vmiXTXiJ- HERALD: "WEDXES DAY , AUGUST the 1 5. ' '-m- - - . - ..iU..mCTirniift3taaa aily A.xL Weekly TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. KAM.Y. Published every i.ior.-jiiiu' exwpt M"Hda.j elivcred by carrier, ;i:r v ol-k .if liy mail, i'tr yt'iu 5 CO WEEKLY. (Published every Friday Morninjf.) ne copy, per annum, in advance 52.00 When not paid in advance TtS'i Till! MAIL. Mails at the Albany uostotlice close asiollo s: I For all offices north i The Eastern states f fi..jf) . The West Side C And the Nat row Cause R. R. ) For Portland and Sulem 11 A. M C'orvallis and Yaquina 12:30 p. M Al office south 7:30 I. M. The postoliice wiil be closed each evening from six to seven o'clock. Registered matter for the. early trior train should be mailed before S o clock the revioues veninsr. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, OF INDIANA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, LEVI P . MORTON , OF NEW Y'OKK. FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, ROBERT m'LEAX, WM. KAPl'S C. W. FULTON. IS THERE A SHEOL? The above question is one that forms ti subject of considerable discussion with many people. It would seem, from the investigation of a German geologist, a professor in the Heildelberg University, who is spending his vacation in this country, and is examining the natural gas region at Findlay, Ohio, that prospects of a veritable hot pi ice of that description has been found. Prof. Weissenbauer says he found the gas well country around Findlay greatly underestimated, and that underneath the town of Findlay at great depths lay a mighty cavern filled with inflam mable gas under tremendous pressure. He connected some very delicate telephones with steel rods sunk into the earth through the shaft to the well to a distance far below it. He heard boiling of the rocks, plainly accompanied by cracking sounds. A delicate heat instru ment was then connected, and aiter careful calculations based on its results, he found that a distance of only one mile beneath the great gas cavity which lies under Find- j lay a fire was raging at a tempera ture of nearly 3,500 degrees. So astonished was he at this j . . j uiowijr .-.ivu.. i. . i to believe that it could be so. Again and again he made the test, always with the same result. !Nt satisfied with making the observa tion at one point, he took several within a radius of three milts, and his first observations were com pletely continued. He says that about. 1,200 feet below the city of f indlay lies an immense cavern beside which even Mammoth Cave sinks into smallness. It is several miles long and in some places more than half a mile deep. This is crowded full of gas, which is under a pressure almost uncon ceivable. Then comes several strata of rock, perhaps mile in thickness, and then this great internal fire, at a temperature of over 3,000 degress. He says he discovered something of the nature of the strata that lie between the gas cavity and the fires. It is at first solid rock, imper vious and firm. Beneath this lies a great mass of soft and crumbling stone badly formed and full of ' fissures. Then another liyer of! considerable thickness, equal to the first in hardness and solidity. The last of these layers, which lies directly over the fires, is melting away. About ten miles from Findlay, on either side, it is of great thickness, but as the town is reached it increases in thinness. The furnace beneath is disintegrat ing it, and even lessening the barrier between itself and tne gas wells. From the tremendous cracking which is to be heard by means of the second instrument, it is almost certain that the disintegration is going on with great rapidity, and the professor seems to think an early catastrohe not only possible, but probable. Apparently one of the most uncalled for vetoes of President Cleveland, was the one U Senator I'ulph's bill giving the Senator lfliil'U s "m giving uicj nty of Tacoma, W. T., the use of a j nilitarv reservation for a public-! ci m park, Tiif biil contained the proviso that the res-vatii.n wa to be preserved intact, and suojeet t" reversion ft the government if needed, yet the I'n-.-ider.t vctotu t. Cavt. Jon in Basks was rm r.tly , s- ivtii P-iT-f - Orovvnt'f.t at .ai3iie.iu . Una, because he persisted m; carrviug out u cranky notion tat i it was cowardlv to :tk lor aid ; lit was seized with cramjs while bathing and drowned before his comrades learned his situation, although a single cry fur heir would have informed them of his situation and paved his life. preferred to die -ather than resign j his oddly conceived notions on bravery. TO FENCE OK SO T TO FENCE. That is the question that sooner or later, every agriculturist in the country will discuss with a full appreciation of all of the advan tages and disadvantages. The Husbandman says : " Unnecessary fences are expensive property. The cost of building is no small amount, and besides being a heavy tax on their owners to keep in repair tbey occupy valuable land j and are the most prolific breeding place for briars and noxious weeds. As, expensive nuisances they are only excelled by worthless dogs." Which is all true. The fashiui has so interwoven itself into the farming operations of the country, however, that every one deems it almost an impossibility to dispense with the enormous expense oi fencing in every cultivated acre of land, fer the purpose of keeping the growing crops from being des troyed by the "live stock, not stop ping to take into consideration that the live stock could be con fined within fenced inclcs-ires at considerably less than one-half of the expense of the present method of fencing the live stock out of the growing crops. The subject forms a question worthy of consideration. The California (4. A. R. encamj -ment opened at Anaheim, in that state, yesterday. It is expected that 7000 people will be in attend ance, and a regular tenting on the (imaginary) old camp ground will be the role of proceedings. The Seattle Iron works, it is said, will opt n upon a contract to furnish 20,000 tons of steel rails for the Lake Shore and Eastern Kai -road. NEW TO-DA 1. Huntc and Lot f.ir Sale. A ONE AND ONE ilKA- STOIIY 1WEL1 -ing coiitiiiiiin 7 rooms, bath roim ann pantry; Is less than two jtars hjilt; lrLiitio 1 central; another lot adjoining tan be had with bat n if desired, or would sll it separate from dwe'linif Price very low. Apply to T. A S.iane Horen and Hark For Sale. HORSES AND HACK FOR SALE-A WELL matched span of joung horses, weight ihinit Si.O nnimrls ea :h: wood to drive or ride: also a Ugh- family hack; also road cart with Bile, used only a few times; very handsome: tue aoove i are for sale cheap, separace or to gether. Apply to T. A, Phane. Dissolution f Partnership. VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1M partnership heretofore existing Ik t ween Messrs. Emeriek & Dierinifer is tkis daj dis solved bv mutual consent. .Mr. Emeriek re tiring. The business wiil be continued h Mr. Dierinjjer, who will pay Ul indebtedness and collect all outstanding accounts. Those so indebted are requested come forward settle. A continuance of the patronage heretofore extended is solicited. Albany, August 1, 1SSS. Dissolution of Partnership. TZZ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between W. J. Mouteitn and Fred Hoffman, under the firm name of Hoffman & Monteith, is this da dissolved by mutua consent, the former j etainiiitr the saloon business, and the latter tne restauraiu. ji. .1. jionceitn win coneci all accounts, and assume all liabilities in the siloon business, and Fred Hoffman will col lect accounts, and assume all liabilities in the restaurant. FKEU HOFFMAN . W. J. MONTEITH Albany, June 29, 18S. nUKEN FROM A HACK AT ALBANY J on the night cf August I, two valises containing clothing and books. Any one havintr any information in regard to thesame will please communicate with the under signed at Sweet Home, Linn county, Oregon. Eliirr U. E. Lander. For Sale. GOOD BUGGY HORSE A FOUR MINUTE mare of spirited style, yet jretle for la dies to drive, will b- sold reasonable. In- quire at Hkkald office. Fruit Dryer lor Sale. PLCJIMEU FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY size, complete, with additions and im provements, for sale eheap. Apply to A. Blaker, Shedd, Oregon, or to A. Wheeler, Springfield, Oregon. Contractor and Builder.. THE UNDJLRSHiXED HAVING LO catt'd in Albany solicits patronajje frotn city and country. Will contract to build bridtres, barns, and all manner of dwelling houses, iueluilinjr Queen Anne, Eastlake and Elizabethian styles of buildings. Will furnish plans and sp j.-itic it ts fris.i of t i-li irge. Satis jaction guarantee'l W. C. CASSEL Oregon Views, CRAWFORD & PAX TON THE PEOTOSEAPfllHs c UK- ALBANY OREGON. pARRYTHE FIXKST Ll.VE t)r' OREGON V-'visin the West. 'Htalone sent on ali :a'ion. Wt have alo all the negative"! of A.I.. Paxton and J. G Crawford, ana any one can have- duplicates from Che:r at .reduced price. . , . . ipCUltlUal M8II18ni&, FARM IMPLEfnEfiTS'- OF EVERY DESCRIPTION HARDWARE Stoves mi! Tinware -AT- ; PQ!TLANI PltTVES. CALL AND SEE US. E 1TSLS01T, glicaj 0roKO. 1 T 0 I tsks pleasure in anaouasia that I aae removed from'iay oU stars ftolmj asw "bailiia oatae fecraer of Fisst aad Broadalbia Streets. Thanking my customers far' tae liberal patronage they have "bestowed upon me ia the past, I trust that with iaereased facilities aad a large esperieace I may merit a continuance cf it ia the tutors. 1 geo. :w.: (oJCCESSOR TO W. CL3 CO CD CD - f3 rr? CO 03 i-J SAMUEL -DEALER IN- Stovesaaiicl HaTises A LSO A FU LL LIN E OF TINWARE, 1UMPS, HOSE, COEPER WARE Ami eyery variety of cocking utensils and'Jnovelties in house furnishing goods. The publie is iuvited to call and examine this inatdoiotii stock guilder the new management. The City Liquor Store, M. 11AUMGA11T, Proprietor. riTNext .loorfto tltcJiKldiFellowg-emj.le, Albany, Orcon-W Keeps fcnstantly on hand the Guest imported :iml ,i,mu,st"i(. tt.;,1(.s u or9 ci ,ars ar to'"v :o.-i. Only first cuss l!qn'r orc tn she city ' 1 SPECIAL ATTENTION PACT ORDERS FRCM THE CG!:"TRY Children Cry for REMOVAL WILL i STARK DEALERS IN Fine Goid Watches. Diamond Jewelry, Fine Sil verware, Rings,' Ladies Watches and Chains. uiiJ'al! kinds of El egant Jewelry ASTONISHINGLY .LOW PRICES. SMITH H. McFAKLAD; V3 c2 Pitcher s Castona.i " j T fiS staple Groceries I wmm n ni n i BURKHART -THE LEADING BOOK and JOB PRINTER: Of the Willamette Valley. Bank anil Commercial Legal Blanks of All Kinds Constantly on Hand. jjj Send for Estimates and Price List of P8 0$ce in Flinn's Block, Albany, Or. ' 'o the Patrons 1 liave tins d:i- contracte x, of Alh.ui y, to furnish .Manilla infilling twine to atrtiis can call at their nietliod adopted at our business council secure the benefit of mv contract. I have also made arrange ments with the same nrni to furnish a lot of Osborne steel frame binders. .Send in vour orders.- as soon'as ptwsill as hurvpst near. Si!rht;il MART MILLER, Financial A cent." 8PRINGFIELD(SAW?i1ILLS5a SPUIXU-FIELD Hlri?"-ll)any yard aud ofliec on Kiho.id, hut wee 1 4ih and 5th s Having lumber not excelled in fjualitr, andfacilities not surpassed forjthe proiiipt aud satisluelory tilling or orders. resnectfullv solicit a share oflhe ai1- a. WHEELER. WILL BROS Dealers in all the leading Runs, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs, Pianos A full heet music, musical merchandisejamnnmition'tish ! : 4.... Tr j. i i . . i I ing lacK e, etc. n arrauceu razors, Dutoner ana pocket knives. The best kinds of sewing machines XEEDLES, OIL and Extras for all M A CHINES LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc , neatly done W.aF. l(8uccessot to and Winter 1 am now receiving new goods in every line and would cordially invite everybody to call and inspect our stock and prices. We The Live Drv(ods House Of Albany, and snail Sat all times study the ants ot our patrons both in style aud prices" Dry Good Notions, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, " Boots and Shoes, Groceries,Etc Ccill and see me. 5nccesor to & R0YCE, Printing a Specialty. of iiisiiry ! 1 with .I-s v'i. . r te ai C tV ; a larc i urtriti tv of ttiire memoers of our order. Allj lace of husiiiess ainl 1 vtlie j Line of- READ, NY H. ALLEN) mw stock propose to have th m. a::ci. Albany, Ore-gou. j.jjp mmm h inn muwulmjpu i .nu'vumr lldDl WW 1 liB f. 1 IMMJ I I VILA. VI V M V 1 . 4 Tb beat qimlity of tmM, eoffM, ruin. lute, etc CAKES, PIES, Fresh Baked Breac? Every Day. At this old and rabble boose is also to t found a complete assortment, of fresh famif groceries, te wbicfa is constantly being added at ihe seaaontbie lines of gracfi aod proviaieok (Rich as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc. These goods were all boosbt when prior; were low, sod the benefit of the margin t given to iiis vttstomers. Kemember the piou at the old corner on First and Broadalbin Sta. (IttlD Ml. HOFFMAN AND PFE1FFER. Proprietors of CI And manufacturers of ice 7. We are now prepared to furnish cnoiee, f ' camiiec of best grade, consisting; of pure s'i' k, assorted Savors, mixed vandtes, extra Me.ea and cbooohtteieain8. faucr mixed. cjuhIv and a geuerel assortiDnt oi fine candies AT THU!SALE OK BETAIL. VOrders from eottntry dealers promptly asr laned to. J'attor on fVst stzeet, Albany. 1MB, ! .WHIMS a CO., Prp'. NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior Jar UnOx aat taaWs m) tt -m NOTICE. -1 have bought and furnished- eScio tag Mi W'ith new machinery, maln'mr flour by the full ROMi1 Pii.:u.s. Tne mill is now run ninj: and l eaii furnis-li the best of flour and feid at leawouable r:ites. I intend to run my nail in fueh a manner that none can go away dissatisfies. Give me a caf j E. GOUS, Proprietor Scio Mills SEOOID HASDISTORE. pThe vast year ias7Pr'eiOt to be'a nece.risity. The bi st and cheapest place in tLc city to buy your S tOYes , Furniture , tinware We ate ?!-.vays prepared to buy your hensehold furniture at the highest cash pr'.cc Sole ageni tor the PEERLESS OIL CAN And IvA.xip Killer. L. GOTTLIEB. Aitaj Bath House HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR. J5g3Lai:e? "nd cliiidrenVhir dress ng a ?ieouity. DiitiJe satisfaction ' guarante-d. JOHN SpZSi'S Liyery.Feefl&Sale stable Corner Second and Ellsworth Stg. ALBANY, - - OREGON Hossnis boasoko by the day or n-.onth. Car riages or buirvries on reasonable term? vfinl NORTHWEST M and MARINE INSURANCE JCGMPANY PORTLAND, - . . i OREGON iit.i. sun j. "magnolia $.0,lll!l MILLS. JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Prop'r. Will furnisli sacks to farmers and receive wheat at the usual rates of -,rr-age. The highest market price paid for same. i&s'liest ila-nolia fiour always on h md for sale or exhane at reasona ble rates. i JOHN A. CRAWFORD. A -k-n towel? for every customer stU iercck's barter shop. mil tiinofaWT hi i r. i y i Himii f . 1UV VAX ALBANY SODA W01 Confectione iRed Crown Milk Ik Y