Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, November 23, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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O. .V . It. li. TS51K TAKL2.
ef rti Arrives.
.. t ;i'. ; li;;") anil
am l'urtl u in 10;r
crrtj i i aiiil:o.r,a.!i)l
i I 7:10am!
" y.
Arrives IX-jKirts
l ..1.1 l.-.l i
ii'ii lit' ex
I'lL-eee "J.4i'!!,!
' t n-'i n.-- ':."im .i.
i-2;:!'ipiii 'li-
-in i
.V. f-V..-i-hn received furjsuutii after 1
of the same ilay.
L A. 11.
Arrives Departs
.1 i:
I.'! I ! III
0.50 a in
. i mot r i-w.
Burkhart k Iloyce, job printers.
Boston brown bread at Barker
Hi-publican primaries Wednes
day evening, Nov. 'J8,
Ladie, for your fine shoe repair
rig go to B. J. Laporte.
Fresh mince meat, ready for nse,
for sale by F. L. Kenton,
J" red Lockley, agent of the Salem
Capital Journal, is in the city.
Thos Brink has just opened an
elegant lot of baby carriages.
Bo not miss the great sale of
goods at cost at Monteith cc Seicen
bach's. Republican city convention Fri
day, Nov. .'JO. Brimaries Wednes
day, Nov. 2o.
Tho Mikado lamp filler at Conn
Bros, is t he neatest and most con
venient thing out.
E. it C. Howard have removed
their millinery store to their new
p -tiers up-stairs in the Bearce
( Jo to Burkhart it Koyce's for all
kinds of job printing. Briees
reasonable. First-class work guar
anteed. Br. B. "VI. Jones has received a
supply of pure vaccine matter, ami
is now prepared to vaccinate all
desiring it.
Messrs. Winn & Humphrey have
opened a choice 'line of. cigars at
the Western Union telegraph and
express office.
.Mrs. .Marshal Belshaw,of Farm
hiion. W. T., is visiting her par
ent-, or. 1-. llendrickson ami wite,
in t li is city.
Mi'ss Mary Irvine lias resigned
her position as teacher at the col
lege. Her place will be filled by
Missj Biather.
For a good, reliable watch cheap,
go to; F. M. French's, the Corner
jewelry store. No Waterbury
watches in stock.
Bo not forget the fact that you
can get bargains in knives, forks
and spoons at F. M. French's.
Each set warranted.
Owing :o Thanksgiving the date
of holding the republican primaries
Bis been changed to Wednesday
evening, Nov. 28.
Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Patterson
have returned from Spokane Falls.
Their daughter, who was very ill
there, is improving in health.
Order vou r Thanksgiving turkevs
of -l :iu & East. Thev have some j
nice, fat ones, and all kinds of
other poultry, fish and game.
li.e drug store of Banion Smith,
at i iarnsburg, was robbed the
o her day of $15 and a lot of patent
medk-ine, morphine and other
irug. '
If you want a clean and tine
s noKe ask for J. Joseph's home
D- ill.- white labor cigars. For sale
ly most cigar dealers and at J.
.lost-pii s factory. ; ing insane and idiotic persons to
Barney Dressier, alias James the asylum has ail been expended,
Beed. who had the delirium tre- : with the exception of about 4U.
mens in this city a few days ago, j Deficiency certificates will be is
was declared insane ami taken to j sued by tiie secretary of state for
the a-yh'.m yesterday. i claims on this fund after it is en-
The Eugene Register savs it is a ' tirel-v -ont" Ulltil !l ,,tnv apjropria
:nist tke about the presence of a ' tlon atlt'- Thr i a balance
case ot smalloox in that place, as
there has been no smallpox there
i-jL years, and is none now.
Misses E. it C. Howard have re
ceived one of the tinest assort
ments of fine millinery everofFered
in this city. Ladies should cal
early and examine their stock.
A man named Smith stole a
watch of Levi Douglas, at Harris
burg, a few days ago, and after
wards returned the watch, con
fessed his guilt and fled the coun
try. Mrs. L. G. Edleman, who has
been in this city for medical treat-;
ment for several months, will leave
to-day for her home at Mayviile,
Gilliam county. She is much im
proved in health.
Will & Stark have now the finest
line of jewelry they have ever car
ried, including hue gold watche:
etc. The
public is invited to call and inspect
o Ci
thtii- nnvfltips
the hohuav :
trade.) :
Tim tliir.1 (inartorlv iiioptinir for
the conference year will be held at j
at the Evangelical church uext
Sabbath. Rev. C. C. Poling, P. E.. :
of Salem, will be present and con-
luct the meeting both morning ami
evening. A cordial invitation is
extended to all j
The Benton Leader says : Tiie
hoard of regents of the agricultural
college have received an applica
tion from a lieutenant of the regu
lar army for the position of mili
tarv ins'tiuctor of t he co'dege, if he
can be detailed for that purpose.
The law permits this to be done, j
and we hope it may be done. !
In some manner a rumor was cir
culated yesterday that Dr. J. L.
Hill had "gone toMarion to see a
case of smalipox. He was seen by
a 1 1 Kit i.r reporter last night and j
.said that he had gone to Marion,;
but there was no truth whatever in
(he rep ort. as there was no small
pox case there. There i.- no case j
oi smallpox in this citv' or near ;
FAT.iL SliOOTlM. AtSJa:.T.
A- Young Maa E,is His Head Elown
Pieces at Brownsville.
Parti; uiars have been received
in this city of a fatal shooting ac
cident, which occurred at Brownsville-
Wedm-slav evening.
Phillip Walker, aged :
-, was
itting down
Handling a
shotgun. In
-ome '.Hiacconniaric.
i manner Hie gun was uiseiiar-'e'.!
j the load entering his head, liter-1
j ill ly blowing it to nieces. Another:
young man was with him, but he!
was looking in another direction!
when the gun was discharged and j
did not see the ex.u-t cause of the !
accident, but it is supposed the;
hammer caught upon siool upon j
which he was seated. A physician j
was immediately summoned, but i
the unfortunate young man died in I
a lew moments. iiie parents ot
the young man are nearly distract
ed over his shocking death.
F f K'l'A K It I'AKTlC l' LA US.
The IIkkai.d's Brownsviile cor
respondent sends the following
additional particulars of the acci
dent: There was a most shocking
shotgun accident here this after
noon. A young man named Phil
Walker, who was born here, went
this afternoon, in company with J.
W. Driver, to a neighbor's house
and got a shotgun there. They
then came into town and both
stepped into a building in South
Brownsville, where there was a
billiard table, each having a double
barreled shotgun. Driver stood
his gun in a corner of the room.
Walker took a seat on a bench at
tiie side of the billiard table where
some parties were playing at the
time. It seems he started to raise
the gun, winch he held by tne
barrel, the butt resting on the
floor, when it was discharged.
The entire charge entered at the
point of the jaw bone, passing to
the crown of the brain, where it
lodged, causing instant death.
A coroner's jury was at once
summoned, and the verdict was
the following :
We find that the deceased,
whose name was Phillip Walker,
was a resident of Brownsville, Or.,
was. 2 years of age, and came tv
his death by the accidental dis
charge of a shotgun, while in his
own hands, in the town Browns
ville, Oregon, on the 21st day ot
November, 1SSS, about the hour of
'5 :'-'0 i'. m.
J. II. Waters,
1. Kkssi.inu,
F. M. Jack.
A. W. m andisii,
C. 11. Elswick,
J. Sexokk
FKo.ti ihk sT.t'i'K
Aa Insane Man from Albany Taken to the
Asylum Newsy Items from Salem.
Special to the Ukualii
Salk.m, Nov. 22. Eugene Hay
ter, a well-known business man of
Dallas, was married to Miss Eva
Simlty of that city Wednesday
Frank Watson and Tom Wil
liams were brought to the peniten
tiary from Wasco county to-day, to
serve seven years each for larceny
in a dwelling. I
The Braden-Underwood debate
is now in progress at silverton and
is attracting large crowds.
George E. Good, w ho sold out
his drug business here to Messrs.
i Gibson it Singleton last spring,
wiU open a new drug store in the
First National Bank block soon,
j Barrey Dressier , journeyman
i tailor by trade, was brought to
i the asylum from Albany to-day.
i He is a raving maniac from alco
! holism. He b dieves himself to he
surrounded by devils and calls j
himself Jesus Christ. 1
ihe lund ot lb,UDU appropriated
bv the last legislature for convey-
'' - -r-yr-'" -"'"--'"r
convicts to the petiiter.ti :ry, so
there is no danger of it running out
before the legislature meets.
j Letter List.
! The following letters remain un-
calied for in the postottice at Al
I bany, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1888. Bart-
left, Mrs. Gincy ; Cunningham,
l Lizzie; DeClark, F. ; Dokken, Ber
i nard ; Edwards, Miss Kate; F"m-
bree.O. H. Erikson.Erik ; Evans,
j Mrs. M. E.; FTvnn, Michael ;Frum,
Elisabeth : Gilham. W. L .; Hum-
phrey, Rob't;
Hendrickson, F
Heath, S. M. 2;
I, ; Junt, J. Y.. ;
Kauble, Mat; More, Ed ; More, J.
E. ; Maikham, F. M. ; Nicolls.Geo ;
Nelson, Anto ; Ogden, Blanche;
McLaughlin, J A. ; Powell. Henry ;
Reed, Albert; Spidel. James; Sny
der, Andy; McRea, A.; Sommers,
Samuel ; lompson, J . A. ; Trine, J
J Vandersoll, Samuel ; Wood-
bury, Miss May ; W oodbury, J . H
ngui, r.u ; line, ri. ; urac
ensick, Lewis ;
Dunnin, Lizzie;
L.0!t Emma J.
An Art 1st Ic Cow.
A view was taken on First street
yesterday by the artist, Mr. Lit
tler, for the New Years issue of the
H krali, and at the very moment
the photograph was taken a cow
was browsing cabbage on the pave
ment in front of Parker Bros, gro
cery store. It will, of course, be
omitted from the illustration. It is
gratifying to know that the cows
are soon to be prohibited from
roaming the streets
invading gro-
eery stores, picking locks and
gates, and other ii regularities. It
is even said that the" average Al
bany cow knows the combination
on half the safes in the city. This
one certainly knew how to" pose to
hae her picture taken..
We want your buttt r and
will give vou either cash or
eggs, and
trade for
it. Krownell iv Stanari'.
I know I can sa.'e you money, try
lac. ami you will be convinced "Av. V.
BOMMtlT JO J. W. XHiiil.
Description of the S'aaf, Eracted tj His Men.-
ory by His
During last week a stately
poiisiird granite monument was
erected to mark the spot w here he
!i.e remains of the late Senator
Nesmith. Our readers will re-:neinh--r
that ihe senator's family,
in carrying oat his frequently tik
pressed wish, laid his remains-at
re.-t in a beautiml grove on the
banks of the Bickreall, which
stream ru s th.oughthe Nesmith
la! m.
The inscription on the front of
the tiie is as lodows :
l:ui:x .'I'LY -2o. ISirt:
.'ILV 23,
Jl'.MS 17,
An Upright Juiluc,
A I Iruve Si ltd ier,
A V ihj Lei-I iti v,
An Honest .Man.
On the r-rveroe me inscription
as follows :
I'ioneer of 1S4:;,
Juil'jje i'liiier the I'ro
visinnat Ooveriuiifiit l.s4.",
Lniieit St;,t i .Marshal
!&:": I Vo
CVlu'iel of Volmitters ls."5,
SUierinteiKlent of
Indian A if a Irs l-f7-lS."i0,
. Represenlaiive in Congress
Notwithstanding that the late
senator's iriends and neighbors
manifested a desire to contribute
towards the erection of the monu
ment, arid notwithstanding that
the legislature had appropriated a
certain sum as the contribution oi
the state, Mrs. Nesmith ami the
family respectfully declined the
proll'ered contributions, preferring
to attest their devotion tothe mem"
ory of husband and father by erect
ing the monument themselves.
The .rcaJ Sale.
Large crowds daily throng the
store of Monteith it Seitenbach
taking advantage ot this oppor
tunity of purchasing goods from a
first-class stock at an average of 25
per cent, less than the usual price.
These goods must go, as the store
will be vacated by the first of the
year. If you want boots and shoes,
underwear, dress goods, fancv
gooirs or anv staple drv mimb re
member that on this "entire stock i
an actual slaughter in prices is be
ing made, goods being sold at less
than cost.
X oil co.
(band educational railv at Tan
gent Nov. :;ith, 1 i m. The fol
lowing speakers will be present to
address tiie people: Brofessor D.
Atkins, Bev. J. W. Craig, Rev. 1'.
A. Moses and I). C. McFarland.
The purpose of the meeting will be
to consider the propiiety and feai
bihty oi ef-tablishing a school for
higher education at Tangent,
D. C. Mc Fa elan i),
J. W. Ca nt;,
1-.L. Buy ax.
Winter iii(-ra.
A species of !o.d complaint
known as "winter clioieia," appeared
in several cities in the Northwest last
w inter and is likely to he more uen
ural this season. Chaiulieilain's
Cliolic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea lleineil
is a certain cure lor it. For sale by
Kosliay i: Mason.
I'eojde Every li-re
Ccrifirm our statement when we say
that Acker's English Remedy is in
everyway superior T any and all
other preparations for the throat am'
lungs, In whooping coagh and croup
it is magic, and relieves at once. Ke
member this remedy is sold ou,a
positive guarantee.
'I earlier' Fxamiiialivii.
Notice is hereby given that the
regular public quartcrl y ex iuiina
t:on ot teachers tor Linn County
will be heid in Albany, at the
Court lioue commencing at noon
oll Wednesday Nov. 2d. lSSS.
a II t.eaclu-rs desirin-' examination
a., i. llt., !lt t ii"i.,.,r;,ii-,r
u. M. Ut ;u..
CouDty Superintendent.
An Absolute Cure.
The original Abietine Ointment is
ouiy put up in large two ounce toi
boxes, and is an absolute cure for old
sores, y i ns, wound-", chapped hands,
and all skin eruptions Will positiv
ely cure all kinds of piles. Ask for
the original Abietine Ointment. Sold
by Foshay iV Mason for i cents per
box by mail M) cents.
Nipped in the liml.
Is it not better to nip Con.-umption
the greatest scourge of humanitv in
the bud, than to try to stay its pro
gress on the brink of the grave. A
few doses of California's most useful
production, will reletve, and a thor
ough treatment will cure. Nasal
Catarrh, too often the forerunner of
consumption can be cured by Califor
nia Cat-K-Curc. These remedies are
sold and fully warrented by Foshay it
Clo.Hlnz Out Salr.
Attention is called to the big ad
vertisement of Monteith & Seiten
bach on our first page to-day. They
are going out of business in Albany
and will positively sell their entire
stock of general merchandise at
cost. This firm has been in busi
ness here for for many years, and
the public is cognizant of the fine
and complete stock they carry. It
is a genuine closing out sale, and is
a rare chance to secure big bar
gains. The immense pale of Chamberlain
Cough Remedy has been producd to a '
great extent by people who have been !
cured by it telling their friends and j
neighbors of its good qualities and
urging them to try it. The most se-I
vere cold will soon yield to iis sooth- i
ing etlH-ts. For sale by Foshay &
Mason. " i
Just received at Conn Bros, clam
j chowder, mushrooms, new crop
keg pickles, tuanksgivmg turkeys
and chickens, novelties :or the
holidays, etc., etc.
Cha-.nberlain's and Skin Oint
ment is uneiU:ileri for old chronic
sores. Many'easi.'s have been perma
nently cured by it.' by Ko
shav it Vason.
Just received at W. F. Read's a ful
line of ladies tine muslin underwear,
a'so gir's' white dresses and infants
sli;is. Call and see then-.
Dr. J. V. ;all', physiciau ami Stir
geen, Sheihl Oi egoii.
Messrs. O'Coaner & Barr Will Build tl e :
Street Railway.
Messrs. O'Conm r it Barr, t -,
getLer with Wm. Harridan, of
Salem, have been awarded ih'e
contract for constructing the Salem i
street railway. The contract price.!
for the mile and a fraction of road i
is $ii!i5. . . i
Work will be commenced on the j
road at once, and it will be cim- j
pleted by January 1st. Messrs j
O'Cotnerit Barr have completed!
their contract on the wcron - a
ciric, and will put their entire tom
of men at work on the Sak-m rail
way. The price paid includes
grading, leveling and laying
rails, but does not include
equipment of rolling stock.
Oregon's Ttr.
Official returns h.tve been
ceived from all the counties in
tiie state except Curry, Kla;nath,-Lake,
Tillamook and Wallowa counties.
The majorities fio u Curry Lake
and Wallowa counties have been
received, leaving Klamath and
Tillamook counties the only ones
for which an estimate must be
made. There has been such a
falling off in the vote of the East
ern Oregon and coast - counties on
account of neg'e.a" that the first
promises of a greatly increased vote
in the state have not been made,
good. The total Vote of the 'state
will be a little less than (2,000, and
Harrison's plurality will be about
tiSOO, or about hUl) less than Her
mann's plurality last June. The
prohibition vote, so far as reported.,
is 1417, and the labor vote 252.
These latter figures will not be
much increased' by the returns" yet
to be received.
The Junior class of Princeton
College at a meeting held Thurs
day, November 15, passed the fol
lowing resolutions :
PlilXCKTO.V Coi.i.ko!-:,
NoVKMliKK 15, KSSS.)
Whereas, God in his Proyi
dence has seen fit to call to himself
our classmate,- Stephen C. ITirin,
WiiKf:i:.s, We, his classmates,
recognized in him one who, bv his
upright Christian character while
among us, won our highest esteem,
therefore, be it
Resolved, Although we acknowl
edge in this event the will of Our
Father, we yet, mourn his early
death, and tender to his bereaved
... i . i ,
uimn oui ueai uen sympathy, anu
iiesoived, lliata copy
ot these
reso.utions be torwarded to the
family of the deceased, and that
they be published in the college
papers, and also in the Aliiaxy
T. F. Cn.Mi!i:i:s, President
Secretary. -
Ol flo Siiin.l.ji. tii-li'" COlleort.
be given Nov. 2, at the M.- E.
church in this city :
r-inging School.
Devotional exercises.
Anthem Be Joyful in the Lord,
by the choir.
Class exercises Infant class.
Duet Beautiful I 'am, Edith
Chiswcll and Maud Hurl hurt.
Recitation Children's Play,
Bessie Beam.
Solo and chorus Let Me Dream
While Life shall Linger, Messrs.
Miller, Littler, Hammer and
Recitation Six in a Row.
tie Kctchum.
Song Class,
Hold lp the Right
Recitation A men
Anna Chiswell.
Corner, Miss
(Quartet Spring Song,
Robsjn a-ud Airs. Ilenton
Messrs. Hammer and Miller.
C 1 ass ex ercises 1 !oys .
Duet Land of the Swallows,
Eva Simpson and Mamie Camp
bell. Recitati -n Building the Chim
ney, Miss Frances Gilbert.
.Male Quartet Old Oaken Buck
(.'lass exercises Consider the
Solo Come Unto .Me, Mrs. M.
Song Little Children, class.
Recitation How Jamie Came
Home, Miss Jessie W. Graves.
Anthem Be Thou Exalted,
Mrs. Littler, Mrs. Henton, Miss
Anna Barns and N. C. Conn and
Messrs. Littler and Flindt.
Doors open at 7 o'clock i m.,
and exercises commence at 7:30 i.
m. Admission 10 cents at the
To tiik Editor of thk IIkrai.ii:. -
ITease allow us through your pa
paper to express ou hearty thanks
to the kind friends of Albany who
so cheerfully rendered a helping
hand during the recent severe and
long siege of sickness in our fami
ly, and also for the numerous do
n itions received during said sick
ness, although we do not in every
case know who were the donors.
We congratulate, ourselves in hav
ing fallen among friends who know
how to prove themselves friends
indeed in time of need. May the
good Lord bless and reward vou
i all. I. B. and Lizzie L. Fishek.
K',-"J'' - reatly Bedm-ed Prices
Samuel E. Young has received a
large invoice of picot edge ribbons
of superior quality, direct Irom the
importers at New lork, wnich he
is uttering at greatly reduced prices,
to close them out.
liK-ovrrieH More Valuable Than
i .!!.
! Are Santa Abie., the California dis
i covery for Consumption and diseases
! of the throat. Chest and Liu. g5, and
j California Cat-K-Cure. Ihe only gnar
i anteed cure for Catarrh, Cold in the
Head and kindred complaint--. They
are sold at -?1 per package, or three
for --i.."0, and are recommended and
i used by the leading physician of the
i Pacific Coast. No secret; compounds.
I Guaranteed by Foshay iv. Mason
I 14.11 r IIKRE IV ALIiA.W
SfetCa Will Bny.SGoods Cheaper Than
Any where E;se.
There is no need of sending away
k-r goo Is w lien the following "desir
able wares can be bought for net at import prices:
One-half dozen nnhandied tea
cups and saucers, ;5 cts.
'.. dozen unhanoied coil'ee cu;s
ami sa:i-ers, -15 els.
l-j d- .zen handled c'oll'ee cups and
saucers, 50 rts. - "
dozen-seven inch dinner plates
45 cts. ' . '
Tlie good;; mentioned above are
iron stone china, and not 0. C.
ware. '
. These ju ices will stand uood for
the next thirty days.
Al.JiAXY, Oct. -Jii, l.S-SS. '
i -tfoi-ses i;r ."aji-.
We have just brought from;.
Eastern Oregon a fine lot of work !
horses which we will seil on terms j
to suit the times. Among thein is
some promising young drivers lroin
Oneco Mason Ohiet, and Edward
Eveivtt. Also some choice heavy
mares. Anyone wishing a horse I
will do well to look them over and
we w ill t ike pleasure in. showing
tlienijto all intending purchasers.
McKxiHiiT Bros.,
Tallman, Or.
For Hie
V 117 j i
ij. . (miss it .sons are now-
receiving an elegant- line of holiday
goods, such as plush toilet sets,
albums, novelties, cards and fancy
goods, also a tine line of perfumer
ies in elegant plush cases. .Their
stock will be .complete and prices
will be as low as the lowest.
I have received my full stock of
fall . and winter millinery, nave
secured the service of Miss Smith,
of Portland, trimmer. Will be
pleased to show goods at an)' time.
Ida M. Brush, successor to Mrs.
E. J. O'Connor.
A Warning.
The'inoiles of ile.iiii's approach are
vario as, and stat istics show conclusive
ly that more persons die from diseases
of the throat and lungs than any other.
It is prob;iJ.le that everyone, without
exception, receives vast cumbers of
TkIh-icIc Cernis into the system and
where thee serins fall uiioH suitable
.--.mi mejT t iioo iiic anu ueeiup, i
at lirst slowly and is shown by a i
Might tickluii: sensation in the throat !
and if allowed to continue their!
ravages they extend to the limits pro
dueing con.-mnption and to the head,
caasinir- catarrh. Now ;dl this is
i"n- .nut ii .ii.inuu hi proceed
.-!.. ......... ...... .....I If ..II. 1 . . 1
will in time cause death. M the onset
you must act with promptness; allow
ing a cold to go w ithout attention is
dangerous and 'may lose you yotir j
Tile. As soon as you feel tliat some-!
thing is wrong with yourthroat, limirs j
or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boehee's (
It wdi give i'oii im- j
mediate relief.
Caiiliii to Mollii-rs.
Every mother is cau-.ioned against
giving her child laudanum or p-ira-
goric; it creates an unnatural craving
rui M.iuiuntui.a v inwii hius iiitjiw
or the child. Acker's Baby Soother
is specially prepared to benefit chil
dren and cure their pains. It is harm
less and contains no opium or mtr
phine. Sold by Foshay & Mason.
- California Cal-K-i'iire.
The only guaranteed cure for ca
tarrh, cold in the head, hay fever.vose
co'd, deafness and sore eyes
Ke.- ore. the sene of taste and unpleas
;i lit bieaih, resulting froiri ciriarrh,
Ka and jr.eanant to use. Follow
directions and a cure is warranted, by
all d -uggists. Send for a circular
i i.. Ai.i.-iii... t,.ilu. ,i r ,,..,,,,' ii,,.
Lot-!viu.. Sii- t,.,.,n" tr..,.t...'..I.t f..r
si ; sent by maii, :!,!0, For sale by
I'oshaj iV M.ison.
i:nii.i -':stio.
French keeps raoroad time.
Boys kilt suits at. W. F. Head's.
Magic yeast at Browueil A: Stanard's'
Fine old cherry bounce at M. Baiuu
gart's. Finest line of jersies ever in Albany
at Kead's-
A new invoice of . British trimmings
at Head's.
For nice parlor suites call on
Thomas Bi inl .
Go ---id see the new silverware at
Will & Stark's. -
New dress goods the veryl ats,e
styles at W. F. Read's.
A line line of new silverware just
op-vi-" at Will k Stark's.
Asbe autiful as a dream that line o
a lies bro.t lclot!i it W. F.Kead's
The largest, and best assortment of
t;a and cotfee in town at Browned &
A full line of crockery and glass
vr ire cheap at Br.nvaell A: Stanard's-O
Extra soda crackers, fresh from the
factory, every week at Brownell &
J. A. Archibald, agent for the Sitig
er Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd
bellows temple.
Our cuctomers never have the blues,
because wa give them such good bar
gains. W. F. Kad.
Wre handlo three kinds of fruit jar
and you will do well to see us before
placing your order's.
"Mirth is short livei. Prolong It 'f
you can. It will help your disposition
to trade with W. F. Head. j
Call on Brownell A Stanard's for
candies and nuts for the holidays. A
line assortment on hand.
Just received, another lot of those
fine hand sewed French kid shoes, the
very cheapest eyer brought to town at
W. F. Read's.
Mex:ca Cactus Bitters is the fcest
remedy iu the world for liver and kid
ney diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale
at M Banmgart's
For your fine imported md Ke
West "cigars, go to M. Baumgart
cigar store, one door east of Black
man's drug store.
'"Vou ttill never miss thegwater
'Tilt the well runs ory."
If yon want a well dug call on E. B.
Uavidson. He does prompt work at a
reasonable price Orders can be left
at this office.
iioanj Bath House
JfLadie? -Mid children's hair dress,
ng a specialty. BnuJe satisfaction
guaranteed .
To our assortment of Standard
; , in tht. cit
; as tm cllicke,
: 1 Franco-Ameican Food Co.
Celebrated French soups, mock turtle, pea, French bouillon, tomato,
chicken, consomme, beef and terrapin. These goods are prepared from care
fully selected meats, vegetables andpoultry without the aid of any artificial
substance whatever.
Spiced gherkin.-, chowchow, nicalillv, cauliflower, oueen olives, mus
tard dressing, pickled onions, swret
of Crosse it Blackwell's canned goods.
New York-preserved strawberries, plums, pineapple, quince, peach and
thie fresh mushrooms, in glass, a love.y thing lor man's eye to behold.
Also we have received a very large stoek of
Raisins, Zante currants, citren, lemon and orange peel, mincemeat in
both wood and glass. All good standard brands, which we do not hesitate to
guarantee to give satisfaction in every respect. Other articles of fancy goods
coo numerous to mention. Besides it is a well known fact that our stock of
And provisions far excel that of any other store in the city,
just received from Eastern factories and jobbers a line of fancy
For our croekcry department that will do credit to any house in the city
f Portland, aud will be sold at reduced rates and not the old-fashioned hnn-dred-per-cent-carry-them-halt-over-until-next-season
plan. We intend to
sell every article bought for the Holiday trade so low that no man can have
an excuse for not buying hid wife a present.
Brands of Faucv (Groceries, unexcelled
.llicharilsoii-ct- Rubbim celebrated Canned Meats, such
grouse, pheasant, snipe, wild duck, plover, quail and
pickles and table sauces, and a full line
We hay