Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, August 30, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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J eparts! Arrives.
,a.a. vxpr. ;
F.usnne ex '
Kieisrht j
;4" itu:! 7:'j:kiIii, l'orti"'l In loam
11:15 ami ! i AVuni " K r-S'in
I T-.l-m' "
Arrives Dciar
Tata exp I 7:45rm; 5pmiAsh!an!! inu:
Kuene ex . J:ii);m l2 4' .j hi; j Fuacne - 4''pu;
Krei-'lit 1 1 :;'Mvc!Kti.reii" (.'""iit
No Freight reached fur south after U A. n.
of the same day.
Fh AI'ju'v Departs i
No 11....
No !:.....
'12.50 p m'Lehanon
a. 10 p id "
1.3'j p m
S.SO p
F'm Lel)'n
No i. . . ja.POp m Albany ct a m
No 14 ;2.(J ) ui' ' 2.45 p m
Arrives Departs
7T.. Ul. 15ara 1 1.00 p
......t 5. :25pm lt. 50 a
Passenger. ...
Fresh sweet potatoes at Kenton's.
Hop picking will begin next
Fresh peaches at Parker Bros,
at 75 cents per box.
Mayor J. L. Cowan has gone to
Arlington on a business trip.
James Titus, of Umatilla county,
is visiting old friends in this city.
Dr. W. F. Alexander, of Coburg,
has. removed to f leppner, Morrow
Twenty-eight teachers arc under
going public examination at the
court house.
Mrs. Emeriok, Mrs. Stites, Mrs.
Hyman and Mrs. Gilbert left yes
terday for Yaquina.
C. G. Rawlings, the O. R. & N.
agent at this city, has returned
from a trip to Portland.
Geo. Simpson, while lifting sacks
the other day, received injuries
from which he is confined to his
Jay Blain and family, Mr.
Crossen and family and Mrs F. E.
Allen returned yesterday fromr Ya
quina. Patronize home industry and try
pome ot J. Joseph's Havana filled
5c. cigars, the hrst of his own man
ufacture. On Saturday, Sept. loth, all the
Jewish business houses of this city
will be closed on account of Jewish
Rev. Dr. Atkinson, of Portland,
will hold service, in the Congrega
tional cfcureh. on next - iSabbath
morning? and evening.
L. Vierick has fitted up his bar
ber shop in a tasty manner and is
now running three chairs. He
.will soon pat in bath rooms.
M. Parker, of Bigg3, Cal., whe
will open a restaurant in the
Strahaa block, returned to this
city yesterday with his family.
A large number of Indians from
the Warm. Spring Agency in East
ern Oregon will be brought to Linn
unty to pick hops this season.
There will be German preaching
at the Evangelical church next
Sabbath afternoon at 2 M0. The
Jrraan friends are cordially in
vited to attend.
Wm. Fortmiller has just re-
ceived from Michigan, the great i
furniture making state, a lot of the
neatest and most unique center
tables ever offered in this city.
Call and see if it is not true.
Mr. Jas. Driver and party con
sisting of Mrs. A. W. Standish,
Mrs. Jennie Standish and Mrs. T.
Thompson, oi Brownsville, have
returned from a two weeks' camp
ing trip at Yaquina Bay.
Read the new adv. of H.
Diercks in this issue. His res
taurant in the Saltmarsh building
is jnow opened and the tables are
now supplied with the best the
markets afford. Give him a call.
P. O. Quick, who lives across
the river in Benton county, sold
GOO bushels of wheat at Corvall a
yesterday for 77 cents per bushel
free, of sacks. The regular price
there is 75 cents, Mr. Quick's be
ing an extra quality.
A new line of carpets, clothing,
boots and shoes is offered at A. B.
Mcllwains at price? that cannot be
undersold in the city. The superi
ority of their goods, together with
the very low prices, make them
vfry desirable. Call and see
The Safe and Reliable Baking
Powder at Conrad Myer's, is the j
niost aesirable powder ever ottered
toj the public. Two elegant prizes,
wihich the buyer can select from a
large invoice of Ohinaware, vases,
etc., are given away with each can.
Burkhart & Rovce of this citv
have a model job printing office. ! roaa, ls aDO,it 'oU men- and this
It is lighted and motor power fur- i number will be increased as soon
nished by electricity, and all work j as hands can be obtained.
is done neatlv and promptly. Their i " TTT"" 7T
..,,n;, i, -. 1 - Committee Meeting.
establishment is second to none in
he state. The joint conference committee
Geo. Vassello & Co. are prepared i Women Reisef Corps and
to do all kinds of plain and orna-j MePherf' lo,s , T '
mental paiutina. cilm" decorat-: meet. at the A- k-Hail this
insr, etc. If vou have any house ; e.vem"S at 8 M- to t;lkti i-'to Con
or sign painting to be done or a 5 ;deration proper measures m rela
earriage to be painted call and i tlon to tl,e A-lL excursion train
see them. Their work is prompt ; on the morning ot .-ept. 4tL.
i .i i - . i . , ' --
anu ineir cnarges reasonable.
Cord Wood Bnrued.
Last Friday aiteriioor-. some '
vood .belonging to Mr. .'. M. Mover, :
atout a mile above Liowr.svili.? 1
caught fire, and from fifty to
seventy-rive cords were letroyeu
part cord wood and part stove i
wood. How the fire originated is.
a mystery. Now that every thing;
is so dry, persons should be very j
:ar!ul about fire, or much damage i
id r. be dor.'.
abJut' i-2W.
Mi . Mover
s toss is
Fly nets at Ihoiupaon t yvcriiians
A GSfc .S.4.WOMLL.
To Ba Established at Kills City on thj ,
Line of the- O.-esron Pacific, j
mammoth saw-mi
engine, iminuutctuiv.l at Lie iron
foundry ui Messrs. Cherry A I'arkes
in thiri'uity. was shippe-i yesterday
for .Mills City, on the line of tliv
Ure.un Pacific. The engine is .T'O
horse power, and the mill will
have a capui.-ity ui 42,0 )0 per
day. It is the property oi ihe .u
Cay .willing to., ana is
the largest saw-mill in Uie.on.
it is understood the company
have, a eon tract of furnishing a
larjp quantity of lumber lor t!ie
.--an Francisco market. There are
immense bodies of timber along
the line of the Oregon Pacific,
which will make fine lumber.
Debate ot. Infidelity.
Rev. Clark Bradeu, the noted
Christian controversialist, who
lectured in Corvallis some months
past, has been challenged by the
Mlverton Secular Union to a series
oi debates by B. F. Underwood,
of Boston. The challenge was de
livered to Mr. Braden at Silverton
on Sunday afternoon and promptly
accepted by that gentleman. The
debates are to take place at silver
ton some time in November, and
are to last eight days. Clark
Braden hails from Ravenna, Ohio,
and has a national reputation as a
religious disputant, while Mr.
Underwood is the editor of the
Boston Investigator, and is said to
be the greatest living inridel de
bater." He comes at the solicita
tion of the feilverton free thinkers.
I who in times past have been made
j the target of the oratorial assaults
ot Mr. Krauen. 3iessrs. unuer
wood and Braden have crossed
swords on the platform before, and
each knows the other's mettle.
Improvements at scio.
Ed. Goins, proprietor of the Scio
flouring mills, is building a ware
house of very large capacity at that
place, to be operated in connection
with his flour mill. This is con
sidered a very important enter
prise to Scio, and indicates that
the progressive spirit of that burg
is not to be repressed by any little
mishap like the failure to secure
railroad connection with the nar
row gauge, which it will be re
membered stirred up such an ex
citement that Receiver Scott was
hung in effigy, several weeks since.
The people of Scio hav8 boycotted
the nai row gauge, not a merchant
now receiving goods bv that line.
They all send out to the O. & C. at
Jefferson, ani via the Oregon Pacini-.
e Wanted tiore.
A railroad sub-contractor named
Van Orton was in the city yester
day morning looking for gore. He
said Wm. Neat had accused his
son-in-law of stealing Neal's dog,
and he wanted his scalp or an
apology. He found Neal, and after
following him about the streets for
an hour or more met him in a re
tired corner and sailed into him
a la John L. Sullivan. After the
first round Van Orton retired with
a battered countenance and one
eye in murning. No arres.s were
Vaquina Salmon-
It is said that salmon are in
Alsea bay in countless numbers,
and the canneries in that placeare
running on full time. The run has
not fairly begun yet at Yaquina
bay, but they are catching a few.
Ed. Sullivan, city marshal, caught
twenty-one with two boats Friday
night. Salmon from Yaquina are
daily shipped to this city. They
are genuine Chinook salmon, of
the finest kind.
Insane Over Kelj:lii.
Leo Hubse- and F. P. Padden,
residents of Mt. Angel precinct,last
nigh brought in and lodged in the
county jail an insane man named
Ignatius Schmitt. Schmitt is a
yonn man of about 25 or 6, and
he is thought to have gone crazy
on religion. A large part of his
time ha spends in praying, though
last night he maintained a pro
found silence wnen questioned by
Nishtwatchman Rhodes. Salem
Id Time Freighting.
Several tons of merchandise re
ceived via the Oregon Pacific for
Davis Bros., of Shedd, from San
Francisco is being freighted by
teams from this city to Shedd, the
freight charges on so short a haul
being more expensive than the old
fashioned way. It is a reminder
of the days in the fifties to s e
four-horse freight loads of goods
freighted away on big wagons.
T Work on the Oregon raollic.
Fifty Italian laborers from
Spokane Falls arrived in this city
and left at once to work on the
Oregon Pacific. The force of men
on the eastward extension of the
Wrist Brvki-n.
Last Saturday near Brownsville .
Albert Masterson was leading a -horse
out in the pasture with a;
halter and the horse became tin-!
aianageable and threw him down. '
oreak;:vg the bor es of his ri-!.t !
Lr. Starr reduced the fract-;
ure. out it will te some
lie can do anv work.
time ei
'You w
"fi!; !
If veil v.':it
never miss ri.e i-.t-Ator
! n:rs .;ry.'
j' a we!! dug ;,:? on E. B.
He noes prompt wo-i at a
j.iiee. uiinia c.t.i i,c ivlt
:tt this uiiice,
Albany Buyers Mast Bestir Tbeis:he3 or
Mch Wheat VTill Goto Ccrviilis.
There has been an apathy in the
Albany wheat murker, wnich has
created some just feeling among
farmers as to the (linen m e be
tween prices in this citv and Cor
vallis. '
Yesterday and the day before the
San Francisco markets had ad
vanced to a voice justifying at least
75 cents in this city, and 7-""' 77cts.
was paid in Corvallis, while not
over 70 cents w-iis otfered in Alba
ny. This is a condition of tilings
that ought not to exist, as Linn
county farmers will be forced to
take their wheat to Corvallis, as a
few have already done. The freight
rates 1 etween Albany and San
Francisco and Corvallis and San
Francisco are the same, ami wheat
ouirht to be as high here as at Cor
vallis, hai ring any local competi
tion which advances the price
above the market.
.lob and Bogardns.
Zeph Job is acknowledged to be
the best wing shot in this section
of the country, About a week ago
several of Zeph's friends were dis
cussing his markmanship. when
one was led to remark that Capt.
A. H. Bogardus could discount him
killing grouse on the wing, and, of
course, the assertion was not dis
puted at the time, as the captain's
reputation as a crack shot is world
wide. Now, Zeph has about as
good an opinion of himself as a
grouse slayer as anybody and the
more he thought of the remark the
less he thought Bogardus could kill
two birds to his one and so assert
ed Many opinions were expressed
and finally it was decided to ar
range a short hunt between Zeph
and the captain when he appeared
here with Sells Bro.'s circus. Last
Saturday the two came together
and were driven out a few miles in
the country, where side by side
they hunted for two hours, during
which time twenty-two shots in all
were fired 13 by Bogardus and 9
by Job, the captain killing 11
birds, while Zeph made a clean
score by never missing a shot.
The hunt was a pleasant affair,
and the world's champion payed
Zeph a compliment when he told
him thai; he was the best wing
shot he had met on the coast.
j Corvallis Times.
Ieuln f Annie Smith.
Annie, daughter of G. W. Smith,
died at the home of her parents in
this city on the 28th inst., at the
age of 11 years, ot spinal disease.
The funeral occurred yesterday at
2 o'clock.
The Schools thin City.
The Catholic school opened
yesterday. The public school will
open on Sept. 10, and the Albany
College on Sept. 11. Each of the
sdiools promises to be well at
tended this year.
TracherV Examination;
Notice is hereby gven that the
regular public quarterly examina
tion of teachers for Linn county
will be held in Albany, at the
Court house commencing at noon
on Wednesday, Aug. 2!), 1888.
All teachers desiring examina-
I tion will please be present at the
I beginning. .
L. M. Ct el,
County Superintendent.
The School ! Reopen.
Studies will be resumed at the
academy of our Ladies of Perpet
ual Help Wednesday, August 2!).
The sisters whiist thanking the
good peoule of Albanv for past
! favors solicit their patronage for
the ensuing scholastic vear.
Railroad Laborers Wanted.
One hundred men wanted to
engage in rock work, and as
teamsters on the Oregon Pacific
railroad; Apply to headquarters
at the end of the track.
A. Brisk.
California Cat. It-Cure.
The only guaranteed cure for ca
tarrh, cold in the head, hay fever.rose
co'd, catrrhal deafness arid sore eyes.
Res ore the sen.-e of taste and unpleas
aut breath, resulting from catarrh,
Ea3- and pleasant to use. Follow
directions and a cure is warranted, by
all d -ugffists. Send for a circular
to Abietine Medical Company, Oro
ville. Cal. Six months' . treatment for
l; sent by mail, $1.10, For sale by
Fushay & Mason,
For a better or more pleasant rem
edy for the cure of consumption
bronchial troubles, cough, croup and
whooping cough than Santa Abie, the
California king of consumption.
Every bottle warrented. If you would
be cured of that disgusting; disease
catarrh, use California Cat-R-Cure, $1
ajar; by maii $1.10. Sold and war
rented by Foshay 3c Mason.
Just received at V. F. Read's a full
! line of ladies tine muslin underwear,
also irirls white dresses and infants
slips. Call and see them.
I that exquisite une of satins in our
j show window will he run close this
i week. Have no excuse for not cet
1 timr in on them. Montieth Seiten
. ach.
Graders and tracklayers are
daily going to the front to work on
the Oregon Pacific.
Received a larire invoice of barber
supplies- from Philadelphia, at
Yeireck'n barber shop.
A full line of ladies' slippers at ''ost.
No broken sizes to-day, at Monteith &
Heme's lidarat,
1 to r.r,!;, ... jh,. .itir.arh b.
"--'-i a ,t h-;n s Jlr li..r,.v ;,.
v.!,t," -'!j-';m t.e p-jh ... .-.'.nt-'r-
"'.taran wilU,.- suj.piie.! i.-ith
,h- vmi.'-: :.; n.,w. affor-is. S5t-,n.-
f- .'ii a.trntte-i.
Desirable Lots m Haekieman's
! Third Add;tiofi.
Now that Albany is the center of
extensive railroad building and
fast adding to the man v enterprises
becomina tiie chief business citv of
I the Willamette Valley, the shrewd
l man witn an eye on tne main
i chance, will invest in real estate in
i this city. Many are daily doing so,
: and the land bought invariably ad
vances in prire and makes money
for the purchaser while he is
One of the most desirable loca
tions to purchase lots, which are
yet offered at very low figures, is
In llackleman s Third Audition to
Albany, recently laid out, and in
the hands of "Messrs. Curran &
Monteith for sale. These lots lie
adjoining a very desirable portion
of the city, and new residences and
improeinents arc daily being
made in that locality. Some oi the
choicest lots in this addition are
now offered for sale at prices with
in the reach of those of limited
means. ' A home can be procured
here for what would be paid for
rents in a short time, while the
purchaser reaps the benefit of the
advance in the property.
Haekieman's third addition is
located in one of the most pictur
esque portions of the city, and is
very desirable for residences.;Many
Many men are investing these lots,
thereby securing the best bargains
in choice city property ever offered
in the Willamette Valley.
This firm also have a larire list
J of country and city property for
sale in quantities to suit the pur
chaser. They are a live real
estate firm, and, having the
largest quantity of lands for sale,
are prepared to offer the biggest
bargains and best inducements to
those desiring to purchase any kind
of real estate.
French keeps railroad time.
Harness of all styles at Thompson &
No is the time to oil your harness
and Thompson & Overman have
splendid oil.
Go and see the new silverware at
Will & Stark's.
Curry combs & brushes at Thomp
son A "Overmans.
Low prices and good work at
Thompson & Overmans.
Thompson fe Overman the leading
harness dealers.
A new invoice of British trimmings
at Read's.
Fine old cherry bounce at M. Buuui.
Ice cream every day at Frances
A c'.eaa tov,el for every customer at
Boots and shoes at cost at Brownell
& Stanard's.
Leave your orders at Brownell &
Stanard's for choice berries.
Dr. J. V. Gaff, physician and Sur
ireon, Shedd Orejrou.
A choice lot of uncanvassed eastern
hams at Wallace & Thompson's.
Get a Seth Thomas watch of F. M.
French, and you will always know
the exact time of day.
The largest and most elegant line of
sihvrware and jewelry ever hown in
Albanv has jusi been opened at Will
& SUrk's.
We handle three kinds of fruit jars
and you will do well to see us before
placing your orders.
Brownell & Stanard.
If you wint us to call at your house
to take orders, please leave word at
our store. Brownell & Stanard.
A fine assortment of heavily plated
knives, forks and spoons at V M.
French's, "The Corner Jewell y Store."
Accident insurauce at the lowes
rates by Burkart fc Keeney.
A flue line of new silverware just
opened at Will & Stark's.
Just received, another lot of those
fine hand sewed French kid shoes, the
very cheapest eyer brought to town at
W. F. Read's.
The motto of California means, I
have found it Onry in the land of
sunshuie, where the orange, lemon,
olive, fig and grape bloom and ripen,
and attain their hishest perfection in
mid -winter, are the herb? and gum
found, that are used in that pleasant
remedy for all throatand lung troubles,
Santa Abie the ruler of coughs,asthma
and consumption. Foshay & Mason,
sells it under a guarantee at $1 00 a
bottle. Try California Cat-R.Cure, the
only guaranteed cine for catarrh.
Well Boring.
E. B. Davidson has sent for a ma
chine for boring wells and in a tew
days will be ready to bore wells any
where in the cityjrom two to fourteen
inches in diameter, any depth.
For your fine imported and Ke
West "ciirars. sro to M. Baumarart
! cigar store, one door east of Black
man's drug store.
Six s'iavefor a dollar at T. Jones's
Kortliern Pacific Raiiroafl
Bv war of St. nul and Chicago, to attend
tin; 2ih1 National fcncampmeiit of G. A. K.,
which meets in that city Sept. 12th. Every
body can take advantage of this excursion
rate an.i visit their M homes in the East.
You lo not have to be a G. A. K. to jou- this
excursion The Northern I'acitic Kailroal
will make a rate of
',-,!,, joints in Oregon jnu V.ashinuton
Terrtorv to UoiuniMw. Ohio end return.
Ticket '!! sale Sept. 3rd, -1th and ath. Gwod
to v.;tiirn t" Oct Hist. Tliis is she mute se
lected by the department of C.l:for;v , Ore---:i
an.!- Wiisnii.u-ton Tcrritvry. A special
truin -(! leave Portland on the evtm.iu cf
S' l.v Ui., runniii'.' thrm ;h to ('o!:miiii.-s.
r:l!:i.ui Sta'piu? Cars awl Tourist Sleep.;!-..'
Car.-- -it -a. hed to all trains. Berth free
ia latter i ara. For reservation.- in same, ad-drc-s
A.'t ;'!. i-iss. A.'t.Njr-'-.rn Pacific R.R.
2d Warfiinatoti St., I'ortlaua, Orcgvn
The Waterloo prins.
For solid enjoyment go to Water
loo, which is Lew the most popular
lesort. Fine locality, fishing.boal
ins and bathing, and splendid ac
commodations at J. A. Gross',
whose prices are reasonable.
Horses fed at the lowest-possible
rates. Campers can get supplies
at Mr. Gross' store. Mr. Gross
will meet tiie L' o'clock Lebanon
j nam on Mondays and Saturdays,
j H-L;i(iiilii. B'laclnal Tailoring1
I Summer and fail suits, m:ii pants in
! any style a frpeciaiity. Uc.;ii'iii:r and
ici.;iiii:: promptly aUciiucd to.
! Main street, Al!.;u!y, Oregon.
Term Commences on Wednesday ,
September Ii, Itt&t.
Ainil corps of experienced. Professors and
Arnn' d expressly to meet the demands a
nte is of the farming interests ef the sta
For students over 15 years of a?e who desir
to enter the College, but are not prepared
to enter College classes by examination.
To the extent requited by law.
Large, Commodious and Well Ventilated.
In a cultivated and Christian community ,and
one of the healthiest in the state.
Circulais containing matter fuil of interest to
farmers, will be reguiarlv issued and copies
mailed to each patron of the College.
Reduced to lowc9t 6rures. Two or more free
scholarships from every county. Consult
your County Superintendent.
We c'jntk'ently appeal to the fanners and
Granses of Oregon to patronize the only
school established by Oregon for the pro
motion of her agricultural interests.
Fcr catalogue or other information, address
B. L. ARXOLD, President,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Great English fiemedy.
Ta4 Vark.
Murray's Specific
A guaranteed cure for all
nervous diseases, such as
Weak Memory, Loss of Brain
Power, Hysteria, Headache
Pain in the Back, Nervous
Prostration, Wakefulness,
r i , : . . I j -
Betore I aKinjr. tude Semmai Weakness, Im
otency and general loss cf power o h
Generat ie Organs in either sex caused by
inducre ion or over-exertion, and which ul
timately lead to Premature Trade Hark.
Old Age, Insanity and Con
sumption. $1 CO a box or six
boxes tor $5.00. Sent by mail
on receipt of price. Full par
ticulars in pamphlet sent free
to every applicant.
We CiOHranlee 6 Boxen
to cure any case. For ever3'
5. 00 order received we stud.
sir boxes, with a wnttenftr Tde.
guarantee to refund the money if ourSpecific
does not effect a cure. Address all commu
nications t-o the Sole Manufacturers, Ihe
Murray Medicine Co., Kansas. City, Mo.
fiTSold in Albany by Foshay foshay A
Mhhod. sol agents
Boarding County Poor.
Jji the next regular term of the county
commissioners court of Linn county, Oregon,
to be held at the court house in the citv of
Albany, on Wednesday, the 5th day of Sep
tember, 18SS. Sealed" bids will be received
for boarding, lodging and washing for the
county poor for the ensuing year. All bids
must be filed with the clerk on or be fore 1
o'clock p. m., ot the above mentioned dav.
The court reserves ths right to reject an
and all bids.
bone b' order of the court this ftth dav of
August, 188. E. E. MONTAGUE,
County Clerk.
At Actual Cost
wiiell &
Corns Early and Get Sizes,
Will sell
closed out.
until allj are
Columbia River Route
Trains for the East leave 10 A. M
and 2 p. x. daily.
mTTT"I7rpCj to and from principal
X J JVJJJ JL O points in United States,
Canada and Europe.
Emigrant flSleeping sCars Ena Through on
Express Trains
and .ST. PAUL
f ree of nuarse and Without Change.
Close Connections at Portland for San Fran
cisco and ru.;ct Sound points.
For further rartH-inars ini;:iire of Curaau &
Monteith, First rt.-et, Al-.aiiy, Ura.'ori.;
A. L. MAXWEll,
.. I. A T. A,
4ner:i Jfaiisiser.
r.. its leave f-io o. R. y cn. s wliarf, ?i
the tout ,.f r;roa.i;ub;;. stroe;. nn Tu'suav and
Frld.c, of each xvc-ck. C. O. RAWLJNOS,
Ljcal A-jent.
Until the I5tli of July, tiie usual time tor offering
reductions in Summer Goods,we have decided to oiler
Our entire tock of light
consisting of ginghams, chanibrays, lawns, batiste,
cliambrav-ginghaLas Swisses, mulls, ratines, embroi
dered suits, gingams, duster linen,foulards,nainsooks
jaquenets, percales,on and white goods. Also eleven,
dozen' lndialin
Usually sold for from
sum of
mi ii m
I if
i i mi
goods and wa
$1 to $2 for the nomin