- ' . --.- ."'7r:r . ., s J J .' fiiV-kT. ALBAjNY. OREGOiN SUNDAY MORNING. JULY U iSS CELTS' A Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigar -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORT KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tol.:u-co.s, Mer5chnum and Briar Pipes, and , Miiiikcrs Ar'.p Also ueaier in lull inw. r a i rrrn &fi f. vn ncnnrsfpu Next door to Burkl-art &. Kccney's Keal E.-tate Office, Albany II I II 111 mm 11 IBM WW I G. L Mm (Successor to E. W. Langdon Tiie Albany Bakery ! Uuuer the nev.imanagcment.of- 'air Bros. -WHO KEEP A fuil line of.'ihoiee n.-OV'MOI) family grocer es and -DEALEE IS- Cannea nneapples, linina Pallia MchPQPicci UiUU JLHUiU JUUUUUiUiUU s Ornamented takes for Wcrtainus and Parties. Drugs, Paints, Oils Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books ami stationery, periodicals, etc. F Prescriptions carefiuh compounded !H COD FELLOWS TEMPLE Albany Oregoi: S::hr.on bellies. n.ackurel.and saltjfish of ail I kinds, j fSESH BAKED BREAD .fcCvcrv Day. GENERAL JSrEWS. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puriiy,strcngth mid wholcsomenuss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion witl multitude of low testvshort weight aiuiri Oi phosphate powders. Sold only in c-uis. hOYAi. Bakix her Co., 100 Wall St., N. 7. The Kills Bill Fasses the House By a Vote cf 162 to 149. THE 3KS)HM(, OI'I'O I' KT E EX MEN Bold Stage Robbery in California An Excitement Eastern News Items. Oil the shallowness or, the coldness of the water induced him to change his mind, for he. waded out hi.u self and was taken charge oi by parties who saw the deed, and who turned him over to an officer. Willis says he is a miller by trale. and is from California. He arrived in town night before last aud has I been drinking and drunk, ever since. He has little no moDty aud it would 1 appear from -his aetions that he is ! crazy, or temporarily deranged from I the effects of his spree. What dis position to make or nun will be de termined to-morrow. RANDOM NOTES. Humorous Fragments of Thought in Prose and Poetry. The Hkrald'3 Special Dispatches. Washington, July 21. The Mills tariff bill passed the house to-day, yeas 162, nays 149. The following democrats voted against the bill: Bliss, Fitch and Green- man, of New York, Sowden Erni THE IRIISEK CHAKl.ESTO. Viewed by Tkouiiauilt -of Curious People Editorial Comment. San Francisco, July 20. Thou sands of people visited the Union Iron Works to-day to get a look at cuuuui, w lumouvfluio,, iiciiun, ti,e new cruiser Charleston. Her ot Minnesota, and Brewer, of boilers and engine, which are com North Carolina. Otherwise the j Dleted in the shous. will be nut in nixciLKD mr a.vd wisdom. Oar Correspondent Makes Some Seasonable Observations to be Taken With Tour Toast and Coffee. vote was almost a strict party vote. HUUTEfc. IIKV UKOMNED. 'Off- ATTKSE!.l Tub Red Front. " TWEEDALE & HOPKINS. Hardware,Stoves, Rallies, Tinware, Copperware. Pumps, iron pipe, mblvy hose and plumbinar goods. Sole aeent for tb celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves andj-anges, and TaulUei6" parlor heatintr stoves. Albany, Oreeon. ce Pies Cakes am DR. X. KLACKBURX, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - Ottiee in Odil bellow's Temple. " A'ill practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to ail business. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. AITOftNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Oftii-e in rooms IS and 14, .Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain's st or -. A I'arlj f l.umbei'iuen Meet a laorrittie Fate, Tiihke Kivkrs. Quobei;, July 21. riilinizs have been received of ? lie drowning of a party uf fourteen lumbermen on the Wattawan river, about tilty miles above Files. The lumbermen were drunk, and in at tempting to run the rapids the canoe was overturned and all.hands perished. SI KIC K. OIL. J K. WEATHOHFORP, ATTORNEY IAT law, Albanv, .Oregon. Office in "Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestatc, and give special attention to all business. I'llV.SIllANS. TEAS and COFFE r-1 WILL BROS Dealers in all the leadinl (Innn Did-nila tlrtnnTifr IJTnnlTJnoci fl'nrTQ'nq PlQTinci A full Line of Sheet music, musical iiierchaii(Iise,arnmimitioii, fisli ats Raisin CANNED tfuODS, ETC. mo- tack?e. ere. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives. The best kinds of sewing machines' NEEDLES. OI L an d Extras for all 31 A CHINES UHH COUNTY AGEKTS F3S NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairing ot sewing ir.&cbirfcs, niusieal instruments, suns, etc., neatly don" j Ine best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars iFfTAt John Fox's old stand iew brick. low Fl nn s T. J. OVERMAN AGKST FOR TIIK California, tie Land of 4 WJDndWKT' B u IB - 1111 lUMWril . LEADING BICYCLES, EUREKA The motto of Califojnia means "I ivp found iu" Only in that land of sunsh:no, where tthe orang emo Liiu nipc nioom and ripen an attau heir highest perfection in mit'-winU r. ire the herbs and gum ifound that sre used in that pleasant, lernedy for all throat and lung troubles, Santa Abie, he rule of coughs, asthma, and ton iumpticn. Foshiiy A .Mason, of Al- ;nv Oregon, have been appointed ansuaipslfo hisvalble California rem- dy, and sell it under a guarantee at $1 , bottehree forSHJ 50. FOR SALE BY 3THas on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for Otal w GV. MASTOX, PHYSICIAN AND SUK , geon, Albany, Oreeon. Mil. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND i SLKr . geon, Albai.y, Oregon. C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND elR geon Albany, Oregon, office over Grarf- wohl's store. Oliice hours, from S a. m. to 4 M. c. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY , OR. CHAS. Pfeilfcr, Prop. Only first-eclass house in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage office for Corvallis. MRS M.E. McCOY.M. D.IT0MCE0PAU1I'; physician, office aftdTesidencc corner of First and Bakerstrcets, Albany, Or. Chronic diseases a sccialty. Consultation free. Oi ion hours' in to 12 A. M ana Z to o P. M. immediately. As soi n as her cabin fittings are completed and they are to be in sycamore, the decks being ot Otegitu piue aud the hatches of oak the Charleston, with her engines and boilers aboad, will be taken to M are I Island, where her masts and spars will be put in. All this work will take two or three months to complete so that it well be on iu t'e Fail be fore the Charleston steams down in to San Francisco bay and makes hr way over the waters of the Pacific to the Atlantic shores. KiJiwuori DKii:r. HOW TO MARRY. When pretty, pouting lips say "no," Don't go And blow Your brains all out to simply show How deep you're plunged in mental woe And pain; But hid in Cupid's ambush lie, Nor cry. Nor sigh, Nor Say all joy has passed you by; And when a chance is offered, try Again. Editor "Etheibert, has anybody called during my absence?" Ethei bert! "Yis, scr, Mr. Murphy called for . the rint, sor." Editor "Mr. Murphy is an ornithorhvnehus." Etheibert "Phat's that, sorr' Editor Great Exrifrmrnt Over a New Find In an Old Kesioa. FiTTSBt Ro, July 21. There is great excitement in the oil regions over the revival pit hole oil field. The pit hole has for nearly a quar ter of a century been considered a sacked orange, and the oil right, together with 100 acres around the old town, would not have brought if 100. Now the exitement is great er there than in any other field in that region, not excepting Bake-s-town. Black brothers have been pushing a drill around Pleasant- "It is cerived, Ethtlbeit, from ville so successfully that they have I two Greek worus and means a beast RKAUV F-K TIIK SEASON. Let's see, now my feathers and fans, r My ribbons and-jeweV and lmeg;"-;a-"v"M' M" handkerchiefs, slippers siii gloves Lie all in their several places. My lingerie, bonnets and hose, My dresses ot silk and of satin, Ail packed; but O ine, there's my rouse! For mercy's sake, mother, tret that in! There isn't an inch more of room, And I must have those nowls from Paris. What a nuisance! Can't something come ous To make space? Oh, yes, hu'kily there is That !5ilile! Whatever possessed i'ou to put it in, anyway, mother? Who ever gets time at the beacn With such things as religion to bother? There, thank goodness, I guess that is all! this pesti.eut packing is over. But, O stay, there's my Bioom of Youth yet; Squeeze that in, and then slam down the cvtr-- And wait just a minute yen might Find a SijoI tor this diamond locket; Mv bathing suit's a'.i th-.it's left now, And I can put that in my pocket! I desire, in a cursory, dilatory way, to expose several fragments of thought that have lain unobserved in my intellect until now. At the " same time, I wish to he as impres sive as possible. The printer will please supply sdv impression thaL may be lacking; lor this column. The use of the term '-limited" is getting to be very unlimited. A concern without much financial backing assumes this Anglomonia cal annex, genezally. "Thu, "Uptosnufli & Ubetti, Limited, bananas and boiled chestnuts." Likewise, a youth suffering from, pecuniary stricture is apt to limit his range of society to one agony lady. The craze tor limitation ex tends eer to railroad passes, statutes, and the tails of showy been encouraged to test the old pit Hole region, ami the result is one of the most surprising things of oil regioi s. In this old, and long since abandoned territory, they now have seven well that are good for 800 barrels per month. DAKIG STAG!! BOBBERY. , ... ... hol-DtWAV, VETERINARY Sl'R. J teon, Albanv, Oresfon.--Graduate of Ger man and American colleges. I!enioveI. JOSEPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS t) patrons and friends that he can be found on Lyon street, between Engine Co. No. 2 ami First street, until his new rooms in Fo sliay & Mas.tn s brick arc ready, Land Snrveying. PARTIES DKSIRINO SURVEYING DONE CAN OR. tain accurate and prompt work hy calling upon ex-county surveyor F. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town- hip plats, and is prepared to do surveying m any part of Linn county. Post-office address, Millers station. Linn county, Oregon. For Sale. A JUMP SEAT BUGGY, SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. This bujigy is as good as new. n exceptional oppoitunity for a bargain. For cash down or on time or for sheep. Call scon D. M. JONES, Aibany, Oregon. t'aHrruiatKobbci't Hold l'p a Stage and Carry ir $I50. - Sax Lous Obispo, July 21. Further particulars of last night's stage robbery show that it was a most daring one. The robbers compelled all the passengers, six in number,aiid the driver to alight. He then covered their heads with masks, stood them in a line ana robbed all but one lady passenger, taking about $500 altogether. He then cut open Wells. Fargo's box, and the mail bags. The contents of the box, which was supposed to contain about $1000, were taken, and a number ot letters opened and examined. The men then started up the mountain. The nheriff and posse are still in pur- uuit. roadsters. with a bill," "But your honor," said the piis oner, "1 am not guilty, of this crime. 1 have three witnes'sess who will swear that at the hour when this man was robbed I was at home, in j my own chamber, taking care of my baby." "Yes your houor," glibly added the prisoner's counsel, "that is strictly true. We can prove a lullaby your honor." It 13 related that a gentleman who was tiying a horse in company with a jockey noticed, alter naving driven him a mile or two, that he requiring constant j I be to observe : OR SALE -A GOOD 2ND HAND WAG on. Inquire at this ottic Portrait rx i . I jZuC rnozograpner JSfStudio comer of Second aud Ferry Sen for giiukrlHTfattk3frr$.a- ABirTINrMLDco.oroviLLI.CAL IJL V Mil f fAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to T. J. Overman. I am desirous of collecting! all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at j the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albanv, teb. Ti. ALBANY fl WILLARD (6 WOODiN More Beak , . t-c wi- a t'ltt n ;,. n, liol wnii h do Inot eetP better? Have you an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal psiiesjvhich either must be Mown from the j v...i- h (!, naln.t or hawked orSsnuffed backAard to the throat? Are uuse r uii '" ..,. ,, :flmrt -vi froo.iont. sorpnpss of the throat. vou trounieu nv nawsinif. ihimii;, -i . - - -- - - - less impairment of the hearing, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness r ('dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of hiose? Have vou lost all sense of smell? Have you a hacking coujrh? Have you djspepMa? Is your breath foul? Ik so you have the Catarrh. Some have al Ithese svmDtoms. others only a part. ii nu leaaing symptom oi uruuiai y ca- jtarrn is increased secretion oi mucus oi yellow or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused Dy tne uecoir posing secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimcs the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and tne bones themselves m I FTIiME MED-CnVn R 0 VILLI CA U5e3 obje t corroaine sores ieic As e' tions in graduall; 1T1TO tllP .. .1 nonmnlinn Jty, ervousUcSs qq jvjQT PROCRASTINATE. If vou have experienced any of the. abovcsyn.pton.s do not ckun hut fry Caiiforsi onL We pos-.tivclv uarant eega few applications icheve and a thorough SleV "w trtVltnent for HlM: sent v mail sn " nnnjTi it n iff Iljnkm II u I LI kl IJv J PL II II LJI ii -95- ii iMiiinii 'rifrTAiENr i . . THtONLY- cure ron CATARRH IN A Live wfe. This is what Albany is at present. and in order to keep pace with the .ively times in this city, W. H. Wil lard has enlarged his store and stock io that he now has the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the vallev. His double salesrooms In Fro- man's block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of loungeslin new patterns, tine gold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. hy the'relicv . 1 1 . 1 1 . . j ...frn ti.lli;! mPf mill ill'l'l III I K IHlllIlLtU ,.u.f ni"irn iirwu iiiii. nit- k.iik. v . K - wf'J ..,:i,- illr.u tlmt r.i..fiii.ir ni th. Tihr.lp spi-ri the nasal r assies, it. iuuh " , ,.,Tr . ,t j, V . . takes place, winie ine morniu iiiainr m.n i ...o... .... ....... f .... tUimtk-h enfeebles digestion, and often, pi duces isfpMa, aid 1 l.al.y tiiiatsi-M: FOSHAY I MASON. Albany, University of Oregon ! Next session besins on Monday, the 17th of September, isss. tree srholarships from every county in the Jtate. Apply to j our county superiutenilent. Four cou-ses: Classical. Scicntific,Literarv i..d a short Knuhsli course in which there i' .o Latin. Greek, fren.;h or German. Th. ...if. Hi is p;-e-eniineiiiiy a Lu-i;u-ss t- uric Kor catalogues or nrtier i'. formation. a'!r,s W. JOHNSON, President. PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. F'iPE.Prop. First Street - . - Alban) The best variety of choice bef,vea!,muttotr4 porK iusage, etc., in the iity kept;constantiy an nana. . tST Cash paid for all kind ock.-EJ to.M o&Go SUCCESSORS TO HKSRY SUSENS HoiiKe and Currlajie Painters, Bee . rator and Paper Hangers Piano varnish intr a specialty All work nmmnt.lv attended to Country work solicited. A MICK IFF SHOT. Mistaken fur an Escaped Prisoner by His Drpnt). Tacoma, July 20. Sheriff Wilt, who has just returned from a trip with prisoners to Walla Walla, brings word that a few nights ago deputy sheriff at Fasco shot and fatally wounded the sheriff of Frank lin county. A number of suspicious characters were iu town, and a raid was made; upon them. One escaped and tor him the deputy wa search ing. He approached the jail, think ing the tellow would try to commun icate with his pals. While there he discovered the sheriff, and thinking he was the man shot him. The ball entered the right shoulder and came Unit of the right breast. The wound is dangerous. TROI BLE OVER CATTLE TAX. puiied hard, watching and a steady rem, and the , of Mi;j Q ueutleinan inquired. Lo vou think ... . , . , . ti L :,.. f. .. ' i,i,. i V, HKiy WOUiUn t let tl;e 11 is JU9I n. c tiuicc i'.ii Ot iu y drive?7' "Well, sir answered the jockey, ''1 must say I shouldn't want to marry the woman who could drive that horse." "Has any one ever proposed to you beiore? he asuea tenderly, after the important question ha.t been satisfactorily answered. George Stinson came very near it last night, she replied shyly, "lie was just on the point of asking me to be his wile when mamma came in the parlor. But I am very glad she did went o: the girl earnestly. "1 don t think I would have been happy with George." Little Dot ".Mamma, Dick an' I got married this morning." Mamma "You did, did you? Who per1 formed the ceremouy?" Dot "I don't kuow what you are talking about." Mamma "VVell how do you make out that ' you are married?" "Oh, why I got my dishes, an' set the tabie, an' then we both sat down; an' he said there wasu t a thing fit to eat; an' I said he wag as ugly as could be, an' he went out an' slammed the doorf Little Peter is seven years old. He is very intelligent but a little ob stinate. The other day he persisted in not saying Good-bye to his grand mother, and for thia reason it was decided to deprive him of dessert at dinner. He thought how he conM avoid this piuishment. Finally, when he was at the table, he said: "Motherrif I did not say Good-by to grandmother it's because I was too overcome at her departure." There he added, with a triumphant air: In the days of corruption, gangrene and de cay, When officials light on', leaving bondsmen to pay, With bankers and al lcrmen all making hay. Holiest men sink as ott as they swim it. Now fashion steps forward and gives us a chance- If an exetss of silver don't bulge out our pants. We can hoist a gilt sign and our profits en hance By claiming a partnership limit. Scne, A. D. 1930. PersomE. mistress and maid. luisiress Have you been around and purchased asiies ot' the differ t nt editor i of the city? Maid Yis, ma'am. All except v. an' his iy wouldn't let ti;em go jisc yet. Mistress Got 'em in ajar on the mantel yet, has she? Weil, well. I dion't think she would keep it up this loDg. It's six months, too since he was cremated. But we'll have to get along, I suppose. How: many have you? Maid Halt a barrel, ma'am. ' Mistress Well, pour in the water aud start the lye running a9 soon as possible. Children should learn rapidly in industrial schools if old oaws are made plane. Heretolore the bulk of knowledge has been hammered in. Three men stood at a bar all day long, shaking dice for drinks. Oas ot them stopped me that evening to sav : '"There are getting to be Pellre Seize several Tbensand Head. Bat Release Tbei Gainesville, Texas, Jaly 20 Three davs ago Indian notice, under law, Beized several thousand head of ! "N'ow I can have some dessert, can't cattle on wmcn neaa tax naa noi. , been paid. too many rich men in this country. The noor men do all the work, and thej get the profits." Forthcoming books: "My Slumber in a Garden," by A. Tramp. "Toothpick Papers," by Potter Palmer. "Twenty Years of Whitewash," by Jas. G. Blame. "Chestnuts," by E. P. Roe. "Leaves f Hay and Baled Grass," by Walt Whitman and Bill Nye. "Turned On," by Edgar Fawcett. "You can leara so much history from our minister's sermon," said old Mrs. Simple. "He is a very hysterical preacher, indeed." BVSIKE3S INTEGRITY. OF ALBANY, OREGON. president, L. Flinn' VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YOUng, cashier. OiE-Chamberlain, TRANSACTS A GENERAL! BANKING BUbLaESb. Accounvs kept subject to ":heck. Sicrht Exchange -and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. E. You "' It- Fuss L. K. Bi.AiS W. E. IVRRKLI, Geo. E. Chamberlain. WANTED. per roll for TaoMrsox & Watehs YVV will pay 40 cents huiccc shippinsf liutter, Yesterday a party of cow boys and non-residents armed and made a des cent on the Indian police, and forced them to release the ca tie. The In dians telegraphed to Governor Guy, the Chickasaw nation, summoning a-sistauce, and large force of armed men started at once tor Ardmore. The force is due there to-night. The non-residents rod south. Governor Guy will pursue them, Trouble has been pending over the tax for several months. Jim 0me Hart. Lareds, Texas, July 21. Par- ticulais have been received ot an i accident to a construction train on the Mexican National road. No one was hurt. The workmen all jumjied before the collitfisn occurred. THE WATER WAS TMl'OLD. So liic WouId-le filicide Wadrs Out to Bsiiuiiiiny and Arrest. Salem, Or., July 2C. A s-ran:er who guv his name as Frank W illis of 'alif.irnia, :iTteippt"' to com mit suicide to night by jumping off the piart'oim mlo tae nH'!ond near tie wat-r woiks, but either Ilwn't Experiment. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting whet, your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon ivouj with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New JJiscovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get the genuine, because he can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't he deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discov ery, which is guaranteed to give re lief in all Throat, Lung and Chest nf fections. Trial bottles free at Foshay Mason's arug store. Large bottles $1. - W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus Ind., testifies: "lean recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedv. Every bottle, sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles aud was cured oi Rheumatism of 10 vei;is sending. Abraham Hare, druggist Reliville Ohio.allinns: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of otlo.rs have added their testimony, so ihatthe verdict is unanimous tb.it Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of fiie Livei and Kidneys or Blood, t.nlv a hair dollara bottle at Foih. y Sc Mason's. Hew Levi P. Uerten Paid ap . Id Hebts. Levi P. Morton, the republican nomiuee for the vice-presidency, was in 1855 a member of the dry goods firm of Morton & Grinneli. In that year the firm failed, settling with its credito s on the basis of 50 cents On the dollar. Mr. Mor ion went into the Banking business, aud in 1863 he invited all his old time creditors to a dinner. ""Each man found uuder his plate, a cer tified check for the remainder of h:s debt, with interest from .the date of the failure. There was no legal obligation retting upon Mr. Morton, but there was a maral one which he, as an honest and upright man, did not feel at liberty to ignore. There have been other cases of this iort, but they arerare enough to render Morton's scrupu lous honesty worthy the commea dation of his fellow citizens. A number of brick layers from Eugene are at work' on the new Lrkk bail lings in this city. . regon 10 ..- - - '