lo CENTS A I WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER II LSSS VOL. III-NO. 250 . bri H Califfi L "ftflVOUl i$5l R jtrT ygnSariKVfr mH (SSfeJ&y h n rnia rv t i LUNGS -Sold on GaW Send Cor ciculdr,Jrtrtmt3jor2,!. J 1AVK YOL A COLD in the nej J wnieh do ejrotion of mucus or matter in the naval oaskisres which either munt be Mown from the rose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked roitrouhled by hawking, spitrifisr. weak ami - f. un r THE OMLY t p a won., -w . . .n qUAWTEED CURE TOT CATARRH inirTimr KrriLr LmU' L I IINL. I'lLLi' LQ 0 R0V1LLE corrodins; sores reve the corruption within. As every breath drawn into the luns must tions in the nasal rases, it must ueces'ariiy IrlUw s) at icitoi'irg c lie wlr.e stcre cradually takes plsce, while the n orbii.' rr.Mter thst is tai!vtu iti.ij i) s;ti) sttn.' into the stuinavh, enfeebles digti-tion, and fttn jn ct es c.nps:, ii t.tf i ;l y.rita-n!-rty, nervousness and consumption. " - dS& DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of the above-symptoms; doj?not; delay ,lbut try Californi Cat-R-Ocrk at om e. We pos tively uarant eejj a few applications "relitieand a thorousrh treatment to cure. S:x months treatment for ti.OO: sentry mail Santa Abie ai4 'at-K-t'nt-e. For Male by SHAY The Red Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware. J Pumps, iron pipe, robber hoe and plumbing eoode. Sole aecnte for the HOebTAled "Early Br;akfaRt" co-jk stoves and.ranges, and "FAulUcl6', parlor rentirr stovos. Albany,; Oregon. AT COST! ML 1 Gr. W. SIMPSON. aving purchased the stock of Clothing, Gents' furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. B Avujauu k, vo. is now ftter j Bargains Having a complete assortment of General Merchandise, bought at a biir discount, which he etill proposes to sell at cost. Parch Aprsi will rlii well to call and get his prices before from 2o to 30 per cent: The'higheat uuce oi an kiiius, fiiuci in oi ;iiiiu.. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Land of Discoveries EUHEKA $1 I T,!-' tto "f C'-ilifojma mcar-s "I j I ihsv f.-,:rnrl it." Only in that tend oi I I fc-unsh::u:, whi reithe oranir emo iir n'' ;ri''": ',1"OIa "1' ripen attaii j .J - I - ' -1 ".wn V l.eir h;hi st perfection in mi.'-vi-iiit.-r re rr.e herbs ana mini ii iin.! that art ;i-e! in That plea.ant reme-iv for.aJ! throat aiiil luiiir troubles Santa At-iK j..- ...... "u.ua, u. (.ulna, atl'l HHI- t,. ml.. if .-V,.. i itiv Oregon, have been ai'.poiiit-uJ aiisuuiil'fi hsvalMf California ri-cn- -.ly, bin! !-c'A it iimlera guarantee at ! i bottehree for fi.f". ... -FOR SALE BY , , ' " ' CI ALBANY CREGON : Inol (Vet better? Have vou an exceseive or snuffed harltAarri to the throat? Are infianied even, frequent soreness of the throat. nnsrinif or roannj in the ears, n,ore or lesa irnpairnient of the hearing', loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness cr dizzinesx of the head, dryness or heat of noser Wave you lost all sen of wraell? Have vou a hackinir coiiirli? Jlnve tou dyapeptia? Is your breath foul? Ik so Voi; havk tub Catarrh Some .have al ithese symptoms, others ontv a part. (The leading svniptnm of ordinary ia- .. l. :.. : .... 1 - yellow or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused bv the dteorc posing secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head: ometimes the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves gradually decay. Such cafes ar in deed objects of, pity, as stench from CAL pass over andfbeconie Dollutfd fbv the reliev r Mbany, Oregon 6.L (Successor to E. W. Lanc;don BKALEB IN- Brags, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet article, als" u full line of books am' siationfry. periodicals, etc. Irif" PrescripUo'js carclu'li curnpouuJcil IN COD FELL3W3 TEMPLE. Albany Oiesroii Front. prepared to otier buying elsewhere, you can save i market price paid for "country pro- i km Ml TBI FRONT ! than fie Albanv Bakeryi ! Under the new Eanapemsntof- -WHO KEEP A fuil line of choicegfaniily" procer es and provision. Cannea Pineapples,! Clioice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedmnas mid Parties. Salmonlbellies, mackerel and sa!tJtisl:of all kinds.H fSESH BAKED BBEAB Jvcrv Day Best Syran. Pies. Cakes TEAS and COFFE andie Nuts. Raisins. CANNED unODS, ETC. 'ai;e best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars f-jTAt .John Fox's old -tarn'." l.-'.v KI mi t new brick. WOODIN I WILLARD LIVF- -IN A- Live wft, Tbis is whut Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the lively times in this city, they have enlarged their etore and (stock so that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley'. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's block are filled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new paUi-ru, line gold picture frames, willow chaira, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon I .ISsfEUGENE eiTYj?3 . Next session begins on Monday, the 17th of September, 1888. Free scholarships from every county in the state. Appl v to your county superintendent. Four cou-ses: Classical. Scientific.Litemry a..d a short English course in which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German. The Knsrlish is pre-eminently a Business Course For catalogues or other information, address W. JOHNSON, President. H. .1. Mi.nthorn, Pres. B. S. Cook, Sec. S. Farrar, Vice Pres. C L. ilooRBS, Treas. Oregon Land Company. Organized for the purpose o! buying and selling real estate, advertising the Willamette valley in all of the leading newspapers of the United States, em ploying eastern agents to direct home t-eekers to the Willamette valley, and home ;i agents in all the principal town6 of Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton, Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid in locating iminiirrsnts. COOK At Mivtiiohv Manafers. E'For particulars call at the Albany omce in me late building, one door weJ-t of Stewjrt & Sox. Hodson fe Dickinson. Managers Kxcrntrtx' Notice. "iTOTlf'S". IS HfPrnv nivrv kiht t-ih- undersigned has this da,y been duly ap- OUIU.-U e.xecui-ix oi me last will and testa ment of Charles Koth. i1a-i lfitr. .f t county, Oregon. Ail persons having claims agtinst said estate are required to onvent them, to the undersigned at narrisburg, Ore son, properly- veriflefj, within six ui'inths from this date. 'I his Hd day of Setitcm'-ei . ltSS.' MAU'lilA i'.OTH, J. K. Wemiikbtord, Executrix. Attorney fcr Sxecutrix. Parlor Bros. Al CI 0JM Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity .strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in i-ins. Rotai, Bakim .'ow der Co . lO:-. Wall t.. N. Y. 1) W Crowley & Co., Agent, Portland, Oregon. ATIOKXKY. DR. N. RLACKUVKN, A1TORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. Otlice in Odd Virllow's 1enik-. -Vill practice in all courts ot the state, and ive. special tieution to all business. lirOLVEKTON CHARLKS E. ArTORNEV If at Iavc, Albany, Or. Ottce in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. Main's stor . T K. WE AT HORFORP, ATTORNEY AT r) . law, Albany, Oregon. Office in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the court of thestate, and rive special attention to all business rHl'SHIAKS. M V. M ASTON. PHYSICIAN AND Sl li IT. ueon, Albany, Oregon. M. H. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN' j.'etii, Alliai.y, Oregon. AND Sl Kr f C. KELLY. PHYSICIAN AND M R- J. !,reon Albany, Oregon, ottiie ocr Gra'i wohl's store Office hours, from 8 a. u. to 4 f. M. M'ai.istkr .v woohwari", iiovror.vrmc rnv sicians and surKtoiis, oiiMetrics treat ment of chronic disease of women and hildrui a specialty. All calls picmptly nt nded to du or nis;ht. tiflice in the Flinn ook. pFVKPE HOI'SE, AI.UANY, OR.-CHAS. . 4 !'f Ih'i r, I'n-'.i. truly first cciass liou-.t .:; . s.;;r.ile rooms for coii:- o i i.-u-n. No 'b:riiO)icn cnip?ficd in tin- ...... ..ciici,i numc oince lor Corvailis. Ml:S iE. McCoy. M. l.HO.Hi:oAilH' I'liysici.'in, i't!i-e and rcsidcin-e -orncri' of Kir-,' anil i;.tkrstrects. Albany. Or. Chronic Ii-i.-.kcs a specialty. Consultation free. Of t'n i- hours: 10 to A. u ami i to S v. M. 1! KV.'bi:;'. CHACTICAL WATCHit AKE , and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, tasuoIi: I'lonr.i I'HE I'.ESl .MAGNOLIA FLOVR DELI X cred to any part of tbe citv, for 1. 10 pel sack ' JOHN A CRAWFORD, nlbodtf Lauil Survey ins. IjARTIKS DKSIR1NG SI RVKMNG DONK CAN OB. tain accurate and prompt work by callinu upon ex-county survi vor t1. T. T. Fisher. He hascomplete copies of he'd notes and ton shiji jiiats, and is prepared to do surveying- hi any part of Linn county. Postoffice address, Millers Station, Linn couutv, Oregon. ? !. -ACRES OF LAND SITl'ATED? ii miles east of Alhany.near the Oregon Pacific railroad, '.K0 acres in cultivation, and contains sumcicnt water and timber for gen era: use. Would make four good farms Price, S12,000, with terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris.j; DR. R KOLDEWAV, VETERINARY SCR. geon, Albany, Oregon. - Graduate of Ger man and Americrn collegea. . OF ALBANY. OREGON, president,. L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YOUDg, cashier 1 ' G.E.ehamljerlain, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING .BL'SINESSs. Accounts kept subject tb chock. Siifht Exchange' and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco burl Portland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S. E. You L- Fli.nh L. E. BI.A1S W. E. ll-WRHLL GFO. E. CnAMRKRl.AIN. Jas. F. Powrm.. Assistant Cashier. tPALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.F'rop. First Street B- - Albany The best variety of choic beef,veal,mutton, DOrk h&iikaa et intthe cit .' ktitic..itti.t.i.. an hand.) johoj Cash paid for all kind Willamette University ORAUCATKS STI IKST8 IK Classical, Literary, Sci entific, normal Hns iness, Law ntnl MEDICAL COURSES OLDEST, LARGEST AND LEAST EXPENSIVE In titution of learning in the NV rth-vctt. First term b.'ins September 3d, iss. Ad dress TUWS VAN SCOY, Presidtnt. Salem, Oregon GENERAL rEWS. Republican Gains in State Election. Maine's MiBitti i'.N i-K int ii;iiiK r. Thcrraar. L:'k? CleVftlacd's Letter-G. A. R. Ken Arrivir.e at Columbus E .rtbquike Disaittr. '.Trie liKitAMi's St-eti.il li-ipati-.lit-s. ; Portland, (-Vie.), .Sept. 10. The itatP biennial election will occur to-day when the governor, four congressmen ami members of the state legislature an to be chosen. The republican congressmen are Aider and Iais for re-election, and ail but one district is considered republican without (iiiestion. In the first district a strong contest is bein made, Win. Emory being the democratic nominee. There are four candidate for governor: Edwin C. IJurieigh, republican. William L. i'utnam, late lishery commissioner of Portland, demo crat, Vollen of Bangor, prohibi tionist ani Whitmore of Portland, labor. The voting in 188G stood republican, (iH.iWl ; democrats, 55,280; prohibition, 3863. The returns from the small towns and cities indicate a large vote being polled and a probability of the re publican majority being increased. it com sua s. A. It. Men I'ourins iulo Ihet ily A Kis Iteuioiistratiou. Colvmucs (Ohio), Sept. 10. Great crowds of (J rand Army men have been arriving all day from all parts of the eounln- to participate in the twenty-second annual re union. Accommodations have been provided for 10,000 more vet erans than have signed their in tentions to come, so there will be no drawback in that direction. They will be taken care of in four ceparate camps. The streets are profusely decorated. UESASTKOI KtlH ttQt .IKES. Many I'cople Ldl Homeless anil .Illicit Damage Hone, Athkns, Sept. 'Hi. Two earth quake shakes at Vosti.za on the Corinthian gull have, done great damage. Tents have been sent for tiie homeless and provisions for the destitute. Several people were killed and much damage was done. lKIUll.T II.KU1-. ICKMG'i. I . Ir. Oak tit- l'rciiic'iil of fL;' iii'(!i-l'ii I'iiiilii'. New Ycikk, Sept. lit. l'resiueiit 1 1 ui i is, oi the Northern l'acilic, will reign in favor of T. 1-'. Oakes. hut will remain chairman of tin board of directors. An Insaar Wanderer. TcscoLA (11!.), Sept. 10 An old man was taken in charge here to-day by the police, who gives the name of Charles Williamson, of San Francisco. lie is unable to give the date when he left that city. It is thought he wandered away from home while laboring under temporary mental trouble. He says lie has a son-iu-law, Phillip Harmon, of No. 5f Eighth street, San Francisco. What Ibnrmau !ajs, ; Collmbcs, (Ohio), Sept. 10. "That is a strong pajier verv strong paper," was remarked by Judge Thurman when Cleveland's letter was read to him at the Lane house last night at Harrisbnrg. Thurman and party arrived home this morning safe and well and will remain some days. The Waterloo Springs For solid enjoyment go to Water loo, which is now the most popular reeort.i: Fine locality, fishing.boat ini? and bathing, and splendid ac commodations at J. A. Gross', whose prices are reasonable. Horses fed at the lowest possible rates. Campers can tret suDDlies at Mr. Gross' store. Mr. Gross 'ii -. - win meet, tne '2 o'clock Lebanon train on Mondays and Saturdays. An Absolute Care The Orisrinal Abietine Ointment is only put up in larfre two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure tor old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original abietine Ointment. Sold by Fosliay S Mason at io cents per box by mail IJ0 cents. ( It liens of Harr Hours, Attention; Notice is hereby given that on Saturday. September 15th our Store will be closed, for the day, on r u. r .v. T . , , . J as a Jewish holiday. May & Sexedhs , Pen pi e K very w lie re Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is iu evetv way superior to any and all other preparations for the throat and Ir.ngs, In whooping cough and croup it is magic, and relieves at once. Re member this remedy is sol 1 on a positive guarantee. Is Life V or lt Living? Not if you throui.li the world a 'iyspi- pt'c. Acker's Dyspepsia, Tablets are a positive cure for the worst forms of dpsyepsia, indigestion, tlatulency fid constipation. Guaranteed and i Ail by Fo3hay & Mason. I A t A t It, t l Lll. t-'ivc Persons Kiiinl ami SevcnM-ni oilit-r Wouutlrtl. Cincinnati, Sept. 1). The rear part ot John Kbiuson's circus train of thirty-five oars, west- hoiiMl, was run into by fright train at Waynes villc, u the Little Miami road, five miler eat.t of tins city, at '2 . M. to iay. Four persons were killed out right, and one l)as since died from ins injuries. Seventeen others were hurt, lut none seriously. The en gine of the freight train and live cars oi the circus tram were liadiy wrecked. Ao'iki.u i:t; win: a i tri t. It Will Try to Uuy I p All the i!raiy Produced iu the Aoi'lliwcsl Fargo, Dakota. Sept. 9- A scheme the proportions, of which at once stamp it as nothing more or less than a gigantic wheat trust possessing al most unlimited money is gradually being brougnt to light J he plan ot this combination is to purchase as near as possible all the wheat deliver ed for storage at any elevator on ths northern railroads, the organiza tion is said to comprise some of the heaviest moneyed men hi JJuIuth. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Brainerd and other smaller towrs in Minnesota, Fargo, i:and Forks, Jamestown, Devils Lake and other points in Da kota. Altogether over thirty capi talists are said to be in the pool tor individual amounts rauging from $10, 000 to 1,500,000. The prices paid are a sight advance on the market for present or future delivery when necessary to secure the desired pur chase. The field of operations is confined to the wheat-producting regions of the Northwest, and only higher grades are taken. BKIEF MEXTIOX. Harness of all styles at Thompsonot Overmans. Fine old cherry bounce at M. Baum gart's. Ice cream every day at Frances Pfei tiers. A clean to. el for every customer at Viereck'o, A new invoice of British trimmings at Read's. Boots and shoes at cost at Brownell ifc Stanard's. (lo snd see the new silverware at Will fc Stark's. Curry combs A; brushes at Thomp son A Overmans. Low juices ami -rood work at Thompson & Overmans. Thompson A: Overman the leading harness dealers. Oik's and ends nearly rone. Mon eith it Scitciibach A line line of new silverware just opened at Will : Stark's. A line line of imported cisrars re cciv 1 at hrowiicli it Slariarii's Leave your orders at Brownell it Stanard's I'or choice berries. Dr. J. V. i;ifi', physician and Sur geon, Slu'ild (nct'ou. Accident insurance at the le"es rates by Burkart it Kccney. No is the time to oi! your harness and Thompson it Overman have splendid oil. We handlo three kinds of fruit jars and you will do well to see us before placing your orders. BitOWXELL it SXAXAKO. If you want us to call at your house to take orders, please leave word at our frtore. Brownell it S'anard. Just received, another lot of those line hand sewed French kid shoes, the ver cheapest eyer brought to towh at W. F. Bead's. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy iu the world for liver and kid ney diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale at M. Banuigart's. For your fine imported md Ke West cigars, tro to M. Haumgart cigar store, one door east of Black man's drug store. Justieeeivedat 'V. F. Read's a full iiue of ladies fine muslin underwear, also girls' white dresses and infants slips. Call and 6ee them. The largest and most elegant line of silverware and jewelry ever shown in Albany has just been opened at Will & Stark's. That exquisite line of satins in our show window will be run close this week. Have no exeuse for not get ting in on them. Montieth & Seiteu bacb. Tiy St, Patrick's Pills and compare their etfect with any other kind made. They contain good properties of the older preparations in 'the market combined with the most va.'uable medicines discovered in modern times. As a cathartic and liver pill, St, Pat rick's are perfection, Sold by Foshay & Mason, California. I lie Land off Dlcovcric3 Why will you lay awake all night coughing,' when that most effective and agreeable California remedy,Santa Abie, will give you - immediate relief? Santa Abie is the only guaranteed cure for Consumption, Asthma and all Bronchial ' .omplaints. Sold only in large bottles at $1.00 a bottle. Three for $2.50. Foshay & Mason will be pleased to supply you, and guarantee relief when uoeu asoirecteu. California Cat-R-Cuie never fails to relieve aiarrn or oia in me iteau months treatment $1 .00. Bv man $1 10 " ' t alllorMla tal.B- ure. The only guaranteed cure for ca tarrh, cold in the head, hay fever.rose eo'd, catrrhal deafness and sore eyes. Restore the sense of taste and unpleas ant breath, resulting from catarrh. Eav and peasant to use. lollow directions and a cure is warranted, by all d nggists. Send for a circular to bictine Medical Company, Oio viilc. Cal. Six months' treatment for Si sent bv mail, U, by j Foshay t Mason, Self protection is the first law cf i- ilure. Follow it by securing an ac cidci t poHev of Burkhart & Keency. clioice lot ol uncanvassed eastern hams at Wallace A Thompson's. IN INDIANA, General Harrison Delivers a Tell ing Speech at Fort Wayne. AX APPEAL I OK PKOTIXTIOX. The Eepnblican Leader Defines the Issct of the CampaigL In Unmistak able. Langmgt- Fokt Wayxe, eptemler 4. Gen eral Harrison and party started from Toledo for Indianapolis this morn ing. The train stopped at White blouse, Liberty aud -Napoleon, small villages, where several hundred peo ple gathered to See Harrison. He ap peared, shook hands but made no speeches. Afer a number of stops at other places the tram pulled into Fort Wayne. At er an enthusiastic demonstration at the depot General Harrison was escorted by Lieutenant Governor Rohetson ami other mem bers ot the Reception Committee to Hamilton square, where a stand had been erected, aud a larye crowd greeted the distinguished guest. General Harrison spoke as follows: "My friends, I am glad to knw that the people are moved to thought tul consideration of those questions which are this year presented for their determination. Under a popu lar Government like ours it is of the first importance chat every man who votes- should have some reason for his' vote; ' 1 think it is uuiyersally conceded, by democrats as well as by republicans, that the questions invol ved iu this campaign oo have a very direct bearing upon the national prosperity anu upon their prosperity and welfare. Ot the individual citi zen I think it is conceded that the re sult of this election will affect, bene ficially or injuriously, our great man ufacturing interests, and will affect, lor weal or for woe, the workingmen. and working women who till these busy hives oi industry. I want to c ill jour atteutiou to a few general iacts and principles." "'J'he condition of the wage work ers ot America is better than that of the wage workers ot any other coun try in the world. If that be true, it is important that you should each una out why it is so; that each one of you shoalit determine for himself what effect the protective tariff has had ami is likely to have upon his wages and. uis prosperity. Does it iieeii to be demonstrated that if we reduce our tariff to a revenue level, if we abolish from it every consider ation of protection, more goods will eoino from abroad than come in now? And what is the ueee:?sary etiect? It is to transfer to foreign shops the work tiiat you need here. It is to Jiminish production and increase English production. That is to be tue eiieet of it. - "It is not worth while to stand up on nice lii finitK its as to free trade. Some tlnuk it enough to say that they are not tree traders, because they are not in tavur abolishing all custom iiiuiis. Let ine reiiiiiiU such that the lree-trade countries of Europe, re cognized to be such, have not abolish ed all custom uuties. A better dis tinction is this: The free trader be lieves iu levying customs duties with out any regai u to the effect of those duties upou the wages of our working-people or upon the production of our own shops. "This, then, is the issue. Take it to your homes. There are many contusing and contradictory - state ments made in tiie public press and by public speakers. Ask auy of those who assail our protective sys tem whether they do not believe that if their policy id adopted a larger amount of foreign-made goods will come into this country. It id their purpose to inctease importa tion in order to cheapen prices. "I think I may safety ask. you to consider the question whether this cheapening of prices which they seem to regard as the highest attainment cf statesmanship is consistent with the rate of wages that our. working people enjoy now? Whether it will not involve, if we are to have for eign competition without favoring duties, a reduction of American wages to the stanard of wages paid abroad? "Do you believe for one moment that two factories making the same product can be maintained in com petition where one pays 33 per cent more to its workingmen than the other? Is it not certain that wages must be equalized in these competing establishments or the oue paying the English wages must shut down? May I not appeal to you to review these questions and consider them anew in the light of all the informa tion that is accessible to you? If you shall do that I do not doubt that the working people of this country will next November forever settle - th! question that American custom duties shall by intention, by fore thought, have regard to the wages of our working people. " - The General then took a position on the step of the pavilion and shook hands with the two or three thous and people present. The Child Recovered. My little daughter, aged seven years, was afflicted with a severe cough and cold. She could not 6leep but coughed almost incessantly. I was induced by a friend to try Cham, berlain.s Cough Remedy and was as tonished at the immediate relief it gave her and the cure produced. I would not be without it in my house for any price. 1 ha-e tried many remedies for coughs and colds, but this is superior to anything I have ever tried. Prof. J. M. Mehan. Cap ital Citv Commercial College, Des Moines." Iowa. Sold by Foshay & Mason,