THE MOITNEKG HERALD: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY S9 1889 P f Ex peri imc iH. You cannot afford to waste time in . xreriinentiu;; when yous Jmi.irs an in danger. Consumption alwnjo n.-emsL ft Hr.t only a cold. Do n't, permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation ofDr, King's New Discovery for Consiimn tiun, (Coughs and Colds, but be snre you get the genuine. Because Le run make more profit be may tell you y: e aomeiuinif jusi us kwu, wjui the same. Don't be deceived, but in it upon getting Dr. King's New Dis eoverv, which is guaranteed to srive r leif "iu all Throat, Lun and Chest i. flections. Trial bottles free ati'os i4ay & MuinV Drujr Store. I'luiplr the Face Dei nte an impure state of the bio o and are looked upon by miny with ufr-icioii. Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all impurities and leave the complexion fcinootb. and clea. There is nothing that will so thoroughly I'oild up the constitution, purity and -trcDgthen the whole syfetem. Sold and guaranteed by Foshay & Mason. UailMe and tanteniuieiit, Cannot go ham in liaud if we look on the dark bide of every little obstacle. Nothing will so darken lite and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets wi'l cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, Constipa tion and Indigestion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold ;t 25 and 50 cents by bVsiiay A Mason. What is Jions a-tiek a wmorwi't CwqflHihi Bmpmrior . Castor- Oil of Motif: Jfmreodo Brrnpa. ChOdrmn cry far atorla. Mil- Maaai Cmm toriav, Castorla- cure CWte, Jftntipatian ; P"or Stomachy Diarzfeoea, KmctaUm r Girea healthy sleep ; also aids '"f-trTn "T necmneoSL Csatoria, tor children's Complaint, ma superior to wt prescrivtlon knowawme,'' H. A. Archih, L d!T 111 Bo. Oxford 6C, Brooklyn, JLT. ttam Cdsaox. ftmin, T Murray fit, 2few York. THE MARKETS. A1.BA3T QUOTATIONS. Wheat 70 Oate 2580c. Flour $4.2L pei bbl Potatoes &c Butter 25c. Lard 1215c. Wool iCa-17c. ' Hams V5c. Shoulders -tilOc. uacon lU14e nay fire We to Have aaalher War Some political prophets aver that we shall. Re that as it may, the bat tie w aed by medical 'science arwiu?t Ciseii.e will never cease until we ar rive at the Utopian epoch when the human famil shall cease to be alllct cd with bodily ailment-. One of the niott potent weapons which the ar mory of medicine furnishes, is Hos teitr's Stomach Bittern, which U of special utility as a family remedy, as it i adapted to the immediate relief ultimate eurt of those disorders of tin- WnmaehTirer and bowles which -Timothy, $12, oats and "cueat, are of commones!" occurence. Indi gestion, oiiioiisnes ana constipation Kill ONLY BRILLIANT. Apples fireen. 2.R,ff:X)c per bu. arc inscparabla companions, as these nuins Dried, 5c. per Xb. ailments are completely eradicated by Apples dried bleached 5c sundried j Ui Bitters. But the remedial scope 3 8 c. j of this superlatively wholesome and Chickens $2.50go50 j venial medicine takes in also nervous HioesBef hides. j:recr,r5"c. j ailments, rheumatism and kidney 10 c ; deer skins, 20c; sheep pelts, 10 I troubles; its action ii. these, as in the 30c, according to wool. I other complaints, being characterized Beef 24c gross. by uneiiuakd io:o, uresseu, Lard Rears, or pails 12c. 5 srallon'tins, '. 10c; STEWART k SOL -Dealers in- UIvcn Away. V F. Read proposes to give away a tine gold watch with his gold and oilver prize shirt, the very best fitting and best made white shirt in the xuarkut. The price is as low or lower than any equally as good shirt in the yuu- vjeioh r f U R U. General Hardware He Cud anl ! Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir tor it has been fnlly demonstrated to the people of this country that it i. superior to all other preparations for blond diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, ulcers, erup tions and pimples. It purities the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. -AND- Agricultiiral Menecli. mm Iron, Steel and Coal Way on s and Jiuggies Hope and Cordage fflackamitlis9 Supj)lies Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Potuder, Shot, etc. Gian t Powder & Fusel Saws and Axes. Garden and Grass Seeds- M all Implements Used by Farmers 8 ARE YoU .MaDE mishkable by indigei-tion or constipation, di..'mcss, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitalier is a positive cure. Foshay & Mason. CuilirenCryforPitclier'sCuStoria Is the reason people will uot, Joan not or do not see any differ nee i:i j cheap nostrums put up by Cheat John houses or irresponsible panics at enormous profits, rather than laUe a medicine i-f -rM wjrle re-miation and one faction at tij i. in the vrorl i s leled satis' -ti blood as B t Blood Mat- i does not . :t nothiiig. (.ttt . gist. DURABLE, ECONOMICAL 4 Are HiHuio..djr es They excel all others in Strength, Purity and rastnesa. Note others are just as good. Bewaiv of imitations they are made of cheap ami inferior material and ;:ive poor, meak. croi-ty ooloru. S6 colors; 10 cents eacb Scnd postal tor llye Book, Sample Card, directions for coloring Phoios; making the iiiicst Ink or Bluing (10 tie. a quart), etc. Sold ly druirgists or by Wellj Bi'"r(i'''&02- Pcrl'irrtop, Vt. Korliiliiii.j; t tiroiizui Kainy Artk-'vs I t-F LTDiAM2OD . -'"y universal satis i No me-licine v:iitt such uuparal-;-i fur pnr'fving the iMood I'm i tier and id cVvry bottle that work will cost you L. Black man, drug- (Sold frilvcr, IJrnuze, CopjH-r. (Jn.y l(-cnts. P. , CELEKY aire s COMPOUND uUKfcS I l uine'k Cc)er. Com . pound cured n.v nerv Neuralgia t headache. I Mrs L A BreiiUier. I Snn Jin inti-., Cat. 1 I t A . faine'e CeTery lerV0U& Vmound 1 am cureJ if rlieuniati-fi n .Samuel HutchitiRon, Prostration south commb, x h Rheumatism ,lWdr..-r. . ood tr kidney dkeasr j;j. than anv other Died;. lUUnCy ;ine. tJeo. Abbott, Diseases Sioux City, Iowa I'aii e s C- lory cum ' oound has Ik e.i a gre AND i: ;,ir toijjid te e All Liver ;;CTona" Ul"":t 'Disorder. Vue,cc,U auaHiBHHi ALiiriiiirs: What in the world is the reason you wi I cough hiiu keep coughing ; and still keep trvn g inP-nor medi cines when P-'gfs' Cherry I'oiigh Syr up will positively relieve your cough at once ? Tiiis it no advertising scheme, but an actual faet, and we guarantee it. (e. L. B!tckuian, druggist. Manufacture steam engines, grist, and saw mill ina hinery, iron fronts and all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and bras castings. Special atten tion paid to repaiiing all kinds ol machinery. Pattern made on 6tort notice. II F. SOX, President. C. II. StkwaKT, Jreeretary. )00 Its peril : t:u.ii i(e proMnin luilli ons , ol l.o.m b for more than a quarter of . i my. It i- v:se bj tbet'inteu ,..llv. -S .crnueiit En dorsed by t!.e 1ii-ts of the trreat liuiver-ities a? the Strongest. Purest, and most llt iiltliMil. 1'r. Price's me Creum Hiki!'t' P-iwiu r does i.ot eontai j Auimoiiia. Lime or , In' Sold i.nly j in can-. PH E i:.i;iN(i Pi'iWUint In the central Willamette Valley 'O.Mi'ANY. ev i'it. i' ic;o. kt j oionijitly tilled at lowest rates. i A G R1C U L'l U K ALdEPQT DEYOE & ROBSON, Proprietors ALBANY. 2 t OREGON. Exju t Label Have remt vtd ii to'il eir new It.ik ii g isrrt Iu ac i ;i i (i,f( i 11 c tiu'i ot 1S. everywhere. iEO. A. FVI I 1 INF OF i i GARDENER'S AND CARPENTER'S TOOLS, The larpestaiicjl.est variety of STUDEBAKER I NEWTON FARH WAGONS, HACZS AKD BUGGIES OidcisJioni a distance solicited aiic1 'liisis the top of the GENUINE PEARL TOP LAMP CHiMNEY AU other lf siriiiJar are iaiitation Thts exact Isabel is on each Pearl Tor; Chimney. A iealer may say and think he has others as good, BUT nt it as not. In sist mion the and Top. For sale Made only by Macbeth fc Co Pittsburg, Pa. a' j a R. n CSaartl ApalnMt lbe.ii-tir. And alwavs have a bottle of A.'-"'- j English Remedy in the house. ' cannot tell how scon Croup may strike your lit tie one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treatment. The Remedy guaranteed by Foshay fc MasonJ Eureka, The irotto of California means I have found it. Only in the land of sunshine w here the orange, lemon, olive, tig and grape blo;tn and ripen and attain their hitrhest perfection in mid-winter, are the herbs and gum found that are used in this pleasant , rcineuy tor an inroaiara lungtrou blcs, Santa Abie the ruler of coughs, asthm:t and consumption. Try Santa Abie th" only guaranteed cure for cuturraSl uv mail 51.10 1000 9 lust r-eeived, another lot of those fine hand sewed French kid shoes, the ver cheapest eyer brought to towli at W F. Read's. SJtJ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoriaa AllTT 1 11 II HI V I - vyrirl IXil. Wt. 3ft I ! Overland to Call! bnii Fanners fell mis' VIA 1'AIIHC C'('X!I"AN S Staple Ghrpoeaciesl FiDe(uaOTe,(Meri CAKES, PIES, Fresh Baked Bread Every Day. MlfeliaMa fUttm mm at aj f tew4cpilni Mini , t tak mmk IWWMAIiatMMyaalglaMlllj Cranbefrna. Fin Pickles, . Ohtd Betf C kipped U 0rd Aneboey Mustard, , Candies aad Huts, , Eastern Eudbutheat Floor, , Canoed Qooda of AU Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc iMN raoda wtm ail pvMltoha HtMW uivi bhbTA ROUTE. Time Between ! I rrnefsrw jror e 35 CaliU'" i.."e ire-j trains rim daily bc'wccr Pnrtlmx) Sp Franeiwo. 4:0ilu l Poitionu s:ispni..I.v Albany. . Ar..l0.l.' air. I.v. . 6:4S aw S Krwwin-n l v , .(;oiib; l4irf Pans. Tral Bally- Ex. Sunday o. . nlui.u Ar.. 3:45 pin v Albany ..Lv. .ll::tr aBi 2:40pm. .At Kiigene I.v.. 9:00am QgcMifl- Lefeaaon Branch. t:2 in. . I.v. (: p m.. Ar. . 2:50 im..I.v., 1?"Tini..Ar.. ...Album... Ar.. 6:30 am ...Letonea I.v.. .':45am ...Albauy Ar.. 2:45 pni . . . Ijphnnon Lv.. 2:00 pn. PULLMAN BUFFETSLEEPERS. dtttben fttiiinai TOURIST SLEPPING CARS. For acconiinodaticn of Teeond-Class Pas se (ftif ita hi tr F1 reF irii f. The S. P. Co.'k FeiT- malra connection v!fb r" ibi ipirular tntinn or tr enst sided: Uiou from foot of F street. Potrlaail. F. Wrl Hide IMvKIhh. PetwfH'n PofHami anrl CorvalliF. Hull Tra- lHv-rxcept Sunday 12:25 r m. .Ar. I o . ti i . I C-n?iiHs. ( .ll'n.rr. ..2: r- ni. f ii mm -PMprlaterv !- ALBANY SODA WORKS At Alliony and Oriallia tonnect with fe,iir I rain Inl Kxmpt Sunday 4:.-xi p m.'.l.v. k-e. pm . r , Port land Mi-Mipprille.Lv. 5.4&'iD, THROUGH TICKETS ggBBIo All Points SOUTH AND ; EE AST Via Califcmia.- Choice Confectionery. K For full informaticn rrirsrdini; rntrs. I matw, et-. rail on ron pjini 's apent at Albany K. KUiI.tK. K. P. KCiGKKS, Mr nrrer. fisil. (J. F. P A W ar mv paepaicd toforniatt aaamlut a&vora, mixad nuiittaa, xtvm taaaj mtzad, aaady tapg aaa inonniata iiwnii, AT VMUAIB UTAIXi 0M Onlan 1Mb aaanlvy daalaM vmmgtlg tandte " j "--it rtiwl. ! DAVIS BROS AND CO. trm. , g ggfg PKALERH I.V OKSKKAUMF.KCHilllDlKK. sji yji n: l in a .. ( 1 ( ( KIKE COM ANY i Oregon .ALBANY Collegiate Institute, ALBANY, OREGON IHSK ISK!. A Eull Corps of Instructors. Clats'u-al, si-itntifi-, l:tr:ay, ct Dimm-iiil ami porn al thu-ss. Coihm-s of Mud ar ranged to Hi'-ct tiie intiih of all padts of Mudt-ntH. Kftvia! iniiurciiieMx fitril to Mudfciits fr ni nbroiid. T.iition rants tun. to r-'..0 Per Term. Iiintnimental'iiistriH-ticn in ii.usic niilbe given by Miss Laura Goltra. " Board in private fumilit-H ut low rates, am! rooms for self boardinir at tniall xi.mti. A i careful mipcrvuioii exuciced oer iiuiiilt. away from home. For circulnrn and full particulars, addrcw the preaioet't, KEV. ELBERT N. COX PIT, Albany, Orejjon, Children Cry fcrPitclier's Castoris Dr.Y GOODS DRESS GOODS CLOAKS FANCY GOODS, MEN'S CLOTHING. 30YS' CLOTHING. HATS ANDCAFS. FURNISHING GOOD BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND CHILDRENS SHOES. -tga hwwta, Mt.--1 ALL AT LOWFSTi PRICES. Capita! Ski 500 000 PAID IP CAPITAL $S5.00. OFFICERS. Prepident CliarleP E. Wolverton. Vice-President J. O. Writsraan. Treasurer J. W. Cusick. Secretary J. K. Elderkin. DDtECTORS. K. s. Stranan, CtiaB. E. Wolver tou. J. L. Cowan, D.JB. Monteith, J. W. Cusk k, J. O. ;Writeman, J. K. Elderkin, Cbailcs Monteith, (. F. Simpson. Safe, Sound, uonseiratiYe A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People Farsonize Homel Enterprise Hermann s Restaurant Hermann Diercis, Prop, i 5 THE lapna Mite ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. AND Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship Line1 FOR DYSPEPSIA and i.iveb com plaint. yi" have a pr:i:ttd trrarantec on every luittle if SLilohV Vila' i! lH-vcr f:iils to lire. Fosliay V Mai-dti As 1 illOCEHY 225 MILES SHORTER 22 AND Hours Less Time. Than Iiy any other route: . aiHIS RFSTAf IJANT IS NOWOrENEDTO . the public in the S-altniarsh buildinp be- iow me nevtre iioDne, wiure good meals will be nerved at all hourn. Mr Hierck in. vitts oIh 11M inrtoir.ers and the public gener ally to call. The tabled w ill be supplied with the best viands the market affords, Satisfac tion LMiarsi'tee . '. I iKi.s was formerly prcprielor.of the lioere ll. :m; untaurant, wl.ich be ran on the bur-ipean p'an.but found that pian didn't Huereed. no he opened hh present restauraut where he ha vivon ncneral saticfaetion. IVrt-nrm wanting a first class meal should ro to Hermann's. tr-'r hi- mnl.vrl. Albany, - - Orofjrorvj M Crown Milk!5 Cw ItaVlk 1 th Elliott Ranch, four miles soi:th of . . , . . ruifLju-nn n m Scio Horses ?1 ppr mon'h; cattli' od NEW PROCESS FLOUR -N diseased stock ic ei rvwL cio, vrgoa. CETT- 8IIHDNDRBD ACRES OP GOOD PASTURAGE Ard's'l utidaiH c o! ninninsr wutrron TbB BB8t StoragB Eunlities tni Vvii.L Aol' oir.n. wnrx M I!fl ' Cine v. ill aiv iiniediiile re-',i':- I lice lt'i ., .;i'(. and fi. Fol ai ilaou. First-class throufih pasfrri(,'er and'freifrht from Portland tnd all points in the WD- irette Vrlley to arc" from t-'sn Kremisco. Accomodations unsurpassed'f or comfort and safety. Fares and freights via Yaquina and the Oregon Deve opment company's steam chips, much lesfi that by any other route be wer all points in the WiilJauiette tVallev tnd San Francisco. Sailing dates. FROM 8 A IS PRAMieCO Willamette Valley Dec th Willamette Valley " 13th Willamette Valley " 30th PROM YAVll'INA. Willamette'allcy I'cc. 1st ii aruette V allev - . Kin r illamette Valle 24th The company reserve the right to change tcamers or sailine dates. C. H. Haswkll, Jb., (ien F. & P. Af.ent. J04.Montsnierfstreel, fc-an FraneiHco, Cal. DA1LT PA88FNORR TRAINS. Except Sundays.) MsrnVKKKD AT Stjrong's oId Corner, Opjiosite Su-wart t Sox; First St. A full line of frrsh prceries.cannf 1 goods, etc. "Quick sales and small profits, live and let live" is i ur motto Please call and eraniinc our goods and pet our prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. tS Produce taken in eicliange "St Very Re pectfully. BARDUE A UNDERWOOD. THE1 B2T LITE INSURANCE CO. WHICH IS IT ? Companies and Apents arc not lisinterested witnetspee. Policy holders are and scores of them, after long and large experience in the leading companies, bear testi mony similar to that of MR. R. NUNNMACHER, A well known banker, of Milwau kee, Wis. After maturing and be ing paid a twenty year endowment policy in the NORTHWESTERN M UTUALL1FK Which returned him his outlay, with OVER, FIX PER CENT COMPOUND INTEREST. He says: "Knowing the company and its management as I do I have no hesitancy in advising my friends, who desire good and safe investments, to secure Northwestern policies." "I have secured the full limit of $50,000, and consider the company the BEST IN THE WORLD." Fkam-is & Kkeh, ien'l Agts. Portland, Or. SSI Wlr'fo L-EX.T iltlll im Hail ! . - -' i mm mmx-JJ -- MawHaaBWBMaaiiaM 'r X:,'. pnois Furniture House! . THOS. BRINK. Best Line of Furniture In the Cilv of Alto! Fane Wicker Chairs Lounges Parlor uornice jroies jyiirrors reamer Pillows S-nriny Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exten; sion Tables Suits, And what vou can't tinl at other houses, I Lave it. In facteverr- thing that is kept iu a first-class house. Ash. Maple and Walnut Chamber sets. Chairs, Spring Jieds, Lounge Etc., Etc. at Prices thtt CANNOT EE UNDERSOLD. ALBANY - - OREGON J. U. HOVHR, PBTRR HIHB, V. R. KIRK. J.r. (.ALKRAITH. BANK OF BROWNSVILLE. BE0WK5VIILE, LOT (Or mi Tulius Joseph Manufactauer of Choice Cip-ais :aler in AND KEY WW AND DEALER IN- L Yaquina 6:45 A OirvalliS 10:38 a Ar Albany 11:10 a u Lv Albany 1:00 P. " CorvaUis 1:40 r At Yaquina M) p. v y oiler. tllANOKOK NAMR. In the County Court of Linn County, State of Oregon, NOTICE IS HERKBYf GIVEN TO ALL uernoiih ooncemed that hy crderof th. County Ccurt duly made and entered of j record on Monday, January 7th, 18J-9 the 1 nunie of C'harlt II. Schubert an chajiirid j from Charles II. Sthulert .o Lliarlea H Huelle i Done ly order of the Hon. P. R. Jf. HI.-k V. I bum judge of said county court. f- WitnesH uiy hand and theses) of said oouit affixed this 7th dav of lanuarT A. f. IHfl K. E MONTAfU'K. County Clerk. A NASAL INS ECTOR free with ritchjinftlc nf SliilotiV t aturrh R.;m. tuy. rrii-e 50 cents Foakay A Ma.o. O & C. trains connect at Aiokny anu -r- fVillaMcK River U Steamrra r TheWm. M. Hoap, the N. S. Beiitley an.l the Three Sisters are in service for both ys scner and freiifht traffic between Corvallih and Portand and intermediate points. Itav inir eompnnr's wharf, Corvallis, and Mesrs. Ilulman &Co.'s wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Portland, three times each week as follow: NORTH BOUND. L Corvallis Mod.. Wed. and Fn 8 00 am Lv Albany Mon., Wed. and Fri., Ar Sa'em Hon., Wdd. and Fn..... Lv Salem Tups. Thnr and Sat r Portland Tuea. , Thur. and Sat..., SOUTH BOUND. Lv Portland Mon., Wed. and F'i... Ar Salem Mon., W ed. and Fri I.v Salem Tucs.,Thur. and Sat I.v Albany Tries., Thur. and Sat Ar Orvailia Tuea., Thur. and Srt. . 9 oO am 3 CKl pm . f. am 3 30 pm 00am 7 IS pre 6 00 am 1 30 pm 3 SO pre RtOR6AMKD JAS14RT, l,'lfc9. CAPITAL STOCK, - $25,000 Transacts a General banking and exchange biiHinefS. Loans made. Kills discounted. Colli ctions made on reasonable terms. De posits received on current acounts ubje-t j to check. Exch-iuKe hencht and sold on Ne j Yoik. Chicago, San 1 rancifco. Portland and Albanv. J- M. MOVER, J. p" CALRRiiTH. Presidrac I Cashier. ;ars, 1'lt.p rr ft f ri' kirr T In i o-. ' r ' 'ine of Smokers' Articles. tl'Mtr : Ml Piiar Ali-o denier in; lit. CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL MM Ncxtjaoor to buikbart A Keeney' Real Estat Office, Albany Orti LinnCoonfyBank W. M. Hoas, C. Hot a, General Manager. ActiiiR Ip- AK"'t fCorvallis, O on ! Boys kilt auits at W. V. Iiaad's. COWAH, RALSTON !AND CHAMBERLAIN, Albany. - Oregon Transacts a peneral bankirc businew. Draw si-ht drafts on New Yor. Kan Fn iscoand Portland, Or. Loan money on approved security. Receive deposits subject to -leek.!'tins entrusted to us Urec ive ouipt atUotioc.y The City Liquor Store, if. BAV3IGAHT, Proprietor. g& Next door tc the Odd Fi !! !' n pic, All any, Ore(rcnS Keeps constantly on hand the finest imported and domestic wines, liqur.r', chrart to'-i-ws. Only flntt-class liquor store in sh city SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRi SPRINGFIELD SAWRIIILL A. WHEELER, sriilXGFIfiLP, PKOI'RIETOR. SPiaNGFIKLl) OREGON1 FAlhany yard and office on K..lrnd, lietween 4ili and .5:1: streets A. Wheeler, Altiany Maraer, " HavitiL' lumber rot excelled in onal'tr, net facilities riot surpassed fort lie prompt itiiti sat'faitury tilliu.- or ord -r. I re?neftfilllv solicit a Aivt- of the-wdv- a, WHEELER