3 ' . -1 ii 'ir?r?, o s . . ! ... . ,.J" "' ? t": 'iff 1" IS CENTS A IWEEK. ALBANY, OREGON WEMESDATjj MORN IN ft. "SEPTEMBER 12, 1888 VOL III-KO. 251 Californiat DLE1S-X-0 -TA STur- DCIT HTO coo MiSUMPTI -. Jl I r a c r c.,-ru pft ST 'i- Senf01 cicular.l JttrtjftUjjorO HAVE YOU A COLD incite hea. J wniuh d 7e Inot'tret better? Have you an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either roust be 'blown from the nose or dro back behind th ; palate, or hawked or snuffed backward to the throat? Are you trouble I hvhawkirg, 8pi tint.', weak and THE ON.LY qOArAKTEED 11 -pi 'CURE ron "CATARRH limrruir urmr LnU'LllltjLlilLU-LO11 OROVILLE corroding sore reve -, the corruption within. As every breath drawn into the lungs must pass over andbeeome polluted fby the reliev tions in the nasal passsf-es, it must neiessarily telle trat tison:i. tl the wlolt stcre irradually takes place, while the n or bid mr.ttcr that it al!.ved cu u lie iilej,sttm into the stomach, enfeebles dites-tion, and eft en J rtci cts dyfrpf.a,;r i '( t.: ilys.r t tarns itv, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of the above FymptcmsJ doSnotf delay ,but trv JCAUFORNi" Cat-E-Ccrr at once. We positively uarant eep a few applications . treliei e and .a thorotieh treatment to enre. S!x months treatment for -1 .00; sentl'ty mail anta tbi' ana Cat-U-rure. For mm 1 . G. L t-gTKaasBi Albany he Red Front. Hardware, Stores, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware, Pumjs. iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing roode. Sole agents for th celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves and,ranees, and "TauJUeee" parlor heatinp stoves. Albany. Oregon. AT ML TO GL W.SIMPSON. Having purchased the stock of Clothing, Gents' ;Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. B, Koland & Co. is now prepared t offer letter hmm Having a complete assortment of General Merchandise, bought at a ig discount, which he still proposes to i-ell at coBt. Purchasers will do big nrel well to call and get his prices before from 25 to 30 per cent The highest dnce of all kinds, either in cash or Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ( r r ic Land 01 lliscovenes Cu ( EUREKA Tlie motto of C;:!if(unia means "I jliavt- foutnl it." Orii in that land of fcunshir.e, where ' tlie cranr emo 'pinu srape bloom ana nuen attah i iOJtheir hunest perfection in mid -winter, jare the herbs and pvtm found that are itiM'd in that picasi:nt leme-iy for r,Ii jthrnatand lung troubles, Santa Abie the rule; of coughs, asthma, and con ; .sumption. o!iaj" !' Hason. of AI Jjaiiv -urssfon, have been apooi nte.l itrttijeuii ya i 1113 iiiiuii; vauiiM uia icui- jily, r.nu bed it under a guarantee at -si 1 bottehree for FOR SAJ.E BY & M .CI 2- ALBANY OREGON inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of the throat, ringing or roaring in the ears, more or le9 impairment of the hearinsr, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness cr dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of nosft? Have you lost all sense of smell? Have vou a hackinir cou;:h? Have you djspepsia': Is your breath foul? Ik so hfbc have tub Catarrh Some have al Ithese svmptoms, others only a part. The leading svmptom of ordinary ca tarrh isincreased secretion of inueiiBof yellow or greenish colored flatter. - roul breath is causes o ine aecorc rosins; Fecretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head: ometimes the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves gradually decay. Such eases ar in deed .objects of, pity, as stench from CALJ S:ile b.v mm. lbany. Oregon (Successor to E. W. Lanpdon1 --DEALBR IS- Drag?, Faints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles. Rlf a fuil line of books aix t-iationery. jeridkals. vie. Prescriptions careful!,) compounded IN ODD FELLX'3 TEMPLE. Oregon T 0 tkii Ever ! buying elsewhere, as vou can save market price paid for "country nro- goods. COST Tl FRIT ! Tie illbap I ikeryi Under the nev. u:aia;en:enrj:f- WHO KEEP A fuil line of choieej family' grocer es provision. and Canned Pineapples,! Choice TaWe Delicaoiei Ornamented cakes for Wedatnas and Parties. Salmonlbellies, mackerel and saltlflshjof'all kinds.fi PEESH BAKED BREAD Jilvcrv Day 2i mi TEAS and COFFE V anaie IF. CANNED wrjODS, ETC. J3 jce best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. I A fine assortment of domestic and Imported' Cigars) fSTAt John F'.x"s old stand.' new brick. i'.w FI nn s W00D1N I WILLARD LIVE ytoreDealers IN A Live Twln. This is what Albany, is at present, and in order to keep pace with the lively times in this city, they have enlarged their store and stock so that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's block are filled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing1 of lounges in new patterns, line gold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! RTEUGENE ClTY.gJ Next session begins on Monday, the 17th of September, 18S8. Free scholarships from every county in the state. Applv to your county superintendent. Four coufes: Classical. Scientific.Literary ad a short English course in w luch there is no Latin, Greek, French cr German. The English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information, addr W. JOHNSON, President. H. J. Minthorn, Pres. S. Farrar, Vice Pre&. S. Cook, See. 15. JIoores, Treas. Oregon Land Company. Organized for the purpose o! bming and selling real estate, advertising the Willamette valley in all of the leading newspapers of the United States, em ploying eastern agents to direct home seekers to the Willamette valley, and home airents in all the principal towns of Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton, Clackamas and Yamhill couoties to aid in locating iminierr.nt. I Cook 5e Minthokx. Managers. 1 RTFor particulars c:iil ut the Albany office in the Tate building, one door west oi etewjrt s fcox. Hodson A DifKFNsox. Manaoers Fxecnlrtx' otice. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has this dr,v betn rlnlv a,,, jointed e.xecut'ix of the last 'will and testa ment of Charles Roth, deceased, lats of '.inn county, Oregon. A!l persons having i-a;llI8 tftem. to the undone.! at Hanit,ui-'. r',.. a-rrmst -am esu'e are required b nr-pnt 20.1. properiv verit;e.i, within six wowh ; f.om this date. 'I his 3d day of Septem'-ei. lss. MAtiTIiA KMTri. 0. K. Wkatherkori, Exeeutr.x. Attorney fcr fcxecutri. Park Bros. US Pies Cam taisii lull Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of p;trity,strt'nrth and wholesameness. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competi tion witfi multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in c-uis. Rotal BakiN Jow der Co." 10-' Willi 't. X. Y. D W Ckowlev A: Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon, TTMtXElS. DK. N. f:L.ACKlrRN, ATTORXEV AT . L:iv, Albany. Oreeoa. Office in Odd brllow's Temple. Vi!l practice in all courts of the fctatc, and ive special attention to all business. IVOLYEKTON CHARLES E. AfTORNEY V r at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms l:i 1 rooms 1 E. Wain and 14, rosters Block, over L, Btcr . J K. WEATHOKFORP, ATTORNEY AT law, Albanv, Oregon . iffice in "Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the court of thestate, and five special attention to all business rHYSHIA. ( W. I1ASTON, PHYSICIAN ANIJ SUlt JT, treon, Albany, Oretron.i ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SCIli on, Alhai.y, (.irefjon. c. C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND ol"R eon Albanv, Oreuon, otf'ce over Grad- wr.hl's store Office hours, from 8 a. v. t4 r. k. M"AI,ISTF.R .V V.nOI''AHn, llCMOI'AllIIC PHY sicians and stirs;eon, oi.steiriiJ treat ment of chronic diseates of women and hiidrcn a specialty. All calls r mptly at nded to day or iii'ht. OnVc-in the Flinn cck. EYERE HOI'SE, ALBANY, Oil. CHAS. t Pi . IV.ii. Onlv t'nst-ecla'S houst ! .;;( s.uu;i!e rooms for cor.i- 1 oh m. Nr. 'hinanien employ ed in tin ... t.iJicft'cti .iiUe otluc for Corall;s. "4 f IIS M.F. MrCdY. i physician, odi:'- M CdY. M. l.HOMEOPAi 1111.- .m! rt'-sideiH-e cnier ot Firt and liikerstreets. Alnanv. O'. lirouc dises'n s a s-eialty. Consultation free. Of fire hours: 10 to 12 a. v and 2 to ,i i: M. H EWER l PRACTICAL WATl ll.MAKE , and jeweler, .Mbatiy, Oregon, l:iSfiulia Flour.' I 'HE PEST J:A;N0LIA FI.Ot'R DEL1Y 1 cTed to anv part of the citv, for SI. 10 per sack " JOHN A CKAWFORD. . nlSiHitf I.antS Surveying 1)AI!TIKS HKSIRIN4 SI RVKVIX6 DONK CAN OB. tain accurate and prompt w-rk by calling upon ex-county survcyoi . f. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plat, and is prepared to do surveintf in any part of Linn county. Postolfii e address, Millers station, Linn couuty. Oregon. ". . -ACRES OF LAND SlTrATED." 12 miles east of Albany.near the Oregon Pacific railroad. StiO ac:es in cultivation, and contains sufficient water and timber for jren eia' use. Would make four jreod farms Price, 412,000. with terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply, to J. J. Dorris... DR. R KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SUR. geon, Alban3-, Oregon. -Graduate of Ger man and American colleges, OF ALBANY, OREGON. PRESIDENT, VICE-I'REBIDENT CASHIER L. Flinn. S. E. Young, G.E.Chamberlain, a TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BI SlKESb. Accounts kept subject to check. Sieht Excbangel and Telegraphic Transfer gold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco nud Portland.Oregon. Collection made on favorable terms. S. E. Yon U Fluss." L. E. BI.A1S W- E. Tibrkll Gun. E. Chawbmimix. Jas. F. Pouhu.. AMistant Cashier. faPALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. lirsl Mreci !f - - ' - r Albanj The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, pork sausage, etcin,the city keptjeonstantly an hand.) .tiCKiso. KB" Cash paid for all kind ock.'Sa J GRADUATES STUpENTS IN Classical, Literary, Sci entific, normal, Jitrs iaess, Law and MEDICAL COURSES fll HF'sT T.ARhP.Sr AN l.KAS I " voIvpr, in f r otirtn ..tl lcirni' fi; '-n the North-vest. Fi:st tosiii "re-.-ins Septerimer M, .s.:0. Ad- . . . . t-i i i . trvs3 lle.'S Svw , leftitit hi. Salem, Oregon Mm 1 GEJNEHAL JNEWS. The G. A. R. Men in Procession at Cciun.bus, Ohio. A KN !!isJlM! ASSI ttKI AUV. Sxprns Tiiiii Stopped Ecbl:rb-fii'l for Guverror Likely to BciRecoiEa'.-'d ef Sew Ycrk :ithnu' The Ukkalu's Special lf.spatehe. CoU.Mlil, (UtilO;, C'pt. 11. At an early hour . thb-.Urand Army -men iu'iihifonn, led by drains, be gan to form fr the parade, which was one f the grandest ever wit nessed on a similar occasion. All along the line of march the streets wens densely packetl. lite, siirnt oi''grizzied and gray bovs''l nought tears, and shouts of a'imiratku were continuous. A wave of ap- nlause rolled up and down the citv as veteians marched bv. Jld soldiers themselves joined in the enthusiasm and heartily cheered in response, especially when they passed the reviewing stand on which stuud "Old Tecuinseh" others of their former leaders and ix u:w TOBK. Uill ! be Keumiuaefl Tor iov eruor MitLioul llelay. liCFFALO, ept. ii. mere is a great rush for rooms for the dele ites to the democratic convention to-morrow. It is believel that Hill will be speedily re-nuruinated for governor. THE MAIXE ELECTION. A Sweeping Kcibabiicait Viclory M a n ley V ! pe?i-h. Augusta, Sept. 11. The follow ing speech was made by Joseph Manly to-day : "Every county has L'one republican. The senate is unanimously r publican, and the house four-lifths republican. The republican pluialitv will be fully L'O.OO.). The republicans poll " I the largest vote ever polled in the state. Keed's pluraliiy is the largest ever received." KEl'UULK AN ;.rNS. Pokti.am) (Me.), Sept. 11 The returns show that the republicans have probably gained four senators. This makes tiie senate unanimous. unless one or uosibly both the democratic nominees in Knox county escape the general slaugh ter. in tlie Mouse tne democrats gain two and lose two. t'luueis iii Spain. Maikii, Sept. 11. The rivers Xenet, tjtiade'feo and (iranada have overflowed their batiks, caus ing great destruction. Villages were di'stroyed and biidges swept awav. l'eople have become panic stricken and taken refuge in the mountains. Many were drowned. Twelve corpses have already been recovered. Ilory Abandoned. New York, Sept. 11. The dory "Iark Secret," which started on a voyage from Boston ioQucenstown some weeks ago, was abandoned at sea by (Japt. Anderson, .vho ar rived here this morning in the Norwegian bark "Nora." Train Slopped by Masked Men. Prescott, (A. T.j, Sept. 11. The west bound express train was stopped bv three masked men at Parker's Mill last night. They did not get anything. A reward of $1500 is offered for their capture and Wells Fargo will increase the amount. The Frize Bins New York, Sept. 11. There was a hotly contested light at Bay Chester this morning between Jack Grace and Jack Delancy. Grace had the worst of it and in the sixth round was knocked out with a split nose, both eyes closed aud two teeth knocked cut. Yellow Fever. Jacksonville, Sept. 11. The official bulletin of yesterday re ports only thirty-two new cases of yellow feyer for the twenty-four hours that ended at 6 p. m. Total cases to date, 630. Total deaths, 79. Home regard the reduction of new cases as the effects of the storm, but the physicians see no reason to hope for any abatement of the disease on that account. There is still a great want of phy sicians and nurses. California Cat.K-lnre. The only guaranteed cure for ca tarrh, colrfin the head, hay fever,rose co'U, catrrhal deafness and sore eyes. Res ore the sense of taslc andunpleas ant breath, resulting from catarrh. Eay and p'.easant. to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all d"usrgists. Send for a circular lo Abietine Medical Company. Oro ville. Cal. Six months' treatment for $1: sent by mail, 1.10. For sale by Fohav .V Mason, Outran & Monteith have lots for sale on ti e installment plan, rang ing in price from $125 to $1000. ICMltaCrjfePitcte'sCastoria OREGON OTIC. i liie Itiisiie Cri p, Ii vnn'travei aloag anv railroad ibal courses this valley vou wid ce now tne couunon bcotcli or bull"' tliistle has spread over tlie world such road traverses Xow tins tin lit r piant is ripe, and witn ils own witis, and tlie wing? of he wind to aid it, goes like a i bill loon from one farm to another, I from lield to field, and keeps go- i lag so long t.s there is wind to hive ir. Riding over th hills. especially, tmstle-dowu covers toe earth iike new-failcn suow. Ou lie prairies it frcqueuts tlie rail road tracks, and as tee trains pass these -"trifles light as air, float aDd" make a cloud and euter the cars en masse. Passengers have a One op portunity to stmiy the nature of ilnstic-seed and deterniiue it it is capable ot navigation. There are actually many fields along coualtv roads where the thistie grows in dense masses of prickly foliage that renders "Foot Walker's'' line impossible. It stems to prefer land that has been cleared of Iciest, with the stumps all standing. In such a locality the down iics several inches thick, iike snow. The questions that arise are: Has the thistle any noxious qualities? Is it hurtful? Can it be uiadeof any use whatso ever? While there is much against it. probably it is not so injurious as the Canada thistle,and seems not to re detrimental where fields are well cultivated and sown to graiu. It dots not impair meadows as yet, but it is not a good thing to have, and the question recurs: How much harm does It do us? Also, how can it be gotten rid ot? liitlfcr .UKTIO.. Harness of all styles at Thompson & Overmans. ' Fine old cherry bounce at M. Baum gait's. Ice cream every day at Frances j Piei tier's. I A clean tov. el for every customer at Viereck's. A new invoice of British trimmings at Head's. Boots and shoes at cost at Browne.ll Sz Stauard's. (in 3iid see the new silverware at Will Jc Stark's. Curry combs k. brnslicsj'at Thomp son A: Overmans. Low prices and srood work at Thompson A: Overmans, Thompson iV. Overman tlie leading harness dealers. Ode's and ends nearly gone. Mon eitii iV. Seitelibach A line line of new silverware just opened at Will it Stark's. A line line of imported ( iuars re i civ 1 ai Browne!! i'c Stanard's Leave your orders al Brownell y. Sianaid lor enoice berries. lr. J. V. 'iail', physician and Sur ctn, S-hedd Oi eijoii. Aceid.'iH insurance at the lcwcs rates liyBui kart iV. Keeiicy. No is the time to oil your harness :ti:d Thompson iV. Overman have splendid oil. We handh: three kinds of fruit jars and you w ill do w ell to see us before placing your orders. BliOWXELL A StaXARO. If you want us to call at your house to take orders, please leave word at our store. Brown-!l tv. S'anard. Just received, another lot. of those line hand sewed French kid shoes, the ven cheapest eyer brought to town at W. F. Head's. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy in the world for liver and kid ney diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale at 'M. Banmgart's. For our tine imported ind Ke West cigars, go to M. Baumgart cigar 6tore, one door east of Black man's drug store. Just ieeeivcd at 'V. F. Read's a full line of ladies tine muslin underwear, also girls' white dresses and infants slips." Call and see them. The lai gest and most elegant line of silverware and jewelry ever shown in Albany has just been opened at Will i& Stark's. That exquisite line of satins in our show window will be run close this week. Have no excuse for not get ting in on them. Montieth & Seiten buch. Tiy St, Patrick's Pills and compare their etfect with any other kind made. They contain good properties of the older preparations in the market combined with the most valuable medicines discovered in modern times. As a cathartic and liver pill, St, Pat rick's are perfection, Sold by Foshay & Mason, California, Ibe Land of Ditiro verier. Why will you lay awake all night coughing, when that most effective and agreeable California rcmedy,Santa Abie, will give you immediate relief? Santa Abie is the only guaranteed cure for Consumption, Asthma and all Bronchial omplaints. Sold onlv in large bottles at $1.00 a bottle. Three for $2.50. 'Foshay & Mason will be pleased to supply yon, and guarantee relief when used as directed. California Cat-R-Cuie never fails to relieve Catarrh or Cola iu the Head, "six months treatment 1 .00. Bv mail 1.10. Ibe Waterloo fcpringK. For solid enjoyment go to Water loo, which is now the most popular resort. Fine locality, flshing,boat ing and bathing, and splendid ac commodations at J. A. Gross', whose prices are reasonable. Horses fed at the lowest possible rates. Campers cair get supplies at Idr. Gross' store. Mr. Gross will meet the 2 o'clock Lebanon train on Mondays and Saturdays. Self protection is the lirst law o nature. Follow it by securing an ac cident policy of Burkhart A; Keeney Fl nets a! Tin. iiipsoii overmans AT WASHINGTON. Culiom and Morrow' on the Chinese Treaty. BLiMHHIUlLSrV KILLUUUK3 IKE. Mi itaryi Committee oa Pensions Snbsti tuts for tie Kills Eil Letter Postage at One Gem ter Ounce. . Special Corresinnideiiee. senator Cuitoui, speaking of the unofficial news which has been re ceived here ot Die rejection of tlie Chinese treaty by the Chinese gov ernment, saiu : "Another of Grovers treaty's has gone to grass tie seems to be haying bad luck." leprescnlative Morrow, of Califor nia, speaking on the same subject said: "If the news of the rejec tion of the treaty shall be confirm ed, the California members wilt ;.sk Congiess 'o pass a bill requir ing the Presideut to give six months' notice to the Chinese government that hereafter no Chinese except diplomatic, con sular, and other officers of the Cuiuese government will be allow ed to enter the United States." The general opinion among Con gressmen seeuia to be that it is English influence which has caustu the rejection ol the treaty. It has been quite a while since we nad a proiessionai "ouiiy m Congress, but the present seesiou has produced one ol the worse kind; his name is Killgore quite a bloodthirsty coguomen and he a member of the House from a Texas District. His pet aversion is legislation that is lor the benefit ot ex-Uuioa Soldiers or their widows. He recently attempted to get up a personal difficulty with Kepresentative frpinoia, of rJew York, a man who is old enough fc be his father. On Saturday he fur ther distinguished himseif bv ob jecting to aiiow a day to be set to to vote on the bill to grant Mrs. General Sneridan a pension, slating that his purpose in object ing was to deieat the bill, boiuo of his Democratic ci llea.nes tried to remonstrate with him. but it was no use, aud he angrily said that he was responsible to his oon siiiucuts for his actions, aud if aty member wanted to make 'a person -ai matter of it, he could do so whenever he saw proper. Fine language, that, to 'je used on the fioor oi thy Uuited btates House of ivjpieseutitivcs. Mr. Killgore might make a very good Iicpiesen tauve to a cow-boy couventioii, but lie is eviueuiij oui ol cluce amcng gentlemen. Senator Manderson has reported favorably, from lha Military com mittee, a bid introduced by Seu a'.jr Sawyer to give to soidiers who served ninety days oi more, and were t isciarged ou account of disease contracted iu the line of duty, the same bounty to which they would have been entitled if discharged for woi.n Is The Hepubhcan Senators in cau cus have fully approved Of the sub stitute for the Mills bill upon which the Republican members of the Senate Finance committee have been working lor some time. It makes a reduction of 50 per cent, in the duty on sugar; lets the wool schedule remain as t present, except to add 1 cent, per pound to ibe duty on fine wool, and it leaves the lumber schedule just as it is. In accordance with the actior. of the caucus; Scnaior Allison has given notice to all parties who wish to be heard on the tariff that the hearings will close on the 8th inst. Senator Dolph, from the Com mittee on Public Lands,has report ed a bill declaring a forfeiture of all lands, except right of way and station grouuds granted to the Northern Pacific Railroad Com pany, which appertain to those portions of the road which shall have been completed at the date of the passage of the act. The for feiture Isnds are to be thrown optn to settlement. A bill has been introduced in the House by Representative Buchanau of New Jersey, to reduce letter postage to 1 cent an ounce. This bill may not pass at the present, but it has got to come, sooner or later, and the sooner the better. Representative Gallinger, of New Hampshire, has madea strong minority report on the Government printing office investigation. He shows beyond question that Bene dict is unfit to be public printer. A bill to pension Mrs. Sheridan would have been passed by the House Friday evening it Represen tative Cheathe, of Indiana, bad not objeeted. Mr. Cheadle will prob abiy hear from some of his ex soldier constituents. Is life Worth l iving? Not if you go through t'ae world a dyspeptic. Acker's Dyspepsia, Tablet are a positive cure lor the worst forms of dpsyepsia, indigestion, flatulency and constipation, tiuarauteed and sold by Foshay & Mason. A fine assortment of heavily plated knives, forks and spoons at F M French's, ' The Corner Jeweh j Sfoie." r 9 i I I ft I