THE HOUNIKG HERALD: SUXDAr. APRIL 7, 3889 The nodes of death's approach are various, and statistics thow conclusive ly that more persons die from disease of the throat and lunga than any other. It U probable that everyone, without . exception, receives vast umbers of Tabeicle ucrros into me aysiem aau whera these perms fall upon suit hie oil ttiey start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a frtteht tickling f ensation in the throat a:id if allowed to' continue their ravages they extend to the lun?s pro 4acing consumption and to the head, raiiMiiisr catarrh. Now all this is uerotii and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. A t the onset ou must act with promptness; allow in a cold to sr without attention is , rf:in!rerona and may lose you your I I f?. As soon as you feel that some- j t'linj? is wrong witn yourmroai, iuus or uoittrils, obtain a bottle of Boachee'a Gdrman Syrnp. It will give jou iin mediate relict THE MARKETS. 1 LB AST QUOTATIONS. Wheat 70 Oats 2530c Flour t4:2L pei bbl Potatoes 25c Eggs 15c Butter 2Tc. Lard 12J15c. Wool i617c. Hams 12j-l5c. Shoulders glOc. Bacon 12 14c Hay Timothy, f 12, oats and cheat. 8. Apples (ireen, 751.00 per bu. Plums Dried, 5c. per B. Apples dried bleached 5c sandried 8 c. Chickens 12.503 50 Hides Bcf hides, greep, 5 , 10 c : deer skins, 20c; sheep pelts, 10 30?, according to wool. Beef 2(g4c gross. Mutton 200 per head. - j Hogs 67c, dressed. in the world is J the reason . Vip - ' A Perfect Laxative 'gh! and t'Nxb!! Cosh!!: Wha! yon mi 1 cou:h and and 9ti tl keep trying keep coughing; inferior medi- I Whea Baby waa ate. i when Begi'" Cherry Couch Syr- i i will positively relieve your cough ( at once ? Tliis it ni advertising . Fcheute, hut an actual lace, and we KuaranteeJ it. Uw 1 BUcLinan, draggist. cuittt Killed. Another child kitle 1 bykthe fuse of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give, their children such deadly poisou is sur Drain? when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Auker a Bxhy boother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Foahay & Mason. We gave her Castoria. TVhf a she was a Child, She cried for Castoria. ' When she became Miss, She clung to Castoria. When she had Children, She gav them Castoria. A hue line of white geese feathers i at I ho. Brink s. or purgat ive effects It should also incite the liver to actioti, lid diges tion, and elievethe kidneys. Like nothing else, Paine's Celery Compound is a perfect laxative and cuies const pat:on where all other remedies fail. "As a geutle laxative Paine's Cele ry Compound ia surely without a peer I think I ought to know, since I have tried remedy after remedy for about six years, and have found nothing that equals it in my case of costive ness." J. B. Jenkins, Teacher, Cloyd's Creek, lenn. should be J Paine's Celery Compound is pro m mild, and and pleasant. As a laxative it leaves prompt little to be desired. I have great and pleas- I confidence in its merits." ant, with j Albert Lxanabd, Asso't Editor' no griping Jour, of Pedagogy, Athens, Ohio. Oil WW IMI "For two or three years years I suffered ioteusely with severs pains in my bowels, which were habitually constipated. My bowels are now regular, and I have had no leturn of these pains since using one bottle of Panic's Celery Compound F. G. Sthkxey. Druggist, Havana, Ala. Moral: Use Paine's Celery Com pound aud stop ruining the intestinal tract with harsh purgative pills. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE LEKS FUE1TITTJEE irottreet, letween Feiryfat Waihii ton.f Allei.y, Oregon. CROSSEK d$PAISLEY, Proprietors. Druggists. SI. 00. Six for $5.00. Wells Richardson & Co. Borlinrton. Vt, SjHILGH'S VITALIZER is what to need for constipation, loss of ap- j petite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price. 10 and 75 cents per : ottie. tobiiay x Mason. For the finest baby carriages the city go to Stewart & Sox's. -e Removed rOSKPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS natrons and friend tftat he out be found n Funt Mr. et, in his new roan in Foshav & liasjn s brick, where ne is prepared so ac commodate the publirVlth anything in the toasoralline. . Hot or cold baths at all hours I ! Ttfiw4 TWs Are ths l,ilnPIe8t Dyi'smade. B.L;MUvingon Lactoted Food are Healthy. ! UtimVUSk MM A child can uve them. UiVm Happy and Hearty- It is unequaled r' T Xo charge for reserved seats at W. ! EWJy . j r.neaas; we wam to snow gocos. j IjM 1 1 " 1 1 1 f H I I H B WfS JJ ll u I natrons and friend tkat he out be round k . HZZZIZZ 1: IIRMY IRMI HfflRKS miiM ii aim! ICTi . O 1 1 1 111 f. I III fl 11 1 1 1 L( 1 llMXl IK II hll V Zl Vi H II U 1 1 II '"J I A 1 1 I 1 "H COM. ANY i g rj j Albany Oregon Wj Lj " I4) I r.o tr cp.tAl . 1 m Ml El ! ! I II I K fl I 1 B I I ! 1 -.- - -' I i r.iii.i;; j TO CALL AT TI IK - j j J j j STEWART & SOX -Dealers in- General Hermanns Restaurant. Hermann Diercks, Flop. THIS RESTAURANT IS NOW OPENED TO the public in the Saltniaroh buildint; be low the lU vrre House, where good meal will be served at all hours. Mr Iherck in. vites Bis old enstomen and the public veaer ally to call. The tables will be supplied with the best viands the barkrt afford, ttatistac tion (Tuarantee . Mr. Diercks was formerly proprietor of the River Ho Me restaurant, which he tan 011 the European p'ao.but found that pian didn't micceed. so he opened his present rcekaiRitit where he uaa (riven general oatisfaction. Person wanting- a nnit-clawni.-al vhou'd tro to Hermann's. 4TKo t hintMr emplwved. Hardware -AND- STOCKMEN AND FARMERS I hereby certify tliat Dr. 1 N. WondW h.. succtsMiully cpcrud on my ridpling hre . v ISAAC HATS. tor further -eference tu retard to ridctinuit intmire of I:ivv 'cujoon, Win. PcterMn,Leb anuii; John Hardmaa, Alfred Wclverton, A. ui , oiiu wLum, ccio; iu. roster Pnne villc. I practice vetcrinnry meuicine in Al bany ami country surrounding. Office and renidtiice confer 6th and Washington I. N. WOODLE, Veterinary Surpeoa. Agricultural wkmk. Iron, Steel and Coal Wagons and Buggies Hope and Cordage Blacksmiths9 Supplies Carpenters9 Tools) Builders9 Hardtvare Powder, Shot, etc. Giant Powder & Fuse Saws and Axes. Circus day at Albany, April 12. Mauiifacture'sttam engines, gri&t am! raw mill machinery, iron fronts and all kinds; of heavy and licht work in iron and brass castings. Special atten- J tiou paid (to repaiiiug all kinds of machinery. Patterns made on stort notice. I r. 1. w-rw 1, ,t c tr.cuA, rrwuiHii, n. otew art, secretary. SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL A. AVIIEELER, SPKIXGFIELD, PROPRIETOR. SPlilGFIELD OREGON f?"Alhany vard "anil office on Kailrnsdhetwecn 4ih and 5th strectsJ A.'hcflcr, Allsm,v Manager, ;liiviiig lumber not excelled in quality, tntt facilities not gurpa?6d forthe prompt and satisfactory fill'rii- or orders.! rr-snectfullvrolicit a share of the '.YHEELEK Garden and Grrass Seedsl Ati all Implements Used by Farmers : AGRICULTURAL DEPOT A NASAL INSECTOR fkke with esclChottle of Shiloh'o l atarrb Kem edy. Price Ui cents Fohay i Waon fisisTMiJini OF ALBANY. OREGON. PREsiDENi, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. TOUDg, cashier. E. V. LaDgdoa niRANSACTS A GENERAL! BANKING X BtbiiES&. Accounts kept cubjutt check. Sitht Exchangre and Telegrai.bu. Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, 8aa ancisco and- I'ortland.OreKon. ColietVvi!! made on favorable terms. S. E. Vorxu U E. Blair L. W. E W. Lasodon F. Powaix. Assistant Fuxn E. rcaa JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feed&Sale stable Corner Second and BUmcrtli .SY ALBANY, - . OliEOOy HORSMBOAKPKDbythedayormonti) Car riatces or buirtries on reasonable ttracj rent DEYOE & ROBSON, ALBANY. Proprietors? OREGON. Have 'removed into their new I uiW'iinjr and hur on lin'rtfditl e tvsrli ol 1SS A FULL LINE OF- I OFFICERS. Preeident Charles E. WolvertOh. Vide-Presiilent J. O. Writsmaii. Treaenrer J. V. Cusick. Secretary J. K. Elderkic. DIRECTORS. GARDENER'S AND CARPENTER'S TOOLS' The largettaot best variety of :''' 4" it. !. Mrahan, i;haH. K. WoUt--- j T TTT ' rArnri ; i ton. J. L. Cowan, I). 'P.. Alonteiti,, ' P W I T I ( ( l V ' J. W. Cusi. k, .1. (.. Vritsraan, .1 L VV VJlly.V. I nois Furniture lousei 1 K. FJderkin, Charles Monteith, C F. Siai6on. Strong's oId Coknew- SdfQ finnnrl nnrOTTTQtnro ' -AHjmmkIb are fresh and firt-i-la-8 UU1U UUUIil! I'UilCUi IUU1I0 and sold r.t bedrock j.rlreH fort-ash. A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People Paxscnize Heme Enterprise Come and be '"onvim ed. ; tsf Produce taken in ex'-hane "M: ' i Verv Fte pctfullv. j ' B A RDU B A "U N DERWCK 1 1. J. . MOTRR, PKTF.R lll'MK, W. R. KiRF, J.P. OALb HAITI!. BANK OF BROWNSVILLE. OREBOfl EAILWAJ andmMlLSi m CCr cm NAVIGATION CUMFAS11 f Columbia River Route . THOS. IBRINKj Best Line of Furniture In the Ciiv of Albanv ! Fancw Wicker Chairs Lounges Parlor Cornice Poles Mirrors, Feather Pillows Srino Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exten sion Tables Suits, STUDEBAKER I NEWTON 0:JLY FiflSTf CLASS HEARSEtflN THE CITY CMldren Cry forPiteWs Castoria Jl ttloi k, lorncr 01 9th ' and'. WuhhiLpu n FARM "V7AG01TS, HACSS AND SUGGIESB J2Z. "SZ In the. i-i-ntml Wlllan.elti. V.1W. OmW .tn n-Hwl,..,.... .H..tlM ,.A i e iiisiue lot; ,.rtf k Afc- .. .... : . --- j . . -, , nn.nn a shut;. foitlantl oiomptly rilled at lowest rates. (RKOROANIZKD JA.M'AHY, 1, t8b9.Jl Trai TICKETS' orthK: itUav' Hnrllanilt 8 a. m ana r. n. aauv. to oi:l troin princuial iiniM in Tn'ted Statea. Canada and r.urope. : ELEGANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS ninBt Sleeping Can Bu Threitfh m ExpreaTraiaa . COUNCIL BLUFFS ami ST.JPAUL 'reelf Ckance axt HHkoml Ckanae, CAPITAL 5T0CX, j And what you can't find at other houses, I have it. In factevery- thinc that is keiit m a hrst-class house. $25,000 j . 7 UTaitle.nnrt Walnut f hamher setn. Chairs. hJr?.rrr Lounae Etc., Etc.. at Prices that ColWi-tioiM made on rewiouable terms. lt. j poirite revived on current artounta unbjct A M M "T" D C I IMHC D GO I to ohek. ExchMiKe bcuKht nJ okl on Xea L. - IN VJ I DC J IN U C R O J I VJ . Yoi B, Chicago, San FraneiMO, Portland arxi " nrTVirTO Auiy. J. M. MOYKK, ! ALBANY - - OKEGOll J. P. Galbracti. 1'resWeLi. i Cashier. i ! I inn aiii1tt D - w It I liiiiiniiiiiiii hiiiik V 9eCoiiaection8 at Portland for San Kran eweo and Tuget Sound point. Kar further partirulara inquire of Curaau A Uonteitb, Pim Street. Albany. Oregon. TBota leave the O. It. J". Co. a harf, at the foot of Broad al bin utreet. on Tuewlav aa 1 idav of each week. C.G. KAWL12.0S. Local Apeat. n. 0. HOLCOMB. Ceeral Majaaa;er. A. V. M4XWBLL, i. P. A T. A. OREGON FERTILIZER COM PAN Y X. K. Cor. l"th and F streets, lOCTLAND,. - - ORKGON UASCFACTPREKS OY I'UItE ()NE MEAL Vor Orchards and Lawns. UONE PHOSPHATE, For Gardens and Grain. ALSO Granulated Bone for Poultry. Our fertilizers are made front Raw , Bones, no sand or other worth lees Material being used. Stewart 4 Soi, Agents, ALBANY, - - OREGON. I COWAN" RALSTON M CHrVEERAIN Albany. - Oregon Transacts a general bankinc banned. Draw sipbt drafts on New York, Han Fran incoand Portland, Or. Loan money on approved security. j Receive deposits subject to check. I Collections entrusted Ujrec oatDSattenf.. - 1 PALACE ,rp MARKET James V. rmi fcMrct t - PiPE,Prop. - Albany The best variety of ahoicf boef, eil.Riutt4n -rk saiioae, etc.,in the ci'y kciit e .i.Btaut y aa hind. The BUYERS' CUIDB is issued March and Sept. each year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for all who purchase the nxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you n f Ornish you with all the necessary and unnecessary ap pliances to ride, walk -lance, ideep, eat, fish, bunt, work, go to ohurch or stay at home, and in vaiious sizes, styles and quantities. Just nnre out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY. "d you can makeja fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' CUIDE. which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay poatace. MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO., 11 1 -114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. 7WHITiNG7 Artistic Painting, Banners, signs, designs, x en graving and mechanical draw Dgs. JSgTLeiterinc a pe -inlty. Kooms 8 and 9, Foster Block. Tulius Joseph Manufactauer of Choice Cipais AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Flue and f noi'Virp T1 a r oj. i. full line oi i ferfchain mr1 Eiiar riie'ip moktib' Articles.. A1m dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL... FRUITS.' Neitjooor to Bnrkhart A Keeney's Real Estate Office, Albany Ogn bookseller, Newsdealer, StationerjStar Mem AND DEALER IN i V iwp M(w j onunnr oitddi tia. e imi duuiio ami mmu mum,. Fine stationery, miscellaneous books, photograph andj autograph ul-i buniH, inkstands, inK, pens, pencils, etc. bnee: music, music books, and all kinds of musical merchandise. General News De -ot Mail orders promptly attended to. JULIUS GRADWOHL'S -) o(- 41m Staple FineGtesTO,(kkerj Tbal CAKES, PIES, ; Fresh Baked Breadf Every Day. fi. W. SIMPSOM DEALER IN- OKEGON PACIFIC. Curran t' Monteith have lots for eale on the installment plan, ranr in in price from to?10UQ. li.iiUk'rs eli-nild to .Smith Q Was-hlim-iu-V !ir turlrt-arjicuttri tcolr ii.d tjuildci'9 liaruMare. General Merchandise, DhY GOODS DRESS!GO DS CLOAKS FANCYiGOODS men's clothing hats and caps, furnishing goods boots and shoes, ladies and:childrens SHCES ALL AT LOWFST: PRICES. SHILOH'S COCGU ani conscmt tion sold bj us on. a guarantee. It cures . consumption. Foshay . & Mason. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER or Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Con sumption cure." For sale by Foahay A Mason. CROUP, WHOOPINO COUGH a.vd Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure, Foshy A Mason. AKE YOU MADE MISERABLE BT indigestion or constipation, diinc, loss of anrv-titv t1!ow skin? Shiloh's Vilaliaer w a positive cure. Foshay A Mason. HY WILL YOU couou. when Shiloh's Cure will eive immediate re live Price 10c.. 50c. and 1. Foshay "HACKMETACK, a lasting ass fraerant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cants. Foshay A Mason. SHILOH'S CURE wtll immediate ly relieve croup, whooping couffl" and bronchitis. For sale ty Foshay A Mason. CATARRH CURED, health and swfict breath secured, bv Shiloh's Ca tarrh Kf roedy. Price, 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Foshay A Mason. WILL YOUS SUFFER with hts. nepeia and liver complaint s?h;lnli's italizcr is siarnnteed to '.ore you. Foshiy A Mueon. GOLDEN RULE BAZAARfi He , 1 it tihijci 1 h tul t jil it ai it (lie FAMILY GROCERIES. AND GENERAL JHARDWAFE Koorer Bros'. Silverware,; Intrench, Oh.ina and Crvstalware- Boys' "Wacrons and "Ooll Carriaores. Fancy Groodsu and a General Asortmeiit oi Crockery. andTOYS. HeJJBuys Direct and Carries the Largest Stock;in the Willamette Valley lei on parte Franoais. Hier wirf deutch gesorochen. Cranbcmta, Fin Pidett, Driid Bttf CUpped t Order. Anchoty tUuttwd, Can&m ami Hut. Bottom Cwekwhtat Ftomr, Canned Qooda of All Kinds, Bohumien Cfutnan, Etc MM Ml The City Liquor Store, 3f. BAVMGJJIT, Proprietor. t3t Next door to the Odd F ellows' i n pic, Alt any, Oi .gonYS Keep constantly on hand the fiist-et iniiortel and domestic wines, liquors cigar " to'j'rxi Onlv lirst-clasf" li'iuorttore in -.c citv', SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID.TO ORDERS ROMiTHE COUHTRY j f. e. mm. "-T if OANYSQDAPRES Choice Confectionery, f AT VMIMOttB UTAUU j Albany, - U fiwn Milk1 NEW PROCES8" r!oU Ri ThsBestStorap ftcflitig CTTH KfinU grim cm nM ter wkwM U.MY a 4MtSMaJ