"31 . y - : " . . a -1 ALBANY, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5, 1889. 15 CENTS A WEEK. VOL. IV. NO. 58. V':.';-'- 9,999.00 IN GOLD To Be Given Away. Cut ont this atAeilimment and send it J. LAIIMKK & CO., Nurseryman, Toronto, Canada, with 14 three-cert Canadian, 21 two-ct-nt American postage stamps, and thev will send you by mail (postpaid) in good time for planting in April or May :cxt, your cnoice ot atiy one of the following colleutioL of plants, and enter your name in competi tion for the $9,9900 in irold that they art xivinir away iu order to introduce their nur sery stock. Collection of Flants: No, 12 hardy rones. No. 2 2 hardy climbinc roses, - ' No. 8 overbloomiug roses for house cul ture. No. 42 dahlias. No. 510 gUkliola. No. 63 hardy grape Nc. 7 S raspberry plant, 4 each black and red: No. 6- 0 strawberry plants, 4 choice kinds No; 96 very choice plants four house cul ture. No. 10 5 cherry currants (rec'X No. It fi Lees prolific currants (blaeV) No. 12 5 white grape currents All letters with this advertisement enclosed alonic with stamps for any one or more coi tions of plants, will be numbered as they rons to hand, and the senders of the Unit thirteen hundred will receive gifts as follows: 1st ISfiO I The next 20, 910 each. 2nd 100 1 The next 40, $5 each, 3rd - 60 I The next 415, 92 each. 4th 30 ' the next 820, $1 each. 6th- 20 1 After 50,000 letters have been received, the senders of the next 1,100 letters will receive kifts as follows: 1st 9225 rexi ju, via eaca 2nd 135 2rd - 75 4tn- 50 ith 25 Next 15, I0 each Next 40, $5 each Next 470, $2 each I Next 600, 91 each After 110,000 letters have been received. theemlers of the next 1,004 letter will re ceive gifts as follows: 1 and 2 9100 each Next S 920 each o, 4 and 5.. 75 each I Next 15 10 eh "amis... 50 each Next :Wi 3 each , 10. 11, 12. 25 each Next B3 1 each After 150,000 letters hve been received the senders of the next 1.109 letters will receive irifts as follo-r 1 9103 each Next 10 920 each 2... 75 each Next 25 , 10 each 3 and 4 5( each Next 585 .... 2 each Next 5 25 each Next 479 leach Any person nmy send any number of times for any of the above collections If 5 cents in stamps extra is sent, we will send in Jun nett a prin'cd t of the names of all persons who are entitled to jrifts. We make tnis libeial offer to readers of the Hrrald, knowing it will not pay u now, but ur object is to ictro luce our stock and build up a trade Our mailintr points are Toronto and Shrahinoiint. Ont Rochester, N. T., Louisville, Ky., Flai'iesville, O., and Chicago, HI., and we will guarantee all stork to reach ur customers in good condition. We employ no agents, but deal direct with customers, and can sell anil deliver stock to any part of the lnitd States or Canada at about one half the price charged by other nurserymen, through agents. Kenicmber we wiil not be undersold by any reliable firm. Send us list of wants and we wiil quote you prices; or 10 cents for a hand ome illustrated e.V-alcjiuc which vou nmv deduct from vour first order. Address all letter, , I , " J. &AHMBR & CO., Nurservnen. TORONTO, CANADA. SMITH & WASHBURN Ting purchased Stoves T"W23EDALE'S Dlseaverlea Marc Valuable I hall ;utt. ' Are Santa Alie tlie California dis covery for Consumption and diseases oftUe throat, ;iic.t and Lui.gs, and California Cat-K-Cure. the onJy jrnar. snteed fine for Catarrh, Cold m the Head and kindred complaint. They are sold at $1 per package, or three for $2.50. and are recommended and used by the leading phjMciaus "I the Pacific Coast. So secret compounds Suaranteea by Foshay as Maon Baaalln's arnica Salve. The h -st Siive lii.llio worlit f'jrut, 3ruisi-3, So re 'Jl Salt Rlien m Fever Sores.Tet'a. happed hand 8. Chilblains urns, and all skin eru p ions, and pogitiye 1; cures Piles, or it pay r quired It is guarantee d t ive perfect satisfaction, or moiie refunded, i Price 25 cents per box a Fofihay tifason's; .. ' " ; The dry cold weather of the early winter months is productive of a irrca deal of croup among children. Moth ers shonld be on the lockout for it,and be prepared to arrest it as soon as the firct symptoms appear. True croup nevtr comes without a warning; day or two befoie the attack the chid wiii become hoarce, and that symptoms is soon followed by a peculiar, roiiirh cough.' If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as this hoarse ness or cough appears, all 'danger and anxiety may i be avoided ; it baa never failed, evenn n the most severe cases. There is bo danger in giving the Remedy for it contains no injurious substance. For sale by Foshay & Mason, ipptd; in iLc I n. Is it not better to nip Consumption the greatest scourge of huroanitv in the bud, than to try to tay is pro gress on the brink of the grave. A few doses of California's most useful production, will releive, and a thor ough treatment will cure. Nasal Catarrh, too often the forerunner of consumption can be cured by Califor nia Cut-R-Cure. These remedies are sold and fully warreuted by Foshay & Mason. When Baby was) alck, We gave her Caatoria. When she was a Child, She cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, She clung to Castoria, When she had Chi Id re a, be cv them Castoria. Call on Brownell. A Stanard's for candies and nuts for the holidays. A fine assortment on hand. fio snd see Will A Stark's. the tew silverware at Auction evtirv Saturday afternoon at M. J. Monteith's. CROUP, WHOOPING COUciH aki Bronchitis immeuisttcl.v relieved., by Shiloh's Cure. Fos-hay fc Mason. ' SUCCESSORS TO f this well known store and added largely to the stock carry an immense line and Greneral Hardware lit Absolutely Pure. This powuer never vanes. A marvel ot purity ,strength and wholeeoraeness More economical thaa the ordinary kinds and cannot be 6old in competi tion witb multitude of low test, short weight alum oi phosphate powders Sold only in c ms. Royal Bakiv 'ow dbu Co 1' Wall st N. X. D.W Crowlet & Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon. L OF ALBANY. OREGON. PRE8IDEN1, L. Flinn. VICE-PBKSIDENT S. E. Yonrjg, CASHIER E. W. Langdon TV HILVNSACTS A GKKERAL: BANKING JL BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Siirht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Franciscu and rortland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. D:srrcES: P. E. Yoo L. Flikn L..K. bLAIN W. E. 1'UBMLL GFO. E fnAMBKlll.AIN J as. y. Powrll. AwUtant Canhier. Instruction in - PainliDe W BRIGHT WISHES TO AN notince to those desirous of re ceiving instruction in Flower paintirg in oil colors. Landscape painting in oil colors, Marine painting in o l colors. Portrait, painting in oil colors. Landscape painting in water colors. Flowers in water" colors. Th.at.hc is prepared to give lessons in the above studies in The Slrahan Block Those desirous of joining any of these classes an t-ecure terni6 by calling at the City Drag 8tore' W. C. TWEEDALE Cooking Stoves and Ranges, Parlor and Heat ing Stores and all kinds of Kitchen Utensih. Also a Complete Assortment of BUILDERS' Pumps, Hose, Copperware, Tinware Plumbers' Goods a Specialty, PRWFS GUARANTEED TO BE SATISFACTORY The Public is Invitod to .Call and Inspect Our dues. IB TJ ILDI G-, risVSICIaNs. H. I AV13, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND surtreun. Can e found at ' his ,tV.- ro( m in Siranan t ciock, rint street. Albau.v ortjfou- re' f tve a CHAMBKELW. HOMEOPATHIC U physician Uiyeon. Office, corner Third and Lyon street, Albany, Oregon. r W. IIASTOSV PHYSICIAN AND SUR IT, geoa, Albaay, Oregon M H. ELLIS, PBY8ICIAN AND .SURr , green, Alba' y, Drejoa. c. C. KELLY, PjtYSICIAN AND UR- geoa Albany, wegoDence in nerce s new block. Office bun, from 8 a. m. to 4 p. a. A j. rossiter; veterinary sur , reon, xradusr ot Or-aio e'erlnary college and member ol the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of 'all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office second door east of the opera house, Albany, Oregon. DR. R KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SUR. geon, Albany, Oregon. - -Graduate of GerJ nian and American colleges. Electric aad Hemeapathlr Treatment a THOSE DESIRING EITHER OF THESE safe and reliable methods of treating dis ease will And Dr. E. A. Mc A lister prepared witb excellent appliances ior administering; either, as the nature of the case may require. He may be found at bis office on Third street, two noors snnth of the electric lieht station, when not absent on professional business. DR. . A. M'ALISTEB, HOMEOPATHIC physician, has removed his office from Flinn's block to his residence on Third street, two doors south of the electric light station. ATTORNEY. DR. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon: Office in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill practice in all courts of the slate, and give special attention to all business W OLVEKTON CHAKLESE. ATTORNEY f I aw Alhitnv. Or -Orfi in rnnma IS and 14, Foster's block, over L. E. Blain's tor .) J.' K. WEATHOKFORD, ATTORNEY AT law, Albany, Oreiron. Office in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courtf of rhestate, and give special attention to all business REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR.-CHAS. I'feiffer, Prop. Only first-eclaas house in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stave office for Corvallist H EWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE , and jeweler, Albiny, Oreiron, "MOUND A GOLD hING WITH TOPAZ Jl set. Owner can have same by .calling at F. M. French's jewelry store. . CORDS OF I U wood for sale. FIR AND MAPLE ly to S, Gourley. Oysters ! Oysters ! EASTERN AND OLYMPIAN SERVED fresh every day at H.( Dicrcks' restaurant La ad Murveylog. P Annas OKsiaiNe scrvstino ivjm cak ob taln accurate and p.ympt woik by calliiia upon ex-county surveyor K T. T. Fisher. He hax complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in anv part of Linn cuumy. I'ostotiice address, Uilli rs station, Linn comity, Oregon. Di'CLtJDIHG THE CELEBRATED- BREtn and JEWEL and Gardeners' Too s HARDWARE, aud AT VVASHmGrT0j. Wili Allison Take a Place in the Cabinet? ABOUT TAB.IFF LEGHLATIaW. Bhtrman'r Bill Prohibiting Trusts. Concer ning an Extra Seaaion of Congri The Territories. Special Correspondence. Washington, Jan. 23 Senator Alliaon who baa . lefaaed the isvita- tion"of Gen. Harrison to enter the Cabinet aa Secretary of the Treasury, haa now gone to . Indianapolis to finally settle the matter. The trip was rery sudden and a great sur prise to Mr. Allison's friends, aud was only taken because Gen. Harri son refused to accept the written declinations sent him by Mr. Allison, and because he wants that gentleman to set the financial pace for his ad miuistiation. Another reason for the trip is that an intimation was given Mr. Allison that unless he accepted the position tendered him, Iowa would have no representation in the Cabinet. J, S. Clarkson, whom it is said Mr. Allison has been desirous of having in the Cabinet as Iowa's re presentative with several other prom inent Iowa republicans, is expected to meet Mr. Allison at Indianapolis, and some arrangements will be definitely made. Senator Sherman is working ener getically for his bill prohibiting trusts, and confidently expects its early passage by the Senate. It would probably have passed last week when it was up for consider ation, if the Senator from Ohio had not, in deference to the requests of a number of Senators, agreed to have it laid aside temporarily, to take up an appropriation bill. In giving way Mr. Sherman took occasion to say that he would do so no more, and that when his bill next came up he should insist upon its disposal. The Senate tariff bill has been sent to the house and referred to the committee on ways and means, and contrary to general opinion a few days ago, it now looks as if some leg islation on this subject will be gotten through at the present sessior. The democrats of the ways and means con.mittee have given their pledges publicly to report the bill to the house at the earliest time possible, aud if the house agrees to the ap pointment of conferees, us asked for by the Senate, some sort of a com promise is . expected - to be reached that will result in a large reduction in the surplus revenues. The tobaeco tax in i.hiu.st certain to be greatlv re duced, if not altogether abolished. In fact this tobacco business id at the bottom of the change of tactics on the jjart of the democrats. A num ber of n e iibers from the tobacco state? anuuuneed that if they could get relief in uo other way they pro Hscd to join the republicans and .id pt the Senate bill in its entirety. Many conservative people here be liotr. that XAiiPalarv Ktil DrW a Imn . ling methods have put us in a con dition where war with Germany is not only oue of the possibilities of the near future but is probable. Kvi dence of ayard'8 wretched man agement to Samoa is before the for eign committee of both houses of Congress in the shape of official cor respondence. So urgent do the needs of our government appear to Senator Sherman that he has offered an amendment to the Diplomatic and Consular appropriation bill appropri ating 1600,000 to be spent by the f resident in looking after Americau interests in Samoa. Representative Burrows, of Mich igan, one of the most prominent can didates for Speaker of the next house. is very much in favor of nolding extra cession of Congress, tie aid in a conversation: "I shall tell Gen, Harrison that not to have an extra session will be to gamble with fate and court defeat. Mr. Burrows then proceeded in detail to name what he considered the reasons tor an extra session. April is the month Mr. Burrows favors for the calling of the extra session. Representative Butterworth made a speech last week criticising some of the methods resorted to by the Knights of Labor in order to carry their points, which aceording to the politicians, among whom it create! a cennine sensation, was bound to be the political death of Bntterworth. On the contrary, Mr. Butterworth has received a flood of letters and telegrams, many of them from mem ben of the Knights of Labor, endor sing the manly position he took in bis remarks. Kurht or wrong. Den Butterworth deserves credit for hav mg the moral courage to stand up in the houoe and speak his opinion re cardie? an organization that the demaccgues of both parties are al ways ready to humbly bow the knee to. Would that bath house and senate had more Ben Butterwurths, not to make war on the Knights ot Labor or any other organization, but to up hold the right and oppose the wrong, no mrtter what might be offended or leased by their action. More old ashioned manliness is one of the cry ing needs of tha time, particularly in Congress. Members of the Senate committe on territories say that the Springer omnibus bill, which recently passed the house, is so contrary in its terms and so loosely constructed, that if it were passed no (territory could come in under it without further legisla tion. The committee is now trying to see if the bill can be patched so as to accomplish what it was supposed to do. VvtM soda crackers, fresh from the factory, every week" at urowueu fcUinmru's. ml DESCKini or THE BIXEBEBBT The Blueberry is a valuable fruit and is reliable to arrow in our Xor'Ii ern states, where the more tender varieties of fruits winter-ki.l, It is perfectly hardy, having stood 40 de giee below zero without showing sn Yt injury to the most tender bads, ripens in this latitude about the 1st of July, and is borne in clusters like enr rants; shape, round; t-olor, reddish purple at first, but becomes a bluish blacK when fully ripened. The flavor is equal to the raspberry, a very mi'd, rich sub-acid, pronounced by most people delicious. It may. be served with sujrar and cream or cooked sauce, and is splendid canned .for, winter use The .plant aeeaA to fionrUb to all. soils and is' a pollflc bearer. It grows very stocky and makes a nice hedge. The shining daik green leaves ana the blue fruit making a pleasing contrast The de mand for the fruit is great, and usual ly brings 15 cents per quart. Tte? commence bearing tbc first year after setting out, and yield a full crop the second and third year after setting out. They are propagated from suck ers and root cuttings. The plant is about the height and size of a currant bush ajd very stocky, holding the fruit wed up from the ground Plants should be Bet in the spring, daring March, April and May, in rows two or three feet apart, tnd five or six feet between the rows, making a perfect hedge, and no gras s or weeds should be allowed to grow between rows. prici list. ' 1 dozen plants by mail $ 60 2 dozen plants by mail 1 00 100 dozen plants by express. . . . 2 50 1000 dozen plants by expreos or freight 15 00 Plants are carefully packed in damp moes and delivered to express or freight office, for which I make no extra charge. Ho tow Sbxd Monet. I would pre fer to have money sent by American express order, all sums of f5 and under cost only 5 cents, and if order is lost, money will be promptly re funded to sender. If not convenient to obtain express order, money ran be 6ent by registered lettei or poptoffice money order or postal note, drawn on Portland, Wiclii'.un. Posture stamps will not be accepted only from our customers that cannot olitaiu an ex press order only those of the one cent denomination wanted. L. L. Staples, Portland. lona Co., Mich. BKICF JltTI.. Maei yeast atBrownell & Stanard's Burkbart & Royce, job printers Six shaves for a $1 at Viereck's Pumps and pipes at Geo. W. Smith's. . For a clean shave or bath go to L. Viereck's. All kinds of Btove rejyg.in stockrat Geo.' W. Smith's. . A new invoice of British trimmings at Head's. Finest line of jersic6 ever in Albany at Head's, New dress jroods the verji ats.e styles at W. F. Read's. A tine line of new silverware .just ' CV'W" at Will fc Stark's.. Ashe uutiful as a dream that line o adies lil t udcloth at W. F.K ad't The largest mid best assortmciij of tea and tolice in town at Browul & Maiurd s. I know I can save yon money, try me. and jou will be convinced W. . Read. Choice groceries, both staple andj Spencer's. J. A. Archibald, agent for the Sing er Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellowe temple. Our customers never have the blues, because we give them such good bar gains, w. t Keau. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy in the world for liver and kid ney diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale at M Baningart's Fahrney's celebrated blood cleanser at Brownell & Stanard and at Deyoe & Robsoa's. P. J. Baltimore general agent. "Tea will never miss tbelwatsr TH1 the well runs dry." If yon wsi.t a well dug call on E. B, Davidson. He does prompt work at a reasonable price Orders can be left at this office. Mirth is short lived. Proloajr it, If you can. It will help yonr disposition to trade with w. r. Jteaa. For your fine imported and Ke West cigars, ro t M. Banmgart cigar store, one door east ef Black man's drug store Kiln dried flooring can be bad at the Springfield lumber yard in this city. A fine line of Western Cottage organs at Ulackman's. (jail and see them. A complete line of artists' ma terials just received at G. L. Blackman's. It will pay you to go and see the beautiful art studies at Guis3 A Son's drug store. Fresh leaf lard in bulk at Conrad Meyer's. It will be retailed in quantity to suit. The "Pacific Argand ' ranges both four and six hole. An east era stove made especially for this coast's trade. Sold only by Geo. V. Smith, Albany. Lovers of good coffee should try some of Julius Gradwohl's choice Java, Rio and Costa Rica coffees. He carries a complete line of choice family groceries of all kinds. Copies of the New Year's issue of the Herald can still be had at this office at 10 cents per copy. The immense sale of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been prodacd to a Great extent by people who have been cared by it telling their friends and neighbors of its good qualities and urging them to try it The most se vere cold will soon yield to its sooth ing eu'ccls. For bale by Fusbay A Mason. A full line of erockerv and lass. ware cheap at Brownell & Stanurd's. GENERAL NEWS. An Alliance Between England and Germany. LATEST FBON AMAAM TBOIiBMC. The Pansma Oaaal Coaip.ay Dissolved Death of aa Oregoa PioBaar Tbs Rail road foasdsaipa Be fares to Die. Die HBBAkD's Special ltaspatcbcsl " Jv- jar.- Vxititujaur, Jeb. 4.A uenin ompBxni w tne . citron- Nermna believes that England and Germany have concluded an al liance similar to the Anglo Italian convention. The object is protec tion to Northern seas and ports. The M akleaai Bead? far Sea. Washington, Feb. 4. The navy department is informed that the Mohican, which is fitting out at Mare Island, will be ready for sea to-morrow. She proceeds to Pan ama, where it is expected she will receive orders to join the fleet at Samoa. .ate4 Wesnan Bead. New Yobk, Feb. 4. Mary H. Fii-ke, a well known dramatist and theatrical writer, died this morn ing of pneumonia. She was the wife of Stephen Nick, dramatic editor of the Spirit of the Times. Death freaa a Kallraad Aecldeal. Springfield (Mo.), Feb. 4. Two more of the men injured by the) railroad accident yesterday, C. F. Browning and Edward Lane, en gineer, died to-day. Frank Craw ford and John King are dying. Old ranasna (asiat Co. Blssalved. Pabi8, Feb. 4. The dissolution of the old riiama canal company has been decided upon on the peti tion of the parties acting in accord with De Lesseps. The court ap pointed Bounet official liquidator, A Big Usa. - Berlin-, Feb. 4. A bill has been introduced in reicbstag providing for a loan of 60,000,000 marks on account of army appropriations and state railways. iue louowing notanes wore ai- pointed t-day: J. Carroll Mc Caffrey, Portland ; W. s. Webber. Newport, Benton county; J. JL Lewellin, Myrtle Point, Coo county; Geo. V. Hamilton, Pen dleton. State Superintendent McEIroy has appointed district normal in stitutes as follows: for the fifth judicial district, comprising Clack amas, Clatsop, Columbia and Washington counties, to be held at Oregon City on March 20, 21, 22; for the second judical district, con prising Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas and Lant counties ac Eocene city on April 10, 11 and 12. The railroad commissi!!, which, was supposed by some to have lost its existence by the recent action of the governor, was found at its post as usual, to-day being the day of the regular monthly meeting. Commissioners Slater and Wag goner and Clerk Bell were on hand ready to take under consideration any and all questions affecting the control cf railroads, but nothing of interest presented itself. ErCEXE CITY KKVff Sadden Death ml Warn. Partly A jsterioat Masajae raster. Eugene Crrr, Feb. 4. Mr. Wm. Purdy was found dead in the road about half a mile east of this city yesterday. 1 1 seems that ha had started Sunday morning to go oa horseback from his hopyard near this city to his home iu Linn count v and bad suddenly dinpped dead from his norse. 1 be men coming from the house shortly after he started, found his horse and a little distance further found him King face downward in the road; from the fact that then were no braises or broken bones, and that he was troubled with heart disease, the latter is the probable cause of his death. He was one of Or egon's pioneers and leaves a wife ard a large family to mourn his death. A mysterious personase haa been seen a number of tiroes on the streets of Eugene daring the past week: Ik appears only after night, masked and dressed in woman's clothes, A small child uiually accompanies him. One weman claims to have chased him (for it must be a man), nearly a mile without overtaking it. The women are afraid to go ont at night. It is thought to be either a sly sort of burglar or an insane woman, probably the latter. There ate 535 inmates in the Or- egon insane asylum atSalem. ft 0 - 4 V f V: 1 . H n . , ft: IS".)'. W 4 I