ft j-f 7, . TO Io CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON TUKSDAV MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4 1888 VOL. IK-NO. 244 ' . ft f i. i California, the Land of Discoveries tni nsiNG TO f fll F4siNLT- gsag7 iuj n its k xn ro n J) 1 1 h v ABIErlNC MCDi-coloroiyiLLi.fAL HAVE YoU A COLL) in the head wnich do fcnot'fret better? Have you an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either must ho blown from the nose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked or snuffed backAard to the throat? Are you troubled bv hawkmy. spitting, weak and inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of the throat, THE ONLf CURE FOR I r P.-,.. Tv- J J CATARRH HoirTiur mrmr (nuLIIIM.lILt)-LQ OROVILLE V CAL eorroamg sores reve the corruption within. - As every breath drawn into the lungs muet pass ov. r and become polluted by the reliev tions in the nasal passages, it must necessarily follow that 1 oitoning of the whole secre gradually takes place, while the morbid matter th it i malicvcd cuiirg ti e sletpsterr. into the stomaih, enfeebles digestion, and often prcducts dyfpipia,ai djfiiaHyfrtatattcs ity, nervousness and constimption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of the abovesymptoms do1not delay ,but'trv Cat-R-Ci re at once. We positively uarant eega few applications k relieve and treatment to cure. S:x months treatment for $1.00; sentry mail Santa Able and t'at-C-'ure. For Male tyi, UK' U KM The Red "W", C-.iTWEEDALE. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Coprware, Pumps, iron pipe, rubbor hose and plumbing roods. Sole ajrente for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves andjanes, and "Faultless" parlor heating stoves. Albanv. Oretron. .AT STILL T Gr. W. SIMPSON . Haviriir purchased the furnishing Goods, Boots, Koland fe Co. is now Baroaius Iter Having a complete assortment of General Merchandise, bought at a big discount, which he still proposes to sell at cost, l'urchasers will do well to call and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as you can save from to 30 per cent. The highest market ju ice paid for country pro duce Xf all kinds; either in casii or goods. Children Cry for EUREKA T!ie motto nf California means "I mae found ii." Only in that land of sunshine, where t the oraii erao hml '-rape bloom ami ripen attain t heir highest perfection in mid-winter, jare the herbs and t'V.in found that are used in that pleasant lemedv for all (throat and Inns troubles, Santa Abib he rule.-of coujrhs, asthma, ami con sumption. I'osliay t .Mason, of Al- jbany Oregon, have been appointed eanstiarpsi'fo his valble California rem- ;e(iv, ana sell it under a guarantee at 51 bottehree fur$l.?n. FOR SALE BY v ALBANY OREGON ringing or roaring in the ears, rnore or less impairment of the hearing, loss o 'smell, memory impaired, dullness cr dizziness of the head, dryness or neat or nose? Have you lost all sense of smell? Have you a hacking cough? Have you dsneptia? Is your breath foul? Ik so hot" have the Catabrh. Some have al these symptoms, othote only a part. iThe leading grmptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of yellow or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused by the decou) posing secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimes the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves gradually decay. Such cases ar in deed ; objects of pity, as stench from California a thorough J lbany, Oregon G. L BLAGKMAN. l Successor to E. W. Lanpdon -dsalkb is- Eros, Paints, Oils. Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books and t-tationery. periodicals, etc. j-iP Prescriptions carefulh compounded IN ODD FELLOW Albany. TEMPLE, Oreeon Front. stock of Clothino-, Gents' Shoes, Etc., of C. B, prepared to offer tkn fe Pitcher's Castoria. lay . & Mason, COST THE mm The Albanv Bakeryi! -Uuder the new management of- WHO KEEP A fuil Uue of choice;-family grocer es and Cannea jfineeapplesj OMce Table Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedmnus and Parties. Salmon bellies, mackerel and salt fishiof 'all kinds. JJ FRESH BAKED BREAD iilvcrv Dav. mi TEAS and COFFE CANNED tiuODS, ETC. ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 2?'At John Fox's old new brick. stand. low Fl nn s J. OVERMAN AUEST FOR T1IK Has on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for C'-tal HAVING SOLD-AN INTERKST IN MY harness husines9 to 1. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle. ''tff The business will be continued as usual at the name please. E. L THOMPSON. Albanv, Feb. 22. IfLIVE- 1 'J mm This is wliut Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the iively tunes in this city, they have enlarged their store and stock so that they now have the mast complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro- man s block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new patterns, line iroiu picture iramus, willow eiiairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re- epeci. University of Oregon 'EUGENE CITYTe" .M'i esion begins on Mondav, the 17th of .cpicniiH r, isNS. Free scholarship? from every comity in the Mail. Apply to your c.iintv superintendent. r our eou-sos: Classical. Seient ific.Litorarv a.,d a short Knlish course in v.Iii.-h there is no Latin, Creek. F.v, h ,.r Cerman. Tlif hniflish is pre-emiii.-ntlv a PuMna-s CVurse lor cataU.-e-ues t-r ..tia-r information, a-ulr VV. .iOH.N'iuN, President. ier Bros. w 1 rSm. best S Pies Cakes nnma Xntc Raisins LEADING BICYCLES. llBk Safeties: mm & mm Ti T reueaiers N A Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity .strength and wholesomeness. More eionomical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sola onlv in c ms. Koyal Bakiit ow- DR Co . 10"' Wall -t.. N. I. D W Ckowley & Co., Agents, Portlaud, Oregon, ATTOKXETS. T R. N. L'. Law, BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT Alianv, Oregon. Office in Odd bi-llnw's Temple. -Vjll practice in all courts of the slate, and give special attention to all business. Law, Albanv, Or. Office in rooms 1 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain"s stor . J K. WEATHOUFORD, ATTORNEY AT law, Albanv, Oregon. Office in "Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business riiii ias. r W. IIASTJN, PHYSICIAN AND SUK eon, Albany, Oregon, t M II. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN geon, Albai.y, Oregon. AND SUK c. C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND ol"R- geon Albanv. Oregon, office over Grad wohl's store. Oliice hours, from S A. M. to r. a. OEVEKE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR.-CHAS it l'teiricr, Prop. Only first-eciass housi 111 the citv. Larire sample rooms tor com inercial men. No Ohinanien employed in th kitchen, t.eneral stas;e otln-e for Coi vallis, 11 fRS M.E. McCOY,5I. O.HOMCEOPAi HIC i'l tiliyn ian, othec and residence corner o First and Bakcrstrects, Albany, Or. C'hron " a :((!. lv. (,'oiiHUltation free. Of i: . n-- 1 r-f.: 'in to 12a. m and 2 to 5 r. M. K KOLilbWAX, r.l KKlAAKt ol K- i' ireo eon, Albany, urem. orai.uaie ni i.er man and AnicncKii coiicvrcs. AI.ISTKK W0O1AVAKH, 1IOM Fol'A I M IC THY sicians and surgeons, obstetrics treat ment of chronic (liseascs of women and hildrcn a specialty. All calls pic mptly at tended to day or mubt. (.ill.ee in liic t linn block. HEWKKT, PRACTICAL WATC11.MAKE . and jeweler, Albany. Oregon, .lSulia Flour.? 'I1HE. r.ESI MAGNOLIA r LOL K 11'-LI X ered to any part ot tbe city, tor i.iu per sack JOHN A CKAWFOKD. nlSudtf laud Surveyl"-. PARTIES IiBSIKIXO SI RVKYlXO PONK GAS Oil. tain accurate and prompt work by callinsr upon ex-county survryot . T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in anv part of Linn county. I'ostoffice address. .Millers Station, Linn county, uregoii. c ACRES OF LAND SITUATED 12 1)I miles cast of Albany ,near the Orejron Pacific railroad, 300 acres in cultivation, and contains sufficient water and timber for gen eral use. Would make four good farms Price, $12,000, with terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris. PALACE MEAT MARKET JAMES V. PlPE.Prop. first SI reel Albanj The best variety of choice beef,veal,mutton. pork sausage, etein;the city kept .constantly an hand.) sicmai; OT Caah paid for all kind ock.TSJ I OF ALBANY. OREGON; president, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. TOUng, cashier G.E.Chamberlain, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Sijfht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. s F. You L- FhknJI r. E. W.AIS W. E. TtRRKlt GRO. E. CllAMBKRI.AIN. J as. F. Powkm.. Assistant Cashier: IT il! GRADUATES STUDENTS IN- Classical, TAterary, Sci entific, normal Bus ' iness, Law mid MEDICAL COURSES OLDEST, LARGEST AND LEAST Institution of Icarn'n in the Northwest. I-'irst term lu uiiis bejtf-nilicr Md, Ad dress . Xii'.'S. VAN SCOY, i'resi.Unt, Salmi, Oregon Willamette mm GENERAL iEWS. he House Passes the Chinese Bill Without Objection. A BIG F5KI AI LOS At;KLe ie Masonic Temple aid Vpr -ble Para phernalia Burned - News IV ms ftomCS tbe East and Elsewtrrc, lie Hbralu's Special Dispatches. Washington, .-eut. . -The '.i to-ent- house passed the Ciiinese day without objection or a Mil vote. iiki: AT l. TUe Masoiiic Temple and Valuable 1'roperly in KmIiis. Los Angeles, Sept. 3. This moiiiint; ire Drone out 111 uie Masonic temple on the upper floor of the new Los Anireles Aational Bank block. The liremen fought hard, and got the flames under ontrol in about an hour, but im mense damage was done by fire tire and water. The roof fell in and the beautiful hall of the Knights Templar is completely ruined. The mqst important papers of the order were saved, but abont all of the elegant uniforms, swords and other paraphernalia w re destroyed. Loss, $15,000; $6000 insurance. The disaster will put a stop to the proposou pilgrimage of the Knights to San Diejro. The temple had not been occupied since Saturday night. The origin of the fire was incendiary. Labor Day Observed. Xew York, Sept. 3. Labor Day holiday is being appropriately ob - served here and elsewhere through out the state. Business is partly si. upended, and exchanges and 1 un! are all closed. A great feature of the day is the labor parade. There are games of all kinds and the festivals are .-inply grand. More Labor I'aiiUlrs. Chicago, Sejit. 3. Labor parades and picnics are now in progre? 3 here, one by the Knights of Labor and one by the trades unions. Both were followed by picnics. The former laid the corner stone of the bricklayer's temple. The Trouble Adjusted. Washington, Sept. :. The . -anscontinental railroads having removed the cause of complaint by He Lincoln merchants of discrim ination in favor of Omaha 1 y charging rates on freight from the Pacific coast, so as to make both points equal. The inter-state com merce committee has given the Lincoln merchants leave to with draw the complaints made by them last spring and subsequently in vestigated by the commission. An Indian Fishier A re;l' '. IIakkisih'kg, fclept. 2. Major Marcus A. Reno, a famous Indian lighter, was arrested last night on a charge of non-maintenance pre ferred by his wife. Where II a h He Gone: Quebec. Sept. 3. Receiving Teller Andy, of the bank national, has absconded. His accounts are $12,000 short. The Immigration Problem. New Yokk, Sept. 3. Congress man Ford, chairman of the house committee, which has been inves tigating immigration, says the de velopments m regard to the rejec tion of the treaty by China may make it unnecessary. The com mittee goes to San Francisco as originally intended. So'Scws from China. Washington, Sept. 3. The state department is still officially igno rant of the refusal of the Chinese government to ratify the treaty. Cardinal Manning m Illness. London, Sept. 3.The illness of Cardinal Manning is merely inci dental to his advanced age. IIOKICIKLE FIEXD. Lynched for Bnnnluz a Boy Tlirngb n Threshing Machine. Agenda, Kas., Sept 2. A horrible affair is reported from the neighbor hood of Guide Rock, a small town iust over v'le Nebraska 3:ne. John iJaker, a white, feeding a threshing machine on the farm of a man named Weeks, was accidently cut on the hand by a band cutter, a boy. In his rage he grasped the boy and de liberately fed him into the threshing machine, feet hrst. The boy's screams fvttracted Ve attention of the other lhands, but be foj e they could i. eiiere the boy's body had half disappeared in the machine. The enraged men seized Baker and . hanged him to a straw cai tier. CUianl Againt The !triK, And ahvavs have a bottle of Acker's English Remedy in the house. Vou cannot tell how soon Croup may strike your liltle one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few dos.es a positive cure. All Throat and Limp troubles yield to its treatment. The Remedy guaranteed by Foshay x- Mason. s.if Tiivttor-twm is the first law cf nutniv. Follow n by securing an a . citleiil polit y ox Lurkhart cc Keeuey. THE PATERNAL! VIEW OF IT. What a beautiful child!' exclaimed Misg De Gush, As she irazed at the bundle of clothes ; "And you happy fatherthink it's the one finest biby on earth, 1 suppose Well, yes." replied dad. as he thougatof the nights He had walked the cold floor in dis tress; "I really mnat sav, my dear Miss DeCush, I regard it'a howliiif success." WELL ttl IFPEI IUK KLIZZiK !!. The Natural Protection ofa Child Re cently Burn iu the Norlnwtst. St. Paul Pioneer-Pre A leniale child, whose parents re side on Fourteenth veuue north, was born on the 14th of March, 1S87, and at its birth was covered from head to foot with a thick mass of white hair. The parents were greaMy mortified and attempted to remove the haiiy covering, but the attempt proved ui successiul, and later ttie hirsute nheaomenon reappeared in denser lorni than eyer. Physicians were summoned, but they were unable to pi escribe a remedy, aud advised the parents against any further attempted eradica'' ion. The little girl is now sixteen months old, aud is perfectly healthy and as lively as a cricket. Her growth h-s been perfectly natural, witn he exception that the teeth have not appeared, v is usual with children of 01 that age. The hair upon the ch eks and chin is sfcoro and t' -c'.. but longer on the nose aud forehead, and wh'en pe. nitted to hang natural ly jir.pletely covers a pair 01 bi :rnt blueeyes. The ears are rilled wi line white hairs which are now between three and four inches in length, cor responding with the growth on the 'orehead. At bir h the hair on the 1 , 1 l . .L -1 ao was several mcues m leugw,? -iu he 1 imbs were thickly covered, fciv- ng them the appearance of being encased in a diminutive toboggan suit, and the same condition exist, except that the friction of the cloth ing has evidently shortened the hair. When undisturbed the hair comes out again and successfully defies all attempts at repression, or curtail ment. The natural covering of the head is also exceptional y heavy and lone but of a much darker shade than the silky raass of the body, and nearly concealing the features. Not withstanding the strange growth, the appearance of the little girl is by no means repulsive, as is apt to be the case in instances of phenomenal development. Tne father, who is a contracting plasterer by occupation has been unabie to keep the little one who is the third child in the family, from being seen by outsiders; and ii strange appearance has attracted at tention. i'ayor Anes and other physicians will vouch for the accuracy of the statements in regard to the c&se. 'I he Military Bull. Parson and Bray's orchestra of Portlaud has been engaged by "F" Co., to furnish music for their mil itary bill cn Sept 14. These g-n-tlemen have supplied the music for balls here on different occasions and better could not bo wished for. The Company's armory will be beautifully decorated iind no de tail of arrangements will be Deg- lected as the members of "F" in tend to make this ball a trulv magnificicnt affair. Don't fail to attend if vou receive an invitation. Tickets without supper $1.50. Woman's IHscovcry. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this country. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood it severest tests, but her vital orsrans were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She oought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much re lieved on taking the first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her naano is Mrs. Lutho Lwz," Thus write W. C. Hani rick & Co., of Shelbv N. C Get a free trial bottle at Foshay & Mason's. California Cat.B-Cure. The only guaranteed cure for ca tarrh, cold in the head, hay fever,rosK co'd, catrrhal deafness and sore eyt j. Res ore the sense of taste and unpleas ant breath, resulting ' from catarrh, Eay s'id pleasant to jse. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all d-uggists. Send for a circular to Abietine Medical Company, Oro ville. Cal. Six months' treatment for 1; sent by mail, $1,10, For sale by Foshay S Mason, The Waterloo Springs; . For solid enjoyment go to Water lo J, which is now the most popular resort. Fine locality, fishing,boat ini arc1 bathing, and splendid ac commodations at J. A. Gross', whose prices are reasonable. Horses fed at the lowest possible rates. Campers can get supplies at Mr. Gross' store. Mr. Gross will meet the 2 o'clock Lebanon train on Mondays and Saturdays. Happiness and Contentment, Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little obstacle. Nothing will so darken lite and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst-form of Dyspepsia, Constipa tion and Indigestion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by Foshay & Mason. ItnrkI n's Arnica Salve, The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to trive perfect satisfaction or money re funded. For sale by Foshay it Ma son. AT WASHlINGrTOtf. Comment on Cleveland's Message on the Fisheries. A PA.MC IS fST VIKtlMA. That State Considered Doubtful One A Bit of Fine Sarcasm Concerning Onr rishsrman. Special Correspondence. Washington, Aug. 27. CleTe land's message on the objection of the fisheries treaty is still the ad absorbing topic of conversation here. It is a most remarkable do cument; remarkable for the com plete somersault which has taken on this Canadian question, remark able for its tone of belligerencr, ami rem;rable for pure unadulter ated ga'l(no other word expresses it so well.) He has suddenly dis covered that the republicans were ou the popular side of the question and foithwith he proceeds to try and get a step in advance of the senate. This would be all very good, if it were not for the damaging fact that what is known as the "Retaliation act" has been on our statute books for eight een months; this act places unlimi ted power in the hands ol the President for the protection of American inteiests, and while in nis message he acknowledges that be has known of a number of in stances in which Americans hare bcin unjustly treated by Canadians he has done nothing, has not even protested against such treatment. Now he asks for additional power to retaliate, and this is just where he Has made a miscalculation. He has no intention of retaliating, he only wants to make a little politi cal capital, but he will find that ttie repnbliban senate will not be one whit behind the democratic House in giviDg him all the au thority he wants, notwithstanding the fact that he has lacked the ne cessary courage to make use of the power unanimously given him by Congress a ear and a half ago. When it comes to protecting Amer ican interests, the republicans are always in tiie lead, now as in the past. If Cleveland and the denio ciuts waot to join the ranks, evea at tliis eleventh hour, and add their mite to the good cause, the republican veterans will give them a cordial welcome, but they can uot rule the campaign. The House is now in a deadlock on the deficiency appropriation Uili, lor want of a quorum, owing to the large number of democrats -absent J 10111 the city. The Housa has passed a resolution rejoking all leaves, except those granted for sickness, auu it is hped to have a quorum present by the middie ef the week. Among other regular appropria tion bibs stiil unsettled, are the Sundry civil bill, which is still in conference; the army bili, which is in the same indition, the House having refused to accept there port of the 1 onference committee and ordered a new one. The for citicatioa bill has passed the House and is now in the hands of the sen ate committee. It all of these bills are not passed by Friday, an other joint resolution extending the old appropriations, will have f be passed. The nomination of Representa tive Goff for governor of West Vir ginia by the republicans has created a small panic amone dem ocrats here. Thev xrirnn.u. that the state is now a doubtful one Mr Goff i8 a rery popular candidate, and deserves te be the next gOTernor of the state. rr 1 t me nouse committee on pen- sions has reduced the amount of the pension which it proposed to give Mis. Sheridan t $3,500 a year. Representative Matson, of Indiana, voted against givine her any pension. Tbe bill has also been reduced to the same amount by the senate pension committee. Senator Hoar has offered a resol ution requesting the President to send toth senate copies of all com munications remonstrating with the B itish government against the cot -duct of Canada in regard to the canals also copies of all demands made by the President for the redress of wrongs done to our fisherman. This is only a little hit of tine sarcasm on the part of the Massachusetts Sen ator. He knows very well that no such . remonstrance or demand is in existence. The senate .finance committee are still working . on the substitute for the Mills bill, hat owing to so many other important bills being befo.e the senate just now, the members of the committee have had little time to spare injpreparing the bill. Given Away. F. Read nronoses to rive awnv W. a fine gold watch with his srold and silver prize shirt, the very best fitting and best made white shirt in the market. The price is as low or lower than any equally as good shirt iu the market. Well Boring. E. B. Davidson lias sent for a ma chine for boring wells and in a tew days will be ready to here wells any wh're in the eity.i'rom two to fourteen, inches in diameter, aDy depth. if