TOW fioom 21, Merehants txs t v..,,. CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY OREGON THU US DAlgMgRKlKfi I VOL: III NO. 31 v,TvB- ri,.v t 7'-:-: 'W'flVlff cm -Having decided Our En ire Stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Cos FOE THE NEXT 40 DAYS OIIY Tlie Entire Stock Tie Knife WITHOUT REGARD TO COST ' This is a Genuine Clcsing Cut Sale cf the ell kncvafiim cf M0NTEITH& SEITENBACH, and purchasers will receive a net saving cf 25 per cent cn Goods "bought- iEarly callers will secure the advantage cf the large and unhroken stock to select frcm. IVTonteith & Seitenbacli, 0 to retire frcm business in Albany, we -CONSISTING OF- Goods, Clothing, Furnishing' Goods, Carpets, it lout Must Be Closed Within Six Weeks -AN E- Will" Be Put Si p LIU i will offer our- Boots and Slices Cloaks, Etc. fara! to OBSGonsr Merc 1 rnees mm '' raw Absolutely Pure. This powder n-iA-er varies. A marvtl of purity,streni-th and wholesomeness. More economic:! thaii the ordinarj kinds and cannct be sold in competi tion with multitade of low test, short weight alum or, phosphate powders Sold only m mdh Kotal BakiS' row- der Co . 10! Wall St.. N. 7. D W Crow ley & Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon ATTOKSEYS. T K. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT U. Law, Allianj,' Oregon. Othee in Odd bellow's Temple. Aill practice in all courts of the state, and gv.e special attention to all business. WOLVERTON C3ARLESE. A1TORNKV f at Law, Albanj, Or. Oiti;c in rooms IS and 14, Foster's 131ick, over L. E. Ulain's stor . ! T k. WEATIlOltFORK, ATTORNEY AT law, Albany, Orcjfon. Office in Odd rellows Temple. lli practice in all the court? of thestatc, aid jcive special attention toll business I'llYSHIAV-i. GW. MASTON, IHYS1CIAN AM) SCR , geon, Albany, Oregon. Mil. ELLIS, PPYS1CIAN AND-KLRr . geon, Albai y, Ort-gon. p C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND 1"R J. geon Albany, Oregon, office over Gr.ui wohl's store. OHice hours, from 8 a. m. to 4 v. M. TR. R KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SI R U geon, Albany, Oregon. --Graduate of lieri man and Aniencwn colleges. ' REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS. , 1'feirtVr, Prop. Only first eclass house in the city. Large ample rooms for com-iiu-rcial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stigc office for Corvallis. HEW Kit!', I'll; . and jeweler, RACTICAL WATt'lIMAKE Albany, Oregon, 1 Al'.TIKS IiKSIKINH SrRVEYINO DONK CAN OB. tain accurate ami lirompt work bv eallintr upon ex-ciiurity survtyoi t. T. T. Kislier. He hiiscompietc cnpii of field notes and town sliip plats, ami is prepared todo surveving in any part of Linn county. Postoflice address, Millers Station, Linn counts. Oreuon. Fcult itr.ver lor Sale. PLUMMEK FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY size, complete, with additions and im provements, for sale eheap. Apply to A. Blaker, Kln dd, Oregon, or to A. Wheeler, Springfield, Oregon. Host Harkrl. IRESH MEAT AND SALMON . day at 11; de's meat market, specialty and i full market kept up. EVERY Fisn a 5(Ki JIoch ,Wail-rt. T DIEKINGER WILL PAY THE HIGH t) .lest niaiket price for 500 head of hogs. Apply to liim at tlve Albany Market, Albany, Pillow sham holder, the neatest thing out, at Brink's. TIIOS. JONES' ARE NOW REMOVED TO THE ST RAH N Block, where he is prepared to do first class work in the tonsorial line. His bath rooms are neat and cltan and ready for use at all hours. Give him 0 no Hermann BiercSs, Prop, THIS RESTAURANT IS NOW PINED TO the public in the Saltmanh building be low the Revere House, where god meals will be served at ail hours. Sir Merck in vites ni old customers and the public gener ally to call. The tables w ill be supplied with the best viands the auirket affards. Satigfac tin guarantee . Mr. piercks was formerly proprietor f the Revere Ho Jse "cstaurant, wuiab beraa on the Euripcan p'an.but fonmd thai pian didn't succeed, so he opened his present restaurs t where he has irivea general satisfatioa. Persons wanting a first-tlasg aaal sbciikl co to Hermann's. &3"S C'hiuese emplvyed. BU ;2CB3T & KEENEY, Real $. Estate, Loan, Collection INoiJRAHCEAGlNTS. We have for sale farm and stock lands f svero description; aiso city proparte, im-p-OTd and unimproved. Titles tx mined and correct abstracts furnished to any prop erty Parties conveyed to any lands we hare for snlefrce jOi t charge. ColUctki.s te cialtv. Or ftc b No, 69 Fotsr Sirmdt, ALBANY, DKAf-K-nS IS GKMiRAb'MERCIlASDmt.j SilliJiD. L J XX Cm.. J Lui-khurr. cV Royce, job printers, j 1 rONSORIALPARLORS HermaiiQ Ha, in lino n I II hi III news; StarvpgWhalersv Jleseued in . v ,thef Atlantic :. A fensatioul' BreacV of Fromiu German' Me&'fcf War A Great. - ; The Herald's Special DispathM t; Qlkenstov, N6v. "28. Tie ateaoier City oi Nw York which American whaler W. Martin Ihurs- dav. lhe whaler s crew were starving and a supply of provisions given them. A ?'n.alinal Suit. London, Nov. 2S. Valeiy Weid man, a German governess, lias bi ought suit against Robert Horace Walpole, heir presumptive to the earldom of Ox lord, lor 10.000 damages for breach of promise and libel. She alleges Walpole met Iter in Bulgaria and made her an offer of marriage, then he betrayed her and afterwards repudiates the paternity oi her child. Mure, IMsasltrs to Shipping. Halifax, (N. S.), Nov. 28. The steamer Worcester which sailed from Boston for this port Saturday has not since teen heard from. The steamer Vancouver, due Sun day with the Canadian mails from England, has not yet arriTed. The weather continues thick and heavy and the sea is running out side the harbor. Kuuiors are cur rent that the Worcester and Van couver have gone asboie, but so far as can be learned they are without foundation. Itrporl ( iiiiiticl'l. London, Nov. L'8. The report from Whithby that the life boat was upset and the crew of twelve drowned is untrue. The boat reached the shore in safety. .'i'iitaii .lien !' War, Zanzibar, Nov. '26. Two Ger man men of war have proceeded to Baganuiys on account of a report that lighting has broken out there. Anutlier Circat Loan. St. Petersburg, Nov, L'8 It is reported t hat another greit loan is decided upon by the government. November 28. A sociable wiil be heid at the school house Thanksgiying even ing by tiie V. C. T. U. ivery on a is iuviied to attend. Messrs. Joseph, Sherman ami William Pearl started i'cr the uiouu tains last Monday for the purpose of hunting deer. They expect to be gone several days. Mrs Geo. Gui.uiiigliani met witli a paiufui accident last Satur day evening. While outdriving the horse became frightened and ran into tho fence, throwing Mrs. Cunningham out of the cart. She ell on her face and broke her jaw; but is getting along yery well. The lllaiv Bakery ! ' Under the new manaeemenr&l- TTH KEEPS A fuil lino fhice "JainHj'" tpotr es ami pror'sioB, . Canned nneapplesj Choice Taile Delicacies Oruameutedfcakes'for Wetlfttnas and Par1ics. Salmon bellies, mackerel aid saltjfishltffal! kinds. j FRISH BAKED BREAD Iii)vcrv JJav. Best Swrun. PicsJDakes - TEAS A COFEI. Candies Nuts, Hakios. CANNED hUODS, ETC." -'.no best Soap in ihTnarktt- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars new - brici." ' " i w PI 'nil g air Bras. Wt to Cttll n ticBerat '2-".";--" STANDiSe Rock Agency (D.'T.) Noveniber " 28. A' delegation of Sioux cbiets,' he.ided by Sitting Buit, astounded - the army head quarters th'.s afternoon tjy ; asking permission 'to ",viiit."; lutliaaapolis some tj rue tbis winter, cr any time bef'oie , President-elect Harrison's iDHUgurationt , They . were refused and, bcllenly departed, aud it is Utoug lit '- that they ; will hold an early council ! to letermine on im: mediato v aetiro.y $i:fciug Bull Uted that he and. the new breth uew Great Father before his gome into oliice, to ascertain his position in regard to the treaty. Chief John Grass wants to call on Mr. Cleveland, but the other chiets do not care to visit. hi:vt. When they receotiv visited the President all was not so agreeable as supposed. Sitting Bull had been generally considered an ar dent admirer of Cleveland, but when the chiets visiteu him iast month the President did not invite tu:m to dine in the White House. Sitlirjg Bull, on his former visits was allowed this privilege, and be feels very much cut. Gall is Yery happy over Harrison s election, white Grass steadfastly refuses to part with a campaign hat which he wore on his return horn W ashing t m. These chiefs are bejr:nning to get restless at the agency, and are a source of aunoyance. Their numerous trips to the East and the many alluring sights of a great City have imbued them with an uucontroilabie desire to be contin ually ou the railroad traveling from p'ace to place. This causes a great deal of jealousy among the younger eiemeut ot the Sioux, who have tieeu ottered the luxury of an Eastern iouruey, and it is manifest that trouble is brewinir. HAKLIUI itii MlllS, November 28. Born to tho wile of Prot. J. II. Jeweit a boy. Mr. Farrir uucie of Mrs A. T. Orisku is with her. Relatives from Albany are vis iting Mrs. Man son and daughters. A Baud of Hope, was organized here at the church on Sunday last: O. P. Tompli'tis ot Portland is in town ou account of the illness ol his sister Mrs. Briggs. Miss Amelia May has gone to Sail Francisco on a visit to remain until atter the holidays. Mrs. Aeliby has removed her stack of millinery ooi-. to ihe old staud iu the smiith build'iLg. W. . Btiggs has been lying dangerously ill with a carbuncie ou ins neck; nc is now gettiug betur. A relative of our townsman Mr.. Coucii lias opjued in Cherry's corner brick, a general merchan dise store. Mrs. Humphrey aud her daugh ter Florence returned yesterday from a visit to Cvifax. Mrs. H. M. Roberts also returned from Pon liud. Joseph Watkins aud Johu Bun dy of Junction have purchased of F. M. Hyte his butcher busioess. aud with an experienced cutter propose to ruu a first class market A city election wi.l be held the 2nd of next month. Our city dads have been somewhat dilatory in holding regular meetings, and it has been rumored around that the charter was "forfeited, but this is cTidenily a mistake. COAST OTLS. The Polk county grange has a bus mess council organized and in work ing order. Aa Albany rirm has bought a Polk county potato crop of several hun dred bushels tor 20 cents per bushel. The O. R, & N Co, cannot supply the demand for Eastern Oregon for cars to carryfaway the wheat crop. All over the Willamette this win ter literary societies are beirjg organ ized, and mutual improvement is the idea. Salt . creek grangers are building shelter for their teams while they meet, lhe west side grangers show enterprise. The Buena Vista nimrods are to have a hunting match. E i. M. Simp-1 vere elected son and Melvin Baldwin wer the respective captains The grangers of Washington county are erecting a hig shed 2Uxi3o feet to hold their teams and wagons while chey meet and have a good time. Every county iu Oregon is repre sented at the Monmouth Normal school save Curry, M asco and Wal lowa; also some from Washington territory. There are 21,100 seres of vacant school lands m Harney Valley, north ot the lakes, and over 7000 acres of j They good timber lauds tnas arc senooi j iaorje, to uolj an( mCrcase his in ian,is- , jiluence." Edward J. Ryan, aged 22, son of i John Ryan, who resides on Five iniie i Chamberlain's E.e a':il $Kin Oint creek, near The lailes, was run over j ment is u!ieiuak'! for okl ehro" i ov a ireiiit w&iTon eitishtd. lie Oitd of blood p usiiinjg. aad had his hand :eV GENERAL NEWS. Death, of .Mrs.; . Wj.T Sherma . :: .. V.'.-in New4 York. ; -. " ; v BREW JEM LOCKOUT IS BEW T0BK. IhanksglTlBg Precent Eest' to General Har j riipn :Ewgy ' ote from East of the Rockies. The UsHAMi's Special Dispatches. ' ' Chicago, Nov. 28. Mrs . Gen. William T. Sherman died at 1(1 ' . ''rfpcteHhl mt ming at : h er resin V ' r lieuue N. 7. West Seventh street in New York. AT THE DEATH BED. New York, Nov. 28. Mrs. Sherman slept quietly during a short period hist night, but at 8 o'clock this morning it became ap- purcrt that she could live but a few hours. General Sherman was notified and he and his children who live at home, Rachel, Lizzie and Tecumseh, were at the bed side when Mrs. Sherman breathed her last. A Lively Scene New York, Nov. 28 The head quarters of Ale & Porter, bosses, presented a livelj' scene this morn ing, when hundreds of men formed in line to be registered to take the place of the journeymen to be lock ed out. The men employed in the various breweries were interro gated to-day as to whether they are ready to give up the union. Those replying in the affirmative were retained, while those express ing loyalty to the union were in formed that there was no more work for them. The number of men to be locked out cannot be ascertained as yet.but it is thought a large majority wiil stick by the union. ; All Don bi t Iii I!cl. Coiiassett, (Mass.), Nov. 28. All doubts concerning the loss oi tho steamer Allentown were dis pelled this morning by a visit t the North Scituate beach shore. Tne shore is covered with wreck age, consisting of pieces marked 'Allentown." No bodies have yet come ashore. Ravages of the Storm. New York, Nov. 2S. The de struction by storm ou Coney Isl and will not be covered by $200,000. The sea broke with resistless force and scattered pieces of bath houses and summer hotels like egg shells. Tbc Prize Frshlers. Baltimore, Nov. 28. It wast rumored last night that articles for meeting had been signed by repre sentatives of Kilrain and Sullivan. Kiliain this morning denied that tho articles were signed, but ad mitted that there was some foun dation for ihe rumors. He said, if it came oil, would occur within 10 days. Dynamiters Trial. Chicago, Nov. 28. The criminal court room was crowded this morn ing when Kronck, the dynamiter's, trial was resumed. The first wit ness, a detective, gave the jury the details of the confession made by Kronck. ThaiiksgiTins Present tit Harriets. Red Bluff (Cal.) Nov. 2S. A box of oranges lias been sent ;rom this place to General Harrison as a Thanksgiving present. More Yellow Over. Washington, Nov. 28. Surgeon Porter, oi Jacksonville, Florida, telegraphed to Surgeon-General Hamilton that two fresh cases of yellojv fever have occurred. Killins i'rost in the South. Washington, Nov. 28. Killing frosts are reported from Western Florida and Southern Alabama. KL A INK'S PI.A!. A Kepert That Ue Win Edit a Kew York Kasazine. New York, November 28. The report published on Saturoay that James G. Blaine was become aa editor of the American Magazine aroused interest among publishers and local politicians. There lias been so much talk about Blaine's relation to the coming Adminis tration that a report of his pros pective return to the editorial chair is a matter ol' more than import ance. Blaine is without occupation. It is known that after his defeat the advisability of his entering the fie'd of journalism was discussed by him and his intimate friends. Walker Blaine does not like :t out West, preferring literature to law, find being very closely associated with his father in taste and ambi tion. A prop-;r.nt publisher nrsr Astor pb - -aid, when asked for nis opinion, that he believed there was more truth in the report than most people fancied. "Blaine,' -aid he, ''need not quit politics to i i-ecome an cd:tor. If lie goes into the jterflrv field jt will bet to make ' sores. .Yiavj.v cn.-es Have been pern::-. ... .... 1 v.. :i T.. l,. i. a 'ays a;?er o iimuu u. i : uy ro i shay it Ma-on. V