THE MOTCOTNG- HERALD: TUESDAY, FETVRITABY 19, 18S9. 7 i I As example of the danger of I -ft-ltur ani li i..l-.-C fn-i.t..- t( y 4nd Weekly 1 TERMS OV sUttSCKIPTK'N- DAILY pitb'i.heri every morning except Moadav.) etivered bv carrier, per (-........... 0.16 1 v wail, tmr vi-.i . ...... 5 00 . - WKKKLY. f Published averv Fridav Morning.) copv. per kDoum. in aivaice...-. ..fci.OO When not paid in advance.. ..... ijO THE MAIL. Haila at the Albany postofnee close l or all offices north ) The Eastern state f 6;30 a. h, Foe West Side f And the Nairow Oaug-e R. K. ) For Portland and Salem 11 a. n V-ervallis and Yaquina .....1.30 r. office south -. 7:30 r. u The postofflce will be cloned each evening rAm six to seven o'clock. Registered matter for the early morning wain should be mailed before S o clock the previous eveuinr. the red tape blylo of performing public duties is shown in the case of Dr. H. J. Purdy of SenacA Falls, N. Y.,who was thrown into prison, on the Isthmus of Panama, on the charge of beiinr a quack doctor. His friends placed ample proof of his genuine character in the hands of the state department, but instead ot demanding his immediate re lease Secretary Bayard depended upon the mails and diplomacy, and the result was the death of the j victim of false imprisonment before Ilia Kiloaaa -V-l.1.1 m . t nail TIia I boasted protection of the American flag seems to bo a mythical claim under the present regime. Is speaking of the business pros- s?f T""f! pects of the country the Philadel- . . f. tmtn l i r . C C J t T . . , . j "-.e"r" Late political liscussion brought into prominence that article of enormous consumption salt. Probably very few who talked about it were informed as to bow and where salt is procured. As an item of interest upon that subject we glean from an exchange the following in regard to the produc tion of the article in the state of Kansas.' "About 18 months ago, while boring for natural gas at Hutchinson, the machine passed through a vein of salt about 400 feet thick. Oil was found some distance below this vein. Kansas went wild at the discovery of oil, . . .. . j - i oui me exciiemeni noon oicu wv way preparations for an earlv! s the supply of oil was too msigni- , . - , ' ; North. 'ate! volume of transactions, taking the ; whole country together, is fully up I to the range of last year. Winter stocks of all kinds are dull, but what is lost in that direction is j made up in other ways. The movement of the population West-1 ward, for example, never was eo , active at this time of the year, as it is now, and the lines of trade ! that furnish the supplies carried ! into new countries are corrc!im ; ingly animated. Furthermore,! spring trade is unusually early, 1 and in the South and Southwest j the distribution of merchandise j which commonly begins late in ; February is already well under licant for profitable working. At tention was then turned to the alt vein, situated 350 feet below the surface. Surveys and borings The Oregon City Enterprise has found out that it takes two davs ' made over a large extent of coun- i for a letter to go from Salem to try indicate that the vein is 300 (Oregon City, and that when it .niles lornr, 25 miles wide and 400 1 arrives at its destination it bears feet thick, and that it is composed i the hast Portland post mark of the purest quality of rock salt, Steps were at once taken to j Whereat it waxeth justly indignant ; and wanteth to know what is more utilize some portion of this vast ' vexatious than our mail facilities, deposit, and there are now in ojier-j ttnux ation eight large salt companies at j ;r-;jr .-4 ' Hutchinson besides numerous j KLEIN To the wife of A. Klein, in this city, I ' . ,' on Sunday, Feb. 17. a daughter, others in Sterling, An bony and j MMaBiBmi ! other Kansas towns. j JJ W TO-DA. Y, The way ot ootaining the salt is ; -. not bv ininiu-'. as at Avery's Is- i tn-baol Merlins. land, although pre iara tions are being made to resort to that sys tem. bore a hole down into the salt bed TUOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TO THE JL1 legal voters of school district Ko. 5 water is pumped down into the salt, and in the form of concentra- Linn county, Oregon, that the regular an- i .. - , . .i tl .... ... .n..,l "ui Bcnuui iiiec.mH ci sam scncoi The present method is to j aintrict win be held at the court! house in said school district on Mndai , : the h .lav nf S..l IKS', at tK. In this hol a doable pipe is in-j hour of 7 o'clock P H., of said dav, for ; Krt.I Tlirnmrli tlio innpr tiih i , Vurv". m near,D me reporis c I me bcneii. liirout'i. ine inner inoe , ,(l1t,in,.ml, b iw .. k . support jT tne cnoi for the ensuinif year. ; Also for the purpose of levyinr a tax for the ! purpose of paring interest on ' he bonds of toil hrint. i - tr.r-il m. t'lrniicrli th. ! aala ""-'. anil for the transaction of any i ieu onne is ion eu up t.irougn me j otht.r bUi,ilJ0SB that ,av ,efri.T come before jpate betweeu the inner and outer ,: th? neetini. . , , , , . , . By order if the board "f directors. tube. The brine is evajiorated in j r., flixv ! open tanks of enormous size. lne C G KvRK t"- ! if these, built at Fort Scott recent- ! February, i ; is. ; iy, is 80 feet in lenicth by :50 in j stoj,;. r , Mteuw. j width. Fire is applied under the ! XTOTiCE is hlkkbv give: that : Knt vrv ttu fii-l ! re ' there a ill le a meetintr of the stock--laUHS, DM Vr little luel IS re- : holders uf the Oddt Fellowa Hail ISiiiluin As- ! nured. as the brine is already : clatin held at their office in Alln, Ore I , . ,' ... i gron, on Monday, the llth day of Warch.lssO, Mlghly .'OnceittrMed. As the water ! at the hour n 7 o'olock, P.M., of said day ' in vini.r1tP.l th Halt io rakwl m. ,or ,he PurP ' electing seven directors to : 1H ine Wit IS raxeu np gerve tne e,.suinif Tear and for any other on the liarim; sides of the pan. ! business th ttnur come before said meetinjr. .' . . , . , , . I This the 11th day of February. 188SJ. ! where it is dried and put up in ! o. p. siii-w.x, w. c. Twkdalr, K.l, .!... ...,.-. -., ' Secre-ary President.. aava3 iii vitivi (tv.ak iau a r salt now monopolizes the Kansas City market, where it is laid down, freights paid, at $4 a ton. The : ravid develonmeut of the new salt ' , . . . iiiiiun iruuj Aiitsnv, inis IS a UOO4I, lipaiin V , industry has given great encour- j loc-tiau. ;th rood well of pure water, with asement to the packing interests ' jnd. mi: hou; buildings ail new. 7 I 1 bis is one o the most nightly places in Ore- l te At.U', and Some Ot tliej.on, having a fine viaw of the surrounding . , i-i e . l coiiMfrv, to u and mountains. Faruiu i iarirest packing-houses Of the al uew and cUan and adapted to a 1 t-ountrv have been established at .! ki,,,ls ' ,r,u1it L0u,'it.r ' ,a,nd tfndi ! . 1 none. I will make rhu a rare bargain to the ! Hutchinson, Wichita and Cther; right man. Iiuniignnts. don't faillto see! .1 ..1 1 1 .! this farm before ?ou buy. Come and see me i intuits where cattle, hogs and salt , on (he place. k T. WHITNEY, j are all convenient to the packers." ; ' - : . lANTKO-AUK)l WOKK HORSE TO . , V. " 7 I ' bire for farm werk. inquire at Ht.kald 111 e bill passed by the house toiotfi.-e. allow school dirw-tfrs in incorpora-; Prm K Marshall ! ted towns of 10,000 inhabitants to j yARM LKvelixo of all kinds, al- elect and adopt text books to be ba,,y Vreon- .Aent '"r tne w"ht , . , , i Farm Level Location of ditches for tiling' used in t lie public schools in the ' puipoHes a p-ialty. Orders left at the city, is not a move in the ri-rht j H,RAtP otBte i"retire l"""l attention. , direction. A change in the pres ! lie.l'or Allrya and streets! j ent methol of selecting a uniform ; fJOTiCE is HEREBi' given that pro- ; . i i , , , JL . perty owners are required to clean their xeries Of text nooks IS demanded alleys and thestrectsadiiuingtheirproperty j hw tlif no, i . If - hut it is ,.HrtAinIv i at once ln "tcoruance witn f he order of the oy tne people , out it is certainly j citjr j.,hn x. Hoffman, very doubtful if making the direc-: t-'ity Marshal. tors the ones to adopt books would For sale. j better the matter, or make it more j Of) small tracts and three farms ! , , , 11 ' on easy terms. Some near town. acceptable. It would assuredly . h. bryant 1 FARM FOR SALE, j I will sell my fine farm OF 200 acre, situated i:i Itenton countv, two ' not satisfy the people to have the l l .r i . .i ' cuaiice oi selection connneu to ine i -aj-c large cities. A uniformity of text f jjj . Satlcr f lliMtlilli. rOTICR IN IIIRKBT OITEK HUT TH CO-fART- I nership heretofore existing betwten : t Tttvmt and fJ W. Hot hntmil. r under tho ' books is a great dissideratum, and ' nrm name of Zeyss ft Hoch.te.ller, is this ' li s- i 1 1 . r rm I I i : J l. ... I . A rw , . . . . . til i . . oar aiiMviTvu uv mutwu uunovuii. nr. .cm that Uniformity should extend to ! re;irin-. Eitner member of the late arm every district in the state rit h J wil1 rtPt Ur a1' "aoyVUHHiuLii and populous as well as poor and j EdksTss, sparsely settled. If there is any fineHt babv carriage;"i; tM'nefit in it all should share that ' the city go to Stewart A Sox's. j benefit. I rEE THOSE NEW IMPROVED ORGANS at Will Hi os. A BARGAIN IN FIRST-CLASS SQUARE ; pianos. Must be sold in four days. At Thk Chronicle says that if it can i be proved that the American ' barlied-wire patent is illegal there Win Bros. will be great rejoicing among the; " ontrarf r ud Builder. thotisnmU wlin Iiavi. naid rovaltv : I C. SHELL WILL FURNISH I LJ speoiflcii u tins cneap leiice lnaieriiti. ine PLANS. tioiis and details for all kinds of . building ami architecture. All work prompt- : in it Via Kahii an v.-it-1 uone ami guarantee I to lie nrsi-citiss. r-s-IUOHOJMjIj 111 It .las Deen ail e.i It- ( tilnates furnished on short nctieefor brick' ini; one, and. if suits are brought to 1 bu.ldings. residences, public buildings. ; . , , i bridges, etc. recover royalties paid, what has i f. ... .. f ,,J SHIUiH'S VITAUZER i what1 lKv.if-.r tuu-en years one of the , ytm need f()r ,.on;ti!,.lti,,u luSB of ap. ; yreat of the country, will : pelile, di7.ines and all symptoms of prnvetobea ruinous investment. , J l7AwM The chance are. --however, that the St. loiiis r purt will turn out to he . a cacanl. or that the p ble counsel , CfilliTeE CfY forPitCllBr'S CaStOfia ..v tiim, i mi.i ut. vise noiii ; legal int-aiis (.f cjiupassiug tho ; . O H H W td a T I I O Pi M P3 f" O o o a l-H w k o & IT H O H M w o W O o 02 hH H 03 M o a Q v 03 ! 3 A Waralaf. The modes of dpth' approach pre various, andttntieUc8 t.liow conclusive ly that more pe.'fons die from diseases of the thrnnt and lunsetbitn any other. j It is probuble that everyone, without exception, recetves yast rumoers of I ulieicle t.ermo into the system aud where these jferms fall upon fuit:iMc soil they .tart into life and devclu). at first sUiwly and i shown by ssJicbt tickling .eusation in the throat and. if allowed to ' continue their ravages they extend to the lunrs po ducing consumption and to the bead, causing, catarrh. Now U this i I dangerous and if allowed to proceed j wil in time cause death. t the orset you must act with promptness; allow, ing a cold to go without attention h dangerous and may lose you t""i life. As soon as you feel that some, thing is wrong with yourthroat, Iuu.r or nostrils, obtain a bo' tie of Bosclii c V German Syrup. It wili give jou lui mediate relief. vTorlk Knowlnx lir. W, H. Morgan, merchant. Lake City Fla., vms takt-u with a severe Cold: attended with a tli.tret&iutr Consh and running into C'oasuiuptioii in its first slave. He tried many so called popular cmili renudiesund steadily srrew -orf". Was reduced in flesh, and had dillicuitj iu biealliitifr and iias unable to sleep. Finalv trirrt Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumjition and fouud immediate el.ef and after using a half doten bottles found himself well and lias had no return of the '"i.-case. No other remedy can show so irraud a record of cures an Dr. Kind's New Discover) for .'otisniiiptiuii liuuran ted to do just wliat i- claimed for it Trial bottle free al Fn-hny t -Masou I'tiltloruia al-lt-f 'iire. The only srnaranti'i d cure for ca tarrli, cild in tlic ie ad. hay fcvcr.i-cse co'd, catrrhal dcafv tied sore eyes Hcs ore the sense of taste and unplca. ant breaih, resultintr lrom enlairh. Eay and pleasant to use. Follow directions aud a cure is warranted, b) all d -uggists. Send for a circular to Abietine Medical Com-.iauv, Oro- ville. Cal. Six months' treatment for il:entbv mail. SI. 10. For sale bv Foshay & Mason, G. W. SMITH, ACCESSOR TO Y. II. M 'FA RL AND Has the Largest Stock of STOYES In the YALLEY SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. 5 ml CO 3 0. A fblld litlled. Another child kille l by the use of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers givej their children such deadly poison is sur prising when they can relieve the child ofits peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Foshay tk Mason. ARGAND COQKaNO HEATING STOVES. Also a large and complete assortment of kitchen utensils iu tin, copier and granite ware. Tie Albanv Bakery ! i -Under the anageat ot- Urlck Tr Male! ,)00,000 eoed brick.for sa'e PI'lylU W. C -w.CaHtll. Albany. Just received, a fresh barrel of samr kraul, very fine, at C. II. Spencer's. THAT HACKING COUIIcak k so quickly cured by Shiloli's Cure. We iuaraiiee it. rosuay v Masou. W. F. READ, ii i it I 1 am uow m-eivinif my Fall stock ot Drv Goods j notions, ttc, and piopose to make it red hot all along I tlie Jiiie, My goods are all fresh and new and bought WILL YOU SUFFER witu dtb pepsia and liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is jfuarantced to cure you. Fosh'.y 5 Mas-ou. SLEEPLESS NR-HTS. made miser ab.c by that t-rrible. coujh. Shiloh's cure is the remedy for you. Foshay A Mason. C VTRRH CURED, health and jiweel orath secured, by Shiloh's Ca tarrh i; medy. Price, SO cents. Nasal Injector free. Fo. bay & Mason. stockmen and farmers ire.a.:d. I hereby certify that Dr. I Jf. Wondle lias surc-nefully operated on my ridgling borne. ISAAC HAYS. For further 'eference in regard to ridglings nliuire of Dae Peterson, Win. I'eter-on.Leb-anon: John Hardmaa. Alfred Wclverton, Al- any; Sani (i .iiies, Scio: Wm. roster, Frine villc. I ratice veterinary meili' ine in Al- . banv and country Hurroundinir Otfice and i residence corner tith and Washington sts. I. N, W OOULK, Veterinary Surgeon. - WHO XEXP r. A full line of choice family groceries and proviaioD Cannea it-tipples, Choice Table Delicacies Ornameated cake far Wethitnus and Parties. DAP mnj Sahnon bellies, mackerel and salt fish of ail kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD Ilvcrv Day. Beit Svrun. Pies. CaJkes. TEAS am, FF1L Candies Nuts, ibm CANNED WUODS. ETC. FO R CASH! We iuvit viitvr inspection of the followinnr iroods CskSD16I6S Imported Brcadcloth SiiK Warp, Henrietta All "Woe Tricots Assat . 'lannr Curran & Monteltli have lots for eale on t! e installtuent plan, rang ing in price from lll'o to $1000. Kemoved. OSKPH WEBBER ANKOL'XCKS TO HIS iiatn.nn anil friendti tht lie can ne ro'ina on I irt .tree,, in m nc nium' m rTn.i j .MaJii brick, where lie is piepareu o ac ooinmodatu the public with an. thing in the tonaor'alline. Hot or com iains ai an noun. bL' VKK CL'IDK is O'lue 1 can clothe vou nd furnish you with all the necessary . ' uunecessary ap pliances to ride, . -lance, sleep, eat, hah, hunt, work, hurch or stay at home, and in vai. sizes, styles aud quantities. Just hnre out what is reo u i red to do all these things nnMMRTAMV. and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the j BUYERS' CU1DE. which will be Sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. MONTGOMERY,. WAKU & IU 1 11-1 14 Michigau Aveuue.Uhicago.lll. I .liltsalatloa Nallce. fpHlC PAR WKRSUIP HERETOFORE 1 exUting between Dr. E. A. McAlister and Dr. A. P. W.KKlward w this day dissolved by mutual i oiwci.t November 10, 1888. Ir Rent. FRNI9HED ROOMS TO RtNT. ,'AT THE CitjRestaurar.t. UMlglmt KooniK far Bent. TWO NICE. COMMODIOUS ROOMS SUIT able f..r gentlemen or todies, situated only three blocks from Main street. Inquire of Ura K A M..Aii.. ilRofd street, .near electric ight station. '.ne best Soap lc the market Le Roi -Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars lTAt John Fox's old otsind. low JKI nn new brick. HOI'KIXS & SALTMARSH, PlusJaea Velvets Velveteens Silks and Satins In fact everythmtt u-i:...It found in first-daw Drr 'Goods Store. Mr Boot and Shoe upuritnent is comploto. I have also added a complete Uns of tmys kilt suita. A comparison of uiy stock and prioes is solicited tX All mail orders promptly attended t. ' Call and see iu. "W F1. EH.iL.DD, (!ior to N H. Aliw., Albany. Oregon. iiiirt; at i minnm iv i n STO 1mm ipcFitiiiii J - 9 ii Hardware, 'All work prompt I v done at reasonable rates. . Kirst!trkkt, Pkak k III.- i k L. VIERCK'S SHAviNGfflRLOBS California, le Land fli r 1 1 iff. in r err .-- -r.. .l... a T" . a. V Tl iJL TIi The Rr "NCM UffiE e- r h u jl . fi 1 1 io--thcirr sv'x ii ii u i ill inr g.5S vv n ii flit ,K-3 V3 I . r t irM'Sa i1 istifjpffwWav EUREKA HAIR CUTriNGlAND BATHS. aiotto nf Culifojnia inraaa "I Found iu" Oilv in that land of where tthe oran? emo bloom and riuen .M hL.tii'fit rrftioi in mM...n. iare the herbs and trutn found that are llM-ii in thl l.l-ltlt I rtrlf fnr i ithrrtanil innu' trntihlM K.w. A Jthe rule of coughs, RKthma, and - 8urupiir n. tosnay of Al- .uauv 'rcnn, nave oeen Sfpoiotc eaimilaf iwIVo hix vOi) . lifirri edy, and sell it under : pcii-ant fat $1 not teb ree for ft ' J KOR SALE BT PALACE MEAT MARKET James v. PiPE.Prop. rlrst M reel . Album The bent variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, ooik iiKv;e, etc,, in the city Mt coustantly n hand. Everything new and neat. A clean towel for every customer. ; FIRST STREET BELOW REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, - - OREGON SECOND HAND STORE1 S- r r( n C n 1 1 1 1 .rrKrr. c s;in GanRAmM I - V-4 1 V W - " . r . . . I I an Mm, ALBANY C It BOON ock.ta rT Cash pii.l.for'all'kiuJ ' NORTHWEST FIRE and MAIM INSURANCE COMPANY PORTLAND, . OREG0K The past year lias proven it to be k nocfRsitT. 'The ht:st and choanest piucc IU LUC iu UitJ .VII Stoves, Fcrniture, tinware We aie aiways prcpurea to tiuy you' i household furniture at the hight-s ! cali price. Sole agents lor the j PEERLESS OIL CAN HAVE VoL' A Colo in the huaU wnich do nol'et better. Hkve you aa xoaaiiva secretion of mucus or matter iu the nasal passages which either must be blown from nose or drop back behind the nlutc. or hawked or snuffed backward to the throat, con fmublen hv liawkiiM anitrint .nnl imi jnH.Mi .- .... .m .v. .1 . . . . ... . u. r w, ulii 1. n t.ll U.I ('nnjcmg or roanna: iu ine cmra, niore 01 less impairment of the hearing, lm o ;raell, memory impaired, dullness cr ,auness or ine neaa, arvnesa or beat of 1 . T , 1 1 - .nun-! nave you low an eeiMe 01 amell? Iff... .-til Mimlit II " J " " - . 1 viniKiu mil disprptia. Is your breath foul? p m toc iiavr tub Catarrh. Some have -I these SVmtitotnH. othftra rtnlr The leading avmntiim if nrAinmvm . tarrh la increased secretion of mnctia n K, . v jeuow or sreenisli colored matter. f" d nwaTlVZ-n I FouI bre,t ,H cau'd b' 1UAM I LU ,ioinf i-scretion exuded from festennr n JRF TOT? ulcers far back in the hu1 r..i.- a a t-r-'the tnemhranA th. kt drop back behind the nlutc, or hawked or abled bv hawkintr. oittin. weak and tnflami mrnrnm NV?UA t-s i-n Hi rir a t a ri -.. 'the membi t t 1 Atintl eaten away and the bones themaelv And Lamp Killer. L. G0TTL1E P..lTAi.r4 I CfMnVhti -. A 1 t-wm mi wv-vw' mm Men-cyn r o villeal -asn fri COrrtKlillL' uiri r- a . . .... ..::-. tioii 11 thenasnl )ahe. it n rM r....ii.v tidrv tlui i,.t,i V the whola Lcr a-nuhiaSlv tak.H place, tl., n i I i. n iltr tl t is M ,.. ., ?, , , OSL ty, t1encu.11.sand f nM:ni :on. . i-anj vieaiasaa DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. xKrie"c,J ; "f, thc abov.syn-ptoms rto not deU. but trr V.ALiroar T-R-l ; ks at om-e W e poj.tively uarant a few implication,, relieve andla . eatmen: to cue. S t moiitlm trratment fr.r 1 i)0: sent v mail Lan.a 1Ik . t-. M . . .. aiiu .iiuv nrr. 'ir tiw FOSHAY MASON. .liihcuity. ; sjii oluves foi a $1 at Vitrcck's i 1 i MbatiyOregon i ,.-.v 1 r ?-- . V4I -. . .. 'WlW4tJIrA 4 J - 'Ua4 i-T..-ii if.lrf-V-V t-iwmais-i ri ntnirnsi mtmt n m i u