13 CENTS A "WEEK. ALBANY, OKKGON, WE DyKSDAlffi HORNING, FEBRUARY 0, 188 VOL. IV. XO. 51. Q,099.OO IN GOLD fP n n: I In I' a f iTnn litrniT I I Mr, I II 1 11 II A W A V I V UV Ui I Ul II II UJ Cut ont thi afiveitWriient and send it J. LAH.MER & CO., Nurseryman, Torunto, Canada, with It three-celt Canadian, i 2! twvcent American ( instate sta'nps, and thev will send you by mail (postpaid) in good time for p.aniinif in April or May I'cxt, your fiioice of any one of the following collection of plant, ami enter your name in competi tion for the ,9J 00 in i;old that they are trmrtsr away in order to iutroduee their nur sery stock. Collection of Plant?: No. t 2 hardy roses. S"o. 2 2 hardy climhimr roses. No. 32 overbloouiiugirotw for house cul ' ture. No. 4 2 dahlias. No. 510 gladiola. No. 3 hardy grape vines. Xc. 7-8 raspberry plants, 4 each blaek and red: No. t - 20 strawberry plants, 4 choice kinds No. 96 very choice piants four house cul ture. No. 105 cherry currants (ret1). No. 115 Lees prolific currants (blaek) No. 12 5 white Krae currants , All letters with this aiterlist-mnnt enclosed along with stamps for any one or more c:l- tioiis of plants, will be numbered as they roii: to hand, and the genders of the first thirteen hundred will receive gifts as followd: 1st i"0 j The i.ext 20, $10 each. Snd ino The next 40, 85 each. 3rd - 50 The next 415, Si each. 4th 30 1 I he next 8'20, 81 each. r.th 20 1 j After FO.OOO letters have been received, the senders of the next 1,100 letters will receive , ptts as follows: j 1st 8225 Next 10, 815 each 2nd 135 I Next 15, 810 each 2rd - 75 Aext 40,85 each 4tn- 50 I Next 470, $2 ea- h ith 25 I Next 500. 81 each Afler It 0,000 letters have been received, the senders of the next 1,000 letters will re ceive rifts ax fallows: 1 and 2 .810 each Next 5 820 each 3, 4 and 5.. 75 each Next 15 10 each 0, 7 anil 8. . . 50 each Next 'M:A 3 each , 10, 11, 12. 25 each Next l l each After 150,000 letters h.:ve been rei eived the K-nders of the r.ext l.l'l letters will leeeivs ciits as follows: : $501 each I Next 10 $20 each 2 7o each Next 25 10 each 3 and 4 60 each Next 6S5 .... 2 each Next 5 25 each Next 47!) leach Any person may send any number of times for any of the above collections If 5 cents in tamiis extra is sent, we will send in Jim" next a printed list of the names of all persons who are entitled to jrifts. We make this lilieral offer to readers of the Hkrai.d. knowing it will not pay uinow, but ur object is to ir tro luce our stock and build up a trade. Our mailing points are Toronto and Shruhmoilrit. Ont., Kochester, N. V'.. Louisville, Ky., Plainesiille, O., and Chicago, 111., and we will guarantee all stok to reach our customers in (food condition. We employ no arents, but deal direct with customers, and can sell and deliver stock to any pan of the United States or Canaua at about one half the price charged by other nurserymen, through ngents. hemcmhtr we will not be undersold by any reliable firm, Send us JUt of wants and we'will quote you prices; or 10 cents for a hand oine illustrated t-tnnrt.tf which you may deduct from vour rlret order. Address all lettorr, J. LA H NT K R & CO., Nurserynen. TORONTO, CANADA. SMITH & WASHBURN Having purchased Stoves ALBANY, iSri. I 1 I emarn VC Iff! lElv " , I y-x -- T wi-x a w WWT-Nti I ,. M.en wan I at a mm-m w a US a if Valunlfle Are Santa Alii- the California dis j covery for Consumption and disea.-e.-ofthe throat, (Must and Lur:g. una California Oit-R-Cufe. the only guar snteed cure lor iaiarrn, m in me Head and kindred complaints. They ru so,d at 1 i(;r raN r thriL fr j., ,, ,re r'c(.t'niiu-nded and anteed eurc for Catarrh, Cold in the ued bv the leading DhysiclutiS l the Pacini" Coast. No secret compounds Suaruuteca by Foshay t Mason The dry oold weather of the early winter months is productive of u grca deal of cvoup among children. . Moth ers shnnld he on the lockout for it.aiul he prepared to arrest it as soon as the firct svmptotn appear. True croup neTtr comes without a warning: a day or two befote the attack the chid wili become hoare, and that symptoms i soon followed, by a peeuliar, ' routrh coujrh. If Chamberlain's Couirh Kemedy is triven as soon as this hoarse nes6 or couh appears, all danger and anxiety inayi be avoided ; it has never failed, evenn n the most severe cases. There is no dantrer in jjivins: the Kemedy for it contains no injurious substance. For sale by Foshay s Mason, The largest assortment ever brought to this conntry , embracing every thing for the uee of xer Also a very fine line of AND- ONION SETS These seeds a-e western j;rown anrl adapted es'leeial'.v fir this climate. They will be sold for f Cents 1jer paper. t-fTA liberal discount to dealers and gardeners buying in quantity. CROUP, WHOOPING Ct)U-ll am Bronchitis iinmeuiatrlv relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Fo-hiy A Mason. A net ion every Saturday afternoon at M. J. Monteith's. SUCCESSORS GARDENERS Lawn Grass Seed this well known store and added largely to the stock carry an immense line arid Greneral Hardware EEDALE'S IBTTIILIDIlSra-, - - - - OREGON rn um w I SI II i I II w 1 I I WIS Absolutely Pure. This powner never vanes. A niarvti ot purity .strensrth and wholesonieness More economical thau the ordinarj kicds and cannot be 6old in competi tion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only i" e tns. Royal Bakiv ow DKit C " 1 'Vuli st.. N. Y. D W Crowley & Co., Affents, Portland, Oregon, OF ALBANY, OREGON. president, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. Toting, cashier. E. U. Langtlon rpUANSACTS A GENERAL' BANKING J. lifblSKSb. Accounts kept ubject to check. Siifht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer solo on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and I'ortlund.Orcgon. Collections made on favorable terms. ,e. E. You U Klisn L., E. Ul.AlK W. K. 1UKKKLL GKO. E '"IIAWRKkt.AIN Jam. Y. IViWKI.l. Afi.-tant Cashier. Instruction ifi' Paintinji W2WKK.HT WISHES TO ANj noiinee to those des rous of re-ci-ivinsf instruction in Flower paintire; in oil colors. Laudca;e paint'ii in oil colors. Marine painting in oO culors. Portrait iaintiii in oil colors. Landscape paiutinff in water colors. Flowers in water colors. That he is prepared to irire lessons in the above studies in ihe Strahan Block Those desirous of joinins any of these classes "can secure terms by calling at the City Drug 8tore" TO vV. C. TWEEDALE INCLUDING Cooking Stores and Ranges, Parlor and Heat ing Stores and all kinds of Kitchen Utensils. Also a Complete Assortment of and BUILDERS' HARDWARE, rumps, Hone, Copperware. Tinware and Plumbers' Goods a Specialty, g-PHICFS GUARANTEED TO BE SATISFACTORY Tlio Public is Invited to Call and Inspect Our Stock. H. l AVlti. M. D. PHTSftCIAN surgeon. Can l e found-at his otKce room ii. S.rahan e mock, rim street. Aibauy wrcgoii- DR C. CHAMBEBLIN, HOMEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Office, corner Third and Lyon streets, Albany, Oregon. Gr. W. UASTON, PHTSICUN AND SUB geon, Albany, Oregon y MH. ELLIS, PHTSlCIAK 'jUO) SURr . geon, Albar y, Oregon. ( -., CC. KELLT, PHTSICIAK AND SUR . geon Albany, Oregon, office in Pierce's new" block. Office hours, Mini 8 A. M. to 4 A3. ROSSITEB, YETlStDIABT SUR . geon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and member of the . Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prrjpvcd to treat the diseases ol all., dianesticatedr ' alma on scientific principles. Office second door east of the opera house, Albany, Oregon. 1R. R KOLDEWAV. VETERINARY SUR- XJ geon, Albany, Oregon. --Graduate of GerJ man and Ameru-en colleges. Electric and Homeopathic Treatment fPHOSE DESIRING EITHER OF THESE A safe and reliable methods of treating dis ease will find Dr. E. A. McAlister prepared with excellent appliances for administering either, as the nature of the case may require. He may be found at his office on Third street, two noors south of the electric liuht station, when not absent on professional business. 1R. E A. M'ALISTEB, HOMEOPATHIC J 7 physician, has removed his office from KlinnV block to his residence on Third street, two doors emith of the electric light station. ATTOKXE1. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT Law, Albany, Oregon. Office in Odd bellow's Temple. 4 ill practice in all courts of the (state, and give specUl attention to all business W J OLVEKTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Ortice in rooms 13 and 14, Fosters Block, over L. c Blain st or .j T K. WEATHOKFORP, ATTORNEY AT I . law, Albany, Ort-Kon. ntfii.-e in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the court of t hot ate, and give special attention to all business REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS. Pfeiffer, Prop. Only first-eclass house in the citv. Larjre sample rooms for com in..-rcial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General state olflce tor corvaius. HEWERP, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE . and jeweler, Albany, Oresron, "H)UND A GOLD RING WITH TOPAZ se'. Owner can have same byjcalling at F. M. French's jewelry store. 1 ; CORDS OF I l. wood for sale. FIR AND MAPLE ly to S, Gourley. uysiers ! 4).vslrri ! E ASTERN AND OLVMPIAN SERVED fresh everyday at H.ilercks' restaurant Land Soryrylng.' PARTIK8 DK8IRIM0 SOI.VKTrSO DONS CAN OB tain accurate and prompt work bv callinir upon ex-conwtyiswVT.r. !fwitfhfjtle, has complete cones-ot oii Botes ana. rown ship plats, and is prepared sodo snrveving in any part of Linn county. Postoffice address, Millers Station, Linn couuty, Oregon. THE CELEBRATED BREAKFAST "and JEM Gardeners' Tools Vancouver, W. T.f Grants a tar Line Franchise. KEvTS EAST OF THE KttCKIIg. Board Appointed to Examine and Test the Mew Cruiser Beinr Constructed in Saa Francisco. The Herald's Special Dispatches. Vancouver (W. T.), teb. 5. The citv council of Vancouver at its regular meeting last night passed an ordinance granting the Colombia Land and Improvement Company right to operate street cars from the ferry landing along Main street to the west, north and east boundaries of the cur. Ihe construction of the railway will be commenced at once and speedily completed to Vancouver Heights, a beautiful addition being laid out by that company. The franchise requires the road to be running from the ferry landing of the Port land and Vancouver railroad to the main entrance of the garrison by the first of July next. This will prove a great convenience to Port land people visiting our beautiful garrison. TUB NEW 1-HU4EK. Boardltppolntedlt laspert the Save and CondNct the Trials. Washington, Feb. 5. The sec retary of the navy has designated the following officers as a board to conduct the official examination and trials cf the cruiser Charleston, now being constructed at San Fran cisco: Commodore George E. Del knap, Commander Henry Glass, Chief Engineer R. L. Harris and Lieut. E. T. Quailtrough.. also the following board to ascertain her speed as developed : Chief Engin eers li. L. Harris, T. A. Wilson and W. S. Smith, Tast Assistant Engineers T. J. Honman, A. li. Bath, W. li. Dunning and E. T. Washburn, Assistant Engineers J. N. Hollis, G. W. McElroy, J, M. Uickerell, C. W. Dyson and W. F. Darran. An examination will be made as soon as the contractors inform Commodore lielknap that the vessel is ready. THE T1MKH LIBEL SI IT. It is Dismissed at the Cost of Pai nell, the Plaintiff. LnNrvN- Feb... 6. The action brought by Par nell against John Walter.tbe proprietor of tne Times, came up before the court at Edin burgh again to-day, and was dis missed and the i-osts taxed against the plaintiff. The judgment was given on the ground that Walter being one ol" the co-partners owning the 'J imes arraignment against him as an individual would be invalid. Pa: nell will appeal. EKItr MEMIO. Masi ycastat'Brownoll & StaDarti's liurkhart & Royce, job printers Six shaves for a $1 at Viereck's Pumps and pipes at Geo. W. Smith's. For a clean shave or bath go to L. Viereck's. All kinds of stove repairs in stock at Geo. W. Smith's. A new invoice of British trimmings at Head's. Finest line of jersics ever in AIohbv at Read's, New dress goods the veryl ats,e styles at W. r. Head's. A fine line of new silvenrare just opened at Will & Stark'a. Asbe autiful at a dream that line o adies broadcloth at VV. F. Re ad's The largest and best assortment of tea and coffee in town at firownell tfc Stanard'6. I know I can save you money, ft. me. and you will be convinced W. Read. Choice sroieries, both staple and fancy, arriving every day at C. H Spcncer'B. J. A. Archibald, agent for the Sing er Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows temple. Our customers never have the blues. because ws give them such good bar gains. W. F Read. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy in the world for liver and kid ney diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale atM tsaningaris Fahrney's celebrated blood cleanser at Browuell & Sianara ana at lie joe & Robsoa's. P. J. Baltimore general agent. "You will never miss thewater Till the well runs dry." If vou want a well due call on E. B. Davidson. He does prompt work at a reasonable Drice Orders can be left at this office. Mirth is short lived. Prolong it lf vou can. It will help your disposition to trade with W. F. Read. For your tine imported and Ke West cigars, go to M. Baumgart cigar store, one door east of Black man's drug store The immense sale of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy has been producd to a great extent by people who have been cured by it telling their friends and neighbors of its good qualities and urging them to try it. The most se vcre cold will soon yield to Ui sooth ing effects. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Copies of the New Year's issue of the Herald can still be had at this office at 10 cents per copy. Fresh leaf lard in bulk at Conrad Mever's. It will be letailed in quaiitity to f uit. ' Two Children ot Fred Bolleger Are toasted Alive. Spokane Review, 1 lame and smoke nave sent two young seals into eternity. About 10 o'clock last night an alarm of fire was sounded from Shantytown and a moment latei the sky was illuminated with lurid light. The firemen were out promptly, but when thev discover ed that the fire was in Shantytown they bad about concluded not to gc on account of there being no water in that district. When Chief Witherspoon arrived at tbe engine- bouse he ordered No. 1 hose com pany to proceed to the fire, which it did. The ping at tbe corner ol .Bernard and Third streets was found frozen and it was fully twenty minutes before a stream could begotten on tbe flames. The burnt house was owned and occupied by Fred Bolleger. It was a one story, plain board shanty containing three rooms. Bolleger had left the house some time before the fire and gone to a neighboring stcre. Shortly after ward Mrs. Bolleger went to find him. While she was absent the fire broke out and the hcuse was a mass of flames before they could reach it. Their children, named Charles and Josephine, aged 3 years and 18 months, respectively, were burned to death. "I saw the flames on the roof," said Mrs. Noble, who lives across the way from the Bolleger house, "and ran over to see if I could be of any help. I opened the door, but could not go in the bouse as it was full of smoke. I called and my heart sunk within une when I heard the awtui screams of the help'ess little oaes. "The draught through the open door caused the Hums to break out all over he house, it seemed to me. The Bollegcrs came running from the store aod the vocr father made a frantic effort to save his children, but could not gut into the house for the heat and smoke. "He acted like a wild man in li s grief and threw himself in trie snow and sobbed and moaned. Mrs. Bolleger seemed to have more control over herself, but cried hysterically. Everything the poor people had their home their chil dren all burned." When the hosts cart reached the scene tbe roof bad fallen and was burning fiercely in the mass of ruins. A great crowd had gath ered and 6tood abcat ihe fire tnl k ing excitedly abcut tbe frightful death ot the innocents. When a stream of water had finally come it was ji'ayed on the s not where the children 'fere suo posed to be and the fire w;is quick y extinguished. In the DO'theast corner of the house npoa the burnt maurcss. 'imid the ruins of tne desolated home lay tin? Indy ol the !i:tle b'y and close to his side were the charred remains of the little sister. Tbe bodies lay in a cramped pcsitiou giving aa idea ot the trightfui writhing, and agony sut fered before death was extinc . Part of the little boy's head was burned off exosing the brain as it lay cooked in tbe lower part of tbe skull. The sight was sickening, and the smell of burnt flesh dreadful, aad many turned away in horror from the heartrending spectacle. Later the coroner arrived and ordered tbe bodies to be removed to the morgue. Kind neigh Dors took tbe homeless parents in and cared for them. The cause of tbe fire is a mystery some of the neighbors contending that it was occasioned from the explosion of a lamp, which Mrs. Bolleger says she lighted oa the kitchen table. The theory of Mrs. Noble, wbo was te first on the ground, is that the fire originated from the stovepipe, which ran through the ceiling and roof. The idea seen'.s to be borne oat by the fact that tbe fire burned the roof off first. Popalar rreaehlas rime. First Preacher How do yon manage to succeed so well among the cowboys out We6tf Second Preacher There were 600 present at my first sermon, aod said : "Gentlemen I'm going to tell you about a man five feet high, who floored a giaat eleven feet high." Then I spoke of Goliath and Dayid." "Well" "When I finished they gave three cheers for David. Husband's Accomplishments A New England girl has married a Chinese laundryman. It would be well perhaps, if Americau weman generally were wise enough to marry a man who can do tbe cashing. Carrying in coal and splitting kindlings are thus far about the oniy accomplishments of American husbands, and very few of them know that much. Louis ville Courier-.Iournai. "Ihe "Pacific Argand" range both four and six hole. An east ern stove made especially for this coablV trade. Sold only by Geo. W. Smith, Albany. Straaxe Manaer tm Which Harder- er m as f aplared. A muider is reported to have been committed some way ou W'ynaeJ, in which a monkev detec ted the murderers. It appears that a iuggler with his wife, a goat and two monkeys were attacked by two Moplahs, who killed all except the male monkey, who escaped, and buried the bodies in the jungle. The male monkey took its station upon a big tree, watched every thing and when a constable passed by the animal made after him, laid bold on the man's leg and dragged him to the place where tbe bodies were buried. The bodies were ex humed, after which the monkey showed the way to a but which tbe murderers had entered. Not find ing them, the animal took the con stable in another direction and sud denly ran at full speed and seized a Moulin, who was going to bathe, near a tank, by the neck and wait ed till the constable arrived. This led to the detection of the murder ers, wbo have been brought to Cal icut. KEOLI TIOK OF COftMLEXCK. Hall or Albakv Ekib Co. No. 1, I Alhanv, Fen. 5, 1889. f Whereas, The Hand of Death has again fallen in our midst and taken one of our esteemed mem bers, John Saltmarsh. Resolved, That in the death of our brother the company sustained a loss of one who always possessed the open heart and ready hand of a true fireman. Resolved, That it is with heart felt sorrow that this company re ceives the news of the death of our departed brother. Resolved, 1 hat we truly sympa thize with the bereaved mother and relatives of t deceased whom it has pleased Divine Providence to thus afilict, and commend them to him wbo orders all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant in meicy. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of ihe company, and that a copy thenof be furnished the city papers for publication. Walter Parker, Harper Crasor, Fred Blount, Committee. Ko Euroargeiucal. "What made you tell me a lie, Johnny?" angirly inquired Mrs. Brown. "Because," pleaded little Johnny I knew you wnU4Jick mo if I told vou the truth." - " " "C-T Caalloa to Jtwiher-. Every mother is eairii'i.c.l against giving her child laudanum or pir gorif; it creates an unnatural craving tor stimulants wincii kills the mi ml or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is specially prepared to benefit chil dren and cure their piin. It is harm less and contains no opium or mar phine. Sold by Foshay & Mason. How Cant Pa reals allow their children t fmgh and strain and cough and calmly say, "Oh it's only a cold." and keep giving them cheap auJ dangerous medicines until they are down with lung lever or consumption, when they out be s easily relieved ny BKO.S CHERRY" COUGH SYRUP? It has no superi or, and few equals. Geo. L. Black -man, dmgisu d; in lit I ad. Is it not better to nip Consumptioa the greatest scourge of humamtv in the bud, than to try to slay its pro gress on the brink of the grave. A few dopes ol California's most useful production, will releive, and a thor ough treatment will cure. Nasal Catarrh, too often the forerunner of consumption can be cared by Califor nia Cat-R-Cure. These remedies are sold and fully warranted by Foshay t Mason. Bnoklln's A rate Salve, The best S.ilvfc in the world forut. Bruises, Sore (Jlr- Salt Rheum Fever 8 ore4,Tet,Vsr, hupped hand a, Chilblai ns orn, and all skin era p. Ions, and positively cures Piles or a pay required. It is guaranteed t give perfect satisfaction, or mone refunded. Price 25 cents per box a Foshay A Mason's. Whoa Bahyi Wo nvo her Whea obo wao a Child, She' cried for Cantoris, Whea oho beeaaae Mies, She etaag; to CatorU. When she had Children, r She gave tbem Caotoria. Lovers of good coffee should try some of Julius Gradwohl's choice Java, Kio and Costa Rica coffee. He carries a complete line of choice family groceries of all kinds. It will pay you to go and see the beautiful art studies at Guisj 6 Son's drug store. II A SCO ME : 25 chests of Em-: peror mixed tea at! Willamette Packing: Co.'s. A complete line of artists' ma- terals just received at G. L. Blackmail's. "J . v -"