THE MORXIXl HEU-ALl): WEDXESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1SSJ BgjairfM.'aeJJ'-UMwt--"-FI''J' i.,-w.i!iMwi'i.'..!,a.uja JiJtlrtvniniY Tin Hit 'iV'ifl ' above Don Smith's, ami in places gJIOUUttfl IfaUg UaU;u,fa!-aSBnghtonbnH1. Our party Daily a. x u V ii k i ! were astonished to see the amount : G03ST2ST BEOS. havixo i.k.movui) to their TERMS Or INSCRIPTION: DAILY. Published every tuorninu' except !nda.) ehveml by carrier, week o.!5 Ly nuui, per t;u u ,'-') m mm mm 10 attention of the j. ti Now call tlu 1 T . plv-u sUicK ot WKKKl.Y. (Published every Friday Mrnin.) e copy, j;r aii'iuni, in advance.. When nut paid in advance NATIONAL ESPDBIilOAN TICKET. 1 mhi !i Hamilv FOR i'liiCSiOKNT, 15 EN.I A M I -N 1 1 A I i K I SON , OV INIHAXA. FOR Viri;-!'IESIIEXT, LEVI i. MORTON OK XKU' YOKK. will lie sol salrs, short profit rZk ine inie ot choice FOR I-RESIUKNTIAl. KLL'.roKS, ROBERT M'LKAS, K API'S C. W. Fl'LTOX. THE MAILS. Mails at the Albany w 'Stolfioe clo.-e as follows For all offices north ) The Eastern states -G; The West Side And the Nai row C.auu'e R. R. ) For ami Salem U A. M Corvallis ami Yaquina 12:'0 p. m office south 7;:i0 p. M. The postaifice will be closed eioh rora six to seven o'clock. Registered matter for 'the ?early morning train should be mailed before S ocloex the reyioues venin?. A MOUNTA1X 1ECONOITE1!. Old soldiers sometimes become imbued with the spirit of the '"tramp, tramp, tramp the boys are marching," and long tor a taste of the nomadic camping cut exper ience, it was a nt ot mat uescnp- ttnd Scribe took to the mountains, tion that permeate 1 the beings ofjacaling the highest peaks and five of Albany's men who once ; wandering by the side of purling wore the blu, and caused them lo j streams, while Engineer and Com invade the rocky fastnesses of the j missary ran the pack train back to North Santiam. Commissary was j the wagon guarded by the faithful detailed to lay in supplies ; Scout j Artist. undertook to pilot the company in safety : Engineer looked after j -A work that had been aceom- dished. i Noon of the second, day out f mu. id the party at Stewart's place : on the Santiam, at that time the ; end of wagon road travel, V.ut a ' few days later wagons could jotv.o j miles farther on, the railroad i builders having prepared a wagon ! road thai- far. ; The ivoort of fine huutinj.' took j j Scour, Commissary and Scribe a j which j tramp in :he mountains. l"p, uj, utiiil tlie air was rare, and the! .. I 1 4.. 1 ..!... Fresh deer tracks aud the whir of jClgai'S kept constantly Oil baud, grunse's wings were enticing but! did nut cure many a tumble re-; ceived in the ranid descent. Re-1 i turn to camp revealed Artist in j good humor but Engineer gloomy his fishing in Bad Banks (the name of a small creek) having re sulted in no very good fish. The next day found us dining on the banks of Brightonbiish, hav ing passed over 14 miles of trail and enjoyed the tramp behind the ! j pack horse. The same fate here j no fish and deer too thy to nibble at such fresh recruits, or grizzled veterans. Plenty of pure moun tain air, lots of country, and such quantities of ale Adam's, you know that we all became hard drinkers. "No further business appearing" it vas concluded to adjourn. Scout Revere mm, public to their com ri i .FINE LUMBER. TVT A X IF1 ZRIEIST IDIOTS.". riiOl'RIETOit OE OA III ill 11 I M.tvr.i- on-.- of the l.irg-.-st :ri.l tv ! iti'iTin.-r i--'r:i iml:ici:i!i;;!its !': th.) j ilresscA liiiiijr, a;id will wr tiie -am ' tk-c h v w.ixii lt;i.l- at tlii" f j lii-vhij; .r'. n.-arln-ss.;-l fiifcy! -A FULL STOCK OF- d 'ata verv small "nronl, ''(Uickj j Kustio ami. ti.mnng ,. 1 s ami Iron goods beui- oui mot o. , CoiIar an (h. w Iniportei I and Domestic rcrutati-il !a;!i'-ur in tin- .-t.t.c li;iring to purciiae iirn' iiv-ed orun- j i.i any pat -i tins city n:i sho. t vn i s p.T t!r)'.i-.'li.l foot: j 822 .IO i 21 00 ! 22 :o ! is cm :H IV) i j li h.;;:-- 25 00 ; j 'b :tiirni:rdinj IS 0i) j L:l.Tal liscouiit on iiiio-o rales on l:.uK i -up':' In 'lie couatry who arc p:cn;irod Io u I !-! ya a i-miig vi.i n:ia n : iii :e '.a i.-uii i::'.' io can m, i 11m yard direct, an I tiiii.e tU"ir par-.iases. ii i'.c ;i all ki:nls of iumlHsr lo j coaiparc 1' ivar ably witii a i ai 11 in t!ij'j are AJlare stock t CDastantlv on ham). j C?CSVfXTCTll 111 ITJ'II I II Tl 111 . I 'I Iff! fll'U ir. ill n r s HI. J- JOlSriBS, FEXT BOOKS Newsdealer, Stationer, -AND DEALER IN AND SCHOOL Si PH. Fine stationery, miscellaneous books, photograph and autograph albums, inkstands ink, pencils, etc., etc. sheet music, music books, and all kinds of musical merchandise. Julius Joseph r LdllUldLldUCl Ul UlUlLCUydJ IV X 1 t 1" dl. ANDJDEALER IN- E IMPORTEDNDKY WEST ;ars, Fluj; and Smoking Tohaciw, Mc'crifliaaai ami Briar I'ipc., and full line of Smokers' Atlici'.-s. Also li:alei-in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. ?. Next door to Uurkhart V. Keenav's iical Estate O.licc, Albany Ogn Staple Groceries I (111 l 1UV M1UUJJ If UIVl' The best quality of taa, coffee, rxisin, tm au.ts, eta. CAKES, PIES, Fresh Baked Breatf Every Day. At this old and refnbla house is also so V 'oumt a complete aHsortnient, of fresh fsDii. roome, to which is constantly beinjr adde-t ifi he ?esoaabe lined of t;roosris um1 provudo such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern. Buckwheat Flour, ! Canned Goods of All Kinds, '' Bohemian Glassware, Etc. These roods were all bought when pHnatj were low, and the benefit of the margin Si bf sriven to his customers. Ke member the plu U the old corner on First and Broadalbin SU. itlMDMffl General News IDepot. Mail orders promptly attended to. wmxr j f mm GXJ I SS SON, STORE 1J We foraged apples and onions at the hospitable Gardener farm, transportation ; Artist took in the j viewed the line farms, bountiful 8 :enery, and Scribe was to keep a wheat fields and diversified hill correct record of the proceedings, j and dale to Jordan Valley, where Armed and equipped, and with the plethoric barns, patch of ! ten davs rations in the mess chests immense melons, cosv inviting ap-! early one morning the expedition ! pearance of the farm o" Mr. James ! And a new and complete line of school books, tablets and station- n.n.UinftP.1 nn.l ondr mun-hiiii SL.Unn ,.nn ... to ritr-h .-,..! lrJ' peuensLC. i mMciaua.iK. ramuy iiku ipuous ai ai au.iv j.ic- H OFF MAN AND PFEIFFER4 Proprietors of l o tlie rate 01 V 1 s NY SODA Pi TO 5 And nianafactarers of Clioice Confectiooery ropr'y Having assumed charge of this drug store, near the Revere House, and having largely increased the stock, nsw oiler a full line of DRUO.S, I'ATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, orders, by natural instinct climbed on top of the s'ores in the commis sary wagon and took up the line of j proprietor. Five dust march. j tramps were observed for the night and accept the gener ous hospitality of its whole-souled covered i oil the ! pared. unoice uomesin b anu imnon n j l fi' n u Miisarsawiaiij ai a u 10 iVK IF TO-iU l . Springfield, Oregon. IHssolui Ion nf l'arlnrslii. In the vicinity of Miller's a tan- j si reets of Albany next day. Ke-j talizing band of fifteen or twenty suits : Jr?even small lish no at-1 pheasants with long tail feathers j tention should be paid to the fish ! impudently stared at the con -! story teller of the party and an pany fDin lan adjoining wheat irresistible longing to trv it again. deld. The scen3 was exasperating and extremely depressing, but as lawabiding citizens, "not a gun was heard nor a funeral note." At the Jefferson ferry, however, good spirits were again revived at the sight of Ferryman Allen's stars and stripes flying at the masthead, ii i i cn .. l i oeanng me legeim tmniouu auu ,jOTIUK Iri nKiibBY given that tiik Morton," and all went well until ; IN purtiieMhipheretoforc ' 3i Messrs. Crosen & Allen in the truck and the Engineer, wiio s-eemed to have ,iniv business this day disso'ved l.y mutual i t i .,,tri consent. Tho busiiitss will be continued by developed some symptoms indi- f. E Allen who Wlll pav M indt.htcdness oatin"-a desire to lanl the expedi- and eollejt all a.-eounts Thikin- the pul- . lie for past favors, a continuance of their tion in the insane asvlum. under- patromiKe is still solicited. took to go to Salem instead ofj Member i. isss C(.oss,-X) Marion, causing a countermarch! K. E. Am n. and a flank movement, but i.npart- j f n7r;u-ior hihI Builder. ing the information, by passing in j -IIE UXDiRSHiXED HAVING LO I cated in Albany solicits patronage from eity and coui:iiy. Will contract to hiiilil hridycs. Ivirns. and all manner being fitted with improved patent i f dwi-llinsr hou-es. including Queen seats, and consequents prosper- i SKSd OUS. I sp.!cilU" it-j.i f:'c; of t cliarsre. atis A spring of cold water tempted j action guaranteed W. (J. CASSEL- a halt, and the hungry party nartook of their first camp meal C. J. DILLON & CO., WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF 1 I J 11 JNr I rru RE Frnil Drjer tor Sale. PLUM1IEK FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY size, complete, with additions and im- i .... v ...n.-..m.nte u- In .-h-m Adlklv .1 A ! I ). 1 UV'tWTMl lllll VVOI'U' :l!ll 1 ,!l I :1 M I 111 floOriM" !111ll rilttf Hlwi 4 -ni I f . m Blaker. Shedd, Oregon, or to A. Wheeler, j plating ijuilding will find it to their advantage to call on us at our Frctorv, at flllTia Piotflla VjOTiriTlfr WonlnTlQCI nflfT2T!!3 PlOTinCl incihniu ?i 2 II Hill K HisJililUl I have this day contracted with Messrs. Stewarttife A ll,.nor t. "ilfll?! l hi 1'iim i i 11 -1 11 fi t V llf Till Pi- ' .Hamlin nindinc twine to nieuiiiers oi our ordtT. A1J II . , 1 1 ' " , 1 1., We are now prepured to famish cIkm'cc, fr.-i lairOUS Ctlll Call lib Ultfll )ia-C Ot uUlt:. dim "V i rntiesolbagriletcoisisfaig of pnre rti -It, .ii-i .it l 1 , I aesortod flavors, mixed candtw, extra rreM method atOlt(l at OUI" OUSim-SS CMUUCU SeCllle tlie j chooolateeraams, fancy mixed, candy to i .-. . ,. , r l i 1 , - aad a geuerJ assortaant o! fliie caiKlies heneht ot my contract. 1 have, also made arrange-: .i , ii 4. ! . 1 ,.3 t" i .1 T VHOLRsUK OB DETAIL. ments witii the same hrm to nirnisii a-IoLor Usoorne ... ii --c' I 1 aOrders from enquiry dealers promptly afc steel frame lnnders,bentl m your ordeiss as so oil ua Mnedto. Factory on hot atrset, possible as harvestis'iiear. '"8iirnd : Albany, - - Oregon, MART MILLEil, Financial Agent, j , , m mm Milla hob, ivuniix wk c., n. NEW PROCESS FLOUR. The Best Storage Faeilitia arTW cMh jaft tar MMOIj, SPR NGF ELD SA WMILL S P II I SiJr F IELD i'J R E CxO N gj2T"AIbany yard and odicu on Railroad, between 4ih and "uli streetscrJ2 Jjriaving lumber not excelled in quality,! "-ud facilities not surpassed forjtb. prompt aad'saiisfact jry lillia ; or orders. I nisaectfaUvi solicit a hare ofth uutr. SlSiiS WHEELER. WIIvIv BROS Dealers in all the leading Foot ok LvoX Street 's the rear of the Jefferson Academy, that that valuable institution was : Ikissolntiun police. JOTICF. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE r TVTOTICF. IS HERF.BY GIVE i THAI 'THIS "With STUStO and the real old Style. ! firm of Tweedale & Hopkins has been . , : this dav dissolved by mutual consent, All Hie UommiSSary proveu HIS eitl- I 'ini. accounts should be immediately ..: a.,t;et-..t;n f ..11 ! settled ot the store. The .busimss will be j uicuuy i-u ....-u continued bvW. C. Tweedale at the old WILL & STARK. OKALEKS IX Fine Goid Watches. Diamond Jewelry, Fine Sil verwan, Kin.s, Ladies Watches and Chains, ami all kinds of El erant Je dry LOW PRICES. A full Line of- ISheet music, musical merchandise,ammunition,Jfish ing tackle, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives The besc kinds of sewing machines XEEDLES,01L and Krfras for all MACHINES LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly done NOTICE. -l have bought and furnished- Tlse ScioiFlouniiff Mi With new machinery, making floai bv the i-cll roller process. Trie mill is iiow run uiaa and 1 can turnish the best of flour and feed at leasonable rates. 1 intend to run my ;u:!l in f uch a man"ner that none can go away dissatisfied. Give me a call. E. G0INS, Proprietor Scio Mills i SECOND BAND STOEE. Tae past year lias proven it to be a necessity. The best and cheapest place iu the city to buy your , w.If. read, ;VJ;-.- and the Scribe so recorded it. st;md, wno will collect all accounts and settle j .-.r, -..-ii , l an wneoteuness oi me " When Mill Creek was crossed, , w c. twekdale, the thriving town ot Stayton viewed j and the first view of tlie Santiam j ,,hrined the fond anticipations f T. o. Hopkins. Dissolution or I'lirtnerstil j. j ..... m-. ..onul. V ilU'L'V Til IT TIIC PiPTWD. ! !k. Uiltfi It 1 1 r. n. r i i .. , the fash Story teller Ot the part j Kol.ull j VV. Roland and J. H. Kolaml, im- ! iccin-itpH into thin air The der the firm name of 0. B. Roland c Co., is I were dissipatea into mm air. , th.g dissolved b- mutual wnseni. ah waters of the .North bantiam were : accounts due smd hrm wui bepiao . . , i i hands ot H. Bivant for collection. as thick with mud as a nasty puu-1 c. B. roland, ding. The first conclusion wasj that the railroad graders w ere j .stirring in lots of mud into the ; GKEO. iW. SMITH (cc'CCESSOR TOW. II. McFAKLAND) (Successor to X. H. ALLEN) CX3 J. W". ROLAND. J. H ROLAND. August 21, JSS3. House and Let for Suit. ONE AND ONE-HALF STORY DWELL- l 2. I tV 4-K t usually piacia waters, uul iuhU . injf L.ontainin;; 7 rooms , batn r0(,ni and investigation revealed the fact that ! pantry; is less than two years bjiit: location . .. , ventral; another lot adjoining- van he had the volcanic iormatiou oi nic banks of the Milky Fork, way np in the mountains near the summit, had, through the action of the hot sun, cracked and fallen into the with bain if desired, or would sU it separate from dwe'liug. Price very low. Apply to T A Shane ' Uwciiius lor Krul. AXET RESIDENCE OF !) ROOMS, situated on the corner of Baker and ;i j ,: :f Seventh streets, witn two lots, Karuen ana atream.temporanly damming it up j choice fruit jn aoun.nceifo, tt.nt 0I1 reascn. and caused the milky appearance I ble terras App y to A. Webster at resi of all the waters below, and effec-! dKULi" . .it .i.nitmr, fT fialiincr ! Removed. " "? : pH WEBBER ASS0CSCES to HIS The attractive home Ot I. . fJ patrous aa friend-, that he can be foand j hardener in FOX VallcV, SUl- on Lyon street, between Engine C . No 2 , i isrueuei , m x " and First street, until his new rooms m Fo- rounded by orchards loaded down siiav & Masjn s brick are ready, j . t i ; . ; i with beautiful truit, presenieu a;. j too tempting chance for forage to j Hpl'IinfllHl irv ' UVluiWiui u CO CD CO -I CO . CD CO CD .-1 ce winter and f" i mm v j stock 1 am now receiving new goods in every line and wrmld cordially invite everybody to call) and inspect our stock and prices. We propose to havt tb The Live Drv Qoods House Of Albany, and shall lat all times study the wants of our patrons both in style and prices. MVeaie always prepared to buy vour heuseuold furniture at the highest cash Sole agents lor the PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Killer. "L. GOTTLIEt. Altar Bath Souse ,, ' -A&D "MR DRESSING SALOON JOSEPH WEBBER. PROPrSr. SLaair;? -uni cliildr'c l,.. J umue satisfaction aar a specialty. 2uarante".-j. 'mmmmm DEALER IX J Stoves axicL Ranges auiti i , .-.l..... .! tl,o nnm.r, B!arv!llUlUiWUUU HVUHIUIU.IV IH W1LOHIOIJU. "U 1.4.5 w.i.4uu'j - , department was drawn up by th. ggJJJjaiUl UierCKS, ffOr, ample barn, and well when the ; RFSTAURAXT ,s now opened to iokes. Stories and repartees began I 1 the public in the Sa'tmar.-th building be- . ., ! It w the Revere Huse. where ;;ooa meals ,to flv back and torth Irom the re- j wiH be aevea at all hours. Mr Dierck in cumbent forms on Mr. hardener j viusaisoid oiUhc PJ t.arn floor . ther-i was no hungry I he.t viands tiisnarket Salisfae- ones among them. All through the fertiie wheat j Si-Us an 1 Iiop yards ut Fck Vallty the line of th O. P. railroad cun ! 1;,. Ji.-tiiH'tiy traced by the -.oni-1 ' tf-.t .-raaiag, v,aui.!g .ae : bnd'-eH, ties and raits. inv-i,; w ill apply to the ro:id ..... :l ot mites ti in guaranteed. ALSO A FULL LINE OF T1X WARE, 1'UMPS. HOSE, COrFERWAItE And every variety of cocking utensils and"novelties in house furnishing 'oods. The public is invited to call and xamine this mammoth stock guilder tlx- new manairemcnt. AIII" Box"!". 1 CREF.N APPLE i?0XES Ft)ti hstedler s. Gl r.RKF.N APP r Z-.v.-s & H.-cl 4ALE AT 1 u-; rf as iur For ootap is Of a line r.".alily. o to J. "IM'i'.lI, at UrownsTiiie. Or. A. The City Liquor Store, M. BAVMGA11T, Proprietor. iTNext door to iSe Odd Fellows' eii.p'.e, Albany, Orcior." Keeps constantly on hnn-i ;.i inij.nrlel atidldomfstic wincs.CUqav'rs, ciKarsar to!'-e"OS. only first c1ts lnjL.'.-.-itore in she citv i SPEGJAL ATTENTION PAIDO ORDERS? FROM THE COUKTRY Children Cry for FltchsrsjCastoria. JOHN SCHMEER'SIl LiTery. Feed & Sale stable Corner Secundaria Eidwoi-iTiSU . C ALB Ayr, - . OHEGOli Houw BOAjtosD by the day or month. Car m or biM. oa reasone terni , vtinl I. ff . X I 'I II I NORTHWESTi ll m Dry fcfoods Notions, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoe 6roceries,Etc INSURANCE COMPANn cvklv, . . OREGON ! 8 2 ' and see me. "W .(Successor to N H.Aliti. XD, MAGNOLIA MILLS, JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Prop'r. Will furnish sacks to farmers and receive wheat at the usual rates of storage. The highest market price paid for same. la-Best Massolia flour alwayfSS olenrVteLSa'0 3t Te' JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Albanyr Oregon. yA. ' 'V Vwe!1 ff,r very customer A