Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, November 25, 1888, Page 1, Image 1

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    5- J ' i. 4.-
' 1
ALSn.-iV OliMJON .-! A - 'i nm!;NING IvOVEMBEH 5a
VOL. Ill NO.
R06M 21, KcrekxnW Ex: j j
-Having decided te
Mm Stock of
y Goods, Eancy Goods, Clothing,
Hats, Furnishing 'Goods, Carpets,
At Cos
The Entire Steele
The Knife
This isaCcruiEs Closing Cut Es!e cf,ihe Veil tr.crm cf M027TEITH&
SEITE1TB ACH, and purchasers will receive a net savisg cf 25 per cent cn Goods
ijouglt fcTEarly callers
stock to select from.
Monteith. & Seitenbach,
retire frm business is Albany, we
Must Be CI
will secure the advantage
-will offer cur-
Boots and Shoos
Within Six Weeks
of the large and unTsroksa
A An
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vanes. A marvel
of purity .strength an1 wholesomeness.
More economical than the ordinarj
kinds, and cannot lie sold in competi
tion witb multitude of low test, short
weight alum or phosphate powders
Sold only in i-tns. Rotai, BakijIG Pow
der Co , lOtt Wall st, N. .
D W Chowley Co., Agents,
Portland, Oregon.
. Law. Aliiunv. Oreaon. Otiiee in Odd
bellow's Ttiiii'lt'. -Vill practice in all court
of the state, and ;rie attention to all
T at haw, Albany, Or. OHiee in rooms' !:i
and 14, Foster's liiocfc, ever J.. E. Main's
stor .
law, AJlianv, Oregon. office in Odd
Fe'low's Temple. Will practice in all the
iiius of the-:. ate, and civ special attention
1 1 all bnsi'ie-s
T, geon, All any, Orei-onS
. genu, Albai.y, Orejftm.
J. aeon Albany, ,ro::on, ort-ee over Gr:i'i
wohl's store i.'iiiee hours, from 8a. i. to 4
r. m.
jrcon, AUrny, ( re-..n. - Graduate of f JerJ
man and Americrn coheres.
pEVKRE llorsK, ALBANY, OR. C'll VS.
J.V I'feiiTcr, I'ro-,. Only first eclats house
in the eity. l.ave sample rooms f-r com
niereial men. No Chinamen employed in
kitchen. i;;tirra! st:io ultice for Corvailis.
, and jeweler, Albany, Oreveui,
l.atitl nr-
tain :ie. :ir;i!.- :.n! m t wurk by eallis:-.'
upon ex-eor.rity Hir.i yoi K, I". T. Fisher. II.
b:w, oiiiili-te i-opies ot t!i:!d notes and town
ship pl: :s, ;i.h is prepared to do s'irvel ii'ir in
any pint nfl.ian eouniy. I'ostotliec address.
Mila.r-i station, Lir.u eouut c, Oregon.
Friiil lrj-r lor Sssto.
size, complete, with additions and Im
provements, for sale eheap. Aj'p'y to A.'
Rlakt-r, Sin dd, U recoil, or to A. Wlue'er.
Sprin'ileld, Cre'.'on.
For S;ili'. .
(1lI.FR lltK.SS AMI MXTI'RtS. '('M 'ITV -JOO
J jr:'.lli!'s per i!av. will be sold i he:'p ior
cash, on the instailnien'- plan, traded. Ieat
or let out on shares. A number of vinegar
barrels lor sale ih'ap. Apply to 1", II.
i'feilTer. at Allanv Soda work.
I in dress t :iu. iii'.Ms diie'f from ew
York: the lati-t ihiie.' out "hey are sure
nK-.ise. Call add see tht ni
r"!:i".sn m::-t and sai.v,x kvkry
X" day at HmIi's market. J isn a
specialty aed full nii-iket kepi up.
Uweixs lor IRcnl.
J rooms U veltt. I'ruiuir f:f H. Lsuiks
earner o-' Seventh and Itaker treets.
eoioied c w, haii" eut . ear
ami blunt
'inc n.:di r wilt
c )r.!d a uoil re
Ad!ie-s Depot Hity'. Albany.
) .' est luaiket price for al'-O head of his.
Apply t hi:n at the Albany Market, Albay,
BissDlntion N'olJce.
is hereby iriven that the firm known as
Burkhart & Miller, who have been engaged in
the real estate business' in Albany, Oregon,
is this dav rlesolved hy mutual consent, L. I
Miller retiring and F. A. Burkhart retaining
the business, and assume every control of
the 8'ime hereafter. F A. Burkhart. will
assume tht paTinentofall outstanding dehts
of the finn and will also collect all due said
Dated this the 24th J iy of 0( tober. liSS:
sittiu riointmcnt.
Second and strcels.
Pillow -slmrn holders, cihe neatest
tiling out. at Blink's.
KE V'",v. KKM'iVED TO THE ft I "AH 'N
i.ek. heic lit !-preparwit to Uo Kit: .
eiass wurs in : t.u ti.iiso'iai miv. urn n.n
room" arc !!';: and eiall and lead;, for use ,i
ail k-tuvi t::wki:u
Harrv Burton.
SH i Pt 5 5ACRI FICt
A Romance of the War.
All rights reserved.
All da- Pearl wandered alout the
house, leiidi'tg a helping hand
here and tht;ie, olleiin tonic su
yestion or making some little
change in the wonderfully beaut i
lul rioral decorations, apparently
more hiterotud tlian Xellie, who
kept her room all day only attended
by her two best brides maids.
The ceremony was to l ike place
at-nine o'clock, and the important
hour for dressing began early in
the afterncon.
Who can describe the scene
upon the upper floor of that house
then : fcurelv not 1 ! buch com
motion; such opening, and closing
of doors; such tittering and gisdintr,
such scampering from one room to
another by lovely maidens in dis
habille ; such irantic cries for pins ;
such anxious exclaimations ui
'how do 1 look?" And, "uin I
white enough ?:' And, "will this
do?:' .Such choruses of "oh love
ly," and ju-t splendid; such invol
uutaries of "oh mv:s," such
preludes of "All's," "Uh's ;" such
interludes oi'oii 1 am so nervous,"
which extended even to the very
church dejr. No, 1 give it up, H
is beyond my descriptive powers.
l'eat l and Nellie went in the first
carriage with .Mr. Desmond and
.Mr. Neilson, while Mrs. l'esmoud
and Mrs. Nellson and the
orule mate's were crowded into the
other three carriages and followed.
The carriages containing the two
bridesgro.uns, and their oestmcn,
and Mr. liubeH's father and mother
drew up in iront of the great
church almost simultaneously , and
the gn-at belis rang out loudly,
gladly, j"yonly, wlule after the
first si rose all the 1 ells in the
neighborhood joii.ed m unison,
pi'cducing one grand ' burst ol
liarntoniotis, and-joyful melody.
Little chilUren cloilu-d in while
stood on either side of the ca. peted
and llow? r strewed walk, and sang
"Her merry wedding bells," w hile
the wedding party slowly tiled
into the church, which was one
glare vi light and a perfect bower
of b.'auti.ui ('otters.
The wedding paity looked very
imposing as they swept up tne
aii-lc in proper onlcr and s toot I be
fore the alter, while the solemn
voiced,' while robed m ,n ol Ui.'u
uttered the words which boumi
two coupie lo one another for life
"for better or worse, till death do
ye part."
Mrs. Nellson and Mrs. lesmond
sat upon the back seat of the hist
carriage returning home ater the
ceremony, and coiuiatulaied them
selves upon tho success of eveiy
"1 shall feel so
nervous litlle Mrs.
relieved," said
Nellsoii, "when
l! is all over. . I am
afraid seme one ri i
always so
ic servants
will fo
or' uo
get, or ncgiect something,
Something ai the wrong
Una-: '
" Ui don't worry my dear Mrs.
Nfllsji! stk-ii a ihiiig word.i 1t; iui
lo;i 1 wi;h your well tiaineo
M'l van:-. Uui i'.ere'we are.' and
we -Mil iianllv have iinie to lay
aside our bonnets before the uuesU
begin to anive "
The re.t uf ihc britlal party soon
arrived, and immeuiately took
their places ready to receive their
guests and to he coiigiatulated.
i'earl had borne up wonderfully
weli under the terrible strain, in
deed sh had learned well how to
sillier and be still. How like an
angel she looked in her bridal
robes of creamy white, with
diamonds Hashing upon her arms,
her throat and in the waves of her
beautiful hair. One could hardiy
imagine the sparkling radiating
stones a vissionary halo around
her head, and the face was saintly
in its look of resignation, of entire
self abnegation. bhe stood by
Colonel Warren's side, underneath
the great marriage bell, which was
composed entirely of white, pure,
tweet scented lillies, and hung
suspended in the centre of the long
drawing room she stood there
calmly, in stately silence waiting
the coining of the guests whose
carriage wheels could even now
be hoard upon the graveled irie.
The colonel presented quite a
contrast to I'earl's easy uncoii
ciousness. Indeed his " nervous
ness was quite. -apparent to all
present ; for j-uch conduct was so
uinerent lo his nsuai seii com
mand. Mr. Paul Kul.ell had just turned
lo hi bride with s jnie lighi re
maik of surprise that the" battle
sealed colonel should be ueruiis
at his own wedding, when craii !
crash! rang on: a startling report of
a j.isii l tired in quick succession,
fallowed by .i deep groan, ami a
hesvy thud, as uf seme one failing
J'eur one ol the win. lows opening
onto tlie piazza. A score or more
oi i- i.dniue voLes shacked, "U!
what is it V 'What has happened?"
While a few deemed it a fitting
opportunity to faint and be taken
ol by their male attendant,
vhile others, more courageous
than the rest, ran out upon the
wliere ino-f of the gentle
then ::nd a few of the servants had
by li;s time contiregat d.
"O ! it is a man, and he is dead."
'hey t riei. Then Peat i:s vcice
heard above the rest, as coming up
behind the crowd she caught a
iilimpse ol the dead man's face.
"O my love! My long lost love,"
she cried, and sank upon her knees
by i ne dead num.
'John! here, William help!"
she cried, "carry him into the
house! Perhaps he-is not dead. I
pray God he is not dead!"
"! mink vou will find him dead,"
said the coo! voice of the colonel,
as the crowd made way for the
servants to enter the house with
their burden.
"Yes you will find him dead. I
aimed well. I aimed well," he
repeated his voice growing kuidt i .
"Ha, ha, he is ilea l. Yes he i.
dead this time. No need lo lie,
and ch t any more. No need to
write false newspaper reports any
more, Ha, ha, ha, I swoie she
should be mine, and I have kept
my oath. Yea, she is mine. You
were just a little too late my milk
sop, and now you are dead ; and
she is mine m" le I tell you. Ah,
I have been very cunning," he
went on wildiy, while every one
stood staring at h'm in amaze
ment, scarcely undi 'standiug that
he was mad.
"Yes I've been very cunning,
but I've had a hard time of it. Yes
it would have been easier to have
$hot him down dead years ago if
only 1 could have found him. But
he is dead now, and she is mine.
I've fooled them all. I have kept
old Van Fieet in prison, p id now
I've killed him so you see she is
mine, yes mi le. my own bride,"
and he held out his arm to Pearl,
but she cried out for heh.
"Do you not see that he is mad?
oh take him away take him
"No, no, my darling I am not
mad. It is all these people whoj
are mad." he said as Air. Nellson
and several other gentlemen tried
lo persuade him t j go with them.
"No my little Pearl, you and 1
are not mad, only a iitlle insane
with happiness perhaps ha, ha.
Come -darling come.'" he called
P e.u( No!" you shall riot
separate us. The hu t one of you
who dares lay a hand upon me
shall die instantly," ami he jerked
the pistol with which he had shot
Harry, from his pocket, and held
it pointed toward the crowd in
front of him, with his linger upon
the lock.
Kut thc: e were too many for him.
A strong aim reached from behind
hfm and grasped the weapon from
his lend, while others bound him,
and c.inied hhn struggling from
the room.
Aii! wnat terrible changes can
take place in only a few hours. A
few liuars j vvli it happiness,
what me; riin.-!;i lids peaceful
dwtiiing coiilaiiKtl. Now a dead
ma-i lies in one room. A raving
mt;:iac in another. And in
another Mrs, le.siiio:id in convui-.
sue I ystci ics.
When Harry 1'wii'ton stepped'
ironi the deck ol the "Qiie'Mi"1
upon Bri'i.-h suil it wts with feel-,
isig abtait ;ls forlorn as it impossible
tor the average Aniei'.c.m to ice:.
Alone in the Streets of Loudon;
v. i; bout one friend, and oily
a lew doiLws in Lis pocket, how
v;i he-to obtain tluit employment,
winch would keep tin; gaunt, woii
of starvation at bay"?
But beiiiu rosu.g, robust air:
naturally of a sanguine
he wits not easily discom
he turned wdh eager stei
the mercantile streets.
lie would be a clerk
goods store, he thougi
aired, a. id
os toward
in a dry
;ht, or he
would be a "short hand'
reporter. But after trudging all
day, for days together, and sleep
ing at night in a third rate board
ing house, he found himself out oi
money, and no nearer the road
toward replenishing his purse than
when he quitted the old sea
"This will never do," he said to
himself, "I cannot starve, just
because 1 haven't any character;
for wherever I go that is the only
answer I receive to my enquiries
for employment have you a char
acter? Let's see your recommen
dations. And I cannot buy a char
acter reach- made, because as Cap
tain Van. would say lam 'strapt'.
But, Captain Yan., when i adopted
your name that night at Fort D., I
also adopted your motto 'never
say die,' so I will try again.J'
This day he had earned a shil
ling by helping to load a dray w itii
coal. AVith this shilling he bought
some supper, but he had no place
to sleep, and in his anxiety and
perplexity he walked about, scarce
ly realizing the lateness o: the hour,
nor that he had wandered into a
very suspicions locality, until lit;
.vas roused by cries of "help" jusL
in front of" iron, he thought,"
although, he could see no one.
Wiiii a natural impulse he ran for
ward. Before he ran many steps
however, he heard another scream,
thougi. miii'lleii, which sounded al
most behind him. Turning he saw
within the doorway of an old, de-'
scried building a man prostrate j
upon the floor, while two rulliansj
ucre rapidly going through his!
pockets. " - j
Quick as a llash Ham- ave the !
!hi one a "back-bander" that sent
bis head against
the floor: then Tie other one re
ceived ak:ckin the stomach, which
doubled him up l:ke a carpenter's
two-foot rule.
The man upon the floor was not
very long hi gaining his-feet, nor
did he and Harry waste much time
in leaving the neighborhood.
"Ah! To whom am I indebted
fcr this service ?" said the rescued
man, as they emerged from the
dark streets into more public and
safer thorougfares, and stopped to
recover breath.
"My name is Lawrence, Harry
Lawrence, sir." "Well, Mr. Law
rence, what can I do for you to show
mv gratitude for your timely aid?"
They had stopped under a lamp,
and he must have discovered in
stinctively that Harry was a gen
tleman who would resent any mer
cenary offers for the a;?sistance he
had rendered, forhis seedy appear
ance would not indicate such a
1 fact.
j "Nothing at all sir," said Harry,
j "The service you speak of was not
I worth mentioning, sir. I hope yon
are not hurt .
"I do not feel much the worse;
but I shudder to think what might
have been but for your timely heir--.
I find they have got away with" my
watch," he continued, "but I dc
serve the loss for my folly in at
tempting to go through Trumbone
alley at this time of night. My
papers, etc., are here, thanks to
you. Ah! here is my caid, my
name is Palmer. Ah! I hope our
acquaintance, began under such
stimulating circumstances, will not
not end so furiously. Ah ! indeed.
I hope we will become friends. I
would not like you for an enemy, I
can tell you, "and he laughed hear -ily.
"I tell you that blow you gave
that, rascal's dinner basket fully
convinced me that you are a 'holy
terror' when aroused. Ah! yes,
yes, sir, let us be friends by all
means," he went on gleefully.
"Here is my hand upon it, hoping
we will always be at peace with
one another. Now tell me seiner
thing of yourself."
Harry shook the jolly old gentl- -man's
hand.a:d emboldened by his
kind manner told him how he had
come over from America, and how
he had failed to obtain employ
ment, and how lonely and friend
less he felt.
"Ah ! And so you" are an Ameri
can. I might have known"' thai.
That ac counts for that bold sparring
I witnessed, awhile ago," and the
merry blue eyes twinkled Hain.
(To b Continued .)
I'riitlcut-c: I'rudcncc:
In medication, as in aught else,
prudence should be our a-tiide. Yet
thousands cast it to the winds. Evey
new nostrum finds its patrons, the
incdical empires of every false school
have their ;iiiis. Euery change in
the icanuit oi' liuniiuii;' is rung success
fully for a time at least the. notes
'eitrr I'nniMied by the credulous. In
iiapjiv colli i-asl lotlie many adverti-cd
nimustines of the day stands Hostt -iers's
St-anach BHiers, now in the
.liird decade of popularity, approved
and :-cco::.iiK-ntl d by physicians,)!-,
i.oricd by the press of many JarnJ' .
s-oue-ht and prized by invalids every
where. Ii is an asce. tained specif
for and preventive of malarial disease
chronic hidig '.ion, and liver com-!
plaint and coiiotipatiou.
Thousands of Dollars.
Arc spent every year by the people of
this state for worthless medicines for
the cm e of throat and p-ng diseases
when we kiiow that if they would,
only invest SI in Saeta Abie, the New
California discovery for consumption
and kindled complaints., they would,
in this pleasant remedy rind reiie.
It is iccommeiuicu by ministt-i
physician and public speakers of . ',!
IJolden 8;.i'ic. s.;,iii and iuaraiili oi
'y Foshay tt Mason at 51 a bo lie.
Three for -s oil. T'.ie most stubborn
ease of catarrh will .-pccthl.v &ur-eual
to California t'ai li-Cure. Six n-i nths
treatment for 1. P.v mail 1.10.
ri:::;iics on !se l ace
Doroto an irapare state of the b'i i
and are looked upon by many v;'!i
suspicion. Acker's Blond E'ixii vvi-!
remove all impurities and leave the
complexion smooth and clear, The.-e
is nothing that wiii so thorour? uy
huild up the constitution, purity ud
strengthen the whole system. " Soil
and guaranteed by Foshay tc Id n.
.Not a California (tear.
Anybody can catch cold this kind of
weather. The trouble is to let go like
the man who eaught the bear. Wc
advise our readers to purchase of
Foshay and Mason, a bottle of San-a
Abie, the California King of Consump
tion, Asthma, Eronchilist Coughs and
Croup Cures' a v.d keep it handy 'Tis
pleasing to the taste and death to the
above complaints. Sold at $1 a bot
tle or 3 for 2 50. California Cat K
Cure gives, immediate reli-f. The
Catarrhal virus is soou displaced by
its healing and penetrating nature,
(Five it a trial, Six months treat
ment. $1. sent by mail $1,10,
Happiness and 'onlenlment,
Cannot go hand in hand if we look on
the dark side of every little obstacle.
Nothing will so darken liie and make
it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker 's
Dyspepsia Tablets "will cure the
worst form of Dyspepsia,' Constipa
tion and Indigestion, end make h;i a
happiness and pleasure Sold at 25
and 50 cents by Foshav- & Mason.
Reward. -
For a bitter or more pleasant r- in
e:l.v for the cure of coiistnnpiV.ti
' lonchial troubles, tough, croup ' -l
' .hooping cough than Sants. Abie, '
California king of cousumpi
livery boh 'e wai rented. If you w. -1
he cured of lhat dis-ustbig dii -i
catarrh, use California 'Jai-U-Cim . .-L
a jar; by mail 81. Ju. So.'d andvr
rented by Foshay & Mason.
I know I can save you money, :-ry
me, and you will be convinced. W. i ,
him heavilv upon