XOV.EMKEK 25, 1888 rOTTXTYU HERALD: STJXDAY, THE o1 Daily A-mo Weekly TERMS Of SL'iisCniPTK'N- DAILY 'ciTblished every itiornin'j txcer D liverecl by carrier, per week i.y i:l.m, pel Veal Mondat .) lO.i. 5 00 v::?.k!a. (Publislieil every Friday J ing.) Tie copy, per annum, in advance S2.WI When not paid in advan.-o 2.f0 THE lUHlL... Mails at the Albany yostotiice close For nil offices north . i The Eastern states ' ,.. I'he West Side j And the Nai row Gauge II. R. ) tot Portland and Snlcm 11 A. :.l Corvuliis and Vaiuina V2:::i i m oltice south 7:M i: t. : The postotiice will he closed each evening roin six to seven o'clock. Registered matter for the early morning train should he mailed before 6 o clock the previous evening. EDI TO HI A L NO TES- Chakles A. Dana, editor of the New York isim in a recent inter view in Paris said: 'Cleveland was beaten for the simple reason thvit a majority of the people are against him. As before the elec tion, I did not believe there was a more unpopular person in the Hinted States than he, and after next March the universal wonder will be how such men as Cleve laid came to fill f uch high posi tions. During his administration li3 did nothing to win the con fidence and support ot ins pam., In fact, he did not care a copper tor n i :..i i. f i..,...itc "What he worked and schemed for was the welfare and advancement of Grover Cleveland. He thought himself a man of destiny, and so far above his followers that he could kick them about as he pleas eJ. This last election has settled the trade question. No party can succeed in the United States which wavers in its adherence to protec tion. A disagreeable piece of news conies across the water to the effect tuat the stern of the new English gunboat Scout lias sunk considera bly and that the rear frames show signs of weakness. This sign of structural weakness acquire? im -portance from the fact that the gunboats YorktowD, Bennington and others recently built for our navy are patterned closely upon ! the Eagiish model which now show sigus of failure. BradsTReet's of Noyeniber the 17th takes up the New York Her ald's figures about the loss to the business interest of the country through the late exciting election (-anvw- and after a thorough ex- . . . I aminatioil Ot the question Shows! i. .:r.i.; ., F,.-f;l.f l,f,.0 i that Up to Within a Fottulght betoie ! the election the heat of the can- s T.tss had not materially, if at affected ueacrai trade. 1 t Brigadier General Miles as-1 sumed command of the Division- of the Pacific on Fridav. The Gen eral issued immediately a biief notice to all the military pOSt3, Set- ' . ... ,. ; ting forth that he had formally ; taken command, aud stating that! Lieutenants Gatewood aad Dupray will act as his aides. The electoral vote in New Y-rk state, as canvassed by the stite board of canvassers, is as foltows, the highest and lowest number of otes received by any elector being given: Republican, 630,337 ; dem ocratic, 035,903; prohibition, 30,- ',1 .jnr.iolit anilS! union labor ' ' ' . 626 ; United labor electors at lM'ge, J608. While the Board of Trade, and citizens generally, are endeavoring to promote the gtowth and pros perity of Albany, the fact that wooien mills are needed here should not be lost sight of. The coal mines of Linn county give promise of valuable results in the near future. According to the present price of this product a coal mine right at home would not be a disagreeable acquisition. Traffic on the upper Willam ette is lively now. The competi- I tion ot the boats and trains has had the effect of offering lower rates, which is agreeable freio-ht to busi ness men. i Lord Sackville West has bid j adieu to the United States and as his successor has not yet been ap p inted, England will be unrepre sented at the Dationd capital. The next census of the United States will be taken in IS90, or about the end of the rifty- first congress. Albany's population by that time should reach 4,000. Oregon is the only state in tbo Union that can boist ot ripo straw berries on the last of November. China is now talking loudly retaliation on account of the ChiJ M- exclusion act. TEMPERANCE 50TE3. Contributed bv the W. c. i. I 'lis atfet to live t,. in. i - '1 u learn, to know, To bravely toil, and gain the mastery m every strife, lu aim at Ho mean height Of 1'tleileetual strength or moral right. xk. t. c. v. inr.Niiv. The race oi iiio has become in-; ten.se; the runners are treading j ,, ,.:1,.i, tu... heels. W oe be j tu him who stuns to tie hi.s .shoe- : ! strings. Cariyle. ! j At tiie late annual convention of i . . ..... ' ! S( II II i i.fi: I " -1 1 it. 1 T 1 I -1 t Pi (. fl i !(:! II tl '.t 1- I j ing secretary's report shows ' unions in that part of t .e state, jwith a membership of 14S4, an ! honorarv membership of :j"vJ,an in- crease for tiie year of tiht unions ami 70 members. Total member ship, including Young Women's I. iiious, money .pSHU. ,-i. -Luuu amount oi raised, including dues, Thirty-two juvenile socie- -i t . 'I' ..I . . lies are reported, tight county conventions have been held. San Diego has a temperance temple, at the coet of $0,000, and the city council has passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors within an area of three miies. Los Angeles county has 1700 boys under lifteen years of age who are pledged against tobacco. Seven unions are supporting free reading rooms. We want your butUr uml eggs, and will give ou either e;uli or trade lor it. iJrownellite &tanaru NEW TO-DAY. STRAYKD FROM TI1K PKKMISKS OK .1, It. Cousin ill this city on Mondat, XV v. lfl .-. small dark hay horse, 5 years old with white stripe on face. Information leading to his whereabouts will he suitably rewarded, Mauled. KlUlt GOOI, RKLIA1SI.E MEN WArTKll to sell the Improved niiijjw. A team and wayon furnished, Address or can on ti.e Sinijer Mannfarturinj Comr.anv, J A AKCllliALl, A-ent, Albany. Or lirUk lor Sale ! i")00,000 L'ood brick for sa'e pply to C w Cassell. Albani . t jiTOCKH0l.UF.RS MKKTlXli OK TIIK MASONIC r Huildine Association will be hold at the Masonic Hall in Albany, Oregon, on Saturdav evening, Xov 21, lsss.atthe hour of 7 o'clock p. m. sharp, for the purpose of electing direc tors and to transajt uch other business as mav eoire before the ineetinr. All stockhold- ! ers, Mesons and others interested are reitcst d to attend, By order oi corporators OI Shei'p V:nill. (if) "i" SI OF liOOO STofK SIIKF.P W.NTK! "X ires, Ai'ply or write to C. S. Smith. Oakville. Klectrii-aiiil lluiuvMatliic Treat mini milOsE liESlRIXG EITHER OF THESE X safe and reliable methods of treating dit- case will find Dr. E. A. McAl ster prepared i with excellent apnliances for administeriiii: ! either, as t!ie nature of the ease may require. He may be found at his utiicena Third street, : two aoors south of the electric lis: lit s'ation, ; w hen not absent on pro!esional business. Loilititi" Itooens lot- Kent, mWO XICE, COMMOL'IOUS KOOMS SUIT able i-r i;ciitlunen..r ladies, situated only three blocks irom Main street. Inquire of Mm s A.Mclister, north sideoi:;d street, tiear electric 'isht siatwn. G1VBN THAT WE ! ; MOTICE IS HEKElij i X have this ifay purch 111,1 ! W. C. Duran.l of the t.rm ot .1. II Mey. rs .V I I Co. The contract oi- th carriwi on a- heretofore, U1.ier jheiirm iiuuie carried on a - heretof of J. K. Mvers Co. .M. .Iai oi..- M. S Xki . Corvallis, Xov. 27, lSS.s j 1)R E A. M'ALI-STEi:, HOMEOPATHIC phvsician, has removed his otlice fr..m Flinn s block to his residence on Third stieet, two doors south of the electric liu'ht station, ' oysters! aysiers : "nASTEKX AXI, OLYMPIAN SE11VEU Cj fresh every dav at H. Oiercks" restaurant IlissiilutioH Notice. rilHE PAR 'XEItSlIlP HKKKTOFORE 1 cxistinr between lr, 1-1. A. McAlister ?ud Dr. A. P. Woodward is tins day dissolved by mutual lonsei.t. Xovembei 10, 18s8. For Kent. ITUTItXISHED ROOMS TO KF.XT. . City Restaurant. Eslray N'etiee. 'AT THE mAKEX l POX THE FARM OF ST OOURJ j i let, three miles west ot Aioany, on yeic C7. . - ...i.:r ;n. L.....rn h...1 UlT 1, i llll.C "ivii ......... j and some brown spots. Uoth ears clipped on ! end and slit, about s years oiu. ine oner ! will please call and iret the above described cow and ,jay eosts. For Sale. FOl'R GOOD WORK HORSES. FOR PAR" ticulars enquire of G. F. Simpson. A.VTEU an- EXPKRIEXCXP !IAM TO BKAIM wire mattresses. Inquire of o.L. Brush foot of Lyon street. mWO FURNI.SHEO ROOMS CFXTRALLV X lo-.-ated to rent. Inquire at Wells, Fargo & Co's office. NOTICE. have bought and furnished- 111 1 I I' I nn II 112 Ml With new machinery, making; flour by the kill roller procbss. Tne mill is now run I uia' a,lu 1 cau furn'!ih the ljest of flour a"1' j fetd at reasonable rates. I intend to run my i mill in such a manner that none can go awat ! dissatisfied. Ui e me a cali. E. G0INS, Proprietor Scio Mills JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feed & Sale stable Comer Second and EUxicorlh' St$ ALBANY, - OREGON HORSZS riages orsks boaiuikp by the day or month. Car or bu-rsries dh reasonable terms, v.iul -.--' NORTHWEST ...1 1TU)TT! lull MAWKI INSURANCE COMPANY cf j PORTLAND, - - OREGON CAFJTAL STtlv $50,MI flic Scio mm Mills Mb FA Uivivii BEAD, - 551 hereby certify that !r. I X. Woodle has suectssfaiiv operated on my ridgling horse ISAAC HAYS. For further erere'ice in regard to ridu'.tngs a: mi re oi Date I'eiehoii, Wm. I'eters.mtl.el unoa: .lonn ilardma.i, A :ivd Wt hvrton, Ai-iciy.-S'ini twines, Scio: Win. Foster, i'rine v i I f -. I pra -tic- veieriimry niedi' hie in Al ia. iv anil country sr.r.-iiiiidiiig (.'dice and i. -iiiu.ee con.-.r ;th anil Washiurtmi sts. I. X. WiiODLH, Veterinary Surgeon. OHM PACIFIC. (Jurrari A ?.Io;iteith have lots for sale on tl e installment plan, rang ing in price from $'" to .liKK'. QRIGOS EilLWil anil XAVIVlTS'tX tlUHMM Columbia. River Route trains for th ; Ivi-t Icue Portland at a a and -2-.40 f. M. dailv. i ' 1 I ' l M I W from iruic!'at j X X J iVJLJ J. !kj ionils in l lilted States. Canada and Kmoc. ELEGANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS Emigrant Sleeping Cars Kun Throueh oa Express Trains " OMAHA, COUrST'IL BLUFFS. ax o ST. PAUL Frs-e f harse anil M ilhoiU ( lian;. Close Connections at Portland for San t'ran Cisco and l'u:;t.t Soiin 1 points. For further part ii iilars inquire of Cur:mn & Monteith, First Street, Albany, Oregon. . II. II1U Ollli, ji'.cral .lanaer. A. L. M lWrXI., ii. 1. A T. 4. iiTlioats leave the O. U. X. Co.'s wharf, at the foot of Uroadalbin street, on Tuesday an J i Fridav of each week. C. U. ItAW'LlXUS, , Local A''ent. Great English Remedy, Murray's Specific A guaranteed . ture afor nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of lirain Power, Hysteria, Headache Pain m the 15 ck, Nervous Prosfation, Wakefulness, i i I t i.,,..; i Before lakinjj, tuil(Jj StmjIiai Weakness lm- j - i-vi;v an I 'ijneral lojOl" power o -h Gener.it ? Ori.n in ciVner sex caused hy j ndiscre ion or over-exertion, and which ul timately lead to Premature TrndsMnrk. old Aj;e, tnsanity and Con sumption. sl.t'O a box or six boxes forc'j.uu. ent by mail on receipt of price. Full par ticulars in pamphlet sent tree Kji f'JJ! to every applicant. We iiuaranl"'' ft l.oxcs to cure any eit.se. I- or e cry S.i.UU order rei eivcii we semi si boxes, with a writtenfter-r,'Kjfl(1P, unarane e to refund the monev ii on spei ilic . does not effect a cure-. Address a'! eomuiil- . nivati iai t-i trie Sole Manufacturers. The I .Murray Medicine Co., Kansas. Citv, Mo. ! isTSold in Albany by Fchay FoshayiA J MaMii,Solc aue Iteuioveit. J OSEPH WECHElt AXNOUXCES TO HIS natrons and friends that he can be found on First street, in his new rooms in Foshav A: Masjii s bru.-k. where lie is prc-iare-i io uc comniodatK the public w ith antthiniii the tonsor'alline. . Hot or cold liH-tiis at all hc-ui-s The lU'YF.RS ;:uiK is isstifcil March arid Sept. each year, it is an etcycioieiha of useMil information for all liiini" im ii, who .mrchase the uxuries VA 'i fade Mori.-. orthenecessitiesofhfe. We:"UUD, llOUUiO, UUniUK, 1UUIU.IUUU0, U1&UIUU, HWUUii, I can clothe you and itirnish you with! j all the necessary and unnecessary ap- i ; ..k. ....... r.. :... .....It- l.nb. ul...t. eat. tish. hunt. work. tr; to church or, tav at In mp. ;iml in various sizes. ; . . .;., OUVl-.O CI 1 1 VI tjliilll tll.iv.). ' t-j w i.. . w - - i Uo aU Bnttse U1 OumrUn IMDLI' rtUU icifc BUYERS' GUIDE, which will he sent upon receipt of 10' cents to pav postage. MONTGOMERY, WARD 8l CO., 111-114 Michigan Aveiuu.Chicago,!!!. ; Ladies, site me a call. Slraitansl Sew BliM-k, Opposite Kevere House. Miss E McLin. WANTED. We will pay 50 cents per roll for lioicce shipping butler. TlI lMfSOX & Wateks. PALACE MEAT MARKET . James V. PiPE.Prop. Flrl u.Sieet - Albany The best variety of choice beef, veal, mutton, pork lausane, eteinlthe city keptconstantly n hand. J Jbickvbo S2T Cash'paid for all kind ock.'SJ Contractor and Knilder. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LO cated in Albany solicits patronage from city and country. Will contract to build bridges, barns, and all manner of dwelling houses, including Queen Amie, Ejistlake and Eli.abethian styles of buildings. Will furnish plans and specific :itu:is free ofjt charge. Satis action guaranteed W. C." CASSEL- SECOND HABD STORE The past year has proven it to be t necessity. The best and cheapest place in the city to buy your StoveFiraitire.tLiiware We aie aitvays prepareu to tuv voui heuseliold furniture at the Inches cash price. Sole ayenis for the PEERLESS And I.A.MF Killer, L. GOTTLIEt. Jis."')" WJ!MiWrWBWMiMMi"v FashioDabLe Uresmakios A GOOD FIT (UTAUANTEED. j ! THE BRILLIANT, D UK ABLE, ECONOMICAL Are i'iauin..il lites They t ;" Strength, 1'iiritj and r'a.- ii'.'. arc Inst ai"ocii. iJe'.va--' ' bn are made of e:iea; and nKci i'-r iiiau rials aii'!- i -ive 1'or, wekii, erci V o:o. 56 colors; 10 cents each- Send postal fir live Jok, Sant'iic tarn, live Jok, Sant'ile Ca .Kr.'i tions f jr coloring l'ii:as: m .kii line-t Ink or ilhii'igiti cts, a i:iart), ct'.- Sold by dru:;i;ists or by Wells Eiohftrdsm i C-'.'Bnrinf Vt. Kor'-ildiii or l"rn!n Fancy ArtielesJL'SF DIAMOND PAINTS SPPiINGFIELD i n ne .i, Vt. t l'ifl CIlCl, ci'l'F . : uii i j I I m i - . . I ! 'jL AAk. CKlfe CI . A , uflMI A r- 'A -it J M .X W AM ft I ' rr Mm n r q :ti i tiiai 3 -3 vi a dm iiio uq ur k b i u. k n v M hk m m f1 hi m n a jpu ic Hi' r.'a m ry"Alb:iny yard and oiliet; fm Kailroad, hettveen 4tli and 5tb streets,! .'lavimr luii'iber not exeelleil in quality, i-nd facilities not surpassed fortlie nrouint and sutlsl'icto'.'v' liU'm or orders. I resoeelfiillv' solicit a share of the trail" a. WHEELKK GEO. W. JCCESSOIt TO W. CO t-5 CD r -H ctS CO CO CO -4- CO 1 CO DEALER IN Stoves and Ranses! ALSO A FULL LINE OF TINWARE. rUMPS, HOSE. COVJrEli. WARE Ana i-yerv viirii-ty of eockinir utensils and novelties in house furnish in sr J roods. The puMie is invit-jd to cahi and xainine this mammoth stock under i the new nianairrfflent. j WILLBROS" Dealers iz all the leadiTi: . I ti. i i ... ir- UTITia PlOTHfC! XQlTlff 1j A fttf Sheet music, musical merchaii(lise,ammunition, fish ; tacle, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and; Jn.iT taCIv e, etC, lninv TIkj Iwicr ' -' NEEDLES OIL and Extras for all Jl A CJLlALb H.INN COUNT? ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIREiNSURANCf COMPANY. Kepair'niK ofjsewinw .machines, nn.rHi-al W. F. 1 am no-'vT receiving my notions, etc, and propose the line, My goods aire all FOR CASH We invite your inspection Cashmeres , Imported Broadcloth Silk Warp, Henrietta All WoolTricots Assafct Flannels In fact everything usually found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. My Boot and Shoe department is complete. I have also added a complete lins of boys kilt suits. A comparison of my stock and prices is solicited 4Eer"All mail orders promptly attended to. Call and see me. "W IF1. (Snccessor Children Cry for ONLY t:l nr-For , lnWkmm Ih.UmA ftt J 'K'OAyfiSIQP $ . - v-js ' n fin-J- -fA-"L"v c-vW cou iTp- ia:K.r:-K'A I ad others in - , - '- .'ry j U "jjp - :! "; -;r V ' ' ''' 't b a'jl iiheuimtism j ,t.j,,8llorc..em n- Bfe' '-'-, i' -1-1 l"-lt-ata ! k-ood fr kidney di . -c X Ki.it. S! F KV ithan any other uuslU tp WWLTvflv. Hj Kiuney Abb.,,. j&JlJ UJU . AM, orrSd 1 n ... W 1." .. Lij"...r.... r...ii M SB (OB MtkHH l w i I J ! OK EG ON. SMITH H. McFARLAND) i n ..... TiJ QH 11T1DQ I IPfTQ 113 Pia.Tins " Lint - of- tinlij rf UPWino Til n In 11 PS " " --O . instruments, trnns, etc., neatly do.ie READ, 1W V Fall stock ot Dry Goods to make it red hot all along fresh and new and bought of the following goods Flushes Velvets Velveteens Silks and Satins ZEBIB - iID, to N H. Allci,, Aifeaay.rOrtsro. CBKtm Pitcher's Castoria. i I " U NG5 "Sal .n GtfWf AnlFJINL MLlJ.C'Q.OROifiill.rAL. HA t'i: Vol" A COi.o mtiie ne id wmcii doe I secre ion of mucus or matter in the nasal passasw which either must ne mown irom .oe nose or drop back hehnid the palate, or nawKeu von founici In-hawk it"', spirrmst, weaK aim .' . ; - I . . rrMUiDRinN ua nm the: O NLY CURE TOR I hC -fw.-. JVli CATARRH ( ' f r i r-Tl U r- urni r Wn rVV,,,, , -A ABIETINL MCDbCo V QROVILLE corroding s. ires reve theJ;corruition witnin. . ' As every breath drawn into the limys must r-Efs over and bcu n e polluted by the rent tiom in the nasal pi.tsiiit-s. it n urt r.-ctoriiy i.v tUt ) n ii: i il.e wlicde wcr Vr-r.lit.Uv t:.V.H- ,,lni.e. th:'- tl.t- ii .l.i'l ii ailtr il st is !V:.l.itti; mil. II slefcp;st.jn nto the stomach, trfeibles rlito-th-ii, : i ii cl'ir no on;;p ;, u ll anj; tv.Jnervcusness and consuniption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. ezt v i...,.A f H.hoi-viimmnii I l I J t il " " 1 IVIU I tl illll l 1'IIV llllVH .n t-h'-Ci tin- at oiu r- We nositivelv uarant ecsra jea ment to cuie. S:x months treatment for i.r.i iliii- .-ttiil .ii.It-Ciire. For W O- I nilAnill V! II HiMllV -DEALEE IX . I uaraware tm Pumps, iron pipe, nihbvir hose and plumbing: sioods. Sole agents. for the ei-lebrawd "E;.iiy Breakfast" coak stovas and.ranfres, and "Faultlee6" parlor hetttirta; stoves. Albany, Oreurou. bookseller. Newsdealer, -AND ,nniTr FEST BOOKS AND Fine stationery, miscellaneous books, photograph' and antograpii albums, inkstands, ink, pencils, etc., etc. Sheet music, music books, and all kinds of musical merchandise, ivi 2 General ISTews Depot. Mail orders promptly attended Mip, Paints, BOOKS AND - AT - GITY DRUG STORE SPECIAL"ATTENTIONrGlVEN TO FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS- L. W. GXT I SS & SON. Propr's C. J. DILLON & CO, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF FUENITUEE Do ceneral job work, also bargain in llooring and rustic. Those Contem plating building will tind it to their advantage to Call on us at our Fretovy, a sr Foot ok LyoN Street 'o Mason, A LISA sY C KEGOX 3 not-et better-; Have you an execs.-. c or suuucu mu"U ... ---- innamcu e.eo, jicquuni. -. . ...... .. ;n . 1 . . . .mrc t..Arp ut . I r 1 !! t: 1 II L o: i v.. ii 1 1 1 in l. . v... ... less impairment of the bearinif, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness i -r dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of iios.-V Have von lost all sense -f smell? I Have vou a hackimr cougb? Have you . ,1. ,,19 Ii.- nr. dtspejiMa: isi.in oicam iv-m. .- viii' iiavk T'if. Catarrh. Some have at ithese svmptoms, others only a part iThe leiidinjr stmptoinof ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion or mucus o vellow or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused by the rleeom poshif.' secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimes the membrane eoveriii.s; the bones is - eaten atvat and trie nones iiieme:es i lirraduallv decay. Such eases ar m CA.Udeed objects of pity, as stench fron. 'rcatasst-tj in not (ltlnv.lbut trV S CaMKORNI - 'voin ... - - few applications relieve and .a tnoroutfft si 00: sent by mail Sale 1Y ill 4,"MI Mbany. Oregon. U. L. HLflUllULlil Successor to K W. Langdon) Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. Prescriptions carefully compounded !H ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, Al'nanv Oregon. v n Mill U V! -U DEALER IN iiaai. mitniif trt i to. is, Alobastines STATIONERY suHUUL mm.