nw. ' ' 1 iui'jii'.---.it.j.. ji i I ' jfl - r ... .. 13 CENTS A WEEK. ALBAN Y. OREGON Fill DAY fHORlMG SEPTEMBKil il 1888 VOL. Ill N . 2b:1. California, the Land WWiMStlAlPTlOJW ABIEriNEMEDicoloOTUl.fAL ilAViC iuV A OM.D m riia held wliicli d- - not Ret better? !f Have you an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either must be "blown from the nose or drop back oehiud the palate, or hawked or snuffed baekAard to the throat? Are you trouble.! m- hawnm-j. smttim;, weak and if I MA m Irf llIIU THE 0 NLY QUArAWTEED ft in n.. il ' CURE iDirTrnr urntr A Fl fl V ( I 1 T UiU V 1LLL. corroding sorts reve the corruption within As every breath drawn into the luns must pass ovir and.beeonie polluted 'kby the reliev tions in the nasal j ahsi;es, it must net tss-arily trlkw tl.at ' Ucrdi ci Uc lc!i stetO srraduall;' takis plsce, while the norbk' matter th.it is- v:ilvtd iiti.ic :i rldi.sttui into the stotiuuh, enfeebles digest ion, and often, j u mint i 1 1 in, li d I i al ';. ui.ilm ky, uervotisness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If 'you have experienced any of the abovesymptoms do not delay, but try C.m.ikorm" Cat-R-CYkk at once. We positively uararit eejr a few applications relieeand a thorough treatment to one. S:x months treatment for 1.00; sent;vy mail !anla tir and al-K-'nre. Fur .Sale by ru ih Fhe Red ) VkJMllYP JU Mrrjl r Haniwaro, Stoves, flanges, Tinware, Copr 'y P'P i:on pipe, rulb.rr hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the rr.ebraK d -Early Bleakest" k stoves aDd.ranges, and "FjulUwii" parlor hfntiiig stoves. Albany. Oregon. AT COST! STILL TO T Gr. W. S I M PSO N . Having purchased the stock of Clothing (Cents' ;Furnishins Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., ofC. B, ltoland & Co. is now prepared to offer Mer RFwfllllS Having a complete assortment of General Merchandises bought at a hig Jis.coiKit, which he still proposes to sell at cost, rtin haseis will do well to c.tll and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as you can save from 2." to 30 per cent. The highest market price paid for "country pro duce of all kinds, either in cash or gnods. C h II c3 r a n C ry fo r P i of Discoveries!Tile lanv Mer EUREKA the motto of California mears "f jhave found it." Only in that land of ibunshine. w here tthe oralis cmo ml urape liloom and ripen attain their hi.ncst perfection m mio'-wint. r. tre the herbs and yum found that are iseil in that pleasant icine'lv for all throat and lunvr troubles. Santa Abik the rule.-of coughs, asthma, and con-siiiiipti- n. Kostin.v A "Mason, of Al bany Oregon, have been appointed .-uusuaipsifo hisvaible California re.n .dy, and sell it under a guarantee at i'l i boltehree for ;2.?0. ; KORSALR iJV ''- " YLBANY C REG ON inflamed eyes, frequent soreness ot the throat, rinsing- or roaring m the ears, n.ore or 'less impairment of the heurinir. loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness cr dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of (nose? Have you lost all souse of smell? ,IHave you a hacking cough? Have you dyspepsia.' Is your breath foui? Ik so yoc havk the Catarrh. .Some have al .these symptoms, others only a part. The leading- symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of - yellow or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused by the decoii' posini; secretions exuded from festerinc TOT? : ;ulcers far back in the head; ometimes Fosliay Mam "T A DDLl memorane eovernif: me oones is 1 Atrirl!ea,en awa3' an'l the bones themsehes rtl Jfrrat,ual,y accay- oucn ciseo ar in LALdced objects of pity, as stench from v a i r hi mm 1' 111 HI Mbany, Oregon (Successoi- to E. V. Lan;don XEALE1S is- Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full linrt of Iwioks ami siationry. prirdic;ils, etc. Jff" Pre80i-iptiiua eaxefnlh cunipoumlfij iN ODD FELLuW'3 TEMPLE, Albany Oregon Front. rw. than Ik t c h e r ' 3 Ca&Xrla. FIST ! i -Uuder the new uianafi'cnieiit'of- 1 Um s. -WHO KEEP'S A fuil line of choice family' grocer es and rrov's'um Cannea Pineapples, OliQice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedtnnas and Parties. Salmonlbellies, mackerel and saltjoslijoffall kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD .hCvcrv Day. t n 1 WW, es A. 1(1 TEAS and COFFE jnoie lMiis, naisins. CANNED 00ODS, ETC. -je best Soap in the market- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars l! At .John fox's old stand.! low Fl nn s new brick. yj .p, in -'?LIVE- IN A This is whit Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the dvely times in this city, tbey have enlarged .their store and stock so that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new patterns, tine gold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. House and Lot for Salr. A ONE AND ONE-HALF STORY DWELL a. ing containing 7 rooms, bath room and p..ntry; Is less than two years built; location central; another lot adjoining van be had with bain if desired, or would sf 11 it separate from dwe'Iiu(. Price very low. Apply to T. A Shane Dwelling for Bent. A NEAT RESIDENCE OF 3 ROOMS, situated on the corner of Baker and Seventh -treets, with two lot garden and choice fruit in abundance, for rent on reasin ble terms App"y to A. Webster at resi dence. 1 v1 hi lk IUaM(UIU! Hermann Diercks, ProK rpiUS RKSTAI RANT IS NOW OPEN ED TO i. the public in the Saltmarsh building be iow the Revere House, where good meals will be served at all hours. Mr Dierck in vites nio!d customers anil the public gener ally tulall. The tables will be supplied with 'he best viands the market affords. Satisfac tion guaranteed. H. .1. Minthors, Pres. B. S. Cook, Sec S. Farrak, Vice Pres. V V. Moorks, Treas. Oreson Land Company. Organized for the purpose o! bmin." and selling real estate, advertising the 'Villanictte valley in all of the lead'm" newspapers of the I'nit.-d States. 0111. ploying eastern asrents to direct home seekers to the Willamette valk-, and home agents in al! the principal towns of Marion, Polk, hum, Uniton, 'lackanias and Vaiubiil ,-nuuties to aid in locating tin m i-rr:.i: t. Cook iV V. lT'lo;i., Matiagers. j l-i";' For particulars ml! it t tin- Albany j ..:"c in the Tale building, one Cixrl West nf Stewjrt c So:;. j ilouso" cv UicKi.NooNj Mauager-j ! 01 11U1 11 JTfi IV rt 1 WOODIN I MM ?iniitiirel)eak II KAciomhini nermam ill Absolutely Pure. This pownur never vanes. A marvel ol purity strength and wholesomcness. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate, powders. Sold onlv in e ms. Royal Bakin 'ow der Co lO-. Wall st.. N. r. ) W Ckowlev .V. Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon. 41 IWKVKYS. DR. N. BLACK lit" UN, ATTORNEY AT .. Law, Albany, Oregon. Ottice in Odd bvllott"s Temple. A'ill practice in all courts of the state, andgite special attention to all business. lyOLVERTON CHARLES E. APTORNEY 11 at Law, Albany, Or. OrhVe in rooms I.; and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. lilain's stor . J K. WEATHOKFORI , ATTORNEY AT law, Albany, Ore-'on. office in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business rtivsit IAS. G W. riASTON, , jreon. Albany, PHYSICIAN Oregon.? AND SIR MH. ELLIS, PI . geon, Albai.y, PHYSICIAN AND Sl'Rr Oreiron. f C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND Sl"R j. eon Albany, Orei.011, ortici: over 'Jraii- obi s store Uttiec hours, from S a. u. tu 4 r. m. " f ALISTES & WOOIIWARI), IIOMROI'ATIUC PHY L. jl sicians and surgeons, onstctrics treat ment of chronic diseases of women and biUlren a specialty. All calls ptcmptly at .. nded tojiay or night Office Jn the Fljnn cck. ' ' jt, f EVE RE HO Ol SE, ALBANY, OR.-CHAS. f j.r. r, !'ro;i. onlv tirst eclass hou- i.aie s.!i'iile rooms for coin- No 'b:n:i;i!Cii employed in tn. cral staae olti'-e for t oriuilis. iiu ut ii. "111,'S M.E. McCOY.lt. O.HOM(E H'AiHK' pbvsiciaii, oiiire and resilience corner 01 First and llakei' st reets. Ail-any, u t'lironit: discasi s a s., ri::'ty. 'ouMiltat'on free, oi In boc.rs: in to i' v and to i m. ii eei; :'. !: , and jeweler. iCTH'AL WATCILMAKE Albany . Oregon, iaguoiia I litHr.' I 'HE REST MAGNOLIA FLOl'I! PKLIV 1 ;'red to any part of the citv, forS-1.10 pel sack JOHN A CRAWFORD. nlMnltf l.aiKl !iirve.vlng 1)ARTIKS liKSIRINO SI RVKVIXG PONK CAN OK. tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon cx-county survi voi t. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveing in any part of Linn county. Postottice address, Millers station, Linn county, Oregon. k-i I !) ) milts east of Albany ,tie.ir the Oregon Pacific railroad, 200 acres in cultivation, and cor.tains sutticient viater and timber for gen era use. Would make, four good farms Price, $12,000, with terms to suit purehaatr. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris.., C1 DR. R KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SI R. geon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of Oer man and American colleges. OF ALBANY. OREGON, PRESIDENT, L. Fiinn. VICE-PRESIDENT CASHIER S. E. Young, G.E.Chamberlain, rPRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING X BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Sight Exchange -and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S. E. Yon ik Flins.' L. E. B1.A1S ' W- E. 'I'LRRELL flKO. E. CllAMBHRI.AIX. Ias. F; PowbLU Atwstarit Cashier. iPALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. Flrnl Street 3 ? " The best variety of choice bef,veal,mutton, pork aiiagu, ttc.,inthe city keptjeonstantly an hand. OjicuyKb 1ST Cash paid for all kind ock."?? IV in GKAOUATES STUDENTS IN Classical, Literary, Sci entific, normal , Jius- less Law mid MEDICAL COURSES OLDEST, LARGEST AND LEAST EXPENSIVE !n fiuition of lenrniiig i:i the Northwest. Kirs' term h,-gins ScptcmlH." :id. IsSs. Ad uress THOS V AN" SCOY, Presid. nt. baltm, Oregon, V amette Uoiversitj GENERAL JEWS. Goldenson, the Murderer,. Will Be Executed To-Day. tin: i iv .41 :ii.iMicis. oniv. Hm. TVm. Warren Elscted C jminncder ia Chief of the fi. A. P.. -The Maine E'sctbu. The IIkralii's Special !u;iatehvs. '-SaS Khascim-o. Sept.- The attorneys of Alex (Joldersun, who is sentenced to be hanged to-morrow, made a last appeal to the supreme coun this, morning. They presented ii petit kin signed by the mother of the condemned man, asking that a writ of mandate be issued to the i-deiif" directing him to summon a jury bi inquire into ioldensou's sanity, and ordering him not to execute the sentence of death until alter such inquiry had been made. Chief Justice. ear!es announced that a decision upon the matter would he rendered at 2 o'clock this afternoon. .41' (UI.IHRIS. Hun. Mm. Warren. l llissoiiri Kleelert t'oniiiiaitdrr-in-Cblrf. Coi.r.MBrs, Sent. 13. The dis play of California products and the Ohio centennial detract somewhat from the attendance at the numer ous reunions of veterans. Meet ings of the. various organizations represented continue to-day. The encampment at its meeting this morning chose lion. Win. Warner, of Missouri, as commander-in-chief for the ensuing year. Warner served in the .'!.'!! and 34th regi ments, of Wisconsin, during the war, and is now a member of congress from the "th Missouri district. Col. Moses Neil, of Col umbus was elected senior vice-commander, and Joseph Hatfield, of New Yoik.juniot vice-commander. Kepublicaii Convention. Yrkka, Cab, Sept. 13. The Ke- publican county convention met at Siskiyou to lay and made the fol lowing Humiliations: For sheritr, John T. Maxley ; clerk, A. II. Bur rows ; district attorney, J S. Beard ; treasurer, Ct. A. Nordheim, all present incumbents. Theo. Young was nominated for coroner. t he Maine Klrcllou; Lf.wiston, Sept. 13. Returns from all the towns gives Burleigh 7'.,'03; Putnam, H1.10S; Cusiiing, L'OTl : Simmons. !I7:I. A retnibii- can tiiuiaiiiv of ls.4ii.-i. Th c,.v - aie is all republican Tiie hoiiM-! tns and iS j stands 1"'3 republi democrats. V'2lv Iricr. Mkmi'His, Sept. 13. Memphis has oidercd lUiii-intei'i-ourse with Ici-atur. Ala., which is ISO miles east of this city. A death, sup posed to be Irotu yellow fever, has occurred there. A .it.50.00n l ire. Svraci sk, Sept. 13. Jacobs and Proctor's grand opera house and adjoining property was burned this morning; loss, $g50,000. Withdrawal ol Troop. Berlin, Sept. 13. Zanzibar is becoming quiet. The sultan has ordered the withdrawal of troops. uard Against 'I lie Mrikc. And always have a Kittle of Acker's Knglish Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike your little one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treatment The Remedy guaranteed by Foshav i- Mason. A Child Killed. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur prising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Foshay & Masou. Vivcn Awsiy. W. F. Read proposes to give away a fine gold watch with his gold and oilver prize shirt, the very best fitting md best made white shirt in the market. The price is as low or lower than any equally as good shirt in the market. If you want us to call at your house to take orders, please leave word at our store. Browne!! iV Stanard. imi WD AT ALBANY HOUSE iVli If '1 0(1 Ill the most intensely interestinj?- and uniip e Comic Opera "O..LT VET TE" In the eveninn, and the opu'ar play " P I N A E ORE" A.j a mr,t;ne in the 3fb r 0011. The i-ostumi'S irr:: 1-v tliis company:;!'4 the most el. pant ever Men hi this city. .T-? i'l-ot iilar i:ices. Admission to matinee and ".n e- nts. Si! Tickets on sal 131 man JUVENILE OPERA CO votiinluY Sept. luiiuaj A VICTORY. i'or the 11 ill :ik-lroii Kauge t'i:iti- iam. In the vast storehouses of the World's Exposition, showiug, in en Less an ay, the combined won ders of the world of iuveiilive genius, there is probably nothing. that has attracted such uuiversai iittculion lor comOiued beauty auu intrinsic, luerii as the exhibit oi the Wrought-lion Range Company ot St. I,uis, Mo. "Wrought irou" the very name is t-igniticant ot tiic process, of manufacture, which at the very onset, overcomes the cliiel and great objection, hitherto such an apparently iusui uiouutaoie bar rier, mitigating agy.iusi the dura bility of iron as applied to range or stove purposes. Home education teaches that the ordinary stove and stove cover made or east-iron will inevitably aud unexpectedly yield :o intense heat. A stove cover ac cidentally dropped, it' it be of the ordinary cast-iron ol" the aveiage stove 01 range, will crack or break. The result is obvious in both instances--a worse tnan useless ap pendage. Cast-iron, as applied iu the manufacture ot stoves, as well as anything else, is the crudest, cheapest and most fusible Mai leable-irorj, to the contrary, differs in that it possesses great tenacity. It is really the mauiitay of ircu manufacturing, aud, unlike its less er prototypej can be complete" united by welding. It is of the highest grade of iron, and ranks next to steel, lu view of these facts, the superiority of nialleaOle and wrought irou articles for cook ing purposes oyer cast-iron is so manifest that there is no room lor doubt. To attain this point by the pro duction of ranges thus made, has been one of the studies to which the S Louis Wrought-Iron Com pany have given years ol laboi, re sulting in the development of a class of ranges which ou account ol greater durability, is without equal in the world. Add to this the experience in this branch oi industry which taught them bes: how to utilize the piincipics ot hea: tor cooking and kindred pur poses, aud the ucme of perfection is attained iu the products ot the Wrougbt-Iron Range Company 01 St. Louis. l.a the resume of qua 1 ities to which this company so just ly claims pre-eminence, may be I mentioned larger cooking capacity I ease of management, certainty ol !l,i" - l il1"" a ns soiid economy 111 the use of iuci a quartet of merit sel- I doin equaled auu never excelled, j This view of cli'orts of this com I pany towards bene lilting mankind I by a really supc ioi ait.cic is borne jout by tt: jury oi awards of 1 he i cifss in winch tiie St. Louk ! Wrought-Iron K iiige Conip my en tered in competition, who awarded the highest premium, three golo medais.l'or their entries, as follows: First gold premium on best hole! ranges, first goid premium ou laundry stove, first gold premium btst collective display oi ranges, aud siiver premium on malieao e iron water back. This sweeping triumph, ;n lace of the fact that the wares of this company were uukjovvn this far South speak vol umes iu favor of the real merit oi the ranges, which so creditably passed through the crucible ol critical expert judgment and came out victorious over all. They have determined to make the "Home Comfort" Ranges the cooking ar ticles of the country, and will take pleasurs iu convincing the skepti cal, if there be such, of the truth and justice of the verdict ot the jury giving this company the high est awards New Orleans Times Democrat, May 27, 1885. The "Home Com tort" Range is constructed of Malleable Iron and Cold Rolled Wrought "Steel, which render it practically indestructible; has four eight-inch boles, a top mantel or closet shelf, side exten sion shelf, and flue lined with as bestosfa peculiar mineral substance on which fire has no effect whatever) lias banging tire lining, protected from burning by beii.g surrounded by a current of cold air from the outside, and our own design dump grate aud bailed ash pan. The oven is fastened to a body of range by heavy aDgle irons, forming rear and oven door frame3. Topplate is fastened to the body by heavy lugs, and the bottom of the oven is I embraced by heavy channel bars preventing it from warpiug or twisting. We place before you a few of the many testimonials we have from people in Linu couuty who tie using "Home Comfort" Ranges. ' Linn County, Or . Sept. 4. 1888. We, the undersigned, having each purchased a "Home Comfort" Range from a salesman represeut iug The Wrought-Iron , Range Co., ofSt. Louis, Missouri.take pleasure in saying that our ranges have been delivered and have proven cntneiy sat.sfactorv. They take less wood bake more uniformely and heat quicker than any other range, we have ever used, and we advise anyone who wishes a perfect cooking apparatus to purchase a "Home Comfort." Respectfully. J. K. Haight, S. 11. Fin 10 an, Mrs.M Kizeii. Mrs. J. L.WiCxLE. Ow en Bear, gjg Makv Overton, llALsKY.Linti .,o.,Or.,Sept. 9. The "Home Comfort'' Range Is all that that tue salesman claimed for it. I have used mine a suffi cient length 0! tim? to recommend it to any one in n-ed of a stove. Respectfully, J. M. llOl.OWAY. We arc highlv pleased with our Range aud can couscientious'y recommend it. Respectfully. J. K. Haight. ... Peoria, Or , Sept. G, 1888. I have tested my Range thoroughly and pronounce it tar superior to any otner 1 have used. Kespectlully. J. N. Smith. Peoria, Or., Sept. 4. 1888. You may ue my u nue in recom mending the "Home Comfort." It is perfect. Respectfully, S. Ii. Finigan. Peoria, Or., Sept. 4. 1888. My Range gives entire satisfac tion. II. L. Rcdd. BICiKfr" MKXTMI. Harness of all styles at Thompson & Overmans. Fine old cherry bounce at M. ttaum gart's. Ice cream every day at Frances Pfeitier'6. A clean towel for every customer at Viereek's. A new invoice of British trimming at Head's. Boots and shoes at cost at Browuell tfc Stauard's. Go ond see the new silverware at Will it Stark's. Curry combs A: bitishesjat Thomp son r "Overmans. Thompson & Overman the leading harness dealers. Odds and ends nearly gone. Mon eith A: Seitenbach A tine line of new silverware just, opened at Will A: Stark's. Leave your orders at Brownell Ac -Stanard for choice berries. Dr. J. V. Gaft", physician and Sur geon, Shedd Orcgou. Accident insurance at the lowes rates by Burkart A; Keeney. No is the lime to oil your harness and Thompson A: Overman have splcudid oil. A line assortment of heavily plated : Kf ives, forks and spoons at F M French's, "The Corner Jewell. v Store." -Self protection is the lirst, law o nature. Follow it by securing an ac " ciueiit policy of liuikhart A; Keeney We hand'.: three kinds of fruit jarsJ and von will do well to see us before ; placing your orders. Bkowxell t Stanard. Just r 'ceived, another lot of those line hand sewed French kid shoes, the t-r chcat'icsl eyer brought to towli at W. F. Iba'd's. Mexican ( 'actus Bitters js the best remedy in the world for liver and kid iK'V di--eases, indigestion, etc. For sale at'M. Bannig'art's. Ftir jour line imported ind Ke West cigars, vo to M. Baumgurt cigar store, one door east of Black man's drug store. Just leeeived at 'V. F. Read's a full line of ladies line niusiin underwear, also girls' white dresses and infants slips. Call and see them. The largest and most elegant line of ' silv; rwarc and jewelry ever shown iu Albany has pist beeu opened at Will At "st-irk's. That exquisite line of satins in our show wind av will lie ran close this, week. Have no excuse for not get ting in on litem. Montieth & Seiten- bach. Tiy St, Patrick's Pills and compare their effect with any other kind made. They contain good properties of the older preparations in the market combined with the most va'uable medicines discovered in modern times. As a cathartic and liver pill, St, Pat rick's are perfection. Sold by Foshay & Mason, The Waterloo Springs. For solid enjoyment go to Water loo, which is now the most popular resort. Fine locality, fishing.boat ing and bathing, and splendid ac commodations at J. A. Gross', whose prices are reasonable. Horses fed at the lowest possible rates. Campers can get supplies at Mr. Gross' store. Mr. Gross will meet the 2 o'clock Lebanon train on Mondays and Saturdays. California, the Land or Hlseoverie Wliwil! you lay awake all night coughing, when that most effective and agreeable California remedy,Sauta. Abie, will give you immediate relief? Santa Abie is the only guaranteed cure for Consumption Asthma and all Bronchial '.oniplaints. Sold onb in large bottles at $1.00 a bottle. Three for $"2.50. Foshay & Mason will be pleased to supply yon, and truarantee relief when used as directed. California Cat-K-Cuie never fails to relieve Catarrh or Cola in the Head. Six months treatment 1 .1X1. By mail $1.10. California Cut.lC-l ure. The only guaranteed cure for ca tarrh, cold in the head, hay fever,rose co'd, catrrhal deafness and sore eyi -t Restore the sense of taste and unpleas ant breath, resulting from catarrh, Eay and p'easant to use, Fodow directions and a cure is warranted, by all d -uggists. Send for a circular toAbietine Medical Company, Oro ville. Cal. Six mouths' treatment for SI; sent by mail, $1.10, For sale by Fohay A: Mason, Absolute Cure The Original Ahietine Ointment is only put up in Iarge two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure al! kinds of piles. Ask for the Original .v hict;n Ointment. Sold by Foshav A: V at "Jr cents per box1 by mail -0 cents,;