t THE MOBNING- HERALD: TUESDA V, JANUARY 1, 1859. Daily a.me Weekly ; UX IOIMI. Kirh land Offered l Hiof JM-ekimt i Loruliaiu or ln-f meut. UARRKBURG TEUMS OF SUKSCKIPTION- haii.y Published every morning except lin.la.) D .'jfrttbt carrier, per week............... o.'ld t. mart, tretl 5 00 WEfiKLY. PiihlislieI every Friday Morning.) ie ropy, er aimuiii, in auaiive.......j2.(M) Wln-n not wid in advance iJO thk mail. Mails at the Albani postotticeclos-e Fr all offices north . The Kastern states ' fi;30 A. M, The West Side .' And the Nai row ;,tii'e K. K. ) or Portland and huleiii 11 a. n Corvallis and Yaiiina l-JStti p. m oltk-e south ;. 7::ii)r. m. The poHtottice will le closed each eveiaii roni mix to seven o'clock. Kejristered matter ior the early morning train should he mailrtl licfote a o clock the ir-rious evetiiliir. 'in..... a:.:.. a.: . i ..... ...... t 11191. LUIS IKiriH'll Ol WIC"111 me- I . . w seiits a Held ollerim superior induce- All Important, raClOT in incuts to those desiring homes is maIe : r-inntVc Pitt md Tiirnro apparent when the resources of Linn i '-ount) S 1 aSu nd 1 Uture' county are brierty noticed. It embraces the central and most I KK. s tTIKtl. ADVA fltCS. fertile part of the far famed Wiliani- ; eft valley. It is probably the best ) watered section of the state. It is j A Location Unsurp.waej -Excellent Oppoi- bounded on the west be the lllam THE A A ll" YEAH. The veur liSMS has been ftte, and on the north by the north fork of the Santiam. The county embrace. between six and seven tiers of townships from north to south, and from eleven to twelve from east to west, the area in acres being about I.'2.j0.O0O. or TSl'J quarter section tracts. Deducting the uneultivatable mountain tracts all valuable for pasturage or timber there would remain at least two-thirds of the whole adapted to cultivation, or an aiiureeate farminz extent that Isliam has developed q.iite a talent for ncal iiiumc ami make, engage ments in the rvuikey line f..r tvligiu j tn-etiu's. Oeinf exfinplary aui de- voted mi i:is undertaking, and linrris Linil I nurg 'nay yet be as proud nf turn as the whole eouutry is ol iuke. A 3ni ami complete nvery stabV I is ow ned and mauaed by Lan M ; Chun; Levi .ui;!as runs a teed and: chop null willi serious intentions ;it j developing into a genuine in. Hut ; the ; dray and transfer business is web : represented ' P. H. Couch. A Ver ; good start a sstem of waterworks lias been put in operation by (.'. I'. Wright, ruu by a wind mill force Diniit). beiu- a verv nraise wortti . Situated upon the Willamette river j enterprise. Mr. Wriirlit. in count-. t : tnalty for Investmeata A Chanca for Energetic Development. different fields vf broom crn w re planted la.-t ? asi-n, -ind s nit- v.-ry creditable rii ui.:i which will n obai.lv ie.it to more extensive pi .iiitiii" . Oiuic.ies at-.' w..-li .-cpiVf elited by the Christi-iu and .i.-tlio.ltst dt-iioim-nations a id two crsditanie ctiuroh building. The secret icieif are: Mvonic. Tii.srs-.nu Lde No. :!.; W. M., K ii H-.ult: Sec. lamon Smith. I larsisburg Chanter No. l.i; H. I.. Si Max; S.-c. V. W. IJr-.'as. ! O.Ui t'oili.ws. I'.ivenant Lodi-e N- 1888 For the Holidays m Xotliim is nitv in tub southwest portion ot Linn county, in the widest and fertile part of the valley, surrounded by pro ductive wheat tields and yearly bear ing orchards of mairtiiticent fruit, is Harrishurt;, a city that has ever borne ; a conspicuous part in the eventful j history of Linn county. Before the advent of the iron horse and the rail- ion wtti. Ins brtlur, alter run:, runs 4 well regulated yrncerv store, atld ulso a i :i i'ii i tu re itore, and dttt itig tiie fruit season a fruit shipping I J; N". Frank Baker. .ei., t.to. s. Wooitiury. iI'U'riiur.; Kucaiupmeut No. S; I.. T. .1. Anders j:i; Sei.. lleo. S. Wo.iitlmrv. (i.inii Templars, Samaritan Lodye No. lib; C T., Klizabeth Levis; Sec., i Netti" Hetidei. tli an tli Fine H'atdii count i... suD-d.iviaeii into oumu quar-. . k thls aae(i tCT Section fannS. I nnrnnf ivtniinriiial intiwirf:inr' hMitnf ! The soil on the margins of the at the ,.acCl0al lead of liav.-ation pros- wat.er course,B a ,,Iat;k alluvial lie-j OI, the river and unusually well loc it- t . . posn t i a sauuv loa..., . e(1 tor gl,,.,,,,,, tacilitius. But the I siiij-iii, alio iiie up-iauiis ie ueiiei le, and the citizens of Crops have been yootl and the re muneration therefor an increase over previous years. I'ailroid co:i ne tion9 liaye been consumtnated, and material growth in other direc tions larpre and einltuntlv satisfac tory. I have now set themselves about the j task of building up the place, witti , promise of satisfactory results. The town sustains two dry goods atid general merchandise firms, two fur niture establishments, one hardware store, a drug store, one bank opened duriii'' the jear, a hotel, three black smith shops, a ievveler store, barber pritle that we this morning iu greeting our re:ul- Albany I ally 'characterized by red, bn. a n or j towll9 coinbined with' other and the state t iar.'e have enjoy- i "la" '"am- 11,e'e S0"3 a!"e a, ' ases, had led to a business stand , f. , . .; and; deep, producini; abundantly j 8tiiL but the cilizeIS f the town ti a lair sii.tie in mat prospeniv.j fruits and ve'eta')les. Nowhere in the world do small tjrains do better than in the t ountry around Albany and tributary to it in trade. Oregon wheat and Hour now beinir shipped to the markets direct having heretofore been merged iu the California crop they take the lead in the Liverpool limitations. At ! the head of the list is Oregon wheat ! smi, ,utclier shop, a new lv estal It U iwrl.-i-w irh tinrdnnalkln I central ami cuoicesi. "cius ni jsei) m,(1u factory, a waon shop, I is pel !..!. with pardonable j,r(ii,ctioii are iu Linn county. The , mlllinery 8tole. a chop or feed mil,,, yield of wheat not infrequently ; four warehouses i nd a saloon. All reaches 4. bushels to the acre, and of the rt.at natural taciiities of the i : : :l I :i- ft - i . . . ' .... ,. , it nivarioiy wei"iis over nw umiut.s 10 i Ii an, v.tii rptii.im aii.l it will t iU.- ' ers with a twelve pane, illustrated : tllp illlshel It . i rf"ulu- au.'1 11 wm lxh ' i l,le ousnei. i DU( a jrialu;! from an observing, enur- wsue, si tting tortli the resources of, Those desiring to invest m lauds in i etiu business man to see that'll pos- j Albany. Over nine vears ao the ! tms I,ort'on f the state, either n sesces uuusual advantages and can be .. ,.., :ta AI1i1i;,HI;n ; p,ty (,r wany pioperty. wtil find it j lna,le one 0f the leading towns of the Utiut-U began its pubheadon ,n j t) theh. advantaKe to to Messrs. ! WUlaI,lette valley. Itl.es aboutmid-' Albany. It has passed through j Currau & Monteit'i, the1 live real way between the jities of Albany' many chan"es, but has been ever ! ('st!lte dealers of Albany. I liey have , anj Kuenu, giviny it a cuiiimaniliusf i , m,,,;... .,,,.1 tl. -l-n.m.-n lf ! ,vie,,t,v removed into their elegant j 3ituatil,n f,. the business between j.rogresMve ami the champion of , neM. (Uartels iu strahan's brick build-' these two lt1lteH. it possesses goo.l the poples interests. The year ( nig. They have large quantities of ; Wtlt,,r transportation on the river as 18S! opens auspiciously for Al- ! desirable property for sale, ami many we as l.,liul raiira,l facilities with lnr. antl with tli imt're nf I " I" V . J V ' olntl lo" ns; it, nas a goon water . ' : e in real estate oi mem. .-Miiong tneir t'ie grow ing metropolis of tlie Wil-' best bargains are choice lots in Hack- lamette Vallev, there will be a ' thir.l addition to Albany, . " wlncri are oflered at prices low widening and enlarging of the j enough to enable everybody to pur field of the IIkkai.d. ! chase. Attention is directed to their MaHMHB j adv. in this issue. Sf ft Sr i&m Mm wmm Ww j ic.!il ' - I , , jj B;.g:fr jy, . 1 ilT J T) 1 ! Silverware. Ik, At the old and established Jt-welrv Store of H. EWERT F. L 1E JTON -im:ali:i: is- Staple a.ncl lancv (jROCERIES, ( ontVctioiiery, Cigars and IVuevo. Mil xciipt ions leti'ivcd lor leading odd ri:i.i.ow - i:t ii dim; II AKHIMU K(i EIHTOHIA I. XOTES. j BROWA!Il.i r. BIIKSS NOTKS. aims is me growing metropolis Owen Osborn, corner of ot the Willamette alley, a lact and Cross 9treets, carries a :ull which newcomers and men seeking ! tock of drugs, toilet articles, opti investment -are fast discovering. i (hI K"'. picture frames, etc. Physician's prescriptions carefully Ik political otliee be a public ! compounded, trust, then getting down to a cash! Arlington Hotel. Mrs M.E. Will in hand basis is a long wav off in son' proprietor. Hoard from $1 the dim and distant future, for I 2, day or week. Stage leaves nere ior an points, uaiiy. S. P. Barger, dealer in fine fur niture, bedding, pictire frames, . power already ueveiojied, capable ot being made equal to any in the state ' by the outlay of a smill expense; it has the best t.atutal saw null location 1 to be found in the state; uo other , i locality extends equal inducements rjsl,,irc are several i lor the estaoiisiiment ot Houring ; 3i;i;,.i;ssfi,l practitioners. Dr. W. H. , n ills, tor it is located m the heart of ; D;lviSi ,,.. p M endenhall. and j the most productive wheat fields in j ,r.. F. Heii.lrex are practicinu-phv .. . II I 1 . . ' Milli Ule avAlK w,ul "?tiiaiieii sniipiug SK.ians, while Dr. if A. Davis a vet station an-1 a fruit dryer. .1. C. Satin does a p,-odu.y.- and commissinii oils tiess. and C. 11. Butler keeps as wel! a regulated saloon as can ne , foitiid iu the country. ; In the medical profession at Mar- accomplished and I I lanisbttri; '. Mend rt. ; Knights of Labor, Lodge; M. W., Dr. .1. ! Sec, tJei. S. Woodbury. j Patrons of Husbandry, llarrisbiirg 1 ;ran-e Nr. 11; YY. M.. K. K. Up- I uiever; Sec, Nancy .1. Mc.Meeken. j With all of the natural advantages enuineratt d. with substantial build ings for business ventures, and sites j for mills and inamila turing purposes. I it cannot be lotij ere llarrisbiir wiil ! NKAK THK I'OSl OI'FR l. ALBANY, OKKCON -a facilities and a water power ready for : ,.lail j,, the practice, has dev ted his i receive her portion of the substantial future, for there be very many in the land who still wish to be 'trusted." Thk waterways of the country t sewing machines, brackets. occupation; added to these tacts can be taken into consideration the fur ther fact that real estate values are by uo means excessive. Iu fact good property iu and about the town can be acquired at very iow figures. All of these considerations, in connection with numerous others which space forbids enumerating, will show that the courageous location seeker who has perception enough to grasp the situation, and grit enough to take upon, ami nature spread them throughot etc. I advantage of the opportunities pre- are natures ready made highways , Fir-t iree opogite Uie Arlington i a'l build up a safe and profitable for man to transport his products j Hotel. I business. , and nature has lavishlv! " I taring the past year Mr. K. A. niik or nrowbsviiir. i Kampy, who is one of tha live, wide- This institution was founded dnr- i awake, leadinir business men of liar. It should be the leading function j big the fall of 18S7, with J. W. risburg. has established a banking! of the government to improve. I Moyer as pisident; V. R. Kirk, I business in a neat brick building extend and keep free these bi"h- ' vice-presideiit; and Peter Hume, j erected especially for thai, purpose, I ' c ! cashier an 1 manager. It has filled a : and contiiniug one of the finest and ; a-xs- i much neede l want among the busi-; safest burglar and fire proof vaults iu i ! ness men of the community. The the country, and has thus added an' Lost opportunities loom up like building is well finished in the inter- : esseiitialdepartmenttobusiiiess opera- i the gl'jomv tt'avestones in a i ior and has a first-class, large, fire j tions of the place for the accommo- leserted srrave van! foolish !eoik' ! ro0 vault, and also a fine burglar dation of the people and business time of late to farming and only re- j and permaii-iit bo.uu that is now be spotils to calls of personal friends. i ginning to be felt in Oregon. Men The public schools are largely at- of forethought will grasp the situa tendtrd and are under the efficient j tioti and reap the sure reward of en management of Prof. J. H. Jewett Urged business and successful ven and Mrs. W. V. Meudenhall. lures. The field is open am' some Quite an important .manufacturing j one will occupy it. project has been inaugurated during : .i -1 e I ! I ...... ..1. I i.... tue past year iu tne snape oi a oroom 1 "'i want. ;i ru-iiu ,'iui .nit-j factory, bv an association under the ! smoke ask for .1. .lost-pit's home! sttpi-vsion of Dr. J. F. H end rex, j made white labor ciirars. For sale and is meeting with very satisfactory i by most cigar dealers and at J. success. In anticipation of it several i Joseph's factory. Tie Leading Clo iiei the land. spenl their time in mournfuily J albfisint it lias proved a success as a business, and has been re-orsan- contemplating and bewailing o er j ized by the old stock holders, with them; wise people keep them in ( Mr. J. P. Calbiaitli, late county clerk remembrance a examples to spu r of L",1n T8 a 1 'capital of s-2.,000; Mr. Peter Hume them on to the energetic grasping! has been elected assistant cashier. ' ti.: r i i ins iiisitiiiiLioii is aiiioni; trow iis- and improving those of the present. Thk fact that the girls and others : in domestic service in tne city of Boston, ent as Christmas pres ents to parents and relatives in Ireland, fully one bundled thou sand dollars, is vouched for. and speaks in eloquent terms 'of the warm beartedness of the children of the emerald isle. is among ville's thriving enterprises. men. lie deserves great credit for his business foresight, and his action : will greatly assist in giving the place 1 the future prominence that it is j bound to have some day. j May A Senders, the leading mer- j chants, continue as they have in the ; past, to carry an immense stock of , dry and general merchandise goods, ami command a bis trade. Thtir l.ejnl Ability ippr erlalotl. j onlv competitors in that line at pres- ; In the person of D. H. N. Blaok-1 ent beiug Mr. J. S. Deathman, who j burn, now holding the position of has but recently opened in the new j county and probate judge. Linn brick, and also leased the Copia Hotel county has an able official. In his 1 whieh 18 conducte - by his wite. Up- j -Wtini. honor w-a rnnfpi -rwl unnn ' meyer & Briggs have made an excel- a worthv recii.ient. and a true i ,llt seasm's work in their warehouse j ( T J 11 UUilVllLllili 1 1 Successor to K. W. I-angil'm i DKAI.EK IN- Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery anil toilet articles, also a full line of books ami stationery, periodicals, etc-. J-? Prescriptions carefully com pounded IN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE, Albany Oreirou Carries the Largest Line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. in the Willam ette Valley. Bookse IT I I er, news SUITS MADE In His Merchaut TO ORDER h Oiios FOSTER BLOCK, ALBANY operations, handling a fair share nf i iiiintM'ii hi irxai ioicui CA lilt 39CU. ' .1 , , , . 1 : 1.1 1 1 1" , j the season s crop, May Sl Senders also uire BUckburn is a close and '.. ...'i .:. ...... t: , . , , mi; 1.11c usual aiutfuiii 111 uieir caretu. student, and spares do labor an-ri . tt.aPOi,. H,rr;h,,r h-, ' I iv rniuitv's broid ami fertile to Pect hlmrelf m the science of ; mway8 handled large quuititiea of; L n.n tountj s b.oad ami i ti rtile th e ,aw anJ -9 mtetiag the reward , whea nd oat8 own upon the ! lands are unsurpassed m pro- for his diligence that is his iust I contiguous farms. Aihohb the excel-1 duetiveness, and are the natural due. His work is not eon fined ( lent managed places, which always; and all kinds of musical merchandise home of the cereals and all kinds alone to Ins practice and official ! produce one crops, we have space but j of fruit. In the mountainous : duties. as he. ,,as for severai years ! J etio few in different locali-: law 1 . v.v.v.,.. . r n n I K J A- mr. oMJoner. and di:ali:k in j TEXT BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Fine stationery, miscellaneous books, photograph and atitograpt albums, inkstands, ink, pencils, et, etc. Sheet music, music books. portions many valuable claims can yet be secured upon government land, and in the old settled parts' land can be secured at reasonable prices. Settlers wi.l find here an excellent chance for location. JRkfkkem k to any good map will show that Albany is the most important railroad center in the entire state. The work of estab lishing and building up manufac tories has commenced. The Oregon Pacific rai'road company's machine and car shops are to be located here during the coming year, and altogether the business outlook of the city is most promis ing. ne of the most essential uses cf forests, in w bicb our most noble state of Oregon is at present so well supplied, is to intercept and precipitate the moisture floating inland from the ocean mists, and to conserve it ior gradual expendi ture in fertilizing the land and feeding- vegetation. With this uiider.-tandinj of the subject it can easilv be seen that one of tin- most necessary actions on tin part of the legislative branch of our state government, would be to devise means to prevent the wanton dis tinction ol ; forests 'by the careless or criminal setting out i i forest jilVs. been a contributor to ifkarlinn journals. Being an indefatigable j ! feF tile, ,and to the ef of the, citv- worker he accomplishes much in 01 the (irimes Broth- j yearly prices Davidson, ii. P. and i""" General News Depot. Mail orders promptly attended to. subscriptions received for leading mwspapos nr.d n aga.ine' f i 1 1 ii- 1 ers. Win. M. Davidson. (. f. and his profession ai.d ins legal advice . Rapirar T. , Tllplw,r . , ri la mnnii i rrhf o t tat i 0 . W. f, Tweetlalr. I Miring the past year this enter- prising stove and : who has been doing business with the people of Albany and Linn county for 28 years, has removed into his - new brick, erected on the site of his old building, where he has elegant : ouarter8. His stock has been en larged and embraces a full line of shelf hardware, fanning tools, etc., as well as his usual complete assort- i F. M. Kizer. Wm. McCulloch, Fuller, H. M. Roberts, and on the southeast Dr. U. A. Davis, and Hon. v u 1 1 11 j: . .1 4. hardware dealer, nli f-t,.P M fSmnincham. K B. Spink, A. P. McNary, and on the north J. F. McCartney's tine farm and the Costello farm, recently acquired by W. C. Nicholson. These are mentioned simply as being exam ples scattered over a wide territory all of which is of the finest quality of land, producing large crops and making a very lame area of coun- E The Latest Triumph in Science : WILL BROS Dealejra in all the leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs Pianos, A full Line of Sheet music, musical merchandise,ammunition, fisli iug tackV, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives The. best' kinds of sewinir machines NEEDLES, OIL and Exti-aa for all MA CHINES LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. RepairinxQiscwintr .machines, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly done meut of the most desirable kinds of!t .r..-,n.. j i f stoves, ranges,and all kinds of kitchen mfrg tcr shiJpini;nti traaTg facili- nare' ties. Thonta MopklBA. ! The drug business is well repre- a fi, Ki;oi.mnt. i sented by Mr. Damon Smith's well opened durir.g the year is the stove and tinware store and plumbing establishment of Thoe. Hopkins, formerly of the firm of Tweedale ti Hopkiii!-. His store, near the Odd Fellows' Temple, though newly estab lished ci utains a well selected stock f stoves and tinware, hardware, ets. He makes a specialty nf plumbing, tittiug and repairing. Itrownrll A Manard. The novel adv. of these entcrpr:.---'na grocers will be found iu our ad vertising cohitus. They are ftu-cess-ni'i to Kedtit-ld it Brnwnell, il. A. Xanard having purchased the i:iter jst of F. M. JJedtield. They 011 tinue the business at the old corner, and keep a choice stock of family groceries. They are both energetic yuiii: 1 1 ti ite-ti men. and cominaii.l a wiife tr;i le both trotn the city and COUlltl . stocked and neatlv keDt store; J. D. Bennett has charge of Uncle Sam's ; post office and business, and runs in connection therewith a well rrgulatei ' grocery business; F. M. Hyde and liobert White, the former owners ot j the butcher business, have retired ' . and the shop is now run by Joseph Watkins who keeps a full supply for I customers; I'. H. Paine, in the old ! blacksmith shop of Cox & Paine, does I a general work in that line, and runs , ' his (ienuine ho. cultivator which he is fast putting on the market; . F. ' Pcrtr runs the old Morris black smith shop and does good work; Jeo. . S. H'ondbury, while not engaged in ! li s occupation of engineer, runs the : machincai and blacksmith business in the Woodbury tdmp on the river. Henry Keauis his eetaidishcd a reputation in the furniture line and maintains it: lieu. Isha m as a hint ; maker gives sati .faction. Myron CO S. Vft Wj s n j s , YEMETER THE ONLY ONE LINN COUNTY AT K, M. French's. Corner Jewelry Store, ALBANY. ORKfiON. EACH EYE FITTED SEPARATE Full Stock o" Spectacles and Eye Glasses con stantly on hand. PRICFf? LOW AT COST! 01 ILL TO TIE FRONT! iifflv House Sample Rooms I Beth WITH HII.LIARI) HALL ANI CLUB LOOMS. ! GJ-. W. SIlVEPSOAl . Having purchused the stock of Clothing, Gel Furnishing Goods, Hoots, Shoes, Etc., ot'C. B, Kolanu cc Lo. is now prepared to oner ent8 IF ,7. 7 WILLIAMS, Proprietor. ton Ever CHOICE AVINES AND LIQUORS. Kept constantly on hand. A hill line of importer! and iinmeuc ars on saie. I'.vevvthttur nrst-c'ass. i At P.evt ll .u-e, Albany, Oivgi'ii. Ilavirg a i-oinpb te upsnrtnient nf Ceneral Torrliarlio, "oMi1-t dionnit, widen lie still pro Fes to sell at rost. l'r.n !iasi-r i .veil 1j call and 'et bis prices Lr;ore buying cIm-w bete, a viiu enrt sjivj fnun l'" to ::n per cent. The l ilu-st market price paid fur Yytintiv Jr.ce of all kinds, either in cash or goods.