THE -ro-RNIN"! TTFRALD: TKTAT. WfTO 8. Daily Weekly TERMS OK tf'JBSCKIPTION: daily. "uWished every mornm-jr except Mondaj.) I) s'iveroil by carrier, pet week L. lluili. lust' Ytu o 00 I WEKKI.Y. (Published every Friday Morning.) Tie copy, per annum, in advance S"2.f 0 W jen nut puiil in advance '2.f0 ,-G; Til:: .11.1 1 1. Mails at tlio Albany ustoliice close lYr all offices north "1 The Eastern states ' J'he West Side I And the Nairn-- CaiJL'e K. K. J tor Portland and Salem II A. M Ccrvallis and Yaijuiua 12:-'.0 p. i office south 7: !0 r. m. Tne postotiice will be closed eacli cvenini; rom six to seven o'clock. Registered matter for the early morning train should be mailed before S O clce's the p-ovious eveniiiL'. SPYIiVO OUT OUR CELESTIAL NEIGHBORS. No more facinating subject can be entertained by human being?, than that of- viewing the planets that nightly roll in space around . o ir earth. The instruments fcr accomplishing this purpose have, from year to year progressed in improvement until now we can almost tell what our r.eighl or planets are,and telescopes have be come objects of the greatest inter est, and stiil the improvements go on. An exchange says that the telescope manufactured b' order of the late millionaire Lick for the , university known by his name in California has enjoyed the distinc tion of being the largest and istrongest in the worlu; but it is likely to undergo a comparative jeclipse. Mr. Abram Clark, who made it, has undertaken the task of making one yet larger and more powerful, should he 'succeed, as he is perfectly confident that he will, valuable additions may be expected to be made to our knowl edge of tiie worlds bv which we are surrounded. In a recent talk on the subject Mr. Clark disclosed some facts quite contrary to general 1 elief in regard to astronomy. It has been popularly supposed that w:e had reached maximum of effec tive telescopes. The big ones, the leading astronomers told us, dis close little of the heavens' wonders ; nhd they pointed out that the rnost important discoveries of the present centuries had been made by tele scopes of a medium size. Hence, the deduction that it was useless to bother with larger lenses. Such a theory, of course, gave us little of practicable value to hope for from astronomy. With the telescopes now in use, we could expect to dietermine more accurately the dis stance trout the earth to the sun, f r to lay bare more stars ; but in discoveries of this kind the .rea.t mass of humanity could scaicely be, expected to take any very deep interest. It was the verdict of most of the professionals that the Lick telescope would be a failure, so far as adding anything to pra t cat knowledge of the heavenly spheres was concerned; but in this, as in many other instances, they were mistaken. It has alieady been demonstrated that, properly constructed and located, a big telescope is more effective than one of smaller size. It has been shown, in fact, that there is practi cally no limit to the power of a telescope, and that if a sutiicienth powerful one can be made we can bring most of the planets near enough to examine their every nook and corner. The lens of the new instrument for the university at Los Angeles is to be forty incht s inidiameter one which will bring thp moon within a few thousand feet of the earth. It i3 simply a question of time and mone; mainly money, as a telescope wi:h a nye-foot lens, properly mounted, would cost a million dollars. If Mr. Clark's position is tru?, and there is every reason to believe that it is astronomy, a science which has been practically at a stand for years, will take giant strides. There will be practically no limit to the discoveries it can make, and there should come from it some practical benefits. Each year we will know more of the heavens, and of all seiencts astronomy will be changed from the slowest to the most progressive. The prompt and efficient use o presence of mind was litely exemplified in the burning of in Illinois Fe'.nale Seminary :t Godfrey in that state. Miss Haskell the principal, aroused all of the pupils, ordered them to secure v.Mat erTe'.-ts they could and escape. All got out without injury, though many failed to properlv themselves in their haste to escape. Of all the property in the school only two pianos and three organ? were paved. The loss aggregat. s 3-lo0,000; insurance, $75,000. The loss to pupils and teachers in clothing, jewelry, etc., is not in iludedin this estimate. But for her presence of mind as fearful a holocaust might have taken place as did at the burning of the Catholic school for girls at JJellville in that state a few vears aro. ALBANY Collegiate InstiMc, ALBAtlY, - OREGON ISSS A Eull Corps of Instructors. Classical, scientific, literarv. ccinme'.cial clotllC a'v' normal classes Courses of study ar- r.ined to meet the needs t all srrailes oi students. special inducements offered to st idents from abroad. Tuition ran, 'is from JS5.50 lo !?!i,5l rcrSjTei-iii. Ii strumental in.-tru'-tion in music wi:lht jjiven by Miss Luu: a Coltra. Uoard in private f uniucs ut low rates, and rooms for self boardimr at unall i ::tKi: e. .-A easeful supervision exercised ocr jxiinis away from home. Kor eireuioo and full particulars, address thijpresident, KKV. ELHKRT X. COXl'lT, Albany, Oregon, Pf P WITH Active railroad work seems to be the prospect another season on this coast. Work has already commenced on a line from Centralia to Gray's Harbor in Chehales county,W. T. Which or Shakespeare The authorship of the dramatic productions contributed to the last of the above named is agitating literary circles to the very centre' but affects the practical masses far less than the momentous ouestion, how to regain or preserve health, that essential of bodily and mental activit , busine.-s success and the"pursuit of happiness" We can throw far moie light on this subject than the most profound Shakesperian can on the question propounded. If the system is de pleted, the nerves shaky ; if indiges tion or constipation bothers one at times, or constantly; if the skin is ye' lmv and tongue furred as in billions ness; if there are premoaitory twinge of oncoming rhematism or neural gia; if the kidneys a.e inactive use llostetter's Stomach Bitters, the 1'nest reeuperaut of an age prolific in '"-eneticial and successful remedies. Remember if malaria threatens ro atflets, that it neutralizes the poison and fortifies the system. lij BECKER, BLACKSMITH, MACHINIST AN U "Practical Hors sshoer, SHFDO OREGON. A'l kind of Uacksmithiug andjma chine work d ;ie promptly and at reasonable rated. Sharpening Oliver Chilled plows made a specialty. JtsTAlso carries a full line of Agricul tural Implements of the best makes. iaTALL WORK WARRANTED!? ThE STATE COLLEGE, COKVALUS, OKEGOX.JJ Term gl'oiu men res oiiUWeitiiesriu, September r, 1S8S. Co:SCS;ea i.i.Ui.- ta.ii. . ..y.o i". I a.i onier I'tcarcd Foods. 3 ABIES CitY FOH II. INVALIDS RELISH IT il.ik?s Flnmp. Lau.rhuig, I-.ealshy S-'-:- Regulates tie Sn niiiCi au iLwelt. WEi.LS.RI i. OMMp.T0H VT BaT?7 Portraits. A portfolio of beautiful baby yn rtraits printed on tine plate paper by a:ent phutu ro. ess, sent tree to taut her of any hal.y borii .v:ihui a js-ar. , ictuies; setid an, I a;je. H'klls, IUciiari'sos & Co., Burlington, 't, .,rr. coisrnsr beos. " "" HAVING KEMOVED TO Til EI K : New Quarters Next lo Revere House, Now call the attention of the puLiie to their con. plete stock of Kvery iloiber wai-ts fhese at oiis.e. Cove lijl.v't 11..11K .thsr.i 1 i!st a: s cb '.Vki.: s. in:-, u t coior more fossils than any i.s ,-icr niasic, wtii' to uiv- more bril sl fle-alib; tvlor-. As-k lor the i'ia ..ii no otln r ci i"r4 It.'ceitt.- !l( li Mii'-ox .V Co., IhniintoJi, Vt. "or Cildiisu' or i.iuu.n, ; Kancv Atticies, Use dia:.iom paints. lold, Silvei, Ilrouze, Copper. 0:sb lOcu.ts mm which will be sold at Ja very small iirofil, uiiick sales, short ioiils1,antl fresh aoods heino ourmot'o Fine line ot choice Iniorted and Domestic Cigars kept constantly on hand. orniN FiElWSSWIILL jgAlbany yard and olliec on Kaiiroad, between Ij'a:i i; ! n I't-r t i t promj't and satinhiClol J lsliils. e Hue. JREON, ih :;nd 5ih streets . 9c ; t.nrlilvj . 1 (facilities not surj asst d for oiCicl. I lttl cetluil.M. licit a shaie of FACULTY NEW 10-JJ.L1. Kolrtiy .Mot ire. TAKEN" UP ON THE FARM OF S. GoUR ley , three miles west of Albany, oil Octc; ber 1, 1SSS, a white cow with brown iicac' and some brown spots. Both ears clipped on ends and slit, about S years old. The owner will please call and fet the above described c.iw and ay costs. LOST, A KE1 AN'D W1HTK ai'oTrtl' cow, giving milk informrtion leaditiL to her recovery will be liberally rewarded by the owner, E. E. itavis, at his orticc in the court house. Lost- LAST MONTH, A MIDDLE SIZEB RED colored cow, half cut ears and blunt horns. Tne finder will be paid a fjood re ward. Address Depot Hotel, Albany. FOR SALE, A GOOD COW, VERY heap Enquire of M. E. Pontic, at ot. AJull eorps ofexperienced Professors and Teachers. COURSE OF STUDY Arranged expressly to meet the demands a needs of thel " rmini; interests ef the sta PREPA IORY DEPARTMENT For students o 15 years of a,'e who desir to enter the ,'lesre, but are not prepared to enter Coll Masses by examination. t MILITARY TRAINING To the extent requited by law. BUILDINGS Large,Et-,onlmod'ous a"d We" Ventilated. LOCATION lit a cultivated and Christian eonimunity.aud one of the healthiest in the state. EXPERIMENTAL.STATION. Circulais containinir matter fuil of interest to fanners, will be regularly issued and copies mailed to each patron of the College. EXPENSES Reduced to lowest figures. Two or more fret scholarships from every county. Consult your County Superintendent. vV cjiiticently appeal to the farmers and Granites of Oregon to patronize the only school estiblished by Oregon for the pro motion of her agricultural interests. Kcr catalogue or other information, address B. L. K.OLI, l'ie.llein. 'irvallis, Oregon. GEO.IW. SMITH' ioc'CCESSOR TO W.JH. McPARLAD) CO 3 &2 Charles hotel. For sale. sVORKHOR tieulars enquire of G. F. Simpson. 170UR GOOD WORK Hi tRSES. FOR PAR X' foot of Ljon street. ASTRD AX KXPKRIKXCKU IIANI) To KKAll wire mattresses. Isiquire ot C.L. liruh niWO FURNISHED K'JOMS CFNTKALLN X lojated to rent. Inquire at Wells, Fart i Co' office . CO 51 02 CO CD 1 -i CO CO m SI. J"- J" OUSTJES. ookseller, Newsdealer, Stationer, AND DEALER IN- TEXT BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIED Fine stationery, miscellaneous books, photograph and autograpr albums, inkstands, ink, pencils, etc., etc. .Sheet music, music books, and all kinds of musical merchandise. General News Depot. Mail orders promptly attended to. -DEALER IX- Stoves mticL Ranges ALSO A FULL LINE OF TINWARE, PUMPS, HOSE, COrPEHWAliE Ana every variety oieoekintr utensils ami, novelties" in house furnishing .roods. The public is invit'-d to call anil xauiine this mammoth stock under '.he new management. Jriip, Paints, is, Ifctkes, BOOKS AND STATIONERY -AT- o!leeijlo JJebtor. UroODIN AND WILLARD HAVING SOLD ? T out their rurmture business in Alnaoy desire to close up al' accounts bv the 1st December, IbSS. All persons indebted ti theni will please call at their earliest con venieni e, as it is necessary to have everuhmj settleu by that time. WOODIN& WILLARD. ISriek for Sale ! L'oosl brick for ply to W. C : 100,000 Cassell, Albanv. TIIOS. JONES' TONSORIAL PARLORS ARE NOW REMOVED TO THE STRAII iN Block, where he is prepared to do first class work in the tonsorial line. His hath rooms are neat and chan and ready for use at ail hours. Give him a call. The result of the election in thi state will probably convince those political leaders, who inclined to free trade measures, that the June election waa a faithful indication of how the people felt upon the subject, and really di 1 mean some thing. It simply meant that the people of Oregon believe in foster ing home institutions and markets, and the increased majority at this election speaks louder tiian words could upon that put ot the politi cal discussion. 1TATTF L1V ni UU III IS WALLACE S TI -IX- ETJCHZ2TGS, FANCY APRONS, STAMPED TIDIES. The returns now receive 1 leave no doubt as to Harrison's eh ction, with several electoral vo'e upare. Tabe Bureau Scarfs AT- -ISAMUEL E, YOUNG'S. 1 ;i jAreEin receipt of some fine Tea and Dinner sets of tliir own import tion, direct from East Liver pool, Englnad, They are first-class goods and will be sold cheap, Thev hayee a full and complete line ot staple audjfancy groceries,which they are offering to their customers at lower rates than ever before. PALACE MEAT MARKET 3WILL BROS Dealers in all tku leading Buns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs, Pianos, A full Line of Sheet music, musical nierchaiidise,ammiinition, fish ing tack?e, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives The best kinds of sewing machines NEEDLES, Ol L and Kxti as for all M A CHINES LINN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairing of'scwinsr machhies, musical instruments, sruns, etc., neatly done Tames V. PipE,Prop. First Slrert Albany The beat variety of choice beef.veal.mutton pork ?auie, et,-.,ithe city kei.j.-on3UntlT an haad.J ..n; ' t3" Cashjpaid for alljkindj ."ock.TEl W. F. READ,- 1 am now receiving my Fall stock ot Dry Goods notions, etc, and propose to make it red hot all along the line, My goods are all freshfand new and bought RO R CASH! CITY DEUG. ' STOEE ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS' L. W. OTJ1SS SON. Propr's C. J. DILLON & CO, "WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF FUKNITU RE Do jrcneral job work, also barirain in tloorins: and rustic. Those contcm-llatini;- building will liud it to their advantage to call ou us at our Frctory, at sr Foot of LyoN Street "Si We invite your inspection of the following Jgoods: Flushes Veh?ets Velvetssas' Silks and Satins Cashmeres Imported Broadcloth Silk "Warp, Henrietta All "WoolTTricots Assatat Flannels In fact everything usually found in h first-claps Dry Goods Store. My Boot and vSlioe department i complete. I have also added a complete lins of hoys kilt suits. A comparison of my stcck and prices is solicited ibljAll mail orders promptly attended to. Call and see me. 9 TUEIUS TOSEPH Manufactauer of Choice Cierais FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, ;?lu;and Smokiiiir Tol-accos, Mccrsclinum : and Briar. Pipes, and 'full line of Smokers' Articles. .Also dealer in CALIFORNIA!. AND BTROPICALIf FRUITS. Next-door to Burkhnrtjit Kccney's Real Estate'Office. Albany OffB Holstein e lor Sa v. Geo. D. Barton has just arrived front Iowa with a load of finely bred Hg! steia cattle, which he offers at less than half te prices the same class have heretofore been sold in Oregon. The catHe are now on the farm of James Elkins, one-half mile south of Albany, where he will take pleasure in show ing them to visitors. Mr. Barton will receive orders for pure bred and high grade Holstein cows and heifers, this fall or early spring, at the lowest possi ble prices. Address GEO. J). BARTON. Box 153, Albany, Oregon, The City Liquor Store M. BAVMGART, Proprietor 2riv-ext door to the fc'OJ Fel't w sTt n r,lo, llony.f Or. t'Ci.-J Keeps constantly on hand the finest imported and toW-xxj. . Only tirst-olass li.juor store in she city ' ' ,uuore cijrars ao (Sncceasor to N H. Aileu L Albany, Oregon. PEG1AL ATTENTION PAID TC ORDERS FBCM THE COUNTRY' Children Cry for P Etcher's Gastorla.