THE MOTEsIXG HERALD: TUESDAY", AUGUST 21. 1SSS it sc. K.Z- tik tabu:. NORTH BOUND. i lLeiarts Arrives. Can. ex;r. (j-.S am 7;of.ani Portl'd lu I'fc.n; Mtiaie ex 11:15 am H Ar,aml ' 34".pm Freight 7:10am! " "t'pm WITH BOUND. Arrives; Dejiartsl Arrives Ca'aexp I 7:45pm Spin.Ashlanulr.OOMii fccnr; ex j 2;20piu;l2 40pm Kueiie i 40pm r-i'ht j ! i .:iOTi'.!Kii:r'-'i- ;"..! -rj.iii ?o Freight received fur south after 11 a. m of the same day. iLEIJAXOX BRANCH. Fit- Alba'y! Departs I Arrives. X- ii . . . IV2.50 p mi .etymon ... 8.10 p m; l.:;i; .S.56 p m p m V'm Leb'n N. 12. .. Xo 14 ... i5.00 p in Albany at .12.00 p m 5.45 a m 2.45 p in OREGON PACIFIC TIMETABLE. Arrives Departs Ul.15amll.00pm .1 5.25!)ni'!.50a 111 P'J-V' er izh: JiTl.US AKOIT TOW.. Hon. Jeff Myers, of Scio, is in the city. Wheat has advanced to 63 cents in this city. Mrs. Dr. C. C. Kelley is visiting at Yaquina. Regular meeting of the Board of Trade to-night. W. 0. Peterson, of Lebanon, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Russell is quite ill at her residence in this city. Miss Minnie Monteith, of this city, is visiting friends in Salem. Fresh butter on ice, hard and sweet at (J. il. Spencer's. Girl wanted to do general houss-wr-rk. Inquire of M. Sternberg. A fine line of goM headed canes and fountain pens at Will & ! Stark's. A full stock ot instlv celer-rated :CLeadie cheese on hand at C. II. :Sjencer's. : Waterloo soda water, fresh Irom fhir spring, in II. Spencer's any quantity, at C. A nice lot canvassed hams and hrr-iikf C. II. st bacon jut received at pencer s. bishop B. C Calloway will; preach at the M E. church Soutii ! tins evening. j Wm. Webber, of Poitland, is j spending a few days with his par-1 vr.ts in this cuy. Max Friendly, the lumber and nw mill man, of Corvaliis, was in tiie city yesterday. S. Shupp and family have re turned from a two weeks sojourn at Waterloo. E. Cameron won the foot race i -t. ;riL ... i.-rtrt YV 1111 11 dllUUl f'll.'O. Special bargains in flooring and rustic for the next sixty days at 0. J. Oilion & Co.'s, at foot of. Lyon Creet. Patronize home industry and try pome of J. Joseph's Havana rilled 5c. cizars, the first of his own man ufacture. The Y. W. C. T. U. will meet th.s evening at 8 p. m., at the W. C. T. U. hall. A full attendance is expected. John Unger, of Lebanon, was ar rested and fined $25 in Portland Saturday for raiding a Chinese house while drunk. I keep Waterloo soda water on ice, and nothing can be more re freshing or healthful this hot weather. C. H. Spencer. Capt. E. J. Lanning and Geo. Humphrey returned yesterday from a fwhing trip to Southern Oregon. They made a big haul of fine trout. My stock of groceries and pro visions is fully up to its former standard, always the beat quality and at reasonable prices. C. II. Spencer. Chas. Brush has sold his factory at the fo-et of Lyon street to Messrs. J. Dihon and T. II. Cone, who wdl use the same for their furni ture factory. jutiu9 iirauwoni nas lust re ce.ved a tine line of glassware, j iTx-kery, etc., from Eastern facto- i ri-s. which the public are invited I to :lni! inor,o,. j A fire which caught in a trestle oa the O. & C. railroad between tunnel 8 and Allma Den delayed the trains about 6 hours untifthe trestle could be rebuilt.on Sunday. , Now that work is to be resumed oi the O. P. railroad the future for Albany is very bright. Call on Ctirran & Monteith and secure a lot in llackleman's 3d addition, prices range from $100 to $230. Tsrrns easv. Patent Granted. The following patents were granted to citizens of the Pacific States during the past week, and reported for tiie Herald by C. A. now & Co. patent lawyers, Wash- i-,2ton, 1). lb : VV. li. Beardslev Eureka, Cal., saw filing machine B. Glaszer, Redding: Cal., two. kneeled veh cte: Alexander P - Mrfieeieii vetiMie; Alexander P. Mall San Francisco Cal.. screw lroieller; B. C. Hall, Stockton, 'ai.. horse check for harvester J. B. Lalonde, Portland Oregon! drag saw; K. Motea, .san Jauuin. .'ai.. medic--! compound; J. A. Stved,-Marytu-iile,Ca! , two wheel ed vehicle; A. J. Spice.. Portland, Oregon, fastening device for car aisles : A. S Fernda'e. C:u.. harness : M. TV. T.. logging oar. tuXT. .-eatt Srll Your I' To the Willamette Packing Co. r.: this city. Tby will pay g(.od rices fur all the BartletT pf-ars .nd blackberries that are offered. iLS4M' WATKU POHEK, Why Woolen Mills, Paper Mills ar.d 0:ar ilaaufactnries are not Locatid Here, i The Board of Trade of this city j has received a letter of inquiry j from a California pajrer manuiac- turing company as to the water j power and inducements in this city lor locating paper mills here, j Unfortunatelv just now it seems j that nothing detinite can he offered in tiie wav of water posver as Mr. John Crawford, who owns the 1 canal, desires to sell the same, but j loes not desire (o lunnsh water power for any length of time. This virtually throttle any new manu facturing enterprises unless the citizens purchase the canal or con struct 11 new one. The latter would probably be the most feasi- j ble at the price at which the ditch I and water works are held, $150,000. j It is time the matter was squarely : confronted by the citizens of Al bany. The Santiam canal was j built by citizens in 187-4 at a cost of about $1)2,000. It was after- j wards sold to John A. Crawford for something less than $40,000. Since that time it has furnished water power for all the manufacturing enterprises desired. Now, how- j ever, Mr. Crawford desires to sell ' it and the water works for $130,-1 000, but will not agree to furnish water power for woolen mills or j other extensive manufacturing en-' terprises for fear of injuring the sale of the ditch. This-is a state of things to be deplored, and which ought to be remedied. The facts are that a fine water power is running to waste which cannot be utilized to more than one-third of j its capacity, while manufacturing enterprises are kept out tor this reason. This is a question which j affects the material prosperity of the city, and which should receive) the attention of the Board of Trade j and citizens who are interested iu the growth of Albany. J'OKILAM) A. 0KM; (HI. That is What Wo Will Hsto if a Saiall 1 Piece of Road is Built. The Oregonian says: Work on I the suspension bridge at Oregon City is hemg pusne.i witn an pussmie ; rapidity. According to contract, tb.2 1 bridge should be completed Septem-1 her, but it will be delayed two or ' three weeki. Most of th material j required is on the ground, and that ! Ijoi tion which is not ou hand is on : the way from tbe East. Work on the masonry and anchor aea is now progressing. Mr. E. L. Eastltam of Oregon City i who was in the city Satuiday, says ' that a road is being built, by private subscription, from the approach to j the bridge opposite Oregon City to- j ward Portland, to connect with the i White house road which is the fa- I vorite drive of Portlauders and neo- pie visitiug the city. Twenty men j are employed. Mr. Eiistham thinks i that Multuomah county should be j sufficiently interested in this enter- prise to build a roa:l from Palatine ! hill to the Clackamas county line, to ! connect with the road which is be- j ing built by the Oregon City people. ; The distance is a n iie and a quarter, j Thdie iu a road between tbe two ' points named, but it is not a good one, j and is in an out of the way place, be-1 sides there is a broad grade, while the i grade on the imposed new road will I not exceed three and one-half feet in a hundred feet. An Election Bet. j A commercial man, representing' a Portland house, made a bet of a : suit of clothes with one of the La Grande merchants last week. The drummer has been a democrat, : but this year will vote for protec- j tion, and in his wager gives the; astounding odds on this state 10,000 for the republican candi dates. There are sixteen voters connected with the firm he repre sents, twelve of whom have been democrats, but now twelve out of the sixteen will vote the republican ticket in November. It is such wholesale changes as this that gave Oregon 7400 in June, and will "raise the limit" in November. La Grande Gazette. Wheat Rarard. When Henry Earle's threshing! -rew finished their job at Mrs. I randevert's place on the Zena I road in Polk countv Saturday a i ! little before noon, thev moved their I outfit to the house and failed to ex- j tinguish a fire which had caught I in tiie stubble from the engine, i bout one o'clock one of the farm j hands noticed a big smoke in the j field and on going out to examine I the cause, he found that the fire had spread to a stack, of wheat j and was burning fiercely. After some energetic work the flames were subdued, after thirty or forty bushels of grain had been de stroyed. Statesman. Be Ras. 4 war. The caie agaiust Mr. J. A. Gross for ejecting Arthur Knoslier from the Dept hotel was dismissed in ! Justice Humphrey's court yester-! day,tlieprsecurinawitness,the tirey I httle pugilist, flaring left the city j rather suddenly. Having been j fioed $3 for using abusive and ! ! 7? !an5'f wi,'c ' led to In j oi. scene language which led to his f . , ,1U,H , , C!' ,,e ! P'-" iaiu.i u..n run tiie-gauutlet of another trial. California Cat.K-l'iire. The only iruarautecd cure for ca tarrh, cold in the head, hay f.i.-r.i'so co'd, catrrhal tleafnt-s and rore eve. Kes ore the sense of t.tMe ;iiiduiiple: ant lirciuh, resulting from catarrh. E!y and p'.ea?:uit to uc. I;;w dircrtions and a run- . wa'-runted. hv d lij';-S. Sc. id for a circular t.i Alc-unc .Mt.-(iu aJ Com, ;iTy, Oro Cal. Six iiioii'hs' tn-at-.ueiH for 1: sent by luab,, E'.-r .-ni.- !7 ! n y ic Mason, .lrljiis:illii, rrarliCHl Tnllfirlii" Muotacr ; ntvic ;t : t;:;;.ii-::ig M.itu s;r..;-l i.ei .-u:ts '.ml jeints in ;oii! "f to. rt!. !!:. -.c, Ore. THE BE3.F OIITI.UUH. ! Splendid ; Cttl oa tie E.-.nes Conditio;:. in The Portland News sav; K. J. Rogers, the well known cattle dealer, reports that cattle on the ranges are in good condition in both Eastern and Western Oregon. Owing to the fact that there were no rains in May, the grass was short and stock became thin. Naturally the stockmen became despondent, as they knew that un less rains were had later that the stock would nearly all succumb during the early part of Winter, if they lived even that long. But the rains of June caused the grass to grow in the most luxurious pro fusion. The cattle have waxed fat and the public are assured of fat and juicy steaks until Christinas at least. It was the June rains, however, tnat brought about this result. The weather clerk is there fore to be thanked that we now enjoy fat and cheap beef ana mutton. loo Much Beer. The Portland Telegram says that John linger from Lebanon, Linn county, was arrested for break ing into a Chinaman's house and assaulting the inmates with rocks. In his defense before Justice Tuttle this morning (Jnger stated that he saw some Chinamen playing cards in Ah Cbuey's house and entered it to look at the game, wit.iout au invitation. One of the Chinese is alleged to have struck him on the forehead when he intruded upon them. This angered the defendant and he went into tiie street, armed himself with a couple of rocks, r ti r aed to the house, kicked open the door and fired two rocks into the room. Unger was fined $25 for breaking in the door, and -was held in the sum of $100 to answer to the grand jury for an assault with a dangerous weapon. The defendant seemed greatly mortified over his conduct, and intimated that he would join the prohibition party. j .lilntisMun of tVa.shinlou Territory. Senator Stewart, of Nevada, who has charge in the senate of the bill providing for the admission of the territory of Washington as a state, has given notice that he will call for a vote on the bill as soon as the I senate disposes of the fisheries treaty. s-enator Manderson in tends to deliver a set speech on the bill, but other than this one senator it is not known that any have prepared speeches. The bill is likely to pass, as the republicans have a majority, and none but democrats are known to be op posed to the measure. It w ill, how ever meet with no show in the house. The democrats there are determined that no territories shall he admitted to the union the pres ent year. There is no doubt that the proposition to annex the Idaho panhandle to Washington will be carried, lluch opposition to the scheme has been developed. Hilled a 4'hluaaian. Further particulars have been received in this ciiy of the tragedy which occurred near Silverton on Friday evening, which resulted in the death of a Chinaman, ','n the evening above mentioned Charics Smith, who owns a place near Sil verton, became incensed at a Chinese laborer who was working with his threshing crew, and struck him over the head with a pitchfork handle, crrshing in his skull. The Chinaman was re ideie I un conscious and died Saturday from the effects of the blow. HiUBISBCUt; STK. Hakrisbcrg, Aug. 19. Farmers, as far as threshing is done, are highly pleased with the yield. Mr. Isaac Mansfield aad wife, of Umatilla county, are visiting here, and met with a hearty welcome from their; many old time friends upon their arrival. Upmeyer & Briggs are getting a fair share of the grain storage. Every body seems to realize that it is best to support a fair competi tion to river warehouses. The town's only butcher shop is run now under the firm name of Hyde & White, Uncle Mike having retired on account of sickness. Our hotel is now a pleasant home for its many guests, filling a long felt want, and everybody wishes Mr. Hayward, the manager, the best of success. l imes DlsiMiKed. The cases of James P. Schooling against E. F. Wyatt and F. M. Hyde, of Harrisburg, to recover money on accounts transferred from Wm. McDaniel, were dis missed in Justice Humphrey's court yesterday, tbe bond for costs not having been filed by the plain tiff within the time prescribed by law. Itonrd of Trade li'-Uiis. The regular monthly meeting of the Albany Board of Trade will be held at the G. A. II. hall on Tues day evening. August 21. Business of importance will be transacted, and a full attendance will be pres ent. For your line imported ind Ke West cigars, go to M. baunignrt cigar store, one door east of Black man's dru;r store. Just received at V. F. Head s a full j line of ladies tine muslin underwear, ; also irirls wiiite dresses and infants I slips. Cail and see them. i I ' V."" nt:v'er mins th" water "Till Mic well runs itrv." j K you want a well diii.- call on E. ft. . !t::hboi!. lb-docs prompt v,.:k at a " n asi ia!'!c price. Oi fbrs can be left , at U.i- onice. llorxes an,: I:irt l-r HOU-KS AN! MACK KOH S. I.K-A U l .I.L ' fti of jouii- h..-sc.-. w, i..lit a;f l;t i,":::!f ,a:p; t.i Ir.v .-. or i, '.,. ' a s-j a Mi:,..y ba.-K; !..;..! ...... t w v,' I VU-.;is -.: :i f,;- n ,.s: v..n !,...:, ,.,. ,'1;;,"r""-lV''1' ---1 or The Waterloo Sjirinzs. For solid enjoyment jroto Water- loo. which is new the most popular resort. Fine, fishing. boat-: in; and bathing, and splendid uc- commodations at J. A. Gross', ; whose price are reasonable. ; Horses fed at the lowest p ssir ie rates. Campers tun get supplies , at Mr. Cross' store. Mr. Cuoss' will meet the 2 o'clock Lebanon j train on Mondays and Saturdays, j Teachers K.xainiiialioic Notice is hereby g ven that the regular public quarterly examina tion of teachers for Linn county will be held in Albany, at the, Court house commencing at noon 1 on Wednesday, Aug. lSHS. ; All teachers desiring examina-1 tion will please be present at tiie j oejjmning. L. M. Ci Ki., County Superintendent. Deep Sea Fishing Excursions. The steamer Mischief is prepared to take parties out to sea from New- j trips when" the weather is pleasant. Parties desiring to go on some par ticular dav will please send notice ahead. Tickets $1, not including meals. Address J. J. Winant, master of steamer Mischief, New port. Kailrvatl Labort-rit WaiUeU. One hundred men wanted to j engage in rock work, and as j teamsters on the Oregon Pacific railroad. Apply to headquarters at the end of the track. A. Brink. ;old Prize Shirt. The best white shirt in tlia market at W. F. Head's; and don't forget that he proposes to give away u tine, irold watch with thcai Call and investi gate if you need a good shirt. bkii:f Mfe.vuo. French keeps railroad time. A new invoice of British trimmings at Read's. Fine old cherry bounce at M. Bauiu gart's. Ice creanf every day at Frances Pi'eiilers. A clean towel for every customer at Viereck's. Boots and shoes at cost at Brownell & ttanaid's. Odds and ends nearly gone. Mon eith A Seltenbach Accident insurance at the lowest rates by Burkart .V. Keeney. !.enve your orders at brownell ct Stanard'i for clioice berries. A fine line of imported cigars re ceiv. 1 at Brownell 0c Stamird's A choice lot of uncanva-scd eastern hams at Wallace fc Thoinpson's. A full line of ladies' slippers at cost. No broUen sizes to-day, at Monteith & Scitenbach'. (iet a eth Thomas watch of F. M. P'reruh, and you will always know the exact time of Cay. We handle three kinds of fruit jars and you will do well to see us before placing your orders. . Brownell A: Staxard If you want us to call at vour house to take orders, please leave word at our store. Brownell A: Stanard. A fine assortment of heavily plated knives, forks and spoons at F .V. French's, 'The Corner Jeweiiy Store." Just received, another lot of those fine hand sewed French kid shoes, the verv eheanest ever brought to town at W. F. Read's. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy iu the world for liver and kid ney diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale at M. Banmgart'si That exquisite line of satins in ur show wind jw w ill be run close this week. Have no excuse for not get ting in on them. Mmiticth A: Sciten bach. T Woman' lelx-overy. ''Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this country. Disease, fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She nought of" us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much re lieved on taking the first dose that she slept all niajht and w ith one'jottle has . been miraculously cured. Her name is. Mrs. Luthe Linz," Thus write W. C. Hamrick ife Co., of Shelby N. C Get a free trial bottle at Fo6hay & Mason s. ..TIE. Annual state fair ill b held on the (air gruundg near Salem, commencing onjthe 17 OF SEPTEMBER And continuing one week. Cash premiums to the amount ot $15,000 , Will be awarded for.. Agricultural, mechanical and stock exhib it, works of art and work and for tri als of speed. The premium offered have been increased in inanv cases.and new classes have Wn add ed. No entrv fee charfred in divisions J, K, L and Q, miifrnineent field of horses entered, and there will be splendid contests of runningand trotting each day. The different transportation companies w ill make liberal nductionc in fares and freights. Special attention is called to the premiums offered for county exhibits of grainF, grasses and fruits. Entries will be received in the secretary ..tti.-e in Salem, bes-innin six days btfore the tair. ami on the fair grounds from Friday oe fore the fair. Persons desirinsr to exhibit in divisions ,T, K. O, P and Q are requeste 1 to make their entries on Friday and .Saturday h.-torf ;be fiiir. if uossible, All entrit-s clow: on Monday, .SeptembT 17th, at :'i) p. m. j PRICES OF ADMISSION- C'eni-n ticket tor men (six days) $-j iTi.mMi ti !- a for women (si Jy!) 1 Imv ticket .or men l:n Va.-kt.tfer women v Ti.-'kt-ts t i tin- er.i'i.i tand at race u-a. s frr males ocr l"i vears U.IU-S to tbtv-r.u..l i-fcir-d tree. T;o3 .n-irii!sr to .nrc!ws Uwothw lt s ' the secl'c a ry. Vi j W : Orion State air vSni-klcn Arnica alTr. t I3i.' oet .s:vt- ti.- v'j-:.l !i :-ru:-e. .-o-v-. !.'. -hit rheum, H .!- x!vs. tetter ehappM h!Ki. cl.:!r!:Mr.. t-nrns. a!i kt: erur- tion and poitiveiy t urs p:.-. r r. 1 :-.tV rvquirtfii. It is guaranteefl to u'.ve perifct sai-fuc tion or n-o?iey ro Vunded. i-'or saitr by t'oshy iic 'Aji Si'll. THE STATE .. pn.ipi : r:r 1 T rVUii'luULlUuAL 1 . ! ! 1 " I L'J I-.ULJU b, cokva: 1 Tell eiifinln-r o- FACULTY. A Pill i-orjw Teaehfis. ox eMvr.v.-:,; COUEsE Arrati.eri exjrel t" in-t thee- neec? oi the lu.ii.ii - i i f PR EPA R A i K V i ' K 'A ! . f i ..-'. I 1-Vr stmieut." ' r lr tear- or a;- to eru r the couee, out ir.- t; -t to enter Coiiue tK--s-. ' ( MILITARY TKAi.Si.Vv, To the extent reiii;i.'-u l-j !j BUfi.f'INOh j L-irjre, Coiniuotiious ar.W Well t-.ti'stea. ' LOCATION'. j In a cultivated aad Cliri-tian eticiiuun'.ty.anri ! one oi the heuithiest m tii st-iti t: P EK I M t N i A L STATION . Ci.culais containing- matter fui! .f interest to farniers. will beresulari;. iss'iea ar.d cof-ies m illed to eaJi p:t;ron ot the Culleue. EXPENSES Reduced to lowesL figures. Two or more free hciii)!arbliii- from ery ii.uiity. Commit jour County Superaittimlent. We cuifit'ently appeal to the farmers and Gratikes of Oregon to atroui the oniv school est iblished bv res-jii tor the pi motioii of her agricultural intercuts. Fcrcataiojue or other inioruianmi. addresu B. L. AKAOLD, ireiideu, oralli?. ttreftoji. teat EMlisli fififfledj," Murray's Specific ! Aecsrtlitifd ii:refir all nervous diesse?, tueh as Weak Men:or, Lo.-.s of Brain I Pi.wcr, Hysteiia, Headache ' Pain in the Back, erou8 j Prostration, Wakefulness, , LeueOrrhosa, rniversal Lai j tilde, Seminal WVak.'.ess, lm- i 'enerul los-sif power o li ! Before Taking, i-v: and Getieiati e Orfrani in either wx -a.used L I iitdi-jcre ion or over-exertion, und which ul I tiniately lead to Premature Trade M ark. (lt1 lr.r.:iit-.- nil Itnn- 3Hlajl I 6iini!tiiii. l.C'J a bo ; or six noxes inri.s.ou. " MBjr jii irci-ijit ui j.ri.c. run jj.ii ticulars in ian.phlet sent free to every applicant. We H.n.iranSec G Boxps to cire a:.v cae. tor tverv 4". (fl rl..r r. ..i, 1 r.- ASt-VSkt. - " - - - - auaut..-wi; iiv bcxts. with a writteiiAfter Tktny- guarantee to refund the ntontv if curSpecific does not effect a cure. Addros a'l coinniu niisition to the Sole Manufacture's, 'lhe Murray Mcilicine Co., Kansas. Citv. Mo. t-y So'd in Albany by 1 ochay Fonliajr A llaMtii., sol agents Hoard Ins fount) Psor. ATOT1CK IS HEKr.BV GIVEN THAT AT 1.1 the next regular term of the .ounty I eonimis'ioiiere couit of Linn county. Oregon, j to be held at the court house in the citv of ' Albany, on Wedut-oday, the 5th day of Sep tember, 1SS8. Sealed bids will be receive.! for boarding, lodging and washirg for the county poor for the ensuing year. All bid mut be filed with the cerk on or liefore I o'clock P. a., o? the above mentioned dav. The court reserves tbe rijjht to reject an st and all bids. Done b order of the court this 9th daT of Aurut, IbS. K. E. MOSTAUUE, County f.'ierk. BOOTS -AND- SHOES At Actual Cost AT Coma Eaxlj aad Gt Sises. Will sell until allj are closed out. OREGON RAILWAY and KAVliilTIOX COMrA.1T Columbia River Route Trains for the East leave Portland;t 10 a. m and 2 p. m. daily. X LJ JLVJli 1 IO pointa in United States, Canada and Europe. ELEGANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS Emigrant D81eaping Cars Enn Throngh oi Express Trains TO OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS and ST. PAUL Free of Dfcarse and "Without Change. Close Connections at Portland for San Fran cisco and Pugct S.Mind points. For further particulars ir.iuire of Curaan & Monteith, Firet Street, Aibany. Orejron.J A. L. K.4KWEU, C r. T. A. T. If. IIOI.Ce.1IB, General .1tnnas;er. g-XrHr-iU lea' e the (. Kl N Oi.'. wharf, at the foot of Ri"'i.i"ibin .srr.;p. on Tuesday and Kritiav f ca. i. wee!;. C. d. IIA WI.;OS. 't ItodtM.rt. Brownell I Stanard s liocui Aent. DAVIS BROS- AND CO. rKLi!as is NaaALvsFXiiAXDtaB. IB Until the 15th of July, tiie usuai time tor ofteiing reductions in Summer (ioo(is,we have decided to offer NOW, at COST Our entire tock of light goods and .wash tabrics, consisting of ginghams, chamliays, lawns, batiste, chambrav-ginghams .Swisses, mulls, ratines, emtroi dertd suits, gingams,duster linen,toiilards.namsooks jaquenets. percales,on and white goods. Also eleven, dozen lndialin CO RS ETS Usually sold for from sum of FIFTY A-25T1D Ml II OrO L.E.BLAEN NEW STOCK OF l to $2, for the nomin CFISTTS. MONTEITH & SEJTENBAOH. SIEZEi -I'll. I lit -1!!' I .- iiontvi : ts at or tcabac h'a. d ;' -v. li i to the sc-.-ctary f.i wict jv. .avcsl loliar at T. Joue r. .V!.p.; ;o t. , '.Lat. J. i. i.KI-.l.l., Secrecarj SHEDD, LiyyCo., QUEG0N j 1