-1 1 ....... t. . - .. ii m ... i ' . f.:rrwl' .rj.r.rrj7:r,..r...- j-v,..frwN-' I .'.-,-.... ' : . f - ' , ' .. . a. v ..,.,: ALBANY, OREGON, StTyOItXIX;, JANUARY lfcSJ). JTj CKSTH A WEEK. 9,99.00 N GOLD To lie Given Away. I C'.j? fni thin mlv tiilwntciit and Herd it J LAil.MHK ;'., Narrcrvnian, Toronto, Owiiuta, v ith 14 three-cert Canadian, H 21 two-rent American postage (stamps, and thev will wind yon by mail (postpaid) in jfood tiuw lor p.autiri;r in . April or May next, your enon e of any on of the fcllwin;r rollectioii of plant, and enter your name in oicpeti ior, tor theJCf'w oO in cM that they are trivine nw .y u order to introduce their nur ery "ofc ' Collection of Flai-ts: Nfcl-fclhartlv roses. . . No. '2 '2 hardy climiair roses No. 3 2 over blooming rosea tor, home cul ture. No. 4 2 dahlias. 1 So. 510 liladiola. No. 63 hardy grape vines. No. 7 8 ragptierrr plantH, 4 each black and red. No. a- 20 strawberry plants, 4 choice' kind. . No. tt ft very choice plants four housg .cul ;;.. - ..--i- ".", 105 cherry currant (ret). - Xo. 11 ft Lees proline currants (black) No, 12 S white grape c-.rrnt All letters with this advertisement enclosed alonif with stamps for any one or more coi tions of plants, will be numbered as they m:: to hand, and the senders of the first thirteen hundred will receive cifts as follows: 1st SiW I The t.ext 20, 910 each. 2nd 100 ! The next 40, 5 each. 3rd 50 The next 415, $ each. 4th 30 1 he next 20, 1 each. 5th 20 Alter M).0oo letters have been received, the senders of the next 1,100 letters will receive gifts as follows: 1st $225 Nei 10, 815 each 2nd 135 Next 15, 810 each 2rd - 75 j Next 40. each 4tn 50 i Next 470, ?2 each 5th 25 Next 500. 1 each After IiO.Wki letters have been reccired, the senders of the next 1,000 letters will re ceive K'fts as follows: 1 and 2..".. .i0n rach Next 5 ?20 each 3, 4 and 5.. 75 each Next 15 10 each , 7 and 8. . . 5m each Next 3 each f, 10. 11, 12. 25 each Next tt3 1 each After 150.0W letters huve been receivetl the senders of the next l.UHMettcrs will teceive kifts as follows: 1 103each Next 10 $20 each 2... 75eaih Next 25 In each 3 and 4 50 eac h J Next 2 each Next 5 25 each Next 47!) 1 each Any person may m nil any nniiU r of tunes for any of the above collections. If j cents iu tamis extra is sen... we will send in Jun next a print d list of the names of all persons who arc entitled to irifts. We make thU liberal offer to readers of the Hkkami, knowing it wi.l not a us now, but our object is to intra luce our stock and build up a trade Our mail ini; points are Toronto and Sbrubmount. tint., Koehnder, N. Y., Louisville, Ky., Hai'iesville, (., and C'hicauo, 111., and we will guarantee all stock to reach our nstnmcrs in (food condition. We employ no ai-eiits but deal direct with customers, and can sell and deliver stock to any part ot the I'nitcd St.i:tsor Canaoa at about one half the price chari.-e.i by other nurserymen, thrnttifh agents, iiciueinber we will not In; undersold by any reliable linn. Send us ;. liit of wants and we will quote you prics: or 10 cents for a hand nine il ustrated atuloe.uc which you may deduct irom vour lirt-t ord-r. Address nil litters. J. IAH MER & CO , Nurservrieii. TO KOX 1 0, ("A N AW. I'KOl'P, WHOOPING Bronebiti iinnieuiatcl.v ShiUdi's t il"''. Foshay . C(L;i'II ANl relieved, by ! V .M IS..11. Albany jOlvEGON V 111 'Oil Ftll ir 'tj'tni -.r.fo. oi rici:i;s. Cii:'.i!e K. WolviTton. -i I. ' ut J. . Writ-man. W. ( M-I. k. -. K. !'i ': rki::. Vii-t-l'l;' S. '!. t M- ;::::;i). I 1 :).. I'. V.i!rl'- '. wiiu. I."!'.. Mi oitt-it o. k. .1. Wri;:ii:ui. .J. ii. .1. !.. W. I'ii- . leek in , Si::;. t.'!iar!' "it'I:tf ; baie, Sflima, uonserv X i v A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Pcdr,izeil by Square People OF ALBANY, OREGON. ruE.-iiE.ii, L. Kiinn. VICE-PKKMDENT S. E. YoUDg, cashier G.E.Chaniberlain, rMtANA. r.s A GENERAL;. .HANKI.Nt; X 151 ;.EiS. Ace.T.nts kept rubjeet to check. Sit'ht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer o!d on New York. Chicago. Sm FraiifiMU anil Portiand.Orc-on. Colliitions made on favorable terms. S. E. You ""lP Ft ins L..-E. I.I.AIN VV. K. ll-RKKLL GRO. E. CHAMBRHLAI.j Jas. K. Powicul. Assistant Cashier. L) Mini in ft 1WKIGHT WISHES TO AN' nounce to those desirous of re ceiving instruction in Flower painting in oil colors. Landscape painting in oil color, M trine painting in o'l color. Portrait painting in oil colors. Landscape painting in watrr colors. Flowers tn water colors. Thai lie is prepared to give lessons r ibe above sud;es in The Sfn.'inn f.l. ck Those desirous of jo'ning my v'. ' ; st' c'.i---' .! M'r.irc tei iu 'tv tiling Ibe City LUng su-re hwm& Mcrcbits RSURANCE COM. A. X Y -Oc- mm VIll'lllU bat ml m Instruction Painti nor K nova I tVJi1 a ,C o m Absolutely Pure. ThiB powaer never varies. A marvel ot purity .strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competi tion witb multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate jiowdcrs Sold only in wis. Kotai. BakiS" jow dek Co . lO". Wall st.. N. Y. D V Ckowlet & Co., A.srnt, Portland, Oregon. rnvsMi.ixs. I'AVIS, M. I. IPHYSkCI.W AND aurenn. Can "e found at Ins uirce room ii. Sirahun s block, Urst street. A'Dany ureuon- DR C. CHAMBKRLIN. HOMKOPATHIC phvsiciiin and surireon. Otticc, corner Third and Lyon streets, Albany, Oregon. G w. ANI SUK geon, Albany, Oregon. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND St'Rr jreon, Albai.y, Oregon. a C. KKLLT, PHYSICIAN AND ol"R- eon Albany, Drcmi, oft'ee in t urces new block Otlice hours, from S A. M. to 4 p. M. A. I. ROSITKl!, VETKKINARV SU! . L'eon, graduate ot Onutrio. veterinary college and memlier of the intrio veterin ary medical Kticiety, is r pared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animals on wieiititic principles. Otticc second door east of the opera house, Albany, Oregon. DR. R KOi.DEW.W, VK'I K11INAKY M R. Ifeon, Albany, Oregon. -Graduate of tJer man and Ainoricirn i-oaeies. Klrrlriranil llomeop;i!Iiic Treatment iT 1HOSK DKSIItlNf: KII'IIKU Ol- THESE s.vfe and reliable methods of treatinir dis ease will tiiid Dr. K. A. McAlistrr prepared with excellent a:nli.i"(HM tor admin, iterin,' either, as the nature of th" case muv re-psire. He may be tonnd at bis otlice on Tl:ird street, two uuors suth of the clcctiic lieht, station, when not absent on professional business. DK. E. A. M'ALIS'I EH, H( IM EOPATHIU phvsieian, has removed bis otlice fr..m I 1'iinn's block to his resi.Ii neo on Third street. two d.-ois south ! the clecftic liebt station. 4TTOBES. N. BLACKHI KN, ATTORNEY AT .aw, Albany, Oreiron. uihce in Odd bellow s temple. - ill practice in all courts ot the state, and 'ie special attention to all business. ' II' OLYERTON CIIAKLES E. A n'ORXEY l V at Law, Albany, Or. Olhce in rooms is and 14, rosters lilock, over L. '.. Wain's stor T K WEATHollFoUP, ATTORNEY AT i-, Al'.anv, Oregon. mice in Odd K.-lo.v's Te:r Will practice in all the court-) of thotatc, and .ive special attenticu to ail biisii.ess i j pEYEKK liofSK, ALBANY, OR. Lt I'teitf.r, I'np. o.ily first -eela ih'. :!y. si:!;!c rooms I -CI IAS. I;iss house for coin- iiu-rci'il in No I'iiiii.Miicrt ehtoiovt-d in toe l kit. .In :i. I ;-r.ti st i.'i- ollice for l'or aII:s. 11. i. -v. arni '.. Til L WATCHMAKE AlbaiM , Ore.:'.i. '.Vele Ilcifiiiiin's liimiiit. ! ' ! Mum OIoigkp1, Prep, .! I: NT l NoW in tl'.e Sa 'io ir.di ii;'km;d in ImiMiiU l.c- !f 1 li.e-ls : Dicr.-ii in pllb' I'' i-i r--m, t-Ii. .1 v.i'h :.s. Sasistao 1'J ',v the ,d I.,- ; .ii -. ni t . I be b- !'.. . i iv H 'n-c, here '. .ul boiijs. M .-'.1 ellst":t ers uml the l.'. l !.e f'.t.ie- Mi'l be i.Uli1-. the li.ai ket a.l'i. i tion uarM:tee . Ml. c- reks :.h formerly propiieor of tlu I'.ev ei 1 io i-e. ''estiillt Hit, wbicb liciau on tin- K:a- '"can p':i!,bit f.niml tin' pi:,n lidn't. sn.-.vc'l. so h- i pepci! bis I'-e-i nt rc-'taurant win re be lias en yein nil satisi.iction. I'er-.--s HM.-i'it: a l:r!-ckss meal sbould 211 to llei ni; i.n s. it-:.'' No ' (i'nc einp'oM'd i;tH'M-A l.oi.D MM; WIIU IijPa; 1 .-:. Ov nen-:in ha'. e si;me by inliiii at !. M. Kre:n h's jcwclrv store. I.) oi:is or wool! for s;-.!c. , V Fill AND MAPLE Apply to s, ;onrlcy. Jlei".: l.ser: 7 -a -'I ani oi..mpia.i sep.ved XJ in sli everv (lav at H. i. n ks' restaurant j nf fee. CHANGE (IF XAK. Ill the County Couit of Linn Cotintv, State ot or.-u'on. VO'tUK IS MERKSIV tilVEX TO ALL XX iirsons concerned that by rrdcrofthe county couit duly niaiie antl entered i'4 reeoril on Monday, January 7th, ls name ot cnarles 11. Si hutc:t was changed frt.m Cbailes II. Schubert to Charles H l!iii!!e ltone by onlur of the Hon. 1 K. X. black -burn jude of snid count v court. Witness my hand and the seal of said court affixed thin 7th day of January A. I). ls9 E. E H ON I AG I E. Count Clerk. Lund Marveylne. 1)ART1RS DF.SIRIHO 81'RVRYSNO DOXR CAN OI tain accurate and prompt work bv calliti" upou ex-count r survcyoi t, f. T. Fisher. He bus eoiiiplete copies ol field note and town ship plats, and is prepared to do survevinjr in t.ny jtart of Linn county. Postotfice aildress Millers Station, Linn coutitv, Oregon. ' DAVIS BROS- AND CO. DftAlMtS IS R.'aRAlMMtCU)IBIl. SIIEDD.LJXXCc. 0$EGO$ t i I DiscoTtrle More tultiabte 'lima Void. Are Santa Abiij. the California dis-crr'-ery tor Consumption and diseases ofr.-i throat, Chest and Lurjrs, and Caiilornia Cat-K-Cure. the oiily :iar f.ntecd cure Ur C aUn ii, Coid in the Head and kindled ctmplaintA. Tlicy are o?d at l per package, or three for $50, and -e-', recom mended and used by the leaj?;: j-'iysiflans of the Pacific" Coast, 'jj' 'cret compounds, juaianteeo by loshsy iC Mason narkllii'nAri' vi Jiulvc. The t est Sa've in ine world fornti Bruises, Sores. L'lov-s, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tet'er, happed hands, Chiiblai hb orr.s, and all skin erup. ions, and positively cures Piles, or pay required. It is guaranteed t Kive perfect satisfaction, or mone refunded. Price 25 cents per box a Foshay vt Mason's. The dry cold weather of tAe early winter months is productive of a grea deal of croup among children. Moth be prepared to arrest it as noon as the tU-t symptoms .. appear. True croup rtrvrf .comes " without a warning: . day or two befote the attack the chid will become hoaree, and that symptoms is soon followed by a peculiar, rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy is given as soon as this hoarse ness or cough appears, all danger and anxiety mayi be avoided; it has never i fttilod I'Vonn n fhM must. Rvri faRfK. ! There is no danger in giving the Remedy for it contains no injurious substance. For sale by Foshay & .Mason. ipprd la the Bad. Is it nof.better to nip Consumption the greatest scourge of humanity in the bud. than to try to stay its prq gress on the brink of the grave. A few doses oi' California's most useful production, will releive, and a thor ough treatment will cure. Nasal Catarrh, too often the forerunner of consumption can be cured by Califor nia Cat-K-Cure. These remedies art sold and fully warreuted by Foshay & Mason. When Baby wsi bIcV, We gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, She cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, Sho clung to Castoria. When she had Children, She gar them Custoria. Call on Biowncll it Stanard's for candies and nuts for the licliuavs. A fine assortment on hand. I (io and see Will c Stark's. the new silverware at Auction everv Saturduv' afternoon ut M. J. Monteith's. 11 -VIA- Soi'THKKN J'AdFlC Company's THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Between iiiul nn Franrisro Alliiin.v 35 35 California express trains run daily between Portland a-id San Francisco. 4:00 i m. .Lv Portland .... Ar..l0:4" am S:ljpm..l.v Albany Lv.. 0:45 am 7:4."i a in.. A r. S. Francisco. Lv.. 7-00 an. Loral lns. Train Dally- Ex. Sundav :' a in. Il'Nii p in. 2:l'i i m. . Lv I'"" land . .Lv Albany.... .Ar Eugene.. . Ar. . pm .Lv.. 11 an: . Lv. . :'io aai Lebanon ISrnnrh. s;2i p m . . l.v. . !'::-i p m. .Ar... 1 :.."o p ni..l.v. ., !:::'; p m..Ar... .. MImiiv... . . Lebanon.. ..Albany... . . Lebanon. . -Ar.. ..Lv.. ..Ar.. . . Lv . . i:.:;n an .r:l." am j 2:4fi pm S :l'U I 'III t TI LLMAN JUT I T.T SIJ.KPKKS Tonn.vT slmf.hm; c,i:s tor aeC'inmodatioii of seeond-elnss -as-s.-t i s a?t:n b: d to Express Tniins. I'heO. A C. It It. Ferry in::!.. ; oiinrc'ii.n v. i'.Ii ,il' the resrnliir 1 1 .. i u- on the e.istsidv !: vision irom toot ot !' street. IVesC .tlc r.ftu'-eti I'dillain I.M v i-.:.. i aiul t'orviillis. pt Siiinlay A;', ii.'jui Lv .A:-.. i l J:-.'.". p m. Express v TV '11. i- L . . TraJis t?ail I'x tpt Sumlny !:0n :im f...I."i:.Pi jt with p in p i:i .Lv.. . r.. Portland . . Ar. . .M. .;.i,.. Villi;. I.v. At Albanv and Corvu!lis ronne traiiis of On irrti !':( ifu lta'lro.id. THROUGH TiCKF.TS I -i All Poi-its SOUTH AND EAST Via California. 7"For fu'l infoniia: ion rt eanlio; ratc, map--, etc-, call on co.i panv's nL'cnt at Albany i. KOh.1! I. Kit, E. 1'. ItOCEI.'S. Manager. Asst. i;. K. .v. P A FOSHAY & M-AiSOTM WhoKwilc and ,Ket;iii iOny Booksellers Dissolution Roller. ! rPIIR FARTSKBSIIIP IIKKETuKORR KXISTIXO BR- J. tween U. . Harris and W. E. Cillctf, marble dealers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. (tillett retiring. All peisons knr wine; themselves imlcbtod to thi firm will pltiuc ca l at their shop and settle at once. G. W. IIakrih. W, E, Gillrtt. Albany, January 7, 1881-'. OrniilflTirl ia PoliPrnmifi UVUIllUIU W tailiUJIIl PASTURAGE. SIX IVNDRED ACKE8 OF GOOD PASTURAGE And abundance ot running water on the Elliott Kanch, lour miles. south of tkio Horses per month; cattle 50 i'-"So diseust ii stuck received, cent,::, U. C. MOON, Scio, Oregod. .lt4ND PEIA HOIE BiBKCII. The Top or mart Block In Flames $2o.0Ott Mm Cp In iiinokr. St. Paul (Minn), Jan. 21. At 8 o'clock this morning a fire was dis covered in the Grand Opera House, which originated in the gentle men's coat room; during the ab sence of the nightwatchman. At 9 o'clock the building was a complete ruin, and only the walls are stand ing. The top of court block is on fire, and the tiames are inaccessi ble. The losson the opera house is $20,000. DE8CB1PTION OP THE BLCEBEKBV The Blueberry is a valuable fruit and is reliable to grow in our. North ern states, where the more tender varieties of fruits winter-kill. It is perfectly hardy, having stood 40 de gi ees below zero without showing any injury to the most tender buds, it f R .tt ui . r Jul' ttnd, ,s. or,,w.!" 1 lust,e.1'8 1'k.eJ ttooiu me jsi oi nr rants; shape, round; color, reddish purple at first, but becomes a bluish bl.iciv when fully ripened. The flavor is equal to the raspberry, a very ini'd, rich sub-acid, pronounced by most people delicious. It may be 6erved with sugar and ereai: or cooked S'juce, and is splendid canned for winter use Hie plant se ms to flourish in all soils and is a prolific bearer. It grows very stocky and makes a nice hedge. The shining daik green leaves and the blue fruit ? 1 - . . 1 . . Tl.- .1 . mahiug a juc.nin ciiiili um. i hi; ut. mand for the f?uit is great, and ucual ly brings 15 cents per quart. Ttev commence bearing the first year alter setting out, and rieid a full crop the second and thitd year vfter setting out. They are yropagated from suck ers and root cuttings. The plant is about the height and size of a currant bush a id very t-tocky, holding the fruit we.l up from the ground Plants should be set in the spring, during March, April and May, in rows two or three feet apart, "nd five or six feet between the rows, making a perfect hedge, and no grass or weeds should be allowed to grow between rows. I'KICB LIST. 1 dozen plants by mall f HO '2 dozen plants by mail s. 1 (XI 100 dozen plants by express. .. . 1000 dozen plants by express or freight 15 00 Plants are carefully packed in damp inofs and delivereJ to express or freight ollice, for which I make no cxtrj charge. Ho tow Send Money. I would pre fer to have money sent by American express order, all sums of $5 and under cost only 5 cents, and if order is lost, money' will be promptly re DMidedto seudcr. If not convenient to obtain express order, money can be sent by registered lettei or postollicc money order or postal note, drawn on Portland, Michigan. Postage stamps will not be accepted only from our I'Urtome.'s that cannot obtain an ex press order only those of the one cent denomination wanted. ' L. U. Staples, Portland, Iona Co., Mich. !:uii:f miatio. Sla-i yeast atj'.rowncll A StaraH's A new invoice of British trimmings at Head's. New dress gnods the verjl. a's,e stjles at . V. Kind's. A tine line of new silverware just open'"' at Will t Stark's. Asbe autiful as a dream that line o allies l.u ; i li.ll. at V p.l;ti:d The largest :n.d best assortment of tea and loll'ee in town at Brownell .V Stan.ird's. All kinds of spices and condiments jor the holiday trade at C. II. Spencei's. Mince meat and chow chow, ln1li Eastern and home made, at C. II, Spencer's. Extra soda crackers, fresh from the factory, every week at Brownell V; Stanard's. I l.i.ici- groceries,, l.oMi staple and fanty, arriving every day at C. il Spencer's. Craii'iicrri'-s and a'l kind c::i:i!''d ijuality ai. (I evaporated fruits of best :t II. Spencer' Fine old cherry bounce i't M. l'.aiiin irart's. Kiiifst line of jersies'.ever in Albanv ut Keiiti's, T. A. Arcliilmld, ajnt fur the Sii"j er Manufacturing Co., tipj:t.s,ii- 'ii:. I'ellotvs temple. 'rackeis, t inker ari s antl a irrca variety of sweet uoods. all fresh end nice, at C. II. Spcucer'a. Our customei's nevcrhave the li'ucs, licaiise ivj .vrive them sin h fjood liar otitis. XV. V Head. AVe haSidlo three kini's of fruit j:T and y:u will do well to see us before ltlatiiiic your orders. All kinds of fresh roasted codec constantly on ' hand and ground to order at ('. II. Spencer's, .Tust o e.ied, a new barrel of small mixed pickle-, which are extra nice it nd will he ?old in any ijuaiiti'iy al C. 11. Spi.iieer's, Mexican Cactus Hitters is the best remedy in the world for liver and kid ii. y di -eases, indigestion, ttc. For sale at M Banmart's "You will never miss the water 'Till the well runs dry." If vr.u'want a well dusr call on E. P. Davidson. He does prompt work at a reasonable price Orders can.be let! at this office, Mirlh is short live:!. Fiolontr it 'f you can. It will help your disposition to trade with W. F. Read. For your tine imported ind Ke West cijrars. iro to M. Batunsart cigar store, one door cast of Black man's drujj store Caallon to Molhcr. Every mother is cau'aoned against giving her child laudanum or p'tra jroric; it creates an unnatural craviug for stimulants which kills, the mind or the child. Acker's BsUy Soother is specially prepared to benefit chil dren and cure their pains. It is harm less and contains no opium or mor phine. Sold by Foshay k Mason. "WHY "WILL YOU corou," when Shiloh's Cine will ffive immediate re ilf?e Price 10c, 50c. and 1. Foshay Mason. French keeps railroad time, THE LEGISLATURE A Busy Day's Session in Both Houres. BUSY KEW BILLS IXTBODVt 11. The Albany Amended Charter Sill Bead the Second Time-Many Belated Ltgis-larors-Besolutions, Etc. Special to the Herald. iSi.EM, Jan. 21. At2 p. i. to day the senate was called to order by the president. The roll was culled and excuses granted to a number of the members who were unable to be present on account of the delay in the arrival of the train. BILLS INTRODUCED. Watts To provide for thecon srtuction ol a railroad bridge be tween Kay's Landing and Ash Island. Vat!8 To construct and im prove boom across Yamhill river. Moore for an act to amend Sec. 1794 of Hill's Annotated Laws of Oregon. Moore To amend Sec.3101 of the la-ws of Oregon. Hilton To amend Sec. 3351 of the laws of Oregon. Cogswell To provide for a wagon road from Baisley, Klamath Co , to the southern part of the county. Hilton To protect public high ways. Irvine To protect contractors in their claim against corporations. Cogswell To authorize C. S. and K. il. Moore to construct and maintain a boom in Link river. Hamilton To provide for the improvement of a wagon road from Heppner to Monument. Muclair To construct and main tain public bridges. Sinclair To appropriate money to I. Hacker for money paid to the state laud commissioners. Kaley To amend an act to in corporate the city of Veston. Cogswell To amend laws relat- inu to irrigation in the different counties. Mackay To protect birds in Or egon. Watkins To ami nd the chatter of Dalles City and provide for bonds for indebtedness, the con struction of water works, etc. Watkins To enable Dalles Citv to amei d an a t to dispose of a certain tract oi land and to pro vide for the disposal of the pro cectls of the same. Chamherlin To establish a re form school lor the punishment ol juvenile offenders. ; Hatch To prevent cattle from running at large on certain public tiiutiwavH in tbis Mate. Cogswell introduced a resolution concerning the disposition of tlu; governor's message, providing for tne apportionment of the suie to the various committees. SECOND READING OF BILLS. F.ill relalin' to vagrancy and pro viding for repeal of the present law ; referred to committee on cor porations. Wager Providing for the hold ing oi supreme court at Salem, Jackson vi.le and Pendleton; .re ferred to committee on judiciary. Sinclair Providing for an act to promyte drainage fr -agricultural anil .-aiiit.iry purposes ; referred to eoiiiniitHe- on agi i' tiHure. llatcl-.To prevent betting on e!t ciioi.s and providing lor punish liieiit ci violators; ieiei'i'eL to com mittee on elections. Irvine To incorporate the cit. "!' Albany; lvtened to cumuiiltee in co!'poiatio;;s. Watt- An act f-r the relief ot .luel.J. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f i a y ; reieried to com init'.ee liaiiiis. Dawso:; l or an act exempting iue ilepat tineiils and volunteer tnenit'its thiieol iiom taxation; ivlcrrod to committee on as.-e.-s-ments. V'aer--lioI.'.ting to execution c.-f deed.-; i lei red to cominiliee o.i jiitiici.iiA . liat in Kelaiing to the lime oi convening ot countv eouris; re ieried to committee on comities. Wager For an act regul.iliiiu the foreclosure of mortgages ; relet l ed lo committee tin judiciaiy. lviioy l or an act to allow trulls am i corpoiaiions to act as admin: trators in the seUieiuentof estates; reieried to committee on coriora tions. Dawson To amend certain sec tions ol Hill's Annotated Laws ol Oregon relating to tiie Utie ol deeds ; reieiieil to committee on judiciary. Irvine To amend sections of the code ot civil procedure as compiled by Alattnew P. Dt ady; relet red io committee on judiciary. Kaley For an act io confirm to to ttie county of Umatilla a cer tain block in the town of Pendle ton ; reieired to committee on cor porations. Wager To provide for improve ment of Fall Cieek and Little Fall Creek in Lake county and provid ing booms therefor ; referred to committee on corporations. Chandler For an act to instruct the secretary of state and toe state treasurer to reimburse Baker county for delinquent taxes; re ferred to committee on ways and means. Carson For an act to amend an act to incorjiorate the city of Port land ; referred to committee con sisting of the iMultnou ah senators. Looney For an act to create a I boon of county school commission- era to select text books for use in the public schools in the state. THE HOUSE. Huff called to order bv Speaker Smith at 2 p. m. F'ive members absent. P.ayer by Rev. Anselin B.Brown, of the Congregational church, of Salem. Journal of last day's session read by Chief Clerk Gregg. The min utes approved. HOl'SE COMMITTEES ANXOUSCED. The speaker announced the fol lowing standing committees : Fdections Jennings, Fell, Pope, Price. Ways and means Apperson, Earhart, Moss. Education Blundell, Armstrong, Kirk. J udiciary Harrington, Waldo, Bean, Condon, Bowditch. Claims Gilbert , Goodnough , Jennings. Military affairs--Ladd, jNorthup, Miller, of Jackson. Koads and highways Paulsen, Hume, Hunter. Fnurossed bills Roberts, Har rington, Myers. Enrolled wills Condon, Roe, Gam bee. Indian affairs Geer , Moore, Stafford. Printing Crook, Hume, Miller. of Jackson. Corporutions-Laughlhi, Northup, Fell. Commerce Thompson, Parker, Thomas, Short, Morelock. Counties Crosno, eed, Laugn lin, Blundell, Moss. F'ederal relations Parker, Weed, Bowditch. Mining Haskel, Howard, Price. Public lands Gillham, Kicker, Napton. Internal improvements-Stafford, Fisher, of PoIk, ;mi-i liami. Putiiic buildings Geer, Earhart, Napton. Agriculture PoacII. Roj, La Brie. Alcoholic trathc Layman, Fish er, of Multnomah, Ieroy. Railway and tiansportation Maxwell, Strowbridge, McCoy, Miller, of Linn. Assessment a. id transportation Waldo, Williamson , Pacquet , Gambree. Also the following on joint com mittee on rules on iue part of the house : Miller, of Jackson, Apper son. Pacquet Resolution referring to different portions of the governor's message and different committees ; adopted. Memorial from Grant's Pass ask ing amendments to the city char ter was read. Armstrong Memorial to con gress, asking the purchase of locks at Oregon City by the federal gov e inn nt. llu ie Res iluti n asking ap pointment of stain; ng committee on fisheries; a lopteo. F'isliei Resolution authorizing chairman ol coin mi it es to appoint clerks; adopted. Jennings Resolution intructii.g clerks to Have cali nd order of bu-iness tor ts of ti e each d..y - printed lor the usu t n embers. ' A communication was reeeiv d , Paqin t To provide for assess frooi the s-cr.-iar uf state, su: - j ment blanks for school districts, mating the railroad comin.ssioi -1 Hahn io incoi joraie the city er.- report. cf Astoria. A communication was received j IVan To iue- rM..i ile tiie cily of from John Miiil.tn, conn.sel ai d ! Pendleton. agei.t for OrvL' jti, submitting docn- j Thompson Tn amend an act luct.ts retciieedio committee on j providing for salaries of officers f claims. j Portland iiie lU partimMit. II ;m Kesolu ion t! at sections i Jir.tn T ainotiil S,-es. ;:',1 and 2, .. and 1 , artiei.- 7, ai.l section 1, . r:;:; nf the cimi- of civil pii'edun aiiicie i:J ol tne cuii.-tituuoii be fif tliesttt of ( nnii, as compiled a .n'atcd, and substitutes, relating! '.v Deady and Lane in relation to to tne circuit court judges ami ofli- divorces. . cers oi siato-: reieiieil to unieiarv Norlhup Mi iii'.'M.il lo congress a-kir.g lii..t Kol'cri Williams, ser ...;. ni in tiu ordnance corps at V..!i-'ovei', it' placed on I In le ered li.-t vi;h in'i pay; ru'es sus pei.ded and im loot lili iidooted. to.i iiiovtvl that UM c.iiies 1 the e o! li-l ol .vlaiiilin : commilii'ts oi i he house, ameiitimei't , aiiu'iitliiiei.t ne pi iiiied for the ti; l'aiilren olieivd an !nak:nj: 21M copies: j -! e .lili-il. Moiei.of .liksoii, moved that one tiiou.-and cipies of the g iverii oi 's lues-age be ordered piinietl; adopie J. Ill I.I. S IN T.'tolVr;i. J Tliompsoi, To analyze minora' , Aater.s and oilier liquids ana to prevent adulterations. i . Thoinpsoa To protect certain : bird.-: aiul their nests. ' Jennings To regulate the prac- ; tit-e of nietlicine .and surgery. Condon To amend section S77, title 2. chapter 11, general laws of Otvuoii. j Condon To incortorate the city ! t f Flugene. Humo To amend 3101, title 3, cnapter 28, laws ot Oregon. Jennings To amend section 2 vio, titled, chapter 1,, laws of Oregon relating to coiioa.ou oljt.ame to town this morning and taxes. surrendered himself, saving he Moss To fix salary of stock in- j had killed his brother-in-law, Jas sjiector oi Lake county. j Dellett, Jr., in the belief that be Moss To amend section 3353, was a "white cap' There is saa title 1, chapter 38. laws of Oregon, j picion that it was cold-blooded Fell To provide for completion i murder. oi wagon roan irom renaieton to Canyon City. Williamson To prevent sheep :rom being driven from one county to another without permission. Haskell To amend section 3423, cede of Oregon. Gan bee -To amend sec. i in 3587, code of Oregon, relating to rate of interest. Napton To change the name of Billy t reek to Alder Creek. Paulsen To establish rates ofj loll by rail ovep bridges from Port land to East Portland. Layman To incorporate the town of Wood burn. Layman To prevent adultera tion of food, drugs, seeds, etc. (.iambee Assessment and col lection of taxes. Armstrong To amend chapter 1. title 3, section 25, 5th suit-division school law. Price Amend sections 30(12,3003, 3.11,3015,3025, 302(5, 3027, code of Oregon. Belknap Amend sections 2575, -XiTll '"7T till. I i-li a ttw.r 1 il Idwu of Oregon. N upton To incorporate the town of Vale, Malheur inuntj'. The following bills were intro duced, read first time and passed to second reading: Short Establishing boundary line between Clackamas and Mult nomah counties. Thompson Relating to legal survey of lands. Smith Providing for the estab lishment of a state normal school at The Dalles. Litighlin Incorporating the town of Newberg. Paulson To amend sec. 2228 of thecoie. Jennings To amend sees. 4082, 40S4, 4'.iyt, relating to road super visors. Napton Making slander a mis demeanor and fixing punishment. Napton Concerning common law and British statutes. Jennings Tn amend Sec. 1935 and repeal Sees. 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, in relation to game. Maxwell Appropriating $10,000 to aid Tillamook county to build a wagon road. Armstrong To amend Sees. 2575, 257G, 2577 of the code per taining to education. Fell To provide for improve ment of wagon roads in Grant Co. Belknap For amendment of Sec. 25H4, code ff Oregon, relating to teachers' certificates. Condon To provide for holding circuit court in second judicial d. strict. Bean To amend Sec. 3458, cf the code, dclming fence. Thompson To provide for de fraying funeral expenses of de ceased union soldiers. Earhart An act to license and regulate insurance business in Or egon. Paulsen An act to provide for election of precinct assessor, abol ish the ollice of county assessor, etc. Fell To amend Sec. 409 of the code, relating to granting injunc tions. - . . - Xorthup To amend Sec. 3802 of the code, providing for devising property. Northup To provide for the re lief of mendi. a.it union soldiers, sailors, etc. Thompson To provide for build ing a portage railway fiom The) Dallo.- to Clilo. Con Ion To amend Sec I. 2, and 3. to repeal See. 4 of an act to -,:'l and support the university of Oregon. Powell To create the o.'hce tf countv road supervisor. A.ijot.rned until 10 o'clock Tuestlav. GENE1JAL NEWS. Report of Improvtinerns for the Vil,or:utte K'.vcr. kiiu 'i tn uKoiiii.it-iy-i in, Op'M Hon -'J. 3. . Envied at, a I MS of $20,0C0 If f-TT- cnt tn Brniioi Eistt-rn ?Jew3. t T.r lli.t'.i' Si-i-i:il lismt Ir-s.. Wammmiton, Jan. 21. The sec retary of war lias transmitted to congress a letter from the general chief engineer stating that it will ej.-t 200,OOO to make a twenty f ot channel in the Willamette ri vi-r 1 iet ween 1 'ort land and )s wego, O egt n. Kiiitit ui.s i:uoiiii:k-i.i.aw. Murdrrrd l(r'Hvin llltn Wllte 4". j." ! Ke a Moi st View- (N. J.), Jan. 21. John McNeill, a wealthy farmer- I tl, A. tMramer I mn. S.n Francisco, Jan. 21. The United States steamer Vandilia, Captain Schoonmaker, which left Mare Island navy yard yesterday, lay at anchor in the bay all night, and passed out to sea at 8 :30 this morning on her w ay V Samoa. The irost complete rtoek of staplo and fancy groceries can be found at iirownelfifc SUnard's. , -. -i V