Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, March 14, 1889, Page 1, Image 1

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    - r II
OKEGOy, 4fflKSDAY MARCH 14 1881).
vo Can and Do
Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir tor it
has been fully demonstrated to the
people of this country that it it
superior to all other preparations for
blond diseases. It is a positive cure
for syphilitic poisoning, ulcers, erup
tions and pimples. It purifies the
whole system and thoroughly builds
up the constitution.
Haw Can Parents
allow their children to cough and
strain and cough and calmly say, "Oh
it's only a cold." and keep giving
them cheap and dangerous medicine?
until they are down with lung fever
or consumption, when they can he so
asrv relieved hy BEGGS' CHERRY
COUGH SYRUP? It has no superi
or, and few equals. Geo. L. Black
man, drugcist.
Camlloat to Mothers.
Every mother is cautioned against
giving her child laudanum or pra
goric; it creates an unnatural craving
for stimulants which kills the mind
or the child. Acker's Baby Soother
is specially prepared to benefit chil
dren and cure their pains. It is harm
less and contains no opium or mor
phine. Sold by Foshay & Mason.
ipp l In the Bad.
Is it not ' better to nip Consumption
the greatest scourge of humanitv in
the bud, than to try to stay its pro
gress on the. brink of the grave. A
few doses of California's most useful
production, will releive, and a thoN
ough treatment will cure. Nasal
Catarrh, too often the forerunner of
consumption can be cured by Califor
nia Cat-R-Cure. These remedies are
sold and'fully warrented by Foshay &
Gran aite f the Royal College of
London, England, also of the Belle
vue Medical College.
The Dr. has spent a lifetime of
study and practice and makes a spe
cialty of chronic diseases, removes
cancers, scrofr la enlargements, tumors
and wens, without pain or the knife
He also makes a specialty of treat
ment with electricity. Has practii ed
in the German French and Euglish
hospitals. Calls promptly attended
my or night. His motto is
2TOffice and resilience Ferry street,
between Third and ronrth.
1 class piano, sewing machine, the
latest music or artists' materials, will
find a bargain by calling at Mrs. B.
Hyman's. The pianos are fully guar
anteed for five years. The best
pianos made to stand the climate of
the Pacific coist. The New Ameri
can Sewing Machine will please most
fastidious. Tainting and music les
sons given there. Stamping, Em
broidery and Dressmaking done to
order. No. 115 1st St.. Albnnv. Or.
To Be Given J Away.
Cut ont this auveitiacment and Mnd it
J. LAHMEK& CO., Nurseryman, Toronto,
Canada, with 14 three-ccct Canadian, fi 21
two-cent American postage stamps, and thev
will send you by mail (postpaid) in good time
for planting in April or May next, your
cnoice of any one of tne following collection
of plants, and enter your name in competi
tion for the 0,99! 00 in gold thattbey are
giving away in order to introduce then- nur
sery stock.
Collection of Plants:
No. 12 hardy roses.
Ne. 2 2 hardy climbing roses,
N. 32 overbloomiugfrosM for house cul
ture. No. 4 2 dahlias.
No, 610 gladiola.
No. 6 -3 hardy grape noes.
No. 7 S raspberry plants, 4 each black ad
red. .. ; " ji . 'i j . i
No. 8 20 strawberry plants, 4 choive kioeV
No 9-6 very vhoico'planw four house cul
ture. ....
No, 106 cherry currants (re1). -No.
116 Lees prolific (black)
No, 12 6 white grape currents
All letters with this odTertisement enclosed
along with stamp fur any one . or more coi
tions of plants. wiU be numbered as they
rome to hand, and the sepdtrs of the Unit
thirteen hundred will rereivo gifts as follows:
1st $2N) 1 he r.ext a. 10 each.
2nd 100 ' The ntxt 40, 5 each.
3rd - f 0 ! The next 415, each.
4th so ' j hu-aaxt K20, 1 oath.
th 30 1 . : .
After W',000 letters have been rr-eeived, the
otmter of the r.cxt 1,10V letter will receive
gift aw follows:
1st $r5J.Next 10, 16 each
ind - I3.i f Next 1 5, i 10 arh
Krd - 76 1 Sex 40. s earh
4t a 50 Next 470, iZ fa h
ith ij i Net r-00. ?1 each
Aft ir 1C0.000 letrers have been received,
i- k.s of I ir a xt 1,000 letter will re-rft'ta-
fo.l :
aikI eacii Next 5 .$20 each
5, 4airt 5.. 75 mm h Next 15 10 each
6, 7 and fc. . . 50 t.u h Next :!4 3 each
9, 10. 11. 12. 26 ea h Xtxt 6!3 1 each
After 150,000 letters been received the
-ndeis of the bext 1.109 letters will receive
rifts a follow: t.
1 10l each Next 10 $20 each
2 75 eaeta j Next 25.... .. 10 ech
3 and 4 50 each Next 585 .. .. 2 each
Next 5 25 each Next 479.... 1 eaoh
Any person may scad any number of tirr"
for any of the above collections. - If 5 cent
itauips extra is seni, we w.U send in.:
aext a prin'ed lint of the names of all per-' .is
wJio are entitled to gifts.
We tiMkc tl.ii liberal offer to readers o tiie
Bn:n. Icrowins' it will not pa unow, but
our ubje-t is t" itro hire our stouk and build
trade. 4ur mailing points are Toronto
aiut Mirtibniount. nit., Hochester, N. Y..
Louisville, Ky., 1'Mi'ie.tville, O., and Chicago,
IlL, and we will guarantee all wo"k to reach
our customers in good condition. We employ
bo agents, bat deal direct with enstoiuer,
aad can sell and deliver stock to any part of
the United States or Canaaa at about one
half the price charged by other nurserymen.
through agents. Kememher we will not lie
undersold by any reliable firm. Send us a
list of wants and we will quote you prices: or
10 rents for a haixitime illustrated catal- v"'
which vou may deduct from vour first ortler.
Address H letter-,
J 1.AHMEK & CO .
Having purchased this well known store
carry an immense line ot
Stoves and General Hardware
Including the celebrated EARLY
stoves ana ranges, parlor and cooking stoves, a d ail kinds of kitchen
utensils! also a comlpete assortment of
tors and Gardeners' Tools
Pumps, hose, Copperware, tinware, ivd plumbers' goods a specialty. Ou
prices are guaranteed to be satisfactory. The public is invited to
call . nd inspect oar stock. Tweedale's building, Albany, Oregor,
Whar is
3 s r " -
Com torift fa "P Bnnfl PKoIict &Ai liBgmiew smd qniek.VBTi t
Infanta' ami Childyea' Cotaplain Snyrior toCotor C
Pajggorlo or Wajreotto SyrnpnT CMIdfm pyy for Ca-,t.rla. MiV
jUoo of Mqthaw blaoa Caatoria.
CastoAa nnl Cnlte; Cmstf patlan ;
Hmr Stomachy Dlorr&oea, Kmctstioat
(lirr healthy Bleep ; also nils dijestloa ?
UfithaOViuinwUii atePHfmiaim,
Tie Ld
Carries the Largest Line of Men's
and Jtoys' Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Etc, in the Wiltem
ettp Yallqy.
In! Hereto Tailoring Bepartment.
i Successor to E. W. Langdos
. i : V ': -'i !. '
L'mgs, Paints, Oils.
Perfumery and toilefcarticles.
alsu a foil line of books and
siatfonnry. periodicals, etc.
lT Prescriptions ; - carerall j
. '. - ''....-( .
Albany Oregon.
and added largely to their stock,
I"T recomnnaS Gsatoria for cMWrea,'':
complatnta, as superior torany prescripts
known to me. TSL A. AsoHza, JL p..
Ill So. Oxford BL, Brooklyn. N.K.
IThk CinwiAxm CacRAMT, 77 Uurrajr St, Sew Ycrb.
ing Clothier,
utely Pure.
Tblspowner nt ver vanes. A marvel
of puritv.etrenc'tb and wholesomeness.
More economical thau toe ordinan
kinds arid cannot be Bold in competi
tion witb multitude of low test, snort
weight alum oi phosphate powders
Sold only in 'c ms, KotAl Bakin 'ow.
deb Co . 10T. Wall -t. N. ?.
D.W Crwlbt & Co., Agents,
Portland, Oregon.
t t nuitniii. van t'O luuiiu ul ijib ruuioe
room in Strahan's block, 1 iret street. Albany
phvsicinti and ttirgeon. Office, corner
Ihird and Lyon streets, Albany, Oregon.
, gcon, Albany, Oregon.
. geon, Albai.y, Oregon.
j. geon Albany, Oregon, office in Pitrce's
new block. OUiceJiuurs, from 8. a. m. to 4
r. m.
r . ceon, graduate of Ontario veterinary
college and member of the Ontario veterin
ary medical society, in prt pared to treat the
diseases of all uoo.esticated animals on
scientific principles. Office second door east
of the opera house, Albany, Oregon.
XJ geon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of tlerj
man ana Americnn colleges.
Klrclrlcand Homeopathic Trealment
X safe and reliable methods of treating dis
ease will find Dr. E. 3l. McAlister prepared
with excellent appliances for administeriu-
either, ax the nature oi the case may require
lie may be found at his office on Third stre: t,
two uoors south of the electric Hfht station,
wncn nnt.aiiscnt on profestiional busiiiefS.
U physician, has removed his office fro i
Ki'nn's blcx'k to his resilience on Third strcoL.
t.vo dours south of the electric light station
Law, Albanv. Oreiron. Office in Oild
bellow's l emple. -Vill practice in all court
of the state, and give special attention to all
business. ......
IF at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 13
and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain's
stor i
fi , law, Albany, Oregon. Office in Odd
Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the
cojrts of thestate, and give special attention
to all business
Pfciffer, Prop. Only 'first ectaxs houss
in the city. Large sample rooms for com
mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the
kitchen. General stage office for Corvallis.
. and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, '
set. Owner can have same by! calling" at
F. If. French's JeweJrv -store. -
ly toS.Gourley.
wood for sale,
ystewt , tjyaers I,
JTreshevery day at H. Kerckrrearaiit
PASTisa BsraiHO' scavirrso nom can oa
tain accurate and prompt work by calling
upon x-conty surreyot f. T. T. Ftshor.- He
has complete copies oi Held notes and town
snfp plats, and to prspared to do surveying in
any part of Lrfrm eooSly. Pootofflce 'address,
Milfers SfaUonV' Una county ,Oregou
u, c
Sells exchange' on New York, San
Francisco and Portland.
Buy notes, state,1 'ctfifnty and city
warrants. Receive deposit subject to
check; Interest allowed on time de
Collectlonf receive prompt attenuon
r vrruarnnrlpnpe aolicited.
"Office hours from '8 a. if. i 5 p. u
Agenv lor mwuw m auu.uiitriue
nsurance cotnpanihi. '
iihanj Bathr Hotsjb
ta-T.odiP and cb'ildren'8 bair' Area
njr a specialty:
Dnthre satisfactioc
Dealers in all the latest improved
pianos, orKans.sewing machines.guns,
also a full line of . warranted razors,
butcher and pocket knives. The best
kind of sew ii.g machine oils, needles
and extras for all machines. All re
pairing in the above lines ueatly and
reasonably done. ,
The Rush of Office Seekers Con
tinues at Washington.
He Will Help to Celebrate 8t. Patrick's
Day in Hew York -Fat -I Bjiler
lno Her alb's Special Dispatch.
Wabhington, March 13. The
rash of oltice neekeie continued at
the White House to day. General
Whittlesey, of Indiana, accom
nanieri bv BishoD Hare. of Dakota.
and Treiideat Gates, of Kutgers
.mvIIaoa trk intoront. th hrssi.
a V -O ' .vw.v . . "
deat ta the movetoenl to secure a
broad educational policy toward
the 1 ndiauB.
Lx-r.CHltfent CteTehmol .Will Help
Celebrate the' Day.
New York, Mach 13. Ex Pr s
ideht Cleveland has accepted an.
invitatiori from the ' Friendly Sons
of it, Patrick to respond to one of
the toants at the annual dinner of
the society on Saturday next.
Tbc Kate BaMlsU.
Lokdon, March' 13. The Ameri
can baseball teams drbve to the
house of commons to-day. White,
(secretary of the American legation,
rid; the ' secretary for Spaiu,
showed the vBitprs through the
house of lords and cotbmons and
the crypt. 'Subsequently from the
gallery they listened to speeches
by Sir William Vernon, Ilarcourt,
and others. The Dean of West
minster has invited the league to
be prese it at a special service at
the abbey. White has applied to
the houte tor a special peimit to
visit the queen's ttables.
!et lor feaiuoan Waters.
Washington, March 13. The
secretary of the treasury haa seut
a telegram to the Union Iron
Works, where the steel cruiser
Charleston is in course of construc
tion, asking how boon the vessel
would be completed. The ioquity
is not made with a view to ascer
tain how soon the Charleston could
be sent to Samoa, but for the pur
pose of learning when t?he will be
eady far trial.
Ulsaslioat Uoilrr Explosion,
Reading, (Pa.), March 13.
Three boilers at the colliery iiesr
Mahoney City exploded to-day
with terrific force. A child was
killed in its mother's arms. A
number of people were seriously
t'LKVKK W 1 1 II HI8IJ9T4.
I ( ;inidri MinNler Vein the Best of
a t ikh-
Piiiladli.phia, March 12 -Rev
Isaac W. U igley, p tslor of tlu
Tabernacle 13m, tit Church at Cam
den Is. J., deuionstratcd last Sat
urday mgut that he was as good
with his hsts as he is at preachiog.
Edward Mayer, a Pbiladelphiau
and a l'riencf catied on the minister,
and wanted, to know i: he bad
married his brother George, tie
was told to censdU the dewlf mar
ried man, when he commenced to
nse boisterous language. This
caused the' mibibter to order the
two men out ef the house.' Instead
of going out they showed fight and
struck at Baglej,"
"That's what you want, is it.'
shouted the minister,and hit Mayer
a BttmniDg blow oh the no6e.
me iriena luen puucaouia
blsckjick and hit Qeorge
Leathwaite then went after Mayer
abef a general fight 'ensued." An
upaoowo maue apejiori logeiai
tfte minister, whi n the clergyman
was equal to the occasion and nit
nlm a blo'w between the eyes which
knocked him beadionir across the
olrieroom ' table," Doth men
made a retreat and left the bouse.
The un'kaowh man made eoodhis
tscaiie ' while Mayer was captured
and lodged in the Camden City
jail; ' Myer claims' that ' the
Uliqiioid IWUH lll-IIR um MM 1 IU
tii8c."'He is ""a " Bookeeper and
cbmes Irom " a ' good family . in
Rosaborough near this city.
MenWko Will KepreM-nt tkrllBU d
tais at Berlik. '
Washisgtqn. March .13 There
is an impression preyailic that ex
Minister Easson will' be sent to
Berlin with William "TTalter
Phelps and perhaps General Ben
jamin nutier to talk Ter
oamoan affairs with Bisinark. it
is not yet decided who will go,
but these are the gentlemen most
likely to be selected. There is no
restriction ,'ni 6a the Pieti lent in
this matter. Germany hasagieed
to the conference and CoL&ress has
appropriated $510,000 for the pur
pose ot, pay lug the expenses, lue
President may send one man or a
dozen,and the case is such a serious
one inve.viug so much of impor
tance, that it is hardly probable
that one person will be intrusted
with the negotiations. Ex-Coobul-
General Stwtll, whom secretary
Bavard removed, and GusthVUi
Go'wiud ot liiiiiois, who made a
treaty with Samoa uuder the Hayes
administration, may also be sent
alone; to post the commissioners as
to the facts in the case, ot which
they have more knowledge ibau
nay one else, anc theefVassy will
t ieo be equal to soy emergency.
Nothing can be fonodtet at .nfe
State Department conctSnios; the
intentions o. the Ooyertimeot in
this matter, but . Mr. Blaine has
given bis entire leisure t the
bamoan difficulties since he was
bworu in.
Ill vTAKlt MOIK.M!k;.
Ike Custom of Wearing Crape for
Long rerlosla FmIII as Into lsa'
Duch. s oi Ruiland in Loadon Queen.
We go through a great deal of
false sentiment and false politness
in the matter of onr funeral cere
monies and onr mourning attire.
In the' jouthiBl tiajs'tf rfrpiea
en'. xigem rians the mark ot
mourning a piece of black crane
around the tleev9 of a colored
coat was reserved, for tbenrmy
only. Army and navy officers
alone might make n is modest
manifestation stand in lieu of the
glossy sables aad deep hatbands of
civilians. There was a howl as
well as a sneer,when tbeae civilians
adopted, the military custom, and
on the sleeve ' of a colored coat
stitched a black band to denote
tbc death of a dear friend or a near
relation. Howls and sneers not
withstanding the custom 'gained
ground, and is now recognized,
adopted and approved of.'
"There are ninny who set their
faces against the excessive mourn
ing of bygone att:re. No longer
do all widows tblnk it necessary
to clothes themselves in crape, and
the life-lonii otiiigat'iou of the
widow's cap, lik the lite long ob
ligation ot the widow's black, is
at an end. Those who like to ctins(
to the ancicut methods have their
will and do their pleasuie, but
those who do not those who 'carry
death ib their hearts and do not
care to show it to the world -or
those who really ate not deeply af
flicted may dispense with mourn
ing altogether if they have the
mind, bimple black answers for
allpuipobe, and the term tor this
is greatly curtailed. We no tong
cr feel that we owe it to the mom
ory ef the deid to make ourselves
uncomfortable, and to spend mono?
on mere show, on mere sigos and
symbols, to gratify the wa'cbing
world. Deep- in our hearts we
bear the sacred itnae, we keep
alive the holy flame. We have
Wed that noble man, the pure
souled woman, the futhcr, the bus
band, the glorious brotiier, the
mother who bore us, aud the sis
ter who was our playmate, We
have loved for all our live; we
shall love to the hour of death.
Bur need we then clothe ourselves
in Ciape and wooleu.aud iiihik our
selves "Bereaved," s by a pUc.'d
pinned to our breast? Far better
and more suitaMe aye, au l some
times more sincere, too the uu
demonstrutive ar-cuplance of the in
evitable, the quiet cherishing ot se
cret sorrow the clese concealment
of the sncred love. The sorrew
lies there, and we j do not wish to
show it to the world, as a beggar
uulolds his sore.
George's Tlaseljr Interruption.
"No George," faltered, the maid
en, "I tear it cannot be. I admire
yon as a gentleman, I respect yon;
as a friend, but
"Laura." he exclaimed, "before
yon pass sentence, hear me out.
A recent lucky . stroke in business
has enabled me td buy a beautiful
home 'on Prairie avenue," wfcjc a
shall, be in your name. I wili in
sure my life for, 25,000 and -"
"George," calmly interposed the
Iove!y.t'girl, "you iaterruped me,
I was about te say that toe stnti
ments of, respect and esteem I feel
for, you, though so strong, are
feebie in comparison with - the
deep love which which I which
1 nave long---don t George, dear!
1 or George had interrupted her
10 't ExpertBteat.
Tou cannot afford to waste time in
wXperiine ntiug when yous lungs are
in danger. Consumption always
seems at first only a cola. Do n't,
permit any dealer to impose upon you
with some cheap imitation ofDr,
K inn's New Discovery for Consump
tion, (Coughs and Colds, but be snre
you get tbe genuine. Rerausj Le
can make more profit be may tell you
oe has something just as piod. or just
tbe same. Don't be deceived, but in
sist upon rettinir Dr. King's New Dis
covery; which is guaranteed to jrive
releifin all Throat, Lun and Chest
affections. Trial bottles free' at Foe
qay A Mason's Dm ft Store, o
A Child Sillied.
Anotherjchild killed by. the nse of J
opiates giveii in the form of Sooth-
' - -- n.I. ..L I
mg s up. oy mocpers give; uieir
cmidivu surn ueaaiy. poison, is but
prioiu when they can relieve the
child of its peculiar troubles by using
Acker's J'.tby Soother. It contains
no opium or morphine. Sold by
Foshay & Mason.
t. oioa !
Happiness and Coateatmral,
Cannot co hand in hand if we look on
. . t a -. . i i
tbe dark sine ot every nuie oosiacie.
Nothing will so darken li.'e and make
it a burden as Djepepsia. Acker's
Dyspvj-SiJi Tablets will cure the
worst form of Dyspepsia, Constipa
tion and Indigestion, and make lite- a
happine-and pleasure. Sold at 23
and 50 cents by Fushay & Mason.
TBI ' tlMi . ' STATE' SBAMCr.
The annual session will convene
in Salem on Tuesday, May 28.
The executive commute has ar
ranged that Judfce Boise, P. S. V.
M., give the address of welcome
and W. A. Sample, of Eastern Ore
gon, the response.
Mrs. S. L. Haye, wife of Master
H. E. Hayes, will give the address
of welcome to the California dele
gation. The committee on literary exer
cises repoit that, those prominent
in the order will bo prepared witb
essays and addresses.
The conference of the sixth de
gree will be a prominent feature of
the coming session.
A state picnic is being talked of.
The location is not yet decided
upon, but will likely be on the
banks of the Santiam at Jefferson.
But If a more convenient or beautK
ful location can be bad it will like
ly receive precedence.
The visiting delegation from Cali
fornia are making inquiries as to
places of note, and what can be
ea in a tw6 weeks' stay. A ' bet
t :t opportunity will- not soon be
uad than the present of advertising
the beauty and wealth of the, state
to the 'body of wealthy fanners
who' are coining fiom' bursister
state. This delegation will repre
sent every portion of California.
J They will re turn, and go out. among
1 their granges and, tell to thousands
what thev saw oi buY State. They
Will speak of our deltgbuul climate.
our grand mountain scenery, our
billowy hills, and the emerald
wealth and beiu.y of out valleys.
A Itetora to Dlseiplloe Nere sury la
hoaie ot Ike Moaastrrl'.
Rome Lettor to New York Tribune.
The Pope is tor seeking to effect
reforms in tbe monastic orders
abroad.. Much to the disgust of
the good lathers, Leo XIII. insists
thattbey shall return to the strict
observance of the rales established
by hur founders. Those who
have taken vows of ascetism must
lead &u ascetic life, and those- lu
taken vows of povertv mast be
poor not only in name. With this
object he has prohibited the order
of Fraucit-cans in Bavaria from
brewiug the magnificent beer tor
which tbey have been famous for
centuries past, aud the quaint old
Franciscan beer cellars, so well
known to all visitors toMunicb,
have closed their doors.
It was for the same purpose that
he Pope brought as much pressure
to bear ou tbe Grand Prior of the
Order of tl.e Ctithusiaus, when
the latter fec nlly mc.VihI hu offer
from ir. En isti ud cte for the
purchu-e of the monopoly of innn-
uFacrunug tie Cattrcu.-c liqueur.
As ti e statutes ot the order in
question pre-cii'tc ex 'rome poverty
aud prohibit all barter, sale or ac
quisition of property. Leo XIII.
whs anxious t at the English offer
suould be accepted, aud that tht
manufacture and si 1 1 of t lie cor
dial by tbe iiiiiiiKs t-hu!d cease.
His eii'iirtis, however, did oot meet
with success.
' The Blueberry is a valuable fruit
and is reliable to jrrow in our Nortli
ern states, where tbe more tendor
vaiietics of fruit winter-ki.l, ft is
perfectly hardy, bavin; stood 40 de-
Liees below zero without showing any
rijter.a in' this latitude about the 1st of
July, and is borne iu clusters like cur
rants; 'Shape, round; color, reddish
purple at first, -out becomes a bluish,
blaca when fully ripened. The flavor
is eqUal'td the raplerr, a very mi'd.
rich sub-acid, pmnonnced by most
people delicious. It. may be served
With sujrar and cream or ' cookoA
sauce, and is splendid - canned for
winter, use The plant, seems to
flourish ia all , soils and is a prolifle
beaWr."-' It grows' vry stocky and
makes a nice hedge, The shining
daik green leaves ana tbe blue frmS
malting a pleasiiig co6tras. lli'e de
mand for the fruit is great, and aru al
ly brings 15 cents per quart TMov
commence bettriue tbe flrst year alter
settlng'out; and field a fun crop the
second and, third year after setting
out. Tbey arc propagated from suck
el's and root cuftlbtfs. ' The plant U
about the height and size of a currant
bush ajd very tc:ky, holdintr tho
frhit we.l u(i from' the troiiud- Plants
should be set in the spring, during
March, April aud May, in rows two or
three feet aiart, 4nd five 'or six foot
between the rows, making a perfoot
he!ge,andiiO grss or weeds sheaht
bt allbwe4 to gro betweea' rows.""
1 dozen plants by mail S tt
2 dozen plants by mail 1 09
100 dozen plants bv express .... 2 SO
1000 dozen plants by express or
freight... 15 60
VlantR art carefully pat-ked ia damp
moss' and Helivcrcj o express or
freight offlee, for which I . make no
extra charge..
Ho tow Jsaxn monet.- i wooldprt-
I ftr ti have monev sent Wv Americas
express order. hU sums of $5 ana
under cost only 5 cents, and if order
tMl.. mnhw sill 1 .
funded to sender. If not convenient to
obtain express order, money ran bo
sent by registered letter or postoffico
money order or postal note, drawn oa
Portland, Michigan. Posts te stamps
will not tie 'accepted only from our
customers that cannot obtain an ex
press order only those of the one
cent denomiuation wanted.
' ' L.l. STArris,
Portland, Iona Co. Mich,
SHILOH'S COUGfT ami coxspmp.
tion tures sold by us on a iruarantee.
It cures J consumptior. Foshay fc
All kinds of
6tock at Geo. W.
h'tove tepaits
. i
' 1
V i -:Ai'