' ''i 1 u - l ALBANY, OREGON, TIIURSDAlOKXlXG, JANUARY ,24, 1889. 15 CEXTS A WEEK. VOL. IY.rNO. :48. k5-tK:? fv 9.999.00 IN GOLD To Be Given Away. Cut out thin (Mtveitisenitjitt and send it J. LAUMER & CO., Nurseryman, Toronto, Canada, with 14 three-cert Canadian, 01 21 two-cent American postage stamps, and the will send you by mail (postpaid) in jrood time tor planting 'in April or May next, your cnoice ot any one of the following collection of plant, and enter your name in competi tion for the $0,999.00 Ui'tAld that they are . yivinjr awuy in order to introduce their nur- 7CoTltetiori xf Plants: No, 12 hardy rose. No. 2 2 hardy climbing roses, No. 3 2 overblooiniiig.roaes for,houte cul ture. No. 4 2 dahlias. No. 3 10 Kladiola. No. 63 hardy grape vines. No. 78 raspberry plants, 4 "each black and red. No. 8- -20 strawberry plants, 4 choice kinds. No. 95 very choice plants (our house cul ture. No, 10 5 cherry currants (re"). No. 11 5 Lees prolific currants (black) No. 12 5 white gre currents All letters with this advertisement enclosed along ith stamp for any one or more coi tions of plants, will be numbered as the.v -om: to hand, and the sendtrs of the first thirteen hundred will receive gifts as follows: 1st fciSO I The next 20, $10 each. 2nd 100 j The next 40, 5 ea.h. 3rd 50 I The next 415, 81 each. 4th 30' I he next 820, $1 each. ith 20 After M.OOu letters have been received, the senders of the next 1,100 letters will receive gifts as follows: 1st 225 Next 10, $15 each 2nd 135 Next 15, $10 each 2rd - 75 Next 40,5 each 4tn 50 Next 470, sQfearh 5th 25 Next 500. 1 each After li 0,000 letters have been received. the senders of the next 1,000 letters will re ceivt gifts as follows: 1 and 2 100 ach Next 5. . . . S, 4 and 5.. 75 each Next 15.. S, 7 and 8. . . 50 each i Next ::4. , 10, 11, 12. 25 each I Next ! . . ..420 each .. 10 each 3 each 1 each After 150,000 letters h-ve been received the senders of the next 1.100 letters will leceive rifts as follows: 1 100each f Next 10.. '1 75 eaih j Next 25.. 3 and 4 50 each Next &5 Next5...... 25 each I Next 479 . ..$20 each . ., 10 each 2 each 1 each Any person may tend any nuuiiier oi tunes for any of the aliove collections. If 5 cents in stamps extra is sen., we will semi in Jun ext a printed & of the names of all persons who are entitled to infts. We make this liberal offer to readers of the IIxkald, knowing it will not pay us now, but ur object is to ir.tro luce our stuck and build up a trade. Our mailing points are Toronto and Shrubmount. Out., Kochester, N. Y., Louisville, Ky., 1'laioesville, O., and Chicago, HI., and we will guarantee all stock to reach our customers in good condition. We employ no airents, but deal direct with customer, and can sell and deliver stock to any art ot the I'nitcu States or Canaua at about one half the price charged by other nurserymen, through agents. Keniember we will not be undersold by any reliable firm, tend us k list of wauts and we will quote you price; or 10 cents for a hand ome illustrated c-atalrj;ur which you may deduct from vour first order. AddreHall letters, J. LAHMER & CO., Nurserynen. TORONTO, CANADA. CROUP. WHOOPINO COUtl anh Uroiu liitis iinmcuiately relieved by Sliiloh's Cure Foshay A: Mason. Farmers: Merchants' OdCE COM A. N Y Op Albany Oreoon 1 M PUD IT CAPITAL 5S.SOO. OFFICERS. rresident Charles E. Wolverton. Vice-President J. O. Writsman. Treaaurei" J. W. Cnsirk. Sft-retarv J. K. Elderkin. DIRECTORS. K. S. Mr an an, ubas. E. Wolver ton. J. L. Cowan, D.?B. Monteith, J. W. Cuaick, J. O. fW'ritsman J. K. Elderkin, Charles Monteith, U. F. Simpson. Safe, SounQ, uonservatiYe A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People Parsoaize Home Enterprise OF ALBANY, OREGON, president, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YOUDg, cashier. G.E.Chamberlain, mHANSACTS A GENERA LKBBANKING X ' BUSINESS. Account kept subject to beck. Hurht fcxchansre and Teiegrapnic Transfer sold on New York. Chicago. San Fraacisco and Portland,Oregfon. Collections I on favorable terms. S.B. Yoo L. Fuam L.AH. W. E. ItJUU Gro. E. Cbajibkxlam. Jaa K. Powkll. Assistant Cashier. tOCK I 1 50 000 Instroctioo in Painting WJWRICnT WISHES TO AN nounce to those desirous of re ; ceiTing instruction in ' Flower painting in oil colors. ; Landscape painting- in oil colors, Marine painting in oil colors. ' Portrait painting in oil colors. Landscape painting in water colors. Flowers in water colors. That he is prepared to give lessons in the above .'Indies in ti e Strj lmn B'oc'; Thrw ileirmi of joining i-ny : vl tbcte classes cuii ecur ternie by allinj; at tU City Drug Slot j Absolutely Pure. Tnis powaer never vanes. A marvti ol purity.strensrth and wliolosomeness More eeonomu-al Mian the ordinarj kinds and cannot be sold in competi tion witb multitude of low test, shorl weialit alum or phosphate powders Sold only in t-na. Royal Bakina jow deb 'o . lO'. W.iV M.. N. Y. D V C'rowlet A Co., Ajrnts, Portland. Oregon. rnvAiciAKs. WH. IAVIS, M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND surceon. Can be found at his office room ir. Strahan's block, First street. A'bany Uregon- DK C. CHAMBERMX. HOMEOPATHIC phvsioiau and surgeon. Office, corner Third and Lyon streets, Albany, Oregon. W. MASTON. PHYSICIAN AND SUR , geon, Alliany, Oregon. M H. ELLIS, PHYfelCIAN AN1 SURr , geon, Albai.y, Oregon. n C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND eCR geon Albany, Oregon, office in Pu ree's new block Office hours, from 8 a. m. to 4 P. M. AJ. KOSSITER, VETKRINARV SL'K . geon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and member of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office second dtior east of the opera house, Albany, Oregon. DR. K KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SCR. geon, Albany, Oregon. -Graduate of tier; man and American coi leires. F.lrcf rlcand lloinropullilr Trratmcnl mHOSE DESIRING EITHER OE THESE X safe and reliable methods of treating dis ease will find Dr. E. A. McAl'ster prepared with excellent apnlianres for administering either, as the nature of the case may require. He may be found at Ins office n Third street, two ucors south of the electric Iiuht station, when not absent on professional business. DR. E. A. M'ALISTER, HOMEOPATHIC physician, has removed his office frm Ktinn's blo.-k to his residence on Third street, two dunrs south of the electric light station. vr 9 OK ICV R. N. BLACKBl'KN, ATTORNEY AT Um Law, Albany, Oregon. Office in Odd j bellow's Temple. A'ill practice in all courts Of the state, and give special atteutiou to all business. lirOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY if at Law, Albany. Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. '.. Blain's tor T K. WEATHORFORD, ATTORNEY AT 1 . law, Albany, Oregon. Ohloe in Odd fellow's Temple. Vtili practice in all the courts of thestate, and give.special attention to all business. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR CHAS. Pfeiffer, Prop. Only ti ret-ec lass house iu the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the Kitcnen. uenerai stave orace for oorvallis. H EWER T, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE . and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, Hermann Diercfcs, Fiop. mHIS RESTAURANT 18 NOW OPENED TO X the public in the Saltmarah building' be low the Revere House, where good meals win oe rvea.at an nonra. Mr Merck in vites nis old customers and the public gener ally to call. The tables will be supplied with the best viands the market affords. Satisfac, tin guarantee . nr. Diercks was formerly proprietoriof the Revere Hoose restaurant, which he ran oh the European p'as.but found that rian didn't succeed, so he opened bis present restaurant wners oe oas given general satisfaction. rersons wanting: a nnt-class meal should sro to Hermann's. MTVo Chinese emploved. FOUND A GOLD KING ' WITH TOPAZ set. Owner can have same bytcalling at r. mi. rrenens jewelry store. 71 ; CORDS OF , Y FIR AND MAPLE wood for sale. APP'J to 8, Gourley. Oysters ! Oysters ! EASTERN AND OLYMPlAN SERVED Hi fresh every day at H. Diercks1 restaurant ftotice. CHANSBOP NAME. In the County Court of Linn County, State oi vrejfon, W OT1CE IS "JEREBY GIVEN TO ALL XI persons concerned that by crder of the County Court duly made and entered of record on Monday, January 7th, 1889 the name of Charles H. Schubert was changed imm naries 11. Bcnuoert o Charles H MueUs Done by order of the Hon. D R. N. Black burn judge of said countv court- Witness my hand and the seal of said routt affixed this 7th day of January A. D. 1889 E. E MONTAGUE. County Clerk. Land gurveylag. T)ARTIK8 ORSIRINO BCRVETINO IKiKK CAM OB XT tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county survryoi r. 1. T. risher. tie has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postotfice address, Millers Station, Linn couuty, Oregon. DAVIS BROS- AND CO. IAMBS IX eBNHtAlJllSMH.aDMB. SIlEDD,LJXKCo.. OH EGO N HeraanD's Restaurant. DiroTrrles Hire Valuable Tbnn Void. v Siiita Aliip flip PnlifnrniR dis covery for Consumption and diseases .if thi' tfiront Cht-st. and I.lii'fs. und California Cat-R-Cure. the ouly tfnar- J r . . . i , ! . 1. A biueca cure tor .uiuriii, twu in uie T-TonH onil kfitrirpri fumnlnintA. TheV nre sold at 1 per package, or three for $-J.50, and are recommended and used by the leading physicians oi ine Pacific .Coatit. No secret, compounds. uaranteeu by roshay t Mason Barklln sAruicA Salve. The best Salve in the world foruU Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, happed hands. Chilblai ns orns, and all skin erup ions, and positively cares Piles, or n pay w quired. .It is Kr"teedt t;ivc perfect- satisfaction, -or mone reiunaea. rnce zo cents per box a Foshay & Mucin's. The dry cold weather of the early winter months is productive of a grea deal of croup among children. Moth, ers shonid he on the loi.koutlor it, mid be prepared to arrest it as soon as the lirct symptom appear. True croup nevtr comes without a warning; day or two befote the attack the chid will become hoarce, and that symptoms is si-on followed by a peculiar, rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Keuiedy is given as soon as this hoarse ness or cough appear, all danger and anxiety m ay i be avoided; it has never tailed, cvenu n the most severe cases, There Ts no danger in giving the Kemedy for it contains no injurious substance. For sale by Foshay & Mason. pped In the ftntl. Is it notl. better to nip Consumption the greatest scourge of humanity m the bud. than to try to lay its pro gress on the brink of the grave. A few doses of California's most useful production, will releive, and a thor ough treatment will cure. Xhgal Catarrh, too often the forerunner of consumption can be cured by Califor nia Cat-K-Curc. Ihcse remedies arc sold and fully warreulcd by Foshay & Mason. When Baby was sick, We gave her Can tori a. When she was a Child, She cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, She clung to -Castoria. When she bad Children, She gava them Castoria. Call on Rrowncll A Stanard's for candies and nuts for the holidays. A tine assortment on hand. Go and see the new silverware at Will & Stark's. Auction everv Saturday afternoon at M. J. Monteith 'b. Overland to California via ; Southern fArinc Company's ' JUX2T.E. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE Time Between and Kan Francisco Albany 35 35 California express trains run daily between Portland and San Francisco. 4:00 p m..Lv Portland ....Ar.. 10:45 am 8:18 p m . . Lv. Albany Lv . . 6:45 am 7:45 a m..Ar...... S. Francisco. L v.. 7-00 am Loral Pass. Train Dally- Ex. Sunday 6:00 am.. Lv. Portland Ar. . :45 pm 12:40 p m. .Lv. AIbany....Lv. .11:35 am 2:40 p m.. Ar.... .Eugene Lv.. 9:00am lebian Branch. 8:20 p m. .Lv Albany .Ar.. 6:30 am 9flnm..Ar. Lebanon l.v MSuti U:50pm..Lv. Albany Ar.. 2:45pm 1:36 p m. .Ar. .Lebanon Lv. . 2:00 pm PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For accommodation of second-class pas- se ncers attache d to Express Trains. The S. P, Co.'s Ferry makes connection with all the rejrular trains on the east sinV- di v.sion from foot of F street. Potrland. E3 West 8 W Division. Between Portland and Corvallis. Hall Train' Dally-Except Sunday 7J0am.:Lv ,.jPo.tlan:l . .... OcrraiitsL-. . Ar. 6.20n.m ..3C r. m 12:25 p m..Ar. Express Train Bally Except Sunday 4:50pm. .Lv..... Portland... Ar.. t:00 am 8:00pm..Ar.....Mcllinnville.Lv.. 5.45am At Albany and Corvallis f connect with trains of Oregon PaciflcRailrfiad. , THROUGH TICKETS lo All Points ) SOUTH AND EAST Via California. OTFor fall information regarding rates, maps, etc-, call on company's agent at Albany R. KOEHLEK, E. P. ROGERS, Uanager. Asst. G. F. & P- A. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale aad Retail Dliutolatloa Aotlre. fTliiB rARmmsnir hkkctokorr bxistino tt X pt ween G. W. Harris and W. E. Gillttt, marble dealers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Gillett retiring. All persons knowing themselves indebted to this nrni will please call at their shop and settle at once. G. W. Harris, W. E, Gillktt, Albany, January 7, 188R. 0 ?IXHCVIRBD ACRBS Or GOOD PASTURAGE And abundant c ot runninjr water on the Elliott Ranch, four miles south of Sfi.i Honrs 1 per month; cattleSO tftT'Xo diseased stock received. ocio, vritgou. Booksellers PiST TUB jkilKKEKKY UtX'KIPTlOX or The Blueberry is a valpable fruit and is reliable to grow lit our North ern 6tates, where the l.itaore tender varieties of fi uits winterkill. It is perfectly hardy, having Blood 40 de giees below zero without showing any injury to the most tender Duds, it rioecs in this latitude abut the 1st of July, and is borne in clusters like cur rants; shape, rouna; voior, reaaisu purple at first, but beconjeB a bluish blacK when fully ripenedi' Tbe flavor is equal to me raspoerryj a very mi'a, rich sub-acid, pronoun&d by most people delicious. It nlj be served with sugar and crearJ or cooked sauce, and is spleiHidi canned . for winter use : iae-tuaa.v twmi to tloarish in. all soils and? i ' orollflc makes a nice hecirjt The shining tlaik green leaves auihe blue fruit making a pleasing coDirast. the de mand for the fruit is great, and usual ly urings lo cents per quart, ltiev commence bearing tht first year alter setting out, and field a full crop the second and third year fter setting out. They are propagated from suck ers and root cuttings. The plant is about the height and size of a currant bush a.id very stocky, holding the fruit we.l up from the ground Plants should be set in the spring, during March, April and May, in rows two or three feet apart, ind five or six feet between the rows, making a perfect lie'fge, and no grass or weeds should be allowed to grow between rows. PKICB LIST. 1 dozen plants by mail rX) 2 dozen plants by mail 1 00 100 dozen plants bv express.... 2 50 1000 dozen plants bv express or freight 15 00 Plants are carefully packed in aamp moss and dehverei o express or freight office, for which I make no extra charge. Ho tow Send Money. I would pre fer to have monev sent by American ex press order, all sums of $5 and under cost onlv 5 cents, and if order is Inst, monev will be promptly re funded to sender. If not, convenient to obtain express order, money can be sent by registered lettei or postofflce monev order or postal note, drawn on Portland, Michigan. Postage stamps will not be accepted only from our customers that cannot obtain an ex press order only those of the one cent denomination wanted. L. L. Staples, Portland, Iona Co., Mich, StUIKIr NKKTIOX. Maai yeast atbrownell & Stanard's A new invoice of British trimming! at Read's. New dress jroods the veryl als,e styles at W. F. Read's. A tine line of new silverware just rrene''. at Will & Stark's. Aeb? autiful as a dreain that line o atlies brt adcloth at W. F.Rt.'id's The largest mid best assortment of tea and (ottee in town at Brownell & Stanard'6. All kinds of spices and condiments jor the hoiiday trade alC. II. Spc.nc ci. Mince meat and chow chow, both Eastern and home made, at C. II, Spencer's. Extra soda crackers, fresh from the factory, every week at Brownell V Stanard'6. Choice groceries, bofh staple and famy, arrivinsr every day at C. H Spencer's. , Cranbei ries and all Jdnd6 of canned and evaporated fruits of beet quality at C, II. Spencer's. Fine old cherry bounce at M. Baum jrart's. Finest line of jersiesjever in Albany at Read's. J. A. Archibald, agent for the Sing er Manufacturing Co., opposite rdd Fellowf temple. ; Crackers, ginger nspb and Ta grea variety of sweet goods, all fresh and nice, at C. H. Spencer's. Our customers never have the blues. be;ause wa give them such good bar; gains. W. F Read. We handks three kinds of fruit jar and you will do well to see us before placing your orders. All kinds of fresh roasted coffee constantly on hand and ground to order at C. II. Spencer's, Just opened, a new barrel of small mixed pickles, which are extra nice and will be sold in.any quantity at C. H. Spencer's, Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedv in the world for liver and kid ney diseases, indigeetionj;etc. For sale at M -JsawDgarrs Yoo will never -miss the water Till the well runs dry." If yonjwant a well dug call on XL B. Davidson. He does prompt work at a reasonable price fctpers can.be left at this office, , 1 t Mirth is short TJti. Prolong It if you can. It will help your disposition to trad with W.K Read. - For your fine importud and Ke , West cigars, ro ' to M. Baumgart cigar store, one door east of Black man's drug store CawtlM to Jfotkcrs. Every mother is cautioned against giving her child . laudanum or pra goric; it creates an unnatural craving for stimulants which kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is specially prepared t benefit chil dren and cure their pains. It is harm less and contains no opium or mcr phine. Sold by Foshay ft Mason. A Happ Tw Mast. Say Jone, ';ow in it that you live tio well on small income ? I get oetter wag. than you do, and don't live - half as well. Why Smith, old boy that's a discovery I made. I not only live well, but save money besides. I buy all my groceries at the Willamette Pack ing Co's. store, they undersell any house in the city. The immense sale of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been producd to a great exteufclyy people who have been cured by it telling their friends and neighbors, of its good qualities and urgintr them to try it. The most se vere cold will soon yield to its sooth? itig effects. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Use Tahruey's I clciinscr. celebrated blood THE LEGISLATURE TheVotf) ForU. S. Senator in Joint Session, TELEVKAM FBON K ATK DOLtB Both Eode(3 Settling Down to Steady Business Many Hew Measures Introduced. Special to the Hbralt.) - - Sai Jwfr. 23-The legislature f1nft the clerk of each house having read their journals relating to the vote on United States senator, and they showing that Hon. Joseph N. Dolpto had been elected to succeed himself, President Simon so de clared, and the joint convention then dissolved after the reading of the following dispatch from Sena tor Dolph : Washington, (D. C), Jan. 22. To the chairman and members of the joint legislative convention: Telegrams received inform me that on the ballot for U. S. senator to day I received a majority of the1 votes in Dotn nouses, ana mac nothing remains to be done but to announce the result in joint con vention to-morrow. I am deeply gratetul for the honor conferred upon me. To be chosen to repre sent a state of the union in so dis tinguished and able a body as the United (States senate is an honor ot which any man may be justly proud. To be chosen for a second term to succeed himself a greater honor. With the experience of six years in the senate and the posi tion on committees which continu ous service will give me, for the next six vears I hope to accomplish much more during my next term than it has been possible to accom plish during the present one. The approval ol my official course im plied in my re-election shall stimulate me to greater exertions and more earnest and constant eflorls to faithfully discharge the important trust which the people of Oregon have imposed upon me. My time and energies shall be de vott d.to the discharge of my offi cial diiiies with an earnest purpose .to faitlifullv represent every section of the btate, and to promote the interests of the whole eople. J. N. DoLi'H. SENATE MORNING SESSION. Opened with prayer by Hev. Mr. Brown, of tSalem. Minutes read. Senate resolution To appoint G. M. Muith, of Umatilla, assistant door-keeper ; referred to committee on military affairs. Semite resolution That the 6upuiintendent be instructed to 'umish the senate with a list ul superintendents of the Mate who voted for a change of text books ; adopted. FIRST READING OF BIIXS. Veatch Road bill. Cauthorue For funds to aid in the litigations of the State Agri cultural' college with the M. E. Church South. Dawson To create a board of railroad commissioners. Gray For the state treasurer and secretary of state to credit the c -unty of Clatsop with money now on the books as delinquent taxes. Looney To prevent the adulter ation of food and drugs or drink. Barin Relating to road super visors. Fullerton Providing for a time ol holding supreme court. Cogswell For relief of Lake county. Gray or reliel ol Clatsop co intv. Dawson That sheriffs make a financial statement with the treas urer every thirty days. Chandler To attach a portion of Union county to Baker. Wager To secure the electors the secrecy of the ballot. Fullerton For state treasurer to pay moneys, known as the North Umpqua Bridge fund to Douglas county. Gray To. appoint a boatman at Astoria. .Mackay To allow county courts to levy a road tax. Tongue To allow district attor neys to appoint deputies. Wait To protect hotel keepers. Tongue For punishing crimes against health. 'Hilton To permanently locate the county ol Gilliam by special election and provide a time for such election. Mackay To authorize the con struction a bridge between the citv of Portland and East Portland. Veatch Providing special rates of interest. Dawi-on To allow actions to be brought against defendants in the counties where they reside or may be found. Fullerton To amend Roseburg charter. Cauthorn To encourage tree planting in public schools. Eakin To authorize the opera tion atid construction of the Sinslaw & Eastern railway. Fullerton To change the mode of taxing costs. Cogswell To quiet title to cer tain lands in the state. Norval Redisricting the state nto senatorial and representative districts. . Veatch Regulating freight charges on railroads. Dawson To provide the attach ment of judgments. Cogswell To create county of Hamilton out of the northern part of Grant. Dawson Amending Mongolian pheasant law. dandier To kill all stock diseased and pay for two-thirds of them. Fullerton Fixing bounty on scalps of wild animals. Looney To make it a misde meanor foe a person to ask to be put on a jury or for officers to put such persons in that capacity SENATE AFTERNOON SESSION. . "; The first reading of bills commenceu iu counties wuere- nn subject is solicted. Watts Bill to authorize con struction of a bridge between Marion and Yamhill counties across the Willamette river : passed. Also to authorize Wm. Ball to construct a boom on the North Yamhill river; referred to com mittee on incorporations. Moore Making it misdemeanor for a person to fail to leave premis es when ordered ; referred to conv mittee on iiidic'arv. Also that an illegitimate child be considered an heir to its mother ; referred to committee on judiciary. Hilton Requiring stock inspect or to certify that all stock brought to the state are free from disease ; referred to committee on agricult ure. Cogswell To construct wagon ad from Paisley to the southern beundary of the r-tate near Klam ath; referred to committee on agriculture. Hilton To protect public high ways ; referred to committee on roads and highwavs. Irvine To protect contractors and laborers against railroad corpo- j rations-; referred to committee on j corporations. ' i Cogswell To authorize C. S. ; and R. S. Moore to construct a boom upon Link river, in Klamath county; referred to sominerce com mittee. Hamilton For wagon road from Heppner, Morrow county, to Mon ment, Grant county ; committee on counties. Sinclair Bridge bill; commit tee on roads and highways. ENGROSSED B1I.I.S. Chandler Repealing that por tion of an act to provide for the collection of taxes relating to Baker countv; referred to committee on counties, with instructions to amend so that it will not be ap plicable to present incumbent. Senate memorial asking that veterans of Indian wars be pen sioned ; ordered printed. Senate memorial asking congress to declare the Northern Pacific land grant of lands between Port land WalluJa lot foiled ; ordered printed. Reports of various committees, recommending passage of several Dili, were read. llOfSE MORNING SESSION. Opened with prayer by Rev. Frederick Post, of Salem, and min utes read. SECOND READING OF BILLS. Hunter For improvement of Wallowa Canyon wagon road, ap propriating $8000; second reading and committed. Earhart To amend Portland charter and bring in Bull Run water, and issu $1,500,000 bonds therefor; referred to Multnomah delegation. Miller, from committee on joint rules, reported in favor of the rules of the last sesion ; adopted. Roe To amend LaGr&nde charter ; judiciary committee. Pope To regulate the practice of medicine ; committed. Roberts To create office of state examiner f engines ; committed. Ladd To provide for harbor master at Porland and Astoria: committed. Northup Relating to pilotage; referred. HOUSE AFTERNOON SESSION. Sneaker announced ADnointment on special committee to consider bill to regulate practice of medi cine. Pope, Goodcough and Bel- knP- . i: G. M. Sinith.of umaunacouniy, appointed assistant doorkeeper. . Memorial from McCoy asking congress to reduce price of public lands between Umatilla and Port land to $1.25 per acre ; committee on commerce. Senate bill to authorize construc tion of narrow gauge tailroad bridge across Willamette' river at Ray's Landing ; first reading. f SECOND READING. 5 Geer To repeal vagrancy law; judiciary committee. Hume To punish stealing of stock ; passed to third reading. GilbertTo define contn.1 of charitable institutions over orphan children; judiciary committee. Condon To fix taxing of costs by courts ; judiciary committee. Miller Amending game laws; judiciary committee. I.avman Liauor license bill; alconolic traffic committee. Jennings Making legal rate ol mtorocr. ft tier cent., or 8 Der cent. on special contract; assessment ami taxation. Waldo Exempting voters bribed at electons from punishment; com mittee on election?. Ctook To construct a wagon road from Chetco tb Port Ortord ; wars atid means committe. Hume To regulate the heating of passenger cars ; committed. Price To allow construction of boom in Rogue r.ver at Tole, Jack son county ; committee on corpora tions. ' Smith For a portage railway between The Dalles and Celilo; commerce committee. Blundell For a state weather' service ; committee on agriculture. Harrington Defining magis trates; order engrossed. Earhart To purchase laws of Oregon and supreme court reports ; pa8sd to third reading. Harrington Amending ; jury law ; asfed to third reading,'- moss -jro amend k jatoe vie w larterycorporaUorrtiif -. v. Cattle keep in good condition on the range. Roe Zoosman has gone on a visit to relatives in California. 9 Mr. James ha9 a brother visiting him 'rom western Iowa. Hurry Smith is building a barn on Henry Ingram's place. Geo. Stires is getting quite a lot ot slashing done on bis place. J. N. Combs, has bought the tract known of late as the Davis eighty. Wc are having cool frosty nights but oo sue w yet, although we caa ee ilia it has fallen on tome of the high peaks furtht r back. Mr. Blackburn apd his son-in-law Edward Nichols have rented the Vador place for a year. They have brought up a band of one hundred and eighty cattle. One day last week a number of Mr. Baker's neighbors assembled at his plae and provided bis family with a io ot fire wood. His broken l g h doing very well. KIH'K KI.Cki hTt. The first snowfall of the season now overs the ground about an inch deep. A social dance was given at Mr. Sulliyau'8 a few evenings since. The young folk report having a splendid time. The railroad contractors, Searle 1c Dean, having completed their work, there is now but one party of engin eers on the line of the railroad, and they will remain but a few days. Henness Bros, and W. H. Heart less are now sending their pack trains to the valley, where they can bo wintered at less expense, aud holding them in readiness to begin operating in the early spring. Attendance at school has increased to such an extent that the directors were called on to furnish more desks a few days ago. The teacher intends beginning a series ot spellings soon. which will, to dont, be of great interest to the young people. Webster Mistaken. Little Willie (aged 10) Mamma, whn it an elite stciai club Mimnia Itisacltib composed of the choicest people those who move in the best society. Willie Is that what Webster's dictionary sf ys? Mamma- It says that, or the samn thing in other words. Why do yon ask? Willie I se an advertifwmnnt in the paper of the Elite Social Club' dance, and our colored hostler, who aleeps in the stable, and the' blck cook are the committee on invitation. Cb's Ditcreiy. Miss Ethel (speaking of young Mr. Featherly, who has just made a call and bowed himself out at an unusual ly early hour) Didn't Mr. Featherly make a very abort call? Miss Clara Unusually ao. Misa Ethel And with what nrofoa gallantry he backed to the door. Why, he didn't even tarn to open ic Miss Clara Yes, he was all man ners to-night. Bobby (who baa been allowed to sit np later than usual) Clara, here's two suspender buttons on the sofa. Can I b ve 'em? Arc We f Have Aaetbrr War? Haiim nolitieal rrnnh.fi an tk.f we shall. Be that as tt may, the baU tl B.-ajrd 1T medical u-i..n . ih U..4- disease will neTerni'iniiiM.. rive at the Utopian epoch when the" uhuih laiuiiy ibiu cease to pe amca. d with bodfl . allaantk. Om t most potent weapons., which TSe a-' mory of medicine furnishes, is Hos- special utility as a family remedy, as 1. 1 uilanl.il .n til i wm wv adUit. u. 1 1 W lb ID Wia.VH IV INIUJUMW icim and ultimate cure of those disorder of the tomach,liier and bow!, which are of commonest occurence. Indi gestion, biliousness and coustipation are inseparable companions, as these ailments are completely eradicated by th" Bitters. But the remedial scope f tlita ar rtrlatlvl v m' linl am m iiul genial medicine takes in also nervous n : 1 ...... .li.iiin .ili.nl mwkA 1. t .4 a Kliuitruias, lutuuiftunui .uu kiuucj ffA ilktA- Ha nptirh-l ir. thtv l, 'in Ik. other complaints, being characterised ny unequaieo inoiougnness. Enrrhav, The motto of !)California means I have found it. Only in the land of eunshine where the orange, lemon, olive, fig and grape bloom and ripea and attain their highest perfection in mid-winter, are the herbs and gnm found that are used in this pleasant remedy for all throat and lungtron bles, Santa Abie tbc ruler of cot.ghs, asthma and corsumption. Try Santa Abie the only guaranteed cure for catarrafl bv mail fl.10 The most complete ttoek of staple apd fancy groceries can be found at Brownell & Stanard's. Brownell Sfc Stanard for bargains and square dealing. Youi patronage solicited.