THE MOTCNTCXl-J- HERALD: FRIDAY, SEPTEMRER 14, 1888 ttovmmi, .flails crad . . , 13A.ILY A.MIJ WEliKLV TERMS Or UriCii.IPTION: Gr.N. F.F..V.IAMAS IIakki&on. in his letter of acceptance of the nomination fur pre ident of the j United .States, t. Ye a clear, cun- cise, manly statement of the poliii- j cal situation. He says that '"we I'AU.V. , ,. ., ..... ., ,,.rfi, i T,.,'i.. uci i'r :t i '.i i .t "utiin .mmi.c-., hili s n.l ! ;oiiiiii- esn-pt .lUH.i.av... , ' by i.iuri-r. !ur wutk ' : tariff legislation to preserve t GOTT3Sr BEOS. HAVING KEMOVED TO THEIR I) New Quarters K i i .r.i 10 ie?ere a nnouncemem i.v until, -i-r ; Now call the attention of the public to s. ; plete.-stock of I n i TV l i . . WV.KK I.V. I Published every Friday Mortiin.) Tift coin , it When ii"t !ii i" a Fallot;. American market products, and to f.l'.:'.llW " i ll r. a. Mails at the Aiban.t p.tolHce-le S follows For ill 1 offices north 1 The Katrii .-lutes Ihe West Side And the Sin row : .ii .'e ft. it. For Portland and S ut-m . . . tor American maintain the American scale of waiies t adequate discriminating tin ties on f. rei;rn competing products." That is aiiAui, uli there is in the matter ; which Will ! (' SO stretch it out in as much laiiguargt j I a yon please. 11 A. M Corvallis and aunia "'.J' J! i oince slum ii : i . i . ' tiic iMt .'ifice v.itt te each j ness ot the rrenchman was re mit six to u o'clock. ! centlv illustrated in I i races in ', I u...,:Uf.-...i .. .trfr for the etrlv moniinL' I 1 in i . 1 1 1 n ,r n. traiirsiiouli! ! mailed before 8 o clock the Family Id at a verv n In making inv announcement for the Fall 1 beg to call attention to the -A FULL STOCK OF- small prMil, "luicki sales, siiort jHotits and fresh goods'' beinjj ourmoto. j SITine line ot choice Iiiiported ami Domestic pieteDRKhls u IflUOWINQ DEPARTMENTS: ! Staple Groceries I ftc'Glassware,Crockei7 j The best quality of tea, coffee, j-xiatna, an etc The innate gallantry and ...lite- Cigars kept constantly on haud. CAKES, PIE S, reyioue venmif- NATIONAL KEPUBLICAN TICKET. I-OK PKESIOKNT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, OF .NDIANA. FOK VICII-PKCSIDENT, LEVI l . MORTON f OF NEW YOttK. FOR I'RKSIUKNTIAL KLKl'TOKS, rob er r m'i.ea.v, W.M. KAFUS C. W, FI LTON. that eonntrv where soldiers had; been sent to quell the riotous; II . . . -1 " rryt , i J MuiKers. me sui:iiers were dered to revel the advance of strikers with fixed havonets, hut when the van guard was made uI'jpp of women the infantry jjave up and i u retired in dismay. i i I'll SI. J iXO-TSTIElS, In this dopr rtinent my to.-k is nrntsually large and emi OOUSin alUisi- k-a-liii- y.yU-.s; g.i.Ml chades tor Fal! and ; ! 1.... .-..i-- .,..! '.-..i.i M... !i..;f Vi.Sini mifl Ki r-i.-n hn:rtrtat:oiSS. la; i latt novelties in TRIMMIXCS and 15UTT0XS. SlfAWLS, BLNKETS, presh Baked Bread i some extra good vames m white hiankcts, lAliLr-j M;Mw., LOW I'.L,., tto. IT l I CM i' A XI.) DEALER IX BOOKS A! SCHOOL SUPPLIES. i Fine stationery, miscellaneous books, photography til t autograplr ; nlhtims, inkstands, ink, pencils, etc., etc. bheet mu 1C "music books, Void l'rize hirl.I The lest w!iitehirt in the market ! ad all kinds of musical merchandise at W. F. HcadV; nd don't forget that ! r , he proposes to jrive away : iinp. srold j eFfti jN waUh with them Call and iuveti- g-yiX orders prorantlv attended to. gatf il vou need a good shirt. & ' ' 13epot. .1 FORCE THAT CANNOT A VOIDED. BE MtKKIFO. PIPKK C'HUsjK At tin- resi.U-nce of Mr..) : H. Lone-All. Stpt.r. 1SSS, t,v l. Andrews: .!. P., Mr. Allien II Pipes to Miss AiU-lpha j Cruse, all f Linn county, Orenon. urn cm n TD TTi JliUU I!F1 The unheralded and irresistable force that :s exhibited by the pent un energies, hidden in the recesses Of the earth, which make thein- I NOKL In thUcitv on Werlnesday, St-pt. 12, I -'ii i-i il the infant son of Hurrv and C'laia Noei. i selves visible to mankind only I ,,.,,. i througti the medium ot ttie eartn Ij. AV7 GU LSS & SOIST. STOEE i CARPETS-Myetihirged facilities for snowing carpets has enabled me t make large purchases in this department. I oan show a line line of Ingrains, at low prices.Mome choice patterns in BODVf BUUSSELSand TAPES Tit IKS I am making Carpets a leading branch of my bu.iiiiess. BOOTS AND SHOES1 car, y tlie largest line of Boots and Shoes in the city, and have paid special attention to getting the goods Dest suited to this trade and I can show a tine line of goods. I keep in stock the best makes in the country, and have endeavoted to get a line of LOW PKlLEC yoods that 1 can (Jb'ARANTEK to give satisfaction. Anything in Boots. Shoes or llub hers for Men, Women and Children can he tound in this department. It is in fact a SHOE STOKE of itself. f!Prif!FRICQ I am mvimrsiweial attention to keeping a fit II hue of S TA- PT.K n"AXPV .,r,H,e,i..s 1IXCOL0KED TEAS.KOASTEI andOKOLJXU I ( 'OKKFKS OANNF.D FlttTITS. the latest specialties in lreakfast,ete. Having assumed charge of this drug store, near the Kevere House, i ,;an all he found in this departineut. Pure fresh goods and good value tV and having largely increased the stock, nsw oiler a lull line ot DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, XEW TO-DA F. quake or volcanic eruption, are the most awe inspiring that man has to deal with, and reveal to man this! Fruit Dryer ir sale. perfect powerlewsness in coming in i dlu.mmeh fruit kp.vkr, factory ,.,t....f ..111. notnra ! L i-uiuav.t no iiaiuic. I A modern example of thisterrible J power was given on the loth of; last .Inly in Japan, which the j r?SST,,E! Tribune's account Shows to have j 1 partnership heretofore existirj; between ; been most destructive not only to i And a new and complete line of school books, tablets and station ery, pencils, etc. Physicians ank Family prescriptions careltilly prepared. rv it it i l ft 1 i iintr nnii nun irn inmnii i i irniv u nniHd UIIU 1H UAH IVU UlUill U money is inv ami. lAlPi n ii 1 1IMIU! IVU U UVUIUIl, I would esneeially call the attention of parties laying in their Fall supplies to inv lrge stock of Every Day. At this oid and rrfUWe hoase in )s to 'ound complete BOTtnint, of fresh famil, rr usuries, to which is conatfUitlv being aJde.1 ihe seAsouabie linw of crocnas and provisot such us Cranberries Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, j Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc These (roods were all bought when prieao ere low, and the benefit of the margin wi! tx rven to his customers. Remember the ptai a the old corner on nrat and Broadalbia Ste. ! CONRAD 111. HOFFMAN AND PFEIFFER, Proprietor)! of ALBANY SODA WORKS And manufacturers of size, complete, with aiiiitions and im- j piovements, for Biile eheap. Apply to A. Klaker, Shedii, Oregon, or to A. Whce'er, j Springfield, Oregon. Messrf. Cnsen & Allen in the truck and drav l.usiness :s thisav disno'ved hy mutual I the COUIltrV but to the inhabitants 1 consent, The busimss will be continued by ! r". E Allen, who will pav all imlebtedness , also. The volcano Laildaisan, i and collect all accounts Thankins the pub- ' i t 1 ! .i .;.,:..,! lie for past favors, a eontiimatit-t; of their: Wjhich is said to have been inact n e ,,atr0I14e 1S stl Aiciti. . for a thousand years, ami had long J September l. isss fi'oskn been regarded as extinct, suddenly j f." e. Ai.Ltx. burst into eruption and ovet vvheltned a region extending on a radius of five miles ait round the mountain, with volcanic C. J. DILLON S CO.. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF FUENITURE Do general job w ork, also bargain in flooring and rustic. Those contem plating building will tind it to their advantage to call on us at our Frctory, at tr Foot or LvoInI Street s Mil I i i i II MR S! Choice Confectionery I 1 am better prepared than ever to meet their wants, incuts I am prepared to meet tbe lu. all depart- W are now prepared to famish cfioiee, fr nuHties of best fade, consisting f pure uti-lt, AsifortiHj Savors, mixed candies, extra l iei.t :uil c-hrx-oia? creams, fancy mixed, candy Uiy and a geuexaJ assort meit .if Sue candies AT rUIJMALE OK RKTAIL. VOrders from eoontry dealers prompCij ai lACd to. Factory un First street, ; Albany, - - Oregjon fin .ii TW DEMANDS Of i T T T T I It urn mi COUNTV separate or to me. Keuiovtil. OSKPH WEBBKK ASXOL'N'CES TO HIS patruiin and frieiuls that he can be fo ind ; ff . ... 1 .,...-.... l.r.f.inu I In ttlUil, ; ani) irst street, until his nen rooms iu to SJOriiV, rocks, and hot water, j shay te Man jbrick are ready, ; Judging from the insignificance of Hr- aid llark l-'or sale, the premonitory symptoms, which ! Tl ouses a.i hack fok sale-a well . v J . i ' ri matched span of young horses, weight appear to have been confined to a : a0out Sou pounds ea:h;srtiod to drive or ride: ; r ' . .i l it . !a!soali"hi faniilv hack; also road cartf with few Slight earthquake shocks, tOO , 'u3 01,!v a-(ew ti;nes. very handsome: normal in cnaracter io anoru any ; ami e are wi mu- t... ..f, , it Izether. Apply to l. A, Shai warning oifw nat was cuuuug, tue subterranean forces had few obstacles to Overcome at the UlOin- furnished room in central location suitable ! . . ... . , j fur sinsrle gentleman. Enquire at W'ell.H, ejtit of expansion, and thus the ,Fars& Co-s otnce. eraption took the inhabitants of, ' 1 Vitr Marshal) tlre. the country completely bv surprise 'OT1CE IS HEttKBY tuvts TO. the and the loss Of life was proportion- ! N owner or keener of any aoor dogs in liie . ' corporate limits of tne city ot Albany, that ately great. At least six hundred; tne ax upon such do-s for the yar lsss li-ii ' U now due. and pavable to the City Marshal; : men, women, and children were d 1 runnil;K at ,aPse ; kiiled. Some were smothered by : within the city limits, upon winch aiatas: j ;,..., v.,,- u-ill lio f.-it-pii un anil dm- the deluge of boiling mud, which, ; poseu of as provided by an ordinance 'relat- lli., ,.n'l flip ,rntwl tn a ! "isttr. taxing dosis aim regicauus oieir run- denth of from six to twenty feet Some w( of rocks. gether. Apply n OOD HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS NE AR ' " Oregon Pacific dejioi for rent. Also i en i m mm OEALEKS IN i mu uiviu 1 1 uiviiv -AND THK- Diamond Jewelry, Fine Sil verwart, Rings. Ladies Watches and Chains, and all kinds of El egant Jewelry 1 1 LOW PRICES. Citv of Albanv, And ask a thorough inspection of my stock. YOUNG. SAMUEL E WILL BROS Dealer in all the leading GunSt Pistols, Sewing Machines, Orpns. Pianos, M Crown Mi 4' sVANlOSC Jt CO, NEW PROCESS FLOURS (Superior fear famUy mmi Trt !) Tli e Best Stop FaciJitiq VTae Hjhat fries in ALfcUTs notice: -1 have bought and furnished hi The Scio mm Mills niu" at lare." Section one ot aid ordinance , provides: That it shall be the duty of the ' j.;... f .l...l n.. .iiul nftpr rh. firitt rlav of . iSome were Crushed by the Shower ; August of c-acii vei to collect from the own- : Other were burned t,, ! er or keeper each uos tne sum 01, ami utners weie outneu to or biteh gi) (iwned0l. kept, the death bv tlie red-hot cinoers. sum of ss.oo. -i 1 " 1 1 1 U-teti at Albany; Oregon, this "jath day ot W hile the old volcano was pouring Au-ust, l-ss. .Isaac hays, out its incandescent matter lesser ' ' ;itv Ma,8hal- ; A full bine of- TULIUS TOSEPH j Sheet music, musical merchandise,ammunition,'iish j ing tacke, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and M3nUf3,Ct3.llCr Ot ChOlCC CWdLS)FEEDLES,OILand 1Cxttas for all MACHINES I LINN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Contractor anil Builder. eruptions took place along the mountain sides, and the account -w-HE UNDERSIGNED HAVTXO LO shows that these must have been , I catcd in Albanv solicits patronage very curious had it been possible J-icdyu to observe them equally. The 0f dwelling houses, 'mebulinir Queen 1 peak of the Bandai-san was blown , : ' ..iii im is fr.;.; of t charge. Satis! -AND DKALEK. IN- two new craters were action iruaranteed W. il. CAS8EL- Dissolutiou .Notice. off and lormed. There must have been severe earthquake convulsions in the neighboring region also, lor it -aioTiCE is hereby given that the' - I .,1,1 - .. f,.i.r lmn.: 1 Brm of Tweedale cV Hopkins has been i isjreportad that a bank four hun- , xfa nri nmUJ ,:imMUtt A1I tired feet hi'dl was thrown up right ontstaniiin.!; accounts should be iinmetliutely J I . , 11 : settieu at tne store. 111c nm ic FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plutf and Smokimr Tobaccos, Sleerschaum and Briar Pipes, and full line ol 'Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. SSJNext door U Btirkhart A. Kecncy's Real Estate Oiliee, Albany Ogn Repairing of sewins: .machines, musical instruments, sruns, etc., neatly done w. across the bed ot a river,enectuaiiy , mt1,.ne(i bv 0. Tweedale at the old .1 1 oK;,.i;T,,r l,ir,.. stand, wno will collect all accounts ana settle all indebtedness of the hrni. W C. TWEEDALE, T. U. HOl'M.NS. GEO. W. SiVLITH ktc'CCESSOR TO V. II . McFARLAND) F. READ, (Successor toNVH. ALLEN) .iAmmincr it uml SUOieCtlllt: H lcTyO urea to submergence unless the : dam can be pierced. This involves : tlie destruction of valuable rice: IMHsolution of I'artuership. lands and probably a serious ! rv " givk.n that thf. partnkr. , ituti9t mivi tv j snip heretofore cxistinir between C. B-. rhane in the character of the SUl - : Roland, J V. Roland and J. Il . Koland. un ?. , c..K i der the firm name of C. ,. Koland & Co., is rounding country. feucn nen.e . this da - dis80Ved iv mutual consent, ah -utbreaks of long inactive Volcanoes ; accounts due said firm will be placed in the j u 0 . 1 hands of H, Brvant for collwtion. I :-re remarkable, and the return ot " c. B. rolano, , , , . . , I .1. W. ROLAND. 1 tne jmpnsonad forces to tins ! j H koland. j ancient vent would seem to indicate ! Aug ist 21, isss. ; an unusual stability in athe sub- CO OS - o -1-3 GO OS -3 an ill hv Phntnorranh J4 I Of a tine quality, go to J. A. j S. 2T7LB7ET, -PBOPKIKTOR fr terrene conditions at that point. It is to be hoped that the oppor tunity afforded by this eruption for a thorough scientific study of the j 'WINTER, at I'.rownsville, Or, Handai-san volcano and the wliole scene of its activety will not be missed by European and Ameri can students of sesmic phenomena. ; There should be instructive facts j derivable from this catastrophe,! and it is possible that it may throw j nef- light upon the workings of) vofcanic energy. The fact that the main body of the discharged matter consisted of mud appears to j.ointto an influx of water upon Bjme heated cavity as the prime cause of the disturbance, btit ex amination upon the ground may ulscloso tunc ti more of genca! in-t-j.-ost. I i CO cr3 CO 03 3 I -DEALER IN- The City Feed Stables I 1 II ! t&ls prepared to furnish first-class rigs, and to board horst-s by the day, week or month. Stable n Fourth ) tract, between EiU worth and Lyon. CMlirraCryforFllcte'sCastiina JOHN Bi-..uGS Gov. Hux h-t.i bee;, re-norninat d ; for governor .,i Nt-w V;rk by th ! demo'.TJiW by a..:.amitiosi. N .w ! th ; fun .v:li coamience botw.-vn : xi... f f.i,-riins oi the New York 1 :ie i . li-ee trsder. Stoves an ci Ranges ALSO A FULL LINE OF TINWARE. PUMPS. HOSE, COTFEU WAIiE And every varietv of cockinsr utensils andVnoveltieB; in bouse furnish in r is. The nublie invited to call ami f xaiu'me this mammoth stock .under roods. The public 'be new manasement The City Liquor Store, HT. TIAVMGAUT, Proprietor. Ke? ! a. tJrv.-PI A. T .T" V j Cemetfi-i; lot : Wnnd kimI cav.-d U r by tbe ( sj ! iii'ii;'!: t''i- jCur ! ).:,::a.s-y. - - - oiiE(;o r'ext itofu f 0.1'A Foi'o-.vs' cirple, Albany, Orej.'or'&S ( ons'aitiy on ::. Oi-.-sr. i:i,iMirte.l and douuitic wince, liquors, cijarar firt-i'l. l'qu -r in -'rv 8-'cc:m.atfjti:Is paid to opdehs fsosi THE CSUhTRY1 ChlSdren Cry for Pitcher's Castorlaw winter iiiiii mw KJIJX 1U stock With new machinery, making flour ny the fcll kollf.r PitocBSS. Tne mill is uow run nijS and 1 can furnish the best of flour and fetd at reasonable rates. I intend to run my mill in tuch a manner that none can go away dissatis9ed. Give me a call. E. GOINS, Proprietor Scio Mills SECOND BAND STORE. The past year lias proven it to be & necessity. The best and cheapest place in the city to buy vour J Stoves, Furniture, tinware We aie always prepared to buy your heusehold furniture at the highest cash price. Sole agents lor the PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Filler. L. GOTTLIEK 1 am now receiving new goods in every line and would cordially invite everybody to call, and inspect our stock and prices. We propose to have th" The Live Drv Goods House Of Albany, and shall lat all times study the wants of our patrons both in style and prices. ' Dry Woods Notions, Furnishing Goods,! Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, 6roceries,Etc Call ind s?"! rr. "W I3F. .(Srcce-or to N U. AjK n , LJ, Ail -.any, Oregon. many Bath House AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER. PROPRIETOR. J'Ladiep and children's hair dress ntr a speciHlty. Dntue satisfaclion aruarantcd. . JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feed & Sale stable Corner Second and Ellsworth Sis ALBANY, ... OREGON H0RSB8 BOAtiMn by the dv or month. Car riage or buinrie on reasonable terns, . vnnl NORTHWEST) FIRE and MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY PORTLAND, . . OREGON I 2 MAGNOLIA MILLS, JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Prop'r. Will furnish Backs to farmr ,s and TftlVC Wn-r;it ,a the Usu'11 rat of -to,;.:. The lughest market price pen: 'or same. Et .t TBeat Magnolia flour Iwav" Iv ud for sale or exchange at rea'sona bie rates. JOHN A. CRAWFORD .ereck s barber shop. i 1