THE MOKXING HEISALl) , WEDXESDAr, JULY 25, 18S8. 5 'i I f. P J' V Don't Experiment. Yon cannot afford to waste time in "-vr.irimenT' wher. your lunjrs are in 'tWlnCcr. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to upon you- with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Conghs and Colds, but 1 sure you get ' the genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't "be deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. KiDg's New Discov ery, which is guaranteed to give re lief in all Throat, Lung and Chest af fections. Trial bottles free at Foshay A Mason's drug store. Large bottles l. - W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus Ind., testifies: "lean recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in r every ease. One man took six bottles and was , cured of Rheumatism of 10 years standing. Abraham Hare, drugirist Bellville Ohio,afIirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled ill my 20 years' experience, is Electric B'Hters.'' Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liyei and Kidneys or Blood, unlv a half dollar a bottle at Foshay fc Mason's. A number of brick layers from Eugene are at work on the new brick buildings in this city. JACOBS Qlli FOR WATERMEN. All men whosepnrsuit place them on the water. such aa Seafarers, Lake and River Craftsmen, Yachtmen, Boatmen, &.C., should be guided by what CAPT. PAUL BOYTON, the World-Renowned Swim mer, whose autograph is h ere shown ,say s,as follows : "I don't see how I could get along without St Jacobs Oil." CURES -EUMATISM, CRAMPS, ACHES, PAINS AMD BRUISES. tld by Drum lists nn I fra'crs Everywhere. 'liarles A. Vosreler Co.. Hal to.. Md Yhis is t top of the GENUINE PEARL 7 OH LAMP CHIMNEY All otlipr- similar are imitation. This exa-t Label is on each Pe tri Top Ohimnev. A lealer ma' say and think he has others as good, BUT HE has not. . In sist upon the xact Laoel and Top. For sale r i a vvvhere. Made onlv bv t?F.o. A. Macbeth & Co Pittsburg. Pa. BR. D. II. Has ac-ci'ted the ajfrticy of Oregon ami VV. 'T. f'TtbeA. C. Harris Electric Batten OR J Little Kentucky Giant. This l attery can be used and kept in order it h but little stui'y or expense. Jt is one of e physicians' ana family batteries in e market. Anyone wishing to purchase a od batteiy wi'l do well to call and amine (m . The medical wor' " ackr- e the eat healing power in many t meases, an(' those of a chronic character Tl.e octor Is prepared to give e'ei tricT! treatment. There has been no ex pense spared in procuring every appliance recessary to obtain the b-8t curative effect from this potent asrent. You will find at his office the Faradic and the Galvanic batter ies, the Galvanometer, millampere meter, the automatic Rheotome, electric needles, Galva no Majmet, the great, galvanic f hair.etc. Per sons desiring to purchase a battery or wishing electrieM treatment, will call at Dr. Jones' office on Third and Washington streets, Al bany, Oregon. Attention. Taresnermen ! A second-hand seperator and nearly new ten-horse Plenton nowor for sale cheap. For particulars ap ply to F. M. Rinehart or G. W. lavis, Shedd, Orearon. "You wiil never miss thewater 'Till the well runs dry." If yon want a well Axis call on E. B. Davidson. He does prompt work at a reasonable price. Orders can ,be left at this ollice. Honesty is the best policy. Next to it is an accident policy in the Travelers. Just received at V. F. Read's a full line of ladies fine muslin underwear, also girls' white dresses and infants slips. Call and see them. Delaysare dangerous. Ask Winn for a policy in the Travelers. Fill WHO WANT HARVEST MEATS Will do well to call and see G. P.. 3 1 aight at his butcher shop in this ,.;tvT !?? wili Kdl !;-iee meats at it liberal reduction to farmers. f RS THE MARKETS. ALBA NT QUOTATIONS. Wheat ZWM Oats :J04Uc. Flour 4 pei bbl. Potatoes 75c. Eiifs 22 c. Butter '20c. Lard 9 10c. Wool 12 Hie. Hams Wliy,c. Shoulders Sc. Bacon 9(&10c Hay Timothy, $12, oats and cheat, IS. Apples -Green, ?11.50 per bu. Plums Dried, 910e. per lb. ' Apples dried bleached 9c sundrieil 8 c. Chickens $3.502 50 Hides Bef hides, greer, 5 e, rdried 10 c ; deer skins, 20c; sheep pelts, 10 30'j, according to wool. Beef 34c gross. Mutton j2 50 per head. Hons 56c, dressed. Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tins, 8.c ; pails, !c. POKTLAND MARKETS. "Wheat Quote valley 1 181 25; Walla Walla, dull, 1 161 17 Oats Market dull. Ouote4i47e Flour Valley standards quoted :it U 00. and Walla Waila brands X, 50 3 75, superfine $2 502 75 per barrel. Hay Baled timothy quoted at 10 17perton. ZZL Feed Bran per ton. $1618; shorts $1820; chopped barley, $2425 per ton. Barley Brewing.per ctl.Tfl ground per ton, $2527 50. Hops Quote t!9c per pound. -Rnttfi- ?hiifi' flnirv Sti((ii3i.C. Tier lb; brine in rolls, 2027c. Eggs Fairly steady; Kic per dozen. Provisions Bacon, 10( 10i'c; hams, 1212iC; shoulders, (i(:7c. Wool Plentiful. Valley, 1920c; Eastern Oregon, 16(ffil8c Meat Steady, Beef, wholesale, 4 4Jcperlb; dressed, Sci sheep 44,1e peril); dressed, 7c; hogs, daessed, 0C 7c; veal,79c. Potatoes MurkeOieavy. Per etl, 75(g80c. Burbanks favorite. PATENTS CAVEATS, ITRAOEIIVI AR KS AND COPY RiCHTS Obtained, and all biisiiu-ss in the U.'.S. Patent Oilice attended to at moderate fees. Our office is opposite the U. S. Pat ent Office, mid we can obtain Pate1 in less time than those remote irom Washington. Send model or drawing. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we ninke i)3 charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div , and tooffi cials of the U.S. Patent Office. vor circular, advice, terms and refere :es to actual clients in your own Stat or countv, write to" :. .fc :. , Opp Pat. Office. Washington, D, C. H. F. MERRILL, Banker, ALBANY, - - OREGON Sells exchange on New York, San Francisco and Portland. But notes, state, county and city wan-ants. Receive deposits subject to check. Interest allowed on time de. posits Collections receive prompt attention Correspondence solicited. JSfOftiee hours from a. m. vo op. m' Agent for reliable lire and niarii.e u i a i " i companies. Ajer's Hair Vigor has long held the first place, as a hair-dressing, in the estimation of the public. Ladies find this preparation give:-! a beautiful sjloss to the hair, and gentlemen use it to prevent bald ness and cure humors in the skin. Dr. J. V. Gaff, physician ami Sur eeon, Shedd Orejron. Received a large invoice of barber supplies from Philadelphia, at Veireck's barber shop. THE YaquinaRoiite ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. AND Oregon Development Go.'s Steamship Line! 225 MILES SHORTER. AND 22 Hours Less Time. Than by any other route: i First-class through passenger and freight from Portland and all points in the Wil mette Vrlley to and from San Francisco. Willamette River Line of Steamers The Wm. M. Hoaj, the N. S. Beutley and the Three Sisters are in service for both pas senaer and freight traffic between Corvallis ami Portland and intermediate points, leav ing company's wharf, Corvallis, and Messrs. Hulman & Co.'s wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front. St., Portland, three times each week is follows: NORTH BOUND. Lv Corvallis Mon., Wed. and Fri 10 00 am Lv Albany Mon., Wed. and Fri 12 00 am Ar Portland Tues. , Thur. and Sat .... 5 30 pm SOUTH BOUND. Lv Portland Mon., Wed. and Fi S 00' m Lv Albany Tues., Thur. and Sat 1 2U pm Ar Corvallis Tues , Thur. and Sat. . . 4 20 pm Accomodations unsurpassed'for comfort and safety. Fares and freights via Yaquina and the Oregon Development company's steam ships, much less that by any other route be tween al! points in the Willlamette Valley tnd San Francisco. Sailing dates. FROM SAN ANCISCO Willamette Valley June 22 Willamette Valley July 3 Willamette Valley Thursday ,July lh Willamette Valley July 2! PROM YAQC1NA. Willamette Valley June 28 Willamette Vallev ..July 13 Willamette Valley Juiv 24 The company reserve the right to change teamers or sailin jr dates. 1 S. B. Tom Gen'i F. &"P. A-.ent. 30$ Moiitg' J, San Fian.:is o, daily passenger trains F.xcept Sundays.) Lv Yaqtvina (!:; a . I Lv Afw-.ny 1-CQ jp " Corvallis 10:.!S a M " IVrvaiii-i ) -40 p y Ar Albany 11:10 a i I Ar Yaijiiina -S0 p. v O. & C. trains connect ".r Alh.-.nv ami i"'or vall Wm. M. Hoao, C. C. Hoe -B. Oeiitrul ii. na-c-r Acting ii. i. & Patt;t C'oi v.-Ui.'s, Oregon a - - - it if mi n 11 I! f-.-.3...j.-.v,,:- i i on lnmn a n nnn h k i h l -- " I - MC'MIA'SVILLE OREGOX. MlNNVILLE (OLLEGE STEWAET & SOX -Dealers in- General Hardware Agricultural Iron, Steel and Con Wagons and Buggies Rope and Cordage Blacksmiths' Supplies Garden and And all Implements AGRICULTURAL DEPOT DEYOE & ROBSON, PBoPHKtorb ALBANY, OREGON. Have removed ii ti !hrir i:iw 1 i.iHiii A FULL GARDENER'S AND CARPENTER'S TOOLS, -The largest aua STUDEBAKER 1 JSEWTON FABU WAGONS, 'EACSS AND BUGGIES In the central Willamette Valley. Orders Irom a;distanee solicited and oiomptly filled at iowett rates. nois Furniture House! THOS. BRINK. Best Line of Furniture In the Citv of Albrnv ! Fanc Wicker Chairs Lounges Parlor Cornice Poles Mirrors Feather Pillows Srino Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exten sion Tables Suits, And what you can't find at other houses, I have it. In factevery thing that is kept in a first-class house. Ash, Maple and Waln ut Chamber sets. Chairs, Spring Beds, Lounges Etc., Etc., at Prtees that CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. ALBANY Cash Six courses of study two of four years each, two of three, and two of two years. Diplomas andcertiricates o siraduation jriyen. Fine rooms in college building for young men. President lives in college building and boards with the studeuts, thus making the school a home. For catalogues, adaress T. G. BROWJSSON, President. -AND- hkmii Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Powder, Shot, etc. Giant Powder &Fuse Saws and Axes. Grrass Seeds feed by Farmers ! :.r.d have on .ai d fcr :l.e cf l.W LINE OF btst4varifcty of- OREGON si m 31 & CO is i i. it HAVE SOMETHING IMPORT ANT TO SAY TO'THEIR CUSTOMERS. THEY HAVE A FINE LINE OF IN RICH GOLD FRAMES. ALSO A full assortment of D aoer In Newest Styles, and all kinds of FINE FURNITUE Upholstered Good s. Cowan Ralston. & Co., sU'COESSORS TO Cowan & Cusick Albany - - Oregon Transacts a sreneral banking business. Draw siirht drafts on New Y:rk. Kan Fran iscoand Portland, Or. Loan money on approved security. Receive deposits subject to check. Collections entrusted to us II rec ive romut attention. mi CAT K'AlWhi COM. A N Y OT Albany - Oregon awtal S Pl I I CAPITAL $55,O0. OFFICERS. President Charles E. Wolverton. Vice-President J. O. Writsnuin. Treasurer J. W. Cusick. Secretary J. K. Elderkin. DIRECTORS. it. s. stralian, Clias. E. Wolver ton, .1. L. Cowan, D.JB. Monteith, J. W. Cusick, J. O. iVYritsman, J. K. Eldprkin, Charles Monteith, (i. F. Simpson. Safe, Sounfl, nonservative A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People Farsonize Heme Enterprise VIA Southern Pacimc Company's THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. California express trains run dail between Albany and San Francisco. Through time, jinn County Bank 0 farmer INSURANCE 00 000 OyerkCto California 3 5 H O S S 3 5 4:00 m..Lv Portland Ar 10:40am 8:00 m . . Lv Albany Lv . . 7-05 am 7:40 m..Ar S. Francisco. Lv.. 6:30pm Loral Pass. Trains Dally Ex. Sunday 8:00 a m. .Lv Portland Ar. . 3:45 pm 2:40 p m . . Lv Albany Lv . . 11 :35 am 12:40 p m..Ar..... Eugene Lv.. 9:00 am Lebanon Branrb. if 8:10pm. .Lv Albany... .Ar.. 5:45am 8:56 p m..Ar. Lebanon Lv.. 5:00am 2:50 p m . . Lv Albany Ar . . 2:45 pm 1:36 p m..Ar. Lebanon Lv . . 2:00 pm PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPER.' l Tourists sleeping cars for accommodation of second-class passengers attached to ex press trains. The O. , C. R. R. Ferry mates connection with all the regular trains on the east side di vision from foot of F street. EW West Sidr'.DIviKfon. Between Portland and Corvallis. Mail Traln5ally-ExceptjSunday. 7:30 a m..Lv Portland Ar."9.15 a. n: 12:25 p in.. Ar CorvallisLv. .30 1.30 y. m. Express Train? WailyExctpt Sunday. 8:00 p m. .Lv Portland Ar. . 9:00 am 4:50 p m. . Ar... . . McMinnvilIe. Lv. . 5.45am At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Parific railroad. i"For full information regarding rates, maps, etc-, call on con pane's atrent. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Mnnairer G. FT & P. A BU.ilCHBT & KEENEV. ! Real Estate, Loan, Coliecticn AND INSURANCE AGENTS. We have for sale farm a'.td stock lands of ever - d 'script ion; also city pioparto, ihf-p-ovtd fid uniiri-rovei!. Titles examinei. and correct aisti- fs fnrnished to inv prop erty Parties conveyed to any 1. nd w i have for'salefree t-f cl.l.ifi. .c:ii. (;. tl tt cialtv. Offkb No. 59 First Strfkt,' ALBANY, - - OREGON. THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN, FAHESEI'S PAIACEA. As a Blood Purifier this medicine is highly recommended for ail manner of chronic or old standing complaints, eruptions cf the skin, such as pimples, blotches and rashes, ring worms, tetttr, . saltrhenm, scald head, Scrofula, or King's Evil, rheumatis n "lin r. the bones, side and head, and al se?es arising from impurity of the blood. The onlv genuine is man ufactiired by S, E. Imbbel successor to Fahrney Kros. & Co. Waynesboro Pa. Price reduced to 75c. per bottle. OUBBEL CARBOLIC DENT- MPUT is proving to be a fine ienied III U II I also. Price 25c per box DUBBEL RED THYME PAIN pi I DC is the worlds greatest pain remedy; UUnt it is used both intcrnallv and ex ternally and acts like magic. For' pains cramps in the stomach or bowels it worth its weight in gold. Price 25c. per bottle DR. WRiGHTSMAN'S SOV EREIGN BALM OF LIFE & sold for several years in the cast and has proven beyond a doubt to .be the greatest boom to women, the world has ever knew. Ii is for the relief of the pangs of maternity and the cure of all female complaints, Women will hail this with joy after they read the testimonials in the r'-irs froni hundreds of women who have use Price $1.0(1 uer bottle. i We invite everybody to call and see circu lars and testimonia's of this most valuable of family medicines. For sale by Deyoe & Rob son and Brownell & Stanard. P. J. Baltimore, General Agent" DAVIS BROS AND CO. DEALERS IS GENERAljlERCHANDISE.J SI1EDD, LINN Co., OllEGON. OMOIKAM AT anfl NAVIGATION lOMI'lM Columbia River Route Trains for the East leave Portlandat 10 A. m and 2 p. m. daily. TTr,ITTi,rI,Q''to alul from Principal J- J-U-IV-Ej J .O points in United States, Canada and Europe. ELECANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS' Emigrant Sleeping aCars Knn Through on Express Trains to OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS and ST. PAUL Free of Dbarge and Wirhnnt Change. Close Connections at Portland for San Fran cisco and Puget Sound points. For further particulars inquire of Curaan & Monteith, First Street, Albany. Oregon. A. L. MAXWELL, . V. AT. A. W. II. HOM fVR. fifiifra! Manajfr. aSTB-.uts leave the ('. U. S. Co.'s wharf, at the foot n; Broadalhin street, on Tuesday and Friday of each week. C. G. RAWLINGS, Local Audit. On 1: (v:. f'it;''ro;dfro(l suits and parasols for tte wtek at Jiontieth & Seitenai'b's. Osl'iirri clu-ci jni received f.t Brownell t Stanurd's. TH NO T We are selling goods at prices which they will not be able to reach for lO Years HOW If Because we know where o buy, we know how to buy, and we know bow to sell. OUR GOODS never grow old aEd shelf-worn waiting torfBG PROFITS The Big Merchants Com to Us when they want to lump a big shipment and raise the wind. We are always ready for them, and con s quently wTe are able to offer bargains which make the people stare and think weare going to fail. No FeaR of That Weshall keej on;doing good for years to come. WALLACES THOMAS ; FLINF BLOCK. miller d Cd -Funerai, Directors PROMPT ATTEKTION',F.RST-nl ASS'KEARSt "After business hours 'call .at; re:lcn corner Fiith and Baker streets. JOHN SCHMEEfTS Livery. Fesd & Sals stable Comer Second and EUsworiJt Sts . ALBANY. - - OREGON fORSKS boardkp by the day or month. Car Lriages or buggies on reasonable terms Oregon Views, CRAWFORD & PAXT0N , THE PHOTOGRAPHERS :eof- ALBANY OREGON. CARRY THE FINEST L1ATE OF OREGON viewein the West. Catalogue sent on appli cation. We have also all the negatives cf A.B.. Paxton and J. G. Crawford, and any one can have duplicates from then' ayeduccd prices.: JOHN BRIGGS, FLCEIST, Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lots planted anu cired for by tha month or year. ALBANY, OR EGOS- albany; iate kit ALBANY, OREGON. 1887 5.50 to 12.50 PER TERM Boam in private .amities at. 'lew rate Rooms for telf-boas-ding at small.expense. careful supervision j( exercised gover p awav from home. For ciroulars and full"! particulars, a the president, REV. ELBERT N. CONDIT, -Albany, Oregon to Come I IS IT? Fori Com nto III l' T SIB