CP THE MOBXIXG- A C'ktld killed. Another child kille I by the use of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur prising when they can relieve, the child of its peculiar troubles by usin; Acker's Baby Soother. It eontains no opium or morphine. Sold by Foshay & Mason. . TflE MARKETS. JULIUS GEADWOHL'S Cbflflrei Cry firPitcber's Castoria Jjevci- ,..Kt is Ui't aim u" m-. '. !'; .K)t. Jt cures ntii;-j.l"Ki, looit.-iiiio fhiilp etc' V;- wau) slippers ji "'.-ad's. Whafls ALBASl- QUOTATIONS. Wheat rs Oats 25 30c Flour pei bbl Potatoes "e ' Effjfs 2"ic ; Butter 25c. Lard 12)15c. Wool if,Cv.l7 . Hams 12Kl5c. , Shoulders S10c. Bacon 1214c. ' liai luiioi.ii,), $12, oats and cheat, 8. Apples Ureen, 25(tlo0e per 1m. Plums Dried, 5(Jc. per B. Apples dried bleached 5c sundried (ft. S e. Chickens ?2.503 50 Hides Be-: ludes. :!'ei'r,'5'V, 10 c ; deer skins, 20c; sheep pelts, 10 80c, according to wool. Beef 24c irross. Mutton 2 00 per head. HojfS ti7c, dressed. Lard - Kcs, or 5 gallon tins, 10c; pails 12c. An i-:.Yt;;iii:UiEi. What is thi; "nervous trouble" with which so ni my are now a dieted? li you w ill rciiH-inter a few years ago the word M -il.irki was comparatively unknown t -day it is as common as any wortl.n the linsrlish language, yet this word i overs only the meuninarof another word used by our forefathers i-i time-; pa.-1. So it is with nervous iliftises, as thev aim .Malaria an; in tended U cove;- what our grandfather called Biliousness, and all are caused by troub.es that arise from a diseased condition of he Liver which in per forming its unctions finding it can not dispose of the- bile through the or dinary el. aim; is compelled to pass it off through the system, causinff ner vous troubles, Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We leeommnde ireen's August Flower. Its cures are marvelous. Kici-lric .Killers. This remedy is becoming so well and popular known as to need no f ecial mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sin: the same sons of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do al' that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kid nevs, and remove Pimples. HuiK iSalt Rheum ai ti other a'.l'ections caused by impure blood. "nl drive Malaria from the sjstem and prevent ;is well as cure ail Malarial fevers. For the cure of Headac he, Constipa foil a-ul Indigestion try electric bitters- Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or monev refunded. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Foshay k Ma son. I We (nn and l J Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir tor it ; has been fully demonstrated to the I people of this country that it is ! superior to all other preparations for Mood diseases. It is a positive cure j for syphilitic poisoning, ulcers, erup- linns and pimples. It purities the whole system and thoroughly builds 1 up the constitution. Vierick's baths. his is tiie top of the G E N U I X E PEARL TOP LAMP CHIMNEY All others similar are imitation. This exact LaVeI is on each Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer may say and think lie has others as good, i;lt he has xor. In sist upon the "" Exact Label and Top. For sale! kA everywhere. Made only by ) - ' Geo. A. Macbkth it Co Pittsbursr, Pa. For Fliotoffiii'i Of a fine quality, go to J. A. WINTER, at Brownsville, Or. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship Linej ANI 22 Hours Less Time. Than by any other route: First-class through passenger and freight from Portland and ullpoii-ts in the Wil n;ette Vrlley to and from San Francisco Accomodations nnsurpassed'for comfort and afety. Fares and freights via Yauiina and -the OregonJDevelopment company's steam ships, much less that by'any other route he ween all points in the Willlamttte Valley nd San Francisco. Sailing dates. FROM SAN FRANCISCO "Willamette Valley Willamette V'allev Willamette Valley FROM TA4CINA. Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Willamette Valley The company reserve the ri.tht ..Kov. 1st .... " l-2th ' 2-Kh ,...Xoy fith .... " l:i'h ... " 30th to change teamers or sauini: dates. C. H. Haswell. -Ir., Gen F. & F. A-.ent. Su-J Montsoniery5sti-iet, San Francisco, Cal. Daily tashknuhr trains T.xcept Sundays.) L Ya(i"iiiafN" A M Lv .Albany 1:00 p. ' Corvallis 10::SS A w " Corvallis J:-lOrv Ar Albanv 11:10 A M Ar Yauuma 5-0 r. y O & C "trams connect t Alhsnv and i''r " Wm. JI. ilo., C Hooi:k. GeneralgMaiiam-r. ' Acting G.F. &P. ARent " Corvallis, Oregon OERVED FKESHJ EVJiKV LA'i O City Ktetaurant. AT Tin; THE 25 MILES SHORTER Children Cry forPitclier's Castona When Eaby was slelc. We gave her Castona. When she was a Child, She cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, She clung to Castoria. When she had Children, She gave them Caatoria. GEE 1 M !L U !It.s Superior excellence proven in milli ons of homes for more li:n; a quarter of a '-eufury. It is uscf by theCnitcu Mates government En dorsed by the heads of the irreat universities as the Strongest. Puresi, and most Healthful. Dr. Price's tne Cream Kakinir Powder does not contai Ammonia. Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans, PFICE BAKING POWDER COMPANY, NEW YoKIC. CHICAGO, ST LOUIS BOOTS -AND- SHOES At Actual Cost AT (BrowDell I Stall's. Come Early and Get Sisss. Will sell until all ai closed out. WERE ELEGANT. PERFECT FIT AND WERE MADE V A N T iflSDER FROM SELF-M EASU fEM ENT BY US FUR Send three 2 cent stamps jor twen ty samples of cloth to select from, and rules for self measurement. The money returned if not suited. We cheerfully refer vou to any Exprews Company or Meruhantile Directory as to our resiionslbility Send at once for all the latest stvles. IS Address EMPIRE State Pants Gomn'y l&lWt 1G4 laiial M.. . 1. l ily OF ALBANY, OREGON.1 president. L. Flinn. ! vice-presiuest S. E. Toung, ! CAsniER. G.E.Chamberlain, mRANSACTS A GEXERALJ RANKING 1 X BUSINESS. Accounts kept sal.jeet to ; cheek. Si''ht Exchange and Ttlesrraphic ; Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San . Franeisco and FortlKiid.Oregon. Collection! I made on favorable terms. S. E. Yon L. Fuss i L. E. Bl.AIS w- E- TIRBH.L i GKO. E. On AMRF.RTiAIN. J AS. F. rowKLL. Assistant Cashier. tllnolllltOII .Noiicc. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE A ' co-uarliiershin heretofore existing he tween :'. J. ldloii andT.H. Cone, isthisdav dessi.lvcd by mutual consent. T H. Om. Mirina The business v:ll be eonthi'.K-d by C. ). i.iillon. who will col ect ll outstanding ae.-ounts und will pay a'l indebtedness of the firm. Albany, cpt. 25.1SSS C. '. IdLI.ON. T. H. CuNE. MI mmm EE DOLLARS Caatwria fa"T?g. SamT TltchBrt clA, tennw aad qpisk euro f Infanta' and CMldren's ?cnroiainto Snperiei to Catop Qi. Porcgorio or Kcjootlo Syrnpg. ChOdsmn erf tw Caateyja. I liona of Motherg blew Castoria. Castoria- cur5 CHe, .Constipation CVmr Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation ; !ivea healthy sleep ; bIfo aids digestioa I tlUUioubiiaruoUs musetucuwu Tee AGRICULTURAL DbLU'i DEYOE & ROBSON, Proprietors JALBANY, OREGON. Have removed ii,tt.tl.cir i:-vv 1 uili.ii.j; ti ),ni tn l.i'fd, !ci tl.rtr:idcof A FULL LINE OF GARDENER'S AND CARPENTER'S TOOLS, tgFf&cT" f The largest ana best variev .: STUDEBAKER 1 NEWTON farm: wagons, hacks ad btjggies In the eeutiiil Willamette Valley. Ort: ir linn a distitiiee solicited mif" uioinptlj' tilled at lowest rates. FINE LXIMBER- ritOI'RIETOU OF CORVALLIS SAWMILLS. Having one of the largest and htst regulated lumber yards in the state. z oliciinir exfra inducements for those desiring to purehase line dressed or un dressed lumber, and will deliver the sani in any part of this city on short no tice by vvajjon loads at the following prices per thousand feet: Clear dressed 22 50 Do dre.sed on 4 sides 24 00 Rustic and flooring So. I 22 50 Rustic and flooring No. 2 JS 00 Cedar aDd fir pickets or squares 24 00 Roofing 25 00 Weotherhoarding IS 00 Liberal discount on above rates on car loads. 1'eople in tim country who are prepared to do their own haulinsr w ill find it to their advantage to call at the yard direct, and make their purchases. Kates on all kinds of lumber to compare favorably with any mill in the state arc guaranteed. A large stock constantly on hand. STEWART & SOX. Dealers in- General Agricultural Jron, Steel and Coal Wagons and Baggies Hope and Cordage lilaeh'sm itli s ' Sa pplies Garden and And all I I Iniploments Used Ly Farmers : ill: THOS. BRINK. Best Line of Furniture Id tie Citv of Albanv! Fane" Wicker Chairs Lounges. Parlor Cornice Poles Mirrors Feather Pillows Srino- Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exten- . sion Tables Suits, AjkI what, you can't unl at other houses, I have it. In factevery thing that is kejit in a Hrst-class house. Ali, Maple and Walnut Chamber sets, Chairsr Spring Beds, Lounge Etc, Etc,, at Prices that CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. ALTIANY - ORECiON Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria- T reCBnnnemS Castoria, tot ctnarou't poroplainto, ss superior to any prescripts;: known wnje, li A. Ascbeb, M.D.. ill go. Oxford BL, Brooklyn, iT.Y. ChraTAua. Cokpasy. 7T Murray St., JTew York. Hardwareoregon Views, AND bkmk Carpenters' Tools Jinilders' Hardware lOH'det SJtotf etc. Giant Powder &Fnse Saws and Axes. Grrass Seeds urnilurehousel ii 1 1 a i iiijiii i mi n ii ' LiiinCciiiityBank Cowan Ktilston & Co, SC: ' t t TO Cowan 5t Cusick' Albany, - Oregon Transacts a irenera! hunkinir business. Draw sL'ht drafts on New York. san Fran iscoand i'ortland, Or. Loan money on aj .proved security. Receive deposits subject to check. 3 Collections entrusieii to us 11 ree ivi roniiit attention, j Farmers & Merchants' KXi. -01-Albany ;'- Oregon c rAJI IF APITAL $55.00(1. OFFICERS. President Charles K. AVolverton. Vice-President J. O. Writsman. Treasurer J. V. Cusick. Secretary J. K. -Kklerkin'. DIRECTORS. K. Mrahan, Clias. E. Wolver fon. J. L. Cowan, I), li. Monteith. .1. W. Cusick, J. O. ; Writsman, J. K. Eliietkin, Charles Monteith, G. F. Simpson. Safe, Sonnd, DonsemtiYe A SquareJCompany, Managed by Square Men, ' Patronized by Square People Parsonizs Home Enterprise H. F. MERRILL, Banker, ALBANY, - - OREGON Sells exchange, on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Uuv notes, state, county and citj warrants. Receive deposits subject to cheek. Interest allowed on time de posits rollectioiu receive prompt attention Correspondence solicited. S'' .l'ice hours from S a. m. io op. m I A rent for reliable t'.n: and marine nsurance companies. CRAWFORD & PAXTCN TEE PHOTOGRAPHIES 20F-- i ALBANY - - OREGON. C1AKKY THE FINEST Ll.N'E OF OUEGO vicA't-in tliu Wesl. (.'atalOfruc pent on apjili I ration. W have also ail the negatives of A.K. I'axton and .1. O. Crawford, ami any one can j ha.- dupliuatcs from then av reduee.l jirices ! Overkill to California VIA J Southern- Pacific Company's 1 LUTES. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. California express trains run daily between Albanv and San Franeisco. Through time. 500 000 TA0 IT 1 UlUOft 35 SOT7BS 35 4:00 m.TLv..Portiand ArT7lO:40 am :0: p in. .Lv Albany Lv.. 7-05 an 7:4."i a m.. Ar S. Francisco. Lv.. e-pra Loral Phkk. Trains Hnily Kx. Sunday 8:00 a in. .Lv Portland Ar. . 3:45 piu Vl:40 p m. .Lv Albany Lv. .11:35 am 2:40pm. .Ar Euyene Lv.. i:00 an Lebanon Kranrh. 8:10 i m..Lv Albany... . .Ar.. 6:30 am 8:56pm..Ar. Lebanon Lv.. 5:45 am 12:50pm. .Lv Albany Ar.. 2:4Spm l:3fipm..Ar Lebanon Lv.. 2:00pm PULLMAN BUCTELEETEKS ;tourist sleeping cars For racrnmmorlation of second-class pa8 sentrcrs attached to express trains. The O. iV C. R. R. Ferry maVes connection with all the regular trains on the east Bide di- i vision from foot of F street. West Si4c Division. Between Portland ami Corvallis. Mall Train Daily-Except Sunday. 7:30 a m..Lv. . 12:25 p m. . Ar.. .Portland Ar. 6.20 p.m ,-CorvallisLv.. 1.30 p. ni. Kxprrxs Train Daily Excipt Sunday. 4:50 p ni . . Lv Portland Ar. . 9:00 am S:00 p m..Ar Mi-Minnville.Lv.. 5.45am At Albany and Corvallis connect with traijvs of Oregon Pacific railroad. "i?"For full information reirarding rati-, maps, eto-, ra)l on con. pain 's airent. K. KOE1U.EK, E. P. ROGERS, Manayer. Asst. G. F. i P. A BUMHRT & KEENEY, Keal Estate, Loan, collection IKSURAfftlEACENTS. We have for sale farm and stoek lad of evern description; aiso city proparto, im-p-oved and nniniprovcd. Titles examined and correct r.listrm-fs furnished to any prop erty Car; ics conveyed to any lands we have for salefn-e of chaise. Loiitctiouc ji.I it cialtv. Otfkr No. 59 First SrRKr-T, ALBANY, DAVIS BROS- AND CO. T.F.ALKRS IX r.KNKRAl.MK:!CH.iSlH -i. ': SHEDD. LJXNCo.. 01' EGOS - o) - Me m lie lias enlarged his stock equal to anv on the Coast, consisting o PORCKIvAIN - Mi d American Hoo-er 13ro'. Silverware, French, Cln'na and Crvstalware. amps and Lamp m Boys' "Wajzons and. "Ooll Carriages Fancy Ooods and a General Asortment of Holiday Groods andTOYS. SAVEY0UR MONEY Bv huying'your goods from my store. I am bny ing direct from the factory and sell at Eastern prices with freighi added, 101 cash. Kenton's Baking Powde 1 am agent for ten responsible Fire and Marine In surance companies, representing $72,ooo,ooo. Insure and prot ecty om self before it is too late. I am also agent for the Frank Bros. Implement Go-, Portland. 1ST lei on parle Franeais. Hier wirf deutch. gesprochen.'g 11 11 o - .A2STTD LEJLAWS NEW STOCK CF iCLOTHI'Mt (o - AND - -One Pound Can.25c o SEE ' ; ' 1 " ' ; " - - , -: .-:J.: