- THE MORNING HERAIiBt TUESDAY, MAKCH 12. 1889. C. U. K. TIMB TAKLfc. NORTH BOU5D. I I I I l.eparta'rrirea. Cala. eipr. Kajteae ex height 6:45 am 11:15 am Portl'dlOlOam Sttpm " 45pm 11:W,ni T:W SOUTH BOUND. Arrive Departs! Arrives Calalexp ugene ex t'reignt 7 :45pm I 5pmiAahland9.00aiD 12;a)pmlli40pmllLiwene 1 40pm 1 1.30pm I Euifene 6.00pm No Freight received forttoutn.after 1 rat same day. M. OREGON PACIFIC TIMETABLE. Arrives Depart Pusencer Freight. . ...111.15m1.00pnj o.25pnilC.50a iu Barkhart fc koyce, job printers. Artists materials cheap at Mrs Hyman's. Xew line of fountain pens at Will & Stark's. F. A. Burkhart, agent for the Millard proj.erty. Telephone for Rale at F. L. Ken ton's. Price $1.50. Sells Bros, circus is again head ing this way and promises to be here in June. New line of jewelry, diamond rings, gold watches silverware etc, at Will & Stark's. lWt forget that at Mrs. B. E. Ilyman'4 is the place to get your eting machines. A boot b'ack stand has been established in front of Mack & lludge's barber shop. An exchange says a company hns leen organized at Eugene to build a road to the SiuRlaw. No. 1 Star tomatoes and all kinds of fresh canned goods at a very 'ow igure at Conrad Meyer's. Have you seen that new line line furniture at Fortmilier Of & do Irvine's? If not it will pay to Hi. j Go to Burkhart & Royce's for all I kiuus oi ion printing. rnces i reasonable. First-class work guar anteed. F. L. Kenton propesss to do a trictly cash business, and will ell groceries at the lowest possi ble prices. : A meeting of citizens will be held at Jefferson Thursday to consider the project of building a bridge across the Santiam. The Y. V. C. T. IT.' will give a sociable at their ball on Thursday evering, further particulars of which will be given. The first case under. the new :iidical act was tried at Portland Saturday. The arrested M. D. was found guilty and fined $150. The horsemen of Linn county will meet iu the city on Saturday, 31 arch 10, to arrange for a horse i,liow to be given in the near future. Of the 43 applicants examined in this citv last week fur teacheisi certificates 3 "-btained first grade, 12 second grade and 9 third grade ci rtificites. A new line o: fine wall-papers itu borders to match have been opened at Fortmiller & Irving's. ' hey are new and elegant designs. Vail and see them. he "Pacific Argand" ranges both four and six hole. An east ern stove made especially for this oast's trade. Sold only by Geo. W. Smith, Albany. Those non-magentie watches at Will & Stark's are accurate time keejiers, as is exhibited by the liovel instrument for testing watch es to be seen in their show v indow. A new line of Packard organs just opened at G. L. Blackmnn's. For puritv and sweetness of tone and elegance of finish tl-ey lead them all. Musicians should call and see them. A motion was made yesterday to dismiss the Sittings case on a slip nlation of agreement between the prosecuting witness and the de fendant. The same was taken under advisement bv the court. Chas Keifer returnedjfrom Port land Sunday evening, having gone down with Edward Zeyss and Wm. Faber. They stirted " the report that the latter had been shang haied and taken aboard a Ger man ship bound for Samoa, but tliey afterwards found him looking for ihem with a gun. Among the merchandise taken by burglars from the store of C. B. Montague at Lebanon Saturday l iiht was a lot of clothing, and yesterday a number of Albany men appeared in new suits. Among tiiem were A. Ilackleman, II. Fai well and D. K. N. Blackburn. When joked about it by their friends they said they could" prove an alibi. The U. S. enginneers' snag pul ler Willamette is en route to Cor vallis, where she will be at work f rsome time on the revetment. Later in the season both the Wil lamette and Corvallis will wrk up :ind down the river, pulling snags and sluicing bars. By this means it is expected the river will be kept open ior navigation until late i i the summer. llir Wwodworlh-Marxhull uilial. At 10 o'clock Sur.day evening Mr. I). O. Woodworth and Miss K-ther Marshall were united in iiianiage nt the residence of the bride's pareiits in the city, the vremony being pronounced by Kev. F.r K. Prichard in the presence of si few of the immedi ate friends and relatives oi the contracting parties. The happy counle weie the recipients of manv I eiegant weuaing presents, inev . - 1 i: . Tl J.-it on the morning train for i I 'Ienshurg, where they will in iiiture reside. A nuii)IT of th'-ir' It it-mis assembled at t''- .n-put t-j III them good-bve, and amid a! s; offer of rice an 1 j:moiI wilv they d-.-new ho-ae. ex:re-'ii.iis l : ioi their I BOLD BURGLARS. Thej Rob A Store at Lebanon of About $400. THE ATTCHriCB BIXK ROBREKY, Son! Importiat DtvelepmeiU ia tk Case, Which will Appear at the Trial- A Piecs of Clever DtctivsiWork. Burglars entered the store of C. B. Montague at Lebanon on Sat urday night and carried away 1 utio'l about $400 worth of merchandise The burglary was kept quiet in hopes of catching the perpetrators, and the officers of this city were not informed of it until yesterday. They affected an " entrance through a back window and helped themselves to as much as the could carry away. It is thought there were two or three of the burglars. Ihey took four valises and filled them with cut lery, jewelry, ladies dress goods, clothing, silk handkerchiefs etc., and made good their escape. No due as to the whereabouts has yet been obtained. THE BANK ROBBKKY CASE. A responsible citizen of Lebanon states that some new and impor tant developments have been made in the attempted bank rob bery there. A detective from Montana has been sending some time in Lebanon, investigating the matter. lie pretended to be an at torney sent out to defend James Bannon, who is in jail in this city awaiting trial for the attempted robbery, and obtained the conn- uence oi some parties living in or near Lebanon who were suspected of knowing something of the affair Little by little he gathered facts about the case until he obtained ,1 . 1 . f - 1 said some startling developments ar likely to appear at the trial t!iis week. Fanornma )f Alaska, . Arrangements have been made by the young ladies' literary so ciety of the Albany College to se cure a first-class and instructive entertainment at the opera house on Friday evening. It is a tour in the wonderland of the noith, Al.iska, being a lecture by Rev. H. V. Kominger, accompanied by a panorama of 100 Alaskan views, illuminated by lime light in charge of Mr. George M. Wesler, the well known artist, who recently gave these elegant views in the tabernacle in Portland. It is need less to say the entt rtainment will be firsi-cUss, being both interest ing and instructive. Mr. llom inger made a tour of Alaska last summer, and in connection with the splendid panoramic exhibition the wonders of this portion of I'ncle Sam's dominions in the north will be vividly and accural - j ly portrayed. The price oi admii Mon will be ' cents, reserved seats 50 cents; for sale at Black man's drug store. The Old Wheal ladling 4'ne. Suit has been commenced in Benton county bv Hamilton & Jot , bankers of that place, against El;as j Keeney for $300 alleged to be due j lor 20 bushels of wheat at $15 per j bushels. This is an issue of ti e old wheat swindling game which j was practiced upon several farm- g of Linn county and was expose j by the Herald. Hogan.theleadt r I iu the swindling scheme, was at- j ruur... I hrH hut UPS Di'unil tf(i through some technicality, and J w ts afterwards arrested in Euaene. J lie afterwards skinned out fr Sun, Fr.u:i-i.-t. Mr. Keeiiey's isote f r t $J)0 loll into the hanus of the bank 1 in Corvallis. Similar suits in the Eastern states have been repeat edly decided against the swindlers, ai.-d will probably be in this state. Fell I ! Ibe IMIeh. I A little son of Aifred Wheeler i and tw little sons of Dr. J. 1'. Wallace were playing near the Santiam canal on F.Ilsworth street yeeterday, when the former fell into the swiftly flowing water. His two companions, with remarkable bravery for little boys, aged 0 or 8, succeeded in pulling the lad out, no doubt saying his life, as he could not swim and would proba b.y have drowned. The ilraatf Jury. The following grand jury has been drawn for the present term of circuit court: A. S. Bassett, I. Charlton, A. Brandon, Win. (.Join, (j. F Coffee, Geo. A. Dyson and M. Cunningham. Alex Brandon was made foreman. The jury was sworn in and placed in charge of Price M linkers as bailiff. ftnlaa Kuuawar. Last Saturday as Mrs. J. J. Dubruille and another lady were out driving the horse " became frightened and ran away. The ladies were both thrown out but were not seriously hurt. The horse, i which was a valuable one, was severely injured, and will probabiy die. ir for Yuqtiinn Ha) . A new scow for the government has just been launched at Yaquina l.i'. It cost if-'iKK), and is one ol a licet ol three to be used in trans porting stone for the jetty there. I f he other two are well under ay and will soon be finished. IN-rlnrrd lnar. J. N. Cochran, of Brownsville was brought to this citv Mindav : I... .... ....l.l evening uv constanie r. r. iaver. He was examined and declared in sane, ami was taKen to tne asylum vesterdav. Ji:t fcrrcivrtl. lot of California crenn A line cheese, the llne-t in the land, jthe Willauiette Packing Co. VH)L KlaXTIlM. The annual school election in this city yesterday was a very quiet one. The vote stood as fol lows : For director L. H. Montanye 48 Sherman Thompson. 16 Scattering 3 For clerk C. G. Burkhart 63 Scattering.: 5 The total number of votes cast were sixty-eight. It AST DOTE. aeaiue s eiecinc motor une be in operation in a few days. CI iil-l- -1 . - a 1? will lne Eugene Journal presents a handsome appearance ia its new dress. Olsen's new schooner was launch ed at Astoria Saturday, and christ ened the Bessie Butter. Aspirants for the customs collec torship at Astoria are W Parker, J. II. I). Groy and Ed. Taylor. The Seattle National bank, with J a capital stock of $250,000, trans acted its first business on Thursday last. Applications for the Puget sound collector-ship are Allan Weir, Alf II . Wintrode and Inspector Mulkey. The Astoria check forger, Bush nell, alias Boss, has been bound over in the sum of frfOO to await the action of the grand jury for Clatsop county. Columbia river cannerymen are tepairing machinery, making cans, painting boats and getting every thing in readiness for theapjroach- ing fishing season. At the annual school meeting in district No. 1, Astoria, John Fox was elected director, and J. G. Hustler clerk. There are 598 children of school age in the district. I V"llCO ilVIl, VI .otuiia, loot il i ."and by contact with a buzz i wnje atrQ j finefs i i saw . last baturday. ot a ereat 31 r. Holt Ipst three his left hand in like manner. The Newberg (iraphic and the Dayton Jierald are quarreling ab( ut the age of their respective editors, each claiming to be the younger. The quarrel is proof sufficient that both are stili in statu pupillari. Paul Bishop, Alfred Wieman and l August Shumaker were drowned on the mouth of the Nehalem river, on Monday. They had gone in a small boat out to pilot a schooner in, their boat was. upset and all three were drowned.. The Seattle city council has passed an ordinance compelling all hotels and lodging houses over two stories in height to put up fire escapes. The proprietors of the Arlington and Buss house have been arrested for failing to comply with this ordinance. The Sew Malr. The revised statutes provided that a star shall be added to the flag on the 4th day of July suc- (' p(im" no sl.lllllKKlnn lt a naa , At I s ate. The Dakotas, Montana and v ashington will probably be ai. , milted to the union next autumn, land on July 4, 1890, the flag wiii I legally exhibit 42 stars. But there ! i j ,w ..r...W nUln. .1..1 4 .. . .a riirti4j ai tat lieu iu inc MCu Ol the flai;-nciaker who increases the number of stars before that dale, and already national ensigns pro claiming the exifctence of 42 states freely display themselves. The public impatiently an icipates the legal date of admission, uncon sciously applying the equitable principle that what hns been agreed upon ouht long ago to ,iavt' e" done, may properly tratel as actually done. be fulfill Granted. The following patents have been granted to citizens of the Pacific fctates during the pat week, ard reported for the Hkkald by C A. ."'now & Co. patent lawvers Wash ton, D. C: A. F. Paitz, Bellini.- ham, Washington territory, fog) horn n ; A. H. Brann, San Francisco, I mal releasing device: J.Daoer. ! ani Stockton, Cal., harvester; J . . ' -r-- Dupuy, San Francisco, wheelbar row ; J. I. Foot, San Diego, Cal., lee hive ; II. O. Hooper, San Fran cisco, elevator; W. Johnson, Port land, Or., amalgamator; J. (. Let telier, Los Angeles, fruit box; G II. Mullins, I..OS Angeles, purfying iron; J. Paterson, Stockton, Cal., plow ; W. O. Pierce, Sacramento, gate; J. T. Smith San Francisco, s2am packing; W. M. White, Ta coma, W. T., hay loader. The Building and Lean A asocial lan. The first regular meeting of the Albany Building and Loan Asso ciation will be held at the office of Hewitt, Bryant & Irvine on Friday evening, March 15, at which time the first loan will be made. All stockholders should pay to the sec retary on or before that date their membership and expense fees and their first month's dues. The cer tificates of stock are now ready to be issued. I'l.USOftAL MKftTlOM. Arch Monteith, of Portland, is in the city. Geo. Davis, merchant, of Shedd, is in the city. Col. John Kelsay. of Corvallis. is in the citv. Weslev Shannon has returned from Pennsylvania. W. T. Hearst has returned a trip to the Kastern states. from D. B. Allen and A. B. Huddle son, of Jetferson, are in the city. Mr. Jay Francis, agent of the Northwestern insurance company, is in the citv. On lok Again. The small boy with three l0gs keei'ina Hie enwx away fi. that line lot of cabbage and i-.nniil .wer, also gnvn i-hs. j;ist n'i-ci. di the Willamette Packing Co. THE tIKClIT COIKT. The WatkiDi $10,000 Damag 8it Traat U tli TJ. 8. 0rt Other- Case The following cases were dis posed of in the circuit court yes terday : Mrs. M. J. Queener vs. -Vaughn & Weddle,action to recover money ; judgment for want ; of answer against Weddle. Delia. Fields vs. W: H. Fields, divorce ; continued. Martha Houston vs. Josie Tim- merman, action to recover money attachment; continued. Thomas Jefferson vs.G. S. Mont gomery, to recover money attach ment; continued. The Cedar Mill Co. vs. C. J. Dillon, suit for fulfillment of con tractdamages ; settled. J. B. Cornet t vs. John Wickizer, action to recover money attach ment; continued. G. H. Liggett vs. E. C. McClain, foreclosure; decree granted. Erank Bros, and T L. Dugger vs. J. F. Whiting, foreclosure of mechanics' lien; settled and dis missed. V. H. Queener vs. Nelson Ben nett, to recover inonev ; settled and dismissed. I. K. Dawson vs. II. B. Kenis- ton, to recover money; judgment oy aeiauic. ' Krausse & Klein vs. Searle t Deane, to recover money attach ment; settled and dismissed. T. J. Black vs. Carl Keihhart, to recover money; judgment by de fault. Henry Newman vs. L. A. Her- ren, to recover mon v attach ment; jndgment by default.' Henry Newman vs. K. A. Titus, to recover money attachment ; settled and dismissed. I. D. Miller vs. Seymour Van Horn, to recover money attach ment; settled. MonteUh & Seitenbach vs. O. B. Marshall, recovery of money; judgment for want of answer. J. M. Home vs. W. B. Mc Daniel, recovery of money at tachment; judgment for want of answer. Monteith & Seitenbacti vs. W. E. Anderson and Ada Anderson, recovery of money attachment; judgment. Linnie Watson vs. II . Cald well, suit for specific performance of contract; settled and dismissed. Mooney, Valentine & Goldsmith vs. Maggie White, recovery of money ; judgment by default. Smith Cox vs. Valego Cox, re covery of money; judgment by default. W. H. Watkins vs. Southern Pacific Co., damages, motion to remove to U. S. court ; granted. State of Oregon vs. James Gnlli ford, gambling; plead guilty, fined $10 and costs. PI lay I cm lh fare, Dei o ) an impure state of the bio- d and looked upon by many with suspici j i. Acker's Blood Elixir will remove a impurities and leave the complexi smooth and clear. . There is nothing that will 9o thoroughly build up the constitution, purity and urengthm the whole system. Sold J and Wtetd by Foshay & Mason, j BKIKi' MKXTIU.. Use Fahrney'a panacea. New goods at Read's. French kcPis railroad time. Dr. Negus re note cancers without pain or the knife, A new barrel of saner k'raut at Wal lace, Thompson & Co,'-'. Buy your tovcj" and tinware at Smith A; Washburne's. Buy vour garden seed and onion ets at Wallace, Thompson & Co.'s. Soni'j choice Eirly Ujsc seel pota toes at Wallice, Tbompso" "fe Co.'s, Try some of those dried pealed pi t'i iciinr. :ii Wallace, Ihompson t: And, liauuali, how is jour ma? Down at Head's looking at new goods of course. It will pay you to go and see the leautiful art studies at Guis3 & , Son's drug store. ', J A. Archibald, agent for the SingJ) j or Manutai-turiug o.fm opposite or Manuta. tu. iui temple. cel ; v.... . full I.A.MB HACK. SIUE OK CHEST 13 Miiloh's Porus Plaster. Price, 'i cents Foshay & Mason. Builders should go to Smith & washburne'sfor their carpenters tools ind builders hardware. Have we got 'em. Of course we have, just stacks of icjw good.-, and we wan; to bM them at W.'F.. Kead's For your tine imported ind Ke West cigars, go to M. Baumgart cigar store, one door east of Black man's drug store Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy In the world for liver and kid j ney diseases, indigestion, etc. Fr sale ; t M Banuigart's . . j With the spring comes gatdening Mid seeding. Air kinds ofj tools are. needed hv gardeners will be .found at : Smith & Washburne's, ' Chamberlain's Rye and Skin Oint ment is unequaled for old chronic sores. Many cases have been permaj nantly cured by it. For sale by Fo. shay & Mason. The immense sale of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been producd to a great extent by people who have been cured by it telling their friends and neighbors of its good qualities and urging them to try it. The most se vere cpld will soon yield to its sooth ing effects. For sale by Foshay & Mason The dry cold weatl: -r f the early winter worth is pro'lii-'ivc of ug.-ea deal of croup among i.ilctren. Moth crs should be on the lookout for it,and be prepared to arrest it as soon as the tirct symptoms appear. True croup nevi-r comes without a warning: a day or two befoie the attack the chid wili become hoaree. and that symptoms is i soon followed by peculiar, rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as this hoarse ness or cough appears, all danger and anxiety mayi be avoided; It has ueve failed, evenu n the most severe cases. There is no danger in giving the Uemedy for it contains no injurious substance. For sale by Foshay A Mason, If yon want a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white labor cigars. For sale by most cigar dealers and at J. Joseph's factory. i I F. A Real Estate M Do j'ou want to bur a eood vacant city lot to build on this spring? If so, if you will come and see me I will show vou some in as good a location as vou could ask for from $150 to $200 per lot. These lots are beautifully situated, being located near Ferrv street and fronting on that street. Come and see me, if you want a bargain in any kind of citv Dropertv. Re member I am aeent at this noint for the famous Canadian Pa-ifi. railway, and I can sell vou a ticket direct to any point in the United States or Canat a for from $5 to $10 cheaper than jou can get it over any other line. Don't forget this little point when you want to go East or when you want to send for your friends in the East. Klrctrfc Klllrr. This remedy is hceotnin so well and popular known as to Deed no spe cial mention. All who uave used Electric Bitters sinjr the same on:r of I praise A purer medicine does not e.x ! ist and it is "-uaranteed to do nil Hint j is claimed. Electric Bitters w ill cure i all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. ' hV,?..;.?1 ,!'plesr s- M, Kheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria r.... i . .. as cure all Malaria) fevers For th- cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try electric bitters Eu tire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Prtce 50 cents and $1 .00 per bottle at Foshay & Mason. For chilblain and frost-bites 'use Chamberlain's Pain-Balm. When promptly applied to the frozen parts it will pi event the sk.ii from turning black or peeling off. It, allays the itching and smarting of chilblains and soon restores the part to a healthy condition For sale by Foshay V Masou. FARM FOR Iwilljskll myi;fine:farm OK 200 acre, situated ,in Benton cuunt.v, two miles from Aibany. Thin is a xchmJ, iioalt.hv locatiaii, with ood well of puro water, witii wind mill; guod house; buildings all new. Tbis is one o' the most nightly places iu Ore gon, having a Hue riaw of the Hurroundini; coustr, l)-n and mountains. Far inj.' lund all uew and tlau and alaptei t all kinds of fruit. VualiU of land second M ! none. I will make rhis a rare bargain to tin- 1 riifht man. Iiuinii;miita. don't faill to ue i this farm before Jou buy, Come and we me i -n the hIhoc. M. T. WH1TXKY. ; No cuure lor icscicu seals at F. Head's; we want to show goods W ii.il.1 . eia'.sriIKKKS Kil! Apply lu 1'. W. Scixk Allwny J sale. ISAKrXG ro IVDEli. V it u-i ex::vs''v for JuIiusGrad jgwohl and sold at his Golden Rule Bazaar in ONE POUND CANS AT 2 5, CENTS fcIEK CAN gjlGnaranteed to be first-class iu every Ilespect. JULirS GR AM OH Because he knows that his dear wife is just commencing to work him for something ynu kuow how it is yourself-but when LADIESTFADE WITH Irownell I Stanard Their husbands don't look that way, because there are no extravagant prices on their goods. Everything is good; every think is cheap; make Home happy, make YOUR HUSBAND SMILE By trading at the economical store where the rule of good goods and low pri:cs knows no exception. Don't forget that tt mple of economy is at BroTTaoll & Stanard's- COUNBR KIKST ANI BKC A' Vt-BfV SLS Burkhart, RULE! i f fi r J Xjt imam THE MAN LOOK SAD lap Is I Tie Spring Poet Is itei ! This is the ship that's built aright, That has been 2oin' day and uio-ht wringing gooas iroin everv clime .Bought tor cash in the nick of time To jJease the buyers at 1 bls is the train with its fr,, . , , . i lliat lllt-t I le shin at ttlH I I And CaiTU'd tl caiTieu uie irooaa witn mrntnint! speed Till the tlimiirht it would jump the track, indeed. To please the tuners at Wallace, Thompson & CoV ; J Ins is ilu slort is rirm That holds tin niid from 1 All 1 T? 1 ad out ! a careful iUMIS l 1 HM 1' of our own - ..(To please the Olivers at Wallace, Thompson tfc Co'b 7"his is the press of modern mae. Run with such speed the i afters shake. That spreads the news in town and state And tells ot what has leer. done of late Jo please the buyers at Wallace, Thompson & Cos. 'WHOLESALE AND 3E7AIL G&0CE&S, FLINX BLOCK, tie Bin, -AND- Wailact, Thompson & (Vs precious tivmht 1 i i i " (Itiok V.1MI o;il - as a rock. the seaijort dock. liand dear land. ALBANV, OUEGOX i !