Iw Itir Irani.
Wheat is
Canyon City hopes to have a Na
tional bank soon.
Sheep shearing has commenced
in Morrow county.
It is said that the O. U. N. Co.
will construct a new brick depot at
Oiegon has eightv granges, with
a total membership of 3200, and
tn "iimoer is increasing everv
Weton Leader: There is some
talk of organizing a joint stock
company and building a line oi
street cars from the deot to the
luot of Main street.
The L.g'e asserts that over 200
buildings will be constructed in
Milton oefore the snow flies. We
Iiojks Si), but isn't the Eagle soar-
i m a littlo high in its figures? '
Iu Tacoma there is a drug store j
nxt door to an undertaker's estab-1
Linn ! tn's va''e.v 111 the near future
.-x luv'i ij inane i:ai ur iioiuiei IM
the laughing stock of the ladies.
Do not wear one when you can get
the best work, the latest styles and
the lowest prices at Mrs. Merie
Davis & Co.'s new millinary and
notion store. Room No. 1, Stra
ban's bloek.
at her moms and examine her
me, which include views
1 liree listers, Oregon
Multnomah Falls. Mt,
This is the train with its precious freight
That met the ship atfthe dockyard crate
'ofPThei And caid the goods with lightning speed
. I TCll xl l-j. ..VI .1 a 1
I many others. Charges for lessons
win ne reasonable.
Tue "Pacific Argand" ranges both
Tour and six hole. An Eastera stove
made especially fur this coast's truda.
Sld only by He: W. Smith, Albany.
Be sure and see the Imported
Percheron Stallion "Bouittant," at
the City reed stable, on 4th street.
city Fails. , lill the thouirht it would tump the track, indeed.
l.t n u.ian (lm I.... ... 4- II.. II. . 'I'!
s '" "oc iuyj at l iiuuipnou
The latest Mother Hubbard jerseys
with belts at P Cohn'; also tlie
largest and prettiest line of -eady
made baby's c!othinr.
Delicious dried besf at Brownell dt
First-class work dune at Win
Mack's barbershop. Shaving 15
A iiosilire cure lor catarrh. Umliiliriia
ii'id t anker innuth, Kor ss!e by Ko
hay & Mhsou.
Fortjniller i Irrius hT just
opened a beautiful iian of k and
Put npexpresdy f..r Julius!' Grad
Jwohl and sola at hi Goldea.
Rule Bazaar ia
(guaranteed to be first-r-hws
in every Kcspect.
TKWMttSAL nt:.Tio..
Mrs. W. B. Barr, of this city, is
visiting in Salem.
Rev. E. J. Thompson of Corval-
lis was in the city yesterday.
Cass Humphrey, state printing
xpeit, of Saiem, is in the city.
C. C. Cherry, the rustling iron
manufacturer of Tacoma, is in the
Prof. Thos. Condon, of the State
university at Eugene, was in the
city yesterday on his return from
ins trip to i aquma.
Mr. C. 1). Bales and wife, of An
Sable, Michigan, are spending a
tew days with Mr. Bates' brother-in-law,
Mr. Fred Blum berg, in this
W. C. Tweedale.J. F. Backen
to and W. E. Gillett of this city
have been elected delegates to the
I. O. O. F. grand lodge which
meets at McMinnville on May 15.
Mrs. Daniel Leedy has gone to
Marysville, Tennessee, to visit rel
atives and to be present at the
graduation ol her son, John Leedy,
who has been attending college
Rev. E. U. Prichard, Rev. E. N.
Condit, Win. Fortmiller of this
city, J. II. Scott of Crawfordsville,
and O. P. Harvey of Brownsville,
returned to this city Thursday
Arrangements were concluded by
t'fie I. O. O. F. fraternity of this
c tv yesterday for a jirand excur
sion to the front on the eastward !
extent-ion ot the Oregon Pacific
railroad on the 2th inst., it. being
the occasion of the celebration of
the 70th anniversary of Odd Fel
lowship in America. The train
will leave Albany at 8 a. m. and
return about 4 r. m., and will run
as far as Gatesville. The Odd
"uui. i,p tiiaim, uirecuy over i tn:: ravines, etc. (.all and s?r Ihem.
the drug store, is a doctors office ' A new line of tine w.H.paptr with
and across th street thev are about ; borders to match have been opened at
to start a marble yard for the sale t Fortmiller & Irving'. Tlier arc new
i of monuments. j n,"l h-gant deniu-s. Call and see
i . .. I mem
. .in acciunui iKiin-iif ij on me
''ark Martha Fisher Wednesday, i
which came near bnishnii! the
earthly career f two lomrshore
men. A tub of coal had been hoist
ed up and swung out over the dock
to dump. By some means the
tackle became fouled and the tub
failed to dump and swung back
over the hatch wav, throwinz the
; . . .
L t i -ii : . "ii mo nirii uiiii neiu
i ciiuBD ui .-ieiu mm iwniu aic I ,iri. ,i,
1 ivvitiiftiM irutJMlll
! in the excursion.
Improving the Kivrr.
The governmert snag lioat Wil
lamette is proving herself a good j
boat in swift water and bad bars,
which are to be found on the upper
Willamette. She made the run
from the mouth of the Luckiamute
to Oregon City in eighi hours, one
stop of half an hour. Recently she
ran from Albany to Corvallis in
three hours, which is exceedingly
good time. The Willamette draw's
twenty-seven inches and consumes
half a cord of wood an hour.
One of them re
ceived a severe cut on the bead,
and another one wax hurt on the
arm. Astoria Pioneer.
ii is n zooA l.o liok at. Hie tht-r-mometei
this '-c:.r to iud:re of winter.
i The ouir thinir to iruidr , vou is
licit V StHiiard'4 iirices. which
are always down to zero.
For chilblain and frost-bites use
Chumbcrlain's Pain Balm. When
promptly applied to the frozen parts
it will the. k.n from turning
bl.ick or peeling ofT. It allays the
itchiuir and smartinir of chilblains
and soon restores the part to a healthy 1
cuu union ror sale nyjSteii:ty V
Mason. t
The t'lrrw
Has arrived in all its glory. So
our cousins and auuts and everv-
ooay else can enjoy themselves
eating some of our famous genuine
California cream cheese. We have
just recieved a nice lot. The Wil
lsinette PackiDg Co.
Hue Ruller.
(iilt Eige Butter received fresh
every day. We have also just re
ceived a nice line of new delica
cies. Premium Point Oysters, split
peas, Hearts Ease Cocoa, clam
chowder, pickled herring, and an
endlesa variety of good things
which we will sell cheaper than
any house in the city
selling those fine vinegar pickles
at 25 cents per gallon. Willamette
Packing Company.
Madtfea Ueath.
It is learned that Rev. S. F.
Miller of Scio fell dead suddenly at
mity V ed new lay evening of heart
remains were taken
disease. His
trom Lafayette, wtiere tney were in to Scio yesterday, where the funer
al tne i resiiytery ol i al will be
The Boys VapiureU.
two bovs. Willie Ellis
;-ted by the I. O.O.
r ., ot whicu order he was a mem
ber. He leaven a wile and family.
alu; Ijirur lavalrr.
Charlie Gammer, who are wanted ; .Stewart fc nk yesterday re
in East Portland for burglarizing a eeived and stored in "the old Salva
igar store there, were capture-i : tion Army Pall fifty tons. of binding
above Lebanon yesterday ty W. i twine. Evident ly'thev are on the
C. Morgan, city marshal ot l'.ast , track ot a "trust.'' at least thev
Portland, and Deputy 1. . Mar
shal George Humphrey. They
were brought to this city, and will
!e taken to Fast Portland for trial
to-day. They are yontbiiil otfend
rs nnd are beginning enm j early
in life. I
can be trn-ted t turnish twine
enough to b'nd.i lew acres of grain.
Warr Llchl.
(Senuine Pear! cohI oil l.()
decree tire test, $1.25 per five g..l
loti can. Wiilanietie Picking Co
The Milton Eagle says the
Grande Konde branch of tin? O. i:
W. T. railroad is likely to run from
Milton, direct to Walla Walla, and
not ironnect with the Waiia Walla
Are We to ttvr Aaatner
8me political prophets aver thi.t i
we shall. Be that as it may. the bat
tle waed by medical science araiust
i disease will never cease until we ar
rive at the Utopian epoch when the
human family shall cease to be atHct
ed with bodilv ailment. One of the
mot-1 potent weapons
mory of medicine furnishes,
tetters Stomach Bitters,
special utility as a family remedy, as
We are still 11 18 MaaPlea t0 the immediate relief
i ana ultimate cure oi mofie aisoraers
of the stomach, liver and bowles which
are of commonest occurence. Indi
gestion, biliousness and constipation
are inseparabla companions, as these
ailments are completely eradicated by
the Bitters. But the remedial scope
of this superlatively wholesome and
genial medicine takes in also nervous
ailments, rheumatism and kidney
troubles; its action in these, as in the
! A
. - - .. " ' f ' f rT i i V'gaj f ijj
Because he knows that his dear wife is
just commencing to work him for
something you know how it is
yourself but when
This is the store, as firm as a rock,
That holds the goods front the seaport dock.
' ah spread out by a careful hand
rsnes? isiios!! LAIcJIto I fAlc)c. Mids abricH of our own dear laad,
T,V WITH i 1 o ple
Dr. J. B. Pilkiniiton will be at
the Revere House, Albany, all day I
Tuesday, April 16, 1880. ' All sut- j
ferers from severe dyspepsia, neu
ralgia, catarrn, rneumatism.orany other complaints, being characterized
eye, ear, chronic, nervous, uterine ' by uuequalea tono
please the buyer at Wallace, Thompson & Co's
or rectal disease will be given
special free examination and opin
ion. The "incurables are particu
larly invited. References: Jas.
G. Cherry. Frank Wagner, Mell
Young, Kev. Israel Ca-lton, of
Lebanon, R. A. Rampy, of Harris
burg, and more than fifty other
eti known citizens of Linn county
0Lrit ALBtY.
iitDealcra ja H thn latest im proved
pianos, oryans, sewing machines.guns.
also a full line of warranted razors,
hntcher and poeket knives. The best
kind of sewing machine oils, needles
nnd extras for al! machines. All re
pairing in the above j, lines neatly and
reasonably done.
A most desirable and beautiful j
location for suburban residences, I
owing to its natural advantages and
nearness to the center of business.
Compare the size, location, view
and access to and from triee lots
and you will be convinced of their
merits. 1':l1I eui-lv on.l .. '
. . .. . . . . mb... . t v. v. ' i j a
home before the advance in price.
Apply to Tweedale & Redtield.
au'ents. First door south of post-oilicp.
fcoinriaiiiK I but' ew.
T , 1 ........... m.. ... ..- M.ilAVt cii lll?
1 he Imported Percheron Stalhf.n I faetiirv. in:iehiiwB rr i,Q
Louittsnt, in iv be found the fact ure of woven wire matin es
last j l each week at the City Feed , and is turning ivit some No 1
st.ifi.3 on 4:li street, Albany. i i-af.resses; so if vou want a Rood
mattress that is the place to h'ud
Opening 01
Latest Spring I Styles
Buy joursiectat-li-e ut F.-cjoLV
FOR 1380
And following days.
Their husbands don't look that way,
because there are no extravagant
prices on their goods. Everything ;
is good; everythiuk is cheap; make j
. Home happy, inake
By trading at the economical store
where the rule of good goods and
low prices knows no exception.
Don't forget that tt mple of economy :
is at
Biwaoll f& Stanard's-
4'onlrartor a ad Kaildrr
L in Alluny snliciu iMtronare from aiir
and country. Will contract to build bridge,
harns, and all manner of aVHliuf fanunn. '
in -liming Oueeii Anne, Easitiake and Klir.a- !
tieMiian Hti le of buildiui. Will furniira j
Plans and specification free of char?. Satia
f iction guaranteed "rTV. C. f'.ASSEU I
. I
corporate 1'iuitM of the city ot AHany, a :
sniMI sorrel home, both hind feet white, has j
saddle marks. The owner can hare the !
me by railing Juo. S:limeei''s lierv
qtalilo and navinir chiirypH. !
ublu by that t -rrible coiiirh. ShilohV
cure is the remedy fur you. Foliay A
ntrnclrr aud ItulMrr.j
l-Jspe -in-atiom and dstails for aM kim!.- of
'mildiiiiatnl archite.-tnre. All workjprompt- i
lv done and suarintejd ta bo irst-i:l at. K i
tiniates furniKlit-d on chart notice fr trick
ixi.Mirui, raiideucei, palilie bui'4iu,-i,
bridra, e'a.
Coloreil ifIus"S in all
strles at F. M, Fiemch'i.
shades suit!
Jliis is the press of modern make,
tCuu with such speed the l afters shake,
Jhac spreads tlie news in town and state
Aud tells ot what has been done of , late
Jo pkase the bujers at WaiJace, Thomson Co