mi 1 n wwimiy ., nr. MI f , 1 tm " THE MOTCSTSU HERALD: SATURDAY. SEPTEnSER 29. 1888 I1IIIPBM II I I !! III! -,. . , -. - JJLKUAJ. .Uk'.VSKJt U J U-JUULMJ DISTINCT POINTERS. C7 Daily A.NI3 Weekly; The following ok'-expk.iatory : c v tracts forit;i:n a i;ind ot infornia- TEUMS OK il riMJlUr I iVX . IAI.Y. tlon of those who believe that the i vow il-ion of this country can he lie a onsrisr beos. .HAVING REMOVED TO THEIR i ijrim kt lo itevero fee i y man, j-vr i WEEKLY. (!'i.ib!:slii(l even Friday Morning.) r? rep. , i r annum, in auvaiiuc. When- m'.t nuiil ii: :vtvan.w Published every morning except Mn.'.a.)j lettered bv adopt in-.: free trade, e'.ivcrcil by carrier, per week lo - ;- ; i:Tiie pre.-ent condition of Aineri- i can niannfiictures shows the fallacy : .2.oo of the free trade dov-triiie that the ! productions of a country are raised j protective duties. i i oW c; all tl le attention 't n', pui)iic to their com- plriC IlCK i Star Bate ! ! j i In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to t.ie j .(j Till: .11 AILS. Mails at t lie Albany iwHtollise close as follows Furali oriii-os north -t;;:;;u a m in price ly Keport "f I'resident of German Commis.-ion to U. S. Centennial Exnosition. A1PA mrm Because it is mv deliberate "J he Kasteru staled l he W est sate 1 And the Nair-.w G.iu.-e U. K. ; 1 or Portland ami Siiliin 11 A. M Corva'lis ami Yauiiia ISOr. ji S;i1i'1,:j!nH,t that the prosperity of r.mi six to seven o"do-jk. America is mainlv due to its svs- Keiristereil matter toi the early morn:-!;,' -train should be mailed before 8 o clock the teiil Ot protective laws, I Urge that reyioues vein- ! Germany has now reached that point where it is necessary to imitate the tariii' system of the United states. Prince Bismarck's j speech to the German Reichstag, '"Under the shelter of a protec tive system the people of the Unite! States have organized a powerful industry which rivals that of England in cheapness." Keport of French Commisson on United .States Centennial Exposition. NATIONAL EEPDBLICAN TICKET. FOU PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, OF INDIANA. HQ HI 17 FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, LEVI 1 . MORTON , OF NEW YORK. FOR PRKSIUEXTIAL ELECTORS, F.03ERT M'LEAN, W.M. KAPL'S C. W. Fl'IroN. HUYIKO BONDS. The discussion upon the subject of buying government bonds, brought out bv the clause in Gen. Harrison's letter of acceptance ku0ffn as "Blind Boss" Buckley, which said : At the republican primary elec tion in San Francisco Thursday a gang of several hundred toughs, follows of a democratic politician "The surplus now in the treasury should be used in the I purchase of bond3. The law a ithorizes this use of it. and if it is not needed for current or deficiency I mai'P nntrncrprma rairla nnnn tln different voting places and attacked those engaged in counting the votes. The most violent, and shameful conduct was indulged in, 'appropriations, the people and not J anJ a democratic politician named Harrington invaded the rooms of the republican committee and shot and killed David Donahre, and wounded several others. The affair was a shocking disgrace upon the city .of San Francisco. the banks in which it has been deposited should have the advan tage of its use by stopping the i iterest upon the public debt," has brought out a fearful array of tiguies form those partisans who possess scruples when they desire to make political capital. The Chronicle says that one of the San Francisco papers has discovered that .a well known government '' T1'1 t,lis01i. i" -s to the wife i D of E J O Connor, a jjtrl. official thinks this advice of Gen. Mother and child doin-we'l and the papa Ilarrison's in regard to purchasing j jubilant, ljonds to l.ie almost high treason, Anew invoice of British trimmings at Read's. I TTt best quality of taq coffee, nisies, xw ; Ants, etc ' CAKES, PIES, Fresh. Baked Bread Every Day. IT Pi l i At this oM and retfeble booae is aim to AArcm AH II AlITCif AO All xtot ah 1-; . j Cranoeme I-" J"-x t I n a 1 . rv I" J I s i - . H X r' , I ; U. f f I 9 . f 1 'U I !) f ' I 1 U U A ? f 5 ? 4 l S ' -i . -n 1 i i 11- 3 U'lflLDWyvi'u ULrnii i ivn-n i : wiuv-ii win iie sola at ;t wry sinaii i)nni, "(j ORSSS GOODS this (h'partmeiit my stock is mm-1 sales, short profits and 1'rrsa goi,.!1 bein our moVo sually large and complete, bit ESS 'GOODS in allj 'ine iine t choice Imported and Domestic the leading styles; ood shades for Fall and Winter j Cigars kept constantly on hand. ' wear selected from die Lest Eastern and Foreign im j j. '-Ji'irj'. portations The latest novelties in TRIMMINGS! IEL U - X03STliS-, 1 and BUTTONS, SHaWLS, BLANKETS, some ex tra o-ood values in White Blankets, Table tinen, 'Towels, etc. CARPETS My enlarged facilities for showing car pets litis enabled me to make large purchases in this department. I can show a fine line of Ingrains at low prices, also some choice patterns i:i BOiY BRUSSELS and T APEST Ri ES,and am making Carpets a leading branch in my business. BOOTS & SHOES 1 canT tue largest line of Boots and shoes iu the city, and have paid special atten tion to getting: the goods best suited to this trade and can show a fiue line of goods. 1 keep in stock the best makes in the country and have endeavored to get a line of LOW PRICED goods that I can GUAR antee to give satisfaction. Anything in Boots,Shoes or Rubbers tor Men, Women or liiidren can be found in this department. It is in fact a SHOE STORE of itself! GROCERIES am giinsr special attention to keep ing a full line of STAPLE and FANCY groceries, UNCOLOREI) TEAS, ROASTED and GROUND COFFEES, CANNED FRUITS, the latest special ties in breakfast foods, etc., can all be found iu this department. Pure fresh goods and good value for money is my aim. A FULL STOCK OF Staple Groceries I ,niineGlaOTre,Cro(ieii TEXT BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Fine stationery, miscellaneous hooks, photograph and autograph albums, inkstands, ink, pencils. ef.', etc. Sheet music. iir.i:e bouks, and all kinds of musical merchandise. Ge.ieral .News Depot. Jf3Mail orders promptly attended to. DEOfct J run DI? L. W. GUISS & SON. lropr's Having assumed chame of this drn-jr store, near the Revere House, and having largely increased the stock, now oiler a nni iine of DRUGS, PATENT MKDICTNKS, FAINTS, OILS, BKUSUES.J And a new and complete line of school bo ks, tablets and station fry, pencils, etc. Physicians ank Family prescriptions carefully pre pared. ' ' J&:-1'2 ' ai2 Choice luestic and kwk CiiPs a Wiy Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Ordet Anohouy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Four, Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc Ths! goods were all boagttt when prieae weru low, and the benefit of the margin will w ;sven to his customers. Kemonber the p!a u the old corner on First aod B'oadalbiB St. mi MEYER. HOFFMAN AND PFEIFFER, Proprietors of ALBANY SODA WORKS And manofacturera of Coflfec none sr. C. J. DLLLOJS" & CO., -1VHOLESALK MA X L" FACT!. KERS Or-. iiOKV. and as a fearful example he states that Secretary Fairchild has paid as high as 130 for registered 4-per cent bonds of 1907, and that the total of the premiums paid on this class of bonds has now reached $1, 117,212 on a par value of $17,-S'35,950. Let us figure a little and see NEW TO-DAY. i ItrraoYeil. JOSEPH WEBBER ANXOCXCES TO HIS J patrons ami friends thut he cm he fo'iud on First street, in his new rooms in Fosliav & Mas. in s brick, where lie is prepared to ac cunmcdate the publiir with anvthiriur in thr tonsor'alline. Hot or cold baths at all hotir fRS M.E. McCOY.M. O.HOMCEOPAiHIC physician, office and residence corner 01 Sixth and Canal streets, Albany.Or. Chronic .! : !... I C rS hat there is to alarm this well- fice hours: 10 to 12 a. m and 2 to 5 p. u. Wanted, A Wife. MIDDLE AGED MAN A GAKDEKFR RIDING PO.W FUK JSALti CHEAP, x. 11X1111 iquire of Arthur Shane. known official in such purchases, j A $100 bond due in 1907 has 19; vears to run. rhe interest on that ii. by piutession posiixp a mmitrate , . I, I auiount of prop-jrtv, and ample means to sui - hond at 4 per cent a year Will j pot.t a wuhes to correspond with any o..-.rvi,nf Hi roars t, TK t:Ar I'fnt ! "'Iv who wi-hes a steaiiv, sober hiisUnd', 1 - I who will provide her aood home. Address that is, in 1907 the government will -'s," lo-k box 4.. Aiban reL'i!. iiave paid, to redeem that bond, $100 of principal and $70 of interest making $170. That bnd can be purchased now .'or $13) and can- J ;:ACorci . 'i. i t, -4. i-oyj ply leiou. is ii. ni-i appciicub ium . every such bo id s parcliast d and listers! ijier : canceled saves the peopli of the t?asterx axd olympian served tr -i. i t-i. . wo i it.! :c 1-J fresh every dav at 11. I 'lercks' restaurant United State $4b? ami that it ; there were a t-urplus on hand Suf ficient to buy Vom1 lor nalr. ds ok W(jon for sale, ap to r. H. Koscoc;. AIbun. FreiU o.vMers ! of tl. l5mo thoi L.'WiU.UI'KWtl r.Vtlil Ml Al Itlf. Oil lilHV KUV, whole of the 190. foir pr cent.! round numbers City Restaurant. in Briek fur !ale to W. C. whirh are. ,, , . , I . jO'l.OOO srood brick for sale. Apulv $709,000,000, we should sa e 4h per I Jassuii. Albany. cent of the whole amount of inter i ai wiiiwii c uu,u j TLCMMER FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY thev were allowed to mature, or j J. $326,140,000 Our "well-known" official goes : Springfield, Oregon. 'the bondholders- Fruit Hrjer tor !ale. ,1ER FRUIT DRYER, t size, complete, with additions and im- UliU-pr Shedil. Ore""jn. or to A. Wheeler. on to sav that ,t ! furnished room in central location suitat le ow. such talk as that is arrant i Fargo & Co's office. I lOOD HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS NEAR liav made 20. 00.000 this Year I IT Oreson Pacific depoi for rent. A so -. rt i -r t . ? i: jj tV Ueneral narrison a policy. fr 9Ulgie trentieman. Enquire at Welt, nonsense. The secretarv of the I tity Mawum oiire. i u tv ri ot tlTovl MOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE t reasury has bought bonds at tlie.r j OWIier or kevcr o aiu. duot Altgs in tht current market value.and no more, i corporate limits of the city of Alban, that The holders Of tll03e bonds COUld is now due, and payable to the City Marshal; and thit all doars found running at larue within the city limits, upon which mid tax has not been pud. will be taken up and dis pose'.! of as provided by an ordinance "relat ing to taxing do:;s and resulatin;; their run ning at larye." Section one of said ordinance provides: That it shall be the duty of the j City Marshal on and after the first day of I Ami'U? .-if .?ii'h vwit t.n iN.tlpor frnm t.bp ovi McMinnville Telephone I eror keeper each do? the sum of 61.50, and , i for each slut ! sum of iX.OO have sold them to any one else at just the same figure, so the bond holders have simply received what the bonds were worth. The ... , i4. i,;f, f iko ror eacn suit or oiccn so owneu or Kept, tne publishes a complete history ot ttie j sum of s;w small-POX scare in that city, to- Dated at Albany; Oregon, this 20th day of K f August, lSS. UiiCHWbO .ISAAC HAS, 'etlier Willi a scatmns ceusuie ui a Citv Marshal. member of the city council named Campbell, who skipped to thehills s6 soon as he found out smallpox was around. In the opinion orthe Astorian it gives that individual grounds for the construction of a libel suit, by the publication of an alleged picture of the unfortunate man in which he is represented as having an ulcerated eye, a gash on the left cheek, a cracked skull, his chin cleft in twain, and a ghastly wound in his throat. He also has Contractor ani l.uiitler. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LO H-ated in Albany solicits patronage from city aud cour.try. Will contract to build bridges, barns, and all manner of dwelling Louses, ineludinsr Queen Anne, Eastlake and Elizabethian styles of "buildings. Will furnish plan? and p3;ilietf:w fre-rof t '-harse. Satis action guaranteed W. C. CAS8EL- H. HULBXTET, PROPRIETOR OF !The City Feed Stables a sinister aspect about the ears The Telephone says he "deserted." g"I3 prepared to furnish tirst-class ' j ris, an I to board horses by the day, The nation is liberally coming to j week or month. Stable on Fourth the rescue of the yellow fever suf- ! street, between Ellsworth and Lyon, ferers. ' A joint resolution ha? j " " passed congress, appropriating $100,000 for thisrpose. j ciulilxeii fry forPitclier's Castorla Libel suits are popular now. The Seattle Post-Intelligence has! AnnnAlj 11 t nilin I would especially call the attention of parties laying in their Fall supplies to mv large stock of m I am better prepared than ever to meet their wants. 1I11 all depart- ments I am prepared to meet tbe ma V u nvi 1 ti 19 1 il DEMANDS Llii TT 1 rr COUNT! AND THE- City of AXba,ny, And ask a thorough inspection'of my stock." I SAMUEL E. TODSG." WILL BROS Dealer in'all the leading &uns, Pistols, Bewiiia lactones, Organs, Pianos, A full Line of 8heet music, musical merchandise,ammunition, fish ing tack?.e, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives. The hest'kinds ,of sewing machines NEEDLES, OIL ami Extras for all MACHINES IL1NN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairing of sewins machines, mupieal instruments, iruns, etc., neatly done URE F XJiR NIT Do ueneral j.ib work, also liarain in tlnorin and rustic. Tho.-e contern iilating uuilduiir will tind it ti their advantage to call on us nt our Frctory, at zsr Foot ok LyoN Street s W. F. READ, 1 am now receiving my Fall stock ot Dry Goods notions, etc, and propose to make it red hot all along the line, My goods are all fresh and new and bought FOR CASH! We invite your inspection of the following goods: Imported Broadcloth. Sils "Warp, Henrietta All "Wool Tricots Cashaeres , Assabet Flannels Flushes Vehets Velveteens Silks and Satins WILL -DEALEKS IX Fine Gold Watches. Diamond Jewelry, Fine Sil verware, Rings,;Ladies Watches and Chains, und all kinds of El egant Jewell y , 1 PRICES. fjTJLITJsfToSBPH Manufactauerof Choice Ciais FINE IPOTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and full line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS.! Next door to Kurkhart it Keoney's Real Estate.'Office, Albany Ogn GEO. , W. SMITH IcJCCESSOR TO W. H. McFARLAND) CO 00 CP a3 CO so CD C3 m o3 We are now fncpawd to furnish choice, f rafc candies of best gmde, consLsting of pare f' K. sorted Savors, mixed candies, extra Kruiii nd chtK-oiate creams, hue; mixed, ctuidy aad a. general assortment of flue emodiee AT t MlESALE OB BETA I U tarOrdere from eamrtrr dealers promptly a teced to. Factory un tint aUeet, Albany, - - Oregon, km mn Mi mom, imnc a gk, . NEW PROCESS FLOURi (Superior fr(aa sad taducs m) The Best Storage FaciJife M tor wte CSTDm truest pris in NOTICE. 1 have bought and furnished The Scio tag Mi With ne' machinery, raakinsr flout by the Ft'LL ROLLER PROCESS. T.ie mill ia liOW run ai.ia end I can furnish the btst of flour ami et.d at n asouuble rates. I intend to run my in such a manner tl at none can go away iissatisfied. Give me a call. E. G0INS, Proprietor Scio Mills SECOND HAND STORE' The past year has proven it to be a necessity. The bt-st and cheapest place in the city to buy your . Stoves, Furniture, tinware We aie always prepared to buy vour heusehold furniture at the highest cash price. Sole agents for theQ PEERLESS 01LICAN Ia.mpJ Killer. And L. GOTTLIEB. 00 -DEALER IX- iikny Bath House AND - " HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPrIETOEi I"Ladiee nd children's hair dress n: a specialty. Dntue satisfaction arnarant.pd.. JOHN SCHMEER'S Liyery. Feed & Sale stable Comer Second and Elhworth Sts -ALBANY, - - OREGON HOMM boardbd by the day or month. Car riages or bugjriei) on reasonable terms, till NORTHWEST Stoves'anciSRaiTges ALSO A FULL LINE OF TINWARE, PUMPS, HOSE. COPPEUWABE And every variety of eockinir utenils and' novelticsT'jn house furnishing j sroods. The public is inviW. to call and xamine this mammoth stoekunaer the new management. FIRE MARINE ji INSURANCE COM PAN) PORTLAND, - . OREGON CPITAl STOCK. liv Lii.ii. Pi"!-v :-!'9'n holders, ' the i!e&U-; Curran vv MonMth liave l.ts for; aie on t! e installment plan, ranj;- I j iu pi'.cc ii'uiu to f ivv'U. i In fact everything usually found in " tirst-rlass Iry Goods Sfore. My Poot and Shoe department is corny, te. i have also added a complete iins of boys kilt suits. A company 1 of my s-tock and prices i3 solicited ggT'All mail orders pn;inptly attended to. Call ;md see me. (nwessor to N H. Allei.; i Albany, Oregon. The City Liquor Store, HI. BAV3WART,' Proprietor. f2TN'ext kcr to ho Oi'.'l Ft-llows" tn pV, Albai y, Orrtoi.S Ke;-1" cfiwtiii'ily en hnd tlsa firnst imjorte-J and OoracstiojA'ines, li Uors, ciars'f.r r0u-,., ,s u,.iy j;r....,,y i .iji .r store ir. shft ;- sp;c:al AnE:iTin?i paid tg gsders raca the country MAGNOLIA MILLS, JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Prop'r. Will furnish sacks to farmers and receive wheat at the usual rates of storage. The highest market price paid for same. SrBest Magnolia flour always on hand for sale or exchange at reasona ble rates. JOHN A. CRAW FORD. 13 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A ck-.- n icreck's iti li lor every 1. a Icr ir-.Lop. r j