Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, August 05, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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O. SciC li.lB. TAttLK.
Cala. expr.
Ktijrene ex
. eparte Arrives.
(;';" urn
11:15 am
7;":i;iinPortrd lOiOam
lArrives- Oeartsj Arrives
?ala exp
Kiiene ex
7:45pm I pm
2;20pm 12 40pm
II 30llil
Ashland:). 00am
Fuene 2 40pm
-v., Freight rccencd ii.rsoutii after It a. M.
of the same day.
Km Alba'y' De-jure-;
Xo 11.
No 13.
11-2.50 p m Lebanon
I 6.10 p in j
p m
p m
K iu Leb'n i
Iv, 12 ,5.iK) inAibanvat.
No 14 '2 00 p m:
5.45 a m
2.45 p m
Arrives iieparts
.lll.laanili.00 p m
J 5.2'pm!(i.50a m
;C We-t Sii'e
.d the Nairow Ganje R.
.- Poi'.Iand and Salem..
lis and Yaquina
Mails at the Albany postottiee close asjfollows:
Fur all o!ti. e.s north i
i he Ka-s' ;rn state3 '
-d:ju a.
r. ;
11 A. M
12:30 p. m
Al olti -s south , 7::i0 p. m.
Tile p ifitolSeu will he closed each cvei.iiii
fromisix to seven o'clock.
K- gist-red matter for the early mor
should he mailed before b o clock the
levioues veiiinL'.
Seven varieties of roasted coffee
at Kenton's.
G. W. Smith does all kinds of
Thos. Kay, of Brownsville, is in
the city.
L. E. Blain has returned from a
trip to San Francisco.
Republican headquarters in Port
land will be reojened August 15.
Hon. J. T. (iresjg, of Salem, was
in the. city yesterday looking after
.'egal business.
Geo. E. Chamberlain, cashier of
the First National bank, paid
Salem a business visit yesterday.
Mr:-. Hios. Hopkins has returned
from Salem, where she had been
visiting her mother. Mrs. A. J.
Patronize home industry and trv
some 01 J. Joseph's Havana tilled
5c. cigars, the tirst of his ownman
facture. Tiwe will b( no preaching ser
vices at the Presoyterian church
U day. Sunday school will be
held as uual.
The best thing for a man to do
Outlook for tie Coming Sessioa Tha Gath
ering of Picneers.
How It Nearly EilWd aa Infant
Yesterday Aftersoon.
wao lias trouble in nis tamilv is
hum .. W. hmith.
The annual fair of th State
Board of Agriculture will open at
the fair grounds at Salem. Mondav,
September 17. It should receive
the attendance and patronage of
flu; people of the -whole stute and
of this northwest coast. The farm
ers are more interested than any
other class of citizens all engaged
in the cultivation of the soil to use
ful and profitable pui poses. The
display a people makps at annual
fairs of the products of their state
is the substantial demonstration of
the quality of the soil, which is the
enduring foundation of the state's
industry, progress and wealth. In
this grand quality Oregon has no
superior in all the United States,
and a greater destiny is before her
as she increases in population.
But others besides the farmers
should take interest in the state
fair. The breeders of horses and
cattle of all varieties of the do
domestic animals, bred to the uses
of mankind ; the manufacturers ;
he mechanics and artisans, artists
;,nd all skilled in the fine arts and
in handicraft; the machinists and
inventors; and all who have that
to exhibit which will interest or
delight the public, while it con
tributes to their own pride and
profit; from all of these the arii
cles for exhibition at the fair
should come. An attractive, grati
fying and important display at
these fairs is that which exhibits
the skill and taste and proficiency
of the duties of the household and
the fair ones who excel in adorn
ment of homes, in the useful and
the beautiful. The pavilion should
divide the attraction with the cat
tle grounds and speeding track.
Ihese annual state fairs are the
yearly reunions of the pioneers
and settlers of Oregon, of this em
pire of the northwest ; the yearly
rendezvous of friends from every
portion of this vast region ; the
gathering for the renewing of hap
py social relations and entertain
ing recollections ; the occasions for
all to enjoy the week or more, of
rest anil recreation from the labors
and cares of the year. The people
of Oregon should cherish, foster,
cultivate and perpetuate these an
nual tairs and gatherings. The
preparation for them should not be
neglected, to the purpose that the
exhibition shall excel any of the
past. In this spirit the ensuing
state fair can be made an occasion
of greater pride and satisfaction to
ill. Sews.
Yesterday afternoon the five
months old babe of James V. Pipe
wa3 placed asleep upon the bed in
the bed-room, from which a floor
opened into the sitting-room occu
pied by Mrs. Pipe and others. In
t le course of an hour or more a
-light smothered noise was heard
in the bed-room, and the child's
mother cn going to the bed was
bonified to see a half grown pet
coon upon the child's breast, with
its mouth fastened over the child's
lips. It had entered at the open in- -'v
uiiKiow ami iiituing the oabe
asleep had bitten it about the
mouth, and was sucking away its
blood and fat smothering "it to
death. The babe was so smoth
ered and weakened from loss of
blood that it could utter but a
faint noise, and Mr. Pipe thinks in
five minutes more would have been
killed. Fortunately the child will
not suffer any serious results from
its encounter with the coon. It is
unnecessary to add that the coon
is now dead.
i:vcelleiil Books.
Andrew Haie is out with the
Daughters of America and his
primrose album. Look out lor
him and Mrs. F. E. Robinson, as
they are going to canvass this citv
in behalf of the Daughters of
America. A nicely gotton up, and
very intresting book telling us all
about what our great women of
America have done, and still do
ing. Published by True fc Co.,
Augusta, Me., and their tine prim
ruse album, from the same house.
They will to sell like hot cakes.
Subscribe for a copy of each.
WnntF.. When m bv Whom Sehvi.
CES Wiu. kb Held To-Day.
Catholic Services every Sunday
at i()::J0 u. 111. Sunday school at 2 p.
in. at the Academy. Kev. L. Metayer,
Chiustiax Cn i' 1:011 Services every
fur! ii t'iKia a their church building
by Ib-v. !. i Whllcr at 11 a m. and
usual dor j ihe evvenhsg. Suuday
schoo! al 10 ;. ill.
Ev.(,ej Corner of Lyon and
Focrth .'i!c't services 11 a. ni.
and i 'X . .11 ":.tor Ki-v. S.K. Davis. sciioo1 !U:. id. Praer mtet
in:r evei Vcdued.'y even'mir.
Meti'oiu-t. Corner Ellsworth and i near
Third stieeis. Services ;u 11 a. in. and j
i'::u.ia. rV-ior, P.ev. H. I'. Webb, j
Sa'ub.Vih schou! . m. Prayer meet- ,'
erv lhuibday eve;sin. :
Pke-bvtekiax. CoiMcr oT Broadal !
bin and Fifth t-treets. Service - at 11a:
in. and TwO . ui. Pastor IJev. E. K. i
tVuchard. Sabbath school at !2:lo p. '
ui. Prayer meeting every Wednesday
evening. j
U.MTED PESVTER!AX. Col lier of !
Washington and Filth streets. Servi- j
ces at II a. in. and 7:00 p. 111. Pastor Kev. i
S.G.Irvine. Sabbath school afi::J p. j
111 Prayer meeting every Wednesday j
evening. j
St. Paul Methoiust Corner Mont- j
romery and Third streets. Services at j
il a. in. and 7:U' p. 111. Pastor, Kev. j
G. F. Round. S;bbalh school at 10 a. I
ni. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evenings. j
Baptist. Corner of Lyon and Fifth
streets, Services al 11 a. 111. and 7 : j
p. m. Pastor Kev. L. J. Trumbell. i
Sabbath sclioo! immediately after the j
morning services. Prayer meeting )
every Thursday evening.
Services will be held in St. Peters Epis- j
copal church every alternate Sunday,
morning and evening. Sunday school I
at aO a. in. Friday evening service j
on every Friday preceding the Sunday j
service. All are invited to attend.
Sccp Soa t is!iig ExrursiiD!.
Ihe sfeamt r Mistbief is pnpared
take parties out to sea from New-
j iort lisliing.and will make frequent
j trips when the weather is pleasant,
t Parties desiring to go on some par
ticular day will please send notice j
ahead. Tickets .d, not including!
j meals. Address J. J. Winani, !
j master of steamer Misc-hh-f, Nt-sv-i
mm k n
IrirU lor .;.
Henry Clark has completed
burning the last of his brick kilns
tins city, and now oilers for
sale Ki.3,000 first-class brick. He
will burn no more until after har
vest, and those in need of brick
Until the. 15th of July, the usual time tor offering
reductions in Summer Goods,ve have decided to offer
hould see him at once.
Contractor ami Kuiiiicr.
cated in Albany solicits patronage
from city and coui.tiy. Will contract
to buiid bridges, barnV, and all manner
of duelling hou-es. including Cjueeii
Anne, Ea-tiake and Elizabethian etvies
of buildings. Will furnish plans and
sptjeiii.- Hons f;- ; ; of t charge. Satis
jaction guaranteed W. (;. CASSEL-
Itioliitiwn of I'arlucrshi!.
i iartnershiu heretofore existing between
W. J. Monteitn and Fred Hoffman, under the
firm name of Hoffman & Jlonteith, is this day
dissolved by inutiia eonscii:, the furtuur
eniininr the saloon business, and the latter
the restaurant. M. J. Monteitn will collect
all accounts, and asstmie all liabilities in the
siioon business, and Fred Homn-in will col
lect accounts, and assume ail liabilities in the
Albany, June.29, 13SS,
D:itih trimmings
Our entire tock of light goods and wash labries,
consisting of ginghams, chambrays, lawns, batiste,
chambrav-ginghaLas Swisses, mulls, ratines, embroi
dered suits, giugams,duster linen,foulards,naiusooks
jaquenets, percales,on and white goods. Also eleven
dozen Indialin
Trees to an Acre.
This fall when you go to plant
trees or shrubs out in your garden
or orchard it will be found useful to
have some table like the one below
at ham! to answer questions. This
table is correct and you can have!
it at hand in some convenient !
place to use when the proper time j
tomes: mx incites by 0 inches,
lo4,l'4;): 18 inches bv" 12 inches,
4.-J.5f;0; IS inches by IS inches.
19,:M) ; 2 feet bv 1 foot, 21.780;
2 feet by 2 feet, 12,SK); 3 feet bv 2
feet, 72t';0 ; 3 feet bv 3 feet, 4S40 ;
4 feet by 4 feet, 2730: 5 feet bv o
A new invoice of
at Read's.
Ice cream every dav
Boots and shoes at cost
A Staiiald's.
Accident insurance at
rates by Burkurt iV Keeney.
A tine line of in.poited cigars
eeiv 1 at Drownell ic S'.anard's
Gentlemen's sof: J::its at original
eo?t at Monteilh v.V Seiteniaclt's.
A choice lot of uiicM)ivased eastern
hams at Wallace iV Thompson's.
A full line of ladies' slippers at cost.
Xo broken .-izes to-jiay, at Monieith i
iSeiten bach's.
.Notice lit 4'oiilractors.
W the next regular term of the count
commissioners court for Linn county, Oregon,
to be held at the court house in tht city of
.-winain, on nednesuay, the sth tlav ot i
August, lsS.j, sealed ans, spc.ificaciuns,
strain diagrams and bit's will be received for
iiiidimv a bridire across the swale on tin-
Shwid and Alhanv road, about one-hair mile!
r ranCCS I south of Kendalls bridge. Said briiige to be j
j l-"'0 feet lout;, Hi feet wide. Also for the I
.j ! buildii'sr 'A a covered bridire across Thomas '
.rownell creek, at -he noint where the old l.ri,,-,. !
j known as th- bevaney bridge stooil. Said
the lowest 1 ''r"'u t0. ';e "hiety feet in the clear bet'e:n j
I tJ'ci.-, iiei'ni 01 oeiiis i-i leei a'ni 10 lect wide
1 n the clear inside.
) All bids must be filed with the e'erk on or
I before 1 o'-.lock 1. M. of the above men
i tinned day. 'lie? court reserves the right to
! reject any and all bids.
Done l;v order of the court this 9th dav of
j July, A. it., lssi E. E. MoNTAGKE,
; County Clerk.
feet, 17o0;
I) feet bv 1
feet. tl'.IO-
( teet bv
foot, 7ul5 ;
8 feet bv
i feet, 1200;
Mexican Cactus liittcrs is the best
I remedy in the v.nrh: for liver and kid
; ney diea.-es, indigestion, etc. For sale
at .M. Kanrngart 3.
w.. 1, .,.n . ,i
8 feet by ': and voti wilido wci
one 1 toot ,
kinds of
lo ee
fruit jars !
us before j
A 1'leasant Tally.
A very pleasant social party wa
given at tlie residence of ?dr. I), j
I . Mason, Friday evening under
the auspices of the young people's
society of Christian Endeavor.
The affair was conducted by
.Misses Flora and Vesta Mason.
The elegant lawn was brilliantly
illumined with Chinese lanterns
and the affair was a most enjoy
able one.
Will Return to locate.
Henry Hopkins, of Fond de Lac,
Wisconsin, who has been vioi'.i::;
his brother, Thos. Hopkins, of this
city, started for his home yester
day morning. He is delighted
with this part of Oregon, and will
return here to locate as soon as he
can dispose of his property in Wis
consin, and he will endeavor to
bring other settlers with him.
Kiurd 'i." and '!.
In Justice Brink's court yester
day morning Charles Miller, of
Lebanon, convicted of assaulting a
Chinaman, was fined $25 and costs.
The latter amounts to about $150.
Two Sew Steal
Capt. J. F. Haurahan, who built
the Richardson, the staunchest
and handsomest craft ever built cn
Yaquina bay, is the gentleman,
says the Yaquina Post, who has
the contract for building the two
new steam schooners now building
at Yaquina. They already give
promise, in his hands, to be the
equal of any vessels built else
where on this coast.
Hell lonr I ruit.
To the Willamette Packing Co.
ol this citv. Thev will pav good
prices for all the liartlett pears and
blackberries that are offered.
ouy a stov
sure cure.
Judge R. S. Strahan, J. J. D -bruiile.
A. Klein and C. W. Watt3
left last night for a month's hunt
ing and fishing trip down the
In a few days the city and coun
try will be painted red with the
mammoth posters of Hell Bros,
circus, wnicu will exhibit here on
Aug. 28.
Mr. W. I. Vawter, of Halsey,
recently principal of the Eugene
pubac school, has accepted the
position of cashier of the new
Medford bank.
Prof. W. J. Crawford, recently of
the McMinnville college, and
special agent for Appleton Cyclo
pedia of American Biography, is
Joe McAuIirfe, champion heavy
weignt pugnist oi the coast, and
several other well known fighters,
leave shortly to make a tour of the
state and Oregon.
J. P. Hail left last night for
Coos bay to visit relatives. He
will start from Roseburg on a bi
cycle and make the 80 miles across
the mountains on his wheel.
A number of people from this
city will go to Sodavilie and Water
loo to-day. The Juvenile band
leaves this morning for the latter
place in their band wagon.
Mr. J. F. Stubblefield, of the
Walla Walla business college, is in !
the city with his wife, on his re
turn to that city after a visit of
several days at "his old home in
If you want a first class job of
work or repairing done, don't for
?et to call on li. W. smith, who i
has G. W. Fish in his employ, who
is known by every one a3 a first
class workman.
Curran & Monteitn sold yester
day to Hermann Xeugebauer, 140
acres of land, about nine miles
south of Lebanon, the property of
' i. W . W illis, and the stock on the '
place; consideration, $1900.
The three-year-old trotter, Fritz
Hambleton, by Fred Hambleton,
while being driven on the track at
Hilisboro Friday, slipped and
broke his leg at the pastern. He
was going his mile in 2:40. Mr.
Tongue valued him at $."000.
The members of McPherson Pjst J The Oregon Alphine Club con
and Relief Corps, assisted by a j elude, for good and suflicie..t
number of citizens, will put on an j reasons, tlmt the name Mount
interesting drama at the opera j Rainer, shall be retained, instead,
bouse on Friday evening. August j as has been proposed in some
24. The proceeds of the play t go t quarters, of changing to Mount Ta
towards liquidating the indebted-! coma.
ness on the hall. A larse attend-
an -e is solicited and anticipated.
uov. Pennoyer has appointed !
tlie toilowiug notaries public: C.
H. Woodward, T. Brook White, I).
W. Wakefield and John Bain.
Portland ; J. M. Pavne and Wviie ;
A. Moores, alem ; C. W. Hudson, I
roresc urove ; teorge watkms
and J. E. Hundley, The Dalles;
(j. C. Green, Pendleton.
Oa Monday last as Mr. Vinson,
of Lebanon, was driving some
cattle along the road his hor.-e
r-iUtni!ed and fell, throwing him
n a small s:u n, striking him in
the left side and fracturing two
' is. lr. T .amber -on was ca led
-tnd atteiu'el to his injuries. Tie
'id gent! is some 8M years oi
t -e.
54:;4;10 feet by 10 feet, 4:10;
feet by 1 foot, 4.JS0 ; 12 feet bv
feet, 300; 15 feet bv 15 feet, 200;
feet by IS feet, l.'Io"; 20 teet by
feet lit); 22 feet by 22 feet, 0;
feet dv o0 feet, 50.
A wind break one mile in leirj
requires 52S') seedlings or euttiJi
if set one foot apart in the row.
Y. 51. C. A. Meeting.
The fifth annual convention of
the Young Men's Christian Associ
ation of Oregon, Washington ter
ritory and British Columbia will
be held at Seattle, W. T., com
mencing Thursday, .September
20th. Prominent clergymen and
lay workers will be in attendance,
and the largest gathering of Ch: i.--tian
young men that has ever met
on the upper coast may be ex
pected. Full particulars may be
obtained by corresponding with
the chairman of the executive
committee, E. C. Frost, Portland,
i placing your order:
Iskov. Nr.i.L A; Staxako.
j If you want us to call at your house
j. totals orders, pb-:. -e leave word at
our store. Bruwm it e-: St.inard.
j Just, received, another lot rf tho-e
j line hand sewed French kid shoes. th
i very cheap.t eier brought to town at
j W . t . Head's.
bell protection is the first law
nature. Follow it by securing an
eiueiu poncy oi isurkiiart iV. Keeney
Just leceived at 'V. F. Read's a full j
line of ladies line muslin underwear,
also girls' white dresses and infants
slips. Call and see them.
That exquisite line of satins in ur j
show window will be ran close this
week. Have no excuse for not get- i
ting in on them. Montieth A; tieiteu- j
i ach.
At Actual Cost
sum of
sold for from $1 to $2, for the nomia
'.-iltror:ii;i al.R-t urj.
The only guaranteed cure for ca
tarrh, cold in the head, h.iv fever.iw
crM, eatrrhal deafness aud ao-e cj
lies' ore toe sense of taste andunple?s
nut brearh, resulting from catarra,
Kan- and p;easant to u.-e. Fo low
directions aud a cure is warranted, by
all d-uggists. Send for a circular
to Abietine Medical Com;..anv. Oro-
iBrowIlfi Staoard's. !
Come Early and Get Sizes.
i m liiiu
Sale !
Vile. Cal.
Six months'
vr, v. Myers fverely Hart. I
Mr. V C Afvprs th ! !i' ! se,u ;"1. l-lt).
known horse breeder of Ashland. u tay & Maso"'
was severely hurt lhursrlay morn-
treatment for !
For sale by ;
Acting under the law requiring
the secretary of state to collect,
prepare and present all accounts of
the state against the general gov
ernment, Secretary of State Mo
Bride is now, and has for some
time been busily engaged in for
warding to the interior department
at Washington proofs in support of
claims for indemnity for expenses
j incurred by the state in the Indian
wars ot 1S77-S. The amount of
I the clai m is about $44,000, and all
j the obtainable vouchers and
j proofs have already been forwarded
j to the department. These papers
1 are now being considered by the
The proceedings of the seventh
annual encampment of the Oregon
G. A. K. has been issued bv the
Baker City Blade job oliice, "mak
ing a book of 84 pages.
K. M. Propst killed, on Mam
moth Ridge. Baker county, re
cently, an immense? cougar, "meas
uring seven and a half feet.
ing. He was breaking in two half
breed Shetland onies on the Karey
system, when in some way which
he is unable to explain he was
knocked senseless and received a
severe bruise on his head and an
other on his breast and his hand
was badly hurt. While painfully
bruised and hors du combat, his
condition is not considered dangerous.
Slake no Mistake.
By dispelling the symptoms so often
mistaken for consumption. Santa
Abie lias brought glidness to many a
household. By its prompt use for
breaking up the cold that too often
develops into that fatal disease,tlious
ands can be saved from an untimely
grave. You make no mistake by
keeping a bottle of this vleasant rem
edy in your house. California Cat- K
Cure is equally elfectiye in eradicating
all traces of the Xasal Catarrh. Uoth
of these wonderful California reme
dies are sold and warrented bv Fos
hay tV. Mason.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are
various, and statistics show conclusive
ly that more pysons die from diseases
of the throat and lungs than any other.
It is probable that everyone, without
exception, receives vast numbers of
Tubeicle (lerms into the system anil
where these germs fall upon suitable
soil they start into life and develop,
at first slowly and is shown by a
slight tickling sensation in the throat
and if allowed trt continue their
lavages they extend to the lunys pro
ducing consumption and to the head,
causing catarrh. Now all this is
dangerous and if allowed to proceed
will in time cause death. Al the onset
you must act with promptness; allow
ing a cold to go without attention is
dangerous and may lose you your
life. As soon as you feel tliat .some
thing is wrong with your throat, lungs
or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschee's
German Syrup. It will give .you im
mediate relief.
An Ab.solnle Care.
The Original Abu-tine- Ointment is
only put up in large two-ounce tin
boxes, and is an absolute cure for old
sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands
and all skin eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the
Original abietine. Ointment. Sold by
Fosli.iv i , Mason at 25 cents per box
by mail .'JO cents.
Will sell
closed out.
until all are
Brownsville Suit
Uivcn Away.
F. Read proposes to D-ive aw.iv
a fine gold watch with his' "-old and
j silver prize shirt, the very best fitting
ami nest mane wtnte shirt in the
market. 1 he price is as low or lowi
Oregon Views,
than any equally as good shirt in the ,.lt;on. w have also all tha negatives of A.B.
maiket. Paxton and J. U. Crawford, and anyone can
have dujilicates from then1 ax .reduced prices.
Leave your orders at Browne!! & 1
Stanard's for choice berries. 1
Fine old cherry bounce at M. Bauiu-gait's.
patrons anil friends that h can be fonnd
on Lynn street, between Engine Co. No. 2
and First street, until his neu roums in Fo
shay iSc Mason 8 brick are rt-adv,
Agricultural Implement,
Stoves and Tinware
Columbia River Route
j Trains for the East leave Portlandjat 10 A. st
anu 2 p. m. uaily.
rpT01'Ti,rnQ to and from principal
X -LliVJu J. O pninlH in I'niteci States,
Canada and Europe.
Emigrant flSleepiog aCars Run Throcgh on
Express Trains
E. 2TELS027,
Shedd Oregon.
and ST. PAUL
Free of Dbarge and Without Change,
Close Connection at Portland for San Fian
ciseo and Pnget Sound points.
liiieklen .truiea Salve,
The bet Salve in the world for cur,
bruises. ores, ulcer, en It 1 hen in',
fever mh-i, tetter chapped h .-,i! ..
chilblains, corns, and ail .-kin 'ru;..
tions ;did posiiivelv cn'-s ni'es. or ijn
pay required. IX is guaranteed !r
.tfive l-erirct .-.iti-faelio'i in- m. :.- .
Renew.- Her Vttutlt'
.Mrs. flnebe Chesley, Peterson I'lav
coiuily Iowa tells the following remark
abie -tory.the truth of whieh is voiu 'n- i
'd for by lomr residents of tin-town: I
i am 7:'. years old. have been troubled !
with kidney complaint and l.imc;n-ss i
for many years; coiiM not ,'ues- inv-!
scil' without help. Now I am five I
from all pain and sorene-s. ;i!irj .un j
able to do my own liou.-evmrk. f
my thanks to Kb ct'-ii- Hitters fci-
It ilu
; For further particulars inquire of Curaan &
j Moutcith, First Street.. Albany, Oregon. J
i ti. P- A T. A,
w. ii. Hmxomi,
lieneral Manajer.
j 4ry"E'its leave the O. IL N. Co.'s wharf, at
! the foot .f Eroadilbin street, un Tuesdxv and
i Friday of each week. C. G. UAWLINUS,
! Local Ajent.
Classical, Literary, Sci
entific, normal, Bas
iaess, Law and
At "os!
Trv :i i
.iv and
vnu'.i:. ;oi
i'..-i.-.i--i :o.i;
ceti.- ami
Commencing Monday, July d2
Having been authorized by tlie manufacturers to
close these goods at cost to the factory, we have
marked them in lots, to be sold strictly for cash,
four Choice it Less TJiac koice Price,
These goods are made from the best Oregon vvool
and Warranted first-class, This is a splendid oppor
tunity to secure
All Wool Goods
At such prices. If the manufacturer cannot give
you bottom prices, who can? Come and judge for
yourselves. Most ot these goods are suitable for any
season, Several desirable lines of lightweights will
be included in the sale at trom
otiee of final Settlement.
mi iei?i.'Hu. executor ifi- ia-" wilt
ti--tiir!t:it and estate of S. O. Haley, !
; i!t-ie.'e.l. I: i tilii iiis Sail lc-"!;nt in said
esiaw v.i;-ii nc t.i'ain. ;iei. i.'i i.iiiii i-ui;Lj ,
that the 'jonnrv co'irt of wdd
s fixed iior.'l.-.v.A'iTi-t h,l;Ss,i0A.M
s the t-aiif. ior object ;! to said ac-
n io.t-;
v. i v elt-t
bv i"
l e .-K s.
1.1. i
. E V.Oi.VKR""ON.
Attorney f-.-r Kxccuior
In t !tm ion
u' r:
!' itMriii:. in the Xorthwest.
:,s .-.ti-!i)i".'r :.!. lS-i- Ad
,'S. A.N' .-toV, l-resiii, :it,
Sju-.-m, .ivsy.i.
I connt arj-i -clt!:i4r tl;r sanie.
1-Mteu this 'th la cf Jn'y, 1-
o 1150 Pi IT