THE MOHXTXl HERALD: FRIDAY, AUO-VST 21. 1S8S l rtVtH M iV Tl'ltttt 1MM t) save that enormous t-xpense to the O404lUtt9 C?aU3 CCVuUi farmer. The older .rates east of I PMM Daily a. mo Wiiiivi-v TERM 3 Or SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Published every moriiimr exi-tpt Mtmdaj.) clivereU by carrier, per week 0.15 fiy maii, yeai 5 CO WKF.KI.Y. (Published every Friday Morning.) ne copy, yet annum, in advance 32.C0 When not paid in advance 2.;0 TIIK I All . Mails at the Albany postottice close as" follows. For all offices north j The Eastern states ' The West bide A- And the Nai row G.uise li. R. ) For Portland ami ijiem 11 A. M Corvallis and Yaiiuina 12:S0 i: M Al office south 7:9 P. M. The postotricc will be closed each evening from six to seven o'clock. ' Registered matter for the early mor train should be mailed before S o'clock the reyioues veuiii'-'. NATIONAL ESPUBLIOAJS TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, . OF INDIANA. FOR VICE-PRESIOEXT, LEVI P. MORTON, OF SEW YORK. FOR PRRrilbKSTlAL ELECTORS, ROBERT il'l.EAX, W.U. K API'S C. W. FL'LTON. THE SACK BUSINESS. the Rockies have demonstrated that fact long ago. If the farmers, warehousemen and grain shippers and Luyess would combine and demand this better system of handling grain they could accom plish its adoption. And if the newspapers which are trying to convince farmers that the terrible tariff is robbing them for the simply sehish purpose of captur ing their votes would cease loading these questions with the political claptrap that hinders wholesome and necessary action upon them, and work for a united action in that direction they couid then begin to claim with some consistency that they are the farmers' friend. 1 l & .t. r- : mm Intolerance, bigotry and prejudice are slowly but surely passing away, and better and more advanced thoughts and methods are assuming sway among the people, and those who have con trol of public affairs. As an evi dence of this the Evening Telegram announces that the Portland hospital has added to its staff a corps of homu'pathic physicians and surgeons so that patients can consult their own preferences in the treatment that they receive in that institution. Keeping step Wi f K rPilu n.irtl t . i .-. ne subject ot sophistical reasoning . . , , ., - , . , pnvsician has been placed on tins The question of wheat sacks to farmers on the Pacific- coast is one of importance, and is being made the to work the tarmers 1 prejudice and influence his vote. The Ashland Tidings gives the subject this truthful airing : "The Democratic papers have had a violent attack of sympathy for the American farmer, brought about by the discovery that a duty is imposed upon jute bags, amount- j ing to two cents for a two-bushel sack. What a striking text for discourses upon the iniquity of the tariff and its robbery of the far mers! One cent upon every bushel of wheat stolen from the husbandman by our thieving pro tection government ! Ten w hole, big round, silver dollars on every thousand bushels of wheat the farmer must contribute to this system of protection to American industry ! This is bad, very bad, indeed. Of course, it might easily be shown that, every industry, in cluding that of agriculture, receives its share of the benefits of protec tion, but as the Democrats neglected to mention that side of the matter in connection with this jute bag outrage, we can afford to let it pass, too and consider the jute tariff by itself. As they also do, these free trade advocates assume without argument that the full amount of the tariff is added to the price which the farmers would have to pay for the sacks, if they were ad mitted free of duty and that if the duty was taken off now it would reduce the price of sacks two cents immediately and permanently This style of argument and m sumption has been exposed time and again, but it is kept up, just as if people were too dull or too ignorant to detect its fallacy. The record of fact, is that there is scarcely a single article manufac tured in America which is sold at prices which equal the cost of the imported article at New York and the full tariff per centage added. Home competition often brings down the prices much lower than were expected by the English manufacturer when he had no competition in America. The jute bag itself is an excellent illustra tion of this. About five years ajro the California jute factories began turning out grain sacks on a large scale, under the stimulus of the tariff. The price of sacks at that time was S cents each. Five years of home competition Iras brought the price down to 4?r cents per sack, arid saved the farmer 3 , cents, instead of increasing the 1 price 2 cents, as the Democratic papers are telling us. Facts, as well as theory, are wanted in tariff discussions." Probably the democratic papers will reply by giving present quota tions upon grain sacks, which are considerably above the Tidings 43 cts. ; but they will fail to show that the present advance is solely caused by the cornering operations medical staff and among the names of consulting physicians is that of one women. It goes on further to say that there should be at least one woman on every hospital staff in the city and one in charge of the woman's ward of the state asylum for the insane. Medical ethics as formulated and rendered by selfish, jealous, unjust and un reasonable doctors may be opposed to this, and being in power, may long prevail against it, but com mon sense and a sense of decency and of justice favor it. There are women, and not a few of them, who prefer to have the diseases and ailments from which they as women suffer diagnosed and treat ed by skillful physicians of their own sex, and such preferences are entitled to every consideration of delicacy and justice. It is there fore pleasing to note that while the directors of the Portland hospital have decided to consider the patients' preferences in tbe "apathy" that shall minister to them, they have embodied with this decision the privilege of choos ing the sex of the physician as well. Itaks plsas'xrs ia aaaaaaeiaa? t&at I 3w3 xsiaavea from say oil st:r3;toIn7 asx Viiliiaaj sata3 corasr of Fisst aad Bxoa&aUsin Struts. Taaakiag my customers for tia literal patroaage they naTS testo'wea upoa ns ia the past, I trust that vTith iacreassd facilitiss aad a larg2 sspsrisass I nay merit a ccatiaaaaoe of it ia the rr:. v .vlllili BUKKHABT & ROYCE, THE LEADING- BOOK and JOB PRINTERS. Of the Willamette Valley. Bank" antl Commsrcial Printiiii a Specialty. Legal Blanks of All Kinds Constantly on Hand, m tar akery -FULL STOCK OF- Send for Estimates and Price List of Work. Office in Flinn's Block, Albany, Or. mzmmi mm . V MJBSETlr Staple Groceries I fafilasswCroekery The beat quality of taaSL, coOw, niain oa mute, eta. CAKES, PIES, Fresh Baked Breac? Every Day. Althla old and reliable hooae is alw to 1 found a complete aeaortanent, of fresh famik croceriea, to which U constantly being abided wL the seasonable lines otvitetrim aad pfowiaioak such aa Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, j Canned Goods of All Kinds, 1 Bohemian Glassware, Etc. These goods were all bought wben priea ere low, and the benefit ot the margin will hr given to his customers. Remember the plaua. 4t the old corner on First and B'aailaZbin Stg. 01 MEYER. E. 11 ii r;i MctONAL,l - In this city un Thursday, Aur is, Kuuiie lltrmirm McDonald, iniaiit son of Joseph p:id K'la McDonald, a;jeii !) nionUis. I he tanuly will have the sympathy of the cnimunity in their affliction. The .uneral will occur at 9;:iU to-dav from the residence of Mrs. Marv S;ilt!iiarh NEW TO-DAY. M rayed, A YOUNG COW, LIGHT ROAX, NEARLY white, with liht red ears and liorns. r"ive dollars (5) reward will bu aid for her recovery. Xo ear niars or hrjndx uion the uuiv. Apply to E. E. Parker or V II. St. John, Albany, Oregon. " ' "' "" ity MarshtilN Entire. OTICE IS HEREBY Gl EN TO THE owner or keener of anv dovror dum in the- corporate limits of the city of Albany, that the tax upon such dojs for the year 1SS3 is now due, and payable to the City Marsha!; and that all dogs found running . 1 large within the city limits, upon which jaid tax has not been paid, will be taken up and dis posea of as provided by an ordinance "relat ing to taxinjr dosrs and regTtiatin their run nins; at larjje." Section one of said ordinance provides: That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal on and after the first day or Ausust of each veat to collect from the own er or keeper each dog the sum of $1.50, and for each slut or bitch so owned or kept, the sum of $3.00. Duted at Albany; Oregon, this "20th day of August, 1J-S8. ,oh-kv .ISAAC HAYS, Citv Matshal. Dissolution Notice. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JL' firm of Tweedale & Hopkins has bean this day dissolved by mutual consent, All outstanding accounts should be immediately settled at the store. The businsss will be continued by W. C. Twe'edale at the old stand, who will collect all accounts and settle all indebtedness of the firm. tio hoiji, W. C. TWEEDALE, T. G. HOFKINs, C. J. DILLON & CO., WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF - HOFFMAN AND PFEIFFER. Proprietors of ALBANY SODA WORKS And manufuctorers of Choice Confectionery. We are now prepared to furnish choice, fix. pagifijew of huril. irraH ivuKtfit.inr nf mini tjr ; . . L- l- St('';ll": tit I '"ii'rte3 mixed candies, xun 1 icuci , . , . . i c'wuiw crwuiiB, uuicy inixu, ennay toys ox, or Albany, to turuish i i.ire (uaititv of' ymvt ' ani'rtntof auecandi AT rUOI.KsALE OK BETAlf C9Ordexa trons conntry dealers witaiil a teed tow r.ory an EmL stcee, m ii i i lorne ratr 1 have this (lav contracts. ! with 31 usoancuy ! FUKNITU II J T)o ircneral job work, :ilso bargain in flooriiwr and rustic. Those contem platiua' buiidiii will liud it to their advantage to call on us at our Fictoiy, at Foot op LyoN Street ! WILL & STARK, DEALERS IX Goid iv atches Diamond Jewelry, Fine Sil verware, Kins. Ladies Watches and Chains, and ai! kinds of El egant Jewelry ASTM!S:.iN2LY LOW .'PRICES. Manilla bindin; twine to members ofour onler. All atron.s can call at their place of on -in ess and by the method adopted at our business (jouncil secure the benefit of my contract. I have also made arrange ments with the same firm to furnish a lotjof Osborne steel frame binders, Send in your orders as soonas possible as harvest , is near. Skmed -s3 MART MILLER, Financial Agent. SPRINGFIELD' SAWMILL SPUIXGrFLELD vREfiOX, Albany yard and o!iiee on Railroad, between 4ih andSth streetsjg '. Ilaviny; lumber not excelled in ii.ility, cncifacilities not surpassed for tLe prompt and satisfactory tiliiiu or orders. I resoectfull v eoiicit a shureof the adt;- a. "WHEELER. WILL BROS Dealers in all the leading Guns, Pistols, fcewing lactones, Organs, Pianos-, A full Line of Sheet music, musical merchandise,ammunition,fish ing taelc'e, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives The1 best kindsof sewino- machines Albany, - - Oregon, Eei Crown Milk IMS, UMIK 4 Ct PniBl. NEW PROCESS FLOUR. finriTrliM i fmiTlj imTT The Best Step MJiti NEEDLES, OIL ami Ex tras for all 31 A CHINE: S I.INN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairins of sewinsyjmachines. musical instruments, sruns, etc., neatly done g-eo. :v.: SMITH (SUCCESSOR TO W. H. McFARLAVDl lloi sr-i anil Hack lor .";ile. ORSES AND HACK FOR SALE-A WELL matched span of oini horses, weiifht aboutttiOO pouiids eaoh: g:'od to drive or ride; also a linht family hack; also road cart with pole, used only a few times; very hand)ine: the above are for sale cheap, separate or to gether. Apply to T. A, Shane. Dissolution of l'nrlnerliii. rm OTIcs IS hffKKUt cik inn rAKir.ti- 1 ship heretofore existing between C. B. liolanil. J W. Roland and J. tl. Roland, un dc-r the firm name of C. B. Roland & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All ni-r-nnnra due s:iid firm will he olac-ed in the Of Sitll Francisco operatives, for hands f H, Bryant for collection. y ' ' C. B. ROLAFH, J. W. ROLAND J. H. KOLA I-D. speculative purposes, and no more the result of the tariff than the re publican platform is of President Cleyelands pension vetoes. The plain facts of the case are that the jute grain sack business on the 1'aciric coast is an outra geous anil gigantic swindle upon farmers in its entirety, and should : - ----- be wipel o it ,oot and bra:u-h. ; ,N lfvR1.;.,y i;ivKN rHAT THE TllJ Olliv ail lor tiie JUte :-a;-!-- is i Ll partnt-rsl ip nertt-l'ore existing h'.twwn IloKse !i!iI Lw for Sale. t ONE AND ONE-HALK STORY DWELL A contairdn 7 rooms, hath room and pantry: Is than twi years built; location central.- another iot adjoining van he had with Kirn if -jesired, or would stll it separate ;r..m d-i;: !inu'. Price very low. Apply to T. I A. Shane Q3 S3 -14 - wa a? CO si r . CO 3 - CO M i S3 ' CO tJ3 f-t I W. F. READ NOTICE. 1 iiave bought and turuished The Scio Flow Mi lis W ith -new machinery, making flout by the ki ll Rotit.R process. Tne null is now run ui.ij; and 1 can turnish the best of flour and :etd at teasonable rates. I intend to run my :iiid in fruch a maiiiier that none can go awav ilissatisfitd. Give me a call. E. GOINS, Proprietor Scio Mills SECOliD HAIiD STORE. (Successor to NVH. ALLEN) irate r and II SDK ! m scarf "a.t:e fj.-i!r-uir, am; ;rj-: .,.Jv i,v n.llf,,a; ..R3,.t ' is t',:-' day uis Ir Kii'.oritk re- ruany s'f ;,'t"! clain. that if can nc disj ;n.-j w lh even there. l:ut wh. A t-. aches tne vessel , it Is to erji-s the r ean it : unti on w! ct n le handled r" eaper, betfe: easier and ten times more safisfa( rin;i'. T oe !iisitivs uiii "nc i-.ntiir.ied by Mr itiori;: r r. win ay i;i5 ind; l.te.:nt ,r'' e-'die-t !l iitsv.M.iiiiu- utvw:nss. Thtist; itniebu-.l -t ijn'. -tot come for.var-i aad fettle. A np.ii.-c- r. tUe patronage ' "'-"" i u-ii- .i -bii-it-d : DEALER IX Stovesjanci Ranges ALSO A FULL LINE OF TINWARE, 1UMPS, HOSE, COFFER WARE isHSAml every variety of cocking utensils andnovelties in house furnislin? mA. The pul-lic is invite l to call and examine tills mammoth stock finder the new nianasromi-nt. 1 am now receiving new goods in every line and would cordially invite everybody to call and inspect our stock and prices. We propose to have th The Live Dry (foods House Of Aibany, and shallfat all times study the wants ot our patrons both in style and prices." The past year nas proven it to be a necessity. The best and cheapest place m the city to buy your Stoyes, Furniture, tinware We aie always prepared to buy vour heusehold furniture at the highest cash price. Sole ajrents for the " PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Filler. L. GOTTLIEB. Albany Bath House AND HAIR DRESSING SA'LOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR. SPLadiee -Mid children's"hair drese ns a spe.-ralty. DntiJe satisfaction guaranteed. torv entw-W clear of sacks, and i Veirec! t'-'t.u:e fhihuiei; U i-arher at The City Liquor Store, M. BAUMGART, Proprietor, tSTSct doert.-i th. 0!ldJFei!ows-n:p!-, Alhany, resiiES Kcep '-onantiy cn hand th- fi.-t imports! and d..mts vdvZ liuor -i -ars ar toV-e-sos. 0::i-i;irn -cias-j Ii.itj orrrc in she city u-' ,,q-"I' SPECIAL ATTENTIGN FA1DZT0 CR0ERS5 FROM THE COUiNTHY' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castortes Dry Goods Notions ling Goods. Hats and Caps, JOHN SCKMEER'S Livery. Mt Sale stable Corner Second and Ellsworth St$. ALBANY, . . OREGON HORSM boardbd l,y the dav or n.onth Car nagenorbunriefi on readable term vt5nl N O RT HAVE ST ana i ak nk ixj INSURANCE COMPANY 5 PORTLAND, .-rT-:UOREG0N CPIT.4L STOCK. 51 Call and see me. Groceries.Etc fcSncoe?sor to X ;4.A!i. u, MABNQLTA Miu.s -uxxjjjJU JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Prop'r. Will furnish sacks to farmers and receive at at the ugual and torap. Ihe kigheat market price Xa,fl for same. ' acTBest Maet,lia Hour always ou hfor sa.eorexchaRe at reaso JQHJf A. CHAW FORD. Albany. Oregon.