THE :iOFtXTNa TIIVESDAY. AUGUST 1SSS. fairanrrrnmwuwi ''his is the top of the G IC NUIXE PEARL TOP LAMP CHWNEV All others similar are imitation. 1 1 ns exact Lai el is on each Pe.irl To;: LChiinr.ev. A iealer inav sav (and think hp 'has others a good, ISL'T n K has not. In sist noon the rxact Laoel and Top. For sale ev-'v where. Made only by v'EO. A. 31AIIJKT1I & Co Pittsburg, Fa. "When Baby was sick, "We gave her Castoria. "When sbe was a Child, She cried for Castoria. When sbe became Miss, She clung to Castoria. When she had Children, She gave them Castoria. Dr. .1. V. Oall". physician ami Sur jreon, Shei'.il On-iron. Osbtirn duos just received at Browne!! & Stan--rdV. CMlflrenCrjftrPitclier's Castoria Received a lare invoice of barber supplies from Philadelphia, at Veireck's barber shoi. Great Englisli Bemetlj, 'iade Mark. Murray's Specific A irniraateed cure for all nervous diseases, smh as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain IWer, Hysteria, Headache Pain 111 the liack, Nervous Prostration, Wakefulness, i v .-.-..1 1 Jt.; Before I aking. tU(ie Sfclinai Weakness, Iai otency and general loss 1 f power o h (enerati e t)rjraii3 in either sex caused by indiscre:ion or over-exertion, ami which ul timately lead to Premature TrmdeMark. Old Age, Insanity and Con sumption. sl.CO a box or six boxes for5.00. Sent by mail 011 receipt of price. Full par ticulars in pamphlet sent free to every applicant. Ve i;uarauJcf U ftoves to cure any case, tor every $5.00 order received we send. si boxes, with a vvntteaftjf-jjkiRtr. guarantee to refund the money if our Specific does not effect a cure. Address all commu nications to the Sole Manufacturers." the Murray Medicine Co., Kansas.SjCitv, Mo. XSTSold in Albany by Fos'nay i usliuy A" Mason, sol agents & D. I .! 11 IAJ! Has accejited the a-'e:icy of O.c-on and W. j l. lortneA. narr:s Electric Batten7 OR Little Kentnciy Giant. Ibis Lattery can be used and kept in order i w,ui tmt mtie?tu,.y orevpete. n is one 01 the finest phvsiol wis" anu family batteries in the market. Aivope wishing to purchase a pood battery vi:l do well to call and examine them. The melical wo:' ' acknowledge the preat healing rower of electricity in many diseases, am' especially those ot a uhron'c character Tl e doctot 1 pr-pared to give electrical treatment. There has been no ex pense spared in procuring every appliance necessary to obtain the b tit curative effect from this potent acnt. You will find at his office the Far.vdic and the (Jalvaidc batter ies, the Galvariou.etor, millampere meter, the automatic Khectoinc, electric needles, Ualva no Magnet, the jrrir.t galvanic ehair.etc. Per sons desiring to purchase a battery or wishing electrical treattnent, will tali at Dr. Jones' office on Third and Wai?htnton streets, Al baoy, Drefe'on PATENTS CiVEATS.TRADE MARKS AND COPY fliGKTS Obtained, and all business in the U .S. Vatent Oliice attended to at moderate fee. Our office is opposite the U. S. Pat ent Office, and we can obtain Pate"s in less time than those remote lrom Washington. Send model or drawing. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div , and toofli cials of the U . S. Patent Office. wor cireular, advice, terms and lefero .-es to actual clients in your own Stat or county, write to a. ssw a ., Opp Pat. Office, Washington, D, C. For j'our fine imported and Ke West cigars, sro to f. Baumgart vigar store, one door east of Black man's drug store. "You will never miss the'; water 'Till the well runs dry." If you want a well dug call on E. B. I)avidson. He does prompt work at a reasonable price. Orders can be left Jit this office. H. F. MERRILL, Banker ALBANY, - - ORKGOX Sells exchange on "New York, S:in Francisco and Portland. Buy notes, slate, county and city "warrants. Receive deposits subject to rheck. Interest allowed .m time de posits Collections attention Correspondence solicited.' lf Office hours from s a. m. u op. m Agent for reliable lire and marine insurance companies. JOHN BRIGGS, Roses a Specialty.' Cemetery lots y. anted and cur-i for ; y tl.e month or year. ALHASV, " - - OKEGON l' f .. ."Lo rr'ivfS VTV till ' tliccse direct iwm tixu factory. am THE MARKETS. Al.RAXV liL'OTATIOXS. Wheat 5fl(ffHi Oats o)t.i 40c. Flour ?4 pei bbl. Potatoes lot. E-irs 2J.Vc. Butter 20e. Lard 0Uc. Wool K . Hams 10j.12c. Shoukli:rs-;Sc. Bacon '.)(g 10c Hay Timothy, oats an I cheat, Apples Green, 1(S1.5U per bu. Plums Dried, 'Kc-.lOe. per B. Apples dried bleached 'Je sundried 61. Sc. Chickens ?:.502 50 Hides Be-f hides, yreer.'o c, fdru-d 10 c : deer skins, :20c; shecppelts, lt( o0?. according to wool. Beef :i(tti4v gross. Mutton 52 ob per Lead. H oirs 5U.0e, d ressetl. Lard Ke.s, or,; 3 gallon tius,'SJc; pails, tic. I'OHTLAXn MARKETS. "Wheat Quote vallev 1 1S(S1 :23; Walla Walla, dull, SI lfi( 1 17 Oats-Market dull. Ouote4-47aC Flour Valley standards quoted at 00, and Walla WVila brands So M,t 3 ;, superfine ?"2 o er barrel. Hay Baled timothy quoted at 10 17 per Jon. Feed Bran per ton, ?10(,?1S: shorts lS(g,i0; chopped barley, 2425 per ton. Barley Brewinir.per ctl?l ground per ton, $"23(it"27 50. Hops Quote dot 0c per pound. Butter Choice dairy, 3Utjj:55l.;C per lb brine in rolls, 20(((;27c. Kffirs Fairly steady; Hie per dozen. Provisions Bacon, 10f lOJi'e; hams, 12(' 12J.c; shoulders, i('Tc. Wool Plentiful. Valley, l!(g20c; j Eastern Oregon, U(' lc Meal Steady, Beef, wholesale, -!(.?: I lb; dressed, Set sheep 44!:jV ! per lb; dressed, 7c; lios, tlaessed, Oyt ! c; veal, i(i';0c. Potatoes Markefheavv. Vr ctl. 73(ftS0c. Buriianks favorite. i Children Cry forPitclier's Castoria THE laiiiiiiisi Route ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD.! AX1 Oregon Development Co.'s Steamshio Line' 25 MILES SHOBTEH. AND 2 2 Hours Less Time. Tlian by any other route: First-class thruuuh p-.'.-sc'icr and freight ! ;rom Potland and all points in the Wil- ! mette V;-Ucy to and from San Francisco Accomodations unsurpassed' tor conn'. irt and safety. Farts and freiiri.ts via Yai;uina and : the Oregon Development company's steam- j ships, much less that by any oth'.-r route be j tweer. all points in the YVill'.amette Valley j id San Frtincisco. j Sailing dates. FROM SAX FSAXCtSTO Willamette Vallev AiiL"0th i Willamette Valley " H th Wil amette ;licv " -"jtn , 1 ! FROM YAnUISA. Wiliamett" Valley Atw. )'h j Willamette Wiley " l ilhj l lie ciiii(ja:i n(.ii: tut nu it cita;iue S 15. te. ";en- F. &!P. A. pnt. l 304 Moutzomei v' street, San Ftancisco.fCal. i i-assfn-okji tr.ixs Kxcept Sundays.) 1 Lv auuina (:-); a m " Corval'.is 10:38 a m Ar Albany 11:10 A M l.v Aibany l"cO P. V ' " OrvalHs J -40 P at laquma f--ii r. v O. A: 0. traiiis connect at Ao..,r.v and v'or- vall WM. M. IIoAfi, C. C. Hoot R. fiemrai y.i.ui.. r. Acting G. F. 0: P. Ajjent (,'or". al!is, Oreiron ior THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN, FAHRM'S PANACEA, recommended for all manner of chronic or old standing complaiiits, enif tions of the skin, such as pimples, blotches and rashes, ringworms, tetter, saltrheum, scald head, Scrofula, or King's Evil, rheumatism -ain 1; the bones, side anil head, and al seases arising from impurity of the blood. The only genuine is manufactured by S. E. Dubbel successor to Fahrney Bros, i Co. Waynesboro Pa. Price reduced to 75c. per bottle. ' DUBBEL CARBOLIC OiT- Mf-WT s proving to be a fine lemed" lllkil I also. Price 25c per box' DUBBEL RED THYME PAIR PURE is the wtirl(is greatest pain remedy W U II L it is used both internally and ex ternally and acts like niatric. For pains cramps in the stomach or bowels it worth its weight in gold. Price 25c. per bottle DR. WRIGHTSMAN'S SOV EREIGN BALM OF LIFE & sold for several years in the cast and has proven beyond a doubt to be the greatest boom to women, the world has ever knew. It is for the relief of the pangs of niaternitv and the cure of all female complaints, Women will hail this with joy after they read the testimonials in the r 'ars from hundreds of women who have use Price $1.00 per bottle. We invite everybody to call ami see circu lars and testimonial of this most valuable of family medicines. For sale by IJevoe i Kob son and ltrownell & Stanard. P. J. Baltimore. General Agent- Wi. Fortmto & Co, -Funeraj, Directors PROWPT.ATTEKTION,F;EST-CLASS KEARSt i-i' Ai'tc- .business ro;ir corner Fifth and liaker streets. A clean towel! for Yiei'eck's barber si:- ic vc.; a! Cftatcrlft ie Tk?. garer! "FfSeiiCT tenaw and quick rggg ft-; laiijantu' and CLiidren's Coiail3fcrt Superior to Castor C?i? Paregcgzo w Narcotic Syrsvp3. CShfflArea csy for Csaiorx. Castoria crjrrt CoUrr, Constipation ; n "t rseocimenA Castoria 0? cendren'r fstur Stomach, liiarrijfrc, Kntctaiion; 8 rorr.plajnto, a gaperior touny preocriptics f5iv healtby tlet-p ; aiso Bias digijatioil S B known to me, H. A. Agchos, Id. D-. ClUtiifiUt'fiarcoUsS atuelcuuii. Jll So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn. JAY. JCse CojffAsy, 27 Horny St., ewYcrk. ff AiNNVi lle "(Allege" STEW. AM & -Dealers in- General - Iron. Steel and Coal Wufjons and liuyaies llojie and. Covdatje, JilacL'sm it ft s ' Sapjd tea Garden and M all Implements AGRICULTURAL DEPOT V I I it li vT IVi. J Lv 1 .J DEYOE & ROBSON, Proprietors! ALBANY. Z Z OKEGON. Have removed ii.tefil tit nw tU!-.':i g sid Lsac in Ui.ti fir the twle of 5 A FULL LINE OF GARDENER'S AND CARPENTER'S TOOLS, The largest ana best variety of STTJDEBAKER 1 1SEWT0N FARM 'EACZS AXD BUGGIES In the central WiiUur.ette Valley. Orders lrom a.distance solicited at:d 01 omptly tilled at lowert rates. inois rurmiure ttousei THOS. BRINK. Best Line of Furniture In the Citv of Albrnv! Fane" Wicker Chairs Lounges. Parlor a Cornice Poles Mirrors Feather Pillows Srino- Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exten sion Tables Suits, And what you can't find at other houses, I have it. In faetevery thing that is kept in a first-class house. n "Ash. Maple and Walnut Chamber sets. Chairs. Spring Beds. Lounge Etc., Etc. at lrices that TCANNOTLBE UNDERSOLD. ALBANY - - OREGON 1 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. is McMinnviile CotaJ 1 ' y MC MINXVILl.E OREtiOX. Six courses of study two of four years each, two of three, and two ol two years. Diplomas andcertilicatcs o. graduation sjiyeii. Fine rooms in coileire building for younjr men. President lives in collcire building and boards with the students, thus makinir the school a home. For catalogues, address T. fi. lJJiOWJYSON, Pkeidf.xt. SOX. Hardware AND - Carpenters' Tools 11 a i I dcrs II a rdware I'owder, Shot. etc. Giant Powder & Fuse Saws and Axes. Grrass Seeds M t)y Farmers ! I FORTMILLER I 1 II AVE SOM 171 1 1 L( I U J! rORT-1 ANT TO SAY TO Til Kill j CUSTOMERS. THEY j I LATE ; Just Oneneu ; a fixe'j.ixe of Hill IWllaiK IN RICH GOLD jFEAML'S. Al.t-0 A full assert :r.ent of i 3 n Newest Styles FINE jje u Cowan ial5ston & Co., j .-(" ' I SSC'KS TO 1 COW-AX CUSICK j Albany, - - Oregon j Transacts a .nicra! banking business. Draw si.-ht drafts on Nlvv rt". San Fran iscoaud l orl'.iud, "r. Lean money n approved security. Receive deposits subject to check. Collections entrusted, to us 11 rce ive romnt attention. Fanersfi Merchants C 0,M a ANY j -01'- Oregon ; U..1. (I vunz.ii' ' s5.-,,(t'j. On-ICKKS. j rresi.lciit Charles K. Wolvorton. 1 Yice-l'resiilent .1. (). VVritti'.ian. j Treasurer J. V,. Cnsick. I Secretary J. K. JiKIcrkiu. DIKECTOKS. K. . Mraiian, l iias. E. Wolvcr ton. J. L. Cowan, D.Jll. Monteith. J. W. Cusirk, J. O. :Vritsman, J. K. Kltlerkin, Charity Monteith. 13. F. Siu.ijison. j Safe, Sound, DonsemtiTe A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People Parsosiss Hcne Enterprise 1 0 tl A IV VII VIA Southern Pacipic Company's THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. California express trains run daily between Albany and San Francieco. Through time, I I ff , and all kinds of FURNITUE j 1 ' Upholstered ! . ml m I r 1 rj 1 ttv 1 LiniiloiiiifyDaiik! 1 eiiDairr iiHOUiiililbL anit V k)l ft1 and V 1 VllllUl 35 HOVBS 35 4 :00 m . . Lv Portland7Ar 10:40 am 8:00 m . . Lv Albany Lv . . 7-05 am 7:40 m..Ar S. Francisco. Lv.. 6:30.pir. Lral Pass. Trains Daily Ex. Sunday 8:00 a m. . Lv Portland Ar. . 3:45 pin 2:40 p m..Lv Al bany Lv. .11:35 am 12:40 it m..Ar. Eugene Lv . . 9:00 am Lebanon Branch. 8:10 p ni . . Lv Albany Ar . . 5:45 am 8:56pm..Ar Lebanon Lv.. 5:00 am 2:50 p m . . Lv Albany Ar . . 2:45 prr. Ijoti p m. .Ar Lebanon Lv . . 2:00 pm PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS Tourists sleeping ears for accommodation of second-class passengers atiachtd to ex press trains. The O. C. R. K. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the east side di vision from foot of F street. S EiM 5E"Wf!t SlUe'.DlTiisJon. Between Portland and Corvallis. Mall Train Daily-ExceptSunday. 7:.S0 a m..Lv Portland ....Ar.9.15 a. m 12:25 p m. .Ar CorvallisLv. .30 "ao p. m. Expre Train Daily Excipt Sunday. S:00 p nt. .Lv Portland Ar.. P:00 am 4:fO n m..Ar McMinavilIe.Lv. . 5.45'.-.rc At Albany and Ccrva'lis ronnect with traiim of Orcpcn Patific railroad. iStTFor full information regarding rates, niajw, etc-, call on con panv's atrent. R. KOEHLEK, E. P. POCEI S, Matir.cer G. F. & P. A j Real j: Estate, Iosn, Ccllccticn INSURANCE ACEHTS. We have fr sale fr.riT! a::d stock lands oi cver dts r.!'t:ot .: ::-.; r i prp-r o. ,n, p- vcd at:r! u'liuit nivc"). Titles examiin-d I ;t!-i correct r.b.-ti'iicts f'irn:!-::c.l to ;tiiv y.rovi ; crty Pi'.nies cenveved to any lands vie Lave for alef rce ci v! ure. cl'n t.' i:s u'n u i eiultV. OlU'K NCi 9 FiKSt STt:rKT.I j ALBANY, - - OREGON. m, U -o)-(o- Lamp and I litllli uu -AT- JULIUS GBADWOHL'S Crockery Store. 1 l.?oyer Bros'. Silverware, I French. China and Crvstalware. j . Boys' Waerons vnd "Ooll Carriao-es, ! Fancy and Toy Goods. SAVE YOUR MONEY Bv buying your goods tiom my'store. I ambny ing direct from the laetory and sell at Eastern prict wim rreignt auueu, lor casn.s :J2Si&-- 4 JIM -m wj i in n 1 Mil rowiie Milton s I am agent for ten responsible Fire and Marine In surance companies, representing $72,ooo,ooo. Insure and protect youi self before it is too late. Iam also j agent for tbe Frank Bros. lei on parte trancais. Hier T Y"OU KlvTOW I NO We are sellmg goods at pri be able to 1 lO Years HOW Because we know where o buy, we Ijdow how to buy, and we know how to sell. OUR GOODS never grow old aEd shelf-worn waiting lor BIG FKCFITS The Bin Merchants Come to Us when they want to lump a big shipment and raise the wind. We are always ready for them, and con s qu entry we are able to offer bargains which make the people stare and think we are going to fail. No FeaR of Thatl I AVe shall keep on doing good forjyears to come. WALLACE cC- THOMPSON FUNN BLOCK. Oil 14J jllllS t n in t une row tan. oe Implement Go-, JPortlancL luun deutcr gesprochen.