6 THE MOHKING- HETJAL1): WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1SS9. Daily and VVisKJCivy TERMS OF l tt.MjiUPTION- BAILY pnMlni!d everv morning except Monday.) fiveml by carrier, per week.. .... 0.1ft 1 tutui, er y eai .. . . S 00 WEEKLY. (Published every Friday Morning .) nc copy, per annum, iu adrance...n.$2.00 When pot paid in .vlviuioe....., . tJO 30 A. M, THK MAIU. Mails at the Albany postqjflce close h ot all office north The Eastern states J&.e West Side . And the Nairow Gauire R. R for Portland and Salctn ..11 A. H Curvallia and Yaquina 12:3U r. u office south... ..... 7:S0 p. m The postonice will be closed each oreiiiiit ram six to seven o'clock. . Registered matter for the early mornii:g train should be mailed before 8 o clock the previous eveninir. EDITORIAL NOTES. Kansas City, Missouri, is inau gurating a ne- departure in the line of guarding against fire. It is the forbidding of the use of wooden partiti ma in buildings, within the lire limits. Wire lath are ustd instead of wood. The remark of every individual, in Oregon, is that thus far we have had no occasion to find fault with our winter, or rather with our lack of winter, for in reality there has been no winter weather. Oregon boats the world for climate. New improvements tions as well as new and uses mven of old went under the freest government in the world. ' The present move in the direction of legislation cal culated to grapple firmly 1 with the evils of unrestricted immigration is a wealthy sign of the times, out of which we may speedily hope for the enactment of a law that, while equitable towards all who peek a home within our boiders, will con serve the r elf are of our people and maintain the 'stability of our insti tutions. Speaking of foreign trade mat ters the New York Tribune says that foreign trade has' a better ap pearance, in spite of a decline in otton exports after the exception ally large movement of December, for in three weeks of January only 353.S95 bales have gone out.againat 411,062 last year, and in spite of t ie continued suppression of wheat exports, the value of goods ex ported from New , York for two weeks of January is 20 per cent. larger than last year. In 4 Decem ber the exports of cotton, bread- stuffs, provisions, cattle and oil amounted to $Go 812,102, againft $54,545,195 last year, which ap pears to indicate that merchandise exports in December were probably more than $85,000,000 iu value, and excee-Jed imports by more than $:0,000,000. So heavy a move ment is the more remarkable because in wheat, cattle and oil tnere was a decline in value ex ported. ones are being constantly brought into use.' The latest in street pavement novelties is the use of steel bars in one case and of India rnbber in another case ; both being reported as desirable improvements. Alt a says that this .Samoan fuss is over nine islands, called the Navigator Islands, and named ' .Manua, Olosinga, Oiu, Anun, Tatuila, Upo'.u, Manono, Apolima and Savaii. The group was named by a French Admiral, who landed mere in 1768, and had the singu lar felicity of having an officer and eleven men killed and eaten, when he declared in navy French that tttose folks were navy-gaters. On the subject of illiteracy and crime the Chronicle thinks despite all the means of popular education, illiteracy is increasing in this country, and, what is" a far worse symptom, the ratio of crimina's convicted of grave crimes is grow ing every year. The official figures show these facts: In 1850 there were 290 prisoners in our peniten tiaries to each million of popula tion. In ten years this ratio had ! grown to t07, and in another Erergreeaa tor Sale. Mr. H. W.Settlemire the Tangent nurseryman that baa a full supply of all the leading and desirable varieties of evergreen treettrom two to three feet high, which be is sell ing cheap, and those disiring such trees will do well to call upon him before going away from home. He has also several thousand Italian and Hungarian prune trees, as well as a general variety of fruit trees. Make out your orders and send or go to him for the trees you wtnt. and support a worthy home industry. An Excellent Work. Every family should have a standard atlas . for reference and study. Ore of the best and most extensive and fullest is Cram's Family Atlas of the world. It is not only . a perfect Atlas, but -is also the latent and most' extensive gazeteer issued. The work is be ing canvassed for in this city and vicinity by Joseph Talt, and every familv should secure a copy while they have the opportunity. Satar Kraal. Ten barrels of the genuine Ger man Bauer kraut were received yes terday, also a fine lot of delicacies, salted Chinojk salmon and a few kits of Boston .mackerel, which is a rare treat, by the : lamette Pack ing Co.'s store. . A Waralkf. toe moacs oi aeatn a .approach are various, and statistics bow conclusive ly that more persons die from diseases or the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives vast r umbers of lubeicle uerma into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop. ai nrsi biowij ana is snown Dy a slight tickling ensation in tlie throat and If allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lunps pro ducing consumption and to the bead, causinsr ' catarrh. ' Now ' nil - this ls dangerous and if allowed to proceed win in time cause oeain. ai ine onset you must act with promptness; allow ing a toia to ewHbout attention is dangerous and may lose you your life.. As soon as you, feel that some thin? is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a boHle of Boschee'a German feyrup. It will give jou ira mediate relief. , Worth Knowing. Mr. W, H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City FJa., . was taken with a severe Cold: attended with a distressing Couirh and running into Consumption iu its first stages. lie tried many so- called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, and bad difficulty in breathing and was unable to sleep. F,iualv tried Dr. Kind's New Discovery lor Consumption and found immediate rcl.ef and after using a half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease,. No other remedy - ean show, . so grand a record of : cures -as Dr. Kind's New Discover for Consumption Guaran teed to do just what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at Foshay A Mason California C'at-K-l'nre. The only guaranteed cure for ca tarrh, cold in the head, hay ferer,rose co'd, eatrrhal deafness and sore eyes Kes ore the sense of taste andunpleas ant breath, resulting from catarrh. Eay and , pleasant, to use. Follow directions and a cure is wan-anted, bv all d -uggists. Send for a circular to Abietine Medical Company, Oro rille. Cal. Six months' treatment for fl; sent by mail, f 1,10, For sale by Foshay & Mason, A Child Killed. Another child killed by the use of opiajtea given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give their children surh deadly ' poison is sur prising wheu they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother. : It contains no opium or morphine. Sold; by Foshay fc Mason. - w SMITH, SUCCESSOR TO W. H. M'FARLAXD Has the Largest Stock of STOVES Iu the VALLEY SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. ' ru .---: a 2 S 3 .J 2 3 a. 4aialiaar Ikatlre. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE undennVmd, was, the Uh day of lecemuer, IsSS, by order of the County Court of Linn County, m.tn, duty appoint ed adniii.itratnr ! tb of John A. K-bintct, lete of Linn bounty. tteceaned. All neraous hsviuc claims against Maid estate are hereby required tc prt-nt them with proper vouchers to the uncersit'fd, at bis t4ca near Shedd, in Lirn county, Oregon, wiUiiu six iuuir.s from tins date. ., . . lalud Dec 7tn, ls. JOHN" W. PIGH. Ciiai. t. W'OLVERTOX, Aoiuiuistrator. tt'y for Adiiiitrtor- Nulireol tlnal M-lllrtMrnl. OT1CK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undtrvi-iiiii as the administrator with the will unnextl c tin -te of Woodea cliif, dcoeahtU, Iuk til. .1 li . aual aooount as miuuii:i-tr..tor in vLo -ouiuy court of Una rountr. HrcR'ii, n1 n. drourt has appointed MonJav, Krhrui.ry 4'.h. lbt9, at the hour of 10 o'clork a. v. f ssii. ilay at the court houe in Allwuiy in kt.U ;uiii v, for the hearimr of said account rii the ttitruent of oWjrc tin, if any, tlicp ti. HEXKY ELLIS. J. J. WHITXKV, Adtuiniiitrator. At.y. iih A .-a. -t. ARGAND COuKmsmD HEATING STOVES. Also a large and complete assortment of kitchen utensils in tin, copper and granite ware. Briek for 100,000 crosd brickjor sa'e -vjCassell. Albany. - Sale ! Apply Jto W. Tie Albanv Bakery ! -Under the new management of' Juet received, a fresh barrel of saur krauf , very tine, at C. H. Spencer's. THAT HACKING COUGIIJcan pe so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. ' Foshay & Mason. . WILL YOU SUFFER with dts pepeia and liver complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer, is guaranteed to cure you. FpsVy & Mason. SLEEPLESS NIGIITS, uadb miser able by that terrible eoush. Shiloh's cure is the remedy fr you. Fashajr A Mason. - I 1 arler hi WHO KEEP A fuil line of choice family eroceries and provision Catinea Pineapples, OiuiiGe Table Delicacies tti Ornamented cakes far W. K. READ, 1 am now receiving my Fall stock ot Dry Goods notions, etc, and propose to make it red hot all along the lice, My goods are all fresh and new and bought FOR CASH! We invite your inspection of the following goods OREGON rw York, San Albany Bath House AXD - 1 HAIR D HESS ING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR Ladicr and children's hair dress, nar n specialty. Dnti-ie. satisfaction cuarnnte'd. H. F. MERRILL, Banker ALBANY, Sells exchange on X Fr!eiscn yrd Portland. I'.uv notes, state, county and city warraulh. Receive deposits subject to cheek. Inlereal allowed on time de posits fJollcctione receive prompt attentioa Correspondence solicited. fOllice hours from 8 A. m. io 5 p. u Agent for reliable fire .and marine nsurance companies. Oregon Views, CRAWFORD & PAXT0S THE PHOTOGRAPHERS ALBANY OREGON CARRY THE FINEST LINE OF OREGON vtea ein tlie West. Catalogue scot on appli cation. We have also all the negatives of A.B. Paxton and J. G. Crawford, and any one car hare duplicates from their at reduced price CATARRH CURED, health axd sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Ca tarrh Rrroedy. Price, 50 cents. Nasal Injector fre. Foshay & Mason, i -.: decade to 853. Bv 1880 this ratio 4 ttws m iirge. The Willampt! Parkin? f!o. r- had been swollen to 11(10, and if j ceived a fine; lot cabbage yesterday the same percentage is maintained ! and it took three email boys and a the opening of the next century ; dg 10 keeP the wa awa7 xar 1 1 boa tKo rifm Tf 111 V .av . 4V a s a a s v . as v ' If ft Iff a. - m i II tr A 3UJL X. mous number reach the enor- of 1800. The ! STOCKMEN AND FARMERS Iherel v certify that Dr. I N.- Woodle has i successfully operated on my ridgling horse loAAU IlAlo. For further -efcrence in regard to ridglinga inbuire of Dare Peterson, Win.' Peterson, Leb anon; John Hardmait, Alfred WclvertoD, Al any ; Sam Gainea, Scio; ,Wiu. Foster, Prine ville. I practice veterinary medi-ine in Al bany and country surrounding Otflce and residence comer 6th and Washington sts. 1. N, WOODLE. Veterinary Surgeon Wed ft mas and Partie. Salmon bellies, kind. ! ;. , mackerel and salt fish of all : l it n . r , ,. . ...... ", iiivdtv JDav. 1 ' , ? . Best Svrun. Pies. Gakes. problem oi cutting down tins m-, -itantf.d a respectable middle TPano tti gravp erimp ia onp which ' ' ,e" ua 48 noul" feePer- Can have rease i grave crime is one wnu n , apermaneut home lf aatisfactory. Call fyr ' is worthy the attention of phrenolo-: two days attiiecity Keuumnt. gists and social reformers. i'r sale. 'r i ; m . I Curran & Montelth have lots for The Oregonian says of Senator Dawson's bill to suppress the sale of cigareits and tobacco to minors : There is one bill that should past the legislature. Doubtless there are others, but the bill to which special reference is now made is that which prohibits the sale l ijiarett to minors. Of course, the v. r. if unf.rninif f lilt Kiur' wmi'lil 'ill' Wl , Kj u.g Are. life and accident insurance com be a serious question, but with the punie. maternal slipper at one end of the : ,oi7ErfRUTilirls line and the police force of the v ,ie. Apply top. w. Si-ink Albany a SMALL TkACTS axd THREE farms eale on ti e installment plan, rang- H. BRYaXT Notice mt IlH.alloa. OTICS IS HBHKBT OIVKS THAT THK CO-PART- nemhip heretofore existing between VA. Zerss and G. W Houhstedler. umler the Arm name of Zeyss li Hochste-l!cr, is this day d iswjlvtd by oiutual consent, Mr. Zoyss retirinir. Eitner member of the late firm will receipt tar all moneys due them. GltO. W. fluCIISTKIILKR ' Ed.pKVsii, ing in price from $125 to $1000. 4- Bemoved. JOSEPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS I patrons and friends that he can be found ! on First street, ill his new rooms in Foshav & Masjn s brick, where lie is piepured to ac commodate the public with ain thing in the tonsoj-ialline.41 Hot or cold baths at all hours Cashmeres Imported Broadcloth SUSrTarp, ; Be&rietta AUWoolTOcots- - Flushes VelTflts VelTeteeus Silks and Sati&a In f ict evprything usually found in a first-class Dry G.ols 3tore. My boot ;tinl Shoe lepariment is complete. I have also added a complete lins of boys kill A comparison of my stock and prices is solicited All mail oruui - promptly atioiided to. Call aud see inc. ioe best Soap ie the market- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars ' 3TAt John Fox's old stand, -lew brick. IF1. BEAD, (Snccrasor to S H. Alleia Albanv Oreeon. city at the other much might te done toward breaking up the in sidious, all pervading and disgust ing habit. There'are those who. believe that th timely and vigor ous application of the maternal : sliper would render such a law unnecessary, wtuie ot tiers iniiiK that paternal example would be a valuable auxiliary to the slipper method. Be this as it may, the , a " a lastixo and ! i)Iianee8 to ride. wa. frutrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 I eat. fish. hunt. work. "IIACKMETACK," cents. Foshay & Mason. SHILOH'S CUKE wi ll immediate. i ly relieve croup, whooping cough and . bronchitis. For sale .y Fobhay : Mason. i THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Biurbon. Ind., says: "Both mvself ' and wife owe our liTes to ohiloh's Con suiiiptioii cure." For sale by Foshay & Mason. vil is serious enough to justify combination of forces against it. DiMMtlatloai Police. rjiM UK PARTNKRHHir HKRRTOKORK RMSTINS BK- f weed G. W. Harris and W. E. Gillett. iinvl.. Ja.I.r. IU thl .1.1 1' ItuOillVAil hv . . ' mutual consent, Mr. Gillett retiring. All immigration peisons knowing themselves IndebUd to thic Arm win pleas ua:i at tneir snop and settle at once. , G. W. Harris. . W, E, Giupr. Abany, Januarr 7, A GK.NTLK5IAN OF MK.XN H.DESIROUS OK Xl.re.jfinilinj with a respectable a view to matrimony, Spkaki.no of the bill before congress, reported by the committee on labor and immi-' g-ation, and basl upon the inves-: tig.itions made at New York, i lioston, Pittsburg and other points, . ady, with the Prairie Farmer says that time has arrived when the country JUU91, iui .-.r..-fMViCv i tl pitv cri t.ti Sttv'ftrt Ar Smr'ii character of the strangers who - ii-t it eimrUU frnm alt nartu .f Jt leceivcd at F. Read's a the earth. The possibility of mak ing the I'nited States a dumping, ground for the paupers, lunatics and scapegraces of other nations ! must be rt m-)ved. The Kuropeau j nations which have been thus im- j )osing for years upon the hospital- ity of our republic must be taught ; that they can practice such ituposi- , t'.ons no longer, America wel-i i-omes to her shores and to a share i oi her vast resources the honest, peaceable, thrifty working people; COR young A ffuod ti ' nome anu living to iiic rigm one.Aaardss, For the finest baby carriages in ful line of ladles tine muslin underwear, also girls' white dresses and infants slips.' Call and see them SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY A positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria and tanker mouth. For sale by Fo shav : Mason. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Oint ment is unequuled for old chronic sores. Many cases have been pv;ruia naiitly cured by it. For sale by Fo hay i; Ala.-on. The liUYKKSr GU1DK is issued March and: Sept.each year. It is an encyolopedia of ujefnl information for all who purchase the luxuries 'nl t K t muuMi.itini rf tifa YV a can clothe you nd furnish you with all the necessary .im) unnecessary ap- . nance, sleep. hnrcli or I stay at home, and in vai. sizes. styles and quantities. Just hnte out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, you can make fair estimate of ' the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pav postage. MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO!, 111-114 M ichigan Avehue.Chicago, III. Illissalallan Kotlcr. PAH."JfERSHIP HERETOFORE Dr. E. A. MuAlister and Dr. A. P. Woodward is this day dissolved by mutual conseitt. November 10, 1838. rilHE 1 existing lbet ween Far Kent. BURNISHED ROOMS' TO RENT. AT THE City Restaurant. . Lodglnx Kmbw for Kent. rnWO NICE, COMMODIOUS ROOMS 8UIT X able for gentlemen or ladies, situated only three .blocks from Main street. Inquire of Mrs S. A. BfcAIister, north side of 3d street, near electric light station. ! PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. Klr Siren - - Aliuinj The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton. pork tausage, etc., in the city kept constantly in hand. tW CashJ.jaiil forfall kin I ock.-SJ For i.ame back, side ok cues; csb Shiloh's Porus Plaster. Price, i." cents. Fosiiay & Mamm. SHILtilFS VITALIZER is what of all nations, but there is no room 1 ou iiccd for ouiiiaiion. loss of ap- , t ,, ,i.:f.iUJ ,,1 u:r,i-, peine. ui.y.meRS aim an syiupioms liero for the thriftless and shiftless , 1 8pL.pM:1. Prk.Ci 10 ,uldJ75 ents hi.d such s uauiut live content- boiilc. Foshay fc Masoa. of per NORTHWEST urn INSURANCE COMPAN) PORTLAND, OREGON i n t i it vmm wuts. mi ids. . ' . CANNED UWODS, ETC. rti ii n m iiim w, i i 1 v v tiji i UlMinhinti At Uitia L ittmm I L T I ktrCLirX n IS I I 1 1HIEV.I lUCruUM . JSV.MNCHU . feSf?. "V 1 V m a It Va ' THOS. HOPKINS tare and Hardware, "AH work prompt I y done at reasonable rates. First Stbkkt, NrarOdo Fblmws TnnrLt L. VIEECE?S SHAVING V i rwn mm. HAIK UUlliNli AND Everything new and neat. A clean towel for every customer. FIRST STREET BEI.OW REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, - "OREGON JOHM SCHMEER S Livery. Feed & Sale stable Corner Second and Ellsicorih St. ALBANY, - - OREGON HORsxs boardkd by the ilav or month. Car riage or butoriea on reasonable ternip. ... vtfnl EUREKA Tlie .noi to of California nuans "II tiave found it." Only in that land of sunshine,; where tthe oranjj tmo . and grape bloom and ripen atta litar huhrst ierfectiun in mid-winter. (are the herbs and gum found that are used in tnat pleasant lemeuv for all hroatand lunjf troubles. Santa Amu .he rule.- of coughs, asthma, and con- sumptinn. Fhajr A Maion. of Al ,banv Urejton, have been aoDointed jcansiiiu p.tl'fi. his valble ( ilifuniiu reui- ly, and sell it under a (ruaranteejat $1 ooiicnri-e ht wz-?;;, 4 .. ..7. ., " FOR SALE BY i'oBlraelor aad Balldrr. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING L Seated in Albany solicits patronage from ity and couttry. Will contract to build bridges, barns, and all manner of dwelling houses, includinjf Queea Anne, Eastlake and Elirabethlan style of huildings. Will furnish plans and p-;eitictoas free of t charee: Satis action jruaranteed W.O. CASSEL- SECOND SMI) STORE1 The past year bbs proven it to be a necessity. The best and cheapest place in the city to bay Your StOTBS, Fflrniture, tinware We aie always prepared to buy your heusehold furniture at the highest cash price. Sole agents for the . PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Filler, L. GOTTLIE Traae Xark. 1 nW rrr.i 4 n tn n c h 1 1 1 srr, a. , ' ' U . . - sa f r-M I Scfld for c t r-cu 1 J r.tHtf wHU 3rQS- ARirflMT MrnLrnfjhinir rsi 7 1 U I i-i I IHL llllU.Mf.UIUIIJ.LU. HAK Wt A wiil ut cue ti!.iJ wnichd-i" tnotfeet better? Have you an excessive secretion of mucus 0 matter 111 the nasal passages which cither must be blown from nose or droD lack behind the palate. or hawked or snuffed back-ard to the throat? you .troubled hv hnwUn-f. nittiini, weak and inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of the throat impairment of the heannir, lfso niemurr impaired, dullness ct last CREQON ALBAWY ONLY FIRST CLASS HEARSE IN THE CITY C-flireflCryibrPitclier'sCastorja MO!., iDirTMir kr-ni. JU'LIIIIL l"ILU-Lo; 'dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of Have you lost all sense of smell? on a hacking cowrh? Ilave you dsir.ia!' I your breath foul! If so Iyoc havk tiik Catarrh Some hare al .these symptom;!, others only a part ,p1iu leading symptom of ordinary ca .'tarrh is increased secretion of mucus o TIT yellr-w or greenish colored matter. JJ - w -- t oul breath is caused by the deconr Cll ARANTtED axisinir -ecretions exuded from festerina 'CURE" TOT? ulcers far hack in the head;, ometimes r im a nail lnc memorane covennif ne nones Is l yVlltin eaten away and the bones themselves rf 13 nlfll I t"f 1 1 f,,uaiiy decay, such cases ar . in UAUV1LLL brtL.deed objects of pity, as stench froir. fireat fiiigiisli Eemedy, Murray's Specific A (rusisHtred cure afor nervous dixeaws, such a Weak Utnioij, Loss of Braia Power, Hysteria, Heaaacfae Pain in the B ck, Merrous Prostration, Wakefulness, , . - : . D.r.r T,L;-. ieucorrnoaa, Lniyereai IMU Baton) lakinjc.tlldei &.mn Weaknaas Im r.otency and ' general lo,cf power o li Generate Orarani in either sex caused by ndiicre ion or orer-exertion, and whiebf ul timately lead to Premature Traae Hark. Old Ace, Insanity and Con- boxes for 85.00. Sent bv nu lit. 00 receipt of price. Full par ticulars in pamphlet sent free to avery applicant. ' -WetiaaraMeeC Boxes to curi apycase. f or every IS.0Q. order, received we senda Mr ; boxes, math a written4ftarTabB, Marane e to refund the nonev if ou specific does not effect a cure. Address all commu nications tothe Sole.. Manufacturers, The Murray Medicine Co.. Kaasas. City, Mo. tZSal&. in Albany by foshay FaRhayl Waw.tolc aire y mti.m$g and Columbia River Route A. M Trai or the East leave Portland at 8 and 2:40 r,.M. daily. rlirpT7'T7qQto-and from princiwt -a a vxaai a J r eorrtKliiiL' sores re e tlie corrniition within. As every breath irawn into the luniis n.r.K: j aes over and become pollutfdj hy the relie tion in the nasal riis;i-. it n "st i;i ifsai i uilcvila: i:i 1 11 1. ithe whole seer gradually takes place, while ti c u t.iHt' 11 'ti il j t- i s.i ti rli ; the sleep stea nto the stfii'ji, li, iilntoi'ioiii.iM 1 11 pmin : . I o 1 1 f.ftaUtt t', nervousness and'cnsvmi'tion. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. vnu have experiem-cd any of the abovrs.Mnptoms do not delay, but try CaMroRNi T-It-Ct'RK at once. We positively uarant eeir a few applications relieve and' a thoromrh tatnien'. to cue. S: months treatment for 1.00; sent jy mail Haata blr and f'at-Bt are. tor Hale by rOSHA Yd 3 JASON Albany Oregon 1 points in United Suu, uinaua and jpurope. ELEGANT PULLMAN PAUCE CARS- Emigrant Sleeping' Oars Baa Thrown e Express Traiai i OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS akd ST. PAUL Free r C harge ! Wlf kMi lhaHKe. CloserConnectirti at Pori&BiiTor San Fran . . Cisco and Pujet Sound points. For further particulars inquire of Curaan & Monteith, First Street, Albanv. Oregon. Jt-Boats leave the O. R. N. Co.'s wharf, at the foot of Itroadalbin street, on Tuesday aal Fridar of each week. C. C. RAWLINGS, Local AgenL it. n. i.roMit. Veieral Haaiaer. A. L. MAKWRLI, . r. Jt T. . QTHAYED FPOM NEAP TANOEXT O one 2-yrar old prt J ersey heifer. White and pile red spots, Kinjr around the now. A hole In the rijhl ar The owner will par liberally for iafwratstiua left at this oJflee. I