THE nT?XINa HERALD: SUXD S8S SHovning gailg ikvad Daily a.nli Weekly TERMS Oi- SUKsCiiIPTICN: DAILY". "ublishcd every monism; exeept Monday.) D :'.iveroii by carrier, per week Oilo Hy mull, per yeai 5 I'O WEEKLY. (Published every i'n.lay Morning.) ne copy, per annum, in advance ?'2.00 When not paid in tvl-finee "?.f0 lilt: MAILS Mail- at the Albany pustoliiueelo&e For all offices north The Kastern states ' ,. Ihe West Side Ami the Nai row Gawre R. It. ) For Portland and Salem 11 A. M Curva'Hs ami Yaijiiina V'JWp. t office south 7: 0 r. u. The posolhce will he eiusotl eacn evening rom six to seven o'clock. Registered matter tor the early morning train should be mailed before 8 o clock the previous evenin'. ED I TO 111 A NO TES? The wise man looks after the prospective dangers that haunt his pathway through life and avoids t hem ; the foolish person closes his eyes to palpable facts and blindiy stumbles against the sharp point of inevitable consequence to his own detriment. An English inves tigation just completed pur i:: tangible shape the ellect of the use of alcohol from observation cover ing 4,234 eases in all walks of life. This report, whic.i has just ap peared, shows that with men over twenty-five the intemperate use of alcohol cuts off ten years from life, those who never drink to excess or use no liquor living, on the average ten years longer than those who do. Indulgence, if carried to ex cess, doubles diseases of the liver, quadruples those of the kidneys, and greatly increases death fiom pneumonia, pleurisy and epilepsy. The following "pass" is being distributed around among some of the democrats : Free pass to Salt river. Salt River Packet Co. Str. Grover Cleveland. Carries a full cargo of free trade literature, Cleve land luck and vetoed pension bills. Pass From To Salt river and v:harge to account of Sir Lione Sackville West, Pilot, Ex. British Envoy at Washington, D. C. Every trip will be enlivened by strong remarks on Murchison -etter and the famous answer hereto. A full supply of "Jeffer sonian simplicity" will be aboard. After using return to Chairman Brice. The rebel battle flags were left at Washington. Given by the courte.-y of the tribe of Benjamin. Every democrat can apply for a pass. 'The French people are reaching out for the recuperating effects of healthful immigration, for they have discovered that the increase of population of France is steadily growing less. In the past year the n imber of births was Still,;::; ; of deaths 84-2,717; or 23.5 and 22 per thousand, respectively. The excess of births over deaths has decreased since 18S1 from 108,22'J to 50.5:,f'., or 4S per cent. The Revue Scienti rique comments in a very interest ing editorial on the connection of these facts with the question of retrenching immigration into France, which is at present favoied by the government and by the people, and shows that the only remedy is to open France unrestricted immigration neighboring countries. to an from There are many pnases to tl e labor question, and important one: ; o, but the words of Friend are e nphatic and touch the many issues in a manner that will bring a responsive echo when it says that there outrht to be no laborer in this land who wants to be deprived i himself, or to deprive any other J man of the right to work where he ! pleases and on what terms he J pleases. If there be any such J workmen, the sort 01 tyrranny which they desire, whether for themselves or others, is hostile to American laws, and it cannot be established or maintained except by lawless violence, which the authorities must suppress and punish. The election is now over; the smoke of the battle has cleared away, and now the attention of the country will be turned again to business, which will in Oregon be brisk. Merchants in Albany in anticipation of this have stocked up heavily for the holiday and win ter trade. itir. u"r"ii u i tt tt c ura i oi iiiii- rison's i-a'oinet as .-ecietary of state seems now to rest between James G. Blaine and John Sherman. In the case cf the soldier vote it was a case of leciprccity, or re taliation neasur was Tuesday. J heir veio dav Kibltons at Greatly Kedueeil I'rierx j Samuel K. oung Has receive'! a invoice of nicot euge ribbons - ji i lt. fll.riAnLi of superior quality, direct from the . mr,c,rters at New Yoik, which he ; is offering atgreally r. duced prices, i to close them out. TEKPEEAKCE BOTES. C mtr.buted by the W. C.. U. Major Hilton of Washington, D. C, a most noted gospel temperance speaker will visit, anil work fur a lane i.i Washington territory, in December. Also Miss llonrittta ' Moore is due there fur the months of November and Decern- btrr. Kvidently the temperance people are awake in that part of We make the following extract from the close of the fermon preached by Bishop Fallows of Chics go, to the national conven tion : Never in custom's oiled grooves the world to a higher level moves, ''But graces and grinds with fi tion hard on granite boulder and flinty strand, Only by conflict the right must gain, every good has its birth of pain." Go forth, ye Christian men and women, side by side, hereafter. "Selfreverent each, and rever encing eisch," go :orth in every service together, for the glory of God and the relief of man's estate. Go forth, and together ye shall win "the statelier EJen back to man." Go forth. The church of the future beckons you to come. Together ye shall fering on the millenial day . when we shall bless united dominion in the new heavens and the new earth, with Him, who came the secoiul'Adam, the Lord from heaven, to strike oil" every shackle from every limb. When no man shall put the bottle to his neighbor's lips, when they shall learn war no more; when none shall have to say to his neighbor, "Know thou the Lord," but all shall known Him, from the least even unto the greatest. Thus go forth and whom God hath joined together let no man, no men, no church, put lsunder. Amen. We give below some interf stinir figures, a tabulated statement from the national corresponding secre tary's report : No. of W. C. T. Unions. Memberships Young woman's unions. .Membership Loyal temperance le gions Membership Coffee houses and Inns. 7.371 104.243 Dos 21,278 3,427 103,743 43:; Money raised bv local unions ". $227.94S.07 Received by states 52120.4:; County and district con ventions held JM2 States having scientific temperance laws ' 7 Also all territories and the dis trict of Columbia. Mrs. Ada M. Ritfenbender, na tional superinientleiit uf legislation and petitions, was on the loth of Ojt. admitted to the supreme court of the United States, the third lady co be so admitted. Mrs. Bitter," bender is law partner of her hus band, in Lincoln, Nebraska. She is said to be a quite unassuming woman, and one of rare intellectual attainments. .iccoruing io ute report 01 me ; national superintendent of scienti fic temperance instruction, twenty five legislatures besides the national government have made scientific j temperance a compulsory school j stuuy in their respective states and i territories. I have received a new line in s a pie and fancy colors and will in ttie future carrv a much larger as sortment than formerly and sell them cheaper. Samuki. E. v'r.G. NEW TO-DAY. For Kent. FURNISHED KOOMS TO RE. NT. City Restaurant. AT THE WANTED Apply ac Ukralii office Urnioreil. JOSEPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS t) patrons and friends that he can be fo iml on First street, in his new rooms in Foshav & .Mas in s brick, where he is prepared to ac commodate the public with arn thin in the tonsor'alline. Hot or cold4haths at all hours fMray Xoticr. mAKEX UP N THE FARM OF S. GOUR: i le , three miles west ot Albany, on Oetc I tier 1, 1SSS, a white cow with brown heat' antl some brown spots. Both ears clipped on ends and slit, about S years old. The owner will please call and get the above described cow ami ,ay costs. 1 OST, A RED AND WHITE SPOTTED Ll cow, irivinif milk Itiformrtion leadinc to her recovery will be liberally rewarded by j the owner, E. E. Davis, at his ottice in the court house. Lost- A MIDDLE SIZED RED half cut ears and blunt LA. AST MONTH olored cow. oorns. ward. Tne tinder will be paid a i;ood re Address Depot Hotel, Albany. SALE, A GOOD COW, VERY at tt. ; p ..h.-.o Knipiire of .M. E. Po 'lie t-harics hotel. f or Sale. Four good work houses, e'or par ticulars entpiire of G. V. Simpson. ANTED A KfKRlKcKI" HAM) r., I::t4..i wire ma tress. of C.L. Rru.-,h font of Lynn street. rjVvVO FUtiNLSHED ROOMS CFNTUALLV i Imiuire at Wells. Far -o i olite. j wms and v illard Having sold . "'I. invii luilllOl (. I tlltt I M(N 111 Aili'lol tlieir lurni.ure business in Aloanv I '.'0 to close uual1 nccounts hv the 1st of ui'icr, lo,. All i.crsons indebted t- m wl 1 please call at their earliest co:i- vci leu-.-, as it is necessarvti.iciv.. i.v..n n, leu by that tune. " T" WOOD1N & WILLARD. I ALBANY Coledate Institute J ALBANY : OREGON is.;: of Instructors. 1SSK A Eull Corps Classical, scientific, literary, ccmmcrci an 1 normal ela-ses. Courses i s.tudy ar- j r.iT'ed to m.'.et the needs of all -Trades of j St.idents. SfCial imhlremetits ottered to students from abroad. Tx-ion ranges Iron; sM.30 to sr..-, i'l'i-UTi'i'iii Instrumental instruction ia music will be riven by .Miss l.oltra. K iard in private f .miiies at low rates, and rooms for sell bourdmir at 'jmal! ( xpeiiv. A careful snofi-vision exercised over pupils away from home. For eiretnira and full particulars, address tl'cjpresid . t, UEV. ELliEllT X. CONMT, Albany, ove-.'on. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS mi. , .-- . ,. , . . ... ,, , hereby certify that Or. I X. Wocdlu lns 8u.-cess:uiiv opcr.ueu on mv rulhn horse ISAAC H YYS. For further -e'rence in regard to riillti llibuire of Ua" '.'eterson, Win. Peterson. Lel. alion; Jo'in il.. 1 na.i, Aifreil Wclvvrto:., Al any ; Sam Uaines. bcio; Win. Foster, Print -ville. I (iractici .cterinary medi' ine in Al bany ami count. ' surroundiuy Ottice at:d residence corner i .ii and Washington sts. I. N. WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon Curran cv: Monteith have lots for sale on tl e installment plan, rang ing in price from .f 125 to $1000. Oysters! Oysters! EASTERN" AXU OLYMPIAN SERVED frjsh every day at 11. Lnercks' restaurant OREGON RAILWAY .and NAVIGATION tOMIMNY ZS "ZS Columbia River Route Trainsjf jr thj Eist loivts P.trtlau Iat 10 A.J -M and 2 P. M. daily. " . TICKETS to ami irom principal points in United States, Canada and Europe. ELEGANTSPULLMAN PAUCE CARS Emigrant USlee ing aCars Eaa Throueh,oD Express Trains OMAfIA, COUNCIL BLUFFS and ST. PAUL I'rre of IMiarse anil W ilhoiit Ii;in;'. Close.Connections at Portland for San Eran cisco and Puct' Scuiui points. For further particulars innire of Curaau S; Monteith, Eirst Street, Albany, Oregon. A. L. JUIMEIX, 4.. I. .1 J. A, W. II. IIOMOIIB, 4;-.r;il lji;iser. JfaTRoats leave the 'A K. N. Co.'s wharf, at the foot of Uroailaihin street, on Ttiesd iy an j Friday of each vveek.C. U. KAWLINCS, Local Airent. Sreat Enpsli emedy. j Trade Mark. Murray's Specific A srnnraiitM'd cure afor nt-rvons diseases, such a. WcaU Jlemorv, Loss ,f i'.niin l'fwer, Ilvstetia, Iltatl-.che I'ain in the l ck, Xervous Prostration, Wakefulness, t i i t ......... t r 0 -j- I . Ijfltuori IliJU't, I iiiviioiii liawi Before I akin)?, tuilUi SelniMal Wt-ifcness 1m : it : t :v wl -j i'.i.'H to.sei iim'.to i Ceeerat : ,-ji'H i l ei-br se -..-in-e l bv ii'.liscre io.i "r over-exertion, and which u timatelv lewl to Premature Trails Merk. Old Ase, Insanity and Con sumption. gl.COa box or six boxes forSS.OO. Sent by mail on receintot i.rife. i'uil iiar- f.culars in patnph'ct sent tree fi, to every applicant. i:uarinil'' ltcx to cure an v case, tor every s'i.00 onltr receiveil we sentl stv boxes, wan a w""u'fterTklnr. ; u'unrane e to refund the money if on specific j .1.... ..if..,.- n ..11 A.Ill-. nil 1, tltt - i m,-atioiH to the Sole Mannfa ture.-s. The , Murray Medicine ' . K-insn. City, Mo. j 2"Sold in Albany by r'chay Ftsha.y V j I:ioii.dc ace KeiiiwvHt, ! DUBRUILLE'S DISl-LAV HOUSE NOW ! marks the location of his harness store, ! which has been remov ed to Pierce's new block. His old eusto-ncrs tou'etiu-r with the general public are invited to call ami see this wonderful display horse ami inspect his com plete line of harness, saddles, buitgy robes, C, etc. The LUYERS" GUIDE is issued March and Sept. each year. It is an encyclopedia of nse'iil iufonnatio" fur all wh purchase the uxuries or the necessities of life. We i can clothe you and furnish you with j all the necessary and unnecessary ap j plianees to ride, walk, dance, sleep, I eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church or ! stay at home, and in various sizes. styles and quantities, just; n git re out what is required to do ail these things COMFORTABLY, yon can make a j fair estimate of the value of the I BUYERS' CUIDE. which will bei sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pav postage. MONTGOMERY, WARD & COi, 111-114 Michigan Avenuu,Chicago,lil. tt A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies, give me a call. Slralians Jew Block, Opiite Kevere House. iVllSS K. IvIcLin. WANTED. I We will pay 50 cents i hoicce shipping butler. per roll for TU'iMfSON & Wateks PALACE MEAT MARKET lAMES V. PlPE.Prop. Klrl Street .... 411 nny The best variety of choice beef,veaI,mutto, pork sausage, etciiithe city keptconstantly m hand. T Cish'paid for aWkin 1 ock.'SJ I'tililraetor antl nil it-r. THE UNDhRSK'NED HAVING LO ....t..r in All,.,n,-al!,;u ...,tw from city ami coimti y. Will contract ( . . l...:i.l I to build bndi'es, barns, and all manner of dwelling lnt:-es. including Queen Anne. Eatlake and Eliza bethian styles of buildings. Will furnish plans "and spt -iijc it.'is fre : uf .1 charire. Satis action guaranteed W. (J. CASS EL- HP UilliUU tas iionable Dresmak nff ar v. -w. -jiims v - e mm mm mm - mm m m mm mm mm mm mm mm -sa- - mmm mw m m mm aavavjw- n inifi K tar - VveSuavs man v important .Ativan.: j ad other Prepared Foodi. I 3 ABIES ChY Fuh IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Maks Pinmp,,-; hiabay E .U- Ee;uLi:ts the Stcmac'i a..t. iJwelt,. WELL l "sr s-ISTCK VT Baby Pert: ail;?. A poitfolioof beautiful baby pc rtratts printeil on tine plate paper by patent photo fro. us, sent free to motnerof any ;:-i,.y boin within a year. Fverv .Moilc wafts these pictures; send at once. U.vo l'..tiiv" name ( 'lMj ai,c; '.Vklls, UiciiAKDsox & Co., Uuriin'tcn, t, SPBIMBFIELU SiiWfSfLL i Zs Alliany yard ami ollico on Katlroad, between 4th andlolh streets .liiViii it) in If r t t i Meki iJ in t.uahly . no facilities not .'1 prompt and saliblactur) liliin. or oiiu rs. 1 rest eelliillv tolii-i 1 : aue. GEO. I W. SMITH fS&SS i-. as'CESSOll TO W.flL McFARLAIND) 3 3 op H CCS CO CO as CD' ct3 CD -DEALER IX- Stoves a,ncl; Eanges ALSO A FULL LINE OF j TlXWAltE, PUMPS, j Anu every variety ofjjeookinir utensils and ' novelties in house furnishing knolls, l lie public is nivit.-a to call and the new inanairemenr.. WILL Dealers in all the leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing lactones, Organs, Pianos, A full Li:ii of iSheet music, musical merchamliseimmimition, fish in tack'e, etc. Warranted razors, hutciier and i i : J"J"-v7l) l.Ul C5 The best' NE E DLES, OIL and Extras for all MA CHINES tINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairing of'sewing '.machines, musical instruments, sruns, etc., nentlv done W. F. 1 am now receiving ray notions, etc, and propose t the line, My goods are all FO R CASH! We invite your inspection Cashmeres Imported Broadcloth Sil&'Warp, Henrietta All 77ool Tricots Assahet Flannels Tn f ift rvprvthinr usually found in first-class Dry Goods Store. My Srffll 1 lave also added a complete lins of hovs kilt suits. A comparison of my stock and prices is solicited CfiT All "mail orders promptly attended to. Call and see me. (Successor to N .U. Aliens Alba 'iv. Oregon. v i At 3 .;" ?f7 T3 A.ya YES Supsrior k fc. i'dilVlirld Slsil;.ty a i.. o t. Hi. i r tin rt- v "icr nif.tU . -n,t t '! : -.: it- viol's. Mni tukf i.o o; 1 1 r. , !' i it t.N & t o... l:;;; or Lrt'ii.'.ir Kai ot is than anv .i irivi li ore k !- the I'ia it; loient r.nrli:i; ton, Vt. .cy .-Vt.eles, i oth-.-: '; :l.t WrW.LS Fori: .lolt!, Silvei, I'lol .e, Co pel. Onlv It; cent.- t 0 lei it tl 1 HOSE, COrPEKWAJlE ' xauiine tins inatimiotli stuck under I BROS kinds of sewine: machines READ, Fall stock ot Dry Goods make it red hot all along freshjaiid new and bought of the I'following fgoods: Plushes Vclretcsnis Silks and Satins COSTHNT BEOS. HAVING REMOVED TO THEIR ftunntniie i)x Now c-.-ill tlie utteutjoii of the j.nliiic to tilth com plete stock of mm km which will he sold ata very small j-roiil, u(iiick sales, short 'profitsand flesh p;oods l.eiiii cuniiot'o 2J"Fine line ot choice Imported ai.d Uomestu Cigars kept constantly on hajul. ooKseiicr, -and di:alkr i: FEXT uuno Fine stationery, miscellaneous books, photograph and autograph albums, inkstands, ink. pencils, etc., etc. bhtet music, music books, and all kinds of musical merchandise. General News Depot. p55r'Mail orders promptly attended to. Jim cllIlIS, BOOKS AND LU CITY DRUG ESPECIAL ATTENTION CI VEX TO FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS JL. W. GTJ1SS c"fe SOIV. Propr's tl J. DiLLOiN & CO, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF F U R N l)t irenera! iedi work, also lianrain datiiiir imildinir will li nil it to their Foot or Children Cry for NOTICE. rni het Iffi ' With new machinery, m ikiii ilotu bj- the Kt'Lu mii.i.Ktt i'Kockss. I n ; nitil is oo.v ran ! ni. it; ami lean tunnsli t tie b. st of flour atn' j I'ettl at leasoaalilQ rates. 1 i'licul to run my i :;;ill in oi.-h a m inner that cvn ifO avvav I lissvujslietl. Oi e int.-i . all. j . G0INS, Proprietor ccio Mills SECOIID HMD STORE The iast year lias proven it to be 8 necessity. The best and cheapest place in the city to buy your Stoyes.Fnnutnre.tinware We ate always prepared to buy vour household furniture at the highest cas-h price. Sole agents for the PEERLESS OIL And Filler, L. G0TTLIEL. JOHN SCHMEER'3 Livery. M4 Sale stable Corner Second and EUmorlh Sis . ALBANY, - OREGON HOH8K8 boarded by the day or month. Car ria;es or huKsries on reasonable terms, v6nl INORTHWEST FIRS and MARINE m INSURANCE COM PAN), jj PORTLAND, - - OREGON CAPITAL STOCK Str.o.oo JOHN2 BRIGGS Roses a Specialty,1 Cemetery lots planted and earetl for by the month or year. j ALBANY, - - - OREGO ' Leave your orders at Brownell k : Stanard's for choice berries. 1 SIX HUNDRED ACRES OF GOOD PASTUKAOR And abundance o! runnin": water on the tiitott ituneli. (our pities pottth of -io lit.Tse.- .1 jit.r niciilii; cettle 5U '.ents, C. C MDOV, , Seio, Orep:od. PAST KM f a ilnrAPn 1 T AIM ) 1 s STATIONERY AT- I T U JtiJi in ilitrinr and rustic. Those eontem- advantage io call on us ;tl i.ur Frctory, at SC-llOOL fNimiir in mm Oils, Alobastines, C'TfiUT? )TUJLlJJi LvoC Street c-i Pitcher's Castoria. Fine GtewaFoclEii "-i - " -irt nuaTTTj uf ft nifl , tmrnam, m auto, etc CAKES, RES, Fresh Baked Breach Every Bay. At tills old mrA nOtbm hamm ia amm to found a comptute aflsortrDent, of trmh ramts rrooeriea, to wteich ig eoaatnotiy brany aJde.1 tt the seasonable tinea nf grocwii mi pravisiw - such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Canned Goods of All Kir.ds. Bohemian Glassware, Etc. Tbase foods were ail bought when prto "ere low, and the benefit of the margin will t tfiven to his elastomers. Remember the !.. u i he old comer on Fbnt and Broadalbia ist " HOFFMAN AND PFEIFFER Proprietor of . ALBANY SODA WORKS And manufacturers of We are bow prepared to famish choice, frea candies ot best grade, consisting of pure rti.-tt assorted flavors, mixed candies, extra Krei. and chocolate rwnins, fancy mixed, candy tuug and a geueral aasortiueat oi floe candies AT VMUsAU OK RETAIL. T Orders from coon try dealer promptly a awed to, raetorj on fim street. Albany, . - M kn Millx KAM1VMC dk rrep'K. NEW PROCESS FLOUR, (Superior e(amQy sarf oaten aee) The Best Storage Faciiiti?! ATThe Hihe4 arioe ia ah paid for wheak ALBAJTV . . . OiiSGj libaaj Batli Mouse AND HAIR DRESSING 8 Al HON. JOSEPH WEBDEK. riJOI IIIETOR "1.; :1 il.iiilreti's hair .Iress. ..eiion ;t.alLi.c'-.U '"""" V V ''""4 mm ni!. Choice Confectionery