1LL 15 CBN IB A WEEK. ALBANY OREGON WEDffESD4Y. MOILING NOVEMBER 1;83 VOL. Ill-NO. pro QMI -Having decided to Stoc Bry Goods, Fancy Hats, Furnishing Goods, 'Carpets, A Cos THAT) rilTJP The Entire Stock Must Be Closed Within Six Weeks The Knife WITHOUT This is a Genuine Closing SBITBNBACH, and purchasers "will receive a net s&vi&g "bought Early callers stock to selsct from. IVTonteitli &d Seitenbach, 0 retire from business in Albany, w I i -CONSISTING OF- Goods, Clothing, Without tec ! TWrp In I ANB- Be Put REGARD TO COST Cut Sale ef the well known 2 m cf 1S02TTEITH & will secure the advantage I Sill! will offer eur- Merchandise Boots and Shoes Cloaks, Etc. A VU AM I V to of 25 per cent en Goods cf the large and unbroken OEEG-02ST Prnces 0W$ Absolutely Pure. - This powder never vanes. A marvel of puriiy,strength find wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinarj kinds and cannot' be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only in ems, Royal Bki.v Pow der Co. 10T. ValJ St.. N.Y. D W Crowley fc Co., Agents, : Portland, Oregon. ATTOKXEYS.'. DR. X. BLACKBURN, ATTORN EV AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. Ottiee in Odd bellow's Temple. -Mil practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business. 11OLYEUTON CHARLES E. A1TORNKY V at Law, Albany, Or. Ottii-e in rooms 1 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. fain s stor . T K. WEATHOKFORf), ATTORNEY AT f) . law, Albany, Oregon .Office in Odd fellows lemple. 1U procure in an uie courts of thestate, and jrive special attention 10 an mi.siut'Ms physicians. W. 1IASTON. PHYSICIAN AM SUE , geoii, Albany, Oreyon.fc M II. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN 'AND; SUHr , feon, Albai.y, Orrgon. rt G. KELLY. PHYSICIAN AND U It J. uvem Albany, Oregon, office over Or.id- wohl s store. Ottice hours, Ironi ts a. m P. M. to 4 TR. R KOLDKWAY. VETERINARY SI R J -t'eon, Albany, Orejron. - -Graduate of GcrJ man ami Ainpricin colleges. OEYEKE HOUSE'. ALBANY, OR. CHAS II Ifeiffor. Pri. Onlv first-eclass house in the city. Lare sample rooms for com-nu-rcjal men. No v.iiinamen employed in the kitchen. Central srasre oflice for uorvaws, H EWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE , and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, .and Surveying. T"HTIKS PKSIPINK SI RVKVIXO POSK CAN OB. 1 taiitaeeiirr.te ami prompt work by callintr imnii lA-i'iiinitv sum vol 1. 1. 1. nsi er. lie b.!.scomii!etc conies of i:e'd notes anil town ship plats, and is prepared to do Miirvewiur m anv part ot Linn county. I ostonue aimress, Millers tat'un, Linn county, Oregon. . Fruit lryr lor Sale. Til.niMKI! FRUIT TKYER. FACTORY I Ki7..- romnlctc. with additions ami-im provements, for sale cheap. Apply to A. Maker. Shfdd, Oregon, or to A. Wheeler. Springfield, Oregon. ; Tor Sale. 1llKR l'RKSS AXP FIXTfRKS. Cr.MITV 200 J gallons er dav, will be. sold cheap fr mi tlm irmtjilhiit'tit, ulan. traded, least or let out on shares. A number of vineuar barrels for sale cheap. Apply to F, H Pfeiffer, at Albany Soda works. T HCK1VPB TO-HAT AX INVOICE W NOVKIrlTS l in ilrpss trimin:ii!rs diiect from vcw York: tl latest 'hitir ont 'i hey are sure to please. Call add sre tbem SAMUEL E. YOTJXG. Heat market. THRESH MEAT AND SALMON EVERY r jar ot MtrU'ii mpit market. Fisn a specialty and a.full market kept up. Koi for HenU -T1URNISI1ED AND UNFURNISHE J? rooms to ' rent. Enquire of H. Barnes, crner of Seventh and Baker streets. T AST 5 MONTH. A MIDDLE SIZEB RED Jj colored cow, half cut ears and blunt horns. Trie finder will be paidasood re ward. Address Depot Hotel, Albany. "Xiao Hogs Wanted. JPIERJNGER WILL PAY THE HIGH .' est mat ket price for 500 head of hops Apply U hira at the Albany Market, Albany. l8ftolutin Xottt-c. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. NOTICE is hereby piven that the firm known as Burkhart h Miller, who have hcen engaged in . . . , . i ..." A 1 Tin n ,- I lr..rr.in uie real esiaie iiumhcoo is this day desolved bv mutual consent, L. D Miller retiring and F.'A. Burkhart retaining the business, and assume every control of .1. t.ftc F A Burkhart will ine Kiuir nciv... - - - assume the payment of all outstanding debts of the firm and U! also collect an uuc earn firm Dated this the 24th day of October 1S88: F. A. BLRRHARJ. L. D. MILLER. Portrait sittin pointment. Biuaio cor . Oi . f . Second and FeJrv streets. Pillow sham holders, ethe neateit thing out, at Brink's. TIIOS JONES' TONSORiALPARLOHS ARE NOW REMOVED TO THE STKAH N Block, wheie he is prepared to do nrt elass work in the tons'iri-il line. His bath rcom are neat, ami e!i an and ready for ui-c at ait hours. Give him STATE NEW CP. Dixon, the Canadian ? Embezzler, Pardoned. .eifle RUM A VI IV KKJH A itlilA(,H TO 1 R ABcj's Fright. al Fall Newsy Items f:oai the S. .te Capital Salein SL-.ct Railway. Special to the Herald, Salkm, Is'ov. 17. C. P. - Dixon Canadian Pacific embezzler, will walk, out of the penitentiary to morrow morning a free man, his sentence having-been -coniniatted by Governor Pennoyer yesterday. It 'will be remembered by the read ing public that in the fall of lSSo Dixon was the Portland agent ol the Canadian Pacific and embez zled o00l) of the company's funds and skipped to Canada, lie was gone eignt months, and his wife, despairing of hia ever returning, secured a divorce and returned to her former home in Washington, D. C. Finally Diou came back and gave himself into the hands of the law. His trial, conviction and sentence to three year's imprison ment followed. He w recen ed at the penitentiary Juty 9, 1887, and and lias therefore served nearly half Lis term. After his conviction his divorced wife returned to Oregon, and he 8 lived in Salem since he has Leen in prison devoting her whole ener gies to securing his pardon. Judge Stearns and Prosecuting attorney McGiun, of the Fourth judicial district, recommended his pardon to the governor. S. A. Johnson, of Washington, D. C, formerly chief f the mail depart ment of the U. 6. treasury depart ment, wrote that Dixon had been employed under him from 1878 to 188:1, and had been considered a very worthy and capable y.oung man. Senator W. M. Teller, ex-secretary of the interior, wrote urging his pardon, as did also the door keeper of the U. senate and other prominent officials and ex ofiieiais at Washington. Dixon's mother, who lives at Quebec, Canada, wrote a very pa thetic letter, stating thai, she was 70 years of age, and that digrace and punishment of beloved son was more tha'i the her she could bear. A number ot prominent men in Salem and Portland alf;o urged the governor to commute his sentence and a petit-ion to mat enect was headed by Archbishop Gross and signed by Mayor DeLashmutt, -Chief Police Parnsh, Senator Jos Simon and many other leadin; men ol Portland, lhe name oi ueailv everv railroad agent in Port land was aiso noticed on the peti tion. The or.lv protest against the commutation was from the Ameri can Suretv company, of "ew York, who made good the amount embez- ?.lel bv Dixon, being on Iris bond to the company. The news of his commutation was first broken to Dixon by your correspondent this afternoon at the prison. He was overcome with joy, and gave all the credit for his release to his divorced wife, whom, as he said, had stood at the prison gates for eighteen months ready to lead h:m forth f:om his living grave and leceive him with open arms. He said that to-morrow he and his divorced wife would take the morning train for Portland, where they would be re-united in mar riage. They will then go to Wash ington terntory to remain a short time. He has not yet determined upon his future plans, but they will probably go to Denver, Col., to make their home. A FRIGHTFUL FALL. Salem, Nov. 27. The ten-year- old son of John Athey received a serious and perhaps fatal fall in the capitol building this morning. His father, who is a carpenter, was working in the basement ot the building, and sent the boy with some tools for another carpenter working on the top floor. The bov carried the tools up and in return- ins probablv tried to slide down the stairway bannisters and fell to the floor, about 24 feet below, asne . ii was lound mere m an msensiDie condition a short time later. He was carried to his home and at 9 o'clock this evening was still insen sible. Phvsicians 6tate that he mav die from effects of injuries about the head received in the fall. salem's street railway. Balem. Nov. 27. Work was com menced to-day, the centre of State street being plowed up preparatory tO'digging a trench for the track. BOLD, BAP BOYS. Salem. Nov. 27. The prelimina ry examination of Al. and Willis Jordan, two young boys charged with assault with a deadly weapon on Henry Tate Sunday night, was continued to 9 o'clock to-morrow in Recorder Slrickler's court this afternoon. It is said that evidence has been obtained by officers im plicating them in numerous bur glaries that have occurred in this section during the 'past six months. ROUTE AGENT RECOVERED. Salem, Nov. "27. l"eii Cr.ltchlow, route aMt of the )njgonian and S;ates:i an, has reccTe.ed from the e'iitets. o. a bad fall lrom a horse, which has kept Lim confined to his bed for the past ten days, and lias a.ain taken charge of tl e routes. WILL REMOVE T M'jnXXVir.t.K. Salem, Nov. 27.- Dr. George Wright, iate cf l'rineville, who has been clerking in the store of his father, John G. Wright, here for the past three ivonhs. ha nile arrangements for moving to Mc Minnville to open a dental office ttiere. X SHALL-PUt AT Kt.M V3I.I ! To the Editor cf the Herald: Browx&viu.e, Nov. 27. Inasmuch as there seems to be many rumors afloat regarding the prevalence cf small-pox at this place, 1 deem it proper to relieve the minds of many by stating that there never has been a case at this place so far, as is known by the -oldest residents here. Two weeks ago to-day A. K. Thompson passed through here on his way to his home in the hills eight miles east of here, coming from Portland, wheie his son had died from having contracted the disease while there. Two days afterward Sir. Thompson was tak en down with the dread disease. But he refrained from any contact with his family or any one else, except his nephew, who came with him, and a man hired here to nurse him, keeping him entirely isolated trom anv one, except as above. When Mr. Thompson died (on the 21st inst.) they at once buried him. No one being about the place but them since he came there. No cases have,m-ade their appearance about town, it be ing now two weeks since he passed through. Both these men went to Portland the next morning after burial. Respectfully yours, Peter Hume. A Ma ruing. Tliemodes of death's approach are various, niidstati.tk-s show conclusive ly that more pevsons die from diseases 01" the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, revives yast rumbcrs ol Tubeiclo (iernis into the system ami heie these germs fall upon suitable &o. I they start into life and develop, at lirst slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs pro ducing consumption and to the head, causing catarrh. Now all th's is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. iVt the onset you must act with promptness; allow ing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you youi life. As soon as you feel that some thing is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschee's German Syrup. It will give jou im mediate relief. Prudence! Prudence! In medication, as in aught else, prudence should be our guide. Yet thousands cast it to the winds. Every new nostrum linds its pau'ons. the iiiedicitl cc.piivs ol every false school have ti.cif gulls. Euery tluoige in the gamut oi humbug is rung success fully for a time al loasl the notes being furnished by the credulous. In happv contra-l- tot!:e many advertised ini postures oi' 1 he day stands Hostct ters's Stomach Hitters, now in the third decade of popularity, approved and recommended by plnsieians, in dorsed hy the press of many lan!s, nought and prized by'iuvalids every where. It is an ascertained specilic for and preventive of malarial diseases chronic indigestion, and liver com plaint and constipation. He ward. For a better or more pleasant rea edy for the cure of consumption bronchial troubles, cough, croup and whooping cough than Santa Abie, the California king of consumption. Every bottle warrented. If you would be cured of that disgusting disease catarrh, use California I'at-ft-Cure, $1 aj r; by mail tfl.lo. Sold and war rented bv Ffeshav it Xlasou. .Not a t'Mllturnia l.ear. Anybody can t ateh cold this kind of weather. The trouble is to let go like the man who caught the bear. We advise our readers to pur?hase of Foshay and Mason, a bottle of Santa Abie, the California King of Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Couehs and Croup Cures ar.d keep it handy ' 'Ti6 pleasing to the taste and death to the above complaints. Sold- at $1 a bot tle or o for S'i ou. California Cat R Cure gives immediate relief. The Catarrhal virus is soon displaced by its healing and penetrating nature. Give it a trial, Six months treat ment 1. sent by mail 91,10, Tuusand ef VIIar. Are spent every year by the people of this 6taie for worthless medicines for the cure of throat and h'ng diseases ' when we know that if they would only invest $1 in Santa Abie, the New California discovery for consumption and kindred complaints, they would in this pleasant remedy nnd relief. It is recommended by ministers, physicians and public speakers of the Golden State. Sold and guaranteed dv Foshay & Mason at $1 a bottle. Three for $2.50. The most stubborn ca5e of catarrh will speedily suecoinb to California Cat R-Cure. Six month treatment for $1. By mail 91. 1U. Pimples on the Fare 1 ' Dei ote an impure state of the bio d nd are looked upon by many with suspicion. Acher's rS.ood IMixir will remove impurities and leave the i oniplexion .smooth and clear. .There is nothuig that will so thoroughly build up the constitution,, purity and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by Foshay & Mason. Happies and f 'uutentuient, Cannot go hand in haud if we look on the dark tide of every little obstacle. No'ching wiit so darken lite and make it, a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dvspepsia Tablets will cure the woi'ct form of Dyspepsia, Constipa tiofi and Indigestion, and make life a tini ip'tie-rs an-1 pn-usere at 25: aid 50 cents by r ufchay ec Mason, j GENERAL NEWS. Further " Details of the' Storm, in the East. IIRIIISH SHIP LOST AT SEA. Tae New York "Walking Matck-Striking Switchmen Beach Defeats Hanlon -Old World Kew. The Hkralii Special Dispatch's.) Moxtre-m , Nov. 27. One of the most sever; .-.lurins of snow and wind known here lor years broke over the province and Ontario Sunday cYci.-n aiid .suiL contiu-,. ues. The wind at times blew as hard as 70 miles per hour. Tb stree'3 and sin rounding country are covered with snow drifts tea feet deep in places, and most seveie cold prevails. The horse car lines here have stopped running. Forty tour people were picked up iu the streets by the police Sunday night, unable to make iheir way through the storm, being either bemumbed by cotd or bewildered by the winds. 1 tie storm was felt more severely on "the lower St. Lawrence than anywhere. The steamer Porneraiu. bouud for Liverpool, which was grounded at Soreal, made an at tempt to reach Quebec Sunday with the aid of four tugs. . She got as far as Baticau, eighty-five miles i this side of Quebec, where she anchored for the night. Yester day not only the steamships but the four tugs, too, were frozen in holid. The Pomerain will not get through this season. She will probably be forced ashore on the rocks and become a total loss. The Allan Steamship Co. which owns her will lose over $300,000.: At Quebec the gale is raging furi ously and the iron fern boats that ply between that point and Lewis are caught in the ice, which threatens to crush them. The steamship Poline-, bound from v ape Breton to Quebec, was seen sn uggling against the gale and ice in the gulf off Frances' point 320 iuiles below Quebec. At daylight, she suddenly disappeared and has not been seen or reported since. There are fears that she has been lot. She bad forty passengers and a crew of thirty and a general cargo. Walking Match New York, Nov. 27. Following is the score in the walking match: Cartwright, 103; Hody, 1(52; Moore, 171; Littlefood, 156; Day, 156; He ward, 153; Connor, 152; Golden, 143; Mason, 147; Hart, 143; Campana, 141; Nortmac. 130; Elson. 129; Vint, 120; Smerle, US; Hegelman, 117; W. Smith, 115; Taylor, 111. More Bonds. St. Petersburg, Noy. 27. An imperial order iias been issued pro viding for an issue of four per cent, bonds to the value of 125,000,000 rubles, to be used for the re-purchase of bonds of '77 and redemp-. lion of temporary credit notes issued in 1877 atid 1878, Itritish Vessel Lost. Loxdox, Nov. 27. The British ship, The Douglas, from Martin island, lor tiamhurg, foundered in the North sea. Two of the crew were drowned. Bench Wins . Sydney, (N. S. W.), Nov. 27. Beach and Hanlon rowed a race on the Parimatta river to-day for 500 a side Beach won. Strike Ended. Chicago, Nov. 27. The switch men's strike at the stock yards was declared off this morning. Work will be resumed to-night. Patriotic Leagues. Paris, Nov. 27. The LaPress says the cabinet will decide to-mor-row the. question of suppressing patriotic leagues. A Kwyal Old. Berlin, Nov. 27. Emperor Wil liam has a cold. He will remain in his apartments for a few days. President f Switzerland Bead. Berlin, Nov. 27. Herten6tein, president, of Switzerland, who underwent an amputation of the right leg last week, because of dis ease of the arteries, is dead. After tke Prerenal, Puck, Mi6s Penelope Before I giro an answer Marshal I want you to know that I believe that the mar lied state to be simply re enforced condition tor the better ameliora tion of the wrongs and sufferinsa of women. Do you understand ire. Mr. Mallaw I think I do; a:.. if you'lt allow me I'll hedge a J. c tle. Won't you be a sister to n:r? Jiven Away. W. F. Re-ivl oroposes to give aw ty nne gold .v..ch with Ins irold -nd silver prize shirt, the very best fitting ind oesi macie white shirt in tha .narket. The price is as low or lower t ian any equally as good shirt in the market. Chamberlain's F.ye and SKin Oi m ment is unequaled for old cliro-,;. s jres. Many cases have been perri; i; nantlv cured bv it. For sale by 1 - shay & Mason. I know I can saTe you money, me. and you will be convinced, W Read.