THE MOTIVING HERALD: SUKDAr. FEBHUAKT 10, 1SS9. 1JA.IL Y 4ND WEEKLY TERMS OV SUlttCRIPTK'N ' ' DAILY ' PiiMNhed every inorninif except Monday.) I h carrier. Dr wek .!& I.j wail, wr yrui... 500 WKKKLY. (Published every Friday Morning.) no root-, uer annum, in advaiice....'2.00 When not paid in advance. . ..... 20 ' THIS MAILS. Mail at the Albany pogtofnceclotfe far all office north ) The Eastern states I 6;30 A. M, rhe West Side 1 svodtheNatrowOautreR. R. J For Portland and Salein Ua.x OorvalUaand Yaquina ..-..12:30 r. I olflce south........... 7:30 P. ji The postotfice wilt be closed each evening ram six to seveu o'clock. j Registered matter for the early morning train should be mailed before 8 o clock the : previous eveniuir. ' TEM CE BOTES. EDITORIAL NOTES. I Natural gas and petroleum have been found in Kern county, Cali fornia, and the excitement is quite lively ovei the prospects of having a successful rival for the Pennsyl vania oil regions on the I'acifx Coast. It would be a condition not to be sneezed at, if such should prove to be the case. Joseph Bordeaux, his wife and two children lately from Canada, were poisoned on the 7th inst, at Olympia, by eating California cab bage, on which Paris green had been used to kill insects. All but one child died. This should be a terrible warning to gardeners against using poisonous substances to protect growing vegetables. Astoria boasts of a peculiar district deputy attorney. The Ore gonian says he refuses to discharge from custody a woman who sbot and killed a man who was attempt- j in? to commit a criminal outrage upon her. It is difficult to con ceive what vfould make the shoot ingof a man justifiable in the estimation of this official. Owing to the opposition , being made to the amendments to the Albany charter raising the limit of the tax levy and the limit of in debtedness to $5,000, theie is talk of passing the bill so as to submit the question to a vote of the people of this city. There is little doubt but that these measures would both be voted in tl-e affirmative if it should come to a vote. Canada is becoming aroused over the annexation question. News from the dominion govern ment states tiiat a great change is pending in Canada which will materially affect the future of th it country and may seriously alter the relations between the United States and Canada. It is reported on the best authority that at the conclusion of the present session of the Federal legislature, the gov ernment will apiieal to the country on the annexation question, fir McDonald, premier, will resign and be succeeded by Sir Tupper. Tue Chronicle says that the microbe is now the craze of the scientific world. Pasteur bap traced most complaints to the work of this vurasite, and now we hear that some of his assistants claim to linve discovered the generative icrobe of diphtheria. If they discover any sure cure for this ail ment tiiat is so frequently fatal they will prove benefactors of their age, for diphtheria carries off more children in the cities than a score of other complaints, but probably their high so.inding discoveries will prove to be impracticable theories, just as thousands oi such wanted discoveries have done heretofore. Is speaking of the proposition to give Mrs. Sheridan $50,000 in lieu of the pension that is due to her and ner children, the Oregonian very properly sys : There is no reason why the heroic and the un usual suouiu be attempted in a case of this kind. The widow of General Sheridan should be pen sioned, tie sum allowed being in accordance with the rank held by her husband in the army of the United States. There is nothing in this that savors of charity. It is the thing expected, and the proper thing to do. The general left three children, all young, who are yet to be brought up and edu cated, and a widow comparatively young. Had he lived they would have been provided for from his pay as a soldier He died, and they should be provided for by an adequate monthly allowance as a soldier's fomilv. This is in the ! line of justice and patriotism, and moreover it is in the line of pru deuce, sinci it neither establishes a troublesome precedent, or risks, for the recipients, future wint in present abundance. The present sea-iou oi tne legis lature is prolific in preparing bilrs, but at the end of the forty days its real work c in be gauged by t: e number of bills it has I . ed. Contributed by th W. C. T, U. '' Maj. Hilton's bioie readings are very instructive, and full of inter est to every seeker after truth. Very plainly does he point out the Christian's duty in serving the Lord. Surely no one can listen and not be benefitted. In speaking of Maj. Hilton's work in Portland the Express says : The substantia results of a weeks work: are a stronger temperance sentiment than has been known in the city since 'the Crusade, one hundred and thirty-four additions to the ranks of the W. C. T. U., all the expenses of meetings met and bank account of $2J) to the credit of the society, and the consumma tion of a movement previously be gun in the interests of the law and order, by the election, at a large mass meeting of citizens, of com- mittee of twenty-five citizens to perfect the organization of a law and order league. The statement appears to be well authenticated that the representa tives of an English Beer Syndicate are seeking to gain control of brew ery property to a large extent. They are said now to control thirty of the largest of our American breweries, and that they are about to add six to their number by pur chases in Baltimore, at an aggre gate cost of about $2,500,000. These English beer capil alitts are destined in due time, we have no doubt, to come to grief. The decision of the United States Supreme court in the Kansas cases is fair notice to them in advance that they make their beer-making investment upon an insecure legal tenure ; that the state may at any time, in the legi timate exercise of its police power, peremptorily close up their brew eries as public nuisances, with no redress therefor in the way of com pensation. iiat the Supreme court savs may be done in the way of outlawing the brewing business the American people are quite cer tain ultimately to do. Sauer kraut at Kenton's. XEW IO-lAl T ANTED A GOOD WORK HORSE TO office. hire tor farm work, inquire at Hsrald tre B. Marnliall. FARM LEVYING OF ALL KINDS. AL bany Ores on. Agent for the Wright Farm Level. Location of ditches for tiling put poses a specialty. Orders left at the Herald office will receive prompt attention. t'leaa.Year Alios mmd Mrects! NOTICE IS HKKEBi GIVEN THAT PRO perty owners are required to clean their alleys and the streets a j . uiii' their property at once in accordance . .i the order of the city council, Ji,.i. X. HOFFMAN, City Marshal. for )() SMALL TkAUia AND THREE FARMS -1 on easy terms. Sme near town. II. BRYANT J .Sutter tf lltMilulln. N'OTICK If II SB KB V GIVKN 11IAT THK CO-FART-nersliip heretofore existing brtven Kd. Zevwi and G. W HochHtedler, under the firm name of Zeiss & HoihsteWler, is this day dissolved by u.iitual consent, Mr. Zeyss retiring. Eitner member of the late Hrro will receipt for all moneys due them. GKi), W. HoCllbTKDLKR Ed.'ZKYSM, WINN, AGF.NT FOR THE2TLEAD- iiK tire, life and. accident insurance com pame-i. CHOICE ITALI AN lRt:XE" TREKS FOR J sale. Apply to V. W. Si-ixk Albany -1IACKMETACK," a lasting axi frajrrant pe'fume. Price 35 and 50 cents. Foshay & Mason. SHILOH'S CUKE wtll immediate ly relieve croup, whooping cough and bronchitis. For sale .y Foshay fc THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our liven to Shiloh's Con- sumption cure." For sale by toshay & Mu.-ton. Diulatlon ftotirr. fpii UK PARTKKRHH1P IIKRKTOKOKR RXISTINO BR- twecnG. W. Htrrisand W. E. Gillett, marble dealers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Gillett retiring. All persons knowing themselves indebted to thie firm will please ca'l at their shop and settle at once. G. W. Harris, W, E, GlI.LETT. Abany, Junuari' 7, 188". For the finest baby carriages in the city go to Stewart & Sox's. ClKE THOSE NEW IMPROVED ORGANS O . at Will Bios. A Will Bros, BARGAIN IN FIRST-CLASS SQUARE pianos. Must be sold in four days. At tealrarlwr mmd BvlMer. DC. SHELL WILL FURNISH PLANS, specifications and details for all kinds of building and architecture. All work prompt ly done and guaranteed to be first-class. Es timates furnished on short nctice for brick bu.?din;s, residences, public buildings, briiiires, etc. Albany Opera uonse JOSEF HEINE The World Renowned I-liriti Violinist AND MS GRAND CONCERT COT, Pronounced by the ires al! over tiie world as the most marvel ous violinist of tWeage. WEDNESDAY EVE., FEB. Reserved seats on sale Blackman's Drug store. 13. at O w CJ O w pi o o o a i i w o w k o H O H O o O Xfl H w in o a Q 3 i i ' . f The modes of Mth's- approach ore various, andstatistics fchow coneltibive- ly that more persona die from diseases of the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable tiiat everyone, without exception, receives vast rumbers of "i1. . w i . ' . ii... i i uucitic ucnilb into lie out-ii i hiiu where these trerms fall' upon euitniilv soil they start into life and devi lo. at first slowly and is shown by a slight ticklinsr fensatioD in -the tlinmi ami if allowed to eontinue tlieii ravages they extend to the hours pr. ducing consutnptiou and to the bead. imiumiv .... .!. V i. ... all tliid dangerous and if allowed to proceed Will' In llm. if -..t , iii i ii . i ill u v uupc vvaiu v . -. v i you must act with promptness; allow, ing a eold to go without attention i dangerous and may lose you yoiii ItfaA li arknn a. fun fnnl thai. Ki.lili.. thing is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boscheu's German Syrp.- It will give i'ou iui mediate relief. 1 'v r ; r H or tit Kaowlne., Mr. W. H, Morsran. merchant. Lake CitV"Fla wus i:.len with a severe Cold: atteniU'd uitii a uistressiior Cough and i inmini into Coiir-iiiuptiou in its first stilus, lie tried nuiuv so- called DODulur rouIi iviu dies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in nesf. una naa atnicuiiy iu ureutning and vvas untfbltV lo - sleen. . Fiualv tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and found immediate rei.ei ana alter using a nan aozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the t'iteae. No other remedy can how so grand record of eures as Dr. Kind's New Discover) for Cmsii:iiiI'uiii (iuaran t?ed to do just what U claimed l'r it. Trial bottle free al l-oi-haj iV Mason t'alirorniu iit-iciurr. The only gn.'i a-.ilei (I cure fur cu tarrh, cold in the li. :.!. liav fevi r.ros- ii'il. r-:it i rliiil (lc:ili.i :piitl snrt i-vi-s Kes ore the sense of taie uuduiiplcas ani nreain, rcsuiiiiig iroui caiarru. F!:iav- nnd n'ipM&fliit trt list-. Fiil!nv. directions and a cure is warranted, bv all d -uggists. Send for a circular to Abietme Meaical Cora:any, Oro- ille. Cal. Six months' treatment for t; sent by mail, 11.10, For sale by roshay & Jlason, A Chllil Hilled. Another child kille l by the use of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give their children su h deadly poison is sur prising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker s Baby Soother. It contains ! no opium or morphine. Sold by Foshay & Mason. G. W. SMITH, -UCVKSSOR TO VV. 11. M KAltJ,AM s the Largesl Stock of STOVES In thelVALLEY SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. c "0 CO r c 3 E D ARGAND COOK Aft D HEATING STOVES. Also a' large and complete assortment of kitchen utensils in tin, cojier and granite ware. The Albanv Bakery ! -Vuder the ue manaenieyt or- W. F. READ, Brlek for Kale ! ;'iOO,000 eoii brick.for sa'e v :Ca8wll. Albany . pply to W. C Just received, a fresh barrel of saur kraui, very tine, at C. H. Spencer's. THAT HACKING COUGII.cas k so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee ll. r osuay jaason. aiw Eros. WILL YOU SUFFER with dys pepsia and liver complaint Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you Fosh y&.Mason. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miskr able bv that terrible cough. Shiloh's cure is the remedy fr you. Foshay & Mason. " fTVTARRH CURED.' HEALTH AND sweet r-..ath secured, by Shiloh's. Ca tarrh lii medy. Price, 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Foshay & Mason. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAD, I herebv certify that Dr. I N. Woodle has successfully operated on my riddling horse ' ISAAC HAYS. For further eference in rtrard to ridlinis nbuire of Dave Peterson, Win. Petcrson.Leb anon; John llardniaii, Alfred Wclverton, Al sny; Sam Gvnes, Scio; Wm. Foster, Hrine vill'e. 1 practice veterinary mcdi ine in Al nmi rnnnirv mirroundinir Office and residence 6th and Washington sta. I l, nuuuLti. eiennrjr ouicuu - WHO KEEF A fuil line of choice family groceries and provtaioD Ca tinea tir it apples, Choice Table Delicacies 1 am now receiving mv Fall stock ot Dry Goods j notions, etc, ami piopose to make it red Lot ail along the line, My goods are all iresL anil new and bought PO R cash! Ornamented cakes fur Wedftttifs and Partita, P. Onrran &. Montelth have lots for sale on ti e installment plan, rang ing in price from ?12o to$ 10UU. Removed. TOSEPH WEBBER AXXOl NXES TO HIS ,) patrons anil friend that lie can bo found on First street, in his new rooms in Foshav & Mas n s brick, where he is prepared to ac commodate the public with anUhingin the tonsorralline.' Hot or cold baths at all hours 0 Salmon bailies, mackerel and salt flsh of all kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD ifivorv J.)av. Bill Svrun. Pies. Cakes TEAS ani . (FFE Candies Nuts, Haiis. CANNED WOODS, ETC. We invite your inspection of the following goods Cashmeres Imported Srcadcloth Silii "Warp, Henrietta All "Wool Tricots Assalset FlaiaicI: Plushe3 Velets Velveteens Silks and Satins In fact everythi?' i:-,!:..;iy found in h first-class Dry Goods Store. Mr lkot and Slioe Oepartuient ia coin plot e. i have sIho added a complete litis of (toys kilt units. A comparison of my block and priced is solicited jS? All "mail oiders promptly attended to". Call and see uie. ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars tWl John Fox'h old stand low Fl nirs lew brick. can clothe you uu f urnish you with all the necessary . d unnecessary ap pliances to ride, wa. -lance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, hurch or stay at home, and iu vat . sizes, styles and quantities. Just hnre out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate .of the value of the BUYERS' jCUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage.. MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO., llMUMichigftq Avenuj,Chicago,lll. lOUMlatlon Nvtlce. 'MHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE 1 exigtiogr bel.ween lr, E. A. McAlister and Dr. A. P. Woodward is this day dissolved by mutual consent November 10, 188S. , ". i Wv Bent. FURNISimb ROOMS TO RENT. AT THE City Restaurant. ; , THOS. HOPKINS. Plumbing & I'ipe Fitting s x o r i: s , Tiaware a:i Hardware, w iebielsiJD. UMccvor Ui S H. Alleu Albanv. Oreeon. (Jalitoni, the Land of Discoveries irllGOLTVi The aiotto L.UOl . II II JN I I have found iu w fim I I UMtfiiiie.jwhei il, ftim tn Wrl .r' anil ((rape bloo EUKEKA All work prompt I v done at reasonable rates. KiRHTSIRKKT, NKARttl Fklixiws Tekplk VadfXmx Rmbu for Kent, TWO NICE, COMMODIOUS ROOMS SUIT able for gentlemen or todies, situated only three blocks from Main street. Iniuireof Mrs S. A.McAlister, north side of 3d street, near electric ight sUtion. PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. tint Street AlbB The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton pork iausa((e, etc.,in the city kept constantly n hand. t& CjwhJpM.rforfall kind ock.J NORTHWEST PR l LLIU tl 4 nmi INSURANCE COMPANi PORTLAND. OREGON L. VIEROK'S SHAVING :PML0fe, HAIR CUTTING and BATHS. KEverything new and neat. "A clean towel for every J FIRST STREET BKI.OW REVERE IlOl'KE ALBANY, - -' QREGON JOHN SCIIMEER'S Livery. Feed 4 Sale stable Corner Second and Ellsworth Sta, ALBANY, - - OREGON 0R8K8 boardrd by the day or month. Car rujres or Duieu on reasonable ternif , vdnl tit Califcuiiia un-ans "I " Only in that land of rettheoran? emo a Krape bloom and ripen atta itifir hiliot perfection in mic'-winur, arc the herlis and (rum found that are jilted in that pleattant lerne-jy for all khroat and lutijf troubles, Santa Abik the rule, of coughs, asthma, and crn- : sumption. Vonhny A Nims, of Al- anv UreKoD, have been f poiiitod nuai nr f his valblo '-uiforoia rein ledy, and fell it under n u-autee. at $1 ooicenree torts.!" j FOR SALE BY mm L1PTIU) .Droncni.t.ifCdty j'SendJor cirMlar.4F trUmi3kr QA WBIEhNl mLUL.C0.0WVllLl CAL ALBANY t BEGON . HAVE YoL A COLO in ttiu head which d ' (notfffet better; Have you aa excessiv secretion of mucui or mutter in rhe nasal passages which either must be blows from rKimordtoobftnk ttehind the txxraliL or hawked -or snuffed backward to Che throat? you.tiwjoiol hswKii)f, BAittuiK, weak and loMuen eyes, fnqaeut soreness ot tne throat ONLY FIRST CLASS HEARSE- IN THE CITY h r-. ' 7il! llJIIIUil wring or roaringr is the eaim, u,ore oi ilea iiiipairmeni of toe tieannr, ineso sntell, memnry impaired.' dullness cr !pf.Tiiirj(r4 I spy j tenirTttir irn.r m 'LliLHlLU-LO dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of 'nose? Have you lost all sense of snielf? pi. A. Hut yuu luckinr Hith! Have y-i L-ll djsptiia Is your breath foul? Ir ltJilt 'voo have TincCATARAii. Some have 1 these symptoms, ottievs only a part tiiiu iBiaiNK.nmiMwn oruinarr cs in huh WW vmMWmw .'I 111 Ul.ll, V TH.S . . triiri - fori caused by' the deooir tUJlAlM 1 LCD ;poslB)r aecreuniis exuded from festering CURE T0? ulofcrsiar back in the head; ometimes y a m i nijii momnrane covtnnjr tne Dones is jV I AlVllri eatco aay and the bones themselve) A 13 flVIl I r Til prauually decay, fcuch cases ar ua yjliU V ll,LiL lAL. deed objects of pity, as stench from corrriiri'r Mire revc the corruption within. As every hrrnth drawn into the limits ii'i:t ss over and become pUutel by the relie t timi in the iihsaI tam.Ft. it lift nmirii;y ; ill v il i i ,m i .i i the whole seer xradiiull" tiikr-h plcc, while ti c n rl ir n : ;ur ll- it tvum'i i i I ; the sleep bteoi, I b 1? m i i . . i i );.,. ;;! :: 1 1 n 1 1 al: rt-aturbe tv, ncrvonsneHS ai:d i-oiisumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. yo'i have experienctfl any of the abovesymptoms do not delay, but try CALiPoaj(tr T-K-Ci KK at once. We p h tivel v uarvir. ecr a few applications relieve and thorouck eatniont ro S:x monrh treatin.-nt f ' .?! 00; sent y mail gftula blf and t nt-K-t wr. tor Hnie by CMilren Cry forPitclier's Castoria FOSHAY & MASON, Albany Oregorx