Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, January 01, 1889, Page 9, Image 9

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Tit! Coony Bride of
S.ti.l IJarf.a von Z llto his t :
4'r'.li:. they say that un."l-t"r-ii.iut:ut
yo .iiu K::i:Inii:iiati, Leutcnant li
dtuii. Js lurking ai'ur.t Aitlern. r'
a,;::.! : this ossip true ':'
" I he Merr liarou has heard what is
'a TH'.-t. 1 myself saw him readm::
i- .pen :t the 'Taube' this morn
ir.g." -Confound t!ie fellow ! on know,
Ahenn? Tliese. raw lotis i'ive
. i.e a throat like a raven's. Felix,
ymi are no tool, and you must have
observed in short, it is tiie dearest
wisil ot my heart to see my niece
Hiid.'i the wife of Count Lnie, my
cousin. I mean to make the ilay on
wh en we celebrate their iiiaarnt.e a
,i xky one for you, Felix, as well as
tu the rest of us."
'The llerr Uarou is the soul of
oond.iess on this as on all other oeca
H;..:is,"' replied the diplomatic Felix,
tihiri'eiiiiig his ears for the confidence
he knew would follow.
Felix had grown ;ray about the
m.izzie, so to speak, in the service of
Karon Von Zell. He, and he alone,
knew of the little mixture in the
l:tle which kpt bis master's mus
tache black and glossy like the raven s
wing ; his hand ad justed the stays
and shoulder-padding whioh no one
else suspected, and w hich preserved
tre figure that v as the tnvy of tht
laron's conteir.noiaries. Is was.
therefore, but natural and seemly
that a valet who co luliv understood
tiie physical make-up of his master
should have, also, an insight upon
his mental machinery,
"I believe and trust," continued
the baron, "that my niece is unaware
of this mis-guided yo'-wg man's pres
ence in the neighborhood. There was
so:n; siily fiirtatim between them at
Ft-kenctein. My cousin Adelaide it
to lamentably injudieiruis and care
less in such matters, I apprehend
thai if opportunity oifered for my
niece to renew her acquaintance with
Lieutenant Hazle eaD, it might in
jure Count Lurie's suit. My c.ear-hf-aded
sister, the Frei-Fraulein von
Zell, will prevent any possible ren
dtvou?, or silly communication of
an kiiH, when my niece drives or
wa'ks abroad, and, at the Schloss, I
ho: e my vigilance and you-s. Felix.
may iru-trate. auj attempts the oang
man might make to enter, extensive
as the grounds are."
After whi -b .ng speech, the ban n
looking as tierce as toe taole-bo
bulliioir. devoted his attention to his
Mdda vol: Zell, nineteen years old
and as bew itching a yoi'ng limitless as
ever vainiuishtd the heart o: man.
had two .'. ft..-. in her pretty Iiead:
no, tnat she wot..d nut many CtciiiT
Lurie : and the other, that unk-
t-i-.e could be Ja.-k Hazledea.i's wr
she would munibh- life away ov
a string of beads in n ne convent.
fbe ha.l met Ja-k while on a via;
to hor mint Adelaide, and bail found
hint what most of the world decided
hi i t- be .1 handsome, hearty, hon
est fellow, w hom any girl iniclit be
I'o'iii to w mi. furthermore, h cam
of i g-Mi.l I 'ovenshiie t tuiily, able
fll'.i'sii bin comfort inly Wlti tr.e
lo-. t s. ' -t-i ',,,1 the W'-rld ' Hi
give money.
Ijutwveu Aunt Adelaide, at Faiktn
Ettin. and the two eld people ar Al
lT'erg. there was a long and Infer
fe:.d. Adlside's (.mhict, views aim
opinions were alt wrong, and it was
with great reluctance that Hilda was
allowed to make the khort visit to
Alderberg. And in that visit so much
had occurred to endanger the pea -v
of mind rf f!arn von Zell and his
sister, et upon their niece marrying
Count Lurie.
The count a'so took f right at the
reports he beard, and being in no
mind to loe ins prize, tiie lovely
Hilda, he eirulatij't stories at A bar
bers very detrimental to the innn lit
.J.v.k. Count Lurie's eldei !y relatives
proved themselves only too willing to
believe the young Knglishman a vil
li. of the blackest dye.
"Fancy Hilda going aw ay to murky
Kiigiaud with this feather-brained
7i !"' ejaculated Fraub'in yon
"Av i .' 'If 11: i rn:r. . ! . : as
S - e 11: tie.
! .ei.ieitt ; tin-
e: 1 -t ".. l.s lore .'er.
thought I" replied that
spin-tei's broth'T.
Alas for tbe futility of
Zell's c.ciia-io.i an 1 j t
i er; ;.l tne
:i, : H .i
knew tl.U wed
t tiie presence in hel
aneestral village of lier
lil c .-'o iii vlied lover. Love ha
kr ' i'. !,',m fn:e iniiu.-ou. i i
! e.-n
. t
ed ! I uncles in corsets,. and he sa.'
o. -f.' 1 t riii yonn' coup.- a wriy of
m-i-'iii.', novel as it .c.t.s d.uitiL'.
IL'Ma na forced
i - 1 i . :
ill'!' r.i Live til
i r
r to .vi, or resort
to s;ilteif'l-e.
. her aunt kept
i'iit;-.-, as tht
vi: and wa!k:iij
: u on h-"."
'I 'ill 'it v.fc'ii s its
, o:.-e: .i.d A ::c:i t ia:
v:i'ti:n -
! idv was
dutv, the
ollice of Spy was i t-le-
rina, a je ilous ail v of
li r.tol an enemy of
the da3 when t!iat
t Kati
iv.auh'.n von
il.oia's since
i"ro::, :
; lady stole almonds and li-s
he .storcro m. v
Kx.tpt for tiie precious dower of
tier beauty, ivacity and grace, Hilda
hat not a farthing in tiie world.
Her patrons, h.r aunt and uucb", be
LtVed that, in providing for tiie girl
out of their abundance, they had
earned the right to dispose of her
hind in marriage as they chose, re
gardless of her wishes. No one, not
tven a poor relation living in hopes oi
a legvy, could call Lurie attractive
either in appearance or manntr. He
was nearly oi 1 enough to be Hilda's
father, r.M 1 hid a peevish. f:"tr,i; d s
position, which he took not rh- .dLht
est pains to, t- til-tt
these drawbacks, he was very rich,
and uno.ui stioiiably a brilliant yort'
for a portionless orphan.
i ireat pressure was brought bear
upon Hilda to make her see the r. .
Y-.Ill:! n f.f rllia Tillf-'h rPIld el i N " he '
.tt .t.j.ies n: beai.r ie. v . .
or" id 'o-a'.'-y or p.itie.,,-c wi ; 1
Ler destatiouof her won Id-be-suitor 1
a Gallant Eualislunan
i -la;
onid scarcely lie raii-d in t!ie family
cu:iu!ace oirr A iehmie. vitii wimm
l!iteivoiu.. had be !i cut otr. :iin!
Hiliia's hiaid and lister sister ' 'iar-
chen. Tl e poor victim seemed alarm
ingly n-ar fii- irrifi'-ial alter. Lead
ing from tiie lawn at Schloss Adler-o-rc
to the lake was a Ions; aooroach
called the Avenue of Heroes. .Some
defunct von Zell had amused himself
and emptied his purss, by having
p aced at. each fide of this avenue
oronze statues of warrors of Napol- "
eon 3 generation and the preceding
one. Millie oi these statues (all Iife
i.e) were simply of plaster, bronzed;
but the attendants were careful not
isclose this secret to visitors.
l'here were also many empty pedes
tals. This lack, instead of irievine
ie present proprietor of the Schloss.
aflorced him a kind of sentimental
leasuie it suggested picturesoue
lecay and the ruin of deoarted snlen-
lor, though thelpedestals had always
been unoccupied, and had contributed
nothing to the ornate Dast.
"Very odd," said Baron von Zell to
his sister, "this passion for listening
to the nightingales which Hilda has
lately developed: on such dull moon
light nights, too. was neyer in
'ie habit of troubling her h-ad about
"It has rather a suspicious look.
Kgmoiit. Are vm sure the nichtin-
gales are not made a pretext for clan
destine meetings with that unprinci
paiea young llazledean I have
noticed a certain defiance of manner
u .ldda of lat which causes im. uu-
"I really must compliment you on
your astuteness, my dear Isabel. I,
too, hav: had my suspicions of these
nocturnal stroll, have nlaied
el.x on guard, to watch the beuax mr
of Hilda aud her maid.
"And what does he teport
"Nothing at all amiss. The two
'iris walk ouietly np ami down the
Avenue of Heroes, Hilda often lean
ing sentimentally against one of the
statues -oi they sit on a bench and
talk. No one approaches, and all
seems open and aboveboard. Felix
teels much ill-used at havine- to do"
he r footsteps for an hour or two
eveiy evening; still, I don't like to
let mm frt till Lurie arrives. Couldn't
ou persuade Hd la to spend li iioi ':
"Via.ceiy, Kgmont. You k: uv
she has always Had unrestricted hi
- s U 1 1 I V C 1 I IV bV 1 '
ty insi-ie the Schloss gates, piovid
I'larciien was with lu;r, It I tor-
oaiiv ner g'-mg out in the evening,
her suspk-niis of something being
amiss wouid be at once aroused, and
die might dl-tover tile tiutli that
coung H..,e.!ean v as here, i.nd
NY e i
were atiai.i ..f t:ieir meeting. '
' True, true; . u; 1 wisii sue would
stay indoo. ': '
'1 hat evtiu;ig, as v. ual, Hilda and
tier maid came out fjr their stroll
down to the lake.
"Not a whisper from any bird
whatsoever about the place, and yet
these girls a I- out mooning about a
usual. '1 h- re is something more ii.
aii in- tiia.i appears -n t:. ; sartace.
'A'iiy else .,. hat bill.. l.r-.eClai
ciien nave olusiiea so furiously wdieu
I purposly asked Felix, in her hear
ing, what strangers were 'topping at
the TanleV And Hiidi, singing,
v. ith mi. ii a iiapry lignt in !n i et s,
t....t slii Luj.llall or cotcn i.ltt,
lock o' Hazledeau,' when she believ
ed no one was looking or listening I
h;iv j a strong presentiment that affairs
are not g":.ig rig-it. ;;:id yet 1 can
diifiover nothing amiss."
With such disturbing reflections
running riot in his brain, the baron,
to make assurance doubly sure, join
ed Felix and lollowed the two girls
on this pai tn ular evening. He made
no stcre: or his presence to Jidda, but
walke I beside her for a tuin or two
on the a y in.!.-, talking with hi cus
tomary vld-lashioned gallantry. He
presently fell behind, ostensibly to
smoke a cigar, but he took caHe to
keep his prey always in sight. The
night was cloudy, and but faintly
illumed by tiie stars, but the baron
cou.d easi.y ni.-cern the ligii'ts of the
two L-ris in rh-. s:e:-!i.i ir!;i'. -s.
li'l.ia .ni l ii, r I '.r.ut.d li'cndant
sai.:;t--red .ii and d.n;i tiie ::.uh once
or twice, and then, when the baron
and Felix were well in the back
ground, a very strange thing occur
r d. On of iU- hrazeu .-.tntrt .vi:h
o.vtenn.i arin and Vo.iauiiinous cioaiv,
opened its mouth, and, in low tones,
ga.e utterance t thisr words .
"liu-o.d irtscal is out him-e'.r to-
! n.g:.:. ."-i.iv !.. cit'-:i uo:iiiog .'or
liis ii.iips hut a twiiii. e of riieunia
tisin ;'' 'J inn in a semi-tone higher :
'Here I a;n. ,i is !ilig '. ioi.'t let us
lose;) ...f ,,; !);.; ; , ;, . ' , , ; , , , , , .
iiial o.u' jaiiers .lie out of lieaiini;.
Oddly enough, this phenomenal
occurrence caused not the least sur
or;so to Jidda und htr maid. Clar
c!ien, to whom the Angh.-Saxon
t -.nil. wis a-s Sr.iiserit, sat down
ujion tiie bench lieneath the speaking
statue, while lor young mistress
leaned in a pensive attitude agiin.-t
its pedestal. Then this most curious
of statues dropped its extended aim,
exclaiming, "Uy Jove '. that position
is enough to finish a fellow !" Where
upon the hand beneath the cloak
' reached down and clasned some tinv.
S"tt fingers width stole up to meet it
naturally as a cat assimilates the con
tents of the cream-jug. Some en
dearments that followed, too sacred,
or too silly, according to tne senti
mental or jaundiced viewe ot the
auditor, for repetition in prosiac blajk
and white.
"A.-e they still peis( cutiiig yen
about that fi"T"stilIe man. deii'-st ':
Ti-utd tne stat .e, presci.tiy.
I ' e. .Ii - - rox's '.ett-'i. " ii 1 1
' a ' v.
worse ali the time. Jle is coming
next week, and then there will be
dreadful scenes. My courage fails me
at the thought. I have no one ti
help rner you are not there, you know
and it seems sometimes as if I
' -.lst give in at last, and let them
disf .3e of me as they ,.ke."
".Never, whik I live .'' exclaimed
Jack Hazledeau, in his excitement
nearly losing ids upon t!ie
pedestal on which he was personating
son e defunct warrior. "My poor
iittie l.ive, how often must I implore
"u to accept V '
"Hush. Jdckl Here they come.
S'r.tcii out your arm !"
Witn ui.litdiy promptness tiiu
bronze hero straightened himself up,
and stood as if pointing with uner
ring ringer to tiie exact spot where
Irs wri-.Tcatiiing to ps joiibl ni-at
et vioiiilv Irira- the enemy.
l iron von Ail . .issud,
some ori;i:a:v leinark to niece,
w i;n sal beside Clarciien on tiie bmeh.
W i.s she not cold? tne evrinns
were g.-tting a Iittie chilly.
"Kxtr.ior linary fancy, moping out
here in the dark," muttered the hurou;
"l ur it seems innocent enough."
If the old gentleman's v.its had
oeea sharpened to that keenness upon
which he pioue 1 himselr, hi; would
h'ive remembered that, in daytime,
the pedestal behiud that particular
beuch, occuuied by the two girls,
I ore no statue. As the old man pass
red out of earshot, Felix loitering
after him, Jack continued :
''Why can you not trust yourself
to me, my darling? You love me, do
you not
"Oh, Jack, how can you ask such
a (jueston and the little hand shole
up again under the folds of the cloak.
'Tf I were to ask your uncle to
give you to me, he would probably
order his servants to turn me out of
the house. I can't win you by a
straightforward demand ; therefore
there remains nothing for us but flight,
or separa ion forever. As I have ao
often explained, it could be so easily
managed. We would take Clarchen,
and start at once for my aunt's
villi near l'aris. She is the kind
est soul in the world, and would
feel hi. bounded byHipt.thy for us.
Wc coiiid be niarned at her house,
and then no living soul could mar
our haiucA. '
"But, Jack, dear, isn't there always
something disgraceful in a runaway
"Hjw can tht re be in this? We
htye no other alternative. If I
leave you here, you will be obliged
to marry, in spite of yourself, that
odii us Luiie."
Hilda trembled, ami drew nearer to
as much as sl.e could teach ol htr
"I can't dodge about like this
much longer.without being found out;
it is impossible a dog might "take
exception to my being on this pprch,
and raise a row that would upset
everything. Hilda, darling, be the
brave little soul that you are, and
promise to come with me to-morrow, eveiUaWe have no time
to i isc; yo irhesifatii-b may wreck
botiloi.i i.Vea. li.'. e me our Wold
now, sweet, that you wid trust your
s.It to me."
"Not t i-iiig'it, Jack; -ive me until
l. -uioiioW to mane up :uy iniiid, At
this hour to-morrow J will tell you
my decision."
"Thank you for that, dearest, and
may kind Heaven grant that you de
cide for me ! And now I am going
to jump down for a kis-."'
"N , .lac-' ; ! he 1 isi.
( iond-niuht, and IV cat.
i too great,
lolls, I beg of
' said Hilua,
mucn-boie 1
u. I, laiclien
ler patout all
nuu:a! oy ;iie aim, and hasten-
tow :.r.l l!.e .aslle.
d'lie iitxt e.ening was deoidedly
chilly, and Lieutenant Hazledeau
equipped himself with a thicker,
warmer cloak before starting to pose
as a statue m the Adlerb-rg grounds.
.Was : tor tue lortle ulIU .: a former
i iiiniad , w it-- had
pit-nil. in. y spi-n
.ed -is .'iitit v
nth rt i it;-pi i", to ixeep
away moths.
dack, when it was dark enough,
let himself in at the out-of-the-way
litt'e gariien-g.itc, ol wiii 'ii C.arei.en
n ad mai aged to e ve hi::i tiie key.
He made his way :-mong the trees &z
silently as a spectre, and selected at
random an empty pedestal, upon
which he mounted. It was part of
the plot arranged with Hilda that,
to divert suspicion, he should vary
the place of rendesrous. Scarcely
had Jack struck a properly martial
attitude wdit n Felix appeared upon
the scene, the first time lie had come
on i, in advance oi Hilda. Uncon
scious of Jack's iiie.-eine, he passed
once down ti.o aveene ; as he retrac
ed his steps, Jack hastily unfastened
one button of his cloak, which was
rather oppressive, and in so doing
sent such a whiff of red pepper into
his face that a sharp sneeze was t4i
inevitable result.
I'e'.:- stepped short in his wrdk;
tio i'.' were certainly uncanny forces
at woik when a Kjii:-:e -i...:i;o took to
-.ieelng. He was an n to accost
l;i; brazen warror threatened witii
iullueiiza, when another idea occurred
t him. Felix was a sharp fellow, -ami
that sneez" enhght -ned 'dm npo:;
n..i:iy iio.ats whic.i ha I s .e::ijd dark
ami inystt'i'sou3 during the past
week. Still, he would do nothing
I n cipitii'i !y. Frauiein Jidda would
Ti",:r mvsfi'ir. rni
i a:. co doiioly sure ; ii.i iiiermoie, a
statue th it could sneeze could also
strike, i; a' ticked. No, liisci.tion
wi's hc better part of valor; F-iix
w i;!d ii. ..k" doubly s :n ; nis hi
game and then trap it in a v;y that
would bring glury to himself, and
humiliation to the wrong-headed
young couple who had caused him
sucii weary hours of watching. So
the valet continued his pipe and his
walk with an innocent, unsuspecting
air that wis . of immense relief 'o
, tnougii at the same time he
vaguely, that a Hairs were not as
sate mid smooth as they seemed.
The proceedings oi the previous
evening repeated themselves. Hilda
and Clarchen came sauntering down
tin; avenue, and, at the Usual signal,
halted beside one of the statue.
"So I have found you out at last,
my young lady s aid r elix, at a dis
creet distance, to himself." Have
all the billing and cooing you like to
night, but to-morrow night I shall in
terrupt you with a little army from
the kitchen aud stables, and your
gallant lover will come t. grief, I
very mil' li li ar You shail be al
lowed t i i -sc ip" id blame to be sure,
my dar young lady, for Count Lurie's
"Hildiv darling I"' began Jack, bur
redly, "is it Yes or No heaven or
worse than perdition?"'
"I will go with you, Jack," Hilda
ansv i i cd, simp!;. .
"i.-i you for lh: e wids, viy
sweet ! Confounded ill luck that a
fellow has to stand up hefe like a
stick, when the woman he loves says
she w ill marry him :?'
"Don't attempt to get down, Jack,
"No; not yet. We are in danger,
Hilda. A "while ago 1 was idiot
eiitiiigii to sneeze ; I couldn't repress
i . Tnere seems to be aoiil infernally
irritating stuff in my cloak. I can t
ipaite make out whether that rascal
Felix heard nie or not he is such a
siy oog. At any ia:e, there is gieai
r:k in delay, and we must le mIT to
morrow u'.ght. You cm be read,
can ou i, tit, darliug V"
"Yes ; I have told Clar-hen, aud
she is quite Willing ti go, and will
arrange everything.'"
"Have her send a trunk, addressed
to her mother, with what you need
in it, as we planned, and it will be !
put in the carriage J will haye waiting
at the little gale to-mo:io'.v night. 1
don't tee any ols'.acle to our gettlug
oil safely."
"Let us hope not. Oil, dear, it is
begiuing to ram ! I shad lave to go
back to the bouse. My staying here
in the wet would look so Very odd,"
said Hilda.
"Nor will J allow you to run the
risk of taking cold. Cood-night,
my sweetheart ! Courage for our
venture of to nio.row nigiit."
"Felix, bring us an umbrella,
please; it is raining ijuit- smartly."
Tuen the pedestal was suddenly de
nuded of its statue, there was the
tenderest oNeaye-tikings, and before
Fel x returned the garden-gate had
closed upon Jack Hazledeau.
Kathrina, er washerwoman at the Adlerberg,had lat-'y received
from ner mistress a new .a:. .-proof
cloak, a long, voluminous garment.
wh eh was the delight of its owuer
until the first shower of rain descend
ed upon it. Then, to Kathriua's dis
may, she discovered that every rain
drop had left a dingy spot upon the
new cloak, making it look like a gar
ment that had seen service for years.
"Let it get a good soaking all
over, aud there will be no more spots
said the cook.
"Would you have me dip it in the
lake and ruin its shape, or shall I
stand out in the next downpour till
I'm wet through, with a creak of
rheumatics in every bone ?" said
Kathrina, scornfully.
"i'ut it on one ot them bronze gen
erals' backs when we have the next
rain. He would probably be very
tlunkful to you for the warmth, aud
the cloak would get wet, and no mis
take." suggested a housemaid. To
the girl's surprise, Kathrina listened
attentively, without gi ing vent to !
rli slonir. of derision which was ex- !
pested. In truth, ths owner of the
damaged cloak was saying to herself
that tiie maid's idea was not a bad
one ; but for fear of being laughed ;.t
she kept her own counsel, and the
subject was dropped.
Tne evening that was to decide
the late of Hilda and Jack was dark
am. threatening, with intermittent
rain, giving warning of a downpour
Oeli ie morning. As soon as it was
dark, Felix out as softly as a cat and
i etonk himself to the Avenue of
Heroes, where he scanued each statue
,n tiie faint light the lamps at either
end of the walk allorded. I'reseutly,
on one of these figures, the folds of a
cloak, which should hang so rigid,
st Tied slightly in the wind. Felix
waited for another gust, and watjhe.l
the result narrowly, Yts, the cloak
ceitMidy moved, aud he need no
longer ne in doubt as to the spot
where he should rally his forces tor
a i attack.
relix hastened back to the house ;
and as hv stunk forward in the shadow
ol the trees, lie saw Hilda and Clar
chen 'gbdin like ghosts, in water
proof cloaks, down toward the lake.
"Very little love-making for you
to-night, my dear young lady," mut
teied Felix with an evil smile.
( ne by oiie shadowy forms stole
through the shrubbery to a certain
point on the avenue the chief host
ler, the stable, boy, ao under-gard-ener,
two sturdy young peasant lads,
aud last, but not least, Felix. Silent
ly aud uniekly he p.aced his men in
hiding near the suspected trespasser
in the castle grounds, and then, step
ping boldly forward, accosted the
statue thus, wondering the while
that Hilda and her maid were uo
.vhere visible :
"Lieutenant Hazledeau, your dis
guise lias been discovered, aud there
is no use in playing this comedy any
longer. In the name of Baron von
Zell, master of this park into which
you have stolen an entrance, I re
piest you descend from that pedestal
and accompany me."
No response or movement from the
delinquent statue.
"( nine, come, sir no norsense of
:1ns kind. If you do not get down
at once, my men shall drag you
J down.''
Still a grave like silence.
Come forward yon fellows. Tony
Wolfram, uncover your lantern, and
t.ii'ii it full on this coward who is
itia d to mve."
Trie rays of the uplifted lantern
diumed tiie stern features ol the
Iron Huke. one of the best of the
-. entablc broiizestatU'-s on the avenue.
Koiind his a.igust neck was buttoned
a I ink, damp wooleu cloak, w inch
S.vayed ami flapped Solemnly when
stirred by the wind.
"Iloiiiierwetter-Sacr'niient ! what
does this mean":'' cried Felix, furious
at what seemed like a practical joke
;eii g played on him. The men staled
at each other in stupid wonder,
lioiiodv able to vouchsafe any explan
ation whatever of tlu mystery.
".Uii, mercy me! What are you
doing here !"' cried no other a person
age thin Kathrina, breathless with
her brisk run from the kitchen. "I
saw the light and thought it was
thieves taking my new cloak I put
on that old fellow's back to get rained
on to take tin; spots out. you know.
What are you all here for?"
"The deuce take you ajid your
cloak :" exclaimed the raging Felix.
"A pretty set ot fools you have
made us all ' And that fellow with
the game all in his own hand !
Come, we'll have a look for him, at
leist." it was too late. While Felix
ami his men were waiting to capture
the bronze Duke of Wellington with
Katerina's cloak round his neck,
Hilda was
" O'tr the l onliT 'mil awa'
Wi' Jock u' Haz'.eileJii "
Over the bootless rage of the Von
Z.lls and Count Lurie it is best to
draw a veil, possibly it was a con
solation for them to read in a fashion
journal, some morths later, that !
young Mrs. Hazledean was the belle fo
a grand ball given at F.ombay. I
"hey strolled along the wood tOL'tther,
A manly u:i:U unci a mai leu lair,
Carhi ri'i'.; il. the autum wer.tlur,
Tin ten with colors most rich and rare.
lie sul.i: i'oti are much !i.;e the autumn
Willi ; . in i-hvcks of ivi and vo-ir ha .' ol
toiii :
An.! jo. ii In-art the ffst thai tie leal receives
Krc it i lairs are sten-for vour heart is
The miiiilen aiisAoitcl: "It may l eso:
You've kuuw.i ;.; mil perhaps know
IM ;
i!ut the troz' ii lenf soon thaws, oii know.
Alter 'tis (fit: hi-ri-il and .roi-r;.v preesed."'
Young Lionel, the trur i to tell,
Called somewhat oit mi s.ii.t l.
Twas hnnl to miv iicin day to day.
With what previse he went;
.Mi'i ivrst1 ige ami Ii.tmlinae,
speil en the hours uml not a sign,
'Inert- w is of nutivr or ilt-iuil,
er any trace of sentiment,
x"ow Isa'iel wnu like! hill well
Was f lin to hastee L'ont'l
In proper way, to plainly say
Kaetly what intent he meant
Kor persiflage ami haiKlinaue
Aiim-e one .then they uive no sign
f lu.ttrinioiiial ilesiun.
It unalloyed with sei.tiineiit.
So Lionel it soon hefe!,
Olist-rteil a change in lsaht-1
Shu turned away from trifles miy.
Her manner, toy but gentle, lent"
To persiri .iff and hamliimirt'
A s il.tlc uieaniiiy, and a simi
Of something it 'twere not design
Decidedly like sentiment.
Th:.s Isiliu! contrived so well
'l pleased and fl ittered Lionel
llttamt- one day hsr willing prey;
For knowing not her bent, he Went
Left persiflafc and bandiliage
A. id pluaiplv said to htr, "lie mint-:"
Sin-.-e then, "twere fair to state, in fine,
No lack there is of sentiment.
Walter Clarke, in December Table Tlk-
M luler 4 hwlrra.
A speeies of cnmplaint
known as "winter elioiera," ajipeuretl
in several eities in the Northwest last
winter and is likely to be more gen
eral this season. Chamberlain's
Oliolie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
is a certain enre for it. For sale, by
Fothay A; Alason.
The reotto of California means I
have found it. (inly in the land tif
sunshine where the oranire. lemon,
olive, li and irrape blojin and ripen
and Main their hiifhest perfeetion in
mid-winter, are the hei ls and um
found that are used in this nleasaiit
remedy for all throat and Innirtrou-!
nits, fcanta Abie the ruler of emails
a-thma and cntMimptioii, Try s'anta
Abie the nniy irunraiiteed cure for
eatarra ! iiv mail SI. Ill
IliM-owries Mnrv talualile
Til ii ii
Are Santa Abie, the California (lis-i-nvery
for Consumption and diseases
of the thniat. Chest and Lun:rs, and
Calibirnia Cat-K-Cure. the only ";nar
i.uteetl eure for Catarrh, Cold in the
Mead aud kindred eomplaints. They
are s. iM at -1 n-r jaekae, or three
for S.oii. and are reeomini'iided and
Used by the loadin" phjiei:iHS f the
I'aeiiie ( 'oast. N.eeiet euinpounds.
liiiaranteed by Fo.-hay it Mason.
A 4'liilil killed.
Another child kille 1 by the use of
opiates given in the form of Sooth
ing syrup. Why mothers give their
children sm h deadly poison is ur
prising when they can relieve the
child of its peculiar troubles by usin
Acker's Baby Soother. It contains
no opium or morphine; Sold by
Foshay A Mason.
all lorn ia at -IC-Mi re.
The only guaranteed eure for-a
ti.rrh. eold in the head, hay fever,rc
eoM, ealnh.i! de;:l'in- and Mire eves
K- ore the .-i-n-e of ta-te and liii.i a
ant breath, r-uitinir from eaiiirrh.
Ka.y and ji.tasant to u-e. Follow
directions and a eure i warranted, by
all d -inrists. Send for a eireular
In Ahietim- Medieal Compau v. I ro
ville. tlal. Six months' treatment for
.1 ; sent by mail,
Foshay it Maon,
j'1.10, For s;i
!e by
CmhIIiiii to 11 ol hers.
Every mother is cauMoneii against
giving her elnld laudaiium or p-ra-t'oric;
it creates an unnatural craving
for 8tiinulant8 which kills the mind
or the child. Ackers Baby Soother
is specially prepared to benefit chil
dren and cure their pains. It is harm
less and contains no opium or mor
phine. Sold by Foshay &, Mason.
e an ami l i
(uiiirantee Acker's Blood Elixir tor it j
has been fully demonstrated to the!
people of tiiis country that it is
Mipcrior to all other preparations for!
blood diseases. It is a positive cure i
for syphilitic pnisonin;.', ulcers, ernp-;
tions and l.itni.les. It nnrities the '
whole system and thoroughly
up the coiistitiition.
builds t
Its .Superior? extelleiiee proveiiiii
iniili ons of honies for more than
i t-'i- of a 'vn'ury. It is usei by
UieL'niteii Mates jroverniut'iit En
dorseil by the heads of the srreat
universities its tin: (Strongest. Purest,
ind most Mealtliful. Dr. Price's me
C'n-iini Hakinsi Powder does not eontai
Ammonia, Liin or Alum. Sold only
in tans, PFR'E BAKINti l'OWDEl':
COMPANY, new Tor.K. ti'iv voo. st
Seven Oaks
spt-t. Jti-nres
tliills .K--
is h'd liiui tr-oes tn th
in t:r i 'a, toot Lilie
Oi.. W " K1
bJOST pnerRT MADi j t z
ffijnmflwAr MnLntc
i Kin i in a mnr TQfl KnrnniTi
HAM .r;ouu
N Y !
l'4l II 'triT.4L Jill.-i.fXW.
President Charles K. Wiilyorton.
Vui-rrtsitlent J. O. Writsman.
Treasurer J. W. Cusick.
Socretarv J. K. KlUrk:t:.
ic. . Mraiian, C lias-. K. Wolvt-r-ton.
J. L. Cowan, 1 . -1 . Monteitli,
J. W. Cusit k, .1. U. :Vritsnian, .1.
i K. Klderkin, Charles Monteitli, (i.
h. Siniison.
Safe, Sound, Conservative
A Square Company, j
Managed by Square Men,
Patronized by Square People j
Parsonize Hone Enterprise
Cowan Ralston & Co,
Cowan & Cusick
Albany, - Oregon
Transacts a ircnt-ra' 1.; liiisinin.T2
Draw siht di-ifte e.n New- Vc.-k Han t nut- I
isco and Fort 'a if, or. j
Loan money ii approved e -urity.
Receive deposits siihjcet to . heck.
Collections entr i;ea to u a 11 rec ive i
rotDiit attention.
Sells exeliantf on New York. San j
Franeiseo :;oil Portland. 1
I'.uv note-, -tat. ..'intv nl e;-v
warrants. K. Ue depo-its su'-jett to
cheek. Iutere-t allowed on i e.
Collections receive prompt attention
Corrv-pottdenee .-olie.t d.
T'OfRee hours i'ro-i m. o "ir.'.v!
Airent for relia1 ' lir- and i:i irive
nsurance eonipar
Oregon Views,'
vie .vein the West. 1'atalopie sent on apph- j
eation. We have also all the of A.H. j
I'axton and .1. ii. Crawford, and any one can !
have duplicates from then m ircnuctd prices j
II' 0
I California express trains run daily between j
I Alhuny and Sun FraiicK-co. 'Ihroiit;'! limt,
. li'.4.i am
. i:J." pin
. 7-in.i a 1 11
H O V 2 s
4:ki m.
s:ls p in.
7 :4."i a in.
. Lv I'.'rtiaml .
l.v Albany...
,Ar S. l-ra'i'cir
o. Li .
Local riw. TrainH IMily Kx. Sunday
feioii a in-.Lv..
1-J.-40 p in..Lv. .
2:4il n in..Ar. .
. Portland
. . . Ar. . ::4fi pin
Lv.. 11 :.'!.'. am
....Lv.. !i:O0am
Lebanon Braiirb.
ml'U p in..Lv.
leiill p m.. Ar..
12:" p iii..Lv.
1:S0 p m..Ar. .
..Albany... .
. . I.chaiioii.....
. .Lebanon
;::iO am
fi:4.'i am
J:4o pin
2:ihi )in
sccoiiiinodation rf m-i oml la9
seti-'ers attached to t-viress trains,
The . .x C. K. I. terry mates coiincc'icii
with all the regular trains on Iht east -siilc di
vision from foot "f F strict.
Wi-t Mle liiiit.
F.otweeii I'm (lain! ami Corvallis.
MaiirTrslin Italli - Kxtei. Minday
. ::;o a .. . ro tlan ! .....r.
12:25 p m. . Ar Crr ai.isb '. .
-"i .ii
' r-
I'r'.t Iritlii llailt Kx.tpt Sunday.
4:.'n p in. .Li
:"' i in . . Ar... .
CI lO ;llll
". . 4 .". .-i 1 1 1
At Ali any .il cra'Iis loimect iviib
ir ns of up "ii I': c'lic railif ad.
tfi? I'or lull iiitormatinii reirardin rates,
map, etc . call on eoiiipam 's acnt at A!ban
l;. KoKllLKK. ii. 1'. b'M.I.Lf-.
M....,r,.r. Asst. ;. k. r a
I puksiiient.
L. Flinn.
S. E. Younr,
CASHIER. .t.b.lllRmlicr!ain,
I JL I115..H.W. Kept
X HlSi.NKss. Accounts kent snl.i.c: t..
chick. S'cht Ex. liai'i;e ami Telen'rai'hit'
Transfer tt.U on New York, I hica-.e, i
Francism mid Ton land,! rt-L-vi. Collettioin i
made on favorable terms. I
L. Flinn
W. E. 11 UK ILL
urn. E. Ciiami'.fri.aiv
Jas. F. I'owkll. Assistant C.'i-hicr.
litr Sulv,
on tasv tcruif. Siine mar town.
Roses aJSfkcialty.
Cemetery lots 1'linu-d and cared lor bi tbf
m-mtli t r tar.
to Ca iloniia
01 G0
Staple Groceries!
Mill, eta.
Fresh Baked Bread
Every Day.
At this eld sad rrftabte bow to ate ;
louod a complete Mnilawwt. of fiMh fimt.,
froceno, t which ia cooatanUjr being eJd.i
Uic neuooaUe Hnoi of (rooariae and paantlw -
luch aa
Fine Pickles,
Dried Beef Chipped to Order,.
Anchovy Mustard,
Candies and Nuts,
Eastern Buckwheat Flour,
Canned Goods of All Kinds,
Bohemian Glassware, Etc.
These goods wore ail boturht when prtaa
vert- low, and the benefit of the maigln will
(iven to liis euatomoTa. Kanember the plaai
u i be old comer on First aod Badalbia 8to
raapriateti 1
ml nvumfactwan el
Wf ant noetwepaTCd la famish 9tot, fraatf
nndieH of beat grid, cumsiattna; of pare atiek.
wuurted Savon, mixud ma ill as, axta KreuaJ
nd chocolate eruams, faney roll ad, aaodjr tuyfl
uxl a gaiMfaJ eat n Kin eat of aoe i
aaTOrders from
proaaytlj eW
awied to.
led Crow Mii
(Snperior fa faatfly aarffcafcaaaf waa)
The BestStorage Facilities
tVThe Hlcfceatjrioata OMh paid tar wbeahl
j TH K .
Yaquina Route !
Oregon Development Co.'s
Steamship Line
23 Hours Less Time.
Than by any other route:
j Fhst-t'lnss ';hroui;h I ascender nnilffrtij.l t
ir in I'oriiui u miu mi von t in tne v.n
lrtite i Mix lo ami ficm Sun fno iino.
A.-eoniiHlations unsurpascd)for comfort anil
lafety. ; Fart-n am' freiu I ts lin Yuquina and
.he t'reon lleve opment ccmpany'a steam
hips, much less that by any ether route le
wi. 'all poirts in the. vii'lltmittr Vallty
ind San Francisco.
Sailing dates.
WilTametic Valley Ie
Willamette Vallty
i illamelte Valley "
KKOM Vavii IX'A.
Willamette Vail, v lire.
Willamette Vallev "
illaii.ctte Vallej "
1st ,
Ihc cf tnianv ri-scrie tl.e ritbt t" eh.'.iii;c
teainers or sai!imi dates.
C. H. ll.-viKi.L, .Ik.. t-". A. V. A'.tt.t.
jo4 Montu inciy strc.t, Si.n FrnciM'o,lt.a!.
Kxccit huiiilayr .)
L Yaiiuii af:4.'i a m I Lv AIIhu.v 1-ro r.
' Conuliis M::i A M '" Cor. alii" l i" r
r Albany ll:lii a m I Ar Vn.niina P-'Ml r.
II .V I. . iraiiis ecmi.t. I nt Ao...i. and 'r-
M illaiiifllr Itlter l ine f oieanii-r
C.TI11 Wm. M. Ilwiu. the .N. S. IVutl.y -u, I
ihe 'Ibi.f sistvis ait in rtiM'i. i- lo;h )k --i-iittT
ami ti.i-bt tintlic bctn.cti 'ora)iiM
in. I I'mlund mid iiitciiiicdiatc oinl, lea. -tier
eomjiani s uli.iif. forvu'tn., and Meis.
f i ii im.. it V Co. s wharf. .o. ion uinl 2"2
1 ri ni M., I'ortiatici, three tune :ieii ti.ek
a-i :o!los:
NuHlll li'UM).
Lv IV rialis Xloih. ttfi. ainl I n...
, S i fitll
'.' uii
: pin
. . . ; am
-'! :jo in
.v AiOal: .m.iii , .!. anil rri
Ar Saitiii Moii.. W.I.I, aii. I Kri..
l.v Sab in 'I'oi v 1 Inir mi.i .lt
Ar Portland Tins .1 bur. ai.d Sat..
sot Til
l.v rortlan l Xlo'i.. Wi
.1. and F'i .
'i oo am
7 l i p:n
i am
1 :' ton
3 ::' -in
Ar Salt m Mon.,
W .'d. ai d Kri....
Tlmr. ami Sat
. 'I lu.r and s,.t . .
s , llilll. an.! Sat
Lv Salem I lies.
1. 1 Ail.oiv Tile
Wm. :. IW.A.i,
ii. r;ii T-.-.tiayt-r.
xt lit
Coii.!in, tl on
C. II a. r..
Attint H. F.
slire Man I cil.
shares, Apply or write to C. S. Smi-h.
i:rlk rr
OO'.OiiO L'o.i I bri.-k for saV
sw Caasell, Alb my.
pply to W.c
Ami seo Will tc
Stark's ltoautiful
(liamoiiil jowelry
and siherware for
the holidays. First
Choice Confecuonery
? iiiirnn iiAi.rrpii
-ZOfl LWM Utt Cll
I -