Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, January 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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IS S).
THE 0. P. EX
T j postotbee in Linn comity
l' ! has sometimes ....- - , ,.
be spoken of .-"-J
This fact
J ' latesville to
An Important Factor in Albany's
Growth and Advancement.
Kiel Lands and Tine Timber-The Trade
which will Flow Into Albanylfrom
Eastern Oregon.
western terminus at Yaouina Bay,
the most westerly port on the Pacific
rv. A ii.. tin t vciir mav see this
bespokeuof as bock . e vent C(,IiaumlI,atca. and tl-.e magnih
i . . ........mention, as tne creciv i.j . ,
U spveral nub's below, on ..'. ..... ; ti.
!.! I inn piniiitv side and not even
sendingits tinest lumber in the world
into the vast regions of the inland
that .11 iestitute of forests
ntns . .-"r-r,. ,.. ,arutt, -n
ewa,t and family ''ayf n,t 1 1 nf tlie liiinbc- tlutt cati he produced;
also in the same localities will he
found a market for the magnificent
fruit of the Villamette valley, thus
fostering and Luildiuir up two very
important industries ot Hie stare ana
Oncol ihe most important enterprises
during the past far as the city of
Albany and country a.lja.tnt, includ
ing both Linn and Marion counties
a well as Jienton county, is concern
ed, has been the extension of the Ore
on Pacific railroad eastward from
this city. When Messrs Hunt and
Bennett ceased work upon their
contracts and the hither extension
M-emed to he indefinitely postponed,
h spirit or unrest and uncertainty
overshadowed the undertaking, and
materially affected business opera
tions. A few miles of track had
heen laid and the Santiam river but not enough had heeu
unpieted to make any material busi
. tikiiaiftlikll!l from its oneratiou.
and none were attempted iiiiring the
,.f tli siiHiit-nsi'-n of work
When the linan-.-ial difficulties hail
Wn surmounted by the railroad com-
aiiy. ami active building operations
again resumed, by the letting of on-
" ract for construction and the ener
getic pushing or work by the contract
ors," business at once became active
rti..i nrni at tin- future outlook more
hopeful ami pleasing.
Hit: ioa.l ..u leaving Albany pa-'ses
through one of the most fertile and
well cultivated portions of the Wil
lamette valley. Crossing the San
tiani river and Thomas creek, it
. asses through the alluvial bottom and
piairie lands lyiug in the forks of the
North and South Santiam, one of the
Oddest settled, and most wealthy lor
tions of Linn county. The thriving
little city of Scio is left to the east of
the road about two miles, but will
probably be eventually connected
a side track, as it is already an im
portant patron of the road and com
mands a large trade. M linkers is the
fetation adjacent to Scio, and was
really the only station doing any
traffic before this season's extension
was commenced, although the track
was leid seyeral miles beyond.
A short distance beyond Munkers
the road crosses the Narrow Cauge
line, still heing in the prairie. A mila farther on is the new sta
tion of Bates, opM4ite Stay ton in j
Marion county, where the extension
commenced. Beyond this the prairie
legirs to become narrower, and the
foot hills appear, but they are fertile
and productive lands and are capab e
oil easy cultivation, by some being
prefeired t the level prairie.
Above Bates a tew miles a dith lilt
rock cut ami hill occiipitd the time of
the construction parties and deb veil
the track laving sometime: but this
difficulty was finally overcome and
the wimble.: course of the -.rule, up
u,r .. l-i 1 Ti) ami a
crossed by tne rmn"."- - ,
' - - .. J . r..i. Smith S J. I.
illl AOO C -
JLSecomrte home ami
a mile a .d a Hull nu - o- e
Mevers is improving a claim, his
S be n- a half nr.le or more be
Jo d 2i "ld Mint., cab,,, o,. the
Mint,, V -t
X" . MeyeV p.- ani homestead
3 and chased timber and tru.t
" ' 1 . . imnrov-
Iands. and nave '
!d '.. Tlie accompanying
nitr tne saii. , . r-,,-
illustration gives some '
nualitv of the timber ana "-..
Ke the character o, the b, dings
contemplated for the pre-u he
followed with more
provements in the future.
. . i . .. i...:i .i'-
ever before. They mane uuimw o
hardware a speciality, and are doing
a thriving business.
S tll IX K. OI M:
Hi Maiiimolh ew Storr C'onill l?l
lluriuK the ITesent Year.
The new store building of S. K.
Young, on the corner of Hist and
Broadaibin utreetf, which has been
completed during the year ami is
now occupied by Mr. Young a en
tire stock of general merchandise,
li tini'hliw rIH L LUC
contributing much to tne prosperity ; .inliv a)ian.'ed stores in Oregon
.... i i :....,....f i.f Vlnanv. I 7.. ...... . i w.t lie M
una uiisioess iim r-cio . -
This extens'on of tne road th'.s sea
son i tlnoii! h a countrv that will be
luiiiberiug facilities, which are im
mense, the agricultural capabilities
are not inconsiderable, ami in the
opinion of close observers the region
is especially adapted to fruit culture.
Then, too, undoubtedly iu the near
future large discoveries of valuable
mineral deposits will be made as it
lies direociy m the mineral bearing
belt. In fact much can be lookeil tol
as the results of the extern-ion of the
Oregon I'acilic, aud it completion is
..arnnstlv desired, as the building of
'the road promise t add materially
; . i ii l ...i...
tlcinents are
the farthest
u p o n t h e
line f the
road, until
is reached, ;
where scv
fEliters have
V If locatl'd up-
' & ft E on "virnm
! jajl b ment unsur-
' r' (It (I Taf veyed land,
fl,'. lp f andaremak-
Ml! ing suhstan-
0 Consid
1 1
Tfammil'--' ti
the roa.l pr le3 laaa, .
to the trade of Albany, and when it J ncsa by which ft lb occupied
i'he building was planned by Mes
srs. Williams .V: muii; u.c
known architects of l'ortlawl, ami built bvMr. I. F. l,l,L"lt,
civ, at a costol about 4fl2,(KH'; It
na's a lrontag,- of 4S feet on r irst
stieetand M-' feet on Broadaibin
str-et. On either side of the broad
First street entrance me two im
mense plate glass show windows,
occupying the full front ut ihe utore.
n... ij....:i..iio,. street e:: trance is
lilt' IIHMill"'"
also provided with Luge plate glass
slmw windows.
The interior of the store is a
model of elegance and convenience,
l.luini" Liinl hunt ex-
..?.. r ..l itv to the busi
I II l"Pl V IK'l . ,
1 i" i : :.. ii.iwi.l I h
erable bodies of bottom laml and
cultivatable hillside abound along the
valley nearly up to Sardine creek,
seven or eight miles above Don
Smith's. From there nearly to
Britonbush the river is almost in a
continuous rocky canyon, ami quite a
proportion or the ran .'nail grane is
rock excavation, making, however, a
solid and Hue road bed that will need
very little future repairing. The
t..... ct.n.a alone iu riei aiu
in Hi in:il!e h:irnt:i timber, but back ;
troui the liver tracts of tine growing
timber are found, and tha lumbering
business will constitute one of the
ehief and most, important enterprises
i.n and add very materially
to the eailh and importance of the
bta'.e, for lumber is fast be.-oimng a
scarce article
;illd will be
more a n d
-'. more so asthe
forest :;reas
is pushed across the mountain. . next
Js..n to tap the great stock raising
agricultural and wool growing coun
f c .v. n o.. this increase
try oi iYsi.eiuj ,.i.
in the trade will be still more maik-
main front portion of the store is
divided into two departments, and
is occupied by the dry goods ami
,.. i:o ,'iMioi inioils denartment on
one side, and an immense boot anil
iB the KLt. :XnmcTn shparVinit and men;s furnish
ed, and when the eastern other side. lh
is finally made, which I?.?
to be at no distant time, x,ie ..."
vantage, of this important transuor-
ing goods on the other side. Ihe
rear is occupied bv a complete line
of groceries, crocKery, giasa.c,
EsibMv.i rrrr:&miiimm&sm the -santi.
I Mrm0.U-r ring,
u rj
above the Oregon I'acilic drawDri.lge
a shown ir. the illustration m their
adv. in another column, is the justly
celebrated Bed frown MiUs Ihe
enterprising proprietors, Mess.s.
Isom Binning, are doing a steadily
I..... ..ilKlll.' (llSIUeS?. IMIIIOS V"" J""
-be .me dei.let , tiiev have made several shipments o
ed. Tiiis re- ' Hour direct across toe ' acme, ana
supply a widH tiade throiiubout tne
Nortl'iwest. Mr. Lan.iing. the rust
ling business man of the firm, is one
of Albany's energe ic citizens who is
always among the fi.reinost in pro
moting measures tor the advance
ment of the city's interests.
These mills, which are convenient
ly located for 'hipment by river or
rail, and they enjoy an extensive
business. The Hour is made by the
. .,,,.-. w... I urocefrs and tneir
ral home of i enterprise and fair dealing has been
tne neer,ana I suet, tnai me -
the finest! Crown" Mills is well known through
out the entire Northwest.
gion abound!
111 came :i!i'i
the f i'iie of
throiigho i: t
tin country.
'Indeed the
upper liK'iiii
tain regions
are the natu-
the North Santiam commences. At
a point about a mile south of Meha
ma, lit the foot of the exceedingly
fertile and beautiful Fox valley,
another station has been established
and christened Lyonsville. A fine
wagon road bridge crosses the river
at Mehama, aud this station is des
tined to become an important ship
ping point for both sides of the river,
and quite a town has already sprung
into existence. Indeed quite an
amount of business was transacted
this year in the matter ot shipping
.oris, the rich, fertile lands of Fox
fcth v being esiiially rdapted to
bop growing, many large yards
already being in operation, producing
bountiful crops this year. John 1
Schmeer, of Albany, purchased the
bulk of the crop of the valley, ship
ping the hops from Ljonsv, lie
.... i. u un ..onstructed and settled
lll bllV " ' . .
bed, the track was rapiuiy
through Fox valley and at us
.... 1 ff.o roa.l swavs into too
Cilia w f.
a.- .1 -i... tV, North santiam.
IrlllH'.r ai'ivj, v.. . . ... .
:.. i,ot itrram iiie four or five
miles below the picturesquely handsome-
litcle oasis in the timber known
. !-..;;.. whose hit-hlv fertile
lands is entirely occupied by tine
farms and productive hop fields.
A substantial and handsome bridge
has been b-jilt across the North San
4.... r..tinp uoon natural rock abut
ment, and on the Marion county
side the station of Mills City has
.. ..t.i.iuiinl takimr its name
from the immense saw mill that has
i. We to operate upon
the niagnncent timber that grows
npon the mountain slopes bordering
f. on to the sr.mmit.
Luite extensive and fertile bottom
lands are found along the river and
. . x it.uin.r substantial im-
provements are found above Mills
The next station esUbluhed and
already reached by the track ,s l .ates
v ile, or as it has been known for
several years. Don Smith's, and m
railroad parliance. at the Ir-nt. head
quarters for it was I., re the sup,. 1
l ouses for the railroad we.k w e
.rected. Across the me, froro he
ich is spanned ly a "
n road bridge r.-sfir ' ,e
1 koimf liattfl 1
t.b road, has resulted,
iin.iav -
.. - . .1.:.. tU fij'fr further
tnis season, in inoi"s -
baek and making them shy, and more
difficult to capture. 'u,,! and farm imnlementa aa we,.
The lndonntaoie enerjjv i.".. , ,
field tor hunt
ing to be
found any
where, but
the continu
ous roar of
giant pow-
he trading
vantages oi . - , ,. ws , elegant
tatioa route will he realized in this U; H.e n i
c,t'- ... are so arranged that every inch oi,
tiik ki:i .'Unv. MiH "- space is utilized.
The oHice is supplied with spcak-
Tlie lt,,.iiier ibeM- Well known tl)0s communicating with al
n.,.i..K Mill- iIia,ts of the store both uPs a r
,i WitUinette river ' and down, i rom u- im-.-.v
tbe iiiaiii'.ti. o ii , ... . i..,t.wi i,v two
tilllKluig win i"-'""1
hir.'c furnaces. The store is pro
vided with a substantii'l elevator,
bv w hich goods can be taken to the
second story or the basement, at
pleasure. .
On the second floor i a large and
complete stocked carpet room, a
ladies' b.ilet loom, and the re
mainder is given over to surplus
.. i. ; ti.. immense line ol
SlUeK UIMI ii"
cloaks, wall-paper, curtains, win
dow ' shades, house-furnishing
goods, etc. .
The store is lighted by means of
three of N. H. Allen's large, elec
tric arc lights, and is provided with
every modern improvement. Mr.
-. .lorm.r tbo manv vearsthat
he has been engaged in business in
Albany, has gained and maintained
public favor by Keeping a
large enougti 10 suppiy an ..
and bv making a specialty of select-
in" such go jds as wiu gic i,i
lion both in quality and prices, and
with the increased facilities al
forded in his elegant new quarters,
he will be better than ever pre
pared to serve the public.
A Mnrkel ITered for Article
Heretofore C onsidered Worthier.
a tbA business enterprises of
Albany is one which must not be
omitted. It is the pioneer second
hand store ot L. Gottlieb. He buys
and sells second hand goods of all
I kinds, including everything from a
! elothespiu to an upright piano, and
by so doing ofl'ers a market for a class
1 . .... - .!.. horotofora considered of
Ol suneica ii,"--
little value. He offers rare bargains
in all kinds of second hand goods,
which can only be fully appreciated
by thee public by visiting his sales
room, opposite (i. V. Smith's stove
and tinwaie establishment.
;uard Ajtainsl The ftirlke,
a ,wl alwavH have a tottle of Acker's
i Knglish lieinedy in the house. You
cannot tell how soon uroup may on
your little one, or a cold or. cough
may fasten itself upon you. One
dose is a preventive and a few doses
a positive cure. All throat and
r i.i., , ;t.l to its treatment.
The Remedy guaranteed by r oshay
, The Leading Real state Firm of the City.
Albany is the most thriving and rapidly improving
city in the Valley, and those desiring to invest here can
secure bargains and make money rapidly, as many are
now doing dnily.
Desirable residence property, fine farms, choice
property in and about Albany, for sale at reasonable
prices and on easy terms.
They also have a very large list of fine Linn county
farms for sale, in both large and small tracts.
pChoice city lots in Hackleman's Third Addi
tion at a big bargain to those desiring unimproved lots.
Write at once to
1S0H, 'LAKKISG & 0.,
A Hardware tllllhmenl Which
lUtvn t'redit to Albany.
The hardware etablisment of
Messrs. St-iwart & Sox, which is
located on the corner of First and
Ferry streets, is one which deserves
special mention. This firm has tw
large rooms niied witn wagons, git
waifon roan - ,
.. - . 1 , ...L :.l,utiiii-iiis to le
linest nanort' - . - ,
found in the uuivi-w, is Kcik Lit. k
5 - S 1
Most Approved Process Flour and' All Grades of Meals.
h . t .I., ...... k-1
1 Vh i$!m m
0 r-
Livery. Feed & Sale stable
Corner Second and KUirort?i Sts
ALBANY, - - 011EO0H
Houskm BOAUPiiD by the lay or month Car
nat'i8 or bii:;L'ies on roasonnlile ti rnw
Conveniently Located for Shipment
overcome dilTKiiltics alnrost insur
mountable, in tiie construction of the
line from Ya-piina liay to its present
extension of oxer CO miles east from
Albany, will not cease until the suiii
Piit, is cros-sed, the iraz v.-z lands of
Kt-tern Ure.uon are ami tfe
oi-imection Willi an eastern line l
coiisumn:ated and another tiai..-o.n-tiueutal
line established with if
as a inaminotii stock of tret, e ral harii-
....... ..otlerv. etc. LheV aiso
rthern l'Iow n jranlen ami
... l itmr-noohs. Mom..
l!rass r-tm " - i -
cheajier thail ever known before.
Blacksmith Mii.i.lies,iron, steel, coal,
etc.. wa-on a-i"l cainaue makers
stock, woodcutter's toots, j.ositively
the btst biws.uid m the stiVe.
lion bailors cheaper and better tha i
by Biver or Kail.
Orders Promptly Filled,