y-. v'-r.-. .:- ; - , V..rv '-!:..-.... yJ- vt , X v. , . ' ' . ALU A NY, OKEGOx, TUURSfiYT . MOKNIIW, JANUARY 10, 1889. 15 CI XTS A WEEK. VOL. IV. XO. 3Q. yT. ,C'-" - . " '.5 !t' i Farmers fi Merchants' S P OU in COM. A. X Y -01 Albany IOregon Capital Stock 500 000 paid it fnu $sr.oKi. . OFFICERS. President Charles K. Wolverton. Vice-President J. O. Writaiii-n. Treasurer J. V. Cusir-k. Secretary -J. K. Elderkir.. DIRECTORS. Ti. s. Mrauan, Chas. E. WoUt-r-ton, J. L. Cowan, D.!i. Montuii!:. J. W. Cusick, J. U. .Wrirsniiin, J. K. FJderkin, Charles Moiifeilh, i. F. Simpson. Safe, Sound, uonservatiye A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People Parsonizo Hens Saterprise Cowan Ralston & Co SOO'frSH'KS T.I Cowan & Cusick' Albany, , - Oregon Transacts a general bunking !mm:ucs. lira' i;.'ht drafts on Ntw V r"-", .n rV-lu-J isiosntt Portland , "r. Loan mon;y on approved security. Receive deposits tmi'jcet to check. CallectihiiH entrusted to , us lirec i- ? omvt attention. - JOHN BRIGGS FLOSIST, Roses a Specialty. Crroeterj lots piamed and eared for by the month or jear. ALBANY, OREGO ThP trMtrnont rf icany thousonds of oases if itji-.s.s chrocic wc:::jeKses ami distressini? t.ilmciils peculiar to females, et the Invalids' Jloti'l ana SurKical Institutp, Buffalo, N. Y., hits afT.irded a vast experience In nicely adapt l'i4 and thoroughly testins remedies for tba cure cf woman's peculiar malacies. ,Tr- Plcrr ravorife Freorrlptlos ta . "ptwrth. r result, of this icreut and .rirXw"1.-. i"u..mTt, lesumo. -iv ateftv ' i- i ui iue xii urv MKnr T-uteJ and obstinate cases which had baffled Ihelr 8kUI. prove It to be the most wonderful xenjedy ever devised for the relier and cure of (luiicrmc women. It is not recommended as -i-.-.re-tll." but as a most perfect bDecitic for. iri am's peculiar ailments. I An a Txrrrful. InTlcoraUne foalc it jLi.K.rts tfreiiRth to the whole system, and t' the wonit and its niipentlaires In particular. V r overv.vrked. " wi rn-out " "niiMlnwn '.'Uitafed t'-achers, milliners, dressmakera, ' K.'..:.i:;;'ess.'-siioi-riri.V' house-keeiTS, nurs-i in' moui('rs,u:il iee:Ie women cenerally. Dr. r'd L ii TitFi i..;4 ...-v i.. - " m. artl!ly boon, being unequulfni as an appetUiM X a wtcihlnj and slrenpthenlag aer SSSJSSL -rj.vi,rii rcscriiiiou an. i is invoiuanie in tllav yine and aubdning. allity, exhaustion, m?lh!r.l5: nervous excitability, irritabili nr.wtratlon, h-steria. spasms irrssintr. nervons svmntonis commonlv attend ant iiiion functional and organic disease of tha !i. It induces refreshinaf sleep and rclieraa iueuta anxiety and despondency. i Dr. Pierre's FaTorlte Preserlntioa U a lecltliuate mcrt trine, carefully cont-I swun.icii ny an experienced and skillful phy- xr.i:'lf f ). itl It lu mirl, l-offotahln In l,a te--ui.p;s:ii-n end prrff;rtly harmless in its elferta In any condition ciftlio system. For morn inc li'-kness, .r nmisea, from whatever cauii anoint;, weak stomiM-h, liuiicestion, dyspepsia! i:d kiiidred symptoms, its use, in small doses,' prove very beiielictal. i "lavoritf! Prescription" It a pAsltlv JU-e f.'T t:.e tnwt t'oniplioited and onstiuata ta-s-sef leiK-orrhca, excrssive flowing, painful fu'i'strw.ihin, unnatural suppressions, prolan B M.or failing of the vi uh, weak back, "fem&JB we.ikness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing t w ti veusntions, chronic congestion, iufJammsr (i n a.id ulcemaoti i-.f the womb, inflammation, I ui und tendernt-ss in ovaries, acmmtianiaa iili iuternU bcut." ' 4 I 4 a repnlator and promoter of functional anion, at tn.it crttuul Ttod tj chance froj pi.-iu-K-a to wpniinuinHi. "j-avorite Ircse ti .11" is a ierfect;y sfe remedial atent. and - pus'.nce only tcood results. It is equally eaic ri -us and valuable i i its effects when taken It li:: se distirih re and !.Tenfrements lneitlent to lh..t later and iu"; critical period, known as Tee 1 fca:it;e of 14ic." " rari-rilr !rc ifrlrtion." when taken in :.! ci: -ii wilt: l;.e nw f Jr. l'ierce's Golden i:-.h,:.l 1 'iscovery. a-. l small laxative dtef It. 1'ierces I'ltiu'ative i'ellefs (Utile IJ J'ibsi, eiifs I4vr. Kidney au-J ii ladder Liv- r ist s. i.eir ci ini:i( .l use also removes 'l .o4 Irl its. and aboiisins cancerous t:id f.rufuloas Illinois lrom she y:-in. "i ayoiilr Trevrlpf Ioh " 1' thPoc!vmd-t ists, nnderc i- i.nr l r iv.im"i. x: !J ,y :rt;ee ii.i.iicca:: ; ')'r the n:aniuatiurrs, t.;i.t it vi'l j-'ive Kiusixnion in every cae. t in ;- iil be rrfi:inK d. 'i bis cuuriuitee bi-a Irs jri-.tcii ,i te Ijttlo-v.i!.j.per, uud faith f il.y c.irn- A cnt for m , . y j turs. raTiV R;itf (K0 e'ees) $1.03. r Six li si-.-s for $-.9M, For '.rrre. i.I.isfriled Trea';se t'i Iisea.-s rf -"Vi . . n .'". ; ! p..pi r-co tT'.-J), send in recs:-; v,.... ' j ...'ef Ijii.uZi "i!0iiaj .j, C .Main f I .. SrFFiXO. X. T j 9,009.00 IN GOLD To Be Given Away. Cut out this aitvcitistiutiit and send it .1. LAiiMlIK ol Co., Nur.-eryman, loro-ito, O.nada, wid It ihree-ce.t Canadian, il iwt. -tfiit Anierietfi postage stamps, a:'d thev -.vi'i send yon by mail (postpaid) in jjood tin, for p niit;:.- in April or .May i-ext. your cnoii c ot any one oi the following collection plants, and enter your name in i-ni:;-eU-i.io. for the wlW.i.WJ ill sold that they arc -ivin r.wy in order to introduce their nur stry s'oek. Collection of Plants;: No. 1 l hardy roe. N . i 2 hardy climbing roses, .No. "A 2 overbloouiiii!; roses for house eul- f.ire. Xo. 4 -2 d-.hlia. No. a JO gladioli. No. ii'i hardy -.Tape vines. . . Nc. 7 -S raspberry plants, 4 eaeh black and red. No. s- -iOstr.iwherry plants, 4 choice kiln's. No. it b very choice plants four h-mse cul ture. ?;.-, 10 5 cherry i-.irrunts (rei1)- N". 11 h Lees prolific i-urrai.ts (butcV) No, 12 S w hite yra; ci.rrii's All letters with this advertisement eneloAtd alonv u:th stauip for any one .r more edi tions of plants, will he unmbcrod sis tiiey i-oiu to hand, aipi the senders of the first thirteen hundred will rc eivc iftsas followi: 1st S250 I The i.cxt 20, 1J cueh. jJ2:id loft 1 The next 40, a ea-ti, :;rd 00 ; The next 41 -a J each. itii :0 1 I he next 820, si cavh. ; ih CO ! After ;-t,(HKi letters have Ikwii r-cei ed, the s -nders of tlie next 1,UM letters will recent jilts as follows: 1st 22S j Next 10, 1S each 2nd !.;' ; Next 15, UI each 2id - 7.i 1 Nest 40.$"i each i'A fsi j Next ), 1 ea. li .'lh 25 ! Next 5iAi, ?;l each Af:r l-O.'.'tHi letters have been received flit r js-ndeis of the next 1,000 letteiu will re ceive L'i'ts as follows: 1 ami 2 3i0 i each . Next 5 2'l each :, 4 ami 5.. 75 ta -h Next 15 10 each ti, 7 amis... SOea h l Ncxt::,;4 :i each !), 10, 11, 12. 25 ea :h NextOi;; 1 each After 1 .0 ('Kit' letters h. ve lieen re- eived the senders tnc next l.i'.) letters will leceite t'itts as follows: 1 310.1 each 1 Next 10 $20 each 2 "oeaih Next 25 , 10 eaeh S aii.'t 4 50 each ! Ne.t5.s5 .... 2 each Next 5 25 each I Next 47!) leach Air- piivnt! n:ay send any immhcrof times for :,ny o( trie aiiove collection If 5 cents il: stamps extra is stm, we wdl send in.li:ii" next a printed list i f the naii.es oi a'.!pcrj.'t;s : v::- arc entitled to iruts. j W'v make t..is iil s:i effer to reader of the j llKKM.n. kt.owin it uidnot pj mnc.v, but our object is to iMi o ii:cc our stock aou biuid tip a trade. Our uiiiilii;- points are Toronto and Shrui.moitiit, tint., i.ociiesier, N. Y , i.ouisi i!le, Ky., l'laiuc s. ille, )., a'Kl Chicago, 111., ami we will jju.irart je all stock to leach our customers in o it copuitiou. We eniph'v no afents, but deal direct with customer. ai:d enn kc'I surf deliver scock.toany p.111 oi the I nittsl States ot i.aiiaua at about one half the pricochared by other mirserymeir, lhrou;h umt. IJei.icmbir we vrii! not lie undersold i y any ratable firm. (eiid us i. list of wants and wj will iUot you pricts: or 10 ie; ts i. r a hu.::i r,n -j il.i:st;iie, ca'ab ytic wh'eh ynu may i!ei,i;.-t fr-.-m eur first order. Addr ss all letters, .1. LAHMER & CO., Niirserynen. TOILONTO, CANADA. Messrs. Vin:i & Humphrey have ijit!t'l a ul.oii-e liiif 1' cigars at the Western Cnion tek';.'iajih ant: express oliiee. Titst p.'ceived, another !it of tlmsc fine li;ititi sewetl tren'-b Kid shoes. Die vei.v cheapest eycr brought to town at W. F. Uead's. riisrnlierlain's Eve ard Skin (int- mer.t is uiii'(iua!ei! for old chronic stires. Many case liave been pernia n:u,ilv ctiietl by it. For sale by Fo- sb:!V A Vsl)ll. Jut leceived at V. , Read's a ful; line of Indies tine muslin underwear, also girls' wbitq dresses and infants slips. Call and see them.q Jn.-t received, a frcsli barrel of saur Kr.ii'', yoyv fine, nt C. IL S Spencer's. '111AV HCKlVt COUGH CiV PE i..v,v - A, 'siV.Jn? ruaruniee it. Foshay & Mason. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dys pepsia and liver complaint? Shilob's Vituli.vr is euarr.nteed to cure you. Fosh'v Masott. I.EKPLESS XICIITS, made miser- .,1,1, ' ' " 'n'ut, vuutji. K'liiiujj c ?re 5s lIie rc f ,r Foshay A ECATARKH CURED, health ant sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's C tarrh Remedy. Price, 50 cents. Nas Injector free. Foshay & Mason.' - Nasal ' FfiH i.ame fck, side or ciiest VSE Shiloh's Pirus Plaster. Price, 25 cent. r'oshar Mason.J SHILOH'S COUGH AND CONSI'MP fion Cure i sold by nson a aruarantee. It cures CvnsuniptioD.ilosliay iSc tte--. Vsson. Mlll.fiirS VITALIZER is wn at 'u need for constipation, loss of an. petite, dizziness and all symptoms of ;-epsi.i. riiie, iu una to cents per bottle. Foshay Mason. it-litJL' I', WHOOPING COUGH axi Bronchitis immeaiately rclieied bv tjlsiloli's Cure. Foshay t Mason. D And see Will & Stark's beautiful diamond jewelrv and silverware fur tlie'holidays. First street. I'liifefioi injPaiiilii! TV VvliiGHT WLSHFTO AN J.ourcelotho c :;n2 ii:-' i tic! :!! i lo those dcs'roiia of c- iu i- 'ivt r p;iii!i;rij in oil colors. Lsiulscapo aintintr in nil eoio;-, Mi.rii;e paiiit;nr in o'l lulots. l'.'i trait p:intinr in oil color. Landscape paintinc in water co!r,rj. i'iov. rs in water colors. That he i? jTcpand to rive locro,is ;n tin- ab-M- studies in the. St'!l:sn .0r , Those degi- -.1 of joining tiny if i ).!; c i !j.-s(-s -iin rc-vw tciius by tvl'iii : t'ic Cily Drui; friorn. " " j Absolutely Pure. This powder never varie. A marvel i( purity.stretiirth and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinarj winds and cannot be sold in competi :ion with multitude of low test, short veiht ahiui oi pliosplute powders ol l onlv it cms, Rotai. Bakin ow iek Co )" '":.P st. N. V. D W ( ROWLEY A Co.. AftVlltS.T Portland, Orciron.'?'! rnv 4s. N. riiYS'ClAN ' ivc, r''in. ( w It. l' IA" A. VP bLT won. A M 11. Ki.i.i' il.MMiU. ANb-rA'hr , -eon, Aioai y, Oreifon. "I C. KEI.l.Y. I JIYS1CIAN AND .-IT J. (jeon Albany, ( reeon, of'ee in Furce's new block. Office hour-, iron: a A. x. t" 4 r. u. A. oclle J. ROSSITKI:, VK'M.IMNAKV (l li t'eon, graduate of Ontario vitirinary e and meniber of the Mntario veterin ary mediiai society, is pr pan d to treat tlie diseases of a,'l don:c-iticatel an'inr.ls ct. scientific prii; -iplcs. Osliee second door east of the opes u lionise. Ai'unn, ioeon. DC II Kol.l'KW Y. YUTKKINAI1Y SIT. pcoi:, Albany, Oregon. .Orf!uusit .f Ccr" man a. id . mt ri.i:n o!leees. Fieri ric:ii:l l9on:eo::ill:Sc t'renfntenf 'PlMsF. Of.SlClNt: EiliH YM OF1HKSK. X sr fc and reliable meth . is of triv.tindi-er-e ill TimI Lr. K. A. McAl's'tr preparo' with exi client aprliiu'ees fur aiiniinisteriiu either, as t!' nature of the e;ise nmv rcpiirc. He may be found itt his f.!f,e on Third street, two neors south of the electric litbt s at ion, when not a!yent cn nr.ifessifnal business; DK. K A, ji AMSIKl:. HOMEOP pbvsitian, has nanovid hi otlicc 'VTIIIC Kdm.'s block to his rcd.'i ree on Third street, two doors south of the eie -trie !;irl t station. 4TTi:.t;vs. f K. N. r.I.ACKUniN', ATrcKXKY AT U, I-il'A, All.-a;:y, Oregon. Olhce iu OdJ SlfCOW s I C!C!c. f tiie state, and j businers. .11 practice in u court' :tc s; eei.J attention to ul' ll'OIVK att.a I.TON CJI AHLK-U:. A rroRNKY , Albany, nr. (.ifli.-e in rocm l:. ind 14 stor . Foster's i;ioek, over L. K. Plain's WKATHOllFOKP, ATTOUXKY AT f) . ia' iav, Allianv, Oregon. n.'bi.e in Ode Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all thi courts of thestate, and j;iv a special attention to nil business I") EYERE HOI SE, ALBANY, Ok.- CHAS. 11 i'fuiner, rot. Only tirst eciass nousr the city. I.ari;e sample rooms for com- nicreial men. No Chinamen employed in tilt kitchen, tleneral state ol!ii;e for C'orvallis. HEWER T, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE . and jeweler, Albany, Oreon,f ' LTSE OREGON -I RELIEF FOR J all pain, external . . CORDS OF i FIR AND MAPLE U wood for sale. APp'v to S, Gourley. Oysters ! Wyslers t EASTERN AND OLYMPIAN! SERVED fresh every day at H. Diercks' restaurant Hermann's Restaurant. Hermann" Diercks, Prop, rilHIS RESTAURANT IS NOW OPENED TO J. the public in the Saltmarsh buildinjf be low the Revere House, where good meals ill be served at ad hours. Mr Dierck in vites his old customers and the public gener ally to call. The tables will be supplied with the best viands the market affords, Satisfac tion guarantee . ill. Diercks was formerly proprietorof the Revere House restaurant, which he ran on the Eunpean p'an.but found that pian didn't succeed, so he opened his present restaurant where he has given general satisfaction. Persons wanting- a first-class'nieal should to to Hermann's. f-'No Chinese employed. Steal Market. "MRESII MEAT AND SALMON U day at Hide's meat market, specialty and a full market kept ap EVERY Finn a CONFKCTIONKRY, C1CARS ANJ TOISACCO. AGENT FOR ALL T11K LKADINf; - aid A. IX ANY, OCEKOX. 1 1 mm DEALER IN C'uliforata Catlt('nre The onlv raaraiitetd cure for ca tarrh, cold In the 'fiead, hay fever.voso eo'd, eatrrhal neainjess ana sore et'e ii s ore t!'; sense vt taste andunplea. breath, lesiilUnjf - irotn catarrh, Eav and pieasant to use. Follow directions and a cure i warranted, by all d nifrfcists. ena ior a circular to Abietine Medical Company, Oro ville. Cal. Six months' treatment for $1 ; sent by mail, tl JO, For sale by Foshay & Mason, :t : ,. Eartka. The rrotto oftCalifornia means I have found :t. .Only In the land of sunshine where thj' 'orange.' lemon, olive, fig and jrrarjfjilooni and ripen and attain th"h perfoction in mid-winter, are the heibs and gum found that are used in this pleasant remedy for all throat and lungtrou bles, Santa Abie the ruler of eoughs, asthma and consumption. Try Santa Abie tliH only guaranteed cure for cutarra ?1 bv mail $1.10 .narl Against The Mi lke, Ani al'.vavs hav a tottlo of Acker's Knglish Kemeny in tiie house. Vou cMinot tell how soon Croup may strike your iil tie one, or a cold or coul; may lasten it.-elf upxiii you. Out dose i. a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat anil Latij; troubles yield to its treatment The Remedy guaranteed by l osiiay Mason Bnrklln'K trnlea !alvr. The best Salve in the world for uU Bruises, Soies, Ulcers, Salt Rheum revcr S oies, Tet'er, happed hana, ( hilblai ns oms. and all skin erup ions, and positivelj cures Piles, or n pav required. It is guaranteed t nive perfect satisfaction, or mone refunded. Price 35 cent, ptr box a I'okl.av fc i:isoii's. Discoveries Hare Valuable Than Cold. Are Santa Abie, the California dis covery for Consumption ; and diseases of the throat. Chest and Liii.gs, and California Cat-R-Cure. the only gnar iiutoed cure for Catarrh, Cold in the Head and kindred complaints. They are sold at 1 per package, or three for $-2.50, and an: feeemniei'ded and used by the leading physicians of the Pacific Coast. No.secret compounds, .liiaranteen by Fshay K Mason An Absolute Care. The original Abietine Ointment is only put p in large two ounce t'n iio.xcs. and is an nli.-olutc cure for od sores. I.'- ms, wounds, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. ill positiv ly -ure till kinds of piles, Ask for the original Abietine Ointment. Sold by Foshay & Mason for '25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. Wka Bab waa atut. vl: We -t.vro her Castoria. When she was a Child, Sha cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, Sh clung to Castoria. When she had Children, She eava them Cat to-is. Co ;uk1 see. the new silverware a Will cc Slack's. Auction ev.'rv Saturdav af'eiriooi at 31 J. Moiiteith's. Hoi trait Photoqropher Studio Comer See ond and Ferry Sts, Overland to Califoi'iiia -VIA- ftOLTlIEKNj - IACIKiC COMPANY 1-IT3. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE Time Between Albany mid saa Frnaclsco 35 H O L- E S 35 California express trains run daily between Portland and San Francisco. 4:00 p m..Lv 8:18p m..Lv.. 7:45 a m..Ar... . . Portland .... Ar .. 10:45 am ..Albany Lv. . 6:45 am -.8. Francisco. Lv.. 7-00 am Local Pass. Trala Daily- Ex. Sundaj 8:00 a m..Lv... 12:40pm. .Lv... 2:40pm..Ar... ..Portland... . Albany... .Eugene.... .Ar. . 3:45 pm ..Lv.. 11 :35 am .Lv.. 9:00am Lebanoa Branch. 8:20 p m..Lv.. 9:06 p m..Ar.. ..Albany.. . .Lebanon. ..Albany... ..Lebanon. . .Ar.. 6:39 am ..Lv.. 5:45 am ..Ar.. 2:45 pm ..Lv.. 2:00pm 12:50 pm..Lv., l:3pm..Ar. . PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For accommodation of second-class pas sengers attached to express trains. The O. A C. R. R. Ferry makes connection wun an tne regular irunib on me eaoi siue ui- vision from foot of r street. VTVesl Side Dlvisian. Between "1'oitland and Corvallis Mall Train Oaily- Except Sunday J 7:ia m..Lv. 12:25 p m..Ar .Fo.rlanl CcrvairtsL-. Ar. i.2Co.m i.SC r. ni Cxpreas Traill Dally Exctpt Sunday 4:.'o p ni. 8:0o p m .Lv.. .Ar.. . Portland . . . Ar. . ..MrMinnvtUe.Lv.. 9:bO am 5.45 am At Albany and Corvallis fconncct with trains of Oregon PneificRailroad. THROUGH TICKETS lo All Points SOUTH AND EAST Via Califorsna. rFor full infonnation regarding rnti's. maps, etc-, call on con pan? 's agent at Albany K. M.IEIILKR. I"-- BtA.r.u .Manager. Asst. (i. V. & P- A .al Surveying. I)aiitik.s rrsmiNo r: !tvrv:vr dose can on. tain accurate and prompt work by calliiiir iH'on ex-county dirvryoi r. T. T. Fifher. He hi. complete copies of field notes and town snip plats, and is prepared touo surveiiug in ny part of .inn county. Fc-stoftice addiess, Milli rs station, Linn county, Oregon. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale and Retail loiisfe i MMm IN UTAH. Governor West Bitterly Opposed to Her Admission. BIS VIEWS lite SIBJFXT. He Says It Would Be Ruinous to Give the Territory Sovereign Bights The Voice of the Peop'f. Special to Ui JIkpald.J . ; . . , . " AVASHiNGX'f Janr"0. C. C. West, wlio was appointed governor of Utah by President Cleveland, arrived in Washington Snnday night. He intends to appear be fore the house eommittee on terri tories Thursday to oppose the ad iniHsion of Utah as a state. This sentiment, he says, is shared by nearly every Gentile in the terri tory." West places his objections on the broad ground that Mormons are unfitted to exercise the lights of citizenship. Governor West said: "To give these people sovereign rights as proposed would be to place every anti-Mormon in Utah completely at their mercy. Under a territo rial form of government we are pro tected by congress and the execu tive. Confer the the right of state hood ii on Utah and the Moruioi.s would frame a constitution and i;tH so unjust and arbitrary in their character that an outsider could not live among them. Hence i say that all not Mormons in the territory, without regard to party, oppose the proposition of state hood." " IVhat do you propose as a sub stitute?" "I favor leaving it a territory, but so amending, the law as to abridge the power of the church. A territorial commission acting in conjunction with the governor, which would control all the ap pointments, would answer our pur- inisc exactly. Utah would enter upon an era of prosperity such as no other territory lias ever known." Profitable I'uiaslakius. Here is a wheat experiment which well illustrates the impor tance oi keen sense and painstak ing on the modern f'trm. Mr. Mir, of Fr.ir.ce, is a farmer whose spe cialty is wheat. He experimented with some ot the new t ruck var ieties, r.i.-J found that on his farm tfiev ilil not turn ot hp well a ir the locality tt t' tir origin. Ac- .:orl:i:!v he onciudeu t test S' le't'd seed from tlie wheats al ready acei.iiiat;'ii in his neighbor hood, licit; is the rcsuit of thi virv common ene cxiicrimen The land on which it was tried u;iu i c'j ii intinurcil in tlie aim: in u with superphosphate ia the ratio it '200 pouuds per acre, and in tin toilowicy spring with nitrate o! soda at the rate of 130 per acre. In the subsequent autumn. 2 1 ' acres were sown with uuselected wheat, and 115 acres were town with selected grains of the same var'ety. The 2 1-5 acres yielded GO 1-2 bushels ot wheat weighiDg G4-17 pounds per bushel, equiva lent to 24 l o bushels to the acre The 11-4 acres town with selected eed yielded 49 1-2 bushels weigh ing 7SJ.15 pounds per bushel , or an equivalent of 41 1-4 bushels to the acre. At the current price of wheat in his locality, Mr. Mir's painstaking yielded bim an extra income on the land sown with selected seed at the rate of fifteen dollars an acre, in rouud (lumbers To e ' t is, Mr. Mir employed two mcinods. One was the screening of the grain, keeping for seed only the kernels whict were too large to pass the screen. The other was the selection cl" the heaviest beads of wheat from the stoutest stalks in the field. Of these he threw away the extremities, retaining for seed only the perfected irraiPB in the middle of the heads. It is need less to add thai henceforth Mr, Mir will uot concern himself so much with "improved varieties of wheat as with carelul attention to the material already in hand. American Agriculturist ior Juu nary. TAKGKKT HOTliS, Tangent, Jan. 8. Fall sown grain looks well. The holidays are over and things have fallen back to their everyday lite. Mrs. Emma Cochran spent tlie holidays with relatives at Wood burn. Flovd Jenks has been verv sick for the last month, but is getting better now. Ben Witzel purchased a fine pair of Percheron mares at Kobinett's sale, paying $378. Durinir the bdidavs A and T. Beard. James Casev.lora Spiiigler and Tom MeC'lung were here, a'l being former residents hern except James Casev. All bad a happy Christmas and New Year. The query in, what has become f neaiiv everybody's voting attle. Every one has lost one or moif. jW, where have thev one? If any one has strays lot c.em an vert ixc or post them, so he; uv.iu r nuiy have a chance ;o L'iid them. ITEM F StiLVt E. The .astonishing changes that small proportions of foreign tnet- ter will produce in metals are not necessarily ot small practical im portance, as very slight impurities in metals far certain purposes might lead to serious consequences. Robert Austin gives two striking illustrations of this possibility A small fraction of bismuth' in copper will reduce the eleotrical conductivity sufficiently to cause any submarine cable made with it .o -.become" commercial failure; and the message-carrying power of copper cables is said to hae doubled 6ince the early days of telegraphy on account ot the in creased purity of the copper. Pure gold has a breaking strain of from sixteen to seventeen .nns to the square inch; but when a1loyd with but two-tenths of one per cent, of lead, it will break with a slight blow or under a trifling strain. A curious experiment consists in taking a water flask or other wide mtuthed bottle and placing a small cork in the neck while hold ing it in an horizontal position. It wilf seem an easy matter to blow the cork into the bottle. The explanation is that the bottle is already fuM of air, so that no more can be blown into it; and the only effect produced by the blow ing is to compres9 the air already inside When the pressure is re moved, the air beinir elastic, ex panels again, quickly, and in so do ing, forces the cork out of the neck, apparently in a reverse di rection to the current from the lungs of the exoennn n:er. The neck of the boll.e mu-t be perfect ly dry, or the cork will adhere to ir. and intotf r" Aith the success f the experiment. The J. W. Geirv Pot of the 6 A. R. held a pit'o' installation A literary prog' amor: was prepar ed and a pieasauttime was had. A new charter is being prepared for our city, and a fine system of sewerage is in contemplation. Our street cars will he running or next October. Albany look to yorr iHurels. Some of the largest bniidings ever erected in Eugeoe will iro up the coming summer. We have not the enterprise of you Albany folks, but our natural advantages nt such that we row fust .in Spite of old fogies. Eugene claims 3 , 000. Prof. Lambert, formerly a pro '''ssnr in tlie University told tlie writer that he had brought a ntimli'-r of yr.nno; men t' eo to se-hool here, if they could find a -uitahle house; but the fact is tliorp is not a vacant houe in the own. Tue cdueationul interests of Eu gene have received a g'cat quick ening or late. Jilan? new pupils arc coming to the LmversiU since the holidays, tod we think wecaa safely claim Eugene as the educa tional center ot Oregon. The oublic school has 450 nupils en rol e aid a ful i o i s f teachers. The event of the past week was the appearance aud preaching of Dwight L.Moody. He was greeted by the largest audiences that have ever assembled in Eugene. There were over 1200 adults present in the afternoon, by actual count, and at night there must have beeh 300 more. His talk in the afternoon was on the "Study ot the Bible." during the delivery of which many excellent things were said, and an impetus given to the study of the Bible, never known here before. T ie singers from all the cboirwere on tue platform, and the singing was rendered effective by the as sistance of a good orchestra. Mr. Moody preached at night from the text "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall be also reap.'" This truest of all true philosophy was driven home to the hearts and consciences ot all present in a mas terly manner. Thirty persons arose for prayers, and there is no donbt if he could have staid, n great revival would have been the result. LKTTKK LIST. Following is a list of the letters re maining uu .-ailed for in the postorfi je at Albany, Or.. Jauuary 9, 18S9. Persons calling for the. same will pleafc Kive the date on which they were advertised: Bert A. V.f Barit Miss Lottie, Bighain Cnarley, Bow ery r. t ., Canada Tvatnan, Court ney Dr. J. S., Connoes M., Dossan I. (2), Elbert Henry. Engilahl Roe, rurgusouA. ..Hawkins Miss Liz- Z!e, .tones J. 15., Kotzi Alph (3), McPadden Thos., Mehl ., Peterson Peter S., Stinit A., Wilson James, Wirt J. B., Vhie Louis, Winston Clarence. Ruevs Thompson, P. M. 4hane ia Busiurk. All parties ktiowins themseluoH indebted to the firm of Thompson & Waters, either by note or account niusi come forward and settle the' same within thirty ltyx, as there is goitiij to be a clmmje in their busi ness. Thompson & Watkks. Brownsville, Or., Jan. 1st, 1.S851. Si!-.v plated, vare, both solid an I very cheap, at French'b. A TERRIFIC SfORMi ... ( TiTV. A Building Collapsed withTatal- Kesults. -. - It .(XT HEX KIILtl 4N .-OFfcBF.I The Btorm Destroys $1,000,000 Wor'Ji cf ProD.x-.vin Castr'a Cold . Wata ia the East. - 0 1-.- i-V'iMT . 'I- ''''.I Pittsbcrg, Jan. 9.A terrible ' wind and rain storm passed over the city at 12:30 this afternoon, during which a large building in course of erection on Diamond, street collapsed, carrying twenty workmen to the ground and bury ing at least twenty more in the ruins. Twelve are known to have bet it killed, six w ere fatally and iU;iit thirty seriously injured. IN CANADA. Montreal, Jan. 9. The damago by the sleet storm between hero and Toronto will not be much less thai) a million dollars. Tlie wires are down and forest trees are up rooted through the whole region. T CHICAGO. Chicago, Jan. 9. A flurry of wi t -now, me;tinr as it fell, began, here this morning and at noon it pours with increasing severity. Tlie signal service weather map for the day shows Chicago at the cen ter of an extremely wide area of low barometer, existing in an ir regular circle from Omaha to New York and the northern shore of Lake Superior. IN TENNESSEE. Knoxvilli:, Jan. 9. The barom eter here mat ks 'JS.'Ki inches, the knvrst o'i record for this point. The tempciutute here is 34 de grees with a light wind and snow ing or raining throughout the area of low barometer. Teleirraphic communication is almost paralyzed. A cold wave with a blizzard accom paniment is develojed in Montana and Dakota. It is expected here within twenty-four hours. Jl ACTIO 1 1 KM. A literary society was organized oi the 7th. Junction is soon lo have another saloon. Dr. D. E. ItufT is confined to hi be-l, on account of the chills, C. W. Roberts formerly of this place, but now of Salem is in town. Ou last Sunday Miss Jennie Biihliuell was elected ciiperintea d tut of the Sunday School. It is said that Junction will soon b .ist of 1 Ui saloons, to only one oiiiitcii aud thatj very poorly at tended. We are informed that the Junc tion City Pilot will boon change hands, but did not learn who the purchasing parties were to be. Mr. Willie Washburn and sister Emma returned to Eugene on Sab- bath evening to resume their stud its in the University afier a hod day vacation of two. weeks spent at borne. Prof. Kitridge of the Junctioa Public School was called ta Baker City by telegram an last Thursday to take cha.e oi the school there. The school here is now in charge of Miss Minnie Starr as Principal, and Miss Mattic Lee as assistant. On last Sabbath the quarter! y and com nunion services of the 11. E. church were held here by Robert B oth, Pa-t;r, and Ray Wbitmore of Eugeae, acting pre siding elder in the absence of presiding elder Wilson who was called to Portland by telegram to the bedside of bis wife whohaa been under the Doctor's care at that place for some time, THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, or Bourbon, IniL, says: "Both ray self and wife owe our lives to r hiloli's Con sumption cure." For sale bv Foebar & Mason. ARE YOU MADE miserable Br indigestion or constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Vhiloh ' vitahzer is a positive cure. Foshay 4 Mason. WHY WILL YOU cocoa, whew Shiloh's Cure will eive immediate re lief? Price 10c., 50c. and fl. Foshay & Mason. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY A positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria a d anker mouth. For sale by Fo tliav t Mason. "HACKMETACK," a lastiso and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Foshay & Mason. SHILOH'S CURE wru. immediate ly rel'eve croup, whipping cough and bronchitis. For sale uy Foshay & Mason. FOR DYSPEPSIA and mver com plaint, yo" have a pr'nted arcor.-'u'.ee on every bottle of Shiloa's Vita'irer. It aever fails to cure. Fosnay & !usou. A XASAL IN'Ff'TOR Finn 'with each bottle o Shiloh's C atari b Rem edy. Price 50 cents Foshay fc Mason. OTRAYF.D FROM NEAR TASRKKT, i.'.r. Whit O ore 2-year old pari Jersev hei.'i r. and pale red spots, Lin aiound :fce nose. A hnie in the right ear The owner wiil jjr lilttrally for information Wft at this o:lVi. Taar Hays is still very ill at his resideuce-iu this city. V:V . - . ?-V.- n t t1 " j 1 V-A.W' J "