Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, February 19, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Rowing gaily tvm
. At... K. TINK TABLfc.
Cala. expr.
Kwtene ex
t;45 anil
11:15 am
am I'orU'd 1010am
m ' 34npm
7:10am " H 4f.pra
Arrives! Depart Arrives
CaJa'exp I 7:45pm'
Kugenc ex I2;20pm
Ashland 9.00am
tuicene i 40pm
Eugene 6.00pm
No Freiifht received foi$outh after 11..
the same day.
Arrives Departs
.Tli.15aaiill.00p m
5.25puile.50a ra
Buttine Ite Ville.
J. L. Cowan went to Salem
New line of fountain pens at
Will & Stark's.
Regular meeting of the city
round! to-night.
The evening train arrived half an
hour late last night.
J. M. Kalston, banker of Leba
non, is in the city.
AU kinds of stove repairs in
i,tock at Geo. W. Smith's.
Circuit court will convene one
week from next Monday.
(iuiss & Son have opened a new
line of fine artists' materials.
Kiln dried flooring can be had at
t! e Springfield lumber yard in this
Regular meeting of the Y. W. C.
T. U. will be held at their hall this
A complete line of artists' ma
terials just received at G. L.
The State Temperance Alliance !
will convene in the citv next
About three feet of snow is re
lated at the summit of the moun
tains eastward.
Fresh leaf lard in bulk at Conrad
' Meyer s. it will be i etaileu in
quantity to suit.
C. H. Spencer ha returned from
-a trio to Canada. He is much im
proved in health.
No. 1 Star tomatoes and all kinds
f fresh canned goods at a Tery 'ow
ligure at Conrad Meyer's.
, The Oresron Sittings, published
in Portland, has suspended. Too
many libel suits was the cause.
Have you seen that new line of
Sue furniture at Fortmilier &
Irving's? If not it will pay to do
The annual meeting of the direc
tors of the 0gon Pacific Co. will
he held in Corvallis on the 23d
Go to Burkhart & Royce's for all j
kinds of job printing. Prices
reasonable. First-class work guar
anteed. Albany is likelv to have a hospi
tal built and conducted as a branch
of the Willamette University
County Treasurer Far well
lorwarded to State Treasurer Webb,
at Salem, $15,000,of Lil" county's
a'ate taxes.
Guiss & Son make a specialty of
art supplies and artists' materials,
Th nvit evervbodv to call and
set them, whether thevtpurchase
or not.
Those Battine Ite Ville shoes at
Kransee & Kiine's are the latest
.tvle in ladies' foot wear. For com
to'it, style and durability they take
the lead.
ine h izaru ua vuuia. .
c t ; ,
oouse last evening They give a
,'ood concert, and charge 10 and 15
. ents admission.
. ,
II you viifc " -
Mrmk usk for J. Joseph's home
made white labor cigars. For sale
bv most cigar dealers and at J.
Joseph's factory.
A new line of fine wall-papers
with borders to match have been
opened at Fortmilier & Irving's.
''. hey are new and elegant designs.
Call and see them.
The "'Pacific Argand" ranges
!oth four and six hole, An east
ern stove made especially for this
oast's trade. Sold only by Geo.
W. Smith, Albany.
levers of good coffee should try
ome of Julius Gradwohl's choice
-lava, Rio and Costa Rica coflees.
He cairies a complete line of choice
family groceries of all kinds.
There i a marked activity in
real estate in this city at present.
The tide of immigration to Oregon
promises to be greater this year
than ever before, ami Albany will
secure her share of the same.
G. W. Simpson has purchased at
a bargain a new stock of booti and
.hoes, consisting of such standard
makes as P. Cox, Buckingham Ti
llecht, Porter Slessinger & Co..
etc., including men's and boys
1 loots and shoes and ladies' fine
which will be sold at cost.
Call and see them.
UTflr Bral' Bstatc Sales.
There is a marked actiTity
irairoiir ic.iuniiv..... ----
last .atur.iay iony ioi n-
oldbythe Oren Land Co. iu
Klkin's new addition. Yesterday
the fnllowiiitf sales were
made, z
lots being sold during the uay . j
T. L. Wallace, 4 lots; W. C. Twee-;
dale, S; llettie Miller, 2; Kuiiw
Thompson, 2; Misn Warren, 4;
ieo. Warren. (; W. H. Metzger,
.f 6;iio, 2. V. W. Crowder has
also sold his propertv in the Thir l
ward to P. 11. Farrell, of Eugene,
j'.irHKH); and I. Beam has sold a
hiiiise and two lots in the same l
U;tr to C. W. Soars for $18iK.
Mrrrt Kallwa
1 las not been built
-.. I.n! thf
J 1 1 , IIUl
finest comb honey of the se i-'U
has just been eceived at iho Wil
lauictte Packing Co.'s.
Meeting of th Stockholders Th Coapany
Fully Organized.
The meeting of the stockholders
of the Albany Street Railway Co.
was held at the office of Burkhart
& Keeney last evening.
The meeting was called to order
by S. E. Yountr, who nominated
G. F. Simpson for chairman. He
was unanimously elected and G.
W. Maston was chosen secretary.
The following named stockhold
ers were named as incorporators :
K. J. Lanning, A. llackleinan, G.
F. Simpson, W. F. Read, C. E.
Wolverton, W. II. Goltra, S. E.
Young, M. Sternberg, W. C.
Tweedale and A. B. McIIwain.
The capital stock of the company
was fixed at $16,000.
A committee consisting of G. F.
Simpson, W. II. Goltra and S. E.
Young was appointed to act with
C. E. Wolverton as attorney to
draw up articles of incorporation,
and to ask the city council for a
It was the sense of the stock
holders that there be no delay in
incorporating the company, secur
ing the franchise and beginning
work on the proposed line.
The Boa.d of PirectorslMeet and Elect
Officeis-Begular Meetinr March 16.
The stockholders of the Albany
Building and a&u Association met
at the office of Hewitt, Irvine &
Bryant last evening and elected the
following officers: President, W.
C. Cassell; vi-e-president, C. II.
Stewart; secretary, J. W. Blain;
treasurer, G. II. Keeney; finance
committee, II. Bryant, G. II.
Keeney and F. P. Nutting. Att'y,
O. II. Irvine.
The secretary was authorized to
provide himself with all necessarv
blanks for conducting the business
ot the association. Bonds of the
secretary and treasurer were placed
at o000 each.
this completes the organization
of the 'Albany Building and Loan
A-sociation, but the stock booas of
the present series will be kept open
l until March loth. Anyone desir
I mg to subscribe stock can find? the
I books with the secretary at the j
store of Stewart & Sox.
The meet-!
ing of the association will be held
at the office of Hewitt. Bryant & !
Irvine on the evening of
!YlirCIl '
15th, at which time from present
indications it is supposed the so
ciety will have about $1200 to
loan, which will be loaned to the1,
highest bidder.
Several Shots Fired by Marshal Hoffman,
bit Withoat Effect.
Late Saturday night an Italian
who was wanteu for assaulting
another dago by striking him upon
the head with a stone, was at rested
by chief of police Hoffman. The
prisoner on reaching the door of
the city jail, 'made a break for
liberty "and escaped. He ran
down Second street and turned up
Broadaibin street. Hoffman pur-
j sured him, and began firing at the
-,,; tiv ?-vpral shots were fired
, hut none took efle.t and the
Italian, who was a fleet runner,
made good his escape, disappear-
ing in the darkness down Third
As the chanre against him was
for a trivial offense, it
is probably
just as well that the city is rid o! ivommumcauun ironi uie gmern
liis presence in this way without ! or relative to eeleorating the cen-
anv further expense.
For tlpilal.
Rev. C. McDermoth,
. .,r 1,..-. .;..!
-,,. ...,.. th(, 111uillr,,m,.nM
1 f tl Willamette l niversitv. is in
b . the
,' J .
Plpjt ' M-.?' xZ '.nT
j Sunday. The hospital in Portland,
- i- ;
1 .i.;u n,,,,,,,,,
wluth ws?. f""1
last August, IS
condition and
in a nourishing
efforts are now bei-g n ade to
establish a branch hospital in this
city. Such an institution is needed
here and it is to be hoped the
efforts in this direction will prove
Acre Property for Snle.
K. A. Burkhart, real estate
1. r.- m;i,
lo-l nrnm-riv rnnsistincr nf thirtr
lai'i j v. - j 1 f v - - r ,
.ifroa ndirtininir the citv. which is!
lo;,l fFJn fmir-acrA Inta r.u h This
projrty lies just south of the city
on the fair ground road, and is now
offered for sale by F. A. Burkhart,
agent, ii. four-acre lots each, at
$250 per acre. This is a splendid
chance to buy acre property cheap, j
adjoining the city, as this property
j is now ready to be laid out iu city
Marriage Hell".
On Sunday evening about thirty
people, friends and relatives of the
contracting parties, met at the resi
dence of Mr. and Airs. R. F. Ash
bv, in Harrisburg, to witness the
;a!a nf C. C. Canter, son of M.
W. Canter, superintending carpen-
ter on the Southern Pacific, and
Miss Birdie K. Ashby, daughter of
R F Ashby. of the Oregon Land
I'Amrjanv. of this citv. The cere -
imonv was performed bv Rev. M.
in it..i.. nf 1nni.tiin f'itv ami
, .n.ja n-ro thf wimd-
, j n ,.n,,vrtttnns
, wnta iof main tut,on8
valued wedding presents.
Erergreeu tar Sale.
Mr. H. W.Settlemire the Tangent
nnrservmnn tliat has a full supply
of all" the leadin? and desirable
varieties of evergreen treesfrom two
to three feet high, which he is sell
in" cheap, ana three dUiriug such
trees will do well to call upon hiui
bcMre going away from home.
He has also several thousand
Iulian and Hungarian prune trees,
I ds welt as a geneial runny t miu
tres. .i a kc out ti i'iuujou-.
- .k, ln.u vill
i l I 'i V7 1 " ' ' - -
w int. nud
support a worthy home
The Session Will Adjourn
Die on Saturday.
Board of Regents of toe 8tt Airricultral
College Appointed 8omo Important
Bills Passed.
Special to the HntALD.i
Salem, Feb. 18. The senate
convened at 1 o'clock to-day.
Reading ot the journal dispensed
Committee on public lands re
ported without recommendation
senate joint memorial to establish
public park ; laid on table.
Communication from the ladies
of the First Congregational church
of Salem wan accepted.
Barin's bill providing for the sup
port of married women ; passed.
Fullerton's bill allowing county
judges to grant preliminary in
junctions; ostponed.
Steel's resolution fixing salaries
of senate officers ; adopted.
Watt's -resolution providing for
the appointment of a special com
mittee to assist in examining the
words of the senate : adopted.
Fullerton's bill making writs
concurrent with rights of appeal ;
Bill by Eastern Oregon delega
tion to establish agricultural socie
ties in Eastern Oregon ; parsed.
Eakin's bill relating to wharfage ,
and ware.iousemeu ; passed.
A. Hllul ' Al 0 IIll aULUUilWllg VrVltH
ty courts to maintain county fer
ries; passed.
Barin's bill relating to elections
and ballot paper; passed.
Chambe'lain's bill for relief of
Fred Yenkee ; read third time and
Stanley's bill for relief of Jackson
county; passed.
Steel's bill fixing salaries of
county treasurers Linn county,
$1000; Marion, $800; with amend
ments, passed.
Bill by judiciary committee de.
fining duties of recorders ; passed
Carson's concurrent resolution
providing fixing the compensation
OI Jolnl ?om,mi"e,e cler.8 outea.
Chandler's bill to aid Malheur
VVUUIJ 111 wuu Mutiny UI lUgtr
over me uwynee river ; passeu.
Stanley's bill to aid Jackson
county in building a wagon road
f-oui Jacksonville to Medford;
I Burin's hill fixing' .TmTwnsat ion
of clerks ; adopted.
Cauthorn's bill to allow J. B.
Lee, P. Avery ar:d John Burnett
to construct a bridge across the
Willamette river at Corvallis;
Stanley's bill to allow clerks and
sheriffs of Wasco, Umatilla and
Crook, in addition to their compen
sate n, 33I3 per centum; post
poned. Veatch's bill regulating the vol
untary aendiii of newHnanera ;
Mackav's bill
allowing certain
companies to issue mortgages
more than one county ; passed.
G-ay's bill providing that county
courts may build armories in cities
of 5000 inhabitants ; passed.
Wait's bill prohibiting the
throwing of .carcasses into wells,
springs and streams; passed.
Hilton To protect public high
1 V passe.1.
j Washington; read.
j Cogswell's resolution to make
lue governor a representative at
! tms celebration ; adopted..
me loiiwwing persons were nom
itiatud as members ol the board of
regents tor the otatu agricultuial
college: J. W. Grimm, Wallace
Nash, F. A.Bailey; confirmed.
The appointments of the govern
or for his staff were confirmed.
The following house bills were
passed :
Gilbert's bill amending Portland
charter bill
Kirk's bill incorjwrating Athena,
Umatilla count y
Layman's bill incorporating
Towe'l's bill incorporating Inde-
i penueut-c
Huuter's bill ineojorating Knter-
bill incorporating
N wburg.
Kapton's bill incorporating Vale,
Malheur county.
Labrie's bill incorporating Oak
land. 4tlhlliml
j yj JJJ,,
wrtrui . r-f!
Buwditch's bill incoriorating
s Dill incorporating neii-
wood ; referred to Multnomah .and
Clackamas delegation.
Bowditch's bill iucorjiorating
norsE morning skssion.
Called to order at 2 o'clock.
Prayer offered by Rev. Mr. Denton,
and reading of journal dispensed
j with
j Bt
ean moved to reconsider the
vote by which Condon's bill for a
1 state board of horticulture failed to
1 pass ; carried.
Blundell, from special committee
! to investigate schctiil hiMik (innstion.
reioricu. a id tne rtMKll 1 ordered
Ueer, from committee, reported ;
same action.
Condon's bill for a state board of
horticulture; passed, o4 to 24.
Burin's senate bill to regulate the
size of ballot paier; first reading.
Also Barin's bill for the support of
married women ; to third reading.
Thompson moved to reconsider
the vote by which Haskell's bill
for IU,010 lor a road from Hunt
iugtvii to Miiike river was lost;
carried. The oiil then passed.
Parker called up Gray's senate
bill to allow the Astoria A outh
I. oast railroad to bridge i'oung's
bay and kipanon ctei'k ; passed.
Returned to name of Myers, and
he called up his bill to protect coii-
tractors, sub-contractors and labor
ers on railroad work ; passed.
Senate concurrent resolution al
lowing joint committees to fix pay
of clerks; concurred.
Stanley's senate bill for $10,000
for road from Jacksonville to Med
ford; first reading.
Committee on corporations re
ported, with amendments, Watt'
hill lo amend MoMinn ville charter,
and for $20,000 water botids.
Paulsen called up his .bill for
agricultural institutes ; passed.
Pope- called up his bill to regu
late the practice of medicine and
surgery; passed.
Powell called up his bill for a
new road law, creating office of
county road Bupervibor; failed to
A message of tne governor ad
vising a representation at the cen
tennial anniversary celebration of
Washington's inauguration at New
York ; referred to a special com
mittee to be appointed.
Joint resolution by Armstrong to
adjourn sine uie on caiuruay at o s
o'clock. Amended so as to read 12
o'clock Saturday; carried.
Resolution to appoint a repre
sentative at the Washington
guration celebration at New York ;
auc pted
Price called up his bill for re-
corders in Jackson, ClatsopvClack -
amas, Umati.'la and Union coun-,
ties; passed
Bicker called up Fullerton's
senate bill to allow county courts
to maintain ferries when necessary ;
Senate joint resolution to au
thorize Governor Pennoyer to
attend the Washington inaugura
tion celebration in New York on
A.)ril 30tn . concurred
Roberts called up B
Bean's bill re
quiring publication of notice ot
opening of public loads; passed.
Roe called up NorvaFs senate
bill for the relief of Union county ;
Short called up his bill to make
abusive language punishable the
same as an assault ; failed to pass.
Stafford's bill to amend law re
lating to publication of financial
cendition of counties; passed.
Northup's bill relating to dispo
sition of property by will; passed.
Message from the senate that it
had passed Gilbert's bill to amend
Portland charter, with amend
ments, referred to Multnomah del
egation. Thompson's bill to piotect Ger
man singing birds ; passed.
Gilbert's bill to confer certain
imwers upon benevolent or chari
table institutions ; passed.
Armstrong's bill for relief of
Mrs. N. J. Mcl'herson; passed.
It appropriates $1000.
Crook's bill for the protection
and propagation of fish, taxing
canneries therefor ; passed.
Williamson called up his bill to
aid Eastern Oregon agricultural
society: passe J.
Wilson's bill for $5000 to pur
chase half block east of the cap
itol building; passed.
Northup's bill regarding record
ing of town and cemetery plots;
Morelock's bill to amend school
law ; faile.l to pass.
Ad joui ned.
Thr Wizard" at the Oprra llnaw.
It is nothing new to hear good
music and have a good laugh ai. a
izard Oil concert, their reputa
tion is too well established for
that, yet we venture to say that
few who attended last night
were prepared for the rare treat set
before them. This troujenum ers
s-even jierfoimers, and if contin
uous enjoyment and rapturous ap
plause of each and every number
is any indication they are booked
for jammed houses the balance of
the week. As the manager quaint
ly remarked, they are not giving
ten and fiiieen cent concerts, bui
pieauitL a dollar entertainment
free, charging only ten and fifteen
cents for seat and shelter. Good
luck to the Wizards.
,rvr raj(r
O. J. Kizer of Gilliam comity, re-
ports that he has organized a new
grange at Fossil, in that county.
with membership of seventeen to start
The ua,H.e wf Kuttt? Creek was
adopted, which is to be t egret ted as
there is one Butte Creek grf.nge in
the State already. However the
number will be a distinguisliirg fea
ture, as it is in the casu with Grand
Prairie grange near this city, which
is universally known as No. 10. to
distinguish it from Grand Prairie No.
2I in Lane county.
Trackers Kxaminattoa.
Notice is hereby given that the
regular public quarterly examina
tion of teachers for Linn county
will take place at the court house
in Albany, commencing at noon,
Wednesday, February 27, 1885). All
teachers desiring examination will
please be present at the beginning.
L. M. Citkl,
County School Superintendent
Xaral Station at Taqnina.
The commission appointed by
the government to select a site for
, a naval station, report that r.ear
the bar at the mouth of l aquina
bav they discovered a steamer
loaded with Emperor Mixed Tea
for tiie Willamette Packing Co.
This is the finest tea on the inar-
1 L-af
Don't f:il to ui" it a trial.
arria' Inaaural Ball.
This is going to be the grandest
alfair on record, and parties wish
ing to celebrate the inaugural
should have spiced sardines.grated
horse radish, chow chow, pickled
onions, mixed pickles, etc. on that
date. A line line just received at
the Willamette Packing Co.'s store.
CUrea Away.
W. F. Read proposes to give awaj
i fine gold watch with Ins gold and
Mlver prize shirt, the very best fitting
ind best made white shirt in the
.nurket. Th price is as low or lower
than :iy equally as gou snn i iu
mark' :.
J ins; fire. HU uaU accident insurance com
a tbibitk.
What Mr. and Madam Heine Think ct the
Sterling Pianos.
Mr. Josef Heine in his entertain
ment Wedneeuay evening took
occasion to speak in terms
of warm praise of the beau
tiful sterling piano. which
had been placed in the opera house
for the use of Mrs. Heine :
He said that they had been able
to play some of their most brilliant
numbers because they had a good
piano, which at several places they j
did not have, and were compelled j
to omit some of the passages on j
that account. I
Mrs. Heine was so delighted with I
the instrument that she wrote the
following note at the close of the
perfmnance to Mr. G. L. Black
man, who furnished the piano :
Albahy, Feb. 13, 1889.
Mk. G, L. Blackman :
Dear fcir: Having thoroughly
examined the beautiful Sterling
piano furnished for use at our en
tertainment at the opera house this
evening it afThnin mn mnch nleas-
i ra t.-v Guv f liuf T fnntiirlor if fna rf 1
the best pianos upon which I have
ever played. The purity of tone
and excellence of finish makes it,
in ray estimation, a superior instru
!uientt not excelled by any of the
beet pianos in use in this country.
Yours truly,
Ada Hxihb.
Heine company.
This oluntary recommendation
coming from such distinguished
musicians as Mr. and Madam
Heine speaks volumes for the pop
ular Sterling pianos.
J sale. Apply to P. W. Si-ink Albany
SBILOH'S CURE wtll immbpiate.
ly relieve croup, whooping cough and
bronchitis. For sale .y FosLay ;&
Bourbon, Ind., bays: "Both my&elf
and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Con
sumption cure." For sale by Foshay
& Mason.
Dlwtolatlon ftatlee.
Tub rARTsrBHHir nKR-rrorORR bxibtins b
twecnG. W. Harris and W. E. GUlett,
marble dealers, is tbis day dissolved by
uiutual coDHent, Mr. Gillett retiring. All
persons knowing thsabsehes indebud to thif
Arm will please call at their shop and settle
at once, O. W. Harris.
W, E, Giixstt.
Abtmy, Janoarf 7, 188S.
Put up expressly for Julius Grad
wohl and sold at his Golden
Rule Bazaar in
Guaranteed to be first-class
in every Respect.
on hand'a good stock of
ice Mixed
Genuine Maple Sprup
Because he knows that his dear wife is ',
just commencing to work him for j
1 something you know how it is 1
yourself but when
Biwnell Stananl
Their husbands don't look that way,
because there are no extravagant
prices on their goods. Everything
is good; every think is cheap; make
Home happy, make
By trading at the economical store
where the rule of good jjoods and
low prices knows no exception.
Don't forget that U tuple of economy
is at
Browziell & Stanord'a-
1 1
I And a good assortment of
dims '
The Mil Clo
Carries the Largest Line of lien's
and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Etc. in the Willam
ette Valley.
In His Merchant Tailorioi
He has enlarged his stock equal
Koo-er Bros'. Silverware,"
French, China and Crystalware.
Boys' AVagons and "Doll Carriages.
Fancy Goods, and a General'
.Assortment oi Crockery.
and I UYb.
'jHe Buys Direct and Carries
Willamette valley,
let on parle Francois. Hier
rOEs 1 1 111 I Mil It
er. News(l
Fine staf ienery, miscellaneous hock
bums, ii.krtands, it.k, pens, pencils. e
and all kinds of musical merchandise.
Genoral jSTews Depot .
Mail order promptly attonded
to aay en the Coast, on
the Largest Stckjin ike
wir deutch' gespnehen."
Succesaor to K. W. Ijuirdoa)
urngs, Faints, Oils,
Perfumery and toilet articles,
alfw a full line, of books and
fciatkmry. periodicals, etc.
XJT PreaeriptteBt carefully
ID coo
photograph and autngraph al
. Sheet music, music books.
nr. Sta
rirnni in