Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, October 30, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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oO, 1SS8
Povmng flaunt rnUt
. 1 C. fct. It. Tint TAJitE.
i Arrives.
Cahu cpr. I ;:?." i
Kuu'i'iic ex j ! ! :i5 :
Fic'-'lit I
. :'J.j. 1
7 I":,,-,
i'OI ti'u 10 !
Dei. arts
t : -r- r. '
. t.-l VXJ1
I:! I
' 1,i
I-'i-i'iit ftrjei v ci! Kr south niU'i" It a.
1 the auruo duy.
s.lku vxo.v i:i:.-vxca.
Fro Al'ui'y Departs
No 11
-No l:j
. ... 12 50 p in, Lebanon
I i
at 1 ,::(! p m
Fin LcVn
12. .. S.OO p in Albany at r.4. a in
.o 14 "2 00 p m - -J.-io ) in
Arrives Departs
.1 11.15iinij O p m
..' 5.25i)iii It;. SO a ni
Paawnaer. ...
The river is rising.
J) J. T. Tate ot Seattle is in the
Boston brown bread at Parker
17' -idential election one week
from to-day.
New goods at F. M. French's.
The corner jewelry store.
The first steamboat cf the season
is expected up the river to-day.
For choice canned goods call at
ihe Will:'nette Packing Co.'s
Fresh eastern oysters served in
any style at Francis ' Pfeifier's tc
New stock of silver plated (extra
heavy) knives, forks and spoons,
at lO.I. French's.
W. M. Parker has closed the
California restaurant and will open
a saloon in the same building. i
XV. II. Willard has returned
from the Big Bend country, XV. T.,
where he contemplates locating.
County Kecorder E. E. Davis
has recovered from his recent
severe illness, and is again able to
assume the duties of h s office.
Curran & Monteith has sold to
Tlios. Rhodes, lots o and 4 in block
in Hackleman's addition to Al
bany, the price paid being '.7o.
Hot lunch will be served at the
V. C. T. U. hall by the ladies of
ttie Presbyterian church on elec
tion day from 11 a. m. to 7. i i.
i. XV. Fieman and family. Ja-.
and Kobert Foster spent Sunday in
this citv. 3lr. rreeinan lias ac
f pred a position on the Southern
Conn P.ros. have just received a
line lot of genuine Swiss cheese. It
will suit the taste of the most dain
ty epicure" Call and see if it is
not trne.
Some complaint is being made
because the city council continues
to build new sewers without re
quiring property owners to or
nect with the sewers already con
structed. Do not forget the fact that you
can get genuine bargains in gentle
men and ladies' gold and silvet
watches at' F. M. French's. The
corner jewelry store.
Don't fail to call at the Willam
ette Packing Co's store and buy
f-ome of their fine fresh cream can
flies, of which they have just "e
ceived a lartre assortment. Also
cakes of all kinds.
look a iiot at lim-
A drunken individual concluded
to paint the town a cut mine hue
last evening, and began by kick:,ig
out a window in A. Comic's sa
loon. Policeman McClain ap
proached to ai.est him. when he
ran up Ferry street. The officer
drew nis revolver and sent a shot
after him, to let him know he was
'i earnest, but the offender onh
tan the faster. McClain gave
chase, and after running about five
bie -ks the fellow fell in' the d tch
ami was caught
city jail.
and lodged in tlu
Wm. II. Watkins, the old demc
-raiic war horse, has published the
fallowing card in 'he Portland
News :
io G. Cleveland, Esq., Wash
ington, D. C. Dear Sir: When
you said! that you considered
enough one term in the presiden
tial chair, 1 believed von. and will
endeavor to the best of mv ab'"'ty
to help you to carry out your p ona-
lse. ' Wm. li. Y ATKINS.
! of Oregon.
Allruiplrd Kubltery.
Shortly before daylight Sunday
morning a tough looking tram
who was walking across the Ore
gon Pacific bridge, accosted Night
watchman Lee, and demanded hi-
money in very forcible terms, .'
the same time brandishing a clu
which he carried with him. Tlu
nightwatchman told him he had nc
money fo( him, and seizing a ham
mer told him to get on ot tin
1 hri Ige. The would-be robbei
obeyed with alacrity, and came oi
into the city. His description was
given to the police, but he was not
The valise, which was stolei
from a Pullman car at the depo".
about six .eeks ago. was foun
Sunday near the track about ;
ouarter qf a mile south of town
'ine name of its owner, Edwan
I'.fit. w-A still on it. The valise
was cut 'open and everything o
vnbie excent a lew books and toilet
articles, was taken. The content
of the vaiise was value-' at 2C0.
New !rcss got,"!
tles a'. XV. F." II ad';
lie - er
. ls,e
fia Passes Thranrh This City A Chat
With Him Concerning the Election.
Senator Dolph passed through
this citv Sundi'"- nn route to South
ern Oregon, lie va" seen at the
depot by a representative of the
iii;ii.i.o. Senator Doijih was on
his way to Koseburg, where he wiii
speak. lie uiil then return and
speak at Eugene, Corval'is and
Co!ic'MT":T!g the approai-hin:; elec
tion Senator Dolph said that he
considered the. outlook n tiie East
rio.-t fU'lterin-; for l success ut
Harrison and Morton. Concerning
Oregon, iie remarked, nothing need
be sa'.d, as there is no doubt about
how tiie state will go, it being sim-
rl v n n;utinn fit nm n-i v
The Sackille letter, Senator
D ilph thinks, is a blunder ;rom
which Cleveland cannot recover. It
tdves the truthful and e:;aet feeling
of the British government concern
ing tiie election at a time ieast
desired by Cleveland, and also
shows how England regards the
president's professed retaliatory
Senator Dolph will arrive in this
city Thursday noon, anil will go to
Corvallis to sneak in the evening.
The Men Who Will Count the' Vot3S
Next Tuesday.
Following are the judges and
clerks of the election in Linn
count', to be held on Nov. (j :
East Albany John Isom, Daniel
Leedv, II. Brvant, judges; J. II.
Burkiiart, P. J." Baltimore, clerks.
West Albany David Froman,
T. J. Stites, AI. Pavne, judges?; C
XV. Watts, J.J. Dorris, clerks.
Brownsville A. V. Stanard, XV.
P. Warmouth, W. A. Tempieton,
judges ; T.S. Piilsbury.J. II. Waters,
Brush Creek G. B. Splawn, T.
J. Philpot, A. C. King, judges; T.
liigjis, I. XV. King, clerics.
CraMordsvilIe G. F. Colbert,
M. Carey, J. F. iloss, judges ; Ceo.
bindley, W. B. GUss, clerks.
Center B. v . Cooper, M. I ar
k r, W. K. Temple, judges; W.W.
Crawford. D. Wheeler, clerks.
Fox Valley J. B. Trask, J. II.
Ilerghsle, David Scott, judges;
Henry Lyons, G. B. Trask, clerks.
Franklin Butte D. Meyers, A.
T. Powell, X. G. McDonaid.judues ;
X. C. Meyeis, L. Richardson,
liarrisburg E. N. Tandy. L.
Douglas, M. Cunningham, juages;!
XV. W. Briggs, (). Hyde, clerks.
Halsey J. K. Bone, .lames Mc
Mahan, J. H. Lame, judges; F.
Frisby, J. M. Miller, clerks.
Liberty John Kirk, J. D. Wood,
A. K. Thompson, judges; C. O.
Nye, J. F. Hyde, clerks.
Lebanon Jos. Nixon. K. C. Mil-
Mfv .1 YVil-i-tAlvi I'.l.l.r..- w,. v
Kice, D. Andi-ews, clerks.
tirieans V. II. Caldwell D. A.
Millhollaud. J. White, juages; J.
C. McCoy, XV. J. Willl.aiiks,cierks.
r-weet Home John Doiiaca, J.
W. Gilii'aud, Wm. Pumbaugh,
judges; M. E. Simmons, H. C.
.uoran, clerks.
Scio Wm. Cyrus, U. C;- ey, M.
C. Giil, judges; (i. L. Sutherland,
A. II. Johnson, clerks.
Saiitiain ,1. K. Ciiarlton, W. A.
Paul, J. M. HassJer, judges; S. J.
I'd u I, D. Bilveu, clerks.
Shedd F". A. Watts, I). P. Port
er, J. V. Fugh,judges ; Neil hedd,
G. W. Davis, clerks.
Kock Creek W. J. Turnridge,
II. Ward. N. Lewis, judges; XV. J.
Wiggs, W. B. Robertson, clerks.
Waterloo W. W. Banish, G. B.
McKinney. F. Kreig, judges ; Joel
V;':l, J. Newman, clerks.
ll I IT ( U1KI .
A JSainl
of C.'r i" Ca:es Come
Up for
Circuit court reconvened
day at 1 o'clock.
Julius Gra', who was convicted
of larceny, was arraigned for ser
tence. 11? plead for mere f,-om
the court and was sentenced to the
jenitentiarv for one vear.
The libel suit against N. A.
P.iodgett was argued on a demur to
the complaint and was taken under
advisement bv the court.
The case of the state vs. Charles
Ilannon, for rescuing a prisoner
from an officer was called for trial
and a jury selected. L. H. Mon
tanve, attorney for the prisoner,
moved to ouash the indictment, on
the ground that the trial of such
cases is delegated to the citv. The
motion was sustained, the indict
ment dismissed and the prisoner
W. ll. Queener vs. Nelson Ben
nett, action to recover monev ; con
tinue .1.
J. XV. Van Order vs. Nelson Ben
nett, action to recover money.
Autlit-r I'iwnerr Head.
Kaymond Burkha-t, one of Linn
county's well known pioneers, died
on Saturday evening at his home
tiear Lebanon, aged 71 years. He
leaves a wife and several children.
Two of them are Cal Burkhait and
and 31iss Adeiia Burkhait of this
city. The funeral occurred yester
day, and was attended by a wide
circle of friends of the deceased.
A ( hMiigr ol t'tiiHluelor.
Dan'l Cooley, the cond actor on
the Oregon I'acitie train, whose
actions in ejecting railroad lahorer.s
from his train wis exposed by a
correspondent of the IIerai.d, ha
been retired from tiie service of the
oiiipanv, and James Mansfield is
now conductor in his place.
Kare Fruit.
Pan! IVlts has Wit at this r.f fu-e
-on;.- fiiii- s-HH'iii!"'..s i-i .i';iP;i:i(sc
peim:jiio:iS raie'l on
near I.tow nsviKf. this
Kind ot frnit in f'his p
oiituiy and they h t .
we!l. Mr. IJtii.- aits a
h.a tarni
i a inn
" i th.
ma u
tie n n
oruiiat'.t and raises mam:
"B.g rd apples-," a:- v.iiias
A. Ijiivurr ANT Si IT.
a Railroad LUader Construction
Timber from Accent Lacd?
An interesting point has been
raised in tiie suit of Sol Abraham
vs. the Oregon oi California railroad
company, now on trial before Judge
Sli.ut.uck in Portland. Among
other things planum sues for a
la rue quantity of timber alleged to
have bern taken from his land by
the defendant corpora' ion, and t! e
company j'itilies the action b
claiming that it is entitled, under
tin; act of congress "muting lands
t rai!ro a;, to take timber and
oilier material from any adjacent
lard for the construction of its
roads; and that although piaintiil
may hae obtained a patent on the
laud from the Tinted Mates since
the passage of the act of congress,
yet he took it subject to the de
fendant's claim to use the timber
in the construction of its road.
Wheat in Salem dropped to 7-
cents Saturday.
It is reported that Mrs. J. Hoff
man of Bandon has fallen heir to
()0,000 from an uncle lecontly
PenJleton is trying to raise a
subsidy for Hunt's railroad. On
Friday a committee secured .7000
in a short time.
There are 21 , flOO acres of vacant
school lands in Harney valley, north
of the lakes, and 700 ) acres of good
timber lands that are school lands
Sturgeon packing at Columbia
itv has become quite an industry j V"'u r'e&
id it is rumored that another ! ha ,'rr,? "
linn is soon to engage m the busi
ness, shipping the pack to Ger
many. Assessor Huffman of Eugene was
compelled to kill his cow Wednes
day as she was so violent as to be
'dangerous. He opened her stomach
and found a miscellaneous assort
ment of nails, glass and pebbles.
The band of horsethieves that
have been preying upon the stock
men of Union county of late, are
now in close quarters. Two of
them are now in jail and the others
hiding in the timber near Elgin,
but certain of capture.
Lieut. Swift has been ordered to
sell at public auction to the high
est bidder at his office in Ashland,
tiie government telegraph line be
tween Fort Klamath and Bidweil.
It will probabiv be bought
and I
operated by private parties.
Jack Bartel of Ashland made an
attempt at suicide Wednesday
night by swallowing nearly an
ounce of chloroform. Tne stuff
burned his throat and stomach like
any caustic, but he is reported out
ol danger. Domestic troubles.
The Dove brothers near Inde
pendence, had "this year an extra
good crop of English Cluster hops.
Their entire crop of 242 bales will
seti at several cents above the
average market price, because oi i
extra cieanbness in gathering and
In Columbia county tiie officials
are remarkably accommodating. A J
special term ot court was held on
Tuesday at St. Helens for the pur- p
pose of granting a liquor license for
the term of two years to Oscar i
Hunter. Hunter paid the expense j
of the term. I
Griswold's United States survey-!
ing party, after a season's work in j
the mountains north of Ashland j
valley, has wound up its field work
for the season, and .Mr. Griswold
and others came in Wednesday j
from Kiddle's. Their animals will
be wintered on tiie Hargadine
The Mist has been informed that
a graphite mine has been discov
ered in ihe neighborhood of Pain
ier. Graphite is what is commonly
known as black lead, or plumbago,
and is used in the manufacture of
lead pencils, stove polish and it;
various ether uses of commerce.
The find, u genuine, is a valuable
Considerable Eastern coin is
being invested in Clatsop county
tinibei land. Th ruling rate is $!0
an acre. Ten years from now it
will be worth $Iuo an acre. But at
$10 an acre the cash value of Clat
sop county's 448.000 acres cf tim
ber land is !'4,480,000. Saginaw,
Mich., men w ho are buying could
buy twice that amount and not
miss it.
Henry Kime, fireman of engine
No. 57, running on the freight "be
tween Ashland and Dunsmuir, was j
inn over and killed at Mott last
Saturday. He was under the
engine cleanming the ash pan,
when the brakes gave way and let
the train moved several feet, the
engine w heei- cutting him in two.
He had been rirng but a shoit
time, and had -come from Southern
I have received my full stock of
fall ami winter miliineiv, nave
secured the service of Miss Smith,
of Portland, trimmer. Will be
pleased to show goods at any time.
Ida M. P.rush, successor to Mrs.
fc. J. U
Window sliult-n.
I h
iave received a new linn
staple and fancy colors and will n:
the future carry a much larger as-
.suiuiient inan lormerlv and
them cheaper.
Saml-ei, K. Yoing.
F" K;,ad IT"l'o.-.e.s to jj-vo aa
.t tin., .Kiu-ii wiiii Ins gold
-n-i jmi.u s-iiiri, tin- very lifst
md best made white shirt
in th,
er lowei
.nar.'vi-t. in- price, is :is I
than any equally as
;ood shirt in tl
Mirlh is sliort live. ri-.iJuii'r ;t if
you can. I; will lu-ii. vm:r disi 7si:;o
to trade with W. K j:Lad
A new in
at Head's,
I-V-r n
Thomas l
ore of iir
;s.i trinnn'ngs
r siires ca'
f. i:
i mx.
Two Petty
Thieves Sentenced
Connt7 Jail.
to tie
John Green and John Ilickej
were "arraigned in Justice Hum
phrey's court yesterday morning,
t'te former being chasged v. ith tlu
larceny of a chest of carpenter'
toois owned by XV. M. Hart, an :
tiie latter charged with attemptiiu'
to steal a valise from the djpot
Saturday evening.
The evidence was conclusive: in
each case, and Green was sen
tenced to the county jail lor si.t
il-iys and iiickey was sentenced foi
thirty davs.
V'uiv !Stros for
have iust brought from
Eastern Oregon a fine lot of work
horses which we will seii on terms
to suit the times. Arng them it
some promising young drivers from
Oneeo, Mason Chief, and Edward
Everett. Also some choice heav
mares. Anyone wishing a horse
will do well to look them over and
we will t ike pleasure in showing
them to all intending purchasers.
McKxigiit Bros.,
Tallman, Or.
Not a t'aliloriiia licai.
Anybody can catch cold this kind ot
weather. The trouble is to let go like
the man who caught the ben r. We
advise our reae'ers to purhase of
Foshay ai:d Muron, a bottle ''"-Sant-i
Abie, the (,'aiifoniia King of Consump
tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cougl s and
Croup Cures a. d keep it handy 'Tis
nleasiiig to the taste and death to the
above complaints. StiM at si a bot
tle or :J for s"2 50. California Cat-lt-
imniediato reli -f. The
us is soon displaced uy
uid penetrating nature.
ttive it a trial. Six months treat
ment si. sent by mail 1,10,
ISappincss and iiloiii!ionl,
Cannot go ham' in ha'.nl if we look on
the dark side of every little obstacle.
Nothing will so darken lite anil make
it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets wi'.l cure the
worst form of Dyspepsia, Constipa
tion and Indigestion, and make life a
happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25
and 30 cents by Foshav ot Muson.
An Absolute Curr.
The original Abietine Ointment is
only put u",) in iare two ounce toi
boxes, and is an ab-olute cure fur old
sores, b-. i ns, wound--', chapped hands,
and all skin eruptions. Will positiv
ely cure all kinds of piles. Ask lor
the original Abietine Ointment. told
I v Voshay tV Mason for 2." cents per
box by mail :JU cents.
.uarl Againt Tiie Strike,
And always have a bottle of Ackers
Knoli.sli Keineily in the house. Vu
cannot tell how soon Croup may strike
your little one, or a cold or couli
may fasten itself upon you. One
tlus'e is a preventive and a few doses
i positive cure. All Throat and
Luno troubled yield to its treatment.
The Remedy guaranteed by Foshay
L- Mason.
I'implvs on Ihe f ace
Deiote an impure state of the bio d
and are looked upon by many with
.suspicion. Acker's Klood Elixir will
remove all impurities and leave the
complexion smooth and clear. There
is nothing that will so thoroughly
build up the constitution, purity ami
strengthen the whole system. Sold
and guaranteed by Fosiiay & Mason.
Youth's Companion.
The Youth's Companion will be
furnished lice the re.iiainder of
this year to all new suo.-criheis for
KSSi). Mibscribu eariy ami seeure
the extra time. Sample cojies
free. F. L. Kenton, sub. agent
f r all the leading newspapers and
A YVarniii:;.
Tiie inoiles of (Icat'ii'.s approach are
arious. and statistics slum conclusive
ly that more persons die from diseases I
o! the throat and lungs than any other,
it is provable Unit everyone, without
i'xeeiiion. receives y:ot l-tnsihers of
'! tliei e'e tienns into t In: s-ystem and
where these jiernis fall upon suitalile
soil they start into life and develop,
at. fnt slowly and is shown by a
slight tickling sensation in the throat
and if allowed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs pro
ducing consumption and to the head,
causing catarrh. Now ;ill this is
dangerous and if allowed to proceed
will in time cause death. At the onset
you iiiu.-t act with promptness; allow,
ing a cold to go without attention is
dniigerous and may lose you your
life. As soon as you feel that some
thing is wrong with your throat, lungs
or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Koschee's
(ici inan Syr;.V. It wili give you im
mediate relief.
.iiic to !elir).
All persons knowing themselves
indebted to E. oc C. Howard are
requested to come forward and
settle at o"c-o.
ri't'sll ikiitlcr.
At the Willamette Packing Com
pany's store, (jib pails ot apph
p'um, tomato and
pear butter,
50 cents per pai'.
P'rlow sham holders, the neatest
thing out at Brink's.
issued March and Sept. each
year. It is an encyclopedia
of useful information for all
who purchase the uxuries
or the necessities of life. We
can clothe you and furnish you with
all tiie necessary ami unnecessary ap
pliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, rish, hunt, work, go to church or
st. y at home, and in various sizes,
styles ami quantities. Just figure out
hat is reunired to do aii these tilings
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a
tan estimate of the value of the
BUYERS' CUIDE. which will be
sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay
postage. MONTGOMERY, WASD & Cil,
1 1 1-1 14 Michigan Avnaj,Chicago,Ill.
.Notice So IX lslor.
out rlieir ftirnirure l.a.sine.-s in A'haay,
iesire to close iipal' accounts 1)V the lt of
''C' Liniicr, lss,3. All iiiiiemen to
j tin-in wlil plcii-c call at tlioir tariitst cijii-vviiiiin.-e,
a; it is necessary to have everythinjr
, sc-.tlca by that t'mc.
it.cSi Joi- .;
.! r s.;:c
M'l'ly to W. C
KIliIIT UEB ALIiA.W" I p.j . . j
Net Cash Will Bay Goods Cheaper Then
An-ywhere Else.
There is no need of sending away
for goods when the follow ing desir
able wares can be bought for net
cash at import prices:
One-half dozen unhandled tea
cups and saucers, :J5 cts.
2 dozen unhandled coffee cups
and saucer.-, 45 cts.
,'. dozen handled coffee cups and
saucers, ."iO cts.
). dozen seven inch dinner plates 1
4o cts. ;
i lie goods mentioi ed above are
iron stone china, ami not ). C.
kva re.
These prices will stand good for
the next thirty davs.
Jt i. u s ( JitAinvoiii..
Alhaxy, Oct. 1SSS.
Iteceivetl a large invoice oi barber
supplies fne li Philadelphia, at
check's, barber shop.
Slra.vt'I or Siolrn,
L half circle braaii o.i the hip. The other
1 bay I.raiKlcl "S. X." en hip. A suitable re
ward will be pa'ul for their recovery.
Ge;. C. Axii;:K.sox Albany. Or.
tteat English Medy,
Vade Mark.
Murray's Specific
A fruaraiitci-tl Hire afor
nervous diseases, such as
Weak Memory, Loss of Lr.iin
P.aver, Hysteria, lleailache
Pain in the II ek, Nervous
Proitration, Wakefulness,
RofcrnTnUno. Leucoi .-litBa, In-vcrsal Lassi
s tuiie, S. .ninal Weakness Im-.-
; i -v au l i; lo-is f p iwer o h
tleuerate OrjatH in either sex ciusel bv
lulisrre ion or over-exertion, ami which ut- I
tuuately lean to Premature iradi-Mark.
( tltl Ajje, Insanity anil Con
snniMtioii. tl. CO a box or six
boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail
on receipt of price. Pull par
ticulars in pampb'et sent free
to every applicant
' Wo ;iiuruiit'e u IJoves
to cice any case. I-or every
s'5.00 onler received we send
iiv boxes, with a written; f-,T .!,!..
.1 LCI I nini
'uai-ane e to refuml the monev if on specitie
iloes not effect a cure. Aiblress all commu
nications to the Sole Manufacturers, The
Murray Medicine Co., Kansas. Citv, Mo.
itXo in Albany by Fosbay Fo.sliay A
1liili,sole a.'e
Apply aj IIkuaui otiice.
IIOiiSK now
harness store.
marks the io. fio-i of his
vmcn nas neen removed to Pierce s new
block. His old customers together with the
ircnctal public are invited to call and see this
.voiiderful dispiav horse and inspect his com
plete line of harness, saddles, buy robes,
c., etc.
Xliss Laura Goltra,
Will take a limited number of pupils
in piano, orjran an J harmony, lmpiire
on Mondays at the residence of W. H.
biltra and duriiiLr the week at the res
idence of Mrs. C C. Cherry.
Dealer. in all the leading
Guns, Pistols, hewing Machines, Organs, Pianos,
A full
iSheet music, musical merchandise.amnninition, fish
inL- tackV, ere. Warranted razors, butcher and
pocket kuives
The best
NEEDLES, OIL and Extras for all MA CHTXEb
Repairing- ofTsewing 'machines, musical instruments, sruns, etc , neatly dont-
W. F.
1 am now receiving my Fall stock ot Dry Goods
notions, etc, and propose to make it red hot ail along
the line, My goods are all fresh and new and bought
We invite your inspection
Imported Broadcloth
Sills "Warp, Henrietta
All Wool Tricots
Assafcet Flannels
In fact everything usually found in -v first-class Dry Goods Store. My
Boot and .Shoe department is complete. I have also added a complete
lins of boys kilt suits. A comparison of my stock and prices is solicited
j?An mail orders promptly attended to.
Call and see me.
(Succetscr to X H. Aliei.j
Albany. Oregon.
unduiiiuyuA mum
An Outline History of Greece 5-0 5 )
1 n paia ory Greek i-ours j in .. .-
Callf.-j Ur.-.-k C .'.tfte in Kii.-iHii
l'o,;uiarZ ..'.
Tin.- Character m .fe-i.n
M-Tlern Cluiivh , I i; j,c
I'rke per: .n .'
C.i-uu fujii in jitr car
Ab--.-.uiit aliowvi! wii-.-ii ; ,vts ir mure
uriiercil at me time,
All onler :ironi,it: .- tiiieil bv
.1 K C1LL !: Co.. .lers,
I'iirU t;;'i, ore.
CsfOr by vonr io-il Ui.i!:.i; r
;. ed.
:s to iii.-.
on r irt s:- c
M n in s ii.-;dt
in Ins iic.v l-ii-mis iii Kusliav &
wluTe lie is u.uuiv I tu: -
: :n n l it ; tne ji'iblii- with a.i tlMii in the
t iiH'i-:a!;i:ie. ilil or e ibl ln'li a -ill Win
i"I hereiiv certify that Dr. I X. Wooillc has
successfully operated on mv r!Ilina im--
Fur furtlier .-eference in rt-.tnl to rid n,i.
inimire of Dave Peterson, Wm. Peters jn.Lcb
anmi; .l.ihn Il.u-.hna.i, Alfred Wrlverton, Al
any; Sam Caines, Scio; Wm. Kostar, Prine
ville. I practice veterinary nifli'-iue ;:i X'
bany anil country surroifinlin ottiee ami
residence coi ner Oth ami VVashinton si j.
I. X. WOOULK. VeteHiiHv s;.,r
j nmm
Curran & Monteith have lots for
sale on the installment plan, raiiir-
ui- in price irom fii'o toflUOi).
Oysters ! Clysters : &i
fresh every day at H. Uiurcks' restaurant
Columbia River Route
Trains for the Ent lexve P irtla-i ljat 10 A. m
and 2 r. M. daily.
n1TOLrTr,rPQ to iUld fr,,!n Principal
1 UJ.lJ I .03P"i'its in United States,
Canada and Europe.
Emigrant CSleeping sCara Eua Throu?hon
Express Trains
. and ST. PAUL
Free of IHiargc and Without Change,
Close Connections at Portland for San Fran
cisco and Puiret Sauiiil points, j
For further particulars inquire of Curaan &
Monteith, First Street, Albany. Oregon.
A. L. MVMi:i.I,
U. V. A T. A.
M . li. IIOM'OMB.
4;---;il .tlanaser.
aaTI'oats leave the O. It. X. Co.'s w harf, at
the foot of Broad tlbin street, on Tuesday an j
Friday of each week.C. G. KAWLINGsj,
- Local Airent.
Line of-
kinds of
sewing machines
of the following f goods:
Flushes -Velvets
Silks and Satins
t 10 '
1 1) !
i ;
s ."o :
I :) !
ar Bakery !
Staple Groceries!
Ifinc GlcKsware,Crockerj
'I he best quality of teaa, coffee, nisint ut
: Ota ts, etc
Fresh Baked Breatf
Every Day.
At this old and reliable house is also to
(ound a complete assortment, of frash fa ml.
rroccries, to which is constantly being aJded
the reasonable lines oi croceris ami provitiw
such as
Fine Pickles,
Dried Beef Chrpoed to 0rdex
Anchovy Mustard,
Candies and Nuts,
Eastern Buckwheat Flour,
Canned Goods of AH Kinds,
Bohemian Glassware, Etc.
These (roods were all bought when pi ..
ere low, aod the benefit ot the margin will tt
iven to his customers. Remember the inoa
u the old corner on First aiid H-tun'albu. St .i
Proprietors of
And manufacturers of
We are now prepared to famish dKX'ce, frfc
CMMiiee of best grade, consisting ot pu;e sti -,
i-iiorted flavors, mixed candies, extra. Krei,-i
and choeoiate creams, fancy mixed, ewdy tut
and ageueral assortmeat of flue candies
"Orders from country dealers proinptlj a
tened to. Factor oa t lm street,
Albany, - - Oregon
(Superior tar Uaxfiyaad takorr we)
The Best Storage Facilitiej
tSTha HigbmL yric in ouh paid or wbaafc
1 have bought and furnished
ni n J!is
i ' ISMlfv'
11 iUHW
With new machinery, making flout by the
fi ll R01.1.KK prockss. " Tne mill is i.ow run
ni. in ami 1 can turnish the best r.f flour ami
fetd at i.'asonabie tutts. I iiitcml to run my
niiil in such a manner none can go away
ilissutislkti. Give me a cail.
E. G0INS, Proprietor Scio Mills
The past year has proven it to be &
necessity. The l-st and cheapest
place in the city to buj- your
Sto yes, Furniture, tinware
We aie always prepared to buy your
household furniture at the highest
cash price. Sole agents lor the
And Killer,
litaj Bath House
SfLadiep nd children's hair dress.
ns a specialty. Untuc satisfaction
Corner Second and Ellmorlh Sts .
Horsks boarded by the day or month. Car
riaijes or busies on reasonable terms
Will furnish sacks to farmers and
receive v. heat at the usual rates of
storage. The highest market price
paid for raine. lit
A2TBest ilatrnolia flour always or
h nd fnr sale or exchange at reasona
hie rates.
A line line of new silverware just
opened at Will ct Stark's.
rn ii urn;
m JV1LU1V 1UJJ11J1-.
Choice Confectionery
Red Crown Mi
I llU rjlJU I lUll I II