i 4 1 - : ' in. 15 CEXTS A VvEEK. ALBANY, OREG OK, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 26 1889. VOL. IV. NO. 70. m. i, - 95 9,999.00 IN. GOLD To Be Giveaway! ' Cut ont thin tu'.vniiiwt-iiitiit and srndit J. LAHMER& Co., N'uirerymMi, Toronto, Canada, with 14 three cect Canadian, o. 2! two-cent American pomade gt&nips, a:-d the will .end you by mail (iotpaid) in good time for jxantiNjf in April or May texr, Tour I , . choice ol any on ol tha following cuDcvti.ni ' . of plants, and enter vour name in competi . tion tor tbe 9,909. 00 in sold that they art- jrfrir' v-ijr in order to introduce their nnr- -, v" eerysteck. .' v 1 ' Kk-B-AaauisicBuM Ka S- wcrWoMijkMfof home cul ture. No. 4 2 dahlias. No. 610 gladiola. No. 63 hardy grape vines. No. 7- 8 raspberry plants, 4 each Hack and red. No. 8 20 strawberry plants, 4 choice kinr'n Na 95 very choice piants four house cul ture. No. 105 cherry currant (ret'X No. It 5 Lees prolific currants (black) No, 12 5 white grMw c.rr-rnn All letters with this advertisement enclose! atony with rtami for any one or more edi tion of planta. will be numbered as they roine to hand, and the senders of the ttrst thirteen hundred will receive gifts as follows: 1st S2S0 The next 20, 10 each. 2nd I'M) ! The next 4t, $5 ea. h, 3rd- 60 1 The next 415, i each. 4th 30 1 the next sao, 41 each. ath 20 1 After M),000 letter have been rccived, h senders of the next 1,100 letters will receive lifts as follows: 1st 225 Next 10, $15 each Jr.d 135 I Next 15, lu each Jrd "5 I Next 40. S arb 4th- lifh A: lies- 1 j i -..1 50 Next 470, S2 each 25 I Next . 00. 1 each 1 -io 1, rers have been received, ..mlt u ii xt 1,000 letters will re j a-, l". l i -: . .1 i -.w-h I Next 5 20 each 3. 4 and 5.. 75 each Next 15 10 rich 50 each Next. "'.('4 3 each 25 each t Next i:5 I each C, 7 and 8. . 9. 10, 11, 12. After 150,01)0 letters huve been rocived the senders of the next 1.10!) letters mill leceite pitta as follows: 1 $100 each I Next 10 f20 ea-h 75 eat h Next ;.... .. 10 earn 3 and 4 50 ea:h Next f5 2 each Next 5 25 each Next 47! I earh Any person may end an v number of uuit-a for any of the above collections If 5 cent" in stamps extra is sen.., we will semi m Jim next a printed list i.f the names if alliiTM.n who are entitled to gifts. We make this liberal offer to reader of the llKRAi.n, knowing it will net pa u now, hut our object is to intro luce our stick and fcnild up a trade. Our mailing points are Toronto and Mirubmouut. tint., l!o:hcster, N. Y.. Louisville, Ky., H.iinesvil!c, (., and Chicago. 111., and wc will guarantee all sick to teach ur customers in good condition. We employ no ai'ents, but deal direct with c iitoim r. and can sell and delivei stock to any part the Cuitcil Stares or ('anaiia at alont one half the price charge! by other nnrsi rvaicn. through a-'ent. I.cmcntbtr wc ill not b Milrnwia by any reliable firm. Send i: i. list if wants and c will quote you priex: or 10 ents for a ha .l oinc illustrated cajal. 'riu which you nwy deduct from vour Brt order AUd.cKs all letter, J. I.AHMER & CO., Nu rservnea TOKUMO, CANADA. SMITH & WASHBURN, U living purchased this well bnoTtn store and added largely to the stock carry an immense line Stoves and Grerieral Hardware .5ANY9 IsEEDS I The lartrent assortment ewr brought thisAcomitry . embracinjf'cvery th-n' fur the uee f Also a very fine line ef AN- ONION SETS These sofisa-e western grown and adapted e.df eially for this climate. They will be sold for r Cents Per paper, WA liberal discount to dealers and gardeners bisyiuin quantity. ttCCjIlOlBpirfo f ROUP, WHOOPl.Vfi COl'-ll and Bronchitis itnincohttcl v relieved by Shilr'i's Cure. Foh.iT & Muson. SUCCF-VOKS TO i-awn Crass- See( Absolutely Pure. Tfcig powiier never vanes. A mtmei ol purity.streneth and wholesomeneea. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in conipeli tion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only in e-ins, Kotal Bakin w deb Co . lO: "all t. N. Y. D.W Crowlit & Co., Ajrents PortUnd, Oregoa. L OF ALBANY. OREGON, president, L. Flinn. VICB-PRE8IDENT 8. E. TOUng, CA9HIER. E. W. LaDgdon TRANSACTS A GENERAL! BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Hiirht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S. E. Yofno L- Fuss L. E. BI.AIS W. E.at-sasLL E. W. Lansbok. J as. F. Powki.l. Asnistant Cashier. H. F. MERRILL, Banker 1 ALBANY. - - 0RKO0X Sells exchange on New York. San Francisco f.nd I'ortland. Buv nrte.s. state, county and city warrants. Receive deposits subject to check. Interest allow ed on time de posits Collection receive prompt attention Correspondence solicited. JOHice liours from 8 a. m. iO 5 p. u Ajrcnt for reliable fire and'marine nsiiiptice companies. IT. . TWKEDALE EARL! BREAKFAST and JEWEL Cooking Stores and Ranges, Parlor and Ileat ing Stores and all kinds of Kitchen U tensile. Also a Complete ?M Farmers and BUILDERS' Jumps, Hose, Copperware, Tinware au1 I'lumbers' -PMCFS GUARANTEED TO BE SATISFACTORY The Faoii: is Invited to Call and Inspect Our Stock. BTJILDIITG-, OREGON WH. AVIS, M. D. PHTSiCIANl AND su. eon. Cab be found his lofrce rot.ro ic Sirahun's block, tint st(set Albany Oregon- DR C. CHAMBKRLIN. HOMEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Ofioo, corner Third and Lyon streets, Albany, Oregon. W. llASTON.HPHYSlCUJrfAHD 8UR . geon, Albany .iOregon. ;t . M H. ELLIS, PBYS1CIAR "AND SURr . geou, Albai.y, Oregon. . c C. KET.LT. PHYSICIAN AND 4UR- . ir eon Albany, Oregon, oftce In Pierce's new block. fficekhouri7froni 8j A. M. to 4 r. m. . '' ;' J. ROSSITER, YETERI ART BUR- k wfalHtfg t s K7VlaS lauumv v whw college and member of tun O, Carlo, ,veterin a rr medical society, is prer rJ traat.the geon. graduate oi uniai diseases ' f "all, iotttk.wV ank'tfs seientiflc principles. Office secona aoor eabt of the opera house, Albany, Oregon. DR. R KOLDEWAY, VE1 ERINARY SUR. geon, Albany, Oregon. - -Graduate of fierj man and Anericn crdeifes. Elect rleasid Bemfepalhir Treatment THOSE DESIRINrt EITHER OFTHFSE safe and reliable methods of treating dis ease will And Dr. E. A. McAh'ster prepared with excellent apnliarices for administering either, as the nature of the case may require. He may be found a his office on Third street, two ucors south of the electric liuht station, when not absent on professional business. DK. E MALIS1ER, HOMEOPATHIC physician, kas removed bis office rr..m Elinn's block te bis residence on Third street, two dears south of the electric light station. .4TT9KNEYH. DR. N. BLiCKBURN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. Office in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business. H'OLVEBTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY V at Law, Albany, Or. Olfi in rooms 13 and 14. Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain's ster . T K. WEATHOKFORD, ATTORNEY AT l . law. AlhanT. Oreeon .Office in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business D EVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAM IX Pfeiffer, Frop. Only nrst-eclass houte in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage office for Corvallis. H EWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE , and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, FOUND A GOLD RING WITH TOPAZ set. Owner can have same by jcalling at F. M. French's jewelry store. . CORDS OF t 'J wood for sale. FIR AND MAPLE lytoS, Courley. Oysters! Oysters! EASTERN AND OLYMPIANI SERVED fresh every day at H. Diercks' restaurant Laad Snrveylax. PARTIKS BFblRIXO SDRVEYIIIO DO.NR CAN OB tain accurate and prompt work by callinir upon ex-county surveyor r. T. T. Fiithcr. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do s'irveving in any part of Linn county. Postnftire address, MiUcrs station. Linn couuty, Oregon. Assortment of Gardeners Tools HARDWARE, Goods a topectomy. GENERAL NEWS. President-Elect Harrison Departs for Washington. TEKltlBLE FACTORY E.PLMIX, line Girls Bormd to Death . and Manj Others Seterely Injured-The Bix Days' Walking Bace. The Hsrals Special Dispatch- t.l Indianapolis, Feb. 25. The hurry and confusion cf preparation and work tor the last Hours ol resi dence at. the Harrison homestead has- been constant. A stream of callers kept the general bnsy all morning. Many buildings in the business portion of the city are ttailv decorated in honor of the departure of the president-elect for Washington this afternoon The presidential train left at 1 :15 p. m. amid great enthusiasm. TUi walkim; match. The Keare or Ihe Leaders tm the Six ays' Bace In 6mm Fraaclse. San Francisco, Feb. 25. "fhe following is the score of the leaders in the six dayn walking match at 1 o clock this afternoon : Moore, 340 miles; Hart, 334; Howortb, 334; Pat Guerreo, 311; Uampana. 292 ; Vint, 292 ; Da'ns,253 ; Leahy, 246 ; Breeder, 193 ; Gold Kubl, 180. ASOTHEK CABINET feTKAW. Jasues H. Blalae rrrparlsiR f Ac eept Ihe Cahlmet Pasltlaa. Augusta (Me.), Feb. 25. Gov ernor Burleigh has received a letter from Mr. Blaine formally resigning his position as a member of the delegation to represent Maine at the centennial celebration of the inauguration of George Washing ton at New York in April. This is constdered as a cabinet straw. Sine tiirls Burned I Drnth and Mauj Others Injured. Pittsbcro, Feb. 25 A Wilkes barre, Pa., special savs: A terri ble ex plosion occurred in a squib lactory at Plyinoulli. Nine girls were burned to dealh and thirteen seriou.-ly injured. 1UK CAVISE WAR. Isqnlr.v Bexardliiu; t'liptaln Balls Campany mt Vreson Volunirrrs. Washinoton, Feb. 23. On Jan nary rJth Senator Mitchell pre sented and had adopted in the senate, a resolution directing the secretary of war io cause investi gation to be made into the organi zation and service in the Cayusi; war oi a company known as '('ap tain Lawrence Clall'a Company, Oreuon Volunteers." The senator ye-terday received a letter from the war department, stating that a copy of the senate resolution re ferred to, together with a copy of his letter to the secretary of war of the 12th inst., in refer rence to the same matter, had been referred to the commanding-general of the de partment of Columbia, with in structions to cause the projer offi cer of his command to take the depositions of all the survivors of Captain Hall's company who may call upon that officer. The com munication further staies that the department-commander was also advised tht Senator Mitchill would be requested to send the names of any members of the com pany known to the senator to said officer. . A KQ MAN TIC EL)IKMET. Arrival ! alssat English Ctrl and an Irish .tableman In Beaten. Boston, Feb. 25. There was a sensation here this morning on the arrival on the English steam ship Huron, from Liverpool, of an eloping couple, a young English girl and a young Irish nobleman. They were met on the wharf by a Pinkerton detective and the British consul, who then telegraphed the girl's father. She refuses to leave her lover, or to wait at the consul's house for the arrival of her parent. The police refuse to give the names but tiiey are registered on the boat as Air. and Mrs. Neil, A iTK.(il; CAVE. An Intermittent Mreani of Bet Water In lis InlerUr The workmen engaged in tun neiing tue Ked moun:ain, near Birmingham, Ala., a lew davs ago discovered a cave, and aftcrwatd a rock-walled room, both ot which an engineering expert who exam ined them thinks are part of the crater of a Ions; extinct volcano. -ome oi the men started to explore the cave. Atter a tew winding pas sages thev came to an immense opening the descent of which was almost periendicular. The passages leading to it were carefully examined. The walls were of solid rock, with only a small crevice here i.nd there. At one place a spring of clear water was found. When litt discovered .... I A. a bo u rejuii was noting, dui presently ceased. Alter an hour or two it began again. At the begin ning the water was cold, but it got wanner and warmer, until toward the close it attained the Doning p";nl. It swelled like sulphur. i'liiladelphia Ledger. j WASniKGTOXS KWCIO. Bis laancnral Weapen Centennial. to Br t lite New York. Feb. 2o. The com- mitee in charge of the c ntennial cele bration of Washington's inauguration is in receipt of an interesting letter from Everett v arnerof Baltimore re specting th sword which Washing ton wore when he waa inaugurated, bich is in the possession of Henry Lewis, a grandson of Major George L:ir, Washington's nephew. This sword appears as part of Washing ton's outfit in several portraits, among them one of Gilbert Stuait's. Washington Irving describes the out6t at the inauguration as follows: He waa clad in a full suit of dark- brown cloth of American manufac ture, with steel-hilted sword, white stocking and ailver shoe buckles. Arrangements will probably be made to have the sword here daring the certennu.1 celebration. PACIFIcgct)AT INTKBEftTS, The Swamp Lands t ftouthera Br- egan raganlans in WaahlnKta-m. Washington, Feb. 24. The sec retary of the interior has finally ap proved the lands remaining in what is mown as list No. 5; and found after careful examination to be swamp Jinds, and amounting to aaout 11, 000 acres. The lan s are located cW'.efl v in Klamath, Lake and Grant counties Oregon. Thia list originally embraced over 90.000 acres. Representative Hermann has se cured from the postoffice department. an order for the increate of mail ser vice on the route from Oakland to Lewis, in Douglas county Oregon. A delegation representing a large number of settlers in southeastern O.etron, was presented to the com missione - of the teneral land office yesterday, by i'epri-scntative Her mann. They came here to protest against the approval ot selections ot certain lairi. tlisv assert have been falsely certified as waaiu lands, and upon which these settler's have built their homes and have cultivated t lie soil tor the Ut four years, and which they allege are being manipulated in the interest of land syndicates and monopolists. John Ward, a prominent politician of Portland Oregon, is iu the city. Quincy A. Brooks, recent collector of customs in the Puget sound dis trict, and whom President Cleveland recently removed, is also here. Counsel for California to represent the United States in the Chinese test case, to come before the supreme court, have telegraphed a request that the htaring lie postponed till March 25. Judge Hoadly has con S Jilted to this, and it is quite prob ably . that the court will order a postponement next. The White House aa.'IIotel. Full particulars of Actor James T. Pnwtrs' latest joke have rear' e l town. Richard C'ummiii-.'S. p!ay- tl-e part of ,viltred Mhadii-ilt in "The Yeomen of the Guard" loau company is the vittitn. Ciunmings, who is an Englishman and untamiliar with American institutions, wauled to know of Powers where he could find a good hi til when their omp ny arrived in Washington lattt Sunday. "Do you want to put npa&) house or a $4 house or a $ottouLe? Powers asked. Well Cumntings thought he would be satisfied with a comfortable four dollar house. "The White House is the best four-dollar house in Washington I know of, said Powers, putting on his most serious air. "It is right in the heart f the city and everything's nice. I can recommend it." Cnmmings called a cab, said "White House" to the driver, and in ten minutes was having a hea'ed ar gument with the gatekeeper at the White House grounds. The con troversy ended in the gatekeeper's favor, aud Cmnming's weut in search of Powers with a club. Warmthr iheBnhsell. Every farmer who has had exper ience in underaraining knows that ous of its chief advantages consists in the greater warmth imparted to the SHbsoiL The presence of water in the soil chills it, and all the more if it he stagnant, because then little or no outside air comes in contact with it. . Farmers say, and truly, that' uuderdrained soils are "cold.' By the removal of the water the warmer air of summer is admitted to the subsoiL thus increasing its tern pe huie. True, this drained land freezes deeper in winter. This great er depth of frost expands it, and as it tha vs in the spring, the soil does not f j11 back to its former place, but re mains open and is filled by air grad ually warmed as the season advai"-s. Anyone whe has tried i know ho r difficult it is to warm duwnwid u , ,, u' is heated l.y j Wiirn the surface soil the sun in summer, diguig six or eight cooler. inches in the soil will feel Guard Against TheJstrlke, And always have a bottle of A-.'y's English Remedy in the house. Y )u cannot tell how soon Croup may strike your ii'tle one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat aud Lung troui.les yield to its treatment. The Remedy guaranteed by Foshay fc MasonJI ri tuples the rare. Det o i an impure state of the bloc d and at looked upon by many with suspici i Acker's B'.ood E:ixir will remove a impurities and leave the comp.o;.!. i smooth auJ clear. Tin re is nothing that wul so thorouci iy build up the constitution, purity aud treur -n tiio wl o'e nystein. I1 and guaranteed by Fosbay & Mason. ( ralti's IMASCIB4TIB. Mia Widaw Telia afthe Ball tlven la Mia Har. Mis. Polk, the venerable widow of the former President, now tia years of age, was interviewed by an Nash ville American reporter. Mie said: "I see there is doubt in some quar ters whether President-elect Harri son should have an Inaugural hal 1. Well I should say that Mr. Harrison sh'iuld go right along and do just as his predecessors have done. 1 ape a k r . r . .1 t , - . oi tne iar-away past, mourn, auu t may be that customs have changed beyond my knowledge. I cannot comprehend why or how it is that the question of dauciug has been raised in connection with Mr. Harrison's inauguration. Now, tnere waa dauciug at the ball tendered to M r. Polk, it is true, but neither Mr. Polk nor- myself was -expeced. todat.ee, and indeed, while tbc President aud ' his suite were present the dancing ceased. The inaugural ball of the period was oesignesl for the people to have an opiiortunity of a presentation to the President. The popular kali was CarusiV. A committee of prominent cit'zens took charge ef it, and in ordef to exclude objectionable pei -sons a id prevent too big a srowd tha tickets were sold at $10 each. Car ual's was a large assembly hall. On this occasion I preceded Mr. Polk with a party of my friends. As 1 entered the dancing ceased, and 1 proceeded to a raised platform at the eud of the room here I and my es cort awaited the President's arrival, whicn followed shortly. He was ac companied by a number of gentle men, They came upon the platform, the musicians playing the President's inarch, aud there he held a general teception. Every oue present who cared to do so cams forward to be in troduced. The Presideat then prom enaded thj rtxim a little while, aud very soon we left the hall and dancing was resumed. "I did not care to associate my re ligious views upon the subject of daucing with a gathering of the gen eral public. I could see no discredit n it. I did not permit dancing at t e White House, it is true, because 1 regirded it undignified. But a public ball and a ball at the White House, whatever they may be to-ilay, were at this period very different affaire indeed. The inauguration bait was meant for the public, (and the President was expected to ahow him self during the evening, as it gave many persons who could not get near i.iui at the Capitol ceremonies an op portunity to shake his hand and et a near view of the new chief magi strate." Bitir.t m r:riw. Battine De Ville. Use Fuhrnev'a pjiu.icea. New jroods :it Keuu's. Frcnclijkcep railroml tunc. Dr. Neirus removes cant ers without pain or the knife. No charge for reserved seals at Y. F. Read's; we want to show jocds. And, Haunuh, how is your ma Down at Read's looking at new goods or course. It will pay you to go and nee th beautiful art studies at Guisi fc Son's drug r-loie. J. A. Archibald, agent for the Sing er Manufacturing Co., oppesite "di Fellow temple. For umi! back, side ok chfst ran SuilohV Porus Plaster. Price, 25 cenU. Fosbay & Mason. Fahrney's eN-bratcd blood cleanser at Browuell fc Slanard and atDeto dc Kobson's. P. J. Baltimore general agent. For your fine imported ind K West cigars, ro u M. Batimgart cigar store, one door east of Black -man's drug store Mexican Cactus Bitters is the lest remedy in the world for liver and kid ney diseaHes, indigestion, etc For tale atM Banmgart's Chamberlain's Rye and Sain Oint ment is unequaled for old chronic sores. Many cases have been perma nantlv cured by it. Far sale by- Fe shay A Mason. The issmense sale of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been producd t a great extent by people who have b en cured by it telling their friends and neighbors of ita good qualities tnd nrgine them to try It. The most se vere cold will toon yield to its sooth ing effects. For sale by Foshay Maan. The dry cold weather of the early winter months is productive of "ca deal of croup among children. Mta " era shonld be on the lookout for it,Mid be prepared to arrest it as soon as ' Im firct symptoms appear. True croup never comes without a warninc: flav or two befote the attack the chid v i!i betoiue hoaire, and that ym.iom is louowea ny peculiar, rouirh coueh. If Chamberlain's Couirn Kemeuy is given as soon as thishosre-- nes6 or couli aiM ar, all dans-er vnd I anxiety may i be avoided; it has neve I failed, evenn n the most severe rui. There is no danger in givintr the Remedy for it contains no injurious) substance For sale by Foshay Mason, ARE YOU MADE misbrabi.k bt indigestion or constipation, dir.r.tnt a, loss of appetite, yellow skin Shilo.i'a Vita User i a positive cure. Foshat k. Mason. ITave we got 'em. Of course we have, ioct stocks of new goode, and wc want to sell them at V. F. Kerd's SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY A positive cure for catarrh, diphrl.eria and canker mouth. For sale by t'o Fhay A Mason. "IIACKMETACK," lasting avis fratrrant pe-fume. Price 25 and 5tt cents. Foshuy & Mason. WHY WILL YOU coron. wi bjc Shiloh's Cure will cive immediate re lir?o Price 10i 60c. and 1. Fos lar Mason. 8HIL0H'3 COUGH and cowtp. tion Curejs soM by us ons guarantee It cures . can jumptioD. Fosliav Jk Mason. J I.