(ADVEiiTlSmGiGENey V &'...t: Merehants' Ex. 7 GETS A WEEK. ALBANY OREGON SATURDAY MORN IS G DECEMBER 22. i.-SH VOL. IV-KO. s 1.1) j it y ., . id 4 Having decided to Our Entire Stock of ' Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Carpets, i Cost FOE THE IBXT 40 DAYS ONLY The Entire Stock The Knife WITHOUT Els This is a Gexmiaie Closing Cut Sale cf the veil kncwnfiim of MONTEITH & SEITENB ACS, and purchasers -will receive a net saving of 25 per cent on Goods bought- ' C-fer Early callers will secure the advantage of the large and unbroken stock to select from. IVEonteitli & Seitenbaoli 0 retire from business in Albany,Jwe -CONSISTING OF- Genera Must Be Closed Within Six Weeks AND- Will Be Put REGARD TO COST SI II 1 UU't will offer our- Boots and Slices Cloaks, Etc. to ire lauoie rrnces IIP 1 Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel ot puri:y,strL'nirth and whulesomeness More economical than fie ordinal') kinds and cannot he sold In competi tion witb multitude of low test, short weight alum oi nhosphite powders Sold only in t ins. Royal Baking jow- DEK CO., lO.i W ill) St.. N. V. D;V Ckowlev fc Co.. Agents, PortlaiU, Oregon, "1 W. JIASTON. FIIYSICLAX AM) SIT; JT, peon, Albany, Oiei-on M, H. ELLIS, PL'YSKIA.N AND jfton, Albai.y, Oregon. St'Rr C1 C. KKLLY, PHYSICIAN' AND ol'U U (.'foil Albany, Oregon, otf-.-e in Pn r.-c's new block. Office hours, from 8 a. m. ti r- m. A. i. kossiTek, veterinary sri: . 4,'fon, graduate of Ontario vcterary college ami member of the Ontario vcterii: ary medical society, is xr pnror! to treat th. diseases oi all domesticated annuals on ; .ientitic principles. Ottice second door east cf the opera house, Albany, i.rcjron. TVv. R KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SI R 1 7 ireoii, Albany, Oregon. -Graduate of Utr man and American .-ollcires. Fleet ri-and Homeopathic Tri-aiiiicnt rPH'lSE DESIRING KH IIFK OF THESE X sale ami reliable methods of treating dis ease will find Dr. r.. A. -IcAi ster- prepared with excellent apulianees lor uiiniinisternii ehher, as the nature of the ease may require. He niiiy be found at his oil-'ce n Third strei-t, .vo noors youth of the electric liuht s'ation, when not ahsei:' on protc:.ioiiuI business. 1 ti. E A. M'ALIS I'EK, H IMEOP ATII1C jj physician, has removed his ollicc fr. ni i- "nil's bio. k to his. residence i nTrird street, t .o doors S'Mith of the elo tri' li'ht station ATTOKXKVS," l il. N. 1.I..ACKI5VRN, ATniRNEY AT l' . Law, Alhanv, Urti;on. inliee in Odd bellow's Temple. Vill practice ill all courts of tne state, anil jiive special attention to all b.iiiness. irOLVEf:TON" CHARLES E. AlToRNEY I at Law, Albany, Or. Oilice in rooms 18 and 1 1, Foster's Hiock, ever L. E. lilain's 8tor . T K J . lai V. EATHORFilRD, ATTORNEY AT Aibuiiv, Oregon. uth.e in Oud Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all ihe courts of thestate, and give spc-ial attention to all business Xoli' to Slocklinliirrs". NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual stockholders' ineetiii-; of the Farmers ami Merchants" insurance company of Aloanv, Oregon, will he held at the com pany's office in the city of Albany, Oregon, on Wednesday, January ' lbhi), at the hour of 2 o'clock P. ... of said day for the purpose ot electing nine directors ot said company, to terve one year, ami to t ransact such other business as may reirularlv come before said meeting. Ycu are further notified that a motion will be made to amend section 1, 2, 3 and 9 of the by-laws of said company, and also to add to said bv-laws additional sections 18, li), 2oand 21, a copy of which said amend nients anil additional by-laws is mi tile with the secretary in the company's office. Dated this 13th day of Dec. 18fS. J. K. ELI ERK1N, Secretary. F" EVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS XL Pfeiffer, Prop. Only lirst-eclass house in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General staire office for Corvams. H EWER T, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE , and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, Land Surveying. PARTIKS DESIRING SURVEYING DONK CAN OB. tain accurate and prompt work by callint; upon ex-eounty surviyoi f . T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plat, and is prepared to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postollice address, .Millers station, Lmn couuty, Oregon. I'm It ttrye.r lor iale. 1 RU MMER FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY . size, complete, with additions and im provements, ior sale cheap. Apply to A. Maker, Shcdd, Oregon, or to A. v heeler, Springfield, Oregon. (Stray Xotire. m.VKEN I P UN THE FARM OF S. GO-URJ X le , three miles west of Albany, on Octc r 1. 1S.S.S. a white cow with brown heac' and some brown spots. Both ears clipped on ends and slit, about 8 years old. The owner Will please cull and get tlie above uesenneu iw ami ,ay costs i OyMer ! tt.V 'rs ! J ASTERN" AND OLYMPIAN SERVED J fresh every day at H.;Diercks restaurant Hp's Restaurant, HBrmann Diercis, Prop. nilUS RESTAC RANT IS NOW iPENI.D TO X the public .n the Sa'.ttinrsh building be low the Revere House, where good meals will be served at ail hours. Mr Dierek in vitcs nisold custci.ers and the public gener ally tn call. The tables will be supplied with the best viands the markei irToros. Sa&fa.: tion nuarrtie . Mr . was formerly proprietor.or" the Rev . ; j 'est:''-rant, which be -an on the i 'an, I ' found tbut pi-n i-ln't succi . . .. openc.. .iii present restaurant where n jnen .; .eval satisfaction. Pers.,1. . ..atiting a first-cias meal shou l no to lb rm. :n's. fvN'i i 'hi-'.v employed Moat Market. I EAT AND SALMON EVERY U mU's me.it maiket. I is.i a ! s. cc.iii. v and a fuJ nn.ket pt up. GENERAL KEWS. An inti-Polygamy Amendment to the Constitution. x tain) tcim :: to iikitij Ca'iloipiacs Cppc i a Ussolatioa of the Dcty c Sugar News East cf the Eock'c-. Washington, Dee. 21. Repr. sentative Br-ckinridge, of Ken tucky, has introduced the y.'nt resolution reported during the 1 - n congress by Representative Tucker from the committee on judiciary, proposing an amendment to the constitution defining polygamy, and making it unlawful within the jurisdiction of the United States or anv state. COKVALLIS 'XWS. A Small Fire- Smallpox Near A JTIVUI UV !TitH M. rRVAi.i.is. Dec. 20. 0. 1. Hink- le's residence near the old college caught tire this afternoon about 5 o'clock. The flamts were-ut out by the department with but little damage. Efforts are being made to secure Moody for two or three days to conduct meetings in this city. Now comes a report that no smallpox ever appeared in the family of Preston Nail, near Mon roe, ai.d no signs of such disease in anv tamiiv. now true it is cannot now be learned. Irving Woods, of Dallas, and Kva Hnlrnan. (if this citv. were married this forenoon at the resi lience of II. Molman. They lei ton the west side train fur Dallas, where Mr. Woods is agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. A VAl.lAinr. 1HWI.HK.VT. An Aflcsiril opv ol the Dcclaraliu of luilrtM'utleni-r. Nkw York, Dec. 21. In oxer hauling the mass of books and documents under his care recently Cily Librarian Carvalho brought to light a most valuable and inter esting work, which was jammed in iietween tlie wall and shelving, where it had reposed for years. It Tiie llliiv Bakery ! Uudtr the non management of WHO KEEP A fuil line of choice family groceries and provision Canned nneapples, Glioiee Talile Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wefhnnas and Parties. Salmon bellies, mackerel and salt fish of all kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD .fcCvcrv Day. Best Jkm. Pies. Cakes. TEAS and COFFE aodies Nuts, CANNED HOODS, ETC. idc best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars SST At John Fox's old stand, low Fl nn's new brick. iitany Bath House AND- HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR .'-SfLndief and ehifdren's hair dress. n.ir a specialty. Dntue satisfaction guaranteed BUMmlT & KEENEY, Keal Estate, Loan, Collection INSURANCEAGEHTS. We have for sale farm and stock lands 'of evero description; aiso city proparto, im proved and unimproved. Titles examined and corrpct abstracts furnished to any prop erty Parties convewd In nv ....,L- ',.!,., f-r salefree of cha"ri;e. toi'itctions a .-l ie cialty. Off u g No, 59 First Struct, . LB A NY, Parker Bros. c is an elegantly ensrrossed copy of the declaration of independence on vellum, bound in folio form, and attested on August 2, !S2i3, by the then only surviving signer, Charles Carroll, of CarroHton, Md. In an r.ddress before the common council on the death of Jelicrson and Adams, Rev. Dr. Stephen N. Rowan suggested that such attest ed cop' be secured to be used by the common council of the city of New York on every Fourth of July thereafter. This document was accordingly prepared and present ed to the city on July 4, 1828. Besides the autograph attestation of the. agodj Carroll, which occu pies one page oi toe iono, tne work contains autograph signa tures of the federal, state and city oilicials in 1S2G, with those of the order of the Cincinnati and several of the most prominent citizens of ISew lork and Albany. AF1EK DEATH. A Sermon Which Has 'a:isr(M'n fciricraulc lin;.ivr(. Trm.AXArnT.TS. Dprrri'-rr Quite a sensation has nfFn created here by a sermon prc-hed ycbior aay Dy uv. jeniey, ior many years pastor of the First Buiii5t Church, explaining his belii f in lcgard to the resurrection p. ml e!eiaal life and the much di.-.i.- .d iiueition of whether -'-u; and spirit are Sijarate i. t -cer-s ol a man's iuner life. The appai-.-ut iutereuce to be drawn from i :s argument is that, there is no 1 ei,, mh mat an uare generate piud Vv-i as nn aminii! dies, and the giayo is unailii.ntion for body and soul. Regenerate body wh ;h fie-:'iu: issv'f limn the physical i.;.dy, -;oos tr;ght.'o the bosom of the Father, with no probation'.' period waiiing for a general j.: .f i,i oay. Di.-Ji-" freys' orthouo. iti:n c.i (.-: i lioii, witliout reservation, action may be tak the sermon. The c--of the old-f'-'-iii-- Soi:i.j tuui;';. ' i: i:i legul'U In fop-rcgiition is : e i on iioiiox t aiii no inuova school, and wii. tious. j22 AX KE.OX I'lElViHt UtitL. She Astonishes t!tc Sau Francisco "Examiner" I'eoyle. Portland Vindicator, Until a few months ao, the fore in a u of the Smi Francisco Exawner pereinpto-ily rwfustd to permit a irl printer to work oa ttiat paper. Numerous applications were made but he remained inexorable in his refusal to employ any but male compositors. During the latter part ot last summer Miss Hattie Ross of this city, a young lady printer well known among the de cipies ot Faust, both here and in Portland, went .o the Bay City for the purpose of securing employ ment. She left a steady case on the Oregonian when she went be low, ami m.u: a change: tor the purpose of enjoying life, for a season, in the metropolis of the Pacific coast, than for any other reason. It was not long after her arrival until a printer with whom she W3s well acquainted had oc casion to lay off a day or two, and he engaged Miss Ross to take his place. During the interval the toreman relivtantly consented to the arrang mcnt, m l the Oiegon girl took her piace as a substitute at ber friend's case. The tyrant of the composing room watched her with evideut interest, as the type went click, click, click with almost lightning speed into her composing stick, tie went away, and return ed several times, still watching her intensely. Hattie paid no atten tion to anything except the work in which she was engaged, and the next day when the work of the forty printers in the office was measured, she bad the top string by several thousand ems. There was no nr. ore oppoation to toe young lady irom VYebfoot setting type in the Examiner office, and she now has steady employment. She made over $17 in two night's work, The Vindicator is proud to state tbat Miss Hattie took her first lessons iu the art preservative in this office. THE DI.TY . Sl'GAB. Congressman Felioa c?8 ot Want It Reduced. Washington, Dec. 21. Repre sentative Felton has secured a promise from the senate finance committee to give the California delegation a hearing on the reduc tion ot the sugar tann in the sen ate bill. Mr. Felton proposes to present to the committee a state ment of the condition of the beet sugar industry in California. He will endeavor to show that the de velopment of that industrv thus far proves conclusively that the mak ing of beet sugar from beets willJbe a great success in California, and iu oe one oi tne erreat indiistr ps of that state. He will maintain that the reduc tion of the tariff on sugar, as con templated in the senate bill, will check and may destroy the infant industry of making' sugar from beets. It is probable that the en tire California delegation will ap pear before the committee and urge the same arguments and. pro test against a reduction of the duty on sugar. A new invoice'ol" Britishtrimmiugs at Read's. A 'ojiii;iiy ISeins Formed in Can ada for tliis Purpose. Ottawa, Ont, D-e. 19. It is understood that a company is be ing formed with -a capital of about $2,000,000 to undertatif. the laying of a telegraph cable from Blanc Sable, at tue Smalts of De'ie isle, t a point on the const of Scotland or Ireland. The - Dominiou Gov ernment will probably "agree to ex teud the present telegraph line oa ihe north side of the Gulf Mingoa to Blanc Sable, and hand the en tire gu f and ' coast f2i?gi''iph.by tem over to the now company, as a subsidy in aid of their enterprise. The Dominion Government, it is said, have received from a London company an offer to lav a cable from Halifax to Sable Island for $100,000, and it is probable that hr necessary grant of money to nun'i'". them to accept the offer wiilvio asked for at the coming ses sion of Parliament. Hic Marriage M as a Fail are. f jcvican girls wb ti;sir sifiier3 wb e view wittt bo make what appear to be Drilliant matches abroad, may weli reflect on the re sults that occasionally follow. A few v ears ago there was a young lady wlM was one of the belles of the AfSrnnily n acknowledged bauty t t'ivs d. p brunette type. She h'td many sio ors, but was am bitious, and evidently desired a husband with iotu wealth and position. She undoubtedly could have marred niore than one desir able young tmiu in society had she been contenr with a moderate iu- ! come. ii.;r, :.er own means were biuuii alia ciJ'; oe&ueu iu ue jiivc inu wealthy wo uo with whom she w is rtiio A .i in outact. She went -ibio-.u vr.ue rumors were n - ird of her sudden marrage oa the Continent. All that was known of him that he was spoken ' s ; ci. Si ions ago the lady :,!:! ii. : : Puiiadelphia, and vlnieti.c ocais her m.rricd name sae has asked her most intimate friends to never mention her hus liMnd. and is a crushed, miserable i n ; b okenhearL-d auelpnia Times. woman. Phil- Crying Oyer Their Work. Xone but literary people know how c!oseiy grows the attachment between the author and his charac ters. It is related ct Mrs. Harriet Beecher Srowe that when from the , pages of the manuscript she read the death of little Eva, the entire family sat bathed in tears, nor could one of them speak a word, bjt ail mournfully "separated, go ing to their room as though they had just attended the funeral of a dear tr end. . Some friends met Thackeray oa the street one day and his countenance bore traces ot (intense- gnel. ' What is the. mat ter?'' tbey asked. "I have just killed Colonel Newcotne," he sob bed bursting into tears as he hur ried away, C'MM'les Dickens had the same experience. A Child Tortured to IKafh.t Westminster (Md.) Dec. 21. Fanny Jones (colored) is under ar ;e;t, charged with killing a four-year-old child by inhuman treat ment. The child had been leit with her by its mother to be taken care of,and she tortured it to death. The body was covered with scars and burns. The woman is accused of having tortured other children. A Total Fortune, in it. Smith You say the speculation has proved a failure? Jones A total failure. Smith I thought you said there was a fortune in it. Jones( with a groan) So there is. Mine is in it." Easy When Ion Know Kow. You can ' always get a woman to kcap a secret if you give her cloro forrn enough. A man in Hickory township Pennsylvnnia, cannot vote because he has no legal name. He was fonnd in a cabbage patch when a baby and grew up under the name of Cabbage. When he nn rried be took the name of Smith, but as the law never confirmed it to him he has no legal existence and can't vote. Worth Knowing. Mr. "W, H, Morgan, merchau, Lake City Fla., was taken Willi a severe Cold: attended witli a distressing Coufrh and running into Consumption in its first stages. He trid ir.:.ny so called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was ivuu-d in llesh, and had dilliculty in hrc dug and was unable to sleep. 1 -naly tried Dr. King's New l.'i.-i oy ry for Consumption "and found ini'Ut iliate rel.ef and after using a 1ml Uozen bottles found hiins"lt' well and has had no return of the cist-ar e. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures as Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption Guaran teed to do just what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at Foshay A; Aiaron A grand auction sale of goods will occur at M. J. Monteitb's at S. E. Young's old store, on every afternoon daring the week. G jods will go at what ever price they will bring. Our customers never have '.he blues, because we give them such irood bur gains. W. F. Read. V J.